“It’s aimed towards the day when something more concrete can be legislated,” said Senator Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts, a veteran of climate and clean-energy policy battles....That last sentence is the second-to-the-last sentence in the linked article, which is in The New York Times. The last sentence contains the phrases "fossil fuel industry" and "libertarian billionaires Charles and David Koch" and "spend heavily to block."
Climate change legislation — which would most likely place a price on carbon pollution — could raise gasoline and electricity costs, which would be deeply unpopular with voters.
March 10, 2014
"The Senate was headed into another all-nighter Monday evening as 26 Democrats who call themselves the 'climate caucus'..."
"... planned to speak nonstop about climate change from about 6:30 p.m. until 9 a.m. Tuesday."
As if anyone cares anymore. What a bunch of imbeciles. Please oh please imbelices run on this issue in the fall.
History is not going to be kind to the climate change alarmists....it will be looked back on as a mixture of watermelon politics, tulip bulb bubble and the piltdown man scam.
My only regret is that the Left won't notice, let alone acknowledge that fact.
These people are dingbats. And religious hysterics.
A famous Woodstock musician, who also held a political position for a while, called me several months ago and grilled me for 20 minutes about my opinions on global warming.
Somewhere in the midst of this bullshit, I realized that he was thinking about offering me a gig, but that working for him was premised on agreeing with and promoting his political opinions.
I told him no thanks.
Though the article never quite comes out and says so, part of the reason why "serious climate change legislation stands no chance of passage in the current divided Congress" is that no one in the "climate caucus" has bothered to introduce any.
They picked a bad winter to raise our consciousness on the issue.
They're pretending to be a legislature.
Y'know it's like the Democrats like to make asses of themselves. Whoda Thunkit?
We must do anything -- anything -- to bring out the Obamavoter this November, comrades, or the Senate is lost. What can we do but this, maybe flog the Army sex abuse trials -- and hope and pray for a white man to shoot a black National Merit Finalist under iffy circumstances in early October?
Plainly it must be about the Koch Brothers.
Because it's the Times.
(Mr. Zrimsek is right as far as he goes, above, but the other issue is that the sort of legislation these people would think was "serious" the rest of us would quite accurately characterize as "wishful-thinking economic suicide based on non-predictive models".
The same jackassess have been pushing the same "fixes" [more State, less energy, more central power] for a variety of problems ["overpopulation", "the coming ice age", now "global warming" or "climate change"] all my life.
They might realize, some day, that this is the other half of the reason they have no credibility.
The other half, of course, being that the models don't work.)
Gasbags alert.
I'll have to go with Shouting Thomas and Sarah Palin over scientists on this one. Seems like the smart bet!
They're probing to determine the way the wind is blowing. Clearly, Obamacare was inadequate to replenish government coffers, and insufficient to mitigate the threat posed by bubble economics. Catastrophic Global Bubble Expansion remains an obstacle to global stability and peace. They need to capture private capital in order to compensate for anthropogenic capital and labor devaluation.
The members know that serious climate change legislation stands no chance of passage in the current divided Congress, where many lawmakers in the Republican-majority House deny the science of human-caused global warming.
If they wanted to put the GOP on the spot on AGW, they would, you know, pass a bill out of the Senate, but they have no plans to do their job and pass a bill.
Because to do so, would highlight how terminally stupid they are and ensure the loss of all their Dem Red State Senators...
Why don't they just pass a law against hot weather, cold weather, and the arctic vortex. Then when the weather acts up it can be brought up on federal charges.
I'm going to be bossy and tell Althouse not to write like this.
Will be fun to see if they even mention the 15 year pause in warming. Or the new climate science that theorizes we are headed into a long cooling period.
At least all the socialists will out themselves.
If the GOP weren't stupid, they would intersperse the Global Warming lecture with victims of ObamaCare and the Obama "economy".
Had a twitter conversation with a supporter of the Senate Charade. It ended with this:
Only idiots would fuel cities as we do.
No DOUBT better ways CAN be invented.
Big Oil fools many to serve THEM instead."
I admit I can't argue with that logic
When they start acting like it, then I'll take a look. Time to send everyone home, they can stay in their states and videoconference.
"I'll have to go with Shouting Thomas and Sarah Palin over scientists on this one."
You mean stead of this one ? Mann and the EAU crowd are small bore and who have no experiments and who discarded their raw data. No real scientist does that.
FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY the eminent physicist Freeman Dyson has quietly resided in Princeton, N.J., on the wooded former farmland that is home to his employer, the Institute for Advanced Study, this country’s most rarefied community of scholars. Lately, however, since coming “out of the closet as far as global warming is concerned,” as Dyson sometimes puts it, there has been noise all around him. Chat rooms, Web threads, editors’ letter boxes and Dyson’s own e-mail queue resonate with a thermal current of invective in which Dyson has discovered himself variously described as “a pompous twit,” “a blowhard,” “a cesspool of misinformation,” “an old coot riding into the sunset” and, perhaps inevitably, “a mad scientist.”
Sounds like you, garage.
As a Republican, I simply can't think of a better use for Senate Democrats' time.
We need at least a 10% carbon tax for all residents of New York City.
They waste so much heat by existing, there.
Seattle needs a 10% carbon tax.
And Chicago of course.
Detroit needs a 9.9% carbon tax because they can't hang.
I'd sit up and take notice if a bunch of folks on the left said: "Fossil fuels pose such a risk by accelerating climate change that we should prioritize and fast-track building new nuclear reactors".
But no. Instead, harping on climate change just happens to fit neatly with all the no-growth, small is beautiful positions that they held for years. What a coincidence!
I just was referred to Chaturbait by a friend. Dear Lord. The UN of people on live video wanking.
The real cause of "global warming" is the hot air produced by such critters.
If you really believe Climate Change is a serious problem and you are a member of the United States Senate, introducing and trying to pass a law on the issue is the way to go. Otherwise, you are just indulging in verbal masturbation.
part of the reason why "serious climate change legislation stands no chance of passage in the current divided Congress" is that no one in the "climate caucus" has bothered to introduce any.
Does that qualify as an inconvenient truth?
It's like everything has to be politics right now. So they argue whether there is or is not "climate change" - instead of working together to take care of the planet we live on. Realistically, it is a global issue, we are all down wind so to speak or down water...
Difficult to imagine an emptier gesture. It's almost like they're a bunch of jerk-offs, strenuously trying to avoid passing any real legislation.
""Fossil fuels pose such a risk by accelerating climate change that we should prioritize and fast-track building new nuclear reactors".
Until that happens it is all bullshit.
So they are going to limit nonstop speaking to two and a half hours?
I'd be thrilled if I thought it actually meant that they were going to stop after that.
Fat chance.
The goal of UN False Science Hoax Weather Controlling has always been the same. It is the Creation of a Government administered energy rationing slush fund like the Mega-Millions Lottery with guaranteed weekly winning numbers for the World Government's best friends using taxes and rationing to sell you inflated loosing tickets whether you want them or not.
So far the Mass Delusion campaign has only destroyed all respect for "science" for next hundred years.
Think of Titus and his consuming.
Shouldn't he pay more to consume like that where he does, in chilly Boston?
Of course dupes.
These pricks need to pay pay pay.
Crack is right these white folks are fucked in the head. The GOP won't unfuck anyone or anything (except the Sequester). So why support carbon spewing New Yorkers telling you how to live via news? Because you like being slapped upside the head? They don't believe taxes influence anything, and they want the rich punished. So let's help them punish the rich by having the rich pay their fair share in liberal New York City.
Have the rich liberals pay their fair share in liberal L.A. et. al.
Any Republicans in these liberal enclaves deserve what they get; fuck em. You support the destruction of America if you pay taxes in L.A. or New York City.
It's time to move from liberal areas that proclaim, and repeat, they don't want you there. IF you refuse to move you lose.
Coral Davenport, the author, graduated from Smith College about 10 years ago with a degree in English Literature. She has done a lot of travel writing and restaurant reviewing. (Her parents were in the foreign service and she loved overseas a lot growing up.) According to one bio, she also reported from Greece on international terrorism, economics and politics. Her only book is Eyewitness Guides, Top 10 Athens. She did write on environmental matters for National Journal.
She has no education or experience in science, business or economics. She has never had a job outside journalism, and a good part of that was in travel and food. She is, according to the NYT, a great cook. She's very pretty and probably a good writer and quite smart.
But she does not know diddley shit about the beat she has been assigned.
Be interesting to take a peek at the travel records [i.e. Davos attendee] of these 27 Dem senators.
“It’s aimed towards the day when something more concrete can be legislated,”
Umm, Sen. Markey -- Your party controls the Senate...and all the relevant Committees...and just did away with the Filibuster. Your side can legislate anything it wants.
If it wouldn't doom your vulnerable incumbents in 2014, you could vote out bill after bill and DARE, DOUBLE-DARE the Republicans in the House to vote them down. Much like the House votes out jobs legislation and the Senate Democrat leadership lets them die in Committee.
Instead you hide behind your after-hours caucus gabfest. What a profile in courage you are.
The GreenScammers used to call it "Global Warming", now they call it "Climate Change"?
I must have missed the Talking-Points Blast Fax from Soros Central.
Anyone noticed that Putin is beating Obama'a Gang at this Propaganda war too.
The Russians released the secret ClimateGate E-mail traffic between East Anglia and Penn State reveal that the books are cooked and the models are manipulated at will while Hanson at NASA re-writes the Data History.
And NSA wants to strangle Snowden for telling the truth about their Masss 4th Amendment violations, but Putin is protecting him.
Russian climate science remains UNCORRUPTED, and proudly shows that a maunder minimum sun spotless earth has entered a 30 year mini ice age. That does screw up the Jet Stream...it brings it down here. But the answer is more carbon based energy to survive the freeze while the Criminal UN Hoax tries to outlaw harmless carbon based energy without which many will die.
The unemployment rate among black teenagers? 38 percent, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The real unemployment rate (U6) is about 13 percent.
The percent of households using food stamps? 20 percent, says the Dept. of Agriculture.
That's unbelievable.
Yes, let's do things to kill jobs.
CSPAN will be televised Ambien tonight.
I believe this is the same group that a very few years ago was telling us we had reached "peak oil" and would soon be in crisis because of that.
The high-income tax state-wise ought to not deduct their richness, defined as the dollar amount of their state tax deduction from my federal coffers where they belong.
Do ya hear me 75% O' states?
Hear hear on St. Patrick's Day let's do us confiscatory on the liberal, bold deceivers in New York City and L.A. and Seatle. We know what the people wanna hear, it is TIME to speak it loud and proud.
Democrats raped them and theirs, and we will make it right by reparations for every proved Democrat blood dollar.
Are they going to hold their breath and stamp their feet?
I think the most important cause of global warming is the Sun.
chuck we don't need to legislate. Just have the President sign an XO declaring climate change a national security threat and we can just rendition all them things outta sight....
Watch it live
Warning, extra-large rendering of Barbara Boxer at the moment.
I feel that the Koch Brothers should have a copyright symbol next to their name so that everytime their name is taken in vain (so to speak) that they can sue for infringement.
Trademark yourself boys!!!!
"Climate Change" should start a conservative 501(c)4 and Obama could sic the IRS on it.
Problem solved.
I'll be curious to see how many talk about India and China.
But if they want Legislation introduced, what, exactly, is stopping them?
I'll be curious to see how many talk about India and China.
Or pretty much any other place outside of North America and Europe. As it turns out, "we need to be poorer today for the sake of our great-great-grandchildren" is the kind of thought that only appeals to the extremely well-to-do, and few enough of them.
Which is why even the most supposedly-concerned of climate caucus members never suggest anything that would actually prevent human activity from continuing to warm the globe.
I'll have to go with Shouting Thomas and Sarah Palin over scientists on this one. Seems like the smart bet!
You mean the scientists that built the models that failed to predict the last twenty years?
This sounds like a very productive use of their time. I encourage them to do more of this.
Next they should speak non stop about the war in Iraq. Followed by speaking non stop about the joys of abortion. Then they should talk about all the other things they love so dearly and their pet products.
Talk, talk, and more talk.
I fully support that.
But all their hot air - no wonder we have global warming
26 Democrats are Climate Cuckoo's.
Tomorrow night the Jabberwocky caucus will debate from midnight to 11:59.
"Why don't they just pass a law against hot weather, cold weather, and the arctic vortex. Then when the weather acts up it can be brought up on federal charges."
Yes. Or Obama could issue a waiver on the Polar Vortex in Wisconsin until after the 2016 election. After all we are five years into the planet healer's regime. Surely he would make it stop snowing in Milwaukee if he knew - but the Little Father doesn't know. Let's march on the Golf Course Palace.
"Why don't they just pass a law against hot weather, cold weather, and the arctic vortex. Then when the weather acts up it can be brought up on federal charges."
Yes. Or Obama could issue a waiver on the Polar Vortex in Wisconsin until after the 2016 election. After all we are five years into the planet healer's regime. Surely he would make it stop snowing in Milwaukee if he knew - but the Little Father doesn't know. Let's march on the Golf Course Palace.
So, um. The way to bring attention to climate change is to do something that requires running the lights all night long?
"fossil fuel industry"
I didn't read the article, but if they're suggesting the fossil fuel industry has problem with lower gas prices, they're crazy.
Record profits with the high prices of the last many years.
Back in the last oil price bust (1999? 2000?) when it was under a $1/gallon here in SoCal, I remember stories about oil companies going out of business.
They love the discussion.
And everyone in the Senate who is part of that caucas, I will bet big money, is set to profit off of climate control. They're all whores. They're selling out and making money.
Yeah, they'll go all night. That's what whores do.
And we've had a crazy hot Winter, very little snow in the local mountains, it's upper 80s here the last couple of days, which means I'm highly inclined to believe in global warming.
But I'd rather roast than give those corrupt hypocrites the slightest bit of satisfaction. They don't care. They're carpetbagging America, out in their now foreign environment of the Senate, willing to send this country into the grave as long as they leech profit from its death. They're vampires.
Yeah, they'll go all night. That's what vampires do. Then back to their coffins by morning.
Interesting. I just checked out their hashtag to see how many people were seriously following this. I'm guessing these guys were hoping for some Rand Paul/Ted Cruz groundswell support. I've yet to see it on twitter. Not that many people care.
I'm going to be bossy and tell Althouse not to write like this.
Bossy Althouse writes lousy post and gets over 100 comments.
From the article: Mr. Markey, who made climate change the centerpiece of his campaign when he ran in a special election for the Senate last year
I'm sorry. I live in Massachusetts. This is bullshit. The centerpiece of Mr. Markey's campaign was "the other guy is a Republican that no one has heard of before."
Think of this as the war on drugs where the zealots talk about stopping the drug lords while throwing poor people into prison. The demand side doesn't blink. And with energy the demand side is not just the dispossessed. It's everyone.
In the mean time the poor will suffer the most. Energy means health and life. Making energy expensive means people will die.
The GOP on the coasts has gotten rich while raping the middle.
They didn't rape us.
They got rich while we were raped.
They raped their own.
“It’s aimed towards the day when something more concrete can be legislated,” said Senator Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts, a veteran of climate and clean-energy policy battles.
Isn't concrete an huge emitter of green house gases? Yes, it is: "The cement industry is one of the primary producers of carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas."
The Democrats don't even have a bill? So, why can't something "more concrete" be proposed?
Is it a carbon tax? Let me guess, it's not "revenue neutral".
They have the majority. They have no need for theatrics.
Write a bill.
Not a typo.
I am firing a young jewish employee tomorrow for saying, "I hate catholics" to a young catholic employee.
dumb, dumb, dumb.
Religion is a protected class along with race, sex and in Mass sexual orientation. You can say you hate gays in Mississippi though and suffer no consequences-and many other grossie states.
History has nothing to do with Global Warming nuts. In a hundred years they will all be dead. It's the here and now and racking in big bucks that matter.
The Koch Brothers stuff was just Democrats trying to scare others with boggy man stuff.
But seriously... are they gonna come out with a tax on cow farts and belches?
Well in that case tits then.
No word yet as to when those "fossil fuels industry" participants (such as BP, Exxon, Hess, Chevron, Conoco, Valero, Shell, Marathon, etc.) who DO buy advertising in the Times will be singled out by name or if the house of Sulzberger/Slim to just continue to highlight non-buyer Koch.
"Billionaire Koch brothers"is now "Libertarian billionaire Koch brothers." I suppose that can be considered progress at the New York Times.
Hey, it's working! The Senate Dems ARE causing warming, at least in DC. Today's high was 61, but tomorrow, undoubtedly as a result of all the hot air from the Senate side of the Capitol, it's supposed to be 69, and then 67 on Wednesday.
But then the warming runs out, and the predicted high for Thursday is only 33. Somebody's got to get those Senate Dems to pull another all-nighter Wednesday to promote warming. I know they can do it.
huh, Cardiff University has something to say about that.
Rocket Scientists too.
So its about increasing government regulations and raising revenue. I feel sorry for anyone who actually thinks its about climate or "saving the planet". Well I guess for a politician is about votes and campaign contributions.
Ill believe in rising oceans when people like Matt Damon and Al Gore stop buying multi million dollar oceanside properties
There is a lot of oil in the world, under Saudi Arabia and Venezuela and Iraq and Iran and Mexico and Nigeria and so on. All those people want to pump it out of the ground and sell it, to other people who will mostly burn it. If we don't buy it, there are plenty of other people who will. There isn't anything the US Senate can do about that, and they know it.
...and then they sped off in their gas guzzling SUVs and private jets....
Odd. The final and penultimate sentences in the linked article do not say what Althouse quotes them as saying. Did the article undergo its own journalistic version of climate change?
In all events, everyone agrees that climate changes over time, and also agrees that human activity contributes to it. The disagreement is about relative magnitudes -- the extent to which naturally occurring factors outweigh any human contribution, how various feedback cycles offset the impact of increasing CO2 levels, and whether the cost of proposed solutions are worth it in terms of the benefits they generate.
On the last, cost-benefit point, note that the preferred solution of the Dems as well as the NYT writer (but I repeat myself) is for a new tax. Dems are always in favor of a new tax, pretty much any tax. The supposed benefits of their carbon tax, measured in terms of its impact on predicted climate change, is nil. But it is worth a small fortune in terms of moral preening for rich enviros, and can generate huge bundles of campaign cash for Dems to boot.
Perhaps the climate hypocrites can bitch about and single out this guy.
The final and penultimate sentences in the linked article do not say what Althouse quotes them as saying. Did the article undergo its own journalistic version of climate change?
That's one way of describing what it underwent.
In the comment thread above, I noticed that no one seemed much interested in the personal, carbon-minimizing virtues, if any, of Tom Steyer, the billionaire funding the Dem campaigns focused on imposing a climate change tax. That factoid presents a nice contrast to the preferred Dem tactic of personalizing their attack on the Koch brothers, whether they have any connection to the issue or not, as a stand-in for Repubs and conservatives.
But one has to wonder whether Mr. Steyer lives his life according to the carbon-minimizing virtues he preaches. Perhaps his personal life is as environmentally pure as that of a Capuchin monk. Or perhaps he lives like the more usual preacher of environmental virtue -- say, Gore or Redford -- with the multiple palatial homes, private jets, security detail, personal motor pool, and on and on. Don't expect to see an article about that topic in the NYT anytime soon.
But one has to wonder whether Mr. Steyer lives his life according to the carbon-minimizing virtues he preaches
The only person I know who actually does this is Ed Begley Jr..
The church of Global Warming is conducting services on the floor of the senate? When can I bring in my snakes?
- Krumhorn
Let's play a game where we pretend we don't have power and have to have a sit-in to be heard! It'll be just like old times.
So I suppose that it would be fruitless to tell these smart liberals that "fossil fuel" represents one theory as to the origins of hydrocarbon fuels and that there exists another theory which classifies oil and natural gas fuel as "abiotic" - non-biological origins that begin deep in the earth where dead matter from the Palaeozoic Era could not have reached because of earth core pressure.
gadfly, your inability to understand the literature on fossil fuel formation does lend credibility to your claims on climate.
SteveR said...
"So its about increasing government regulations and raising revenue. I feel sorry for anyone who actually thinks its about climate or "saving the planet". Well I guess for a politician is about votes and campaign contributions."
It is what every piece of progressive legislation is. It's about control.
It is about depriving you, the individual, the ability to choose what is in your best interests.
garage mahal said...
I'll have to go with Shouting Thomas and Sarah Palin over scientists on this one. Seems like the smart bet!
You couldn't articulate the science involved if your life depended on it.
Whores typically don't like to go all night.
These won't either.
Tom Steyer has got to be pissed. He promises to give $100 million to Democrats, and all that they do for him is to throw an all-nighter?
Mainstream climate science is in the epicycle phase right now. We're still trying to adjust reality to fit theory. Except no one spins not burning fossil fuel as liberating carbon from having to make those oppressive bonds with oxygen just to keep its hydrogen.
There is quite a bit of research behind abiotic oil....the Soviets were particularly interested in it.
It has come back because it is one way of explaining the fact that "empty" oil fields seem to be refilling.
"There is quite a bit of research behind abiotic oil....the Soviets were particularly interested in it."
I always wondred what happens to all that organic matter that gets subducted along with the rocky bits in the movement of the contenental(tectonic?) plates.
"One day, our grandchildren may ask us what we did when Islamic fascism threatened the free world. Some of us will say we were preoccupied with fighting that threat wherever possible; others will be able to say they fought carbon dioxide emissions. One of us will look bad."
- Dennis Prager
Now watch the climate deniers come out in droves defending their SUV/McLifestyle.
Keep going morons, destroying the planet.
Alex, the climate non-deniers are all about burning da fossils though: Who do you think goes to Davos to talk about Climate Change, anyway? The same maroons who are pulling this all nighter yakki8ng about it.
Alex said...
Climate change would be a lot easier to consider if it weren't so wrapped up in class loathing. As it is alarmists present themselves as upset the proles aren't keeping to their appointed places.
It's a fact that the production of meat is incredibly wasteful in terms of water, fossil fuels and causes intense environmental damage. McDonald's and other fast-food chains drive this meat-craze that most Americans are addicted to.
McLifestyle indeed and ya'll proud of it.
How does it feel to be dragging that 400lb along huffing and puffing?
That's right, Alex, the fast food industry makes us omnivorous, not biology.
There is no evidence of humans needing to eat meat. Just try to tear apart a piece of raw meat with your teeth, I double-dog dare you.
Humans were designed to eat plants.
Humans evolved to eat cooked meat which provides fast calories to support our large brains. Cooked plants are typically better than raw plants, since the cooking breaks stuff down and we don't need multiple stomachs or to re-chew our food all day.
What good is it to be at the top of the food chain if you don't eat like it?
If we were designed to eat plants, why do we have canine teeth?
Humans are OMNIVOROUS, not herbivorous. Designed to eat meat and veggies.
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