"Really the public at large is less trusting of this president, but the youth in particular have lost faith in this president. And so, I think there's a real opportunity for Republicans who do believe in the Fourth Amendment to grow our party by attracting young people and bring that energy into our party."
Said Rand Paul today (on "Fox News Sunday"), explaining why he's going to do a speech at Berkeley next week. That made me think about the time we went to see Ron Paul down at the Memorial Union Terrace here on campus, back in April 2012. He drew a huge, enthusiastic crowd. Here's 3 minutes of my favorite parts of that speech:
I'm glad Rand Paul is working the campus scene too.
I'm liking Rand Paul more and more. He seems to be handling himself well. I remember when he got flack for going on MSNBC early after his election. He doesn't lack guts. Now, if he can match it with talent for debate.
Obama is showing us what a libertarian foreign policy can accomplish, even by accident. That is the only worry about Paul.
"he's going to do a speech at Berkeley next week."
This is going to be golden,...
"Hi, name is Vladimir Putin. Not only do I endorse Rand Paul for president, but I'm putting my money where my mouth is."
If he turns out to be a guy with the meat of pragmatism and likability on a skeleton of libertarianism, he'll be perfect.
You're welcome for that mental image.
If Rand Paul wants less government, less regulation and intrusion into the personal sphere then I can support him.
I doubt very seriously he can be elected espousing a pull back from international affairs.
Forget it repubs, the dems own the youth vote forever.
There's a lot to be said for looking for converts somewhere other than in the church. I wish Paul the best of luck with his efforts.
It'll be interesting to see if the local Stalinists at Berkeley let him speak unimpeded. If it appears in the future that his outreach is bearing fruit, the campus thought-police will no doubt pull out the stops to shut him down.
campy said...
Forget it repubs, the dems own the youth vote forever.
At least until they realize they're no longer young and still living in their parents' basement.
I'm looking forward to a stoning, personally,...
Rand knows that the enthusiasm his father has generated is both a blessing and a curse. So far, he's been handling himself very well. But it will get harder after the 2014 elections.
Campy is right! These lo info mofo's got shit for brains! We are doomed!
They will vote to spend OPM without understanding the consequences!
As long as they get their news from Jon Leibowitz and Stevie ColeBurt, reason and logic will be wasted on them.
I am still up for an Amendment barring senators from running for president.
Ron generated enthusiasm among the idiot young on two issues, isolationism and weed!
"It'll be interesting to see if the local Stalinists at Berkeley let him speak unimpeded. If it appears in the future that his outreach is bearing fruit, the campus thought-police will no doubt pull out the stops to shut him down."
You remind me of an incident at my son's wedding reception. It was in the Berkley City Club and his one conservative friend and I were outside smoking cigars and visiting with the kids leaving the football game up the hill.
A middle aged woman with a butch haircut marched out of the club and told us smoking was not allowed within 25 feet of the door. I asked her for a tape measure and she stomped off.
"As long as they get their news from Jon Leibowitz "
I wonder if he is related to Fawn.
Ahh, Fawn Leibowitz! Kiln explosion.
Harold Ramis was a genius! RIP.
The millenials are ripe for the picking if the republicans
1) stop hating on gays
2) stop hating on blacks and browns
3) stop with the fundy christian talk
4) stop focusing on abortion
5) stop macho sabre-rattling
Howard said...
The millenials are ripe for the picking if the republicans
1) stop hating on gays
2) stop hating on blacks and browns
3) stop with the fundy christian talk
4) stop focusing on abortion
5) stop macho sabre-rattling
Which means the racists lose,...
Howard and Crack offering advice to the GOP. Fawn would be proud.
Republican strategists: Howie, Cracked, Jane Harman and Ann Althouse
Don't wait for the phone call guys!
Democrats need to stop raping people. Suicide after elder-abuse and multiple rapes is okay though.
You anti-pro-life zealots need to stop raping people, just like Breitbart told you.
Rand Paul won't get the youth vote, he cosponsored of a fetal personhood bill. That won't go over with the great majority of young voters.
MichaelK I'm not giving advise... I'm just outlining reality. I'm sure that y'all will continue to double-down on stupid.
NotquiteunBuckley said...
"The first time any law enforcement agency got to know Costello was July 6 in the parking lot of a Denver King Soopers. He allegedly assaulted an anti-abortion petitioner by shoving the man off his bike and breaking his hip after Costello "shouted obscenities" and "said he believes in abortion," according to the affidavit."
Read more: Suspected Denver serial rapist has ties to high-profile Democrats - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_22038466/suspected-denver-serial-rapist-has-ties-high-profile#ixzz2CsTjz0VF
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: http://www.denverpost.com/termsofuse
11/21/12, 11:05 AM
He also attacked Bill Clinton, whom the millennials love. The funny thing is that the macho bootstrap Ayn Rand loving republicans are the true second handers of the new age. It's the liberal progressives out west that are making the world capitalism of the future today.
They have whitewashed the Democrats from affiliation wit one of the lefts number one henchman.
This thug represents millions upon millions of evil, pro-abortion Democrats.
Young people aren't as supportive of abortion rights as one might expect.
He's working for votes. I like it!
It's only because Obama turned out to not be socialist enough for the yut-vote. Pretty soon the brainwashing will be complete and every single under-30 you meet will be as though they came from Orwell's Oceania.
Howard, as a practical matter your "out west" progressive heroes are also totalitarian regimes for the footprint opportunity.
At this point i could easily suggest that this is in keeping with progressive behavior for hundreds of years.
But i really dont think that would be entirely fair.
I think many progressives are deeply uncomfortable providing tech assistance to these regimes.
So yes i agree that in the main the west coast progressive techies are helping to build the future.
But i wonder which future it will be.
Are these young people those who voted in the last few elections for President, or are these new young people who have just entered into the voting age over the last five years but were too young during the last elections?
Howard - if you're referring to the dot-coms you're right. Look at Google, they basically run the world and their CEOs are around 40.
Howard, I can see them losing in a really big way in 2016, because they are not able to reign themselves in and are under the misconception that the further to the right they veer the better their chances a winning are. Not one of them can see this is a losing stratedgy at this point and this tone deafness will be their undoing. Que sera sera.
Michael its really not appropriate to lump howard in with crack.
How's this for stupid, Howie, believing the following:
"You can keep it and save $2500!"
"It's the law, til I change it!"
"We gotta pass it, to know...!"
"Don't cross that Red Line, AssWad!"
"Let's try nice with Iran!"
"It was that YouTube Hater!"
"Not a smidgen ...!"
"R-S-P-E-C-T" "What did I say"
Republicans can be stupid, granted, but they do not corner that market!
jacksonjay said...
Republican strategists: Howie, Cracked, Jane Harman and Ann Althouse
Don't wait for the phone call guys!
With the track record, and collection of nutjobs, you guys have got?
Who'd want the call?
The quickest way for Republicans to lose in 2014 or 2016 would be to take advice from the likes of MM and Howard, whose list of 5 things they need to do includes 4 they have already done. Honest advice from people who want them to win will be far more helpful.
60% of people polled think that abortion should be legal under certain circumstances. I agree most people are not in favor of late term abortion.
Can we stipulate "forever" is a very long time? And that any predictions about "forever" are wrong?
Well, Cracked, I think our nutjobs have a pretty good chance against the Old Hag!
Dr. Weevil - there is nothing the GOP can do except hunker down as a regional party. They are finished as far as the Presidency is concerned.
The only way the GOP could be totally "finished" in Presidential elections is if the Democrats have an effective plan to steal them all in perpetuity. Does Alex think they do? If so, does he or she approve? Maybe even participate? Just wondering how anyone can be so categorical.
Odd that they think we are giving them advice Howard. Actually I suggest they continue on the path they have taken. Here's my advice, carry on.
Inga is such a charmer when she changes her nickname. Bless her heart!
...an effective plan to steal them all in perpetuity.
Unemployment benefits and food stamps to boot!
Fundamentally Transformed
jacksonjay said...
Well, Cracked, I think our nutjobs have a pretty good chance against the Old Hag!
Yeah, and you thought so against the black guy, too.
You guys don't understand culture at all,...
Advocate dropping drinking age to 18 in the process.
It's the liberal progressives out west that are making the world capitalism of the future today.
...via government regulations and perks with campaign contributions.
Progressives are the biggest proof that the government needs less power.
Republicans, when they gain the Senate, should pass a law killing official immunity from prosecution from illegal actions taken in office.
Allow people to SUE the IRS, NSA, etc for violating their rights.
Wasn't the CIA spying on the Congressional Committee charged with oversight of the CIA?
So add the CIA to the alphabet soup.
MadisonMa'am said...
Howard, I can see them losing in a really big way in 2016, because they are not able to reign themselves in and are under the misconception that the further to the right they veer the better their chances a winning are.
Revealing the left is only concerned about winning rather than governing isn't it?
No doubt when they graduate with a boatload of debt and no real job prospects they are gonna love Hillary.
One must win in order to govern. Losers won't get to represent their constituents in Congress and vote on bills, now will they?
Inga keeps changing her names because she is so toxic. And, she's not even from Madison.
One must indeed win in order to govern. One way not to win is to listen to losers on the other side who intend you harm.
"...an effective plan to steal them all in perpetuity.
Unemployment benefits and food stamps to boot!
Fundamentally Transformed"
This. The liberals couldn't actually believe their disastrous policies are the source of their electoral success, could they?
MadisonMa'am said...
One must win in order to govern.
The ability to win doesn't mean one can govern. Leftists understand this so thoroughly they don't even bother to argue the point.
Cracked, Cmon Man, no one seriously believed that the cranky old vet had a chance against Black Magic.
Especially after Barry broke the public finance promise and started raking in the funny money!
Problem for the Dems is that the Black Magic has run its' course!
The liberals couldn't actually believe their disastrous policies are the source of their electoral success, could they?
I don't pretend to know what a liberal really believes! I do know that the gays had to withhold the cash to make Barry act in 2012! Browns (Howie's term) are still waiting and Barry got around to being the Black President (Don Lemon's phrase) just last week! His free birth control probably worked on some lady parts and his promise to save students $50 a year in interest on student loans probably snookered some of the dumb yuts!
Other than that, his economic and foreign policies DID NOT work worth a damn! Demonization of Mitt, funny money from overseas and Lois Lerner are the keys to his electoral success. Oh, Candy Crowley chipped in too!
jacksonjay said...
Cracked, Cmon Man, no one seriously believed that the cranky old vet had a chance against Black Magic.
I voted for him, which means these fools let down the Right again by staying home.
"Especially after Barry broke the public finance promise and started raking in the funny money!"
Yeah, that was sweet. Probably the first finger of the campaign.
"Problem for the Dems is that the Black Magic has run its' course!"
Don't bet on it. They've got momentum when our guys can't get their heads out of their racist asses.
Hillary will sweep it,...
Shock! I agree with Cracked on 2 out of 3!
Repubs were not happy with Johnny Mac or Mittens! RINO! Too many stayed home because they are sooooooo principled! Well Hell, how's that working out? Barry did go gangsta on that funny money, gotta say that was street! Not sure about who has the mo!
Crack you may be right by accident. This country is so screwed economically thanks to the Democrats that the clever and cynical RNC Republicans may well throw the election to Hillary just the have the crash and burn happen on her watch. Then afterwards when even the blindest and dumbest electorate sees the light and wises up they will toss the left and the Democrats to the curb. My fear is that the RNC is really that brain dead enough to think that running as a less toxic and more competent Democrat will win them elections.
I'm kind of glad to hear that we're doomed again. Being doomed has always worked out well for us in the past.
Obama is showing us what a libertarian foreign policy can accomplish, even by accident. That is the only worry about Paul.
No, I think Obama is worse, because Rand would be upfront about how it's none of our business to be involved in the Ukraine. He wouldn't waffle by drawing red lines that he never had any intention of keeping. I think it makes a difference.
my church bible study group, all of 20 members, has swelled to over 40 members in the last 2 years, and 90% of those are between 20 and 30. disillusioned with the "new morality". Mainline protestant chuch. Just a small town of 5,000.
As far as the other "advice" to the GOP on this thread, your concern trolling is touching. History tends to be like a pendulum, it may not be finished in swinging Democrat Party-ward, but at some point, it will swing the other way.
Unless a major schism occurs, the Republicans have already thrown the election. Christie was the closest thing we had to a "people person" and well, you know.
As jacksonjay said, that principled stance has painted us in a corner, there's few exits from. Cruz, Paul, Carson, Perry - none of them has the charisma to lead the country, while Hillary's already a brand to most people.
The Rs would have to change their tune, waaay more than Paul's imagining, to swing it our way anytime soon.
It's not going to happen.
Here's the problem for the Republicans.
While you guys are watching the big races, this shit is bubbling up everywhere and "the low-information voters", you guys slag so much, see it. That's our news. Shit, most of my friends have no idea who Christie is, still, but they know the Republicans are racist - and that's enough.
Really, you guys - being much like the rest - are loudly, proudly, and with principles, digging your own political graves.
Blacks don't care about Dems or Repubs - they care about who will get us out of this mess.
It's not going to be you? Fine, Republicans.
It won't be you, then,...
I wonder why saying
"Government cannot cure all the ills of the world. Government can inflict huge costs. My plan is to remove as many of the costs as possible. You are adults and I expect given the opportunity you will make mostly good choices if you are allowed to pursue opportunities with government out of your way. Some of you will fail through no fault of your own and we intend to help you when that happens. Others will fail due to poor planning and poor decision making; try harder and we will help you only in the most dire of circumstances."
Why wouldn't that message sell?
Anyone who says that the Republicans are doomed because they've lost their only "people person" -- Chris Christie!!!! -- is either not serious or not taking his meds.
Why wouldn't that message sell?
Because, as I've told you a million times, it's history.
Blacks defeated slavery - with the government.
Blacks got voting rights - with the government.
Blacks broke Jim Crow - with the government.
And so on.
When you guys ignore history you just sound like idiots who don't know history.
The Godfather said...
Anyone who says that the Republicans are doomed because they've lost their only "people person" -- Chris Christie!!!! -- is either not serious or not taking his meds.
OK - you're still going to lose to them for that reason. Rand Paul can't draw them. Ted Cruz is lucky he hasn't been lynched. Ben Carson? Uncle Tom.
You got nothin'...
You were almost right.
Because, as I've told you a million times, it's history.
Blacks defeated slavery - with the government.
Blacks got voting rights - with the government.
Blacks broke Jim Crow - with the government.
Your quote would be correct, but only if you substituted Republican-led if front of government. Because you can just as easily say:
Because, as I've told you a million times, it's history.
Democrats enforced slavery - with the government.
Democrats denied voting rights - with the government.
Democrats enforced Jim Crow - with the government.
Now who is ignoring history?
MLK said not to vote with Republicans until they get the racists out of the party.
You haven't - blacks won't.
Point at the Dems all you want, they're stepping up while you hang with the racists now.
That's the truth.
I think Rand Paul would go a long way with young voters if he proposed making the drinking age 18 again.
If you say that 18-21 yr olds aren't mature enough to handle that responsibility, explain the 26th amendment.
There's your problem - deal with it.
Your problem, Crack, is that you have no education, no job, no prospects, and you're just a crazy guy sitting in front of a computer with nothing to do.
Deal with it.
Republicans are DOOMED! DOOMED, I tell you!!
RecChief: Nice concern trolling yourself. You republicans can stay the course and avoid total irrelevance in flyover country as your sweet little anecdote says.
However, waiting for the pendulum to swing back is not an adult strategy, it's passivity. That unmanly attitude will get Putin quaking in his boots toot sweet.
Unfortunately, Crack's opinion is the opinion of the majority of voters. Uniformed, easily misled, they have swallowed the current Democratic party line whole. Doesn't matter who the Republican candidate is or what they believe...if they are not labeled Democrat..it doesn't matter. Terrible Mrs. Clinton will win because ignorant people don't want to know the truth of who she is...it truly is low information voters or a combination of that and stealing in the computation of votes that will take the election. It seems pointless. If after all the absolutely horrible things this administration has done does not turn an alleged black "Republican" such as Crack against the Democrats...nothing ever will.
whatever my post was, it wasn't concern trolling. Perhaps I could borrow a line from Crack Emcee here, but I won't, and it was just an anecdote. And anyone who knows me can tell you, I'm not passive. But I'm also not worried too much that the GOP may go the way of the dodo. As to the rest of your comment. Thanks, but I will stick to my principles, work hard to follow them, and be patient. Have a good evening.
Such utter hogwash. The serious problem that Republicans have is that Democrats are engaged and informed and are going to get out the vote like never before, because Republicans have so clearly demonstrated just how high they've jumped the shark. You people are self decievers and your own worst enemies.
lb said...
Unfortunately, Crack's opinion is the opinion of the majority of voters. Uniformed, easily misled, they have swallowed the current Democratic party line whole.
God, you guys are such liars. I am a Republican who sees a HUGE problem in my party and want it to do something about it. My party said it had the problem. Don't blame me, don't say the Dems did it, blame yourselves. That's where the racism is coming from. You say your not but you don't know how to prove it. I voted for McCain. Didn't vote for Obama twice. But I wouldn't go the rest of the way with you. Romney? NO. Ted Cruz - NO.
That's it.
I might add that I don't much mind if the GOP does go the way of the dodo, especially if it doesn't live up to its rhetoric. Republicans lose the House and John Boehner isn't the Speaker? Fuck, why would I care? John McCain becomes a Democrat? That's 2 fucks I don't give. You all, GOP and Dem, have overlooked that there is a divide in this country: The "ruling class" and the rest of us. The ruling class makes laws for the rest of us, but exempts itself from those laws. The ruling class enriches itself at the expense of the rest of us. The back and forth on TV is simply to keep the rest of us fixated on fighting each other while they abscond with the national treasury and hand it over to those with an "in". Go ahead, beat your brains out, arguing how the Democrats, and Progressives specifically, are the standard bearers of capital-T Truth in this country. or go ahead tell me that the GOP are the true fiscal conservatives. I don't know what your position is, but I don't care, because the theories and positions staked out don't match the observations.
Mitch McConnell just declared war on the Tea Party. I am no longer a Republican. Its official now.
Welcome to the club, Fen.
The Republicans have almost 30 governors, and people talk about Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. They are talkers. No accomplishments for either of them. Rubio is the same, although he at least can come across as likeable and is a decent-looking guy. Ted Cruz is a another Harvard lawyer and he looks like Count Chocula. These guys should try being a mayor or a governor before they think about being President. They are fringe senators of the minority party.
Amazing how Obama isn't expected to lift blacks out of poverty. He has made the situation worse but he gets a pass. No responsibility whatsoever. Nah - the real reason is because of a government shut down that closed our national parks. Amazing.
"The top industry for employment growth in the state is fast food, said David Grimaldi, New Castle County's cheif administrative officer.
"Fast food don't buy houses," said Tom Gordon, New Castle County executive."
The youth are stuck, and they may never get out.
The longer Democrats have power, the more they will slaughter the powerless amongst their ranks.
The life dividend, allowing your potential voters to live, should have provided for a permanent Republican majority already.
Howard said...
"The millenials are ripe for the picking if the republicans
1) stop hating on gays
2) stop hating on blacks and browns
3) stop with the fundy christian talk
4) stop focusing on abortion
5) stop macho saber-rattling"
You are correct. How can Democrats lose when they have so much to offer:
hatred against straight people
hatred against males
hatred against white people
hatred against Christians
and hatred against unborn children.
Unfortunately, the saber rattling is bipartisan.
Are we the people so sensitive that all laws and lawmakers become impositions?
This age group does not trust anyone. It doesn't trust the government, but also they don't trust family members, religious institutions, or even college. Remember half drop out with no degree and debt, those who graduate find out there is only the fast food industry.
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