I doubt Rahm Emanuel is electable, but he is certainly a stronger candidate than Hillary, as he has a record of running something (Chicago). Into the ground, maybe, but he is running it.
I think another reason Hillary might not run is I strongly suspect her health is not the best.
Campaigns are brutal & grueling marathons of physical exertion, as she knows from bitter experience. How many presidential candidates get into the race not realizing until it's too late the toll it takes on the lives of their families?
Bill Kristol's analysis convinced me there are huge, perhaps insurmountable negatives for Hillary running. But she will gather unto the Clintons what is theirs before announcing.
Minyon refers to Minyon Moore, a longtime Democratic activist with ties to the Clintons, who also has alleged ties to Washington businessman Jeffrey Thompson, who just ratted out Washington DC Mayor Vincent Gray for allegedly asking him to fund an illegal shadow campaign to help elect Gray.
Is that enough “allegedly” to make your eyes glaze over?
Clift using the term "ratted out" to describe providing evidence to prosecutors, then repeatedly and dismissively invoking the term "allegedly" herself, only makes Hilary sound more corrupt.
Did Swelleanor bang her head on a coffee table too?
It's in that context that the local establishment nervously awaited the arrival of "Chicagoland," the big eight-part CNN series by Executive Producer Robert Redford. **** And, yes, Mr. Emanuel does come across pretty good, **** Mr. Emanuel ought to be happy. He is presented as a dedicated sort, a would-be problem solver whose heart is in the right place, even if you may disagree with his strategy.
Redford is easily impressed. Rahm has zero accomplishments in Chicago. Confusing effort for accomplishment is why Hillary got high marks as Secretary of State.
Could all (3) Emanuel brothers please leave the building? The world would be better off.
Rahm just got rolled by the teacher's union and many are urging Karen Lewis to run against him. (Just what Chicago needs, their own DeBlasio.) Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Board President is also being urged to run against him. Toni could win.
Rham for president? Surely you jest. Althouse has it occurred to you that you have a better chance of getting elected president than Rham? At least you don't have his baggage and come to think you also don't have Hillary's baggage. You have a hugely popular blog with who knows how many readers-most who might even vote for you or at least seriously consider voting for you. You couldn't possibly be a worse president than any of the presumed Democrats in the field. Even if you tried.
I agree with Crack. there's no way Hillary is not running. she's mobilized the troops, warned off potential opponents and hogging the money. I think the Dems will clear her path. 2016 is going to be hard enough without a long primary season,
Boy if she doesn't run then there will be a huge fight on the Dem side. Cuomo as moderate and a bunch of bat shit crazy libs.
Rahm can raise money and the media love him. That alone would make him a formidable candidate. He's more qualified than Obama was.
If Rahm wins, whichever SNL cast member that portrays him throughout his term should always be naked and wet, jabbing and pointing, no matter what the context is.
I can see her putting off making a decision, or indeed, announcing that she's running, fully intending on raising as much money as possible and then bowing out due to "health concerns".
The giveaway, which will be camouflaged under layers of deniability of course, would be to look at what money raised is available to the candidate of a failed campaign and that which is not, and watch the actions of her people with that in mind.
Seriously though, Rahm may have the name recognition, but he has a god awful record in Chicago not to mention the attitude and personal charisma of an anubis baboon. It would take some real magic from the Democrat campaign machine to make him electable (not that I doubt their immense power in that department).
Sharks won't bite Hillary. Professional courtesy and all that.
But she is a tired retread of all that's wrong with the current Democrat party. And the current Democrats won't be the "flavor of the month" in November 2016.
I saw former Secretary Clinton speak a few days ago. she stood about 15 feet away from the nearest teleprompter, so there could be no mistaking it, & used no notes. She told stories about her experience dealing with Putin, her experience being a female attorney in Arkansas, and otherwise about her experience. She was funny and relaxed. Her lapel mike went out and she didn't miss a beat in switching to a hand-held. She is staying in practice for campaigning.
In an early look at the 2016 presidential race in Iowa, Secretary Clinton leads Gov. Christie 48 - 35 percent, reversing a 45 - 40 percent Christie lead December 17, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Secretary Clinton has substantial leads over other Republican contenders, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds:
• 49 - 39 percent over U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky; • 51 - 35 percent over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas; • 51 - 37 percent over former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.
3/13/14, 11:54 AM"
1-Your are right, she is running. 2-The polls you cite mean nothing.Hillary for better or worse has been in the public eyes for 23 years. None of the potential Republican candidates you mention is really on the public's radar right now. And Jeb is a Bush so he has that against him. Obama was a national nobody when he started and so for that matter was Bill Clinton.
So while Hillary is no ways tired come 2016 odds are the public will be tired of her and probably any Democrat. The Democrats campaigned in 2008 to fix the economy. The voters gave them a chance in 2008. Then they claimed the Republican's messed it up so bad that we need a second chance so the voters gave them the benefit of the doubt and gave them a second chance. Now here we are five years later and the economy still sucks and as long as the Democrats continue their economic policies the economy will still suck in 2016. It takes a lot of hope that the voters will give them a third chance.
Eleanor Clift is a reliable Clinton partisan. So I read this as an attempt to see how many people jump up to say "Oh no, please Hillary run for our sake!"* Kind of like having Caesar refuse the crown in full view of Rome.
* - I couldn't quite bring myself to write "...for the country's sake."
It's strange how "presumptive front-runner" Hillary got beat in 2008 by a junior Senator from Illinois that no one outside of the Democratic Party inner circles had ever heard of.
So, what's changed in the Democratic Party since then? That the left-wing despises the moderate wing? No. That the Democratic Party's manner of tabulating votes towards nomination favors challengers? No. That the Democrats & the country have had their black president & think it's time for a woman now? Yes, but, unlike the blacks, the womenfolk don't vote as a block, ever (e.g. remember Geraldine Ferraro?).
Always remember that in 2007, according to the pundits, it was going to be Giuliani vs Clinton. How'd that work out? It's tough business seeing the future.
It takes a lot of hope that the voters will give them a third chance.
I didn't vote for Obama - twice - so I'm not a "hope" guy:
She'll run - and she'll win in a landslide.
3/13/14, 12:19 PM"
You could be right. Politics is usually hope over experience so there is always that possibility. Hillary is much more of an ideologue than Bill and possibly more than Obama and presumably more ruthless and competent than Obama. So if she does win or appears to be winning expect a tidal wave of capital flight out of the country. A lot of American money left in 2008/2009 and most of it hasn't returned yet. If the Democrats do ok in November and Hillary gets elected in 2016 expect a lot more money leaving the country. Money that isn't invested in the US doesn't create many jobs in the US.
Gotta agree with the landslide prediction. Maximum free stuff+first woman+slavish media hype=electoral victory. It'll suck for the country but it's something we'll have to get out of our system before we can move on.
"Campaigns are brutal & grueling marathons of physical exertion, as she knows from bitter experience. How many presidential candidates get into the race not realizing until it's too late the toll it takes on the lives of their families?"
(A) I find it impossible to believe someone who has spent their entire life preparing for a Presidential run will decide not to run when she would start as the favorite to win.
(B) I find Rahm unlikely due in part to A. He has no base outside the Clinton base.
(C) The far left wing will push Elizabeth Warren.
(D) The left wing of the party will push Martin O'Malley, who is every bit as left as Warren but with less of a paper trail.
(E) The moderates of the party will gather in the party room at the Georgetown Clyde's and lament that someone like Mark Warner doesn't have a chance.
I predict a black woman will emerge from the cesspool of democrat politics to run for president in 2016. Lock up the minority and femail vote plus the rest of the imasculated while males in the party.
The Cracker Emcee said... Gotta agree with the landslide prediction. Maximum free stuff+first woman+slavish media hype=electoral victory. It'll suck for the country but it's something we'll have to get out of our system before we can move on.
I have no idea how A) Republicans think they can win by implying poor Americans - especially those made poor by America - are moochers looking for "free stuff" and B) helping Americans succeed in life will hurt the country overall.
Well what really makes no sense is a woman with 5 (yes 5) free Obamaphones because she is "entitled" to them.
No, they were not for her family, they were all for her. She carried around 5 phones, because. This was part of a story on the news a few weeks ago about the rampant Obamaphone fraud.
But it is all good. It's not anybody's money. It is government money!
I have no idea how A) Republicans think they can win by implying poor Americans - especially those made poor by America - are moochers looking for "free stuff"
regarding A). BS on the "America made them poor". That's really an embarrassing assertion. And, many are moochers looking for "free stuff". They are owed free stuff 'cuz slavery and stuff.
BTW, white slaver traders wouldn't have lasted an hour inland from the African coast, so I wonder who delivered the slaves to the docks?
Oh I know black people. I just don't know a lot of "The Crack Emcee" kind of black people. The ones I know you would be calling uncle tom or sellout or some of those other wonderful names you save for blacks that don't agree with the things you say.
"I have no idea how A) Republicans think they can win by implying poor Americans - especially those made poor by America - are moochers looking for "free stuff"
Lets see, dropping out of high school, America's fault. Having multiple kids with deadbeats, America's fault. Believe it or not it's not only minorities who are screw ups.
@Crack I don't see why I should pay for other people's child support. Deadbeats are moochers. Time to cut them off.
regarding A). BS on the "America made them poor". That's really an embarrassing assertion. And, many are moochers looking for "free stuff". They are owed free stuff 'cuz slavery and stuff.
In 1962 - before the Civil Rights Act, etc. - 87% of whites didn't think there was anything unfair then either.
Lets see, dropping out of high school, America's fault.
Wasn't it America that had a rule if blacks learned to read they'd be killed? No, that couldn't have any ramifications today, could it?
Having multiple kids with deadbeats, America's fault.
Black women being raped by white men - in front of their husbands - and then having their kids sold away, never to be seen again. No, that couldn't have any ramifications today, could it?
Believe it or not it's not only minorities who are screw ups.
Oh, we agree, there.
@Crack I don't see why I should pay for other people's child support. Deadbeats are moochers. Time to cut them off.
I don't either - pay the estimated $100 Trillion dollars blacks are owed for their free labor during the crime of slavery and you're off the hook.
This country MADE the people you see before you - and they're Americans.
No one should have to suffer as blacks have and do.
Todd said... Oh I know black people. I just don't know a lot of "The Crack Emcee" kind of black people. The ones I know you would be calling uncle tom or sellout or some of those other wonderful names you save for blacks that don't agree with the things you say.
I don't either - pay the estimated $100 Trillion dollars blacks are owed for their free labor during the crime of slavery and you're off the hook."
Well I ain't paying and no one else is stepping up to the plate so your choices are to hire the best collection lawyers in the universe or write off the debt. Or you can take payment in Zimbabwe Dollars. It's your choice.
Well I ain't paying and no one else is stepping up to the plate,…
God, you guys are so uninformed it's criminal,... 3/13/14, 5:45 PM "
No I heard about this and it's slightly less delusional since how exactly are the Caricom countries going to effect the collection? The Europeans might throw some cash their way- it might assuage their feelings but real money? You have to be kidding if this is your basis of calling someone uniformed. Let us know when the Caricom invasion fleet is going to sailing up the Thames to collect the debt.
In 1962 - before the Civil Rights Act, etc. - 87% of whites didn't think there was anything unfair then either.
Some things never change,...
Correct. The Meritocracy was in full force back then, and they saw what they saw, and said what they saw.
Nowadays, two things have changed. It is politically incorrect to notice how a 'meritocracy' affects Blacks, and, via their Liberal 'friends', Blacks are benefiting from the beating back of the Meritocracy itself.
How can it when you have so many whites defending the indefensible crime? We fight over things that could've and should've been settled over a century ago.
Only if you define 'racism' as: Blacks continuing to not do too well in the Meritocracy (except sports).
Which is what I assume you are doing - redefining the word into meaninglessness, else your comment is ridiculous.
Whatever - I've officially stopped caring what whites think. I'm now rooting for colorblind whites to meet equally colorblind blacks who rob them, rape them, cause them trouble in their daily lives, and basically act like whites.
Do I sound stupid?
Well, I'm just a dumb nigger anyway - nobody you smart conservatives have to listen to.
I just 6 "thugs" pistol whipped a blind man and raped his pregnant wife (or something)
I'm celebrating.
Good job, guys - the Republican Outreach Program is working EXACTLY as planned.
"Bob, no amount of money can make up for what's happened - it's not even the point. The point is to give a damn."
My son didn't get a soda tonight at dinner. He had to drink water. This upset him. He decided he was going to pout in order to get his mother and me to give a damn. The more he pouted and whined and cried about it, the less of a damn we gave. And we made clear to him that a negative attitude is meant with negative consequences.
Like my son, Crack, you need to grow up. I don't plan to give a damn about anyone who screeches at me like you do.
I don't either - pay the estimated $100 Trillion dollars blacks are owed for their free labor during the crime of slavery and you're off the hook.
What, so that is your price for "justice"? $100 Trillion? Is that in 1700s dollars or today's dollars? Which "blacks" get a piece of the pie? Those that were actually slaves or is this like the Pigford thing and anyone "black" can play? Who determines who is legally "black" for inclusion in this class action?
Wait - didn't you leave out the part where you chopped off his dick and so, without a dick he couldn't pee, and that's the reason he was crying?
He didn't cut off anyone's dick, I didn't and no one I know did. No one you know cut any dicks or lost dicks. WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
We're just crying babies - nobody did shit to us.
Now we are making headway! "White" didn't do ANYTHING to YOU. You did all of whatever you are to YOURSELF! You made the choices that put you where you are today. You keep tilling at windmills, worst you are tilling at yesterday's windmills. You keep yelling about wanting whites to acknowledge their racism but admit it is racism they don't see but you do. Just maybe there is none to see and it is just people treating others good and bad as people do. Today shit happens. Some good and some bad. Some to blacks and some to whites. There is no grand conspiracy of evil white KKK members ruling everything. If you really, really want to do something to help blacks, take your own advice and admit that it is culture and that today's black culture does not support black success. With the help of liberal whites, black culture is currently designed to breed just the social conditions that we have today.
You want real change and real justice, work on that.
"White" didn't do ANYTHING to YOU. You did all of whatever you are to YOURSELF!
So I made the banks redline blacks? I made real estate agents limit where we could live? I refused to build grocery stores in black neighborhoods? I am responsible for police corruption and shit like Rodney King?
Crack: So I made the banks redline blacks? I made real estate agents limit where we could live? I refused to build grocery stores in black neighborhoods? I am responsible for police corruption and shit like Rodney King?
Yes, by the very same standards you are holding whites to, all these things are your fault.
Even moreso, because you were alive when they happened (unlike the whites here you blame for slavery and racism).
The banks were correct to not make loans to folks with little chance of paying them back, regardless of their color. Do you not understand that basic principle of human nature and economics?
I made real estate agents limit where we could live?
People want to live in nice and safe neighborhoods. Typically, those are neighborhoods where people respect each other, and law and order. Not places where the operative vibe is "snitches get stitches", and everyone hates on the police.
I refused to build grocery stores in black neighborhoods?
Have you SEEN the grocery stores in black neighborhoods? They exist, and they are dangerous places. Why would any sane businessman build there? Fix the neighborhood first. Then the stores will come.
I am responsible for police corruption and shit like Rodney King?
Ah, the old "as long as there is corruption anywhere, I'm going to use that fact of human nature as cop-out." canard. Nice excuse. One can use it forever.
And a Rodney King-like beat down happens multiple times each day, black on black. Concern yourself with those. Heal thyself.
You're a moron.
Congratulations on using the correct form of "you are". It's a start.
Because what the country really needs is a sleazy insider who will give huge amounts of public funds to private interests.
(Chicago is giving De Paul University $125M for a new basketball arena. Why not? It's not as though the city has anything better to spend the money on, right?)
If Emanuel ran - it would be interesting. He would be only the second Jewish candidate (AFAIK). He would also be the only candidate whose father was a member of the Irgun. I suspect that would trigger meltdown on the hairy Left.
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I doubt Rahm Emanuel is electable, but he is certainly a stronger candidate than Hillary, as he has a record of running something (Chicago). Into the ground, maybe, but he is running it.
Executive experience!
Better than Hillary is a pretty low bar.
Rahm hasn't done anything in Chicago. He inherited the fiscal problems but has ignored them. He got rolled in the tea here's strike last year.
Republicans should push for Mark Warner to run. He's the best Dem they can hope for and is more conservative than W, McCain, and Romney.
That should read "teachers strike"
I think another reason Hillary might not run is I strongly suspect her health is not the best.
Campaigns are brutal & grueling marathons of physical exertion, as she knows from bitter experience. How many presidential candidates get into the race not realizing until it's too late the toll it takes on the lives of their families?
Bill Kristol's analysis convinced me there are huge, perhaps insurmountable negatives for Hillary running. But she will gather unto the Clintons what is theirs before announcing.
Minyon refers to Minyon Moore, a longtime Democratic activist with ties to the Clintons, who also has alleged ties to Washington businessman Jeffrey Thompson, who just ratted out Washington DC Mayor Vincent Gray for allegedly asking him to fund an illegal shadow campaign to help elect Gray.
Is that enough “allegedly” to make your eyes glaze over?
Clift using the term "ratted out" to describe providing evidence to prosecutors, then repeatedly and dismissively invoking the term "allegedly" herself, only makes Hilary sound more corrupt.
Did Swelleanor bang her head on a coffee table too?
The evening news tells me that I can't call Hillary BOSSY!!.....because the word has been banned.
So, she's got that working for her!!
Honestly, I think her best chance was really when Obama took it from her. There's nothing there any more, and Clinton nostalgia is pretty much gone.
Redford seems intent on promoting Rahm to the national stage.
It would be a stretch to go from mayor to prez.
Robert Redford's tale of two cities nails Chicago pretty well
It's in that context that the local establishment nervously awaited the arrival of "Chicagoland," the big eight-part CNN series by Executive Producer Robert Redford.
And, yes, Mr. Emanuel does come across pretty good,
Mr. Emanuel ought to be happy. He is presented as a dedicated sort, a would-be problem solver whose heart is in the right place, even if you may disagree with his strategy.
Sundance: Robert Redford, Jeff Zucker Unveil Rahm Emanuel Series 'Chicagoland'
Says Redford of the Chicago mayor: "I was extremely impressed with him considering what he's up against
You've got the wrong Rahm. It should be Ezekiel! Run, Zeke, run!
"Sharks Are Circling Around Hillary."
Before they bite, the sharks should ask Monica what a Clinton tastes like.
Prolly burns all the way down.
They're both horrible.
Redford is easily impressed. Rahm has zero accomplishments in Chicago. Confusing effort for accomplishment is why Hillary got high marks as Secretary of State.
So Redford was in The Sting, but never understood the script.
There is NO WAY Hillary's not running. She may have to campaign in a Popemobile, but she's running.
Culture trumps politics.
And she ain't "no way's tired"….
Could all (3) Emanuel brothers please leave the building? The world would be better off.
Rahm just got rolled by the teacher's union and many are urging Karen Lewis to run against him. (Just what Chicago needs, their own DeBlasio.) Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Board President is also being urged to run against him. Toni could win.
Didn't know sharks were cannibals.
Rham for president? Surely you jest. Althouse has it occurred to you that you have a better chance of getting elected president than Rham? At least you don't have his baggage and come to think you also don't have Hillary's baggage. You have a hugely popular blog with who knows how many readers-most who might even vote for you or at least seriously consider voting for you. You couldn't possibly be a worse president than any of the presumed Democrats in the field. Even if you tried.
Althouse for president! Run Ann, run!
A Hillary-Rahm matchup would be entertaining.
I agree with Crack. there's no way Hillary is not running. she's mobilized the troops, warned off potential opponents and hogging the money. I think the Dems will clear her path. 2016 is going to be hard enough without a long primary season,
Boy if she doesn't run then there will be a huge fight on the Dem side. Cuomo as moderate and a bunch of bat shit crazy libs.
Rahm can raise money and the media love him. That alone would make him a formidable candidate. He's more qualified than Obama was.
Rahm can raise money and the media love him. That alone would make him a formidable candidate. He's more qualified than Obama was.
If Rahm wins, whichever SNL cast member that portrays him throughout his term should always be naked and wet, jabbing and pointing, no matter what the context is.
Rahm has lots of problems in Chicago, the most important of which is that the city is broke and getting broker.
He wants a job where you can solve your brokeness by printing money.
Stop the Presses! I agree with Crack!
A Hillary-Rahm matchup would be entertaining.
Althouse-Rahm matchup.
Episode 1 excerpt shows Rahm as Obama adviser on auto and bank bailouts, and I'm thinking that isn't a recommendation that would swing my vote to him.
Cuomo, Rahm... how come nobody ever mentions Biden? Is he that big of a joke, even amongst the Dems?
Fiscal mess is at state level and not just Chicago
Poor Illinois: Lousy credit — and now a 'reputation risk premium'
Add California, Pennsylvania, Michigan, other?
I could see Hillary not running, and selling her support to another Democrat, in exchange for a significant appointment for Chelsea.
I can see her putting off making a decision, or indeed, announcing that she's running, fully intending on raising as much money as possible and then bowing out due to "health concerns".
The giveaway, which will be camouflaged under layers of deniability of course, would be to look at what money raised is available to the candidate of a failed campaign and that which is not, and watch the actions of her people with that in mind.
Seriously though, Rahm may have the name recognition, but he has a god awful record in Chicago not to mention the attitude and personal charisma of an anubis baboon. It would take some real magic from the Democrat campaign machine to make him electable (not that I doubt their immense power in that department).
Sharks won't bite Hillary. Professional courtesy and all that.
But she is a tired retread of all that's wrong with the current Democrat party. And the current Democrats won't be the "flavor of the month" in November 2016.
Based on her instincts back in 2008, I doubt that the professor could be wrong here.
Crack @ 10:23am,
You're definitely right about Hillary's mindset, but do suspect that physical reality might trump that.
. how come nobody ever mentions Biden? Is he that big of a joke, even amongst the Dems?
Yes. Next question.
Oh, darn, it's a metaphor.
Kirk Parker said...
Crack @ 10:23am,
You're definitely right about Hillary's mindset, but do suspect that physical reality might trump that.
What "physical reality" are you referring to?
She's running:
In an early look at the 2016 presidential race in Iowa, Secretary Clinton leads Gov. Christie 48 - 35 percent, reversing a 45 - 40 percent Christie lead December 17, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Secretary Clinton has substantial leads over other Republican contenders, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds:
• 49 - 39 percent over U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky;
• 51 - 35 percent over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas;
• 51 - 37 percent over former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.
. how come nobody ever mentions Biden? Is he that big of a joke, even amongst the Dems?
Yes. Next question.
The same Dems who claimed he was bringing "gravitas" to the ticket which made up for Obama's lack of experience.
And there's no way in Hell this country is going to elect another alumnus of the Chicago machine.
I saw former Secretary Clinton speak a few days ago. she stood about 15 feet away from the nearest teleprompter, so there could be no mistaking it, & used no notes. She told stories about her experience dealing with Putin, her experience being a female attorney in Arkansas, and otherwise about her experience. She was funny and relaxed. Her lapel mike went out and she didn't miss a beat in switching to a hand-held. She is staying in practice for campaigning.
Did she tell any cute stories about what she did to those women that threatened her and Bill by telling the truth?
she stood about 15 feet away from the nearest teleprompter
She does that in case she has to dodge sniper fire.
The Crack Emcee said...
She's running:
In an early look at the 2016 presidential race in Iowa, Secretary Clinton leads Gov. Christie 48 - 35 percent, reversing a 45 - 40 percent Christie lead December 17, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Secretary Clinton has substantial leads over other Republican contenders, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds:
• 49 - 39 percent over U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky;
• 51 - 35 percent over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas;
• 51 - 37 percent over former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.
3/13/14, 11:54 AM"
1-Your are right, she is running.
2-The polls you cite mean nothing.Hillary for better or worse has been in the public eyes for 23 years. None of the potential Republican candidates you mention is really on the public's radar right now. And Jeb is a Bush so he has that against him. Obama was a national nobody when he started and so for that matter was Bill Clinton.
So while Hillary is no ways tired come 2016 odds are the public will be tired of her and probably any Democrat. The Democrats campaigned in 2008 to fix the economy. The voters gave them a chance in 2008. Then they claimed the Republican's messed it up so bad that we need a second chance so the voters gave them the benefit of the doubt and gave them a second chance. Now here we are five years later and the economy still sucks and as long as the Democrats continue their economic policies the economy will still suck in 2016. It takes a lot of hope that the voters will give them a third chance.
Eleanor Clift is a reliable Clinton partisan. So I read this as an attempt to see how many people jump up to say "Oh no, please Hillary run for our sake!"* Kind of like having Caesar refuse the crown in full view of Rome.
* - I couldn't quite bring myself to write "...for the country's sake."
It takes a lot of hope that the voters will give them a third chance.
I didn't vote for Obama - twice - so I'm not a "hope" guy:
She'll run - and she'll win in a landslide.
So Sharks are also at war with women. I feel sorry for the sharks.
Aside from being psychotic, he is well qualified, If nominated, he will carry Washington, DC
She'll run - and she'll win in a landslide.
I disagree on both counts, we'll see who is right.
She told stories about her experience dealing with Putin, her experience being a female attorney in Arkansas, and otherwise about her experience.
Did she mention anything about being fired from the Watergate investigation team??
It's strange how "presumptive front-runner" Hillary got beat in 2008 by a junior Senator from Illinois that no one outside of the Democratic Party inner circles had ever heard of.
So, what's changed in the Democratic Party since then? That the left-wing despises the moderate wing? No. That the Democratic Party's manner of tabulating votes towards nomination favors challengers? No. That the Democrats & the country have had their black president & think it's time for a woman now? Yes, but, unlike the blacks, the womenfolk don't vote as a block, ever (e.g. remember Geraldine Ferraro?).
Always remember that in 2007, according to the pundits, it was going to be Giuliani vs Clinton. How'd that work out? It's tough business seeing the future.
The Crack Emcee said...
It takes a lot of hope that the voters will give them a third chance.
I didn't vote for Obama - twice - so I'm not a "hope" guy:
She'll run - and she'll win in a landslide.
3/13/14, 12:19 PM"
You could be right. Politics is usually hope over experience so there is always that possibility. Hillary is much more of an ideologue than Bill and possibly more than Obama and presumably more ruthless and competent than Obama. So if she does win or appears to be winning expect a tidal wave of capital flight out of the country. A lot of American money left in 2008/2009 and most of it hasn't returned yet. If the Democrats do ok in November and Hillary gets elected in 2016 expect a lot more money leaving the country. Money that isn't invested in the US doesn't create many jobs in the US.
Gotta agree with the landslide prediction. Maximum free stuff+first woman+slavish media hype=electoral victory. It'll suck for the country but it's something we'll have to get out of our system before we can move on.
"The word 'illegal' was strongly contested by Correct the Record’s Burns Strider, who called it 'horse sh—t.'"
To me there seems to be a qualitative difference between bullshit and horseshit. Bullshit is tendentious blather. Horseshit is a calculated lie.
I don't think of horses as being more devious than bulls.
"Campaigns are brutal & grueling marathons of physical exertion, as she knows from bitter experience. How many presidential candidates get into the race not realizing until it's too late the toll it takes on the lives of their families?"
Family? More like the Clinton Corporation...
Rahm obviously can't win, and Hillary reeks of estrogen.
Terry McAuliffe, however, could beat ANY GOP candidate. Absolutely. And I bet he's getting queued up to run.
(A) I find it impossible to believe someone who has spent their entire life preparing for a Presidential run will decide not to run when she would start as the favorite to win.
(B) I find Rahm unlikely due in part to A. He has no base outside the Clinton base.
(C) The far left wing will push Elizabeth Warren.
(D) The left wing of the party will push Martin O'Malley, who is every bit as left as Warren but with less of a paper trail.
(E) The moderates of the party will gather in the party room at the Georgetown Clyde's and lament that someone like Mark Warner doesn't have a chance.
Please. Let that toe-dancing pencil-neck with the bankrupt corpse-laden city run. Please.
I don't think Hillary realizes how much campaigning can cut into a busy drinking schedule...
After a botox makeover and an ankle liposuction, Hillary will be unstoppable.
"She told stories about her experience dealing with Putin..." Yeah, how'd that work out for us?
How'd her getting FIRED from the Watergate investigation work out for us?
How'd her nonexistence in the Senate work out for us?
How'd Benghazi work out for us?
She has a record of ZERO accomplishments and much posing. Running for President, she can't hide that anymore.
2 Chicago thugs in a row?
I predict a black woman will emerge from the cesspool of democrat politics to run for president in 2016. Lock up the minority and femail vote plus the rest of the imasculated while males in the party.
Rand Paul took Hillary out with his correct and justified comments about Bill.
Well done, sir.
The Cracker Emcee said...
Gotta agree with the landslide prediction. Maximum free stuff+first woman+slavish media hype=electoral victory. It'll suck for the country but it's something we'll have to get out of our system before we can move on.
I have no idea how A) Republicans think they can win by implying poor Americans - especially those made poor by America - are moochers looking for "free stuff" and B) helping Americans succeed in life will hurt the country overall.
It just makes no sense,...
The Crack Emcee said...
It just makes no sense,...
Well what really makes no sense is a woman with 5 (yes 5) free Obamaphones because she is "entitled" to them.
No, they were not for her family, they were all for her. She carried around 5 phones, because. This was part of a story on the news a few weeks ago about the rampant Obamaphone fraud.
But it is all good. It's not anybody's money. It is government money!
"Well what really makes no sense is a woman with 5 (yes 5) free Obamaphones because she is "entitled" to them."
And that one woman - to you - says something about the millions of blacks in America?
And you read it in the paper, huh?
Well, that says everything you need to know,...
So Crack, what is your idea of "justice"? What does it look like? What would it take to "turn your frown upside down"?
That's why it helps to actually know black people:
Makes it kinda hard to buy a lot of what you read,...
The Crack Emcee said...
I have no idea how A) Republicans think they can win by implying poor Americans - especially those made poor by America - are moochers looking for "free stuff"
regarding A). BS on the "America made them poor". That's really an embarrassing assertion.
And, many are moochers looking for "free stuff". They are owed free stuff 'cuz slavery and stuff.
BTW, white slaver traders wouldn't have lasted an hour inland from the African coast, so I wonder who delivered the slaves to the docks?
Oh I know black people. I just don't know a lot of "The Crack Emcee" kind of black people. The ones I know you would be calling uncle tom or sellout or some of those other wonderful names you save for blacks that don't agree with the things you say.
Can we all get along?
I wouldn't be surprised if Elizabeth Warren ran.
crack, you should read this. really.
Rahm has to get out of town, but the Dead Fish Tale guy is now a part of The Chicago Way - so he will not get past the convention.
But according to the all seeing, all knowing Maha-Rushi:
“I think it’s going to be Chris Christie,” Limbaugh said on his national program Tuesday.
“I think the contest in 2016, the Democrat side, is gonna be between Rahm Emanuel and Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie.”
"I have no idea how A) Republicans think they can win by implying poor Americans - especially those made poor by America - are moochers looking for "free stuff"
Lets see, dropping out of high school, America's fault. Having multiple kids with deadbeats, America's fault. Believe it or not it's not only minorities who are screw ups.
@Crack I don't see why I should pay for other people's child support. Deadbeats are moochers. Time to cut them off.
regarding A). BS on the "America made them poor". That's really an embarrassing assertion.
And, many are moochers looking for "free stuff". They are owed free stuff 'cuz slavery and stuff.
In 1962 - before the Civil Rights Act, etc. - 87% of whites didn't think there was anything unfair then either.
Some things never change,...
Lets see, dropping out of high school, America's fault.
Wasn't it America that had a rule if blacks learned to read they'd be killed? No, that couldn't have any ramifications today, could it?
Having multiple kids with deadbeats, America's fault.
Black women being raped by white men - in front of their husbands - and then having their kids sold away, never to be seen again. No, that couldn't have any ramifications today, could it?
Believe it or not it's not only minorities who are screw ups.
Oh, we agree, there.
@Crack I don't see why I should pay for other people's child support. Deadbeats are moochers. Time to cut them off.
I don't either - pay the estimated $100 Trillion dollars blacks are owed for their free labor during the crime of slavery and you're off the hook.
This country MADE the people you see before you - and they're Americans.
No one should have to suffer as blacks have and do.
Todd said...
Oh I know black people. I just don't know a lot of "The Crack Emcee" kind of black people. The ones I know you would be calling uncle tom or sellout or some of those other wonderful names you save for blacks that don't agree with the things you say.
The short version is just "Toms"
ecChief said...
crack, you should read this. really.
Nope - I know what my family says and it matches reality perfectly.
You want to argue with it, go ahead, but anyone calling it "phony" is off my radar.
I don't either - pay the estimated $100 Trillion dollars blacks are owed for their free labor during the crime of slavery and you're off the hook."
Well I ain't paying and no one else is stepping up to the plate so your choices are to hire the best collection lawyers in the universe or write off the debt. Or you can take payment in Zimbabwe Dollars. It's your choice.
Just writing the name of any Clinton give Eleanor Clift a hot flash.
Look out, Chelsea.
Well I ain't paying and no one else is stepping up to the plate,…
God, you guys are so uninformed it's criminal,...
You know, you wouldn't make even a ham sandwich out of a dead carcass like Eleanor Clift.
Why give her the linky-fruit?
The Crack Emcee said...
Well I ain't paying and no one else is stepping up to the plate,…
God, you guys are so uninformed it's criminal,...
3/13/14, 5:45 PM "
No I heard about this and it's slightly less delusional since how exactly are the Caricom countries going to effect the collection? The Europeans might throw some cash their way- it might assuage their feelings but real money? You have to be kidding if this is your basis of calling someone uniformed. Let us know when the Caricom invasion fleet is going to sailing up the Thames to collect the debt.
The Europeans might throw some cash their way- it might assuage their feelings but real money?
Bob, no amount of money can make up for what's happened - it's not even the point. The point is to give a damn.
And, somehow, just like with slavery, the English are probably going to be less sociopathic than white Americans.
But then, if they do, you can bet this country will be next,..
The Crack Emcee said...
In 1962 - before the Civil Rights Act, etc. - 87% of whites didn't think there was anything unfair then either.
Some things never change,...
Correct. The Meritocracy was in full force back then, and they saw what they saw, and said what they saw.
Nowadays, two things have changed. It is politically incorrect to notice how a 'meritocracy' affects Blacks, and, via their Liberal 'friends', Blacks are benefiting from the beating back of the Meritocracy itself.
Country not doing doing as well, though.
Country not doing doing as well, though.
How can it when you have so many whites defending the indefensible crime? We fight over things that could've and should've been settled over a century ago.
Racism in this country is off-the-charts,...
I wonder if Bubba thinks she's bossy.
that's all it took to get off your radar? damn, if I had only known weeks ago.
But seriously, try the veal and tip your waiter.
Think I will go make myself a Black Russian to celebrate
The Crack Emcee said...
Racism in this country is off-the-charts,..
Only if you define 'racism' as: Blacks continuing to not do too well in the Meritocracy (except sports).
Which is what I assume you are doing - redefining the word into meaninglessness, else your comment is ridiculous.
Only if you define 'racism' as: Blacks continuing to not do too well in the Meritocracy (except sports).
Which is what I assume you are doing - redefining the word into meaninglessness, else your comment is ridiculous.
Whatever - I've officially stopped caring what whites think. I'm now rooting for colorblind whites to meet equally colorblind blacks who rob them, rape them, cause them trouble in their daily lives, and basically act like whites.
Do I sound stupid?
Well, I'm just a dumb nigger anyway - nobody you smart conservatives have to listen to.
I just 6 "thugs" pistol whipped a blind man and raped his pregnant wife (or something)
I'm celebrating.
Good job, guys - the Republican Outreach Program is working EXACTLY as planned.
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbayah
Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Scott said...
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
"Bob, no amount of money can make up for what's happened - it's not even the point. The point is to give a damn."
My son didn't get a soda tonight at dinner. He had to drink water. This upset him. He decided he was going to pout in order to get his mother and me to give a damn. The more he pouted and whined and cried about it, the less of a damn we gave. And we made clear to him that a negative attitude is meant with negative consequences.
Like my son, Crack, you need to grow up. I don't plan to give a damn about anyone who screeches at me like you do.
Wait - didn't you leave out the part where you chopped off his dick and so, without a dick he couldn't pee, and that's the reason he was crying?
You guys make strange self-serving examples that have nothing to do with what whites have done to blacks.
We're just crying babies - nobody did shit to us.
That's why we're so damned happy.
You don't deserve a son.
And yes, I'm serious.
Unfeeling creeps with children are why this country has people like me railing against it - that's all slavery was:
Generations of unfeeling creeps with kids.
Piss ants of the realm.
You're welcome.
The Crack Emcee said...
I don't either - pay the estimated $100 Trillion dollars blacks are owed for their free labor during the crime of slavery and you're off the hook.
What, so that is your price for "justice"? $100 Trillion? Is that in 1700s dollars or today's dollars? Which "blacks" get a piece of the pie? Those that were actually slaves or is this like the Pigford thing and anyone "black" can play? Who determines who is legally "black" for inclusion in this class action?
Wait - didn't you leave out the part where you chopped off his dick and so, without a dick he couldn't pee, and that's the reason he was crying?
He didn't cut off anyone's dick, I didn't and no one I know did. No one you know cut any dicks or lost dicks. WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
We're just crying babies - nobody did shit to us.
Now we are making headway! "White" didn't do ANYTHING to YOU. You did all of whatever you are to YOURSELF! You made the choices that put you where you are today. You keep tilling at windmills, worst you are tilling at yesterday's windmills. You keep yelling about wanting whites to acknowledge their racism but admit it is racism they don't see but you do. Just maybe there is none to see and it is just people treating others good and bad as people do. Today shit happens. Some good and some bad. Some to blacks and some to whites. There is no grand conspiracy of evil white KKK members ruling everything. If you really, really want to do something to help blacks, take your own advice and admit that it is culture and that today's black culture does not support black success. With the help of liberal whites, black culture is currently designed to breed just the social conditions that we have today.
You want real change and real justice, work on that.
You keep tilling at windmills, worst you are tilling at yesterday's windmills.
If you till a windmill, what grows?
"White" didn't do ANYTHING to YOU. You did all of whatever you are to YOURSELF!
So I made the banks redline blacks? I made real estate agents limit where we could live? I refused to build grocery stores in black neighborhoods? I am responsible for police corruption and shit like Rodney King?
You're a moron.
Wow - no quick comeback for structural racism.
The Crack Emcee said...
Good job, guys - the Republican Outreach Program is working EXACTLY as planned.
Why the fuck does someone, in this day and age, have to "outreach"? Are you incapable of googling? Too lazy? What, then?
The Conservative (screw Republican) and Libertarian life-view is everywhere, and easily obtainable. Find it your own damn self.
Sitting back and waiting for 'outreach', is a good proxy for your whole problem.
Crack: So I made the banks redline blacks? I made real estate agents limit where we could live? I refused to build grocery stores in black neighborhoods? I am responsible for police corruption and shit like Rodney King?
Yes, by the very same standards you are holding whites to, all these things are your fault.
Even moreso, because you were alive when they happened (unlike the whites here you blame for slavery and racism).
The Crack Emcee said...
So I made the banks redline blacks?
The banks were correct to not make loans to folks with little chance of paying them back, regardless of their color. Do you not understand that basic principle of human nature and economics?
I made real estate agents limit where we could live?
People want to live in nice and safe neighborhoods. Typically, those are neighborhoods where people respect each other, and law and order. Not places where the operative vibe is "snitches get stitches", and everyone hates on the police.
I refused to build grocery stores in black neighborhoods?
Have you SEEN the grocery stores in black neighborhoods? They exist, and they are dangerous places. Why would any sane businessman build there? Fix the neighborhood first. Then the stores will come.
I am responsible for police corruption and shit like Rodney King?
Ah, the old "as long as there is corruption anywhere, I'm going to use that fact of human nature as cop-out." canard. Nice excuse. One can use it forever.
And a Rodney King-like beat down happens multiple times each day, black on black. Concern yourself with those. Heal thyself.
You're a moron.
Congratulations on using the correct form of "you are". It's a start.
Defenders of racism unite!
You really shouldn't comment on social issues until you understand the difference between correlation and causation.
Just about every one of your comments demonstrates that you decidedly do not.
School never ends, Crack. You at least know that, don't you?
Rahm for President!
Because what the country really needs is a sleazy insider who will give huge amounts of public funds to private interests.
(Chicago is giving De Paul University $125M for a new basketball arena. Why not? It's not as though the city has anything better to spend the money on, right?)
If Emanuel ran - it would be interesting. He would be only the second Jewish candidate (AFAIK). He would also be the only candidate whose father was a member of the Irgun. I suspect that would trigger meltdown on the hairy Left.
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