March 4, 2014

Sarah Palin gender-bullies Barack Obama.

"People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil... They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates."


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Chris Lopes said...


Exactly. This was a thread discussing how Caribou Barbie hurt the feelings of the supposedly most powerful man in the world by pointing out how she saw something coming that he missed completely. But GM, doing his "Look Squirrel!" routine, has hijacked the thread because he knows there is no real way to defend the "she hurt him by telling the truth" idea.

SGT Ted said...


The language of pussies.

SGT Ted said...

Garage has to ignore the fact that ALL construction jobs are temporary to validate his point.

Why does Garage hate the workers that would have work with the Keystone pipeline? I thought Democrats were FOR workers.

Oh, that's right, they are not. They just PRETEND to be for actual workers, for money, votes and power.

When any leftists agenda goes against the interests of actual workers looking to put food on the table, workers always lose.

Titus said...

I am a slave to fashion. I would be interested in seeing the Obama mom jeans.

What 50 year old "straight" man doesn't wear mom jeans?

I mean, it would be kind of gay if they wore something other than mom jeans.

I love it when Palin straps on the knee high leather boots. As she said she is the rack and the unemployed thing she is married to is the gun.

Titus said...

I am still in a state of shock, like underemployed scientist chick, who lives in a science hub for jobs, that the rest of the country didn't love Palin like I did.

She was totally screwed.

The good news for Sarah, is the field is wide open in 2016, man up bitch!

Drago said...

garage: "I said 35 permanent jobs, and my link highlighted the portion from the State Dept."

Yes, because when it comes to estimating private job creation, we should always turn first to the US State Dept!


Truly. Industrial. Grade. Stupid.

This free market thing, it didn't turn out too well for garage, did it?

Not to worry garagie. Uncle sugar is busy changing the rules so you don't have to succeed at anything to get even more free stuff.

Drago said...

Titus: "I am a slave to fashion."

Stop the dog whistling to Crack!!

garage mahal said...

This free market thing, it didn't turn out too well for garage, did it?

I would bet money it turned out better for me than it did for you.

Drago said...

garage: "I would bet money it turned out better for me than it did for you."


I'm sure you would.

Which is why you are where you are.


Drago said...

BTW, remember when garage and all the lefties were crowing about how that fantastic stimulus plan full of "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs was going to save the day?!


Then the garage's of the world are "surprised" to find that lefty shovel ready jobs really don't exist.

But then when a real non-gov't construction project pops up that would yield real value to America, suddenly garagie and pals are not so excited.

Gee, one can only wonder why....

garage mahal said...

Which is why you are where you are.

Precisely. And you are where you are.

George M. Spencer said...


I think you should do a Sarah Palin story every day.

Brings out the best in people.

Drago said...

garage: "Precisely. And you are where you are."


Today's it St Louis.

Friday it will be Houston.

Next week Philly and Houston again.

Theres little thing known as "value" garage.

Some deliver it.

You ain't part of that "some".

Just calm down now, snag some more of the gov't cheese and just head out to your fishin' hole.

We all have our roles to play.

furious_a said...

It's frankly uncomfortable for all concerned when a manifestly unqualified affirmative action hire like Obama doesn't work out.

Bless his heart, the poor man is so in over his head.

Paul said...

Speaking the TRUTH is not 'bullying' unless you speak the truth about a black president who is clueless.

Then it's more like racist!

And it's not gender bullying she did to him either.

Obama is being pussywhipped.

urpower said...

Palin's point is the global perception that Obama is less forceful than Putin. It isn't a personal attack coming from her. As every gay man knows, the theater of masculinity, however contrived, is very influential, and one leaves the house in mom jeans mostly when it's her house you're leaving...

cubanbob said...

Titus as a gay man aren't you offended that Sarah Palin has far more manly attributes than President Mom Jeans?

Regarding Garage's observation of only 35 permanent jobs even if for the sake of discussion we took that as true it's still a larger number of permanent jobs than Obama's taxpayer funded Solyndra has produced. Indeed more than his stimulus, son of stimulus and cash for clunkers has produced and the Keystone pipeline isn't going to cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I done told ya once I ain't never gonna tell ya no more."

The Unracist, will having found Kid Rock, rejoice.

Not as if "Sweet Is The Melody" is still capitalized up in here.

But You Know His Name Is Rock.

You Know His Name Is Rock.

You Know His Name Is Rock.

You Know His Name is Rock.

You Know His Name Is Rock.

K I D is the name. (From the get go)

David R. Graham said...

For background on what Sarah Palin, without knowing it, spoke in this instance, consider this. Very long but very informed.

Rusty said...

"But then when a real non-gov't construction project pops up that would yield real value to America, suddenly garagie and pals are not so excited.

Gee, one can only wonder why...."

'Cause you actually have to have, you know, marketable skills. An. like, show up on time an, like , do what the boss guy says an know how to stuff without being told an shit.

Brian Brown said...

Dr Weevil said...

Again we must ask: is GM really that stupid, or is someone paying him to repeat lies that even he must realize are not even close to plausible?

Yes, he's really that stupid.

It actually isn't an act.

Jack Klompus said...

As mostly a lurker I have to say I find, of all the commenters, garage mahal the most entertaining. It's pretty astonishing how one individual can be so painfully stupid and such an arrogant fucking asshole to the core all in one fell swoop.

Jack Klompus said...

That's because GM is painfully stupid and a raging fucking asshole of a human being.

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