March 9, 2014

"Actually, the jeans the president wore in the Oval Office, talking to Putin on the phone last weekend, looked good."

Enthuses Maureen Dowd, in response to Sarah Palin's statement that our President — unlike Putin — is the "one who wears mom jeans."

This focus on a man's pants. Where have we seen that? Oh, yes, it was NYT columnist David Brooks — putting the avid in David:
I remember distinctly an image of — we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant... and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.
Here's the picture with Obama in jeans (and a work shirt with rolled-up sleeves) upon which Dowd must have cast her female gaze.

Dowd's pep talk for Democrats ends with this lame enthusiasm:
If the Republicans win the Senate, they’ll get in and find out they can’t pass legislation either. Then they’ll look bad just in time to help make a Democratic presidential candidate look good.
Even NYT readers aren't buying the cheer. 2 comments from over there:
If the GOP takes the Senate then President Obama will be impeached, convicted and removed from office. Why? Because they want to. On what grounds? Because they want to.

They will be able to pass bills all day long what are you talking about? Obama can veto said bills sure. In fact, America watching Obama veto bill after bill would ensure a Republican win in 2016.
I think the impeachment scenario is highly unlikely. It wouldn't help the GOP. They'd seem irrational and aggressive. The second scenario is about right. A GOP-controlled Congress will serve up exactly the sort of legislation that will frame the best issues for 2016. Even as Democrats today are trying to move immigration reform and income inequality to the center of the political stage, the GOP will have its choices to make. It will be interesting to see what they pick. Return gun regulation and marijuana policy to the states? Sensible-seeming, woman's-health-related abortion restrictions? What would work best to set up the 2016 presidential race?


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Birkel said...

"In person, most of you would already have been beat to a pulp for some of the shit y'all say about blacks. And rightfully so."

It's been tried before. Good luck.

Meanwhile, I want my one square mile of the continental US. Your moral authority is lacking.

Gahrie said...

We've had enough.

So what exactly are you going to do?

Jazzizhep said...


"We've had enough."

LOL...I missed the election where you were chosen to speak for all blacks. My educated ex-wife (masters in comparative literature) would disagree and label you just another one of the vast number of sheeple following the democratic party. Nothing you have said is original and thought provoking. You just spout tired placard philosophy, and you claim you are patient while trying to show us what minorities think. Save us the trouble, we can listen to Rev Al or Rev Jesse anytime (not that we need to, God knows we have heard it all before).

"you'll be hopeless with the black people I know"

Probably correct, many of my friends, whom you might call Oreos or Uncle Toms, feel hopeless talking to parrots of the democratic party.

The Crack Emcee said...

Birkel said...
"In person, most of you would already have been beat to a pulp for some of the shit y'all say about blacks. And rightfully so."

It's been tried before. Good luck.

As long as you're admitting I'm right, don't care - you're an asshole and I'm sorry they weren't more successful. Maybe next time.

And seeing how you are, there'll be a next time,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Here's a white comedian telling you guys what's what wrong with you.

You ought check it out.

The Crack Emcee said...

Here's an even better clip - it's on internet racism.

Birkel said...

Any time, big man.

Birkel said...

I love the way a black man can tell a Native American about race.

Jazzizhep said...

If I were an African-American, I would probably not threaten violence against white people while claiming white people stereotype and discriminate. It seems a little counterproductive. But hey, as Crack has stated before, I am not that smart and have trouble with comprehension.

Shouting Thomas said...


Your major problem is that you're too lazy to get an education and a job.

Why don't you try solving that problem?

That's actually within your reach.

Birkel said...

I do so love being called an ass hole by... well... about as big an internet ass hole and bully as anybody could hope to meet!

That's some funny bull shit.

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack is just the same as Martin Luther King, Jr., guys.

Well, excepting that he's just a loony guy sitting in front of a computer in a rented room.

And he has no education.

No job.


Gahrie said...

And he has no education.

No job.


Of course not...Whitey took all that from him.......

Jazzizhep said...

Nothing says tolerance like saying you should rightfully get the shit kicked out of you. We bow at the patience you show towards us Crack. If everybody was as understanding as you, the world would be a much nicer place.

The Crack Emcee said...

Really? Saying you're assholes worthy of an ass kicking is bad? Here's how you guys look:

1. Experimentation During Slavery

In the 1800s, Dr. McDowell successfully performed the removal of an ovarian tumor, a dangerous and radical surgery which he perfected on slaves. (23) In 1800, hundreds of slaves, including two hundred slaves of Thomas Jefferson, were inoculated with smallpox to test the safety of a new vaccine. (24) Dr. Crawford Long, probably the first physician to use ether agent as a general anesthetic, conducted a large percentage of his early experiments on slaves. (25) To determine which medication would allow a person to withstand high temperatures, Dr. Thomas Hamilton placed slaves in an open-pit oven which was constructed to contain heat with only the slaves' heads above ground. (26) Dr. Walter F. Jones used a group of slaves to test a remedy for typhoid pneumonia which involved pouring five gallons of boiling water on the spinal column. (27) Slaves actually suspected physicians of killing slaves or letting them die for purposes of dissection. (28) While these rumors were never documented, slaves' bodies were dug up and sold to medical schools. (29) Dr. Alexander Somervail, after accidentally discovering how to relieve the suppression of urine, tested his theory on other Black patients. (30) Robert Jennings is credited with the development of a successful vaccination against typhoid infection that resulted from his successful experimentation on thirty slaves and free Blacks. (31) Dr. P.C. Spencer, who gained notoriety with his discovery of an efficient and relatively safe technique for treating painful bladder stones, perfected his technique by performing the painful experimental surgery on slaves. (32) Dr. Marion Sims--considered the father of gynecological surgery--perfected the techniques for gynecological surgery on slaves. (33) He addicted the women to narcotics in order to sedate and immobilize them post-operatively. (34) Furthermore, he performed the surgery repeatedly on the same women.

The white race deserves an ass kicking for merely letting that shit happen.

RecChief said...

"Off our backs, out of our pockets, and out of our bedrooms" is an idea whose time has come.

Shouting Thomas said...

Another incredibly dumb post by Crack.

Crack, why don't you find something to do with your time instead of this bullshit?

Shouting Thomas said...

When Crack pretends to "scholarship," he's especially hilarious.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oh, well, I'm going to bed Crackster.

I've got things to do tomorrow. Actual people to see.

You gonna be here all night? Most likely, huh?

Chef Mojo said...

Just enjoying my bourbon and my book, while watching Crack getting flogged off to the side.

Flogged? Oh. Wait. I'm so sorry. That was quite insensitive of me.

I'll go back to reading my book. Rice and Slaves: Ethnicity and the Slave Trade in Colonial South Carolina, by Daniel C. Littlefield, which I'm sure can be purchased through the Althouse Amazon portal.

Jazzizhep said...

Who said it was bad? I believe I said we should bow in deference to your tolerance Crack.

I am amazed, and humbled, at the timeliness and wisdom of your arguments. Who can possibly disagree that I should be punished because of what a doctor did in the 1800's? How did we, as a society, ever progress without holding all subsequent generations accountable for the sins of their fathers.

Please regale us with more of your wisdom. How far should we go back? The Egyptians invaded Israel. Israelites took Palestine. Babylonians took Israel. Persians invaded the Mediterranean. Alexander invaded Persia. Romans invaded everybody. Franks took Rome. Moors invaded Spain. Crusaders invaded the Middle East. Norseman invaded the British Isles. Britain invaded the Normans. The Normans invaded the Brittons. The British, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch took North and South America, India, and Africa. Each conquering State took wealth, killed millions, and took slaves.

Perhaps if Africans would reimburse Jews for removing them from Israel, we can discuss all subsequent injustices.

RecChief said...

It's fascinating that some people claim that one group wants to "take us back in time" and then go on to talk about how good things were when Unions held sway over the American economy (the '50s) or use a political speech regarding one candidate specific candidate (1964) as the basis for the last 50 years. passing strange.

Anonymous said...

"Blacks are here with their abusers - supposedly our countrymen - who deny anything worth mentioning ever happened while we wallow in poverty. How about those pre-Nazi medical experiments, gentlemen? Where do they fit in your conception of the country?"

There are several great things about America that makes this complete and utter nonsense.

1) You can leave. Like a battered spouse, leave. Get away. Go somewhere your abuser is not. If whites all over the world will do the same to you, go somewhere there aren't any whites, or so few they aren't worth mentioning.

2) You can create your own society here in the United States, virtually free of white people. Go some place like North Dakota where no one lives, form your own community without the evil, white racists, make your own rules and regulations, and live happy lives apart from your abusers.

Or I suppose choice 3

Go online and bitch, whine, moan and complain even though you know that's not going to get you anywhere. I'm sure it's cathartic though.

Anonymous said...

"The white race deserves an ass kicking for merely letting that shit happen."

This is why I so vehemently defend our second amendment rights. Because he means it, people.

And you'd be surprised, but there are a lot of Democrats out there who think exactly that. If they could put us in camps tomorrow, they would.

The Crack Emcee said...


If they could put us in camps tomorrow, they would.

And, just like the Nazis, you'll never look at yourself and ask why.

The Crack Emcee said...

Really, how many times will the Right get busted for racism before you guys decide it's got to stop?

The Crack Emcee said...

Oh - I forgot:

You've got to have free speech - always about blacks.

We notice.

Chef Mojo said...

Really, how many times will the Right get busted for racism before you guys decide it's got to stop?

I dunno, Crack. You tell me. Maybe the right just really doesn't give a rat's ass. When it comes down to it, why should they? Really, Crack. Why should they? Blacks won't vote for them, regardless, and you can't show me any proof that they would. What's in it for the Right?

Look, maybe it's time for you to just man up and go all Marcus Garvey, and start your own version of the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Go independent. Y'all are gonna call us whites racist no matter what we do, because there'll always be some other grievance down the line. Whitey could hand over half the US GDP to blacks, and three months later they'd be screaming "racist" over something or another. So what's the use? What's in it for me?

Or you could just get over it, finally assimilate, let bygones be bygones, shut the fuck up and then vote your conscience. Simple, really.

In the meantime, you can bellow "racist" at me all you please. The word, in yours and others hands, has devolved to something akin to "poopyhead," with just about the same amount of sturm und drang. In fact, "sturm und drang" perfectly describes your postings here over the last few years.

Chef Mojo said...

Or the right could paraphrase Bill Cosby: "What have you done for us lately?"

Jazzizhep said...

Eric said;

"If they could put us in camps tomorrow, they would."

Crack replied;

"And, just like the Nazis, you'll never look at yourself and ask why."

I know it is my lack of comprehension, but your statement makes no sense. My understanding of history, as meager as it may be, is that the Nazi's sent people, mostly Jews, to camps. So are you saying Eric should ask why the Dems would send him (Repubs) to camp, or should the Dems ask themselves why they are sending conservatives to camps (just as the German people should have asked)?

Anonymous said...

"Really, how many times will the Right get busted for racism before you guys decide it's got to stop?"

Racism comes from the Left, not the Right.

Unless you're considering yourself Right, in which case, there is a whole lotta Racism coming from you. Your hatred of all things White is the Racist I've seen anyone in my lifetime (Except for maybe some thing Louis Farrakhan has said).

Anonymous said...

"I dunno, Crack. You tell me. Maybe the right just really doesn't give a rat's ass. When it comes down to it, why should they? Really, Crack. Why should they? Blacks won't vote for them, regardless, and you can't show me any proof that they would. What's in it for the Right?"

It's actually very confusing but you make a good point. I mean, what's in it for me?

I don't even know when I'm supposed to notice and when I'm not. College application? I'm supposed to take into account skin color. Crime rate? Racist!

It's a no win situation. The only reason to bother is to use people and get them to vote for your party. Pretend like you care, and they'll fawn all over you.

sdharms said...

Any jeans he wears look like mom jeans. He doesn't wear clothes well. He looks effeminate. He is a sissy and looks like one. A real man has shoulders, and muscles. Obama couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper sack. He isn't smart. Finally Jindal said it. He is ridiculous and embarrassing to this country. The world ridicules him. He is half white. He is a liar and has been his entire life. It comes easy. He is a con man. I want to see him humiliated so he will never appear in public life again.

Unknown said...

Really nice to see the full update here. I always want to see this type of post all the time.
Obgen el camino

Rusty said...

Nothing says tolerance like saying you should rightfully get the shit kicked out of you.

Every loser on the internet is a mall ninja.

Birkel said...

Given the list of grievances The Crack Emcee has, I have devised a clever strategy for returning him to the Republican Party:

1) Build a time machine
2) ???
3) Victory!

Or, since history cannot be changed, I can let The Crack Emcee continue his quixotic efforts to convince me to be guilty for things I did not do and cannot undo.

It's a puzzler.
Which of those two options is easiest?

MattL said...

somefeller: Thoughtful conservatism died with Bill Buckley.

LOL. In 20 (30?) years, leftists will be saying the same thing except using Limbaugh's name. Are leftists really as ignorant as their statements imply or do they just want to silence conservatives by any means necessary? It's the old stupid or evil conundrum. Maybe someday we'll get a definitive answer.

A nostalgic blast from the past...somefeller's ideal of thoughtful conservatism:

“Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I’ll sock you in you goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered.”
-- Thoughtful conservative, William F. Buckley, Jr.

Anonymous said...

I am certain that MoDo would have made the comment -herself- about Obama wearing 'mom jeans' if BHO happened to be a conservative.

RonF said...

Should we be so fortunate as to gain a Senate made up of a majority of RINO + Tea Party folks, I'd like to see them agree with the Democrats that we need more diversity on the Supreme Court - and, on that basis, refuse to approve any more nominations of judges or lawyers who went to Harvard or Yale (or any other Ivy League) law school.

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