"The fact that this crime, one of six hundred and thirty-six murders in New York City that year, became an American obsession—condemned by mayors and Presidents, puzzled over by academics and theologians, studied in freshman psychology courses, re-created in dozens of research experiments, even used four decades later to justify the Iraq war—can be attributed to the influence of one man, A. M. Rosenthal, of the New York
wrote Nicolas Lemann in The New Yorker.
... The manufacturing of the thirty-eight-witnesses myth had generally benign social effects. Yet there are many examples in which tendentious public renderings of violence have set off more, and worse, violence. (Many of the lynchings in the South during the Jim Crow era were undertaken to avenge a crime that the mob, confirmed in its rage by the local press, felt certain had taken place.) The real Kitty Genovese syndrome has to do with our susceptibility to narratives that echo our preconceptions and anxieties. So the lesson of the story isn’t that journalists should trust their gut, the way Abe Rosenthal did. Better to use your head.
ADDED: In 3 months and 2 days,
Winston Moseley was convicted of the murder and sentenced to death. He's still alive:
Moseley became eligible for parole in 1984. During his first parole hearing, Moseley told the parole board that the notoriety he faced due to his crimes made him a victim also, stating, "For a victim outside, it's a one-time or one-hour or one-minute affair, but for the person who's caught, it's forever."At the same hearing, Moseley claimed he never intended to kill Genovese and that he considered her murder to be a mugging because "[...] people do kill people when they mug them sometimes." The board denied his request for parole.
What terrible arguments! Mosely has been denied parole 17 times.
Another case of non-fiction being the best fiction written. Ho hum. Truman Capote call home.
"Many of the lynchings in the South during the Jim Crow era were undertaken to avenge a crime that the mob, confirmed in its rage by the local press, felt certain had taken place."
And then they sold postcards to the crowds.
Or had George Zimmerman over - as guest of honor - to sign autographs,...
All I know is here in Texas there are over 600,000 CHL pistol packers. We have had CHL holders defend others who were strangers to them. So while it COULD happen, I doubt it.
But in NYC, with gun bans, impossible to get CCW, and demonizing of guns, well you still have the potential of another Kitty Genovese.
Ah yes, commemorations.
So even back when the New York Times was the newspaper of record, the Gray Lady, it was spinning the news. It's not just a recent innovation.
So even back when the New York Times was the newspaper of record, the Gray Lady, it was spinning the news.
Two words, Walter Duranty.
He also escaped and held people hostage, which was far worse that his poor arguments at his hearing.
George Zimmerman was black enough to be discriminated against under Jim Crow.
How many lynchers were flat on their back, having their head pounded by the lynch-victim?
This aspect doesn't get discussed:
"[Winston Moseley] escaped during a transfer to a hospital in Buffalo in 1968, took five people hostage and raped a woman in front of her husband before surrendering to police."
I worked a summer at the AG's office in Buffalo, where one of the older lawyers told me that Moseley shoved a broken bottle up his ass so that they would have to transfer him to the hospital. We went on a field trip to Attica Prison, where the warden told us that no one had ever escaped. I asked him about Moseley, but the warden said that he escaped from the hospital. That was bullshit. Moseley's plan was to escape from the prison using the broken bottle up-the-ass to do it.
Obviously, a seriously bad dude.
What terrible arguments! Mosely has been denied parole 17 times.
Has Moseley's sentence expired? Has he served all his time? All the miserable POS need do is show a modicum of remorse...but no!
And people seriously argue that these guys need their voting rights back.
weirdly, I just mentioned Kitty Genovese in the other thread on NYC.
I didn't know much about the case, and am surprised (pleasantly) to learn that Kitty's story was so poorly told.
Yet her name is still joined with the "bystander effect" in popular memory.
Is a mis-remembered story that might reduce the bystander effect a good thing?
chickenlittle said...
Has he served all his time
If you're sentenced to death how can your time be served?
This is why I'm fine with the death penalty. No matter how certain the proof or horrible the crime you can rest assured at some point some well meaning idiot(s) will change the rules so he can get out.
I do think we should actually make sure people are guilty before we sentence them though.
SJ said...
George Zimmerman was black enough to be discriminated against under Jim Crow.
How many lynchers were flat on their back, having their head pounded by the lynch-victim?
How many lynchers can pull a gun while flat on their back - when the gun is in a holster that places the gun behind him?
Zimmerman has been deemed culturally "white" by his own actions.
Culture trumps politics.
Whites love him - for killing a black kid - you can have him.
Personally, the idea of a neighborhood watch - who carries a gun but can't fight - is asking to kill somebody.
So the lesson of the story isn’t that journalists should trust their gut, the way Abe Rosenthal did. Better to use your head.
Poor ol' Nicky L.'s really pissing in the wind on that wish!
Truthiness, aka "trusting their gut", is now the rule rather than the exception in reporting. Case in point: NPR's "Morning Edition" on Monday & Tuesday had reports on protests in Florida against the state's "Stand Your Ground" laws. The reporter referenced the Zimmerman & Dunn trials as examples of the law even though neither trial invoked "Stand Your Ground" laws for the defense. The NPR reporter simply took the tendentious claims of the protest organizers & ran with them.
I attended school with her brother Frank in New Canaan, CT. In the late 60's- early 70's.
In addition to the loss of his sister, Frank's brother lost both legs in Vietnam.
This is why I'm fine with the death penalty.
It's been pointed out that one out of nine people on death row are found innocent - the vast majority blacks.
Would you fly if those were the odds of your plane going down?
Zimmerman has been deemed culturally "white" by his own actions.
If black men killing black men made somebody white, there'd be a whole lot more honkies in this country made each & every day.
That's a stupid thing to say, even by your standards, crack.
The Crack Emcee said...
Zimmerman has been deemed culturally "white" by his own actions.
Culture trumps politics.
Whites love him - for killing a black kid - you can have him.
The great and powerful Crack speaks his words of wisdom for all to read!
So which is it Crack? Do "whites" hate "blacks" or "black culture"? If "black culture" then do "whites" hate other "whites" that embrace black culture? Inquiring minds want to know!
I dare anyone to defend it.
Go on - try.
This is a racist slave country that still hasn't learned it's lessons,...
The Crack Emcee said...
This is a racist slave country that still hasn't learned it's lessons,...
What makes you say that? Because they were sentenced to prison OVER 30 years ago or because they were recently released?
I keep telling you guys you don't understand culture or history.
You still believe the lie of America.
I know you're not racists - I really do - but until you grasp this is a white-majority racist culture (because whites don't do the work and insist on not seeing race") you do and say racist things.
The original story 50 years ago erred by using the word "watched."
No, 38 people did not actually watch Kitty Genovese's murder from beginning to end.
But 38 people heard or saw something of the attack and not one of them called the police or offered any meaningful assistance to the young girl. At least 12 people saw some part of the attack, and 20 others heard part of the attack and knew something bad was occurring on the street below their windows.
"Witnessed" versus "watched".
Not much of a difference.
Please, there really are other interesting aspects to this story. It needs not be a repeat of Crack v. Everyone on the subject of race.
I knew about the Kitty Genovese story before, but this is the first I've heard that the popular story is largely discredited. It's also the first I've heard that the murderer was black, FWIW.
The Crack Emcee said...
I keep telling you guys you don't understand culture or history.
You still believe the lie of America.
I know you're not racists - I really do - but until you grasp this is a white-majority racist culture (because whites don't do the work and insist on not seeing race") you do and say racist things.
Thank you for that (at least) but then honestly, what is your excuse? You say "we" are ignorantly racist but you are willfully racist. Why is that and which is worst?
So which is it Crack? Do "whites" hate "blacks" or "black culture"?
Like the French, who also claim to be colorblind but can't even print the word "black" in the newspaper, they hate the other. I don't care if it's me or my culture, they're wrong.
White culture has caused all this.
If "black culture" then do "whites" hate other "whites" that embrace black culture? Inquiring minds want to know!
I've seen LOTS of whites hating whites who embrace black culture - ask Eminem, or the guys in Third Base, or Macklemore.
The only white guy who ever caught shit from blacks for it is Vanilla Ice.
We can't stand whites who fake the funk.
What makes you say that? Because they were sentenced to prison OVER 30 years ago or because they were recently released?
With this country's history, there shouldn't be a death penalty.
The Germans don't have one after the Holocaust. The idea of killing Jews - any Jews - is sickening to them.
Americans - especially white Americans - should feel the same way:
You shame yourselves with keeping these attitudes - and this sick culture they thrive in - alive.
This is a racist slave country that still hasn't learned it's lessons,...
If that is true, the smart move would be to leave and go find a bteer country to live in in Africa.
I keep telling you guys you don't understand culture or history.
No, crack, that's the problem for you---we do know our history.
We know that, as bad as American history has treated black people, the rest of the world treated not only its slaves, but often its own free peoples, much worse. History is "the slaughter bench of peoples". You want us to gaze on the American black experience and be appalled, but we who know about the Soviet Union, Communist China, the Nazis occupation of eastern Europe, slavery in the ancient world or the Muslim world know that mankind has done far, far worse than anything in the American experience, blacks included.
If blacks are waiting for white Americans to achieve sainthood in this life before getting their shit together, they're going to be waiting a long, long, time. Be grateful to be American & work with what you've got.
I read this story a few weeks ago and was amazed at the poor reporting that became such a legendary crime. Especially the secret she had (gay) and the neighbor man who ran out the fire escape thinking it was an anti-gay killer. Way more interesting than fiction.
Sorry, other than Eminem, I don't know them but that is because I don't like Rap at all, don't matter who is doing it. I am more of a Jazz and Rock man myself.
What does Zimmerman have to do with Kitty Genovese?
Don't feed the troll and if you want to engage, please do it at his site.
Thank you for that (at least) but then honestly, what is your excuse? You say "we" are ignorantly racist but you are willfully racist. Why is that and which is worst?
I keep ignoring you because you're late to the party and I'm not going to keep repeating myself - unless it's to press for change.
I am using a tactic - calling whites "white" as they call blacks "black" - because that's the only way to make you see the racism.
Unfortunately, some of you only want to dwell on me and not the culture I'm riffing on.
So to demonstrate the racism, you are being racist? That is like mugging people to highlight crime. You don't fix the sin by being a sinner. As a case in point, how is it working for you so far?
I'm too young to remember the murder, and wasn't familiar with its association with the bystander effect. But just today, I came across a video of a "prank" where a guy pretends to rob another guy at an ATM. Eventually, a bystander gives the fake perp a very bloody nose, which is probably better than he deserved.
This is one of the more interesting race-centric blogs I read.
Part of the "national conversation" we're supposed to have.
A conversation I suspect will last about six more generations, and not a single new idea will have been presented in that time.
Gahrie said...
This is a racist slave country that still hasn't learned it's lessons,...
If that is true, the smart move would be to leave and go find a bteer country to live in in Africa.
No, we prefer squeezing you, until you go somewhere else or apologize.
The Crack Emcee said...
I keep ignoring you because you're late to the party and I'm not going to keep repeating myself - unless it's to press for change.
So, because I missed whenever you made your point (me being late to the party) you are happy to come across as a racist, militant, online bully than explain yourself when specifically asked to?
Again, how is that working for you?
YoungHegelian said...
No, crack, that's the problem for you---we do know our history.
Then why do so many white Americans always get it wrong?
BTW - nobody's "waiting for white Americans to achieve sainthood"
That's why we push you,...
Todd: Again, how is that working for you [The Crack Emcee]?
He's an Internet troll derailing threads and getting lots of responses, so I'd say pretty well.
Oh, well. Thread hijacked. No interesting discussion henceforth.
@MattL, the shame if it is that this is exactly the type of conversation we need to have, preferably of beers but the Cracks of the world never come to the table honest. They would rather be right than make things right.
Todd said...
Sorry, other than Eminem, I don't know them but that is because I don't like Rap at all, don't matter who is doing it. I am more of a Jazz and Rock man myself.
You're out of it. To quote the great and very-white/Jewish Bill Adler:
"That was always the thing. It was one of the advantages of not being a teenager when hip hop came around is that I could hear the roots of it in everything I grew up loving. The appeal to me was that it sounded so rooted. I’d been listening to the Last Poets for a dozen years by the time the first rap records came out – and Gil Scott-Heron as well. I’d been listening to Chic and Queen and James Brown. If those are the things that you’d been listening to prior to the emergence of the first rap records well then rap didn’t sound so alien at all. It was charming. It was certainly an infusion of new energy. But it didn’t sound alien.
What was also always compelling to me about the pioneering generation of rappers was that it was DIY. Because they all came out on indie labels, some of them hadn’t previously recorded at all. Nobody was cultivating them, they cultivated themselves; everything that they did spoke of their confidence of their own ability. And so that was always very inspirational. It was always about, we’re gonna make it ourselves. We don’t need anybody else. The idea was we’ll put on our own concerts, we’ll make art and put on our own art shows, we’ll publish our own books, we’ll release our own records. So all of that stuff to me was second nature and I saw it in the early rap.
I’d say the reason that hip hop became very, very popular was because it was wonderful, kind of intrinsically. You couldn’t beat the music. Before I got involved, before there was a Def Jam, let’s not forget that one of the first rap records made, “Rapper’s Delight,” was an international hit. That’s a record that charted in a dozen countries. And it was odd formally. Not only were people not singing they were rapping, but the thing was 15-minutes long. And even so it was a giant international hit. I think that rap kind of burst onto the international scene when, whatever its intrinsic strengths, there also wasn’t much to compete with it. Rock n’ roll per se had really run out of gas. If it’s the early ‘80s and if you’re watching MTV or listening to so-called rock radio, you’re fucked up! Really, it’s a terrible time. You know, Eurythmics, and Boy George and whatever else – Peter Gabriel. The stuff is just really lame! And that’s just kind of by comparison to all the great rock n’ roll in the 20-years preceding, let’s just say.
The whole emergence of punk rock was also a pretty explicit critique of ‘70s rock n’ roll – Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Electric Light Orchestra and those kinds of bands. The whole idea was we’re gonna strip it down and we’re gonna make it hard and fast and loud again. That was the idea for punk rock. But that was the revolution that failed. It was a huge hit with critics. But it meant nothing popularly. The Ramones? Great, great band. Really. They never sold six records. Never! I don’t think that they ever had a gold record aside from a later compilation.
But punk established the idea from musicians that there has to be a revolution. That was already in the air. So now a few years later here comes rap. Rap was in effect the real punk rock. That was the stuff that really revolutionized the business. The world was ready for it. And it was just a tremendous alternative. It was a fresh infusion of energy and wit and humor and sex and aggression. And volume. Everything that so called rock n’ roll had been lacking. So that’s what was built into the music. But now it’s called rap music.
Todd said...
So to demonstrate the racism, you are being racist? That is like mugging people to highlight crime. You don't fix the sin by being a sinner. As a case in point, how is it working for you so far?
You'd be surprised - not everything happens in public,...
Sorry Crack. I don't care for talked songs and most rap is too degrading to women and too much posturing.
Are there ANY uplifting rap songs? Songs that just make you happy to be alive to have heard it?
""Many of the lynchings in the South..."
Lynching was not just for blacks nor just in the South (or even the U.S.). But go ahead and tenaciously cling to your victimhood.
Todd said...
Sorry Crack. I don't care for talked songs and most rap is too degrading to women and too much posturing.
Are there ANY uplifting rap songs? Songs that just make you happy to be alive to have heard it?
O.K., that's better - a real question. Yes, there are many forms of Rap in the Hip-Hop culture. And women defend themselves fine in Rap, thanks - unlike Rock, women have the freedom to speak - they were there from the beginning while Heart, for instance, had to wait 20 years to join the boys.
Have you heard HAPPY! yet?
Have you heard De La Soul?
A Tribe Called Quest?
Rap ain't all gangsta - that's a stereotype, and an ugly one.
Locomotive Breath said...
""Many of the lynchings in the South..."
Lynching was not just for blacks nor just in the South (or even the U.S.). But go ahead and tenaciously cling to your victimhood.
Ahh - here's our white guy who knows history better than I do! I'll tell you what, LB:
Look at these lynching postcards and, if you find an equal number of whites and blacks, then talk to me.
If not, shut up.
So in others it wasn't 38 but it was quite a few. I also am skeptical when "Revisionist" journalists are quoted as giving us the gospel truth, instead of those who did the story right after it happened.
Especially when they have an agenda.
You still believe the lie of America.
First I would have to know what specific "lie" is referred to. But vagueness is frequently the hallmark of a weak debater. Railing about racist America doesn't cut it for me. Examples of injustices being corrected would seem to argue against the commentator's viewpoint. If America was truly racist the incarcerated blacks would rot in jail until they died. Rank hyperbole such as the below also bring on the yawns.
This is a racist slave country that still hasn't learned it's lessons …
The commentator needs to find some way of expressing his viewpoints that don't sound like communist propaganda from the 50's. And we have to travel to Africa to find slavery these days. But I'm guessing that the commentor would blame that particular meme-busting factoid on The Evil White Man's "colonialism."
Sorry about that last link:
"It may or may not be relevant that Ross was thought to be gay, at a time when gay New Yorkers had a lot to fear, both from attackers on the street and from the police."
Really? I doubt it. But then "lots of fear" is a weasel phrase that can mean anything. And who "thought he was gay"? The Police? I doubt it.
"Moseley ran away. Genovese, wounded but not mortally, staggered to the back of her apartment building and went inside a vestibule. Moseley returned, found her, and attacked again, stabbing her and assaulting her sexually. He fled again before she died."
1) I assume he means Rape
2) Moseley should have been executed. Absolutely no excuse for his continuing to live.
Given the nature of the crime, Moseley is one person who deserved vigilante justice.
"We have to travel to Africa to find slavery these days."
I wish you guys wouldn't challenge me on this.
I've got no reason to lie,...
Oh and giving significance to a prominent African writer claiming victim status because books authored by white writers for white readers are filled with white characters seems ridiculous on the face of it, to cite something that is ordinary, expected and commonplace and try to elevate it into some kind of immoral act.
This had become a full on suburban myth by the time I was a kid. I thought it had happened recently in my own neighborhood. It scared me. I'd walk down my suburban street wondering at what doorway it occurred. It was only post-Google that I realized it was decades earlier across the country.
About 75 percent the things I thought were true in a pre-Google world, aren't.
Crack Emcee, you are a silly person.
rackle said...
Oh and giving significance to a prominent African writer claiming victim status because books authored by white writers for white readers,…
Books that claimed Africans had no heads.
Yeah - "white readers" really got a bargain out of that one.
And Grackle, what happened to your (racist-sounding) claim that slavery was only happening in Africa?
Kinda skipped over that one.
Quite revealing,...
I wish you guys wouldn't challenge me on this.
Gee, her captors were from her home country(Indonesia), so ...
And what they did to their fellow Indonesian was against American law. Anecdotes of illegal acts committed by people raised in another culture prove nothing - Institutionalized slavery exists only in Africa these days. Read the Wiki url I posted earlier to read about the actual history of slavery in the world.
And I'm still puzzled about the "lie" that the commentator mentioned earlier.
What they did to their fellow Indonesian was against American law.
Slavery was against All Men Are Created Equal, too - didn't matter.
Crack makes some good points, but then he lapses into skin color proof of guilt the same way a few ignorant crackers did in the reconstruction South.
Maybe Yankees were dumb enough to think "colored" men really are dumb since the hardly knew any. But southerners were raised by women and played with kids of color. They were our poorer cousins.
So white guilt runs very thin around here.
The "no heads" quote is from a slave trader in the year of … wait for it … 1561!! Almost five centuries ago!
What this proves about contemporary, institutionalized slavery is … nothing.
grackle said...
The "no heads" quote is from a slave trader in the year of … wait for it … 1561!! Almost five centuries ago!
What this proves about contemporary, institutionalized slavery is … nothing.
And the white woman who asked to hear her "tribal music"?
Was she in 1561?
Slavery was against All Men Are Created Equal, too - didn't matter.
Ultimately, it did matter. Ever heard about the American Civil War? America stamped out slavery once and for all. At the cost of the lives of 8% of all the males in America.
traditionalguy said...
Crack makes some good points, but then he lapses into skin color proof of guilt the same way a few ignorant crackers did in the reconstruction South.
Tg, they made it racial, not me.
Maybe Yankees were dumb enough to think "colored" men really are dumb since the hardly knew any. But southerners were raised by women and played with kids of color. They were our poorer cousins.
By rape. You forget that part. Family, huh?
So white guilt runs very thin around here.
Nobody wants your guilt, we want your sense of decency.
grackle said...
Slavery was against All Men Are Created Equal, too - didn't matter.
Ultimately, it did matter. Ever heard about the American Civil War? America stamped out slavery once and for all. At the cost of the lives of 8% of all the males in America.
And then 12 years later they instituted Jim Crow for 100 years.
God, you're lame.
Oh - and Jim Crow was just for blacks - so who's made it racial?
And the white woman who asked to hear her "tribal music"?
The naĂŻve white woman committed the same cultural faux pas that the prominent African writer later admits that she also committed. To me such an anecdote is meaningless in regards to slavery or much of anything else.
What is Modern Slavery?
To me such an anecdote is meaningless in regards to slavery or much of anything else.
Emphasis on the words "to me" and the fact you're white.
Probably a sociopath as well.
And then 12 years later[after the Civil War]they instituted Jim Crow for 100 years.
I thought we were talking about slavery. Jim Crow, bad as it was, was not slavery. Slavery was illegal in America and is still illegal. The commentator needs to watch the hyperbole because it only weakens his argument.
Or had George Zimmerman over - as guest of honor - to sign autographs
A man who successfully escaped a lynching, signing autographs at the lynching of a man who didn't escape a lynching? How avant-garde!
But in NYC, with gun bans, impossible to get CCW, and demonizing of guns, well you still have the potential of another Kitty Genovese.
Yet, NYC has a lower murder (and crime in general) rate than any large city in Texas. Explain that away.
grackle said...
And then 12 years later[after the Civil War]they instituted Jim Crow for 100 years.
I thought we were talking about slavery. Jim Crow, bad as it was, was not slavery. Slavery was illegal in America and is still illegal. The commentator needs to watch the hyperbole because it only weakens his argument.
No, you jumped in saying blacks weren't victims of anything. But now you acknowledge 250+ of slavery and another 100 years of Jim Crow.
Keep digging - I'll have you eating your words right up to this conversation.
… you're white. Probably a sociopath as well.
The name-calling starts as soon as the debate goes against the commentator. How sad.
Blacks were first brought here in 1620.
Blacks didn't experience anything close to freedom, as whites know it, until the 1980s.
Yet, somehow, the sociopaths seriously think they can look at us and say everything's fine when they had all that time to acquire wealth - most of it on our family's backs - while we languish in poverty.
That's like having a race but whites decided they'd give themselves a 400 year head start.
You're sociopaths.
grackle said...
… you're white. Probably a sociopath as well.
The name-calling starts as soon as the debate goes against the commentator. How sad.
That's not a name - it's a description - look it up.
Calling you an unfeeling bastard - now that's a name.
"Yet, NYC has a lower murder (and crime in general) rate than any large city in Texas. Explain that away."
Stop and frisk.
High incarceration rate.
… you jumped in saying blacks weren't victims of anything.
Untrue. The commentator needs to cite me in quotes when he makes these assertions. But that would be asking the impossible since I never said any such thing.
"Examples of injustices being corrected would seem to argue against the commentator's viewpoint."
Where's the money for the 400 years whites made it while keeping blacks from doing so?
$100 Trillion Dollars.
Show me where the correction is.
You're sociopaths.
This is debate?
grackle said...
You're sociopaths.
This is debate?
No, I'm pretty firm on that decryption - no debate necessary.
As the African writer you dissed said, after reading "American Psycho", I'm sorry white people are like that.
Where's the money for the 400 years whites made it while keeping blacks from doing so?
All those whites are dead. They'll never pay for their injustices. Asking me to pay for them is laughable. Be real.
28 days of Black Histrionics Month at Althouse followed by two weeks of March Madness...
...are the ratings up at least?
grackle said...
Where's the money for the 400 years whites made it while keeping blacks from doing so?
All those whites are dead. They'll never pay for their injustices. Asking me to pay for them is laughable. Be real.
And you think you're part of a "country" right?
When you could care less about it's people.
The lie of America makes itself known,….
Yet, NYC has a lower murder (and crime in general) rate than any large city in Texas. Explain that away.
NYC has 42 police per 10,000 residents. The major cities of Texas have between 12 (Plano) and 33 (Dallas). So "New York City is much more heavily policed" is one obvious possibility. NYC is one of the most heavily policed cities on Earth, actually.
On a side note, four of the nine cities in Texas with populations of 250k+ have lower murder rates than NYC. So your initial claim isn't actually true
As the African writer you dissed said, after reading "American Psycho", I'm sorry white people are like that.
"Dissed." Does that mean that I pointed out some obvious inconsistencies in her presentation. If so, I plead guilty. Me, I'm sorry she's "like that."
Me, I'm sorry she's "like that."
You are "sorry", but not the way you intend,...
Where's the money for the 400 years whites made it while keeping blacks from doing so?
We spent it several times over fighting the Civil War. :)
Revenant said...
Where's the money for the 400 years whites made it while keeping blacks from doing so?
We spent it several times over fighting the Civil War. :)
Did not.
And you think you're part of a "country" right? When you could care less about it's people.
Yes, I do believe I'm part of a country. A country that millions want to live in. Including a lot of blacks of various nationalities. I wonder why they want to come to this "racist" America. Wouldn't they only be sentencing themselves to a life of racism and poverty?
And does not believing that I am in any way obligated to give money to today's African Americans for injustices committed by previous white generations mean that I "care less?" Not the way I see things.
I don't know what's wrong with you guys - the writing's on the wall:
Whites said blacks would always be slaves - we aren't.
Whites said blacks would always have to know "our place" - we don't.
Whites said blacks would never succeed - we are.
And Whites say blacks will never get reparations - we will.
You've never been able to stop us and you never will:
We are the most far-seeing, resilient, and tenacious people on the planet.
And we will have justice,..
grackle said...
And you think you're part of a "country" right? When you could care less about it's people.
Yes, I do believe I'm part of a country. A country that millions want to live in. Including a lot of blacks of various nationalities.
Of course - whites ruined their own countries.
And does not believing that I am in any way obligated to give money to today's African Americans for injustices committed by previous white generations mean that I "care less?" Not the way I see things.
Again - how "you" - the white oppressor - sees things.
Hasn't that always been the problem?
The only way this dipshit can spew this crap out like this is to have a serious familiarity with crack or meth, or be seriously mentally ill.
"What terrible arguments!"
The arguments remind me of a murderer who really doesn't deserve harsh punishment, because after al l the murder was must a robbery gone bad, and he only got $10. from the victim anyway.
Some PoS criminals just can't seem to understand that what counts to others is the loss to the victim, not gain to the criminal.
Did not.
250 million hours of unpaid slave labor times average farm wages of $7.50 per hour equals $1.875 billion.
To put that in perspective: in the four hours you've spent whining in this thread, US workers' labor contributed $7.5 billion to the US economy.
Revenant, better men than you have come to the $100 trillion figure.
Crack Wins The Thread!!
$100 trillion dollars for 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and 1865 with a compounded interest of 6 percent.
Whites said blacks would always be slaves - we aren't.
Hurray! At last we have the commentator's admission that America is without slavery! Progress!
Whites said blacks would always have to know "our place" - we don't.
Not this white. Or this white's children. I've known a whole bunch of whites in my life. I have never heard ANY white say blacks would have to know their "place." Except by an actor in a movie. And I have relatives in Arkansas. I think this type of racist rhetoric is a lot less common than the commentator believes.
Whites said blacks would never succeed - we are.
And I am pleased when anyone succeeds. But doesn't this admission also undercut another of the commentator's arguments?
And Whites say blacks will never get reparations - we will.
Who knows what the future will bring? But if I had to place a bet in Vegas one way or another, I would bet against it.
You've never been able to stop us and you never will: We are the most far-seeing, resilient, and tenacious people on the planet. And we will have justice,..
I like the commentator's spirit. If only he weren't so wrongheaded.
grackle said...
Whites said blacks would always be slaves - we aren't.
Hurray! At last we have the commentator's admission that America is without slavery! Progress!
You can't read - I said blacks aren't slaves - not there isn't slavery.
Revenant, better men than you have come to the $100 trillion figure.
Nobody has come to the $100 trillion figure except you. The basic problem is your lack of reading comprehension.
$100 trillion is what Harper's Magazine calculated was owed in reparations -- NOT what slaves contributed to the economy. They got to that figure by applying 6% interest to a couple of billion dollars' worth of work across several centuries.
The notion that people are entitled to collect centuries of interest on past wrongs is dumb enough, but equating that with contribution to the economy is a special kind of stupid. :)
Of course - whites ruined their own countries.
Vagueness gain and again by this commentator. I'm curious … just what countries has America "ruined?" I'll wait for a reply.
But doesn't this admission also undercut another of the commentator's arguments?
No - individual achievement means nothing in regards to the group.
Barack Obama is president - does that mean black poverty or racism has disappeared?
A woman was the president of Pakistan - twice - does that mean women are free there?
You understand nothing,...
rackle said...
Of course - whites ruined their own countries.
Vagueness gain and again by this commentator.
Colonialism - ever heard of it?
I'm curious … just what countries has America "ruined?" I'll wait for a reply.
Again - you can't read - I said "whites".
And Whites say blacks will never get reparations - we will.
You're already outnumbered by racial minorities that suffered far worse atrocities and whine about them a whole lot less. Those demographics turn further against you with each passing year. The odds that Asian and Hispanic workers will say "sure, give Crack a bunch of our money" are pretty poor, and getting worse.
just what countries has America "ruined?"
I'd say this one for starters - just ask the Natives.
And Mexico - Andrew Jackson really did them a solid, huh?
And Vietnam? Really fixed them up good - wanna see some kids still suffering from Agent Orange today?
Shall I go on, proud white man?
You're already outnumbered by racial minorities that suffered far worse atrocities and whine about them a whole lot less. Those demographics turn further against you with each passing year. The odds that Asian and Hispanic workers will say "sure, give Crack a bunch of our money" are pretty poor, and getting worse.
Culture tops politics - they'll do it.
You're already outnumbered by racial minorities that suffered far worse atrocities and whine about them a whole lot less.
Yeah, because they don't live with their abusers.
Culture tops politics - they'll do it.
The Asian and Hispanic cultural take on the problems of black America can be summarized as "get off your lazy ass, go to school, get married, and get a job like the rest of us".
You'd better hope culture doesn't *entirely* trump politics. Asians and Hispanics are far more anti-black, on average, than white Americans are. :)
Yeah, because they don't live with their abusers.
There's a winning argument to lay on a bunch of immigrants and their children: "this country's horrible but I'm too dumb to leave it".
Colonialism - ever heard of it?
Yet more vagueness. Yes, I've heard of colonialism. I'm still waiting for that list of countries America has ruined.
Barack Obama is president - does that mean black poverty or racism has disappeared?
No but it is a sure sign that slavery doesn't exist in America.
A woman was the president of Pakistan - twice - does that mean women are free there?
Actually I do think that Pakistani women are more free than, say, the women in Saudi Arabia. Maybe that was the reason she was elected twice. If women in Pakistan weren't at least a little bit free she wouldn't have been able to run for political office.
Again - you can't read - I said "whites".
Excuse me. I did not realize you were talking about countries other than America. One minute the commentator is talking about America; the next, without warning or context he's talking about all nations other than America. I'm here to defend America – not other nations.
So, readers, let's get this straight if we can:
In the past a bunch of countries(not America) ruined a bunch of black-populated countries and created a need for those people in those ruined countries to immigrate to racist, immoral, evil America. Here they meet nothing but racism, poverty and evilness. But the poor dears keep coming. Gluttons for punishment, I guess.
You'd better hope culture doesn't *entirely* trump politics. Asians and Hispanics are far more anti-black, on average, than white Americans are.
I like how whites think they - who don't hang with minorities but just read the papers - can tell me how other minorities feel.
They'll do it.
Whites even try to tell me how blacks feel.
You're loony.
But the poor dears keep coming. Gluttons for punishment, I guess.
You weren't paying attention to our African author again. She's been asked why she came here and she gave one answer:
There's money here.
She also said, when white Americans try to get her to go along with their "colorblind" lie, she doesn't because they're trying to make her complicit in their evil.
You're on your own, white man.
They'll do it.
I can't tell if Crack is genuinely crazy enough to believe that... or if he thinks repeating it will somehow make white people uncomfortable.
Forget reparations for slavery -- the window on reparations for the *Jim Crow* era is rapidly closing. The most a black kid born today can say is "my great-grandparents were discriminated against". Good luck getting a payoff for that one.
Hell, even the *Holocaust* only merited payments to the immediate families of victims -- and even then was only a partial payment for the most *recent* oppression of Jews, with no payment whatsoever for the previous thousand years of murder and oppression. Nor did Jews really expect it -- it turns out that nobody in their right mind expects a payday for wrongs suffered by distant ancestors.
Just what countries has America "ruined?" I'd say this one for starters - just ask the Natives.
Native American were treated badly. No argument there. But the country, America, is doing fine.
And Mexico - Andrew Jackson really did them a solid, huh?
The commentator needs to bone up on history. Jackson had nothing to do with Mexico. All that happened through treaties after Jackson's Presidency.
And Vietnam? Really fixed them up good - wanna see some kids still suffering from Agent Orange today?
The commentator cites Vietnam as an example of a country ruined by America. True, there was a war there. And there were civilian casualties – as it is in any modern war, no matter who fights it. But they seem to be doing pretty good these days. At least after their communist rulers introduced a little capitalism into the economic system. I don't envy them having to live under totalitarian system, with the lack of freedom and all. But I don't think they would agree with the commentator that they are "ruined."
Shall I go on, proud white man?
No, I've got things to do. It wouldn't do any harm for the commentator read some history. I recommend anything by the Durants. Or anything written before the sixties. But it's been fun.
One Down, Four To Go (The Racist Paul Ryan Is Done)
grackle said...
Just what countries has America "ruined?" I'd say this one for starters - just ask the Natives.
Native American were treated badly. No argument there. But the country, America, is doing fine.
You didn't ask the Natives, did you?
Just your white opinion again.
Isn't white supremacy fun?
Forget reparations for slavery -- the window on reparations for the *Jim Crow* era is rapidly closing. The most a black kid born today can say is "my great-grandparents were discriminated against". Good luck getting a payoff for that one.
I repeat - that's been the white mantra for everything blacks have gone for.
It means nothing.
While yet another predictable race conversation plays out here, many on the "white guilt of the past" - on concept built on the liberal and progressive jewish narrative that was then delivered through the mouths of proxy blacks like Crack....the actual situation today is mainly of blacks being far more likely to be violent criminals than members of other races.
Today, arrests of 6 black thugs in Madison Wisconsin that plotted to break into a house. Where they pistol whipped the legally blind man and gang-raped his wife.
What is scariest now is both the left and right agree this is nothing remarkable. It is just the nature of the animal. If it were whites, asians, or hispanics doing the same thing, all sorts of national outrage would be churning out of media and liberal activist groups. Because they are assumed to be different animals than blacks, with higher expectations for ALL members of their group.
Meanwhile, some blacks are beginning to say they want the term thug banned from public discourse because it is "code" for another way to say "no-good N-Worder" (As our gracious host Althouse strongly prefers it be sanitized to..)
They are basically right. So many attacks involving the same type of blacks that are fairly readily distinguished by others, but especially blacks themselves as the subhuman part of the black population..And the majority of blacks are finally beginning to question the wisdom of standing with the thugs (or N-Worders) against the other Americans -blaming those others for most of what the black animals do. It hasn't benefitted the black majority that wants to get educated, get along with all people, work fairly hard in a pretty decent job, and get ahead.
That hasn't really helped the non-thug blacks out. No one advances if all they do is blame others for the failures of the black underclass.
Today, arrests of 6 black thugs in Madison Wisconsin that plotted to break into a house. Where they pistol whipped the legally blind man and gang-raped his wife.
Well now, that's something Althouse would never blog about. Good thing she has comments.
The actual situation today is mainly of blacks being far more likely to be violent criminals than members of other races.
chickenlittle said...
Today, arrests of 6 black thugs in Madison Wisconsin that plotted to break into a house. Where they pistol whipped the legally blind man and gang-raped his wife.
They probably saw those Scott Walker emails,...
I can be cold hearted, just like you guys.
Come on, tell me more:
There is no injustice to great that it can't be laughed off by me.
"Today, arrests of 6 black thugs,…"
Thugs? The word that has been deemed what? The new nigger, right?
Keep it coming - tell me every awful thing blacks do or have done and I will salute it as vigorously as humanly possible.
What's that? Blacks raped your mother? Wonderful!
What? Blacks stole your life's savings? Shoulda engaged those reparations talks.
What? Got hit over the head "for nothing"?
Sure, it was for nothing,...
Nobody in nAmerica has to carte about anybody else.
What did somebody say earlier? "Get real"?
Dismissing depravity - as you guys are teaching me to do (didn't I say blacks learned evil from whites?) - is about as real as it gets.
Keep it coming - tell me EVERYTHING,...
The New Orleans police department has issued an arrest warrant for former New Orleans Saints safety Darren Sharper, an alleged serial rapist under investigation for nine rapes in five states.
My Man.
I'm going to have to write him a letter of support,...
The Value of Life Decreases.
Really? In a country that had slavery and Jim Crow and lynchings - but refuses to do anything to remedy it?
That's a shame - and a hoot!
I need beer. This could be good,...
This illustrates one of the reasons I think Althouse's decision to periodically censor/filter her comments is wrongheaded.
Things have devolved to the point where two nuts are arguing whether:
(a): Everything bad in the world is the fault of white people, or
(b): Black people are just inferior, and point (a) is the creation of left-wing Jews
And you know what? None of this is getting deleted. Now if she never deleted anything -- as used to be the case -- she could say "hey, I allow a free debate". But having placed some comments beyond the pale, she implicitly says "oh, racism and Jew-bashing aren't a big problem to me".
Wow. Seven comments in a row without a reply. If you didn't say what you wanted to say in the first or second comment, what made you think thar five or six more would be an improvement?
Lynching stats by state and race 1882-1968 compiled by Tuskegee Institute. http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/shipp/lynchingsstate.html
thar = that
Revenant, Althouse's blog - Althouse's rules.
But for those who pay attention, what is tolerated and what is deleted is an education.
revenant said...And you know what? None of this is getting deleted. Now if she never deleted anything -- as used to be the case -- she could say "hey, I allow a free debate".
Come on, revenant, get with the pogrom. Meade sends money to Crack. They lurve Crack.
Revenant, Althouse's blog - Althouse's rules.
Have I ever implied otherwise? I'm just pointing out that her change in policy does harm to her reputation.
In the past, when left-wing blogs accused Althouse of being a haven for racists and nutcases, I defended her on the grounds that she lets people say anything they like short of actual criminal behavior.
I can't make that defense anymore, because she doesn't do that anymore. The best I can say, when someone says "Althouse is a haven for racists and lunatics" is reply "well, only the racists and lunatics she likes -- the rest get shown the door".
Rev vs. Crack.
A battle of the intellectual giants. Two commentators that truly deserve each other. Or should I say three, I forgot C-Fudd.
As for Althouse not blogging about some crime story - I say, get your own blog.
Revenant wrote,
"Have I ever implied otherwise?"
And neither did my comment? So calm down and recognize those who essentially agree with you.
On the other hand, I wouldn't lose any sleep over defending Althouse. She is who she is and can take care of herself.
The morally correct people she likes, and the less-than-moral she censors.
The people who don't deny history she likes, and those who do she censors.
Those who who play at saying racist things she likes, and those who honestly say racist things, she censors.
They lurve Crack.
And Michael What-About-White-South-Africans Haz lurves you, baby!
Isn't that enough?
White Collar Criminals Are Less Rational Than Drug Dealers And Organized Crime Bosses
Would those smart guys be black?
Go smart guys!
Luxuriate In The Crack.
Two Maryland teenagers tortured a 16-year-old autistic boy with a knife, forced him to engage in a sex act “beyond comprehension” and even filmed the cruel deeds for a still undetermined reason, police allege.
They must listen to too much Rap.
Phil 3:14 said...
Luxuriate In The Crack.
Are you kidding?
I'm laying so deep in the cut you'll never see me.
Because I'm black.
Get it? I'm black! Hahahaha!
On the other hand, I wouldn't lose any sleep over defending Althouse.
I said I thought her decision was wrongheaded, not that it worried me. :)
Drunk Driver Who Killed Two People Was At SXSW to Perform a Rap Show
I blame white culture.
White Collar Criminals Are Less Rational Than Drug Dealers And Organized Crime Bosses
Would those smart guys be black?
You hear the words "drug dealers" and automatically think "black guys"? Tsk, tsk.
What's the over/under on how long it is before Althouse has to block Crack?
He won't stop until she does.
Anyone who asks for $100 Trillion in reparations for any crime whatsoever obviously hasn't bothered to do the most basic research on what that would mean. What is the entire sum of wealth in the entire world? Six years ago, Yahoo Answers gave a couple of rough but plausible estimates, and the world economy has grown very little since then. The estimates are $52.64 Trillion and $72.5 Trillion. So Crack is only demanding that the U.S. hand over the entire wealth of the world with an extra 38% or 89% tacked on from God knows were. Does he want the U.S. to brutally conquer the entire rest of the world and take all of their wealth, leaving them to starve to death, then take all U.S. wealth not already owned by blacks and let the previous owners starve to death, then mine the moon for more wealth to make up the shortfall, and hand the entire sum over to black Americans? (Note that this would involve killing all non-American blacks in the world.) If so, he's both stupid and evil.
And if he's gloating over the hypothetical rape of other people's mothers, he's a spectacularly evil-minded moron. There are a few people in the world (mostly dictators and serial killers) whose death will make me happy but I can't think of anyone I hate enough to want his mother raped.
We're doing this every night now, professor.
The psycho black racist is ranting endlessly.
You might want to take note.
You hear the words "drug dealers" and automatically think "black guys"? Tsk, tsk.
Isn't that what whites do?
I do whatever whites do,...
Althouse might try to ignore crimes in Madison like those mentioned above, but only Crack would seriously laugh at them and mock the victims.
That's performance "art" collusion right there.
Crack, you don't have anything to do.
You're not accomplishing anything here other than being an asshole, and looking damned ridiculous.
Your problem isn't racism.
Your problem is that you are a failed musician with no education and nothing to do.
Now, shut up and go to bed.
Shouting Thomas said...
Crack, you don't have anything to do.
Didn't we have this conversation already?
Whatever - no production for YOU!
Last night, you spent hours insisting that 116th St. and Park Avenue was the ghetto.
And, that racism was responsible for a gas main explosion.
Is there any way that you can get some help and pull yourself out of this psychotic tailspin?
It's sad to watch a man degrade and destroy himself the way your are doing. I wouldn't want to watch a dog disintegrate and suffer this way. For the love of God, shut up and find some help.
Folks, please stop arguing with this man. He's suffering. I don't mean to ignore him out of any animosity. Be charitable and be silent. Everything you say just feeds into the paranoid psychosis that is consuming him. You're watching a man disintegrate. Have some pity.
hickenlittle said...
Althouse might try to ignore crimes in Madison like those mentioned above, but only Crack would seriously laugh at them and mock the victims.
That's performance "art" collusion right there.
Hey, you guys are colluding with slavers and rapists and lynchers and people who worked my ancestors to death.
Fair's fair.
Crack, I don't need anything from you.
There is nothing left to do but to pray for you.
You seem headed for total and absolute self destruction. I wish there were something I could do to help, but there isn't.
Trying to get things back on-topic, while the number of witnesses wasn't as high as 38, it was fairly substantial, somewhere around 25 or 30. Most, however, just heard the victim's screams, and not unreasonably assumed the commotion involved a nearby bar which attracted a noisy and disorderly crowd.
Trivia: the doorway where the fatal second attack occurred has to be one of the most visible crime scenes anywhere, being about 25 feet away from the train tracks in plain sight of tens of thousands of riders a day.
Even odder trivia: Moseley was obsessed with cunnilingus.
Crack, forget politics.
You are not mentally competent.
Shouting Thomas,
And you are an example of restraint.
You can't even shut yourself up, much less get enough respect to shut up anybody else.
And you make terrible music to boot!
What did you say you were doing? Destroying 10 careers the other day?
Go on - work it, ST.
You're a fucking genius.
Shouting Thomas said...
Crack, I don't need anything from you.
There is nothing left to do but to pray for you.
Then shut-the-fuck-up and do that.
What makes you think I'll listen to you?
Oh yeah - you're crazy.
I forgot,...
For the love of God, cease talking, cease fashioning a response, and cease making a public show out of your psychological disintegration.
I think I speak for a lot of people who are watching you fall apart.
It is almost unbearable to watch a man suffering in this way.
There is help for you. Calm down and think about where you can find help.
Althouse, Larry, can I get a little help here?
Other commenters?
Is there any way to help this man?
I've tried everything I know to try.
Oh shut up Shouting Thomas, we see your insanity every single time you post a moment.
You are breaking my heart, Crack, and not because you are insulting me or calling me names or because I disagree with your politics.
You are breaking apart before my eyes. You are in serious trouble, Crack.
Forget politics and address the real problem.
You are such a stupid woman.
Forget about elections and politics. You aren't mentally ill like Crack. You're just vicious, evil and stupid.
I found a love song for you, Inga. Here it is.
With all my love.
Crack isn't breaking apart idiot, he's come together at long last and he's telling you exactly the way it is for a black man, and you white men simply cannot take it.
Crack, go to social services in you region tomorrow and see if you can get help.
You are in serious trouble.
The psychological disintegration is accelerating, Crack.
You are getting markedly more disoriented, paranoid and angry on a daily basis.
Find some help while there is still time.
Idiot, Crack doesn't néed your advice. Your fake concern and advice is nothing more than condescension and an attempt to discredit Crack in any way you possibly can.
Crack, I know what you are trying go do, good luck. You could lead where it counts. Get into local politics.
Every day I become more and more convinced Shouting Thomas, Crack and a few others are involved in a conspiracy to have Ann Althouse shutdown her comments section for good.
I hope she doesn't do that. I mostly come here for the intelligent comments. But wow how that's changed in the last weeks. Talk about beating a dead horse in every single thread.
You don't fix the sin by being a sinner.
One of the most revealing and telling sentences--not to mention a notion most fairly to be applied broadly speaking--that I've read here at Althouse in years.
Crack you're throwing pearls to swine here. You're needed in a place in which you could give voice to those who would hear you.
Just as a matter of establishing base lines, were the victims of the forced famines in the Ukraine or the millions sentenced to labor camps in the gulag more or less oppressed than the victims of Jim Crow? Are they entitled to reparations and who should pay them? Are black people in America the most oppressed people who ever existed?
MadisonMa'am said...
Crack you're throwing pearls to swine here. You're needed in a place in which you could give voice to those who would hear you.
I'm actually making some new alliances outside the conservative world I've been swimming in. I may even switch parties, as this one has nothing for blacks, but grief. I'm thinking about it - seriously - because these guys are now as dated as the Dodo.
And homie don't play that,...
Are black people in America the most oppressed people who ever existed?
Yes. The fact we're fighting our way out of it doesn't change that:
It just means we're some bad motherfuckers,...
What I quoted in italics was the third sentence of four posted by Todd in a comment at 3:48, to clarify the reference. My preference was to copy and post the comment itself. But sometimes technicalities interfere.
Who got the joke re: Crist? I wonder.
"I'm actually making some new alliances outside the conservative world I've been swimming in. I may even switch parties, as this one has nothing for blacks, but grief. I'm thinking about it - seriously - because these guys are now as dated as the Dodo."
Not that I have any particular love for the Republican party, but it is the party closest to my ideals.
With that said, please? Don't be a tease, Crack. Just leave. I promise, from reading most of what you've been writing on these forums over the last few weeks, the Republican part is definitely not the party for you. Democrats on the other hand are right in line with you.
Please don't tease us, just go.
Inga: "Get into local politics."
Yes, by all means crack, get into local politics!
And be sure to keep calling women "c*nts"!
Inga has already demonstrated she is FULLY on board with you doing that!!
Which, of course, destroyed Inga's ability to wage the "War On Women" accusations against republicans.
Which is why she has altered her on screen persona to Madisonma'am.
How utterly pathetic.
Drago and eric, you have won. Local politics belong to you. This is why you feel free to be nasty while at the same get to claim feeling aggrieved on account of being challenged. As I said: You have won. That said: To hell with you.
What was once an interesting blog has been allowed to become a cesspool. This is a lawprof blog? Really?
Normal Range said...
What was once an interesting blog has been allowed to become a cesspool.
No, there's just a lot of "cess" and they come out whenever blacks are around,...
MattL: I've seen "pranks" like that, where a guy pretends to be kidnapping a kid, etc.
I think, at first, that it is horrible that so many people kind of just shuffle by and ignore it. But, you know what, if I saw it happening in front of me, I'd probably tackle the guy without thinking "Maybe this is a prank," and if it is, I may seriously hurt the guy.
Those "pranks" are really stupid.
So Igna thinks Crack is "casting pearls before swine" when he writes things like "What's that? Blacks raped your mother? Wonderful!"? That looks like a declaration of moral bankruptcy on her part. Looks like we have at least two people here who urgently need a psychiatrist or an exorcist.
Dr Weevil,
I hope blacks rape YOUR mother.
I hope every nightmare whites have ever had about blacks comes true. I know we got one already:
A black president.
Now all we need is marauding bands of black rapists and thieves,...
A few points.
Researchers have found that the 38 number was inflated, regardless of whether you talk visual or auditory witnesses, with the actual number being no more than 12 and these saw only portions of the incident (one reported seeing Kitty and Moseley together, but no violence taking place, so went to bed.)
No eye witnesses saw the actual stabbing.
Several people did call the police (there was no 911, so you just called the station), but the calls were put on low priority. (I strongly suspect that government officials supported the myth to cover for the lack of police response.)
This doesn't mean there isn't a bystander effect--there is--but the claims here aren't true, especially the notion that nobody did anything. It also ignores the fact that people were and continue to be encouraged to not directly intervene in criminal incidents and to let the police handle it.
rcommel: "Drago and eric, you have won. Local politics belong to you. This is why you feel free to be nasty while at the same get to claim feeling aggrieved on account of being challenged"
What, in the hell, are you babbling about?
As a white, I love planned Parenthood because they kill more black kids than anybody else--NOT. They do that but I don't love them for it.
Drago: Primaries.
Crack, you are cracked! Zman could easily draw his weapon while Traythug was pounding his head because his gun was holstered AT HIS SIDE, as he claimed all along. And he was only called white because he has a WHITE NAME, and so Al Charlatan could railroad him on Crumped up charges. And btw, sometimes those lynchings were done because BLACKS COMMITTED HEINOUS CRIMES EVEN THEN.
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