February 7, 2014

Paul Ryan 48%, Hillary 43%; Rand Paul 47%, Hillary Clinton 43%; Ted Cruz 43%, Hillary 44%; Christie 42%, Hillary 43%.

The new Quinnipiac poll.


Laslo Spatula said...

There should be a special volcano for politicians.

khesanh0802 said...

Wonderful to see.
I am convinced there are a lot of Hillary haters out there in both parties. Someone is going to jump into the Dem race. Hillary is vulnerable, and Bill, as astute a politicians as he is, is going to be a drag on her.

Unknown said...

But, but she is INEVITABLE!

Laslo Spatula said...

Hillary seems stuck -- 43%, 44%. It is obvious America is not ready for a female President, so 2016: vote for Meade.

Laslo Spatula said...

Althouse would make a fine First Lady.

Curious George said...

"Hillary is vulnerable, and Bill, as astute a politicians as he is, is going to be a drag on her."

I don't think wants Hillary to be POTUS. I think Bill wants the next Clinton as POTUS to be Chelsea. To bad she inhertited that moon face, thick ankles but is a dumb as a box of rocks.

Laslo Spatula said...

Meade and Althouse could borrow a First Dog. Zeus, your star is ascending.

The Godfather said...

The interesting number is that Hillary is at 43-44% against anybody. She is very well known, undoubtedly better known than any of the Republicans in these match-ups. She isn't likely to increase her support by persuading undecideds that she's more attractive than they think she is, so her strategy, if nominated, would have to be to persuade the undecided that her Republican opponent, whoever he is, is obnoxious, repellant, and nasty. 2016 should be an unpleasant year.

These numbers also show there's a real opportunity for a non-Hillary Democrat to get the nomination, just as happened in 2008.

Laslo Spatula said...

President Meade could give a speech and then Althouse could deconstruct it on this blog. I could live with eight years of this.

2024: Althouse for President, if America is finally ready.

Laslo Spatula said...

I am available as a political consultant.

Laslo Spatula said...

Meade, what is your Platform?

Lyssa said...

Do we have to assume that there's only one possible governor who could run on either side? Please, no more senators.

Nonapod said...

The poll should be between Hillary or an inanimate carbon rod. I bet the inanimate carbon rod would get at least 44%.

Laslo Spatula said...

President Meade, get used to the following question:

What did Meade know, and when did he know it?

Anonymous said...

Laslo Spatula said...
Hillary seems stuck -- 43%, 44%. It is obvious America is not ready for a female President, so 2016: vote for Meade.

And get co-president Althouse who bakes cookies too.

bbkingfish said...

I think the GOP elite will back Ryan, as Christie founders on the rocks of Bridgegate. He has a great chance against Hillary in the general, and might even be favored.

The rest of them should just stay at home and back Ryan. They are nothing more than vanity candidates.

Robert Cook said...

Every one named in the poll is worthless...not one fit to serve as White House latrine attendant.

Bruce Hayden said...

Hillary seems stuck -- 43%, 44%. It is obvious America is not ready for a female President, so 2016: vote for Meade.

Contrary to a lot of people, I don't think that her problem is that she is a woman, but rather, that she is Hillary! - with a record of corruption, etc going back to the Nixon years, when she was bounced from the Watergate investigation for unethical conduct. This extended through her Arkansas years with the Rose Law Firm, WhiteWater, the S&L, etc, and into the White House, with pulling FBI files of political opponents, including a lot of Republicans, trading Presidential Pardens for campaign contributions, up to stealing some of the silver on the way out the door. Moreover, this proto-feminist icon ran the WH Bimbo Patrol, attempting to destroy the reputations of any woman with the temerity to (often accurately) accuse her husband of sexual predation. Then, of course, we got the 3 a.m. call commercials in 2008, and both she and her boss being AWOL the night of 9/11/12 when our ambassador and three other Americans were murdered in Benghazi on their watch. And, their murders being famously dismissed with "what does it matter"?

Yes, a lot of people really do dislike the woman, but it isn't because she is a woman, but rather, because her level of corruption and lying is worse than any other politician of her national prominence, and because her politics are far left of center, at a time when the country is apparently moving to the right, esp. in response to the Obama Presidency.

Also, she is old - will be nearing 70 in 2016, and nearing 80 after two terms of office. Note that her Republican competitors are much younger - 20+ years for most of them. I esp. note the difference with lean, muscled, vigorous Paul Ryan. Hard to attract the youth vote that so greatly helped Obama in his two elections when she will be 40 or so years older than many of them. How can they relate to someone who hasn't driven in over 20 years, because she had government supplied drivers, or, because she and her husband were so rich that they could,and did, afford personal chauffeurs? Does she buy groceries? Blog on the Web? Use Facebook and Twitter? Or is that something that her people do for her? Hard to feel anyone else's pain, since she feels so little herself due to her family's immense wealth and influence.

Laslo Spatula said...

Althouse could come up with new Tags specifically for President Meade:

Edicts written strangely early in the morning.

Presidential things are not as they seem.

Meade's judges.

President Meade+Althouse.

Vice-Presidential palpable bitchery.

Carol said...

eh, name recognition poll basically...anything can happen.

Laslo Spatula said...

@ Bruce:

Part of the intended humor was from moving directly from Hillary to the statement that thus no female could. As Althouse would tag: charming bad logic.

Bruce Hayden said...

The rest of them should just stay at home and back Ryan.

Ryan's big problem is the base. He seems to have tacked to the center (maybe in anticipation of running in 2016) in terms of the budget and immigration, at a time when much of the base is pushing for him to move in the other direction. In other words, he appears to many to have sold out to the DC power brokers. Maybe not accurate, but still how he appears to many.

Cruz and Paul don't have this problem. They are still fighting the good fight, and doing so well. Both though are Senators, and that on occasion results in both bad candidates, and in Obama's case, and even worse President. Christie, of course, is a popular Blue State governor, which is why the Dems, along with the MSM, are trying so hard to take him out now.

I think that one of the things that is so distinctive about these Republican front runners is how vigorous they are, esp. in comparison with the sexagenarian Hillary! I don't think that this is going to help her in the general election.

Laslo Spatula said...

I am hoping Althouse posts about any conversations with Meade that his candidacy provokes. We need to get the momentum rolling.

Seeing Red said...

I will crawl across broken glass to vote against her or Fauxahontas.

Bruce Hayden said...

As Althouse would tag: charming bad logic.

Sorry I missed that. A bit too fast for my fuddled brain. We do though get trolls and liberal whack jobs here who would seriously argue the point that you were humorously making.

Seeing Red said...

What's really amusing is someone gonna have to clean up the Obamacare mess, especially if the leak that we can keep our insurance if we like it the next 3 years.

Irish Coffee said...

The link seems to be a poll of Colorado voter preferences, not national voters. I'd be careful extrapolating the preference of Colorado voters nationally?

traditionalguy said...

Meade could appoint Laslo Spatula his Press Secretary to answer the press more fully, and fuller and most fuller. The Media's first 1,000 sound bite day.

But we need to do something with that name Laslo Spatula. Maybe he can be called Tom Spatula.

Laslo Spatula said...

Meade for President bumper sticker:

2016: Meade, Foremost.

Bruce Hayden said...

Do we have to assume that there's only one possible governor who could run on either side? Please, no more senators.

Agreed - though I really do like both Cruz and Paul. Esp. Cruz because he is probably the best debater at the national level in either party. He is the one whom I think most likely to just crush Hillary! in a debate - the biggest problem with debating her is likely to be the tendency of men appearing to be mean to a vulnerable woman, and his debating style would minimize that risk.

Still, there are plenty of governors out there who would make good candidates, and probably decent Presidents - far better than what we have now, and what Hillary! would bring us. I think that the Republican bench is a bit deeper here, esp. since so many of the Dem governors seem to be either political hacks or far left whack jobs like Brown in CA and Coumo in NY. I think that the Dems would have to go with Red or Purple state governors to be effective. I think that Gov. Hickendooper here in CO would be good - successful businessman until entering politics fairly recently as Denver's mayor, and now governor.

Laslo Spatula said...

@ traditionalguy

While I am nowhere near Betamax3000 soundbite levels it is a goal I strive to achieve.

Bruce Hayden said...

What is wrong with Colorado? A lot of the smartest people live here. And, best fit. What could go wrong with using them to predict what the rest of the country is going to do? (Besides legalizing pot, while criminalizing standard capacity magazines for firearms).

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Yeah, but just wait until Biden decides. Those Republicans wouldn't stand a chance.

Laslo Spatula said...

Meade would mop the floor with Biden. Or better yet: he could have Hillary mop the floors, since she'll be needing a job once Meade is President.

Laslo Spatula said...

Meade 2016: Sometimes it takes a Man to do a Woman's work.

Wince said...

Bill Kristol made several good points in his Hillary? Really?

Seeing Red said...

Hickenlooper may have Obamacare problems. Vodkapundit lives in CO.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Agree with Cook at 10:43! That's twice.

bbkingfish said...

To Bruce Hayden...

The problem for Paul and Cruz is that they are loathed by the GOP elite and won't be able to get any money or high-profile support. As soon as they start to show any strength in the primaries, they will be buried in an avalanche of negative advertising. Think of Gingrich and Santorum in 2012. It was not the Dems who did them in...it was Romney and his surrogates...with big money.

Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush, McCain, and Romney. Who is most like these guys? That is who you're going to get. The smoke is just a show for our entertainment, brought to you by Fox News and MSNBC.

tim maguire said...

That's just because the Republicans haven't been properly demonized yet. Wait till the media gets their hands on them.

Paul said...

I'll take Ryan and Cruz over Hillary and Biden any day.

Christie? His name is mud.

Revenant said...

Woo, go Rand! :)

Meade said...

"so 2016: vote for Meade"

Heh. Thanks, 'lo. But in your guts, I think even you know I'm nuts.

Levi Starks said...

How about this poll:
Any named Republican against any as yet unnamed Democrat.

RecChief said...

what are the numbers for Walker/Clinton?

how did Joe Biden do?

what about O'malley's numbers?

Someone remarked that Hillary(!) is well known. Perhaps too well known.

Meade said...

"Meade, what is your Platform?"

Intel OS X Java

garage mahal said...

what are the numbers for Walker/Clinton?

The last poll from Marquette from Wisconsin [Jan 2014]:

In a 2016 presidential election trial heat, Clinton leads all Republicans tested. Clinton leads Walker 53 percent to 41 percent and leads Ryan 51 to 43 percent. She leads Christie 50-40 and Cruz by 55-33 percent.

gerry said...

2016 should be an unpleasant year.

The ideology Progressivism is bankrupt. The only thing they can do is throw dirt. Every year is unpleasant.

MadisonMan said...

Money spent on Hillary!!! will be money wasted, just like last time, IMO.

Quick: name the last Democratic President (non-incumbent) who was the front-runner 2 years out before election day.

Anonymous said...

wow. looks like hillary might be told to sit down again.

Steve said...

So there is no republican odious to lift Hilary from 43%?

alan markus said...


The last poll from Marquette from Wisconsin [Jan 2014]:

In a 2016 presidential election trial heat, Clinton leads all Republicans tested. Clinton leads Walker 53 percent to 41 percent and leads Ryan 51 to 43 percent. She leads Christie 50-40 and Cruz by 55-33 percent.

Got a link? This one shows October 2013 for those numbers, not January 2014:

OCTOBER 29, 2013

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Absolutely meaningless. Whatever happens in 2016, it won't reflect anything shown here.

alan markus said...

The last poll from Marquette from Wisconsin [Jan 2014]:

The last Marquette Poll posted at Real Clear Politics is 10/29/13.

Election 2016 Presidential Polls

Here's another little tidbit. On that date (10/29/13) the 2014 Generic Congressional Vote was +6.5 for the Democrats. As of 2/2/14 it is +1.5 for the Republicans.

2014 Generic Congressional Vote

tim maguire said...

If Walker/Clinton were polled, I think you'd find it matches the generic/Clinton numbers.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Average age of leading R contenders Christie, Cruz, and Paul at inauguration in 2017: 54

Average age of leading D contenders Biden and Clinton at inauguration in 2017: 72

In the House, Ds average seven years older than Rs. In the Senate, it's two years.

No question who are the old fogeys in today's political world.

Tank said...

Steve said...

So there is no republican odious [enough] to lift Hilary from 43%?

If Romney could be painted as odious, anyone can.

All Repub's have dogs on their automobile roofs.

garage mahal said...

Got a link? This one shows October 2013 for those numbers, not January 2014:

Just click the homepage, you can't miss it. https://law.marquette.edu/poll/

Doug said...

"eh, name recognition poll basically...anything can happen."

... and it usually does.

Lydia said...

I know Obama assured us that Hillary is likable enough, but is she?

sunsong said...

She isn't likely to increase her support by persuading undecideds that she's more attractive than they think she is, so her strategy, if nominated, would have to be to persuade the undecided that her Republican opponent, whoever he is, is obnoxious, repellant, and nasty. 2016 should be an unpleasant year.

Which won't be hard. The far right makes it quite easy in fact.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

so her strategy, if nominated, would have to be to persuade the undecided that her Republican opponent, whoever he is, is obnoxious, repellant, and nasty

Don't worry, the MSM will do the dirty work for her.

Revenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Revenant said...

"Got a link? This one shows October 2013 for those numbers, not January 2014"

Just click the homepage, you can't miss it. https://law.marquette.edu/poll/

Garage, if you'll scroll down to the end of the section your quoted poll results are from, you'll find this:

"This poll interviewed 800 registered Wisconsin voters by both landline and cell phone Oct. 21-24, 2013. "

So the poll (a) is from last October, and (b) tells only how Walker does against Clinton in Wisconsin, not nationally.

The page has multiple polls. The one that asked about the national race was from last year (which is why it also asks about the government "shutdown").

RecChief said...

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that Garage would misrepresent something so it could appear as favorable to a particular political coalition

DanTheMan said...

As AA has said, we need a better class of liars here...

khesanh0802 said...

@recchief 2:21

I, too, am shocked by Garage's lack of accuracy. I think his best function is to remind us of how fact-free the "progressives "are.

Fen said...

Also, she is old - will be nearing 70 in 2016,

Sidebets that the MSM will cover for this by using much younger photos of her? a la Trayvon?

Drago said...

Sunsong: "The far right makes it quite easy in fact."

And if it's not easy, the left will helpfully accuse them of things like killing women with cancer in companies they don't even run.

Freder Frederson said...

Potential Republican and Democratic presidential candidates roughly even in purple state.

In other news, dog bites man.

Film at 10:00.

This is a Colorado, not a national, poll.

Geez, don't you even bother to carefully read what you link?

Saint Croix said...

Ugh, it's so early!

On the other hand, Christie destroyed. Thank you liberal media!

David said...

She's inevitable. Unstoppable.

MadisonMan said...

She's inevitable. Unstoppable.

Even more inevitable than last time!

Scott said...

Barack Obama is Woodrow Wilson.

By the end of Wilson's second term, America was pretty sick of his paranoid bullying progressivism. Whoever the GOP nominates for 2016 will be Warren G. Harding, who won his election by promising "a return to normalcy."

Jack Lifton said...

It is ridiculous to say that Americans don't want a female president. The issue for Hilary Clinton is simply that she is Hilary Clinton. She is rapidly becoming a stale political hack. The symbol-in-chief has taught us a lesson. We need a statesman (woman)who takes advice and makes up his (her) mind based on what's good for our country not for themselves. This person, whoever it is, is NOT Hilary Clinton.

garage mahal said...

So the poll (a) is from last October, and (b) tells only how Walker does against Clinton in Wisconsin, not nationally.

That's why I said the poll was from Wisconsin? I did paste from the October poll instead of the latest Jan poll. We regret the error.

The Godfather said...

I hope Scott is right about the return to Normalcy. Liberal historians have given Harding a pretty bad rap, but I sure would rather have lived under his administration than Wilson's (even Wilson's first term, so we don't get into a war v. peace thing).

Sunsong (2:06 pm) tees off on my earlier comment and says "The far right makes it easy [to persuade the undecided that Hillary's Republican opponent, whoever he is, is repellant, obnoxious, and nasty]." See, this is the kind of mindless partisanship that makes modern politics so . . . dull. Christie is on that list of potential Republican nominees. No one would call him far right. Ryan is on the list. No sensible person would call him far right -- right, yes, but not far (he really didn't throw the old lady in the wheel chair off the cliff).

Cruz and Rand, for different reasons, might fairly be characterized as far right, but what's wrong with that? After eight years of a far left president, what would be wrong with a far right one, just for balance?

I'm kind of pulling your leg, Sunsong. My point is: Your calling a potential candidate far right, or far left, or far middle, really doesn't tell us anything about the candidate: It only tells us something about you.

Freder Frederson said...

After eight years of a far left president, what would be wrong with a far right one, just for balance?

You're criticizing people for call some of the potential candidates far right, yet you call Obama "far left".

Geez, you are stupid!

jr565 said...

Hmmm, Christie seems to be doing well in the poll. It seems like many are viewing it as much ado about nothing.

jr565 said...

Though, as revealed by reading some of the comments the poll seemed to have been taken prior to the so called scandal. Still, it seems like its going nowhere so far.

sunsong said...

I'm kind of pulling your leg, Sunsong. My point is: Your calling a potential candidate far right, or far left, or far middle, really doesn't tell us anything about the candidate: It only tells us something about you.

I didn't say anything about a potential candidate. What I'm saying is that "THE" far right, the folks who simply cannot abide anyone who does not agree with their extremism - "THEY" will make sure that it is their extremism that defines the GOP. And that will make it easy for others to identify any candidate with them and therefore fulfill your prediction.

In other words the chances of someone making it through the republican primaries without endorsing ideas that are "obnoxious, repellant, and nasty" are very, very slim, imo.

Revenant said...

I like how sunsong never once uses a proper noun when describing these "extremists".

"THEY" will ruin things. Whoever THEY are.

The Godfather said...

@Freder Frederson, you call me stupid, and you don't even know me. Buy me a drink sometime and we'll talk. Then you can speak authoritatively about my stupidity.

On the other hand, I am literate, in the narrow sense of being able to read English at a 6th-grade level, which apparently you are not. I did not " criticiz[e] people for call some of the potential candidates far right", while calling Obama far left. I agreed with Sunsong that you could call Rand and Cruz far right, and if you do, and if you're honest, you'd have to agree that Obama is far left. Back to reading comprehension class for you -- and introductory manners, too.

@Sunsong, you say that the "far right" are "the folks who simply cannot abide anyone who does not agree with their extremism". You have demonstrated in your comments intolerance of people who don't agree with you. Once again, you've said nothing substantive about conservatives, but you revealed a lot about yourself. Think about it.

sunsong said...

The Godfather,

Your comments to me have nothing to do with what I have actually said, so there is nothing to think about. But something for you to honestly think about is what I've already said:

... the chances of someone making it through the republican primaries without having to endorse ideas that are "obnoxious, repellant, and nasty" are very, very slim, imo.

Michael The Magnificent said...

"So, I need to roll over one more time..." Webster Hubbell to his wife Suzanna, in regards to protecting Hillary from prosecution for over-billing clients at the Rose Law Firm

"I just don't have any memory of that." Hillary Clinton (When that Watkins memo showed up revealing that she had ordered the Travel Office firings.)

"[She] has a different memory." Mike McCurry, referring to Hillary Clinton

"I'm dying to give these notes up. I never wanted to keep these notes." Bill Clinton (after claiming executive privilege on White Water documents)

"[W]e both knew that there would be hell to pay if...we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes." David Watkins, expressing Hillary's demands that the travel office staff be fired in spite of the FBI finding no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the travel office employees.

"I'm a big believer in tipping. We should support working people." Hillary Clinton – who did not pay for her meal nor leave a tip for waitress Trish Trupo, a single mother who earns $2.90 an hour before tips.

"I can't go out and save every undercapitalized entrepreneur in America." Hillary Clinton, in response to criticisms that her nationalized health care plan might bankrupt small business owners.

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." Hillary Clinton, 1993

"No, I did not remember that profit." Hillary Clinton ($4300 in one-day trades)

"I do not remember any of those details." Hillary Clinton (when asked to explain the $4300)

"The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it, is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president." Hillary Clinton

"Impeachment does not have to be for criminal offenses, but only for a 'course of conduct' that, while not particularly criminal, might be of such a nature that it destroys trust, discourages allegiance, and demands action by the Congress." Hillary Rodham 1974

"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." Hillary Clinton

"Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." Senator Hillary Clinton, June 28, 2004

Michael The Magnificent said...

That said, I have $100 that says, in spite of her "cruel neutrality," the professor will cast her vote for Hillary!

Any takers? (and yes, I will both pay out, and collect)

Freder Frederson said...

Any takers? (and yes, I will both pay out, and collect)

No way. As Althouse would say "it's inevitable"

Rusty said...

Michael The Magnificent said...
That said, I have $100 that says, in spite of her "cruel neutrality," the professor will cast her vote for Hillary!

Any takers? (and yes, I will both pay out, and collect)

I'll take that.
Providing , of course, that you can prove who Ms Althouse votes for. Not just her word. Not that I don't trust her to be honest. I just trust her wicked sense of humor more.

Rusty said...

" "

Mick said...

Ted Cruz is not an eligible natural born Citizen.

Mick said...

Ted Cruz is not an eligible natural born Citizen.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Providing , of course, that you can prove who Ms Althouse votes for.

Which I cannot do.

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