February 7, 2014

"Do you think George Bush would have been able to do this, or any white president would have been able to do this? No."

Said Georgia Rep. David Scott, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, complaining to Valerie Jarrett about 2 of Obama's judicial nominees...
... one who once supported a state bill to keep the Confederate battle emblem a part of Georgia’s flag, and another who led the defense of the state’s photo ID law, which Scott claims is a statute designed “to keep black folks, as much as possible, from voting.”

“I asked her specifically that they should be [withdrawn]. She just didn’t say anything.... The president should have said, ‘There’s absolutely no way I want to go down in history as putting these kinds of people into federal court nominations against my own African-American [people]’ ... It’s a tragedy.... This is a terrible mistake, history will record it as such.... And it breaks my heart that it’s a black president.”


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damikesc said...

Why do black "leaders" think blacks are too incompetent to get photo ID on their own?

David said...

"And it breaks my heart that it’s a black president.”

He should have consulted his better half, I guess.

Tank said...

Maybe it's the white part of Zero who is appointing these Judges.

Yeah that white black man let his white side come out.

Anonymous said...

As Jarrett was meeting with the CBC, the White House announced the nomination of five new judicial nominees, including two women, one Hispanic and an openly gay African-American.

The Dim Party is the political spoils party...

traditionalguy said...

Scott has a point. Obama seems to have a snobbery about legal credentials that stops him from choosing black activists as Federal Judges. Obama wants loyalty back to Obama from the legal elite, not loyalty from NAACP leaders.He already has them in his pocket.

His two SCOTUS nominees also show that is Obama's thinking.

IMO Obama simply wants to be King of the United States. And he is smarter at it than the British monarchy who lost us. Just hide and watch.

gerry said...

Does this prove that black racists exist who believe that anything that a nonblack person does or says that can be twisted into a racist motivation IS a racist motivation?

PB said...

To these folks, any nominee that ISN'T black, must be because of racism.

I guess they'll soon start saying the chair behind the Resolute Desk is a black seat now.

JRoberts said...

At least David Scott was smart enough to voice his concerns to the Chief Decision Maker (Jarrett) instead of the Commander in Chief (Obama).

JRoberts said...

Regarding the Georgia Voter ID Law, it's my understanding that voter turnout percentage has increased since its implementation. I think the same is true in Indiana which has a similar law.

jacksonjay said...

“This is a terrible mistake, history will record it as such,” he said. “And it breaks my heart that it’s a black president.”

Yeah, right!

I thought that changing the cloture rule would solve these kinds of problems for the Democrats! Give Obama who he wants, right?

Illuninati said...

Some people are never happy.

Rocketeer said...

The Congressional Women's Caucus is going to go absolutely nuts when they find out Obama nominated Realistic Flabby Underwear Man Statue to the federal bench.

gadfly said...

The American Civil War was fought over U.S. protective tariffs that made up the greatest source of Federal income at the time. The problem was that the South did most of the foreign trade so the South got slapped with excessive tariffs by foreign countries responding to American import taxes.

There was never anything racist about the Stars and Bars or the Battle Flag of the Northern Virginia Army. But there is likely racism by those who make such claims.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I doubt that, in his mind's eye, Obama sees himself as black. Certainly not in the way that Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson or even Michele O. see themselves as black. Both Obama and the white liberals whose tool he is, see the color of his skin as an optic to be manipulated for political advantage.

RebeccaH said...

‘There’s absolutely no way I want to go down in history as putting these kinds of people into federal court nominations against my own African-American [people]’

That right there is what's wrong with African-American leadership today. They are African first, Americans second, even though they're elected, ostensibly, to represent all the people. "My people, not your people" seems to be the MO for CBC.

Mike said...

Racists see everything in terms of race.

Eric Jablow said...

I believe the next Supreme Court nominee must be from Staten Island, NY, to counteract the years of discrimination that has let that borough go without any representation while Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx have their own justices.

Michael said...

Honestly, try to think of some way in which black people would be worse off right now if the most diabolical Republican had been elected instead of Obama.

Also white people. And, people.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why do black "leaders" think blacks are too incompetent to get photo ID on their own?"

Because that's not what they think, and questions like that are aggravating because they feel distanced from what the real problem is.

Historically, black people were prevented or deterred from voting. It went on for a long time and was quite intentional and serious. Therefore anything designed to make it harder to vote -- any obstacle -- resonates with that history. It feels as though it's meant to deter black people from voting. It harkens back to the bad old days.

Those who promote obstacles -- like photo ID requirements -- seem to be out to hurt black people. And they seem to be hoping for the obstacles to reduce the black vote. Whether they are or not remains in question, but it feels like that to a lot of black people and to people who care about the rights of minorities.

And that feeling will, of course, be exacerbated by the usual racial politics that motivates Democrats to do what they can to cement the loyalty of black voters.

Why are Republicans playing into all of that by promoting voter IDs?

Well… one answer is they really ARE trying to minimize the black vote.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Or prevent fraud. But they're Republicans, so it must be racism.

madAsHell said...

Well… one answer is they really ARE trying to minimize the black vote.

I'm more concerned about the dead voters.

Lyle said...


You couldn't be more wrong about the Civil War. It was about slavery. The people who started the war, my ancestors, told us so.

You make yourself and your politics look unbelievably stupid and ignorant when you say it was about tariffs.

Would Americans fight a war today that would kill thousands over tariffs or a disgusting farm bill?

No. It was about slavery, because ending it would be like the government just up and taking half the countries checking and savings account monies.

Slavery was the only thing the Civil War could possibly have been about.

Unknown said...

"Historically, black people were prevented or deterred from voting. It went on for a long time and was quite intentional and serious."

True, but you forgot the words "by Democrats" after the word "voting" and before the period.

Photo ID requirements do not seriously make it more difficult to vote, but they do make it more difficult to vote as somebody that you're not, or to vote multiple times, etc. And, yes, this stuff happens, just likely not as much as some folks seem to think it does.

Regardless, most of society that deals with important actions that require your identity also require you to at least "minimally prove" your identity with a photo ID. It's simply common sense that voting is that important.

jacksonjay said...

"When Georgia became one of the first states in the nation to demand a photo ID at the ballot box, both sides served up dire predictions. Opponents labeled it a Jim Crow-era tactic that would suppress the minority vote. Supporters insisted it was needed to combat fraud that imperiled the integrity of the elections process."

"Turnout among black and Hispanic voters increased from 2006 to 2010, dramatically outpacing population growth for those groups over the same period."


Data is a bitch!

Oso Negro said...

Wow, Ann. There is such a long list of things that require a photo ID. Historically black people have been discouraged from owning firearms. Does requiring an ID to buy a firearm, PLUS a background check strike you as racist?

DaTechGuy said...

I have no pity for these folk.

They supported Obama despite his horrible record for the black community on school choice , unemployment, etc...

If they really thought he cared what they think, the more fool them.

jacksonjay said...

I'm more concerned about the dead voters.

Eric the Red is leading the charge against Texas because of the illegal vote!

n.n said...

Only in America do people advocate for disenfranchisement. Without accountability voting becomes a token event. Even third-world countries understand this basic principle, and do their best to ensure the integrity of elections.

Ann Althouse said...

"True, but you forgot the words "by Democrats" after the word "voting" and before the period."

No, I didn't "forget" anything. But if you want to bring up that topic, it only makes it look worse that the GOP has so dramatically and so seemingly permanently lost the black vote.

Any everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans. It's pathetic for today's Republicans to rest lazily on the reputation of Republicans from a period so far in the past.

The Dark Lord said...

Ann, since voter ID laws INCREASE Black voting real racists would want to stop voter ID laws ...

which party is trying to stop voter ID laws Ann ?

Lyle said...

Oso Negro,

Ann is not talking about what is and isn't racist, she's talking about the politics of the race card and whether or not voter id law is important enough to have to deal with the Democrats playing the race card so successfully with African-Americans.

Amadeus 48 said...

I am from Chicago. Believe me, the ID issue isn't black voters. The ID issue is non-existent voters, non-citizen voters, and voters who vote early and often.

Rick said...

Good Lord, Professor! The Republicans are trying to minimize the black vote by requiring photo ID? Just as they require photo ID to get a library card, or to cash a check, or to buy a pack of cigarettes? What is it with libs who see everything in terms of race?

You're right--it's a lot better keeping the dead and departed on the voting rolls.

Thorley Winston said...

Any everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans.

Not really by all historical accounts the “Dixiecrats” remained Democrats until the day that they died. Republicans didn’t begin to dominate the South until about a generation after Jim Crow (in the 1990s). So yes, we really are talking about two separate groups of people separated by about a thirty year gap in time.

Tank said...

RebeccaH said...

‘There’s absolutely no way I want to go down in history as putting these kinds of people into federal court nominations against my own African-American [people]’

That right there is what's wrong with African-American leadership today. They are African first, Americans second, even though they're elected, ostensibly, to represent all the people. "My people, not your people" seems to be the MO for CBC.

Black people are allowed (encouraged) to work on behalf of their group. If white people do that, it would, of course, be racist.

Imagine, oh, Cruz, or Paul, or Lee, or Boner, or Ryan commenting on a group of judges that they were unsatisfactory because there weren't enough white men. LOL. End of career. Go straight to hell.

Lyle said...

I don't disagree with Ann on the Dixiecrats to Republicans, although there were actually some Republicans in the South before the switch in parties. They weren't ever dixiecrats and were business/professional class elite.

The other problem is that the Dixiecrats turned Republicans have died out or are no longer serving in government.

The memory still lingers in those who lived through it, but more and more of us didn't.

Michael K said...

"Any everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans. It's pathetic for today's Republicans to rest lazily on the reputation of Republicans from a period so far in the past."

So the Dixicrats lived in the north and moved to the south after air conditioning made the climate tolerable for northerners ? Who knew ?

Ann, you are trying too hard. Guilty about something ?

Everybody knows "Diversity" = black.

jacksonjay said...

Noted Obama voter, advises Republicans:

1. Don't defend Christie
2. Don't talk about women or abortion
3. Don't promote Voter ID
4. Wait for the MSM's IRS scandal gotcha

5. Be a Democrat (I made that one up!)

jacksonjay said...

James O'Keefe undercover video of Eric Holder's ballot being given away on Primary Day!


That would be Black Attorney General, Eric Holder!

Dan Hossley said...

There have always been politicians willing to pander to the lowest common denominator. There have always been people willing to reward them with their support.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Therefore anything designed to make it harder to vote -- any obstacle -- resonates with that history. It feels as though it's meant to deter black people from voting. It harkens back to the bad old days.

You're probably right about the interpretation, but if we set policies based on outdated prejudices ("current Republicans are racist, because the old Dixiecrats were") instead of common sense, we'll probably get pretty bad outcomes.

I think African-Americans' hostility toward Republicans actually says more about African-Americans than Republicans.

Rob Crawford said...

Shorter summary: two-time Obama voter Althouse is a bigot.

DanTheMan said...

>> Well… one answer is they really ARE trying to minimize the black vote.

Another answer is that Democrats benefit much more from illegal and fradulent voting than Republicans.
Let's not assume the motivation of those opposing voter ID is pure, when it could very well be just simple self interest.

Levi Starks said...

Althouse has looked into the heart of Republicans, and it's an evil black heart.
I'm sorry, but it's just not possible for me to make the connection between men in white hoods, and voter ID.
In fact I would say that Blacks in America have done more to disenfranchise themselves than anyone else has, inasmuch as their Identity as voters can never be anything but Democrat.
The only thing the Democratic party need do to keep them voting Democrat is to insure that they are allowed to keep voting.

Levi Starks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jacksonjay said...

And of course, Blacks voting 90% Democrat has served their community so well! Just ask the Congressional Black Caucus!

Pookie Number 2 said...

Why do "black leaders" believe African-Americans are too stupid to question their prejudices?

Anonymous said...


Given the problems with voting (say, Norm Coleman vs. Al Franken, Lautenberg replacing Torricelli against the law), government suppression of conservatives (IRS), and such, it hardly seems likely that the conservatives are motivated by racial animus, but rather recent history. More recent than Jim Crow.

Hell, in a real sense, Obamacare is the RESULT of vote fraud.

Dan Hossley said...

"Well… one answer is they really ARE trying to minimize the black vote."

Pretty despicable comment since the data doesn't support the proposition. Voter ID laws have not suppressed the black vote, unless you're talking about that lady (a poll worker!) that voted 5 or 6 times in 2010.

paul a'barge said...

Quota Queens, howling in the night.

sounds like ... victory.

Unknown said...

Here's the bad news members of the CBC, your history of supporting Democrats 100% of the time means you won't be listened to by Democrats.

Besides if you stop supporting the administration where else are you going?

Anonymous said...

"the state’s photo ID law, ...is a statute designed “to keep black folks, as much as possible, from voting.”

Blacks have no valid drivers licenses, no valid state issue ID cards? Kind of racist to think everybody except blacks could manage getting valid ID cards. Or do they have something to hide? Are they gaming the system?

paul a'barge said...

Regarding voter id: You know, if a bunch of Republicans really were trying to keep black people from voting, it would look a lot different.

It would be immoral. Given that, it (really inhibiting blacks from voting) would be about the only thing that could shove a reality-wedge into the thinking of Althouse and other apologists for black whiners.

Maybe. On the other hand, there might not be a big enough reality-wedge on the planet.

Seeing Red said...

Yes Professor, the banks will allow withdrawals from MyRA, obamas new con to fund spending, without a government-issued ID.

The system and institutions cannot be trusted. It's time to verify.

Seeing Red said...

I'm sure if someone rummages around, someone could post what the UN thinks of our lack of ID.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I think African-Americans' hostility toward Republicans actually says more about African-Americans than Republicans"

When you've been brutally duped for 50 years it's very difficult to admit it. If and when they ever find the courage to do so, the Democrats are done.

Robert Langham said...

So are "black" people who HAVE any kind of government ID.....Uncle Toms?

Seeing Red said...

Wait for the howling if Boehner trots out his Jamaican? Son-in-law.

Seeing Red said...

When some of us were a lot younger and the US was 10s of millions smaller, under 300 million, AA proportion was 13-15% of the population. Now they're about 10-12% of an estimated 315 million.

IMHO, just an observation, AA' time was the 60s. Hispanics have controlled since the 80s. 86 Amnesty should have been the sign.

Illuninati said...

Althouse said:

"Any everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans."

Speaking of the Dixiecrats the Wikipedia says, "The party did not run local or state candidates, and after the 1948 election its leaders generally returned to the Democratic Party."


jacksonjay said...

I'm sure if someone rummages around, someone could post what the UN thinks of our lack of ID.

I assume this picture of Saint Mandela is not a photoshop hoax! Is Voter ID required in South Africa?


UN observers


gerry said...

Well… one answer is they really ARE trying to minimize the black vote.

What a hormonal reaction.

Anonymous said...

"Any [sic] everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans. It's pathetic for today's Republicans to rest lazily on the reputation of Republicans from a period so far in the past."

Kinda stepped in that one there, Ann.

From Inwood said...

Prof A

I get it you're playing the law prof card here.

We're the poor students & you, the Prof, are presenting us with two extreme:

On the one hand, Republicans who are all descendants of racist Dixiecrats, who are determined even in the 21st Century to negate The Civil War & voting rights acts in order to suppress the Black vote. You know those folks whose ancestors presenting Blacks with something from an advanced physics textbook & asked them to explain it.


On the other hand, the perpetually aggrieved Black person who plays the grievance card if he/she's asked to show a photo ID in a local store when buying something.

Fun & games, but the only question in real time outside the classroom is why you object to a reasonable attempt - similar to the attempts of banks & retailers (including gun sellers) - to prevent voter fraud, regardless of your assumed motive on the part of some sponsors.

And how about some sympathy for the GOP guys who've lost every close election since 2000?

Pookie Number 2 said...

It's pathetic for today's Republicans to rest lazily on the reputation of Republicans from a period so far in the past.

It's also pretty pathetic for today's "black leaders" to rest maliciously on the reputation of Republicans from a period so far in the past.

Drago said...

Ann Althouse: "Any [sic] everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans. It's pathetic for today's Republicans to rest lazily on the reputation of Republicans from a period so far in the past."

Analysis doesn't get much lazier than that.

But when you are viewing the landscape of the economic wreckage left by "teh One" and his pals, you need to gin up a reason to vote for them again.

Ann is well on her way.

Drago said...

Ann Althouse: "Any everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans."

Links please.

I'll wait over here.

Kansas City said...

Ann is mostly weak here. It is her soft liberal underbelly.

She accepts that the validity of the view that blacks "feel" anything that makes voting harder is discrimination agaisnt them and she assumes there is no benefit from voter ID. She offers both views pretty strongly without any empirical data.

She does accurately recognize that democrats are trying to exploit the issue to maintain black support, i.e., playing the race card, yet again. And, she offers plausible (but probably wrong) tactical advice to Republicans to let it go and allow whatever voter fraud is perpetrated and give up on an issue where the majority supports their view - along with common sense. I would stick with it and take the race baiting. The race is pretty much only effective with persons who would never vote republican anyway.

Ann also is a bit sloppy in saying "everyone knows" Dixiecrats became republicans, but she generally is correct that it is pretty lame intellectually to try to tag today's democrats with the baggage of pre-1965 democrats and claim the mantle of pre-1954 republicans on race issues. Republicans should focus on how they are good for blacks today, not how they were historically good. But in the talking points mode of today's politics, it probably is irresistable to hit smug self rightgeous democrats with their not too distant history.

Illuninati said...

My understanding of the Democrat argument, which Althouse has repeated, is that the Southern Democrats were really Republicans.

The same argument can be reversed. The Democrats of the 1960's who were deeply patriotic and deeply committed to freedom were Republicans. They are now called Reagan Democrats. Many of them have moved into the Tea Party.

Seeing Red said...

Thanks, Jackson!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...

Any everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans.

Hmmm. That's a democrat talking point. I think they call it "The Southern Strategy". I've alway wondered, why would Democrats flock to the Republican Party when it was Republicans that broke the Senate filibuster that stood in the way of the Civil Rights Act?

"Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. And only once in the 37 years since 1927 had it agreed to cloture for any measure."

Republican Everett Dirksen led Republicans to vote for cloture to defeat

"the 'Southern Bloc' of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA)".

The final part of the filibuister was delivered by the beloved

"Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) (who) completed a filibustering address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier opposing the legislation."

I guess it's just natural for Dixiecrats to join the party that defeated their attempts to prevent passage of Civil Rights legislation, eh?

All quotes from WIKI

jacksonjay said...

Vietnam and Roe v. Wade transformed the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"Shorter summary: two-time Obama voter Althouse is a bigot."

2/7/14, 10:17 AM

I believe she voted for him only once.
Althouse said...
"Well… one answer is they really ARE trying to minimize the black vote."

Dumbass said...
"What a hormonal reaction."

2/7/14, 10:57 AM

Yeah, that's a winning attitude. Althouse is 62 years old, I believe she's post menopausal.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Everyone knows that the Democrats were the Dixiecrats and the Dixiecrats became Republicans. It's pathetic for today's Republicans to rest lazily on the reputation of Republicans from a period so far in the past."

Little Annie Althouse steps out of the house in that cheerleading outfit - and she's HOT! I got your back, Sweet Cheeks:

"It is both unfortunate and disastrous that the Republican Party has nominated Sen. Barry Goldwater as a candidate for the presidency of the United States. On the urgent issue of civil rights Sen. Goldwater represents a philosophy that is morally indefensible and politically and socially suicidal. While not a racist himself, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists.

His candidacy in philosophy will serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes will stand. In light of these facts and because of my love for America, I have no alternative but to urge every Negro and every white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and withdraw support from any Republican candidate that does not publicly disassociate himself when it comes to Goldwater.”
- Martin Luther King

The fact they struggle is what makes it fun,...

William said...

We have the career of Lyndon Johnson as an example of the good that massive voting fraud can do for America. It's true that,in the past, many petty rules were used to limit black suffrage. But it's also true that fraud has been used to alter elections. Which historical wrong do you wish to correct and which wrong is more likely to happen in the future? And do you think that party affiliation is likely to affect your answer?........I myself am saddened that so many of our dead Americans remain disenfranchised. Can't we at least allow dead American veterans to vote?

gerry said...

Dumbass said...
"What a hormonal reaction."

I was not referring to sexual hormones. There are others, you know. I was suggesting Althouse was under the influence of adrenaline.

But now I know you always think of sexual stuff first.

Which, I suppose, at your age, is a good thing.


The Crack Emcee said...

Republicans should focus on how they are good for blacks today, not how they were historically good.

Or they could actually try and connect the two:

Be good for blacks, today, in the style of yesteryear!

Nah, that would never work:

Republicans are racists.

Illuninati said...

gerry said...
"I guess it's just natural for Dixiecrats to join the party that defeated their attempts to prevent passage of Civil Rights legislation, eh?"

The left have taken Mark Twain to heart:
“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

― Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

But, but, but they said MLK was a Republican! Does this mean he thought badly of Republicans?! Does this mean he may have thought Republicans were not as color blind as they claim? I'm shocked!

The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...
But, but, but they said MLK was a Republican!

The right have taken Mark Twain to heart:

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

Except then they can add:

"And they'll use that lie to trap blacks with racists who don't give a damn about them."

Anonymous said...

"What a hormonal reaction."
" I was suggesting Althouse was under the influence of adrenaline."

2/7/14, 11:37 AM

Yeah, right. LMAO.

Illuninati said...

I assume that The Crack Emcee understands that Barry Goldwater was Jewish with no connection with the Dixiecrats? So how does the fact that MLK opposed Goldwater politically make Goldwater racist?

Seeing Red said...

Your age doesn't stop either of you from clutching your ovaries.

The Crack Emcee said...

Illuninati said...
I assume that The Crack Emcee understands that Barry Goldwater was Jewish with no connection with the Dixiecrats? So how does the fact that MLK opposed Goldwater politically make Goldwater racist?

Who said Gold water was a racist? Can you read?

"While not a racist himself, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists."

I am happy you're not fighting exposure of the lie y'all was accusing Ann of telling.

That's telling in itself,...

B said...

At least one member of MLK jr's family has said that he considered himself a republican though he trusted neither major party when it came to civil rights. Certainly MLK Sr was a republican.

Some writer at think progress (Lumm..Ludd?) has cast ridicule on the idea that MLK was a republican but without showing any evidence that he wasn't other than saying what I said above - MLK trusted neither major party when it came to civil rights.

Choose who to believe. A family member who spent time with him or some jerk from think progress who wasn't alive when MLK died.

Also, look up who it was that worked with MLK jr's coalition to put together the March on Washington - Black Republican groups - and ask yourself why them.

Or...we can read the comments of an abysmally ignorant fool as she mocks what she has no idea of or has the ability to work out.

jacksonjay said...

Republicans should focus on how they are good for blacks today...


Anonymous said...

What do female hormones have to do with Althouse's comment about voter ID? How are they related in any way at all?

Illuninati said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"And they'll use that lie to trap blacks with racists who don't give a damn about them."

Apparently this is supposed to be a smart comeback? I'm not sure why.

The Crack Emcee said...


Choose who to believe. A family member who spent time with him or some jerk from think progress who wasn't alive when MLK died.

I am a Republican, I watched MLK's funeral on TV as it happened, and I put up the quote that has directed blacks actions ever since.

"Choose who to believe"?

Yeah, because adults changing their minds based on evidence is too hard,...

JPS said...


"But, but, but they said MLK was a Republican!"

Well, maybe someone made this up out of whole cloth. Maybe they were just wrong, telephone-game-style. Certainly MLK was a man of the left and it would be foolish for Republicans to claim him in the partisan sense.

I wonder though if he ever registered as a Republican just because in that place and time only Republicans would let him register to vote.

I'm not going for a gotcha here; I'm remembering Condoleezza Rice describing how her father became a Republican. He tried to register as a Democrat, and they told him, Sure, just tell us how many jellybeans are in that jar. He went to register as a Republican and they said, Yes sir, just sign here.

As for Goldwater, I think it's a damned shame he didn't support the Civil Rights Act. I think he was wrong. It's worth remembering that he desegregated the Arizona Air National Guard, which he founded, two years before the rest of the US military, and that he was pushing the Pentagon hard in this direction before Truman gave the order. The man not only wasn't a racist, as even the Reverend King admitted in his "aid and comfort" speech, he despised racism.

Anonymous said...

Ignoramus' abound. What were the Kennedy brothers? The idea that Republicans were more closely aligned with MLK is laughable and to be mocked.

Illuninati said...

Crack Emcee said:
"Who said Gold water was a racist? Can you read?

"While not a racist himself, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists."

I don't follow your logic. A Jewish man who was not racist himself somehow gave aid and comfort to racists? The evidence is that MLK opposed him politically? Is that supposed to make sense?

The Crack Emcee said...

Illuninati said...
The Crack Emcee said...

"And they'll use that lie to trap blacks with racists who don't give a damn about them."

Apparently this is supposed to be a smart comeback? I'm not sure why.

Because it's not "smart" - it's obvious.

jacksonjay said...

I believe it was the Kennedy brother that tapped MLK's phone.

Drago said...

illuminati: "The same argument can be reversed. The Democrats of the 1960's who were deeply patriotic and deeply committed to freedom were Republicans. They are now called Reagan Democrats. Many of them have moved into the Tea Party."

Actually, "many of them" are dead.

And have been for decades.

It was the passing of the dixiecrats and blue dogs and yellow dogs along with large population shifts from the north to the south and west that enable the republicans to finally wrest control of much of the south from the dems.

Republicans didn't take the Texas House until 2002!!


Yeah, according to althouse it must have been due to all those "republican dixiecrats" from the 1960's.


Logic fail upon only a cursory examination.

The Crack Emcee said...


I don't follow your logic. A Jewish man who was not racist himself somehow gave aid and comfort to racists? The evidence is that MLK opposed him politically? Is that supposed to make sense?

It's not "my" logic - it's history. Yell at it all you want,...

Illuninati said...

The Crack Emcee said...
"Because it's not "smart" - it's obvious."

It is?

Drago said...

Inga: "The idea that Republicans were more closely aligned with MLK is laughable and to be mocked."

Well, then it's good that no one is making that argument.

But I can see why you would need to create another strawman.

It's just easier.

Levi Starks said...

We shouldn't forget to let the Democrats know how appreciative we are that they are willing to give the Republican helpful tips on how to up their game.
They really want the Republicans to be more competitive... really.

Anonymous said...

It was J Edgar Hoover who tapped MLK's phone. Hoover was a known racist.

Illuninati said...

The Crack Emcee said...

I don't follow your logic. A Jewish man who was not racist himself somehow gave aid and comfort to racists? The evidence is that MLK opposed him politically? Is that supposed to make sense?

It's not "my" logic - it's history. Yell at it all you want,..."

Just saying something is "history" does not make it so. What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Do try to keep up Drago. B in this thread and Michael in other threads have said as much.

Drago said...

JPS: "As for Goldwater, I think it's a damned shame he didn't support the Civil Rights Act."

Well, neither did Al Gore's daddy and it never seemed to hurt Al Gore Sr's rep amongst the left.

I'm still waiting to hear how many blacks were beaten/lynched in West VA in the area that Robert Byrd was a Grand Dragon.

But hey, you know, he must have become a republican according to Althouse.

Since all those racist southerners did.........

Lyle said...


What administration did Hoover work for when he tapped MLK's phone? What administration used that information?

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...
Inga: "The idea that Republicans were more closely aligned with MLK is laughable and to be mocked."

Well, then it's good that no one is making that argument.

True, but you forgot the words "by Democrats" after the word "voting" and before the period.

Michael Chaney @ 9:44

Let's say it's implied, and you're not stupid Drago:

Stop acting like we are,...

jacksonjay said...


The Atlantic is not FOX News.


Anonymous said...

Lyle, it doesn't matter. I doubt J Edgar Hoover kept the President in the loop.

Seeing Red said...

Because this is mommy boomer mode.

Lyle said...


It was also Republicans who busted the Democrat filibuster in the Senate during the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Read more history Inga.

Drago said...

Inga: "Do try to keep up Drago. B in this thread and Michael in other threads have said as much."


Let's revisit for our very slow Inga:

B: "At least one member of MLK jr's family has said that he considered himself a republican though he trusted neither major party when it came to civil rights."

Inga, note what B is saying and what he is not saying.

He is saying that one member of MLK Jr's family claims MLK was a republican.

What B is not saying is what you claimed he said- Inga: "The idea that Republicans were more closely aligned with MLK...."

He didn't say that. At all.

Thanks for playing.

Here's another assertion by B: "Certainly MLK Sr was a republican."

Shouldn't be too hard to verify.

What did B not say with that assertion?

He did not say "... that Republicans were more closely aligned with MLK....."

Again, thanks for playing.

I'm sure there are remedial english and logic classes available in your area.

Anonymous said...

Lyle, read more current events.

The Crack Emcee said...

Illuninati said...
The Crack Emcee said...
"Because it's not "smart" - it's obvious."

It is?

Yes, even by the answers given here. Like most racist Republicans, you guys play very cagey with the facts and are very selective about history. Ann even had to school you in it because, as racists, civil rights history ain't your strong suit. Listen to yourselves:

"Ann is not talking about what is and isn't racist, she's talking about the politics of the race card and whether or not voter id law is important enough to have to deal with the Democrats playing the race card so successfully with African-Americans." - Lyle @ 9:54

That's American history to Lyle -Not a verifiable fact of 400 years of slavery and oppression but the race card.

I can't imagine why anyone would think you don't care.

Drago said...

Crack: "Stop acting like we are,.."

Who is "we", and does it include Inga?

If so, perhaps you'd like to revisit your "we".

The Crack Emcee said...


Just saying something is "history" does not make it so. What are you talking about?

You denying it doesn't either. I gave you MLK's words.

You figure it out.

Lyle said...


Excuse but I wasn't alive during the years of slavery OR segregation.

It in fact isn't my history.

Do you understand me man?

Drago said...

Crack: " Like most racist Republicans..."


Crack looks into the hearts and minds of a couple commenters and discerns deep racist evil.

Well played Crack.

You have achieved situational, tactical and conversational moral superiority.


Lyle said...

I'm quite aware of slavery and segregation. I'm the one saying the Civil War was about slavery.

Read and understand Crack!

Lyle said...

What current events Inga? What are you talking about. You need to put some sentences together and make a point, if you want to have discussion.

Illuninati said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"Yes, even by the answers given here. Like most racist Republicans, you guys play very cagey with the facts and are very selective about history. Ann even had to school you in it because, as racists, civil rights history ain't your strong suit."

I assume that you understand that I don't really care if you call me racist.

Drago said...

Inga: "It was J Edgar Hoover who tapped MLK's phone. Hoover was a known racist."

Gee, it's too bad that at no time in Hoover's career did he have an liberal democrat iconic President over him who might have reigned him in.

Or, do we give Kennedy a pass on that because darn it, when dems are in the White House that really big government is just too much to be fully supervised.

Until a republican is elected.

Then the president is personally responsible for each and every action taken by any member of the government, whether in official duties or not, at any time.

The Crack Emcee said...

Lyle said...

Excuse but I wasn't alive during the years of slavery OR segregation.

It in fact isn't my history.

Do you understand me man?

If you live in the western world, it probably is.

It's pretty unavoidable.

Anonymous said...

"Also, look up who it was that worked with MLK jr's coalition to put together the March on Washington - Black Republican groups - and ask yourself why them."

2/7/14, 11:58 AM

Freedom Summer 1964

Some people here want to rewrite history. I suggest reading what really happened and who were involved in the struggle.

The Crack Emcee said...

Lyle said...
I'm quite aware of slavery and segregation. I'm the one saying the Civil War was about slavery.

Read and understand Crack!

Oh, I read and understand - you're the guy waving the race card.

Anonymous said...

Lyle, what is this thread about?

Voter ID and the truth of what is behind it.

Lyle said...


Are you dimwitted? My own history is only the time in which I've been existence.

I know what Western history is and what American history is, which is why I'm the one saying the Civil War was about slavery in this thread. Did you read that too?

I wasn't around for slavery and segregation though. I don't that personal memory. Do you understand now? Get it now, that more and more Americans will no longer have a personal memory of such a time?

Lyle said...

What's the truth Inga? Whatever you say it is?

Truth can be a lot of different things Inga. Think and read more.

Drago said...

Lyle: "It in fact isn't my history."

Wrong Lyle.

Your skin color is the only "original sin" those on the other side will entertain.

It's all well and good to point out the history of black voter suppression efforts from the end of "official" slavery to the modern era.

It's all well and good to point out and discuss the changing demographics that allowed for increased, gradual (sometimes glacial) republican influence gains in the south (and west for that matter) post-1960's.

But don't forget the other guys need you to forever remember that you are "whitey" and that you bear collective historical guilt.

So act like it!

Lyle said...


God damn your stupid. I'm waving the race card? I haven't even played the race card. I was defending what Althouse was saying you imbecile.

The Crack Emcee said...


I assume that you understand that I don't really care if you call me racist.

Yes, I am very aware - it's a white American thing - to be proud no matter what.

Drago said...

Inga: "Voter ID and the truth of what is behind it"

Well, that settles it!

TSA: "We've got to keep the black folks from flying on airplanes!!!"

Anonymous said...

Lyle, you are the one who needs to read more, be more aware, or perhaps you are aware and agree with the racist Republican Party. That's probably it.

Drago said...

Crack: "Yes, I am very aware - it's a white American thing - to be proud no matter what."

So Crack ups the ante on white collective guilt by pinning the horrors of racial conflict in the US on illuminati and then adding in that illuminati is "..proud no matter what" and attaches this pride claim to horrific lynching of a black American.

Well played Crack.

Sharpton has nothing on you.


Illuninati said...

Accusing other people of racism seems to be Mr. Crack Emcee's
forte. For those of us who don't care if Mr. Emcee calls us racist or not, that tactic doesn't go very far.

jacksonjay said...

"On October 10, 1963, U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy committed what is widely viewed as one of the most ignominious acts in modern American history: he authorized the Federal Bureau of Investigation to begin wiretapping the telephones of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Kennedy believed that one of King's closest advisers was a top-level member of the American Communist Party, and that King had repeatedly misled Administration officials about his ongoing close ties with the man. Kennedy acted reluctantly, and his order remained secret until May of 1968, just a few weeks after King's assassination and a few days before Kennedy's own. But the FBI onslaught against King that followed Kennedy's authorization remains notorious, and the stains on the reputations of everyone involved are indelible."

David Garrow
The Atlantic

Garrow won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 1987 with his Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"Well… one answer is they really ARE trying to minimize the black vote. "

Pretty ugly, Professor.

Drago said...

JacksonJay, that was only because for a short period of time Robert Kennedy became a Dixiecrat which inevitably led to his taking clearly "republican-like" actions.

Thank goodness by 1968 he reverted to his sainted democrat persona.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

The Crack Emcee said...


Get it now, that more and more Americans will no longer have a personal memory of such a time?

Yes, Lyle, I get it - you suffer from institutional amnesia - the idea that if you're allowed to forget something horrible, it never happened and/or you hold no responsibility for it.

Except you live in a country that demands your black neighbors contribute to a nation that impoverished them at gunpoint for hundreds of years - and you call it the race card if they speak up.

Still wanna claim you're not playing your historical role?

It's got nothing to do with you because you're too young?

And what's "too young"? If you're so young, how do you know enough to be spouting off as you do?

If you're not that young, taking sides against blacks, then why aren't you a racist?

Anonymous said...

Now Drago wants to claim Kennedy as a Republican! LMAO.

Illuninati said...

The Crack Emcee said...

"I assume that you understand that I don't really care if you call me racist.

Yes, I am very aware - it's a white American thing - to be proud no matter what."

Mr. Emcee exactly what do you expect us to conclude from that picture? Please explain.

Drago said...

Inga: "Now Drago wants to claim Kennedy as a Republican!"

There is no way your reading comprehension is that low.

Try again.

The Crack Emcee said...


Mr. Emcee exactly what do you expect us to conclude from that picture? Please explain.

I was doing exactly what it looks like - providing evidence:

Of American racists proudly not caring what anyone thinks of their actions.

gadfly said...

Inga said...
It was J Edgar Hoover who tapped MLK's phone. Hoover was a known racist.

Apparently the wire taps were common but we will not know for sure until the FBI files are released in 2027. But some wire were leaked such as this one.

Drago said...

Illuminati: "Mr. Emcee exactly what do you expect us to conclude from that picture? Please explain"

It's very simple.

You are a white male.

Ergo, you are guilty.

Crack is not a white male.

Ergo he cannot be guilty of anything and you are to defer to him in all matters.

If you refuse or even hesitate to genuflect to Crack, you are a racist and you deserve what you get.

I hope this makes it more clear.

See: War on Women, War on Hispanics, War on Gays, War on Transgendered, War on "insert favored group designation here".

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, Drago, that is exactly what you are trying to do. You are losing here.

jacksonjay said...

Hey Drago,

I think Inga missed the point! Next thing you know she will deny that Bobby had a close and personal relationship with Joseph McCarthy! Hey Inga, the Kennedy brothers hated the Communists.

Drago said...

Crack: "Of American racists proudly not caring what anyone thinks of their actions."

Don't hold back Crack.

Complete your thought.

You put the "proud" remark into illuminatis mouth and then linked to the picture and then said what I've pasted above.

The reality is that you are saying that illuminati is like the criminals in that picture.

Why be so coy now.

It's clear what you did. It's clear what you are doing.

Own it.

Lyle said...


How fucking stupid are you? What have I forgotten?

I'm the one telling the guy that the Civil War was about slavery!!! If I'm totally aware of slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation... how do I have amnesia?

You're not making any kind of sensible point man. Go back and read my first three comments in this thread. You're smarter than this.

Drago said...

Inga: "You are losing here."

When you have to make stuff up and/or twist comments 180 degrees to "win here", you've pretty much already admitted defeat.

But don't worry.

Your side is "winning".

I believe we are well past any recovery for very long.

With any luck we can get to Greece status in just about 10 years, perhaps much less.

Except then, there won't be anyone pull our chestnuts out of the fire.

That's where comments and insinuations like Crack's come in: the left is going to need some fall guys.

And alot of them.

Gotta set them up now.

Lyle said...


Where do I take a side against blacks?

Seriously, what is the matter with you.

Drago said...

Inga: "Do you doubt a black American could express himself so well?"

Well, we know the left doubts this very much, especially if you happen to be a Thomas Sowell, or Shelby Steele, et al.

Drago said...

Lyle: "Where do I take a side against blacks?"

You didn't.

You disagreed with Crack.

You are white.

He is not.


Illuninati said...

Inga said...
"Illuninati, why would you think Crack was a white male? Do you doubt a black American could express himself so well? Be so informed? Be so intelligent?"

Inga, I was wondering how long it would take you to get into the race baiting. Calling other people racist doesn't indicate superior intelligence.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

In fairness to Prof. A I do love the formulation "Well, one answer is ___" along with assuming bad faith in those against whom you're arguing. I think we should make sure we use that form of argument here in the future.

Anonymous said...

Answer the question Illuninati, why did you think Crack was a white male? Explain yourself.

The Crack Emcee said...


Go back and read my first three comments in this thread. You're smarter than this.

I did, and no, you're too smart to be calling it the race card.

It's history.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

...and Crack and Inga beautifully illustrate how white liberals co-opt Black's perpetual sense of victimhood for the political advantage of white liberals.

As usual Blacks end up with squat.

Drago said...

Lyle: "..how do I have amnesia?"

You don't.

You have "institutional guilt" by virtue of your skin color.

It's really that simple.

It doesn't matter how much knowledge you have or don't have.


The point is "power".

You pushing back on any facet of any issue with Crack is "proof" of your inherent, intrinsic "institutional" racist guilt.

Come on.

Get with the program baby!

Lyle said...

Today it's the race card Crack. I'm sorry, but that's the history of today.

I guess we're going to have disagree on this. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Not co opting. Aligned. But that might not fit your narrative.

Drago said...

HoodlumDoodlum: "I think we should make sure we use that form of argument here in the future."

No no.

Mustn't do that.

It's "ugly" and will only force Althouse into the arms of the democrats!

jacksonjay said...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Incoming Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Sunday had harsh words for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

When asked to comment on Thomas as a possible replacement for Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Reid told NBC's "Meet the Press": "I think that he has been an embarrassment to the Supreme Court.

"I think that his opinions are poorly written. I just don't think that he's done a good job as a Supreme Court justice."

Drago said...

Inga: "Aligned."

No argument there.

Aligned in the pursuit of power.

Of course, the truth must be destroyed in the pursuit and realization of leftist power.

But hey, can't make an omelette without breaking a couple of eggs!

The Crack Emcee said...

broomhandle said...
...and Crack and Inga beautifully illustrate how white liberals co-opt Black's perpetual sense of victimhood for the political advantage of white liberals.

As usual Blacks end up with squat.

And you beautifully illustrate how the stealing of one group's wealth - putting them into an almost perpetual poverty as society advances ahead of them based on that wealth - is hidden by racists under the pejorative "Black's perpetual sense of victimhood" instead of the Republicans (who - don't forget - freed the slaves) fighting for justice in America.

It's really sick in the head.

And not the way to win blacks to your side,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Lyle said...
Today it's the race card Crack. I'm sorry, but that's the history of today.


Illuninati said...

Inga said...
"Answer the question Illuninati, why did you think Crack was a white male? Explain yourself."

What are you talking about? I don't remember speculating about Mr. Emcee's race.

Drago said...

jacksonjay: ""I think that his opinions are poorly written. I just don't think that he's done a good job as a Supreme Court justice."

It's pointless pointing out any of the endless stream of liberal/democrat/leftist examples of hypocrisy.

Your mistake is in presuming the left has principles.


They do not.

They pursue power.

Whatever it takes.

It doesn't have to make sense.

They don't care if it makes sense.

Fen's Law.

Anonymous said...

Better leftists in power than rightists. And when you rightists come to the realization that you are exclusionary to women and minorities you might actually win a Presidency again one day.

gerry said...

I think Inga missed the point! Next thing you know she will deny that Bobby had a close and personal relationship with Joseph McCarthy! Hey Inga, the Kennedy brothers hated the Communists.

Inga may suffer from Progressive Kennedy Dementia, which is the result of JFK's assassination by a Communist. The narrative in place at the time was that JFK suffered extreme physical danger from rabid racist Texans (fellow Democrats) because of his support of civil rights' legislation. When the bullets flew and JFK died, the assumption was just that, and then, after a few hours, the truth was out.

Lefties just can't get it through their heads that a leftie killed Kennedy. Because, as we all know, the left is all bunnies an' unicorns an' shit.

Drago said...

Crack: "...instead of the Republicans (who - don't forget - freed the slaves) fighting for justice in America."

Oh, don't worry about that Crack.

The left is already hard at work rewriting history for subsequent dumb-downed generations.

Here is how dumb:


And here is an example of the rewriting of history (which began long ago):

Not to worry, I'm sure today's "educated" students will be able to discern the subtle differences between "democratic ideals" and the modern "Democrat" party.

Uh huh.

Illuninati said...

Inga, I still waiting for your explanation about why you think Mr. Emcee is white? Suppose I had speculated on that, what would that prove?

Inga said:
"Better leftists in power than rightists."

I'm not sure you are really a leftist, but whatever. You do seem to have the race baiting down quite well, so perhaps you are more to the left.

Drago said...

Inga: "Better leftists in power than rightists."

100 million dead humans in the 20th century can't be wrong!

Inga's rallying cry: "We only killed a hundred million. We've figured it out! Give us even more chances now!"

Drago said...

Inga: ""Better leftists in power than rightists."

Inga, why did Che hate farmers so much?

Lyle said...


Comparing Republicans today to Dixiecrats of the past is playing the race card. Calling all Republicans reflexively racist is playing the racist card. False accusations about Republicans today is the history of today man.

Why are you having a hard time understanding this?

Anonymous said...

American leftists are not Communists, that is your brainwashing speaking again. Voices in your heads that aren't really there. Sad and funny.

Illuninati said...

Inga said...
"American leftists are not Communists, that is your brainwashing speaking again. Voices in your heads that aren't really there. Sad and funny"

Of course they are not communists. They are Liberals.

n.n said...

Black Americans lost their leverage when leaders advised their constituents to pay the entrance fee to the Democrat Party: participation in a population control protocol. The voluntary nature of this scheme does not diminish that it is antithetical to evolutionary fitness and undermines influence in a democratic system.

The next Democrat voting bloc is ethnic Hispanics, which will not change because both parties have convergent interests which favor their immigration. Unfortunately, for Black Americans, Hispanics are second only to Blacks in their distinctly tribal character (i.e. racism).

Anyway, there is a price to be paid for denigrating individual dignity and devaluing human life. After the promises of money, sex, and ego gratification wear thin, people will come to realize that those inducements are trivial in the long-term.

Drago said...

Inga: "merican leftists are not Communists, that is your brainwashing speaking again."


Oh, that's right.

No love for communist leaders here in the US.

I mean, except for all the love for communist leaders that the left has professed for nearly a hundred years.


Just read some old editions of The Nation.

And let me guess Inga, the Rosenbergs were innocent, Hiss was innocent, etc.

How would you classify NYC's brand new mayor?

Too funny.

The Crack Emcee said...


Comparing Republicans today to Dixiecrats of the past is playing the race card.

They're the only ones I heard laughing during Trayvon.

Calling all Republicans reflexively racist is playing the racist card.

They're the only ones I heard laughing during Trayvon.

False accusations about Republicans today is the history of today man.

They're the only ones I heard laughing during Trayvon.

Why are you having a hard time understanding this?

They're the only ones I heard laughing during Trayvon.

The Crack Emcee said...


Anyway, there is a price to be paid for denigrating individual dignity and devaluing human life. After the promises of money, sex, and ego gratification wear thin, people will come to realize that those inducements are trivial in the long-term.

See - slavery.

It's as obvious as the nose on your faces,...

Drago said...

illuninati: "Of course they are not communists. They are Liberals."

There are communists, Leftists, and Liberals, broadly.

There is significant overlap between communists and leftists and leftists and liberals.

Not as much between liberals and communists.

Which is why the communists call the liberals "useful idiots".

Case in point: Inga.

Drago said...

Crack: "See - slavery"

Get it nn?

You are a slaver.

Get with the program.

Anonymous said...

Crack, and even after all the evidence that Zimmerman is a violent sociopath, they still applaud him.

Lyle said...


You're ignorant. Die with a frown on your face if you must.

Illuninati said...

Drago said:
"There are communists, Leftists, and Liberals, broadly"

Sorry Drago. I was being sarcastic. The left is like a chameleon. The reason the left has renamed themselves "liberal" is to hide their true identity.

jacksonjay said...

You are so right! Lefties love to pretend that Reagan couldn't be nominated by the GOP today! Of course that is nonsense.

The better question is could either Kennedy brother be nominated by the Democrats today? Who am I kidding? Not working is now a benefit of Obamacare, so anything is possible. Bad news is good news!

The Crack Emcee said...

Lyle said...

You're ignorant. Die with a frown on your face if you must.

You mean, like this?

Alright, you go pursue "happiness" and I'll watch,...

Illuninati said...

Inga said...
"Crack, and even after all the evidence that Zimmerman is a violent sociopath, they still applaud him."

Inga you really are into this race baiting thing aren't you? I believe Zimmerman is a Jewish name. My understanding is that his father was Jewish and his mother was a South American with Indian ancestry. Conservative support for Zimmerman doesn't really fit your racist agenda.

Drago said...

illuninati: "The reason the left has renamed themselves "liberal" is to hide their true identity."

I think you mean "progressive"

And "lean forward"!

Very Soviet sounding that catch phrase, no?

All that's left is poster of Inga with a hammer in her hand in front of bright red and yellow backdrop looking upward, ever upward into the glorious progressive future!!

"War on Women victims UNITE! You have nothing to lose but your chains!"

Drago said...

Inga: "nga said...
"Crack, and even after all the evidence that Zimmerman is a violent sociopath, they still applaud him"

Inga has created so many strawMEN you'd think NOW would be complaining about it.

n.n said...

The Crack Emcee:

Slavery is a generic term which describes the condition of the majority of people throughout history and the world. What is your point? Are you using it as a justification?

gerry said...

Better leftists in power than rightists.

Lenin/Stalin: 65 million killed.

Mao: 35 million killed.

Pol Pot: 2.2 million

And then there's the Cuban paradise...

Anonymous said...

Who supports the Stand Your Ground law?

And who cares what nationality Zimmerman is? He killed a young man walking home with skittles for the crime of walking while being black.

Drago said...

Crack: "You mean, like this?"

Lyle, how dare you, a person who is personally responsible for abusing Harriet Tubman, to even deign to speak directly to Crack?

Some nerve on you fella.

The Crack Emcee said...


Conservative support for Zimmerman doesn't really fit your racist agenda.

What did I say?

"very cagey with the facts and are very selective about history."

Conservative support for Zimmerman doesn't really fit our racist agenda, but "the enemy of my enemy" sure does,...

Drago said...

Inga: "And who cares what nationality Zimmerman is?"

The left was and is perpetually focused on Zimmermans race.

They even made up a new category just for him!

But that's right Inga, no one on the left was the slightest bit concerned about Zimmermans race!


"Reality based"

The Crack Emcee said...

n.n said...
The Crack Emcee:

Slavery is a generic term which describes the condition of the majority of people throughout history and the world. What is your point? Are you using it as a justification?

Of what?

Illuninati said...

Crack Emcee said:
"Conservative support for Zimmerman doesn't really fit your racist agenda"

I was talking to Inga but hey as they say if the shoe fits wear it.

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