Love the picture of Walker at the link. The pointing while winking thing is his trademark.
Meade is working on a dance to go with the "Stand With Governor Walker" song, and there's a big pointing-while-winking move.
Meade, you may remember, had a very special experience with the Walker wink, described in this post of mine from March 1, 2011, during the very intense protest period, when Walker delivered his budget address in the State Capitol.
Meade was there... [and] describes the big standing ovation when the Governor said:It should be noted that Meade was sitting in a part of the gallery that was packed with people who were not applauding and not standing, so his belief that the smile-nod-wink was precisely for him is not delusional.
We must work together to bring our spending in line with reality. We were elected — not to make the easy decisions to benefit ourselves — but to make the difficult ones that will benefit our children and grandchildren.Meade says he joined the standing ovation at this point, and that Scott Walker looked at him and gave him: 1. a smile, 2. a nod, and 3. a wink. Meade was quite pleased about that!
We need a commitment to the future so our children don't face even more dire consequences than what we face today.
I know I'm unusual, but I was a solid Christie supporter, and no.
"The pointing while winking thing is his trademark."
Did Walker steal the winking from Palin and add the pointing? Or did Palin steal the winking from Walker and drop the pointing?
Althouse being her usual cruelly neutral self!
AA <3 SW
Also, was he pointing and winking at the kid he fired from the regent's position when he committed that act of petty retribution?
Key lyric:
We are proud of Governor Walker.
We can never, ever, never let him down;
we got to keep him in MAD Town.
Who knew that line would within 3 years turn into a limitation on his career? And who else do we have for Wisconsin?
I'm not pushing him for President. I'm just glad he's helping us here with our problems.
so his belief that the smile-nod-wink was precisely for him is not delusional.
Plus, Walker picking-up and sniffing the panties that Meade threw on stage is a good indication.
I agree with Newt: "“Assuming that he survives the bridge problem, and I think he will, Christie is going to end up a very formidable candidate,” Gingrich said.
I'm just glad he's helping us here with our problems.
It just goes right over her head.
Don't make me say it, Ann.
I don't want to be the one that always has to say it because, really, that means nothing's changed.
Tell Meade to say it.
Don't make it me.
Since when do we set policies "to benefit our children and grandchildren"?
On behalf of all the childfree out here, I declare war on all this pro-breeding talk.
Crack, if you've got something to say either say it or don't say it but don't put in extra spaces for dramatic effect. That's a format offense.
I would never put my blog in red text on a black background and centered like you do, but that's your place. Over here, I'm happy to have you comment, but don't put in those extra spaces. They force readers to need to scroll to get to more, and it's an appropriation of other people's time and effort that I don't accept.
Considering all of the Democrat scandals of the last four years and the ones to come in the next three if that is all they have on Walker they got nothing.
Ann Althouse,
That's a format offense.
REALLY? Get this: I had no idea such a thing existed.
Oh man, I can get in trouble for anything here. Forget it. If you'd rather focus on "format offenses" and presume to give me a scolding on them, then nothing HAS changed and I'm already tired.
The sun's not even fully up.
Thanks for the optimism,...
I try to watch MSNBC in the morning, but I turn it off as soon as they mention Christie. Usually they are talking about him right when I turn on the channel.
Good thing I have a nice DVR collection of Family Guy episodes so that I can fill that ten or twenty minutes with the requisite nonsense.
@Crack I thought you'd take advantage of my "an appropriation of other people's time and effort" to assail me for slavery.
"If you'd rather focus on "format offenses" and presume to give me a scolding on them…"
You should perceive the freedom implicit in my stress on format offenses.
I'm viewpoint neutral. As stated above the comments composition window: "I don't delete because of viewpoint."
That's a protection of freedom. You are free on substance. The offenses are procedural. That's a structural safeguard.
Think about it.
(My lawprof lesson of the day.)
I don't know Professor Neutrality.
The more you protest, the more I envision your Seattle Cheerleader's pic performing at Scott's inauguration.
Christie has a 0% chance of getting the Republican presidential nomination.
Too many GOP voters will never forget nor forgive his literal and figurative embrace of Obama just scant weeks before the 2012 election.
And you can be sure they'll be reminded of it.
The NYT story on Christie is falling apart but that may not help Christie with the LIV. They don't read the retractions.
You can see what happened here. Zernike (or perhaps her editor) didn't pay close enough attention to Zegas's weaselly wording. She got the impression one imagines he intended to convey--and it was a journalistically attractive impression. "He had evidence to prove it" is a more compelling claim than "evidence exists."
It was a hit job from start to finish. Oh, and I still don't like Christie.
Ann Althouse said...
@Crack I thought you'd take advantage of my "an appropriation of other people's time and effort" to assail me for slavery.
1) I thought we were talking about Scott Walker.
2) You acted upon your assumption of my actions and intentions.
3) One of those assumptions was the intention to hurt you.
See any problems here that can get me, alone, in trouble without actually doing anything but being here? It's like those two brothers who recently got shot and killed as they looked at a plot of land, dreaming of a happier future.
Why would you think I'd assail you about slavery?
tim in vermont said...
I try to watch MSNBC in the morning, but I turn it off as soon as they mention Christie. Usually they are talking about him right when I turn on the channel."
Seriously, MSNBC? Why?
@Crack well I suppose its an offense to be blogging while black. Or maybe not.
Part of me wants Walker to run, imagine a competent, low-key and tough administrator running the government and part of me wants the presumably petty and vindictive Christie to be president and give the progressives an ass whipping for four years. Perhaps Walker as president and Christie as attorney general.
My apologies in advance because it's off topic for this Scott Walker thread, but wow Crack, it appears that it's open season on innocent black Americans. Who was it that pushed the stand your ground law? Not Democrats.
Inga said...
My apologies in advance because it's off topic for this Scott Walker thread, but wow Crack, it appears that it's open season on innocent black Americans. Who was it that pushed the stand your ground law? Not Democrats.
2/5/14, 11:43 AM"
Maybe you missed it or maybe I perceive things differently but isn't Crack standing his ground?
> Who was it that pushed the stand your ground law? Not Democrats.
The folks who benefit most from "Stand your ground" laws are black, and presumably democrats.
This shouldn't be a surprise; blacks are most at risk from being attacked.
Why does Inga want to put more black people in jail for defending themselves?
Amazing. This thread is all about jacking up trolls.
I wonder if anyone has told that cheerleader she's an AA lookalike....
gerry said...
Amazing. This thread is all about jacking up trolls.
I'd like to remind you that, other than a "format offense" - which, like a lot of Jim Crow laws, I've never heard of before - I've done nothing wrong. It sounds like I'm also being blamed for *something* as well.
Inga's getting the gas face, too, for defending my innocence.
If you guys are afraid to discuss slavery, can we talk about reparations because - if this is an example of what whites consider a decent and normal existence for blacks to exist in - then somebody should be paying us to still endure it.
It does kill us, haven't you heard?
I wanted to discuss Scott Walker,...
"I wanted to discuss Scott Walker,..."
Boring. Everything Scott Walker has already been discussed.
I want to talk about formatting rules and regulations, and how they enslave us all. That will take us to critical legal studies. And that will bring us back to Irene (a dear, a female dear).
Speaking of innocent black Americans it appears that Wisconsin incarcerates more African Americans than any other state in the union. Lefty, smug, righteous, sanctimonious Wisconsin puts more blacks in the slammer than Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Texas. Think of it. Is this a Walker problem or a Garage problem?
Think of it. Is this a Walker problem or a Garage problem?
Since Garage probably isn't running, I thought it was Walker's problem, but somebody wanted to talk about slavery,...
And me attacking her.
Probably at night.
My eyes aglow.
Jesus, Ann,...
"Michael said...
Speaking of innocent black Americans it appears that Wisconsin incarcerates more African Americans than any other state in the union. Lefty, smug, righteous, sanctimonious Wisconsin puts more blacks in the slammer than Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Texas. Think of it. Is this a Walker problem or a Garage problem?"
Is this a Walker problem or a Garage problem?
It's everyone's problem, but I highly doubt you're interested in any real solutions to fix this problem.
So if I link to a story about blacks killing innocent white people, I can play aggrieved victim on someone's blog? I wish I had known earlier.
Yes, I am sure that minorities will blame Madison liberals for WI racial issues. Especially as Milwaukee, where Walker built his career, is such a national shining light for racial equality.
Yep, in a national race that Madison liberals line will really bail him out lol.
Curious George
The “Race to Equity” Report by the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families.
Wow - can you imagine America actually trying to race to equity? I mean, making an effort?
Me neither.
But it's not racist.
The results are just the same,...
Curious George: That most reliable source of all things racial: NPR
Garage: Actually I am very interested in your ideas of how to fix the problem that Wisconsin locks up more blacks than Mississippi. Wisconsin has a fraction of the number of black residents as Mississippi yet finds a reason to incarcerate them. I am very interested in how that problem should be fixed. I have found that Wisconsinites can sling around the racist barb at will but can never quite deal with their own very real problem, their own huge problem.
So if I link to a story about blacks killing innocent white people, I can play aggrieved victim on someone's blog? I wish I had known earlier.
No - you've got the demographics upside down:
Whites are the 72% of the country oppressing everyone else.
Blacks are the 12% who have been crushed under your boot, and are trying to re-gain it's footing, so far, without much help from you.
Until you resolve the problem, you should expect somebody might lose it every once in a while.
I mean, that's all this was and needless to say, nobody then or now seems to broken up they got away (and are still getting away) with it, even though - unlike blacks - they had no good reason.
History classes really failed white kids,...
Michael said...
Garage: Actually I am very interested in your ideas of how to fix the problem that Wisconsin locks up more blacks than Mississippi.
I'm not - I'm wondering where you live, and what's up with you, as you go after Garage with such gusto. What's your game? Fixing America or fucking with libs? Kinda hard to do both without careful targeting.
And, from where I'm sitting, Garage doesn't seem to be the problem,...
Leave it to Inga to cite Stand Your Ground where it has absolutely zero applicability!
Crack: a little of both actually. I live in the heart of Atlanta where I am in the distinct minority but am lectured by lefty Wisconsinites on race from time to time based on my physical location. Which means I am a southern racist versus the lovely folks in Wisconsin who are clearly not. Just ask them.
Michael said...
Crack: a little of both actually. I live in the heart of Atlanta where I am in the distinct minority but am lectured by lefty Wisconsinites on race from time to time based on my physical location. Which means I am a southern racist versus the lovely folks in Wisconsin who are clearly not. Just ask them.
Aye Aye - [salutes] - Carry On!
Crack, Michael taught at a traditionally black college, he's not not a racist, so he claims.
And Crack, Michael cares far more aout harrassing lefties than he does about black Americans. Ask him about the Zimmerman case.
I have found that Wisconsinites can sling around the racist barb at will but can never quite deal with their own very real problem, their own huge problem.
Here is a more detailed look at black incarceration in Wisconsin.
2/3 of blacks incarcerated come from six zip codes and only 10% hold a valid drivers license. They can't get to a job and they can't find a job without a drivers license. Getting people drivers licenses for released inmates should be easy enough. Transit options obvioulsy be much harder.
Decriminalize pot possession. Spend less money on drug enforcement and more on treatment. Get rid of three-strikes rules, mandatory minimum sentence laws, and stop locking people up for probation offenses. Allocate resources for transitional jobs programs for released inmates. You could start there. It's probably cheaper to spend money on the front end rather than spending it on incarceration.
You have any ideas?
So shooting someone while trying to steal their a purse is just a cry for justice. Got it.
Blacks are the 12% who have been crushed under your boot, and are trying to re-gain it's footing, so far, without much help from you.
So my black relatives who grew up BEFORE the Civil Rights Act of 1964 managed to have very successful (and in some cases trailblazing) careers and lives by pure accident? I wonder if they realized they were being crushed by the white man's boot?
This is 2014, Crack.
"Decriminalize pot possession. Spend less money on drug enforcement and more on treatment. Get rid of three-strikes rules, mandatory minimum sentence laws, and stop locking people up for probation offenses. Allocate resources for transitional jobs programs for released inmates."
Far be it for me to comment on lefty recommendations but:
I'm for decriminalization of pot.
Drug enforcement should be for dealers and pipelines. Not for small timers. Also it should focus on cocaine and meth which are far more dangerous than morphine, demerol and heroin.
Third strikes should be felonies. Part of that problem is the massive use of overbooking and negotiating pleas so that trials are reduced in number.
Probation offenses are often related to lax probation to avoid incarceration. The violator should probably be in jail anyway.
Transitional job programs are mostly relief for white people. Real literacy education would be far more important. In fact, teachers unions are probably responsible for more incarcerated black men than anyone else.
Also, during the crack epidemic in the 80s, it was black ministers and politicians who were pushing stronger penalties on the theory that it was whites (and the CIA) who were providing the drugs.
What we need are real reform schools on the model of the CCC in the Depression.
I would agree that white liberals definitely have an interest in keeping blacks down and dependent. However, since blacks have fully cooperated in their own marginalization, it's difficult to get too wrought about it.
Garage. I agree with all of the ideas enumerated in your last paragraph.
Broomhandle said...
So shooting someone while trying to steal their a purse is just a cry for justice. Got it.
You have a crude and extreme way of looking at things but, if you insist, sure:
400 years of slavery, etc., is a history of stolen wealth every native born black has inherited so it's kind of hard to work up much anger against those who are now desperate today. America should settle that debt, then the "bad guys" would be taking their daughters to pony riding lessons, like the kids I competed with, fair-and-square, being bussed every day starting at 5:30AM, across town at school. I learned a word from that:
The country shoulda been "All men are created equal" but the flag you demand we salute (a potentially psychologically damaging request) doesn't stand for that because, every time the matter comes up, whites get angry and - at 72% of the population - nobody wants to make Hulk smash, right? We've seen that.
So what do you do when justice requires the bad guys to stop being bad?
We blacks are still trying to figure that one out,...
So my black relatives who grew up BEFORE the Civil Rights Act of 1964 managed to have very successful (and in some cases trailblazing) careers and lives by pure accident? I wonder if they realized they were being crushed by the white man's boot?
This is 2014, Crack.
No, you say that as though black people don't have the capacity to succeed, which isn't what I said, or implied. You have heard of blacks being twice as good to be just as much? So we know somebody's succeeded - but what about the others? And how many others are we talking, compared to your black relatives who grew up BEFORE the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Do you care? I do. Blacks pretty much everywhere seem to care mightily. Why focus on the few success stories when the majority were buried only to rise again, never giving in - shouldn't they be the focus of your interests?
And, if not, why not?
Especially if you're a Republican,….
Broomhandle said...
I would agree that white liberals definitely have an interest in keeping blacks down and dependent. However, since blacks have fully cooperated in their own marginalization, it's difficult to get too wrought about it.
Is that what they're calling MLK's instruction, to leave the conservatives until they stopped being racists, these days?
I hadn't heard,...
Hey! Somebody here said MLK was a Republican last MLK day. Go figure.
"leave the conservatives until they stopped being racists"
...and flee into the arms of the Party whose continued existence depends on keeping the majority of Black Americans dependent and trapped in a meat grinder of crime, drugs, abortion, shitty education, unemployment, and corrupt government.
I'm sure everything's above board, Crack. They love you just the way you are. God knows they're not racists or anything.
Could you elaborate how Democrats keep blacks dependent and trapped in a meat grinder of crime, drugs, abortion, shitty education, and unemployment? That would seem especially tricky in deep red states?
Right, Garage. It's just The Cosby Show everywhere.
"That would seem especially tricky in deep red states?"
But not so tricky in Detroit and Camden.
...and flee into the arms of the Party whose continued existence depends on keeping the majority of Black Americans dependent and trapped in a meat grinder of crime, drugs, abortion, shitty education, unemployment, and corrupt government.
Well, it's nice to see you didn't disagree with my premise and are admitting the party that gloats MLK was a Republican is doing so fraudulently.
I'm sure everything's above board, Crack.
I'm a Republican and I ask you, is that honestly what we're offering?
They love you just the way you are.
At least they don't yahoo over every black death that occurs.
God knows they're not racists or anything.
Really? Who are you to talk?
We may all be racists, Crack. You certainly are. It just seems odd that you label conservatives racist, when they want nothing from you. Liberals though, they demand your loyalty and your vote. Sure, they'll pay for it with the enervating sop of government assistance if you insist (that's the imperial you, Garage, not you personally) but they will never respect you.
Broomhandle said...
We may all be racists, Crack. You certainly are. It just seems odd that you label conservatives racist, when they want nothing from you.
Yes they do - they want me to abandon black people rather than they supporting justice for blacks.
That's pretty fucked up. So fucked up, I'm surprised you have time to fight liberals when the Right has so many problems.
Werten't they just admitting they need to improve on racial outreach? They seem to be blowing it bad,...
50 years on and no justice for Blacks forthcoming from the Democrat party. Quite the opposite. I don't want anybody abandoned, Crack. I would love to see an America where everyone has the empowerment that self-reliance and pride in (not dependence on) community, alone can grant.
Decriminalize pot possession. Spend less money on drug enforcement and more on treatment. Get rid of three-strikes rules, mandatory minimum sentence laws, and stop locking people up for probation offenses. Allocate resources for transitional jobs programs for released inmates. You could start there. It's probably cheaper to spend money on the front end rather than spending it on incarceration."
Not a bad starting place garage. A definite yes on MJ, a qualified maybe on plea-bargained convictions. A definite no on jury trial convictions.
I can see low level relatively minor convictions being expunged from public records so they have a chance of getting a job. And above all changing the welfare system so the guy can stay with his kids mom so he becomes important in their lives instead of disposable junk.
Crack wrote;
"Yes they do - they want me to abandon black people rather than they supporting justice for blacks."
Who wants you to abandon people of any color, and why do you only focus on a single race?
I'd be happy to pay out your reparations, if, in exchange, we could remove your citizenship to the United States and find a country that would take you in exchange.
Why? Because I don't think you'll ever be satisfied. And you'll always blame the United States and those of us who live here.
I'd rather you blamed someone else, or went somewhere else and tried to apply your racist principles there. Then we could move on and get rid of hyphenated Americans and stop focusing on someone's skin color all the time.
What a novel idea.
crack - define "abandoning black people". A very curious phrase.
I will recommend to Governor Walker Wisconsin consult with red states such as Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia on how they are able to achieve some of the best ratios of Black/White incarceration disparities.
And I’ll recommend staying away from following the blue state models of Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Connecticut, and Vermont.
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