The "fleebagger" phase of the Wisconsin protests began.
At the state capitol, there were thousands of protesters, inside and out. Here is one of the many photographs I took that day:
ADDED: On February 20, 2011, I encountered another woman using a swastika to protest Scott Walker and asked her "Do you think Scott Walker deserves to be compared to the Nazis?"
"But yaaaaa..."
You and Meade routinely scooped big media in Wisconsin and even nationally.
It was the most compelling blog reading I've ever experienced. You both waded into the angry mobs every day cameras blazing so we could know the truth. Outstanding work!
Dems always exaggerate. And lie/misrepresent/shade-the-truth-like-night-on-the-moon.
Did Walker deserve to be compared to Hitler? Many Democrats would have answered that question in the affirmative. Many would still.
The question for Wisconsin independents is whether they should support a political party that compares the rest of the state with the Germans who elected Hitler. It's hard to feel common cause with those who believe you're blind, stupid, selfish, racist, or evil (pick any four). It's not a charitable view that Democrats have of their neighbors.
The protests were one of the few events that has created any jobs.
Three years later: WI, #1 in new jobless claims, is deeper in Walker malaise
#1 Again. Wheeee!
Dems always exaggerate
I can only assume you are a Democrat.
Garage: You need to get the UAW up there to…like build something.
AT least the Nazis, after 1 1/2 million Germans died in WWI from the British naval blockade against food and medicine getting to Germany, recognized the importance of self-reliance.
The US at the time also believed in that - being a self-suficient nation.
Under "Free Trade for Freedom Lovers!!" that both Republicans and Democrats collaborated on, to send critical manufacturing jobs overseas, we ought to be very scared of a war with China or even irritating the Masters of Beijing too much....emptying pharmacy shelves...
From Daily Caller via Drudge:
The United States is nearly completely reliant on China for it’s supply of lifesaving antibiotics.
“The crucial ingredients for nearly all antibiotics, steroids and many other lifesaving drugs are now made exclusively in China,” The New York Times reported in the 32nd paragraph of a Friday article entitled “Medicines made in India set off safety worries.”
Indeed, 2014 marks the tenth anniversary of Bristol-Myers Squibb — the last American plant that manufactured the key ingredients for penicillin and other drugs — shuttering it’s upstate New York factory.
Despite the destruction of the US pharmaceutical manufacturing infrastructure, cheap foreign labor has not meant a drop in drug prices in America, which still the highest in the industrialized world. Just more pay and profit margin for the Elites that bribed Administrations to offshore starting in Reagan's time.
And at the same time, breakdowns in foreign manufacturing, then keeping stockpiled drugs for their nationals 1st vs. export, has already led to critical drug shortages in the USA.
The Elites sponsoring both Parties have never had it so good, but the rest of America is unravelling with the loss of manufacturing jobs and transfer of saved US wealth and knowledge abroad.
It will probably be called something different than National Socialism...but America may be ready for a political system that is not Republican crony capitalism to serve the rich, or the Democrat version of post communist Balkanization of pitting races, genders, and classes against one another to serve their own sponsoring wealthy Elite's vision of Globalization.
Hmmm.....the narrative runs deep in this one.
Your patience is admirable.
A Nazi picture... Well at least no rodeo clown wore a Scott Walker mask... now that would have been out of line.
I followed a link to AA back in those days. I sure am glad I did.
garage mahal said...
The protests were one of the few events that has created any jobs.
Three years later: WI, #1 in new jobless claims, is deeper in Walker malaise
It's not a Wisconsin malaise, Garage.
Its a national malaise caused by loss of manufacturing jobs in every state and the temporary patch of borrowing trillions to supply jobless Americans, or those with jobs but have seen wages and benefits drop since 1980 - with new government largess to sustain them.
Record number of Americans now on food stamps, record number of military families on food stamps, record low percent of Americans still in the workforce. And millions in the workforce only having jobs because the jobs are artificially funded by the trillions in debt we are borrowing.
@garage: Jim Rowen? Are you effin' kidding me?
It's not a Wisconsin malaise, Garage
Minnesota did the opposite of what Wisconsin did and they kick our ass on every economic indicator. Walker's Tea Party austerity doesn't create jobs or growth. But, then again it's not supposed to.
American TV is closing! That's 1000 fewer jobs, too.
I'm not sure how Walker can parlay a bad state economy into a plus for his alleged Presidential bid. OTOH, look at Obama ;)
Althouse's finest hour. You haven't always been able to maintain that thick skin, though.
MadisonMan said...
American TV is closing! That's 1000 fewer jobs, too.
They had a good run. I remember when they started. The business was across the Beltline near the old "Shuffle Inn." Lenny's brother Ferdie started it. They used to sponsor a Friday night TV show featuring all the old Universal horror films. It was called Ferdie's Inferno.
Part 16 illustrates the profound stupidity that courses through our society including its female branch.
American TV -- a dying business model crushed by the internet and Home Depot. Been to one once--saw the prices and left. I will go and check out the GOOB sale though.
Joe Bonamassa's live performance of "Mountain Time" has no place here, but here it is nonetheless.
This woulda been my conversation:
"So you agree stopping the Nazi's was the right thing to do right, like your Grampa did?"
She would agree.
"So you think we should kill all Tea Baggers and Walker supporters then, just like your Grandpa stopped Adolf and his army?"
I think they both would say yeah.
It would not even be a moral question, whether to stop Nazis and their ilk by death, but a question of just how much effort to expend.
Now that the Band of Brothers are almost gone We Need New Heros!
"Glory Days" by Springsteen should be the soundtrack for this post. All downhill since then.
American TV is closing! That's 1000 fewer jobs, too.
The trolls are out in full force defending their Leader, attacking American as a shitty company and they deserved it.
What is "American"? "American TV"? Is that some local Madison channel?
Did Circuit City close because of Walker? American tried and failed to make a splash in the St. Louis market and they lost a ton of money.
Was every business closing under Deficit Doyle his fault?
Some lib friend of mine posted on Facebook that day that they "were forced" to leave the State to avoid the vote.
I really think it's become a mental disease.
Tosaguy: "American TV -- a dying business model crushed by the internet and Home Depot."
Well, and Costco and Sam's Club and Walmart etc.
But hey, it's really all Walkers fault.
I especially like how it must have been Walkers fault when American TV shuttered 4 stores and a distribution center in the St Louis area back in 2011.
All Walkers fault.
Oh, and Bush's fault too.
Can't be.
He leads from behind and only knows what he reads in the paper.
Yet. Garage. Loves. His. Dear. Leader. To. Death.
It's adorable.
"American TV is closing! That's 1000 fewer jobs, too.
The trolls are out in full force defending their Leader, attacking American as a shitty company and they deserved it."
Just as are the libs who just unpacked their new 50" MonsterVision from the Amazon box, all while fondly remembering when their dad bought a TV at American in 1974. Cursing that Scott Walker has now ruined that memory while they haul the Amazon box past their (non-union made) Toyota Prius to the recycle bin.
"What is "American"? "American TV"? Is that some local Madison channel?"
A local big box TV, appliance and furniture outfit that had a colorful owner and charged high prices. People older than 50 have some sort of weird nostalgia or something about it.
Those same Amazon lefties are also cursing Walker for them now having to pay sales tax on Amazon purchase -- all because Amazon will build a distro center in WI and hire 3000 people. Scott Walker raised their taxes!
A local big box TV, appliance and furniture outfit that had a colorful owner and charged high prices
They stayed open for 60 years because they had high prices?
Remember: Walkerism can never fail, only we can fail Walkerism.
re: #1 again. Wheeee!
One week does not a year make. Year over year (2012/2013) show jobs growth, not great but still some growth:
Midwest Economy - Labor Force Statistics
Garage: Maybe jobs aren't flocking to Wisconsin because people have been told the governor is like Hitler. Just a head's up on the old public relations front.
Garage: They stayed open for sixty years because they had no competition. When it came they collapsed. See Detroit, Michigan.
"They stayed open for 60 years because they had high prices?"
Things that can't go on forever, don't. Since I moved to this state in 1996, American's market in Milwaukee has been shredded by the introduction of Home Depot, Lowe's, HH Gregg, Costco, Sam's Club......this doesn't even get into Al Gore's internet!
American closing is Al Gore's fault!!!!
Garage: They stayed open for sixty years because they had no competition
Whatever the reason, it's just amazing to watch Walker trolls rise to the defense of Dear Leader.
"The worst customer experience I've ever had!"
"The prices there suck. No wonder!"
And you just know they're lying.
I am still baffled as to how an ideology of lesser government can logically lead to a totalitarian dictatorship. When does the political theology change 180 degrees on the identical axis?
Under "Free Trade for Freedom Lovers!!" that both Republicans and Democrats collaborated on, to send critical manufacturing jobs overseas
Or all of the "Free drugs" the government dictates means that the manufacturers get virtually no money for making them...but ALSO get no protection from torts due to the inevitable side effects of all medications.
It's illogical to the highest for ANY American drug manufacturer to make a wide array of drugs since they cannot cover the costs of production of it.
Whatever the reason, it's just amazing to watch Walker trolls rise to the defense of Dear Leader.
A terrible business model is ALWAYS the governor's fault.
Now, all of the massive unemployment nationally? NONE of that is due to Obama.
Literally none of it.
Silly plebes...
No one should call an american politician a nazi or's stupid.
Ferdies Inferno became Lenny's Inferno. I fucking loved that show.
garage: "Remember: Walkerism can never fail, only we can fail Walkerism."
The champion of obamaism faults others!
Again garage, why don't you take a moment to explain American TV's failure in Missouri which occurred over years and culminated in 4 stores and a distribution center closed down in St Louis in 2011?
We won't hold our breath.
Lenny's Inferno=thanks for reminding me of that Chick
Tosaguy: "Just as are the libs who just unpacked their new 50" MonsterVision from the Amazon box, all while fondly remembering when their dad bought a TV at American in 1974. Cursing that Scott Walker has now ruined that memory while they haul the Amazon box past their (non-union made) Toyota Prius to the recycle bin."
Forget it Tosaguy.
Walker is the newest shiny "BushchimpCheneyHalliburtonKoch" for garage and his pals.
All they have to do is wind garage up and off he goes.
He was probably "educated" in a modular building while in high school. That would explain alot.
Titus: "No one should call an american politician a nazi or's stupid."
Your time spent spouting that admonition would be much more effective in venues where that sort of thing occurs frequently.
I suggest the comments section at Dem Underground, DailyKos, (just about any lefty site really), CNBC/MSNBC, etc.
It's akin to idiot lefties sporting the stupid "Coexist" bumper stickers in the US.
Try doing that in a middle eastern country and see how far you get.
But I suppose it does allow the lefties here who do that to feel "brave" and "edgy".
A terrible business model is ALWAYS the governor's fault.
A lot of people are defending Walker when nobody on this thread is claiming it's directly Walker's fault. The issue is 900 people now get to enter a really shitty job market.
Wisconsin's "malaise" is still about 2% points lower than the national average. But yeah, blame Walker instead of the guy in Washington whose "stimulus" is now 5 years old and not looking any prettier.
A lot of people are defending Walker when nobody on this thread is claiming it's directly Walker's fault. The issue is 900 people now get to enter a really shitty job market.
Obama has the lowest work force participation rate in 40 years and an economy that is utter shit.
But that isn't his fault AT ALL. You've said so, repeatedly, for years.
A terrible business model in a bad economy is a bad combo. Walker couldn't save them.
Wisconsin's "malaise" is still about 2% points lower than the national average.
Wisconsin 6.2%
U.S. 7.3%
Minnesota 4.8%
"Wisconsin continued to trail the national rate of job creation, as it has since July 2011. The United States created private-sector jobs at a rate of 1.9% in the latest 12-month period, nearly double Wisconsin's 1.0% rate, the data show." Link.
The one area Wisconsin is adding jobs is in....the public sector. LOL
You and Meade routinely scooped big media in Wisconsin and even nationally.
True. That was really good blogging. I was proud to be a part of this blog, even as a simple commenter.
Obama's "stimulus" borrowed from future productivity. Enjoy tomorrow's progress today; but, lower your expectations for the future.
Anyway, this thread is about Democrats fleeing from their responsibility. I guess all is fair in politics and abortion... I mean war.
garage mahal: The protests were one of the few events that has created any jobs.
Did they have to pay for their armbands and brownshirts, or did the unions provide those along with the signs?
"We'll leave our baseball in your yard" = we were in striking distance while you slept last night, stop writing about us.
Say, here's an analysis about what the Citizen's United decision means for unions.
hahahahaha. After reading this, I hope all you liberals DO succeed in reversing that decision.
It's very interesting that Wisconsin has those high numbers of new jobless claims.
Apparently, garage's theory is that not shoveling money to public sector unions craters the private sector. I suppose it's fortunate that all these new unemployment checks will create a boom!
Seriously, though, is there a more sophisticated "Walker did it" theory of unemployment than post hoc ergo propter hoc?
thanks for the JoBo link, Mr. Ellison.
Apropos of Walker and Act 10, this is worth read:
It's Twerking. I mean it's working. Except Wisconsinites.
I was reading today on Powerlineblog, "Should Rand Paul keeping bringing up Clinton's sexual escapades?" or whatever they called it. Mitt Romney says no!
Anything a Democrat says? Acceptable.
Republicans bring up the truth about Clintons past? Out of bounds!
What astounds me after 3 years is what a political powerhouse Walker has become. He's a political judo sensei, captitalizing on the imbecility of his opposition.
The inability of the left to get a handle on this guy is very curious, and speaks to a complete lack of vision and imagination on their part. Everything they've done to go against Walker has turned against them. Each time it turns, he gets more powerful. That a backwater governor like Walker is in serious contention running for president is pretty incredible, and it's all because of the Wisconsin left.
Nice rebuttal, garage. Care to elaborate? Keep in mind that I'm observing from outside your little bubble of rarified gas.
The first thing I noticed about your pictures was that there was no snow on the ground! I miss global warming.
Your time spent spouting that admonition would be much more effective in venues where that sort of thing occurs frequently.
I suggest the comments section at Dem Underground, DailyKos, (just about any lefty site really), CNBC/MSNBC, etc.
It's akin to idiot lefties sporting the stupid "Coexist" bumper stickers in the US.
Try doing that in a middle eastern country and see how far you get.
But I suppose it does allow the lefties here who do that to feel "brave" and "edgy".
I don't go on any of those sites because they don't interest me and would waste my time. I only visit a couple blogs and neither is all politics. Politics bores me for the most part but I like it when there is a sex scandal.
And I hate the coexist bumper sticker too...wasn't that brave of me?
I feel so so brave right now.
brave tits.
I suppose these women are in the camps by now, so someone else will have to pick up the flag.
Garage must go to bed with a smile on his face every night. The third anniversary of the "fleebaggers" which looked at from afar was a simply amazing political event. And yet, sixty comments in and once again Garage has "squirreled" everyone away from the topic. Chef comes closest to pulling things back and Garage has nothing. But nonetheless, my money is on his "lol" once again derailing the conversation.
Those same Amazon lefties are also cursing Walker for them now having to pay sales tax on Amazon purchase -- all because Amazon will build a distro center in WI and hire 3000 people. Scott Walker raised their taxes!
You folks really need to move to a state without a sales tax.
Garage, the five leading states for increase in jobless claims were New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin.
The six best were California, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey and Ohio.
The increases in jobless were concentrated in the transportation and manufacturing industries.
With the exception of Michigan, this pretty much correlates with snowstorms = losses and better weather = gains.
In fact the Obama people were very clear that they attributed the overall increase in claims to bad weather.
My guess, Garage, is that once again you read the talking points in the article linked and not the study behind it.
In any event you lefties need to get your stories straight. Was the increase in jobless claims weather induced, or was it not?
Hint: Obama said it was weather and this time he is probably right.
Minnesota had the same weather as Wisconsin. If not worse.
Comparing repubs to nazis is arp for the course. Its almost silly to get annoyed about it. Even though I want to throttle the woman making the comparison.
Garage mahal wrote:
The protests were one of the few events that has created any jobs.
Three years later: WI, #1 in new jobless claims, is deeper in Walker malaise
#1 Again. Wheeee!
ok then. Let's compare Obama's recovery to other past recoveries. Having fun yet?
6 years on,,and still not recovery of note. Shovel ready jobs not ready. Dems really should not be making arguments about failed economic policies.
The only thing dems have done successfully of late is drive up the debt. And for that I'll give you guys an A.
Chef Mojo said...
That a backwater governor like Walker is in serious contention running for president is pretty incredible, and it's all because of the Wisconsin left.
He's right garage, and whistling past the graveyard won't change it. Speaking as one who lives far from the midwest, I can honestly say I didn't know the name of Wisconsin's governor before Scott Walker came along. Conservatives outside of Wisconsin see him as the man who schooled the public unions, turned a deficit into a surplus, and throttled a national leftist effort to unseat him. He is a strong candidate for president, and if it hadn't been for the fleebaggers, I probably wouldn't know his name,either.
Beta Rube said...
You and Meade routinely scooped big media in Wisconsin and even nationally.
It was the most compelling blog reading I've ever experienced.
Maybe third, after Powerline and LGF unravelling the Dan Rather forgery literally overnight, and KC Johnson live-blogging the Duke faculty revealing their desire to put people in jail for having the wrong skin color.
Some of you have fallen for GM's "Look Squirrel!" act again. The subject (for those of us still paying attention) was the idiotic acts of the legislators who went and hid rather than face political defeat. It was a stupid bit of political theater that got them nowhere and demonstrated the irrationality some people posses when it comes to politics. But by all means lets discuss whether Walker is more responsible for unemployment in Wisconsin than Obama is for unemployment nationwide.
So the party that shuts down the federal government is upset that some state senators denied a quorum over a bill. Har har.
Okay, garage, you've had your fun. Now shut up and let the grown-ups fix the mess Doyle left behind like a good boy. You wouldn't want to see Wisconsin turned into a larger version of Detroit, would you?
Scary thought, what if the Packers turned into the Lions? That would be all the fault of the "flee baggers!"
So the party that shuts down the federal government ...
Think of it as a sort of strike.
So the party that shuts down the federal government is upset that some state senators denied a quorum over a bill. Har har.
And yet time has shown that the Democrats were on the wrong side of both issues. I suppose consistency counts for something.
You wouldn't want to see Wisconsin turned into a larger version of Detroit, would you?
Wisconsin isn't drowning in unfunded pension liabilities like Detroit is.
Well, not until the Stock Market dies, but actually, not then either (pensions will "just" be frozen. Or maybe slashed).
Pensions are drowning Detroit in so much debt that.....taxpayers are footing a new 400 million dollar hockey stadium? Amazing how myths become facts. Um, thanks suckers?
Wisconsin isn't drowning in unfunded pension liabilities like Detroit is.
Detroit didn't think it was drowing in unfunded pension liabilities until suddenly it was doing just that.
@garage, Detroit is full of insane people.
Sort of like Madison.
Though the flee-baggers dashing off to Illinois probably raised the collective IQs in both places for a while.
Just grunt "DETROIT!" over and over. That's the intellectual capacity of conservatives these days.
garage mahal said...
Just grunt "DETROIT!" over and over. That's the intellectual capacity of conservatives these days.
Coming from the guy making North Korea analogies and supporting Hitler comparisons. This guy's a genius.
@garage, you keep thinking "it can't happen here, it can't happen here."
But it could have, had the people of Wisconsin not elected Republicans. You can console yourself that it's a common pattern -- people elect Democrats for the goodies they promise, then elect Republicans now and again to clean up the mess before going back to Democrats because they think money grows on trees. Eventually you lefties will be back in power in Wisconsin, and you can get back to screwing up.
But it could have, had the people of Wisconsin not elected Republicans
Wisconsin pension system being 100% funded has absolutely nothing to do with Republicans. Not sure why I even bother you with you because it's clear you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Ever.
Current crop of Republicans no. Past, sane non Tea Party Republicans yes. Walker and the Tea party are vandals with no interest in governing.
Maybe third, after Powerline and LGF unravelling the Dan Rather forgery literally overnight, and KC Johnson live-blogging the Duke faculty revealing their desire to put people in jail for having the wrong skin color.
Legal Insurrections coverage of the Zimmerman trial is up there too.
And it was FreeRepublic that did the unraveling. PL and LGF did some great downfield blocking, but it was FreeRepublic that threw the TD.
@Titus: Thanks for that clip! What a blast from the past for me too! I'm pretty sure that the guy in the square looking vest is Lenny Mattioli.
And I forgot that I used to do the "Voice in the box" voice too in middle school! I could use it now as chirbit character voice -- maybe as a vagina monologue....Voice In The Box -- get it?
garage mahal said...
Current crop of Republicans no. Past, sane non Tea Party Republicans yes. Walker and the Tea party are vandals with no interest in governing.
Your WDS has worsened! It sounds Walker raises your blood pressure. Have you been checked lately?
Walker has won a few rounds.
Don't get cocky, kid.
The lefties and RINOs are evil bastards, and will push you into the social justice briar patch faster than you can say Beghazi.
Garage did slip a bit - Walker's job performance is even more incredible when you consider "he has no interest in governing."
Walker and the Tea party are vandals with no interest in governing.
That's not what it looks like from saner parts of the United States.
Ah, and BTW, the WRS is a defined benefits plan. The notion that defined benefits plans are fully funded is a myth. A comforting myth, perhaps, but a myth nevertheless. Sort of like Santa Claus to a three year old.
garage mahal said...
Minnesota had the same weather as Wisconsin. If not worse.
Garage, even your model state, Minnesota, had an increase in unemployment claims during the week ending February 1. 908 new claims to be exact.
Minnesota was significantly outperformed by Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina, all of which had significant drops in claims. Nicer weather, Garage.
You love to flog the Minnesota comparison to Wisconsin. I suggest you read the Star Tribune's short but accurate article attributing nearly all of the difference in performance between Minnesota and Wisconsin over the last decade to Minnesota's decreasing reliance on manufacturing, and particularly traditional industrial companies. See
Minnesota has 11.5% of jobs in manufacturing and Wisconsin 16.9% And Minnesota has more high tech and medical manufacturing.
Now the difference in manufacturing emphasis is definitely in part a product of poor government in Wisconsin. It's a decade long thing. And who was governor during most of that decade?
Jim Doyle 2003-2011.
Garage, you never look behind the talking point inducing headline. Never. Minnesota has cleaned Wisconsin's clock for a decade. I'd blame all that on Doyle but he is only part of the cause. The rest is the nature of our industrial infrastructure coming in to the decade, and the failure of Wisconsin business leaders to change quickly enough.
You seem like a decent fellow, Garage. Rarely do you make a personal attack. But you cite little economic sound bites that are completely without context or explanation. The February 1 numbers are without doubt weather related. A one week snapshot is inherently misleading. And you don't understand why Minnesota has outperformed Wisconsin economically over the past decade.
It's embarrassing.
Wisconsin public pensions are indeed 100% funded, a tribute to the state overall and to long term sound policies. It's far better than the average state.
Retiree health benefits are 38% funded. While this is better than the average state (only 8% funded!), it's still way below what is needed.
Garage is right that it's not the Republicans who are responsible for this. But it's not the Democrats either. Wisconsin has sound pension laws, strong but not overgenerous benefits, a tradition of not fudging the numbers and and investment system (SWIB) that over the years has been honest, efficient and nonpolitical.
The politicians have been in charge of the medical benefits funding, and of course that is the unsound part.
Walker and the Tea party are vandals with no interest in governing.
Such an unserious statement. But it makes perfect sense if governing means always increasing the velocity of money coming from taxpayers.
People who aren't leftists think governing is making difficult choices for the best.
Liberals are cowards, it is as simple as that.
I agree with garage's article that we should all say "screw you bank!" to anyone dumb enough to lend Detroit money.
This will improve Detroit's long-term outlook as big banks can simply "write-off" the losses so they are not even losses but in fact spiritually fulfilling acts of kindness and inclusion.
And white people ought not be allowed to move without permission from either the mayor or mayor's assistant. How can Detroit regain its glory without the rich white racist money being forced into it by threat of guns? In fact, garage you get your rich white ass to Detroit right now and jack up their tax base. You owe them and you deserve the results of your policies good and hard.
I don't live in Wisc., so I don't know about that store in particular. But, honestly? Buying things at anything besides a big-box store like WalMart/Target, the price has always been better at online compared to the mom & pop local stores. It pains me, but economically, I only buy from my local gaming store when I'm doing an event there or if I need something RIGHT NOW, because I can get things 10-20% cheaper online, even with shipping.
Just grunt "DETROIT!" over and over....
If Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit.
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