December 29, 2013

Drudge's de Blasio debasement.

Drudge isn't the loftiest place on the internet, but this is beneath him:

The linked article, in the Wall Street Journal, makes no mention of the Clinton impeachment and gives us no reason to associate deBlasio with any of Clinton's misdeeds and lies. Clinton is a former President, and it's a decent honor for deBlasio to have him do the swearing in.

Drudge's highlighting of the impeachment is gratuitous and stupid, and that headline has been at the top of the page since yesterday, so there's been plenty of time for Drudge to realize it's not up to his usual standards (which include lots of room for ridicule and cheap shots).

Now, if Drudge had phrased the headline to refer to oaths — Clinton lied under oath and now he's administering an oath — I would have approved. Since Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, the appropriate connection was within reach, but Drudge didn't quite get there and ends up looking mean-spirited and flailing.


donald said...

Bill Clinton is a scumbag. He deserves all the scorn and insult he gets. He and his disgusting wife have heaped dishonor and actual tragedy on this country.

Good job Matt.

mesquito said...

Well, Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred for perjury. Why shouldn't Drudge highlight the absurd idea of him administering oaths?

MathMom said...

It's just fine with me!

Big Mike said...

What mesquito said. How is it that a disbarred lawyer is permitted to administer the oath of office? Was he quietly readmitted to practice?

Bob said...

You can't remind people too much of the sleaze of the Clintons, what with The New York Times publishing multi-chapter revisions of Benghazi history in an attempt to rehabilitate her record as Secretary of State.

Oh, hell. What difference, at this point, does it make?

campy said...

I agree with Althouse. Clinton deserves the same respect the lefties give Bush.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

You may not like it, Althouse, but Drudge is factually correct.

About the "New York Times ... extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi....", for example, readers have only the word of the NYT.

Will said...

Funny, I would have thought this would have set you off on a riff of the trajectory between Hope and Reality. From the bright promise of Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" at his convention to the global embarrassment of impeachment, I think Drudge is merely calling attention to the fact citizens need to tune out the PR and image-making our politicians use to distract us. De Blasio is at Peak Promise right now. Soon he will have to actually get garbage collected and keep the subways running. Let's look beyond his image-making and Clinton's image-rehab and assess how they perform the actual job. Clinton the pragmatist did ok. I'll bet de Blasio the ideologue has a much rockier ride.

tola'at sfarim said...

I guess its to bad Filner wasnt available

SGT Ted said...

Why are you defending a disbarred liar?

Dave Dexter III said...

I disagree. I believe it's useful to remind people that Clinton was impeached and disbarred.

Krumhorn said...

Ann, I am not getting the distinction between administering an "oath" and "swearing in".

I suppose you might argue that if he were swearing in a witness to tell the truth, there's a closer connection to the irony, but Clinton breach his oath of office. You're using some very strong language over a vanishingly thin difference in Drudge's choice of words.

Clinton is extremely fair game as a former president who had been righteously impeached, and history should always identify him as such. Moreover, we should never turn our eyes away from the fact the Clinton has never received his super-sized serving of blame for both the failures leading up to 9/11 and responsibility for causing the Fannie/Freddie debacle.

That said, I would happily trade him (or even that shrew of a wife of his) for the monstrously destructive character in office today.

- Krumhorn

John said...

Here at the 'loftiest place on the Internet' we find Althouse telling us what is beneath Drudge... Priceless.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ann, we should only speak to what the liberal media cares to highlight. And mean? How about Clinton's treatment of his female accusers? How about the treatment of the sane part of the country by the Clinton defenders?

chickelit said...

Given their long mutual history, Drudge will be invaluable for a possible Clinton campaign and administration.

[improper antecedent unless you're equating HRC and WJC - ed.]

Hagar said...

A reference to Monica Lewinski would have been better?

amielalune said...

Wow. Sometimes you really amaze me by the things that "offend" you.

In this case, the only possible explanation is that you are a Clintonite. And to remain one requires you to ignore an astonishing list of his/her misdeeds. But then, you'll probably vote for Hillary if you get a chance.

And then at other times you can be so sensible. I feel for your students.

Skyler said...

Ann, that is beneath you, a law professor.

You especially like to find subtle links to topics. This linking of the oath and the impeachment are not even that subtle. Why would you lny approve if he were more obvious?

Humperdink said...

Will the former Commander-in-Heat use a bible or a cigar box for the oath?

Wince said...

Althouse is just making a point about that headline standard she thinks Drudge should uphold to garner the most respect from the broadest swath of reader/visitors.

But I'm surprised Althouse didn't mention the top-left Daily Caller link that's been there for about the same time; she's usually good about analyzing the Drudgetapositions.

Is Drudge implying, for instance, the DeBlasio choice was deliberate and signals a new Democratic embrace of Bill Clinton as Republican impeachment victim to insulate Obama and, by extension, Hillary?

DNC sends email defending Obama from impeachment possibility

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) sent out a paranoid email Saturday evening urging supporters to vote for Democrats so that Republicans can’t impeach President Obama.

The email, subject line “Impeachment,” was sent to Obama for America supporters, imploring them to contribute to the DNC’s 2014 efforts. “What do these people all have in common?,” the email asked, featuring quotes from Republican Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan, and Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas discussing the possibility of impeaching Obama for one of his numerous instances of presidential misconduct.

The DNC email discussed the “I-Word” and said that “Republicans are actually excited about the idea.”

“Show these Republicans that they are way, way off-base, and give President Obama a Congress that has his back,” according to the DNC email, noting that Democrats need to win 17 GOP House seats to reclaim a majority.

The DNC, which recently expanded its political tactics to include boycotting independent news outlets, previously supported the last president to be impeached: Bill Clinton.

Obama’s staff changed key talking points on the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack; his Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups during the 2012 election cycle; and Obama personally lied to the American people when he told them that they could keep their existing doctors and health insurance plans under Obamacare.

Obama’s expansion of executive branch authority is “setting the stage for something very dangerous in the future” according to Republican Rep. Justin Amash.

Anonymous said...

The Ghost of the Gatsby Project says:

"Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas as if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his peremptory heart. Then he swore in de Blasio."

Guildofcannonballs said...

It should have said "known rapist Clinton."

My truth is Bill Clinton raped all those women. Drudge's truth should be that too. There is 109 times the evidence Bill Clinton is a rapist compared to the only black SCOTUS Justice who was accused, without any logic or rational, by a sycophant of assault out of the blue. Libs still claim that the SCOTUS Justice "probably" acted untoward with Hill. I almost punched the last fool who told me "we can't really know" after calling an innocent man a rapist. I know. Now you do too. That shall be our truth.

I fear the only reason Bill got away with it is indeed the patriarchy, and his evil enabling wife. And millions upon millions of rape-supporting voters.

alan markus said...

We go through "retro" phases in music and fashion. I'm looking forward to a "retro" political phase.

Gahrie said...

My headline would have been "Accused rapist Bill Clinton....."

Hagar said...

There is nothing "decent" about the Clintons, even totally disregarding the impeachment over his Paula Jones testimony and the disgusting revelations about his relationship with Monica Lewinski.

To have him swearing in de Blasio is just unbelievable! What were they thinking?

Bob Ellison said...

Come, come. Bill Clinton was the best conservative POTUS since Reagan. He lay down and got rolled at every opportunity by the GOP. He had some faults, but in the end, he did an OK job.

Bob Ellison said...

After all, in 1996, he "built a bridge to the 21st century". That bridge is really solid and pretty!

Greg Hlatky said...

You can't remind people too much of the sleaze of the Clintons

Don't forget Honey Boo Boo Clinton, now being groomed for her place among the Nomenklatura.

lemondog said...

Although the article itself does not reference impeachment, the article comments section is replete with such references.

somefeller said...

Bill Clinton is a popular former President who hangs out with Bush 41, is feted wherever he goes (and he goes to the best places) and is cited by Republicans as an example of what Obama should have done or been, at least when that's convenient for them. Plus, he may become the first First Husband. Matt Drudge is, well, Matt Drudge. I can see why that might annoy Drudge a bit.

Michael K said...

I'm surprised to see no mention of the likely motive of linking Hillary with her left base by endorsing DeBlasio. The Clintons do nothing without calculation of advantage, except of course Bill's actions with women.

Inga is very concerned about a war on women and maybe should comment on how this looks to the round heeled left.

Anonymous said...

The Ghost of the Gatsby Project says:

"There’s something very sensuous about it — overripe, as if all sorts of funny fruits were going to fall into your hands. But Enough About Me; I am Here to Swear in the New Mayor of New York City."

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Good thing Drudge doesn't give a shit what you think.

Plus he is gay, so that automatically means that he is right and you are wrong, isn't that the rule now?

Lewis Wetzel said...

El Pollo Rayan wrote:
"Given their long mutual history, Drudge will be invaluable for a possible Clinton campaign and administration"

I believe Ms. Althouse has forgotten that history. Drudge gained fame by exposing the Lewinsky story that Newsweek had spiked. No love lost there, and Drudge is not playing 'unbiased observer' (as the Times is in its Hillary and Bengazi story).
Someone needs to remind Americans of the depravity and general scumbaggery of Clinton. The mainstream press won't do it.

Michael said...

Agree. Stupid headline. We no longer impeach Presidents for lying anyway so what difference could it possibly make at this point to bring up this old mistake?

Insufficiently Sensitive said...

Since Clinton was impeached for lying under oath

Headline writing is different than reporting. IMPEACHED is not inaccurate, and does the job in one word.

We're all well advised not to go off on headlines - they're notorious rabble-rousers, and serve much as carnival barkers do, to get you in the door.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Please share your list of the loftiest places on the internet.

chickelit said...

somefeller wrote: Plus, he may become the first First Husband.

This raises an interesting question of title. Should such a man be referred to as "First Husband" given the already extant meaning of "first husband" in the context of divorce? "First Husband" would signal a need to retitle the "First Lady" as "First Wife."

"First Gentleman" would better reflect the quaint "First Lady" title already cemented by tradition. Of course, the GLAAD handers would prefer "First Partner" as battleground preparation and reparation for years of oppression.


Skeptical Voter said...

I dunno Ann. Based on Clinton's impeachment and disbarment, it's tough to find anything that's beneath Bill Clinton. Unless maybe it's an intern or an Arkansas state employee. But at least Bill's the heterosexual one in the Clinton compound. Have to give him that.

But respect for Bill---not so much from my particular view.

virgil xenophon said...


Touche' :)

Bruce Hayden said...

I agree with most of the posters here. The headline is not nice, but it is accurate. Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Sure it might be more accurate if it included the reason for his impeachment, and how that related to swearing in the new mayor. But it wouldn't have been nearly as pithy.

Real American said...

Personally,I'd go with "disgraced former president" but to each his own.

chickelit said...

If Titus blogged from home it might be the "loftiest place on the internet."

virgil xenophon said...


I should have added that it's awfully easy to get "hoisted on one's own petard"
when one lashes one's self firmly to the ideological LGBT mast as AA is often wont to do..

traditionalguy said...

DeBlasio is a neo-Marxist too. Let them ruin NY C together. It won't take long.

pm317 said...

Well, looks like Drudge heeded your headline and removed it altogether -- not even downgraded to the side.

traditionalguy said...

Debased? Is that like a cave lair in Gangs of New York?

Anonymous said...

The Ghost of the Gatsby Project says:

"Sometimes, in my mind, I followed the Posts to their apartments on the corners of hidden streets and they turned and smiled back at me before they faded through a door into warm darkness."

Opus One Media said...

Why anyone reads Drudge to begin with is beyond my threshold of understanding.

wildswan said...

I kind of agreed with AA till I read the comments. Now I think that Drudge was determined to get the word "impeached" circulating. So in line with that goal: Obama should be impeached but won't be but what about Hilary, if she continues Obama's policies? Maybe we could impeach her before the election, that is, promise to impeach her if she continues ruling by executive action. Ready? (And isn't "Ready", which is Hilary Clinton's Happy Holidays card message, the most truly disgusting Happy Holidays card message ever? )

chickelit said...

Harold House said:

Why anyone reads Drudge to begin with is beyond my threshold of understanding.

That's a pretty low threshold, HD.

A. Shmendrik said...

Bill Clinton is a miserable scumbag.

Michael K said...

"Why anyone reads Drudge to begin with is beyond my threshold of understanding."

Drudge, like Instapundit, links to other stories. I suspect you don't read Drudge unless your threshold of understanding is deep in the weeds.

dwick said...

Drudge isn't the loftiest place on the internet, but this is beneath him:...

My my... a link referral tweet from Mark Steyn and trivial kerfuffle with Glenn Reynolds and all the sudden someone considers themself annointed the new doyenne of internet opinion sites.

cubanbob said...

So a law professor is a tad upset that Drudge pointed out that a convicted perjurer and disbarred lawyer will be administrating the oath of office. I suppose the guild looks out after their own.

FullMoon said...

Harold House said...

Why anyone reads Drudge to begin with is beyond my threshold of understanding.

Me too, Harold. I only go there for the links to world wide news services, including Islamic Public Wire and Pravda.

Michael said...

Harold House. I go to Drudge to link to The Guardian, Daily Kos, and, hold on Harold, the NY Post.

Michael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phil 314 said...

I'm surprised DeBlasio picked someone so...


Phil 314 said...

Was Lani Guanier unavailable ?

Jupiter said...

Perhaps Althouse is quibbling about the fact that impeachment is the equivalent of indictment, as opposed to conviction?

cubanbob said...

Perhaps Althouse is quibbling about the fact that impeachment is the equivalent of indictment, as opposed to conviction?"

Only if you conviniently overlook that the impeachment charge was predicated on the underlying perjury charge which was what Clinton was found guilty of and resulted in his disbarment. Like I said before the guild looks out after their own.

heyboom said...

Driving in Fresno yesterday I was following a woman with a I'm ready for Hillary bumper sticker.

LilyBart said...

But then, you'll probably vote for Hillary if you get a chance.

Foregone conclusion.

Unknown said...

---Was Lani Guanier unavailable ?

Too bad Fidel can't travel anymore.

LilyBart said...

Driving in Fresno yesterday I was following a woman with a I'm ready for Hillary bumper sticker.

Yes, and people will vote for her for the same reason they voted for Barack: Because they feel good about electing a women (or Black guy in BO's case).

I too am glad we've reached a point where Blacks and Women and Hispanics, Gays, etc are viable for major elected offices, however, we shouldn't votes for a person because they are black, woman, Hispanic, gay, etc - we should elect the absolute best person we can find to do the best job! We owe it to ourselves and our posterity.

Sorry to have to tell you this, but Hillary isn't that person.

Anonymous said...

How dare Drudge refer to impeached President Bill Clinton as an impeached President.

What sewage is this?!

Gary Rosen said...

Drudge made a factual assertion. That is more than the New York Times can be bothered to do.

Gary Rosen said...

Drudge made a factual assertion. That is more than the New York Times can be bothered to do.

sdharms said...

come on, Ann. He was impeached. He was disbarred. Don't you think swearing someone in to high office is a priveledge that should go to a respectable person? What has he done to redeem himself? nothing.

southcentralpa said...

Oh, I'm not at all convinced "Perjurer administers oath" would've passed muster with you...

Phaedrus said...

What Ms Althouse obviously knows is that the Clintons are running a public relations effort for Hillary's presidential run.

I respectfully disagree with her on this one.

Just spent a sleepless night courtesy of the "Neighbors barking dogs café"

richard mcenroe said...

NYC's first Sandinista mayor is going to preside over a clown-car explosion of a government anway. Whatever mud Drudge can throw won't make things appreciably worse.

Fernandinande said...

mean-spirited and flailing.

No, it was kinda funny.

That shyster should always be referred to as William/Bill "Impeached" Clinton.

Mountain Maven said...

After reading Deblaiso's bio I think he and Clinton deserve each other.

zefal said...

When growing up I remember Nixon being referred to as disgraced former president by the media a lot. How many times has the MSM refereed to clinton in anything but glowering terms post presidency, not including when he was campaigning on behalf of hillary for the dem nomination against number one media darling obama?

Same circumstance as clinton but Republican prez that would be standard decorum for the MSM.

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