September 12, 2013

Who are you rooting for?

Decisive results for the question I asked yesterday.


RecChief said...

can I jsut root for all three to fade into obscurity? It won't happen, but can I hope?

Eric said...

There are two people here who we know are assholes and one about whom we are uncertain. The result was preordained.

cubanbob said...

Now that his political career is over and done with he will need a way to make a living. Carlos Danger and Sidney Leathers should do a porno. Better still not only should they do a porno but incorporate a Sharknado theme with it. The box office will set them up good for life.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Weiner 69. Heh.

Alexander said...

Heh, 69 for Weiner.

Drago said...

Ms. Leathers has a fine future ahead of her as part of Charlie Sheens or Corey what's-his-face's posse.

Michael in ArchDen said...

Weiner got 69 votes...heh, heh.../BeavisAndButthead

Ann Althouse said...

The posts above were all made before any was approved, so no one here has read anyone else.

Scott M said...

When I saw the totals after I voted and thought everyone was probably doing the exact same thing I was. As distasteful as I find Ms. Leathers and her two new bouncing baby boobs, I find Huma and Tony that much more disgusting and want them resigned to the dustbin of Hillary. I mean history. No, wait...Hillary.

I wonder if Tony will be looking for carpets covered in plastic the next time he's at the Clinton household.

traditionalguy said...

Huma needs a good boob job...she can become larger than Leathers and be a winner too.

Sigivald said...

I was rooting for the asteroid.

Luke Lea said...


Sam L. said...

I will not pick one. A pox on them all!

Tank said...

Now that Weiner is out (as Mayor) I'm rooting for him (and voted that way).

Huma - she stood by him (for 20 seconds) and then, when he did not win, deserted him. Loser.

Leathers - a psychopath. She sees a sick situation, and a sicko human being, and seeks to attach herself to it/him to extend her 15 minutes. Loser.

Two losers and a sick puppy.


Revenant said...

All things being equal, I'm on the side of the young lady with the big knockers.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I voted for Weiner.

Everybody who didn't vote for Weiner is wrong.

Jman said...

I don't understand the appeal of having a hugh tatoo on your back. Another perfectly good body ruined by excessive ink.

CWJ said...

Its not the ratios, its the total votes cast that is important. 1,218 is probably a pretty good proxy for the total number of Americans who care about these three.

Big Mike said...

I didn't vote. I wanted them all to lose.

Big Mike said...

Of course if she has been exposed to HIV then Leathers is by far the biggest loser of the three.