One source told [South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo] that some of the victims were clutching Bibles as they were killed in front of their loved ones — who were then ordered to live in the country’s notorious prison camps after they were found guilty by association.Here's video of Hyon Song-wol singing "A Girl in the Saddle of a Steed":
According to Wikipedia, that was her greatest hit:
Our factory comrades say in jest,
Why, they tell me I am a virgin on a stallion,
After a full day's work I still have energy left...
They say I am a virgin on a stallion,
Mounting a stallion my Dear Leader gave me.
All my life I will live to uphold his name!
Maybe we could arrange a trip to NK for several US pop stars - might end up well.
Trayvon Martin?
So, yeah, let's let OUR dear leader ignore our laws while we stand around murmuring "that's just not right" but not doing anything about it. We have these examples in front of us of countries with dictators and we think that because we are the mighty USA! USA! USA!, it won't happen here.
While Obama is distracting the world with his antics in the Syria be an do something usefull and target this demon.
Poll question: who reads the DM for the news or for the picture of woman in bikinis?
...They say I am a virgin on a stallion,
Mounting a stallion my Dear Leader gave me...
I take it that this bit of Stakhanovite smut wasn't the stuff that allegedly violated the anti-pornography laws?
Thanks for posting those lyrics. Now I will have that catchy tune stuck in my head all day long....
A half step above barbarians, if that.
To be glib about an event which surely does not merit it, the "unfair sentence" tag seems a bit inadequate.
On a more human note, the grotesque relationship that Kim Jong and Assad families have with human life and dignity is a dark stain on an already dirty planet.
The chemical attacks in Syria (horrid as they were) are a but a fraction at the leathality of the regime ( read David Remnick's great recent piece in the Newyorker). So to this latest execution in the DPKR.
Don't know what to do about it, other than pray, but it seems to me that these are neighborhood problems that neighbors should (could) solve on a very personal and decisive basis.
In North Korea, I guess it makes sense to frame someone as a bible-toting pornographer. But really, it seems a terrible thing to do to someone so loyal to her Dear Leader just because his wife was jealous.
He didn't use nerve gas on them so the USA won't have to retaliate.
That was slow work by Marxist Murderer's standards. They waited three days from arrest to shooting.
Maybe it took three days for the relatives of the Christians they arrested to be brought in and made to watch them be machine gunned.
Kim's days are numbered now since there one other witness to the death of Christians for their faith.
I wonder what punishment Miley would receive from the Long Jong-Un? And poor Billy Ray would be all achy breaky in the forced labor camp doin' the boot scoot boogie.
Wrong video
Wonder what it is with the horses - another article says she this was her biggest hit:
Excellent Horse-Like Lady - Hyon Song-wol
Maybe the last conversation went something like:
KJ-U: "Song-wol, I want you to do number with twerking, like Miley Cyrus at VMA"
HS-W: "Oooohhhhh, Jong-Un, I no think so....."
More intrigue at Wiki. Maybe it's about a jealous wife, whose interest in dispatching a rival also was convenient for political reasons:
However, according to Professor Toshimitsu Shigemura of Tokyo's Waseda University, who is an authority on North Korean affairs, "if these people had only made pornographic videos, then it is simply not believable that their punishment was execution." He suggests that they were killed for political reasons, perhaps related to factional conflicts in the North Korean elite, or simply as a result of a grudge: "as Kim's wife [Ri Sol-ju] once belonged to the same group, it is possible that these executions are more about Kim's wife."[6]
Message: Don't mess with Ri Sol-ju's man. There is only one Long Jong Silver, and he's taken.
"Pop start"? That's an unfortunate Freudian slip, especially since her life was "pop-stopped" by her cruel ex.
At about the one minute mark the audience is only half heartedly clapping along to the music and the conductor corrects that. It's kind of creepy the way they all instantly obey and clap until the very end.
She has a lovely voice. I wonder what she really did to piss off Kim Un and if other woman might be a little wary of getting involved with him? That is, if they have a choice.
There's something about the clapping of the crowd in that video.... so creepy.
The day....
..the music...
Whichever video that is, the people seem so happy to sing, dance and praise the glorious revolution.
So happy!
There is a documentary called The Red Chapel that I can recommend highly. It was made by a Danish filmmaker. Two South Korean orphans were adopted by Danish families and grew up there. They wrote to the Dear Leader and told him how much they respected his accomplishments and asked for permission to visit North Korea. Dear Leader doesn't get many fan letters, and the regime saw the propaganda possibilities of the situation. The request was granted......The filmmaker said he wanted the film to be a post modern ironic joke. He presented the Dear Leader with a polished, solid mahogany pizza paddle because the official biography of the Dear Leader notes that he is fond of pizza. That was the only funny joke in the movie.....One of the orphans had cerebral palsy and was severely involved. He was the first handicapped person the North Koreans had ever met. Disabled children in North Korea are sent to special orphanages where they die......The documentary was made under close supervision. The filmmaker claimed that the visible parts of North Korea were like an elaborate movie set and that the people who populated them were movie extras, chosen for their good looks and enthusiasm for the Dear Leader. What's disturbing is how (apparently) sincere they seem in their love for Dear Leader......In its way the movie is a very frightening horror movie. I recommend it highly.
I'm thinking something between Ed Sullivan and Mel Brooks after watching that. N. Korea is flipped out and quite backwards.
Just like his dad, he's so ronery, too.
Team America reference lest anyone think I'm being racially insensitive.
Just like his dad, he's so ronery, too.
Team America reference lest anyone anyone think I'm being racially insensitive.
There really was an "Axis of Evil". Who knew?
Someone check his iPod for "I'm Henry the Eighth I Am" by Herman's Hermits.
"Wonder what it is with the horses - another article says she this was her biggest hit: Excellent Horse-Like Lady - Hyon Song-wol."
It's the same song, but Wikipedia says that's a mistranslation. The title I have is the right one.
Eh, I like Emmylou Harris' "Ballad of a Runaway Horse" much better.
Stalin wannabe. Sick man.
Should be a warning to those who relish and embrace the never-ending expansion of government and the seeming continuing expansion of presidential powers.
Vogt - "On a more human note, the grotesque relationship that Kim Jong and Assad families have with human life and dignity is a dark stain on an already dirty planet.
The chemical attacks in Syria (horrid as they were) are a but a fraction at the leathality of the regime."
The Kims are perverted monsters. But Syria is just another country with a bloody civil war.
If Assad is a dark stain on the planet, the same argument could be made for Abraham Lincoln being a dark stain. Darker, given "Lincoln killed" many times more than "Assad killed".
5 years from now, Syria will just join the US, Russia, England, Japan, Iraq, the Congo, Mexico, Indonesia, British India offshoots, Sudan, Rwanda, having a chapter in their history of a big fat awful bloody civil war. Then some other nation will have their 1st, or second, or 3rd civil war and Syria will be forgotten.
The Kims though - thats over 60 years of their wierd and inhumane rule over a brainwashed mass of fools. (odd given that S Koreans are always in the Top 5 in academic performance)
I'd worry about Obama bombing NK over this --- but since the move won't lead to mass instability in the ME and an increase in power for terrorists, he is unlikely to do so.
Sad that you can figure out everything Obama will do by that simple equation, ain't it?
She's pregnant, can't have too many little dictators running around.
This was in today's email. There's a part of the world where the Cultural Revolution is alive and well.
Further reports say that the families of the executed are all in prison camps now.
Oh no! "Cedarford" says Assad is just like Lincoln, because Assad is killing people to preserve his oppressive and dictatorial regime, and Lincoln killed people to preserve the American republic and free the slaves. Is there any hope for someone who thinks (or even pretends the think) that?
Re: Cedarford:
The Kims though - thats over 60 years of their wierd and inhumane rule over a brainwashed mass of fools. (odd given that S Koreans are always in the Top 5 in academic performance)
Not that surprising. Korea has had periods of rapid advance such as the one underway even today -- thanks in no small part to the President's father -- but Korea has also gone through long periods in which the government has basically been taken over by gangsters who ruled through terror and turned their talents to extortion and banditry.
In 1802, for example, the royal family took a queen from the Kim clan of Andong. For something like sixty years, the queen's family then exercised a tyrannical control over the government, executing their enemies even within the royal family. In 1849, they had run out of eligible candidates for the throne, so they had to bring in someone from a cadet line of the family -- an illiterate fisherman -- crown him king, and marry him off to an Andong Kim. The reign of the Andong Kims lasted until 1864, when the illiterate king died. Their tyranny ended only because the royal seal was smuggled out of the palace to a member of the royal family (later known as the Daewon-gun -- he had escaped death by playing the fool as a young man), who then had his son crowned king. While the state was taken over by the Andong Kims, basically all Korea's statistics -- lifespans, infant mortality, etc. -- either stagnated or worsened.
All the brains in the world will not help you if they are channeled exclusively to corrupt ends, within a system which allows no escape. Frankly, South Korea is extraordinarily lucky that Park Chung-hee was not particularly avaricious. If he had been, South Korea would be more or less like . . . well, like what it was at the start of his long reign -- one of the poorest, most dysfunctional countries in the entire world.
The Godfather said...
Oh no! "Cedarford" says Assad is just like Lincoln, because Assad is killing people to preserve his oppressive and dictatorial regime, and Lincoln killed people to preserve the American republic and free the slaves. Is there any hope for someone who thinks (or even pretends the think) that?
All in the eye of the beholder. To one side, Cromwell was a hero. To the other, and oppressive dictator. The Southerners basically wanted to just go their own way and were blocked by an oppressive tyrant (in their opinion) who sent troops to invade their homeland, and invade, burn, and steal the wealth. Lincoln didn't set out to kill 100s of thousands to "free the slaves". In fact, slavery died out naturally in every New Hemisphere nation without warfare save Haiti and the USA.
People HATE the idea that Lincoln would be compared to ANY side in ANY other Civil War...but what other example applies to him that does not apply to rebels and governments elsewhere??
And Americans back then HATED the idea that foreign powers were actively thinking of sending troops or other support to each side in our civil war and vowed that would kill and not take prisoners of any Mexicans, Canadians, Brits caught fighting for the South..or French, French Canadians aiding the North. Which makes the Iraqi reaction in that "moral 911 mission" more understandable.
Cedarford, you note:
". . . Syria is just another country with a bloody civil war." You do realize that the house of Assad has been wantonly killing people with or without civil war for over 40 years, right?
". . . the same argument could be made for Abraham Lincoln being a dark stain". I'll leave you to your own assessment of Lincoln, but the house of Assad and the Kim dynasty have been in the killing business for about as long a Abe was alive. I think he should get at least some credit for not killing people in his pre-teen years.
". . . 5 years from now, Syria will just join the US, Russia, England, Japan, Iraq, the Congo, Mexico, Indonesia, British India offshoots, Sudan, Rwanda, having a chapter in their history of a big fat awful bloody civil war." Can I have some of what your smoking? This won't be over in 5 years and it probably won't be over in 50
". . . Syria will be forgotten" Forgotten? Hell, it's not even really been remembered. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, millions refugeed and you never hear anything about it (current mini spasm excepted). Where is Amnesty International on this? Nowhere. There busy barking about Gun control. Un-effen believable
Kill the bastard.
Jay Vogt,
You do realize that the house of Assad has been wantonly killing people with or without civil war for over 40 years, right?
I never did understand how Ariel Sharon became the "Butcher of Lebanon" in 1982 by letting Lebanese Christian militias into the Sabra/Shatila camps, where they killed possibly as many as 3500 people, whereas Hafez al-Assad, essentially next door and in the same year, could bomb the shit out of one of his country's sizable cities, kill a few tens of thousands of people or so, and not be known forever as the "Butcher of Hama." Of course, his son doesn't wish to be outdone in the slaughter department, and he's doing his level best.
Which reminds me: Why on earth is the Dutch UN commander who let the Serbs into Srebenica not as infamous as Sharon? There were something like 8000 dead there.
I'm not betting my entire stake on the accuracy of this story. Lots of people believed the purported DPRK video from earlier this year: "How Americans Live Today." One of the more memorable [mis]translations of that video (with the theme that life sucks in America): "Again there are no birds in the trees, apart from these ... which will be eaten on Tuesday. They are yummy."
A terrible thing - but don't claim it never occurred to you.
Very sad. Silver lining to the human tragedy -- I have now been made aware of and subscribed to the DPRK music channel. Everyone was so well behaved in that audience.
For one who loves his Mozart, a veritable preview of Hell on multiple levels. Thanks for turning me on Ann to the DPRK music channel.
the movie fifty shades of grey
Kristen Stewart has finally responded to rumors that she's a favorite to play
Wow! she's beautiful no matter what you do ...try her with robert it looks cool i'm sure...
The logical consequence of this would be that (knowing the likely denouement) no woman would ever look at the Dear Leader again?
Re: Peter:
The logical consequence of this would be that (knowing the likely denouement) no woman would ever look at the Dear Leader again?
If this is harem politics, then the poor woman got off easy. Lu Zhi was primary consort of the first Han Emperor, Liu Bang, but the Emperor was enamoured of his concubine Qi. After the Emperor died, Lu Zhi's son succeeded to the throne, and Lu Zhi became the Dowager Empress.
Despite the young Emperor's best efforts to protect his young half brother -- Qi's son -- by keeping him constantly at his side, Lu Zhi's assassins caught Qi's son in bed one morning and killed him with poison. Lu Zhi's vengeance on Qi was still more horrible. She had her arms and legs cut off, and her eyes gouged out, and made her mute. Then she tossed Qi in a latrine, and she called her a human pig. Then she showed her handiwork to her son.
When the young Emperor saw what his mother had done, what a depraved monster she was, he was horrified and disgusted, and fell into dissipation.
The woman was an absolute psychopath.
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