July 2, 2013

"There are prison-like elements, but it’s a really nice prison."

Michelle Obama said. "You can’t complain. There are confining elements."


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Red meat for the Obama haters.

Tear it up boys.

ricpic said...

Ungrateful bitch. I meant AReasonableMan not Moochelle.

Dante said...

Nothing is ever good enough for me.

(P.S. I dislike all of them: MO, BO, and JO).

Drago said...

GW Bush returns to Africa where he is much admired and clearly the affection is mutual.

Red meat for the GWBush haters.

Tear it up lefties:


Skeptical Voter said...

My heart bleeds for Moochelle.

Moochelle's kind of let them eat cake attitude and whining on got some earlier queen a ride in a tumbrel to see Dr. Guillotine. In just a few short seconds Marie Antoinette's headache and heartache was cured.

But Moochelle will depart the White House with a $40 million book contract in hand. Hope she can write better than she did in her Princeton term paper.

Michael said...

It is truly unfortunate for the Obamas that President Bush and his wife were inAfrica at the same time, actually on a trip to do something for Africans as opposed to a speaking tour part of which was to drum up support for gays whose sexual practices are illegal in most places. He was thanked for his suggestions which were dismissed in favor of their own cultural norms. A stinging rebuke as they say. Not widely reported. Meanwhile the much loved by Africans George W Bush and his wife toiled away at their project. Smiling.

edutcher said...

The capper to a real disaster of a trip.

n.n said...

The "prison-like elements" are erected by individuals incapable of self-moderating, responsible behavior. These are people who dream of material, physical, and ego instant gratification, and are willing to denigrate individual dignity and deny an intrinsic value of human life in order to advance their political, economic, and social standing.

Does that sound familiar, Obama? Its the intended consequences of your corrupt philosophy of life, ego, and Obama.

Synova said...

It felt like that at Clark, too.

Unless you've had your movement controlled, as I'm sure that the First Ladies do, it undoubtedly seems like it shouldn't matter that you can't just go where ever you have a whim to go.

But it does.

Quaestor said...

Face it, AreasonableMan, et al., your goddess is greedy self-obsessed scum.

Big Mike said...

Is everybody in the present administration totally tone deaf?

Mark Trade said...

It's because it's called "The White House." She's held back by all the white privilege

Also, looks like Hilary wasn't invited.

Drago said...

Quaestor: "Face it, AreasonableMan, et al., your goddess is greedy self-obsessed scum."

ARM knows that.

He could have just said "that was not the most effective comment she might have made", but that would require some capacity for self-reflection.

Not a strong suit of the left.

That's why he moved so quickly to change the subject.

Quaestor said...

[That] would require some capacity for self-reflection. Not a strong suit of the left.

It's an interesting magic mirror they have, isn't it? -- Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? In the story the mirror spoke the truth, but the lefty magic mirror speaks only comforting lies.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, I do have to agree with Michelle Obama in some respects. And everyone knows that I have a very LOW opinion of the Obamas. If they were white....they would be white trailer trash.

However, being the First Lady, living in the White House, being on public display, under a microscope of scrutiny has got to be incredibly confining. You can't just 'be yourself'....let it all hang out. You can't even go shopping without it being a national security event.

I've been in the "public eye" in the past as a steward of other people's money and currently in a small political position of responsibility. You DO have to maintain an image. You can't go hang out anywhere you like and you can't say anything you want and you can't dress anyway you like.....although it sure seems like Michelle does that last one looking at the horrific outfits she wears.

Again....however, just because it is not pleasant, stultifying and feels like a prison is no reason to be a bitch to people who work for you and NO REASON to rape the American public with excessive, selfish, expensive, travalganzas. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you should. That personal responsibility and morality lesson seems to be lost on the Obamas who are grabbing as many of the brass rings as they can.

test said...
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test said...

I'm surprised they spoke. If someone's spouse lied about my spouse in as vicious and nasty a manner as Barack did about George I'd never speak to either again no matter the circumstances.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
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Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Marshall

Laura Bush is a lady in the true southern sense of the word. Wouldn't say shit if she had a mouthful. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mrs. Bush didn't throw in a few 'bless her hearts' towards Michelle

Anonymous said...

A prison that pays her hundreds of millions to tour the world, stay in the most luxurious hotels, eat the best food, fly in the fastest jets, all courtesy of the stupidest people on earth.

What a bitch!

Anonymous said...

Marshal said...
I'm surprised they spoke. If someone's spouse lied about my spouse in as vicious and nasty a manner as Barack did about George I'd never speak to either again no matter the circumstances.

The difference between class and no class.

doustoi said...

Any idea how much the Bushes' trip to Africa cost? And how much of it the taxpayers are on the hook for (I know W gets lifetime Secret Service)?

Quaestor said...

In defense of trailer trash, white and otherwise, narcissism is not their pathology.

YoungHegelian said...

@Big Mike,

Is everybody in the present administration totally tone deaf?

No, BigMike, they don't have to run again & they're in full "Fuck you, peasant!" mode.

Do you see them responding to FOIA or Congressional requests for documents? Nope, me neither. Like I said, full-bore FU mode.

Big Mike said...

@YoungHegelian, I think both traits are on display.

Siduri said...

My house with small children, summer after summer with no vacation whatsoever ...

My wardrobe with worn-out Walmart clothes ...

You know Ms. Obama, I think your loving husband should resign so you won't suffer. 'Twould be a noble act.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When you are married to the warden do you get to complain like that?

I don't know.

Titus said...

How is everyone doing with their summering this season?

The husband and I did Ptown two weeks ago to find out what is hot and last weekend found our third eyes and centers in the Berkshires.

This weekend we head to the Vineyard. The quandry we face is driving or the ferry? We are leaning towards the ferry at this time which is dog friendly natch although sometimes rough winds along the ocean disturb my stomach. The crowd on the ferry from Boston is upper crust old money Boston with nouveau riche VC peeps, which I guess is fine. We are looking for low key this weekend. We have a room on the Atlantic at a steel for $550 a night and will likely just read and attend to the rare clumber.

Where are you summering?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is everybody in the present administration totally tone deaf?

You make it sound like tone deaf people are not Americans.

Why are you trashing the tone deaf ;)

Drago said...

Titus: "The husband and I did Ptown two weeks ago to find out what is hot and last weekend found our third eyes and centers in the Berkshires."

Shouldn't your third eye have already clued you in to where your third eye and centers are?

When the old tv psychics told you the number to call, I would just think really really hard about my phone number and waited for them to call me.

They never did.

Methadras said...

AReasonableMan said...

Red meat for the Obama haters.

Tear it up boys.

Honestly, no one really cares about this perpetually sneering black racist bitch beast.

Strelnikov said...

Spoken like someone who has not only never been in prison but has not even spent the night in a local jail. As usual, very insightful.

rhhardin said...

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone, that soar above,
Enjoy such liberty.

Ctmom4 said...

She has been living a life of luxury of for 5 years that is unimaginable to most Americans, 75% of whom are living paycheck to paycheck in her husband's economy, and still she whines. A perpetual grievance monger. Words fail me.

somefeller said...

Dust Bunny Queen says:And everyone knows that I have a very LOW opinion of the Obamas. If they were white....they would be white trailer trash.

I don't think that's accurate. They are nothing like you, DBQ!

Henry said...

From the article: At one point Obama observed that she and other first ladies do their best to bring the public’s attention to meaningful topics “while people are sort of sorting through our shoes and our hair, whether we cut it or not …” at which point Bush interrupted, saying, “Whether we have bangs.”
The audience responded with laughter.

Presidents -- and presidents' spouses -- get each other. George W. and Laura Bush seem especially good at this kind of empathy. I can imagine, some 20 years from now, W and O exchanging missives like Adams & Jefferson.

Rusty said...

somefeller said...
Dust Bunny Queen says:And everyone knows that I have a very LOW opinion of the Obamas. If they were white....they would be white trailer trash.

I don't think that's accurate. They are nothing like you, DBQ!

No. They're probably just like you.
Bless their hearts.

CWJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
somefeller said...

No. They're probably just like you.
Bless their hearts.

That's correct, Rusty. They are both Harvard Law grads like me. Thanks for being kind enough to allude to that, but it really wasn't necessary.

CWJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Michelle has a point. There are many multi-billionaires that live in nicer houses and have better servants than tough young Marines and debauched Secret Service crackers.

John Kerry has a far better life compared to Prisoner Michelle,except for suffering from his wounds in Viet Nam

We should take up a collection for her.

Geoff Matthews said...

She comes across as ungracious and thin skinned. Not an attractive attribute.
Funny, but I remember Steve Sailer saying that Michelle would be a bigger problem than Hillary was, and he certainly called it.

Anonymous said...

She could escape and leave it behind. Bess Truman did. She needs to not whine so much.

Methadras said...

Who cares what the perpetually sneering black racist bitch beast thinks.

Anonymous said...

John Kerry LIKES being a prisoner. That's the problem

g2loq said...

the enemy, foreign and domestic, is in the White Hut

MadisonMan said...

I've said this before.

A man sees what they want to see and disregards the rest.

Henry said...

Funny, but I remember Steve Sailer saying that Michelle would be a bigger problem than Hillary was, and he certainly called it.

When was that? In 2012? What comic universe are you talking about?

It may feel fun to harsh on the first lady, but most Americans like her. Most Americans like the president, for that matter. At least they like him more than his policies, which says something about his likability.

Click through and read the article. Two first ladies are joshing about the job. Laura Bush isn't offended. She knows exactly where Michelle Obama is coming from. The audience isn't offended. They hear the tone of voice. They know its a joke.

Getting offended for the adrenaline rush may be fun, but it makes for foolishness.

Big Mike said...

@Henry, it's still a stupid thing to say in a public forum.

Tom said...

First, we should all be very grateful to be Americans and to benefit from the genius of our founders and to those who came before us to create and fight for this incredible country. Second, I wish she would lead by example and be grateful for the tremendous honor the American people bestowed upon her and her family.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

As someone cleverly tweated:

The White House isn't a prison. The public can still visit prisons.

victoria said...

Don't worry, Henry. The ignoramuses only read what they want to read, hear what they want to hear and believe what they are told to believe.


The women were being light and joking. The jokes on you reactionary righties, though, ignorant fools.

Vicki from Pasadena

Let the criticism begin. Don't bother because i am not going to read your vicious, hate filled ignorant rants.

paminwi said...

The written article is one thing. Watch some of the video of the "prison" exchange ad you will see Laura Bush doesn't even look at Moochelle. The body language of Mrs. Bush speaks volumes.

Drago said...

Henry: "It may feel fun to harsh on the first lady.."

The left certainly had no problem with that from Jan of 1981 thru Jan of 1993 and then from Jan of 2001 thru Jan of 2009.

I can't imagine why that was.

Can you?

Chip Ahoy said...

♪I'm a tweet wittle bird in my giwded cage
Tweety's my name but I don't know my age.
♫I don't have to worry and dat is dat
I'm saaaafe in hewe fwom dat owd puddy tat.

Or if you prefer,

♪Je suis da canari dans sa jolie cage
Je m'appelle Titi mais je connais pas mon age
♫Derrière ces barreaux je dois pas m'inquiéter
Je suis à l'abri du vilain gros minet

(behind these bars I do not worry I am away from ugly fat pussy)

Maybe minet means Sylvester, I do not know. But that is so sweet, don't you think?

pm317 said...

Another whiner just like her husband.. what would she have rather done? Screwing the poor in her previous hospital job in Chicago?

David said...

Well people she's right in a way, and she was making a light joke not complaining. An ill advised joke though.

pm317 said...

That video is interesting -- Bush is talking about being in a department store with her daughter in Austin, an everyday regular person and this other woman is talking about her prison..

Chip Ahoy said...

Akshully, at this point, I would feel like a prisoner to any schedule. Even the regular schedule of regular life of a regular relationship would be too much like a trap, it'd go like, "What do you mean I have to take a shower right now? It's not even Friday. It's a trap! I want a divorce.

I have a new joke that I'm waiting to use and now that I'm telling you I can't use it unless I spring it on you. It comes with the next thing having to do with Turkey or land conflict or border dispute having to do with anything around, say, the area of old Persia. I'm going to have Admiral Akbar jump out and say, "It satrap!" Then disappear.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Titus said...
will likely just read and attend to the rare clumber.

I know I am going to regret this but, what is a clumber?

Henry said...

Drago wrote: The left certainly had no problem with that from Jan of 1981 thru Jan of 1993 and then from Jan of 2001 thru Jan of 2009.

Idiotic then. Idiotic now.

Mark said...

From my experience with trailer trash they're not whiners, and they'll go out of their way to help others in need.

When the Obamas think of them they think "Suckers!" and unfortunately that's often right too.

pm317 said...

Something is definitely off with this Obama woman:

“Who would have thought? I didn’t call that,” she said. “But,” she added, “we take our bangs and we stand in front of important things that the world needs to see. And eventually people stop looking at the bangs and they start looking at what we’re standing in front of.”

“We hope,” Bush interjected.

“They do, and that’s the power of our roles,” Obama responded.

The two women, speaking a panel moderated by journalist Cokie Roberts, urged the spouses of African leaders to trumpet the issues they think the continent’s citizens need to hear. Obama and Bush engaged in friendly banter throughout the event, with the first lady saying at one point she agreed to serve on a panel with Laura Bush because “I like this woman” and it helps to discuss their common experience.

She likes this woman, this woman called Laura Bush..

Anonymous said...

"Michelle Obama Prison Film"

FADE IN: Woman's Prison Shower Room. Grungy Faded Pink-and-White Tile. Poor Lighting.

Sound Effect: Water Slowly Dripping from an Off-Screen Shower Head. Add Echo.


Topless Women Prisoners on Hunger Strike. Chanting, Rhythmic Movement While Holding Prison Bars.


Gwyneth Paltrow, Awaking in Solitary. She has a Small Cut on Her Lower Lip.

UNCREDITED CAMEO: Shadowy George Clooney as Prison Guard Hands Gwyneth a Handkerchief to Attend to Her Bloody Lip.

Gwyneth Starts to Bring the Handkerchief to Her Lip when --

UNCREDITED CAMEO: Shadowy George Clooney raises a finger to His Lips:


UNCREDITED CAMEO: Shadowy George Clooney as Prison Guard Points at the Tiny Cursive Written on the Handkerchief.

Gwyneth: I Can't Read Cursive....

UNCREDITED CAMEO: Shadowy George Clooney Explains that Michelle Obama Will Be Visiting the Prison in Less than a Week: Hope and Change is Coming....

UNCREDITED CAMEO: Brad Pitt in Drag Cries out from the Shadows of the Cell: "I Got Them Baby Cramps Real Bad..."

Anonymous said...

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: (to cowering prisoner): "Do You Know What this Broomstick is For?"

Cowering Prisoner: No Eye Contact; Shivering.

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: "I am Asking You a Question! Do You Know What this Broomstick is For?"

Cowering Prisoner: "....To Sweep?"

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: "Look Around!" she Yells, Smacking the Cowering Prisoner with the Broomstick. "Everything is Cement!"

Cowering Prisoner: "?"

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: "Everything is Cement! We Hose Away the Blood and Hair and Broken Teeth!

Cowering Prisoner: "Okay..."

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: "Do You Still Not Know What this Broomstick is For?"

Cowering Prisoner: (long pause) "Linda Blair Time?"

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: "New Fish Got it Right!"

LilyBart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Reese Witherspoon Inmate comes up Beside Cowering Prisoner, Holds Her Protectively. Whimpering Sounds Echoing On Tile.

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: "Oh, So You're Gonna Protect Her, Sweetie? You Think You Being a School Teacher that Slept With her High School Student Makes You Above us All?"

Reese Witherspoon Inmate: "He Was Not Just a Student: He was My Lover."

Anonymous said...

Sandra Bullock Prison Guard: "He was Sixteen Years Old and failed His Driver's test Seven Times!"

Reese Witherspoon Inmate: "We Believed in Public Transit."

Anonymous said...

Jessica Alba Inmate Discreetly Approaches Reese Witherspoon Inmate: "Now is Not the Time, Woman Warrior."

Reese Witherspoon Inmate: "This is Not High School Anymore; there IS No Recess."

Jessica Alba Inmate; "I Understand, But How About We Just Take a Long Soft-Focus Shower and Commiserate Inside the Steam."

Reese Witherspoon Inmate: "Naked Steaminess Sounds Soothing..."

Jessica Alba Inmate; "They are All Out of the Full-Sized Towels, but We Will Persevere."

OFF_SCREEN UNCREDITED CAMEO: Brad Pitt in Drag Cries out from the Shadows of the Cell: "I STILL Got Them Baby Cramps Real Bad..."

Freeman Hunt said...

I would imagine her description is accurate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I tell you what a prison is...

Althouse going to sleep and leaving us wide awake with Michelle.

Its probably worst than prison.

madAsHell said...

LOW opinion of the Obamas. If they were white....they would be white trailer trash.

yeah....white people are held to a higher standard.

Kensington said...

She and her husband did volunteer for this, didn't they?

Twice, in fact, if I recall...

Shouldn't she just shut up about the prisoner aspects of her situation. or is it meant to be a cautionary tale for future first ladies?

gbarto said...

It could be worse. She could be the president of Bolivia.

Valentine Smith said...

Shit, I didn't know one of the broads of Orange County Housewives commented here.

Quaestor said...

Psst, Max...
I got a tweet from Katzenberg who retweeted from Geffen. It's a green, but you have to re-work to give Brad more face time.

Anonymous said...

"Don't worry, Henry. The ignoramuses only read what they want to read, hear what they want to hear and believe what they are told to believe.


The women were being light and joking. The jokes on you reactionary righties, though, ignorant fools.

Vicki from Pasadena

Let the criticism begin. Don't bother because i am not going to read your vicious, hate filled ignorant rants."

7/2/13, 9:56 PM

Gawd, I think I love this Victoria from Pasadena!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Up late drinking you bug eyed bitch?

Go liver failure go!

I'll give you on thing Inga, your ass is not quite as big as First Lady Camacho's. You are just as classless and stupid though.

I bet her liver holds out longer than yours does, you old lush.

Gahrie said...

yeah, but it's got a great work-release program.

William said...

I can to some extent empathize with Michelle. Here at the Vatican after you make Pope everybody expects you to be so fucking perfect. And let me tell you all the Renaissance art in the world doesn't compensate for the lack of central heating and air conditioning. My only real relief is posting comments on Althouse and coaching the local middle school boys' swimming team.

Quaestor said...

The ignoramuses only read what they want to read, hear what they want to hear and believe what they are told to believe.

Inga looks in the magic mirror.

Clink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I love her to get out on parole ASAP.

Mark said...

Yeah, considering Journolisters felt the need to deliberate and refine the talking points handed out by the Leadership, and how readily the Ingas reposted the twaddle, Inga prime might want to reconsider throwing stones.

We Conservatives are a rowdy bunch, and smarter than you. You're safe because we're the good guys, but we will make you feel like an idiot because it's fun. And no, making you feel like an idiot isn't an attack, it's a gift. You don't have to be an idiot.

TmjUtah said...

Hey, let's all chip in and buy her Southern France.


What an odious woman she is.

AlanKH said...

At first I thought she was talking about Obamacare.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Let them eat cake.

Rusty said...

somefeller said...
No. They're probably just like you.
Bless their hearts.

That's correct, Rusty. They are both Harvard Law grads like me. Thanks for being kind enough to allude to that, but it really wasn't necessary.

Bless your heart.

Nomennovum said...

"You can’t complain"

But she will anyway ... while simultaneously bragging. While I sincerely want her and Choom gone, at least she's less bloodthirsty than Hillary was.

AllenS said...

If Hillary gets to be POTUS, it will be the inmates running the asylum.

Rusty said...

Nomennovum said...
"You can’t complain"

But she will anyway ... while simultaneously bragging. While I sincerely want her and Choom gone, at least she's less bloodthirsty than Hillary was.

She is less ambitious than Hillary. It will be interesting to see her a couple of years after they are out of the White House.
prediction; The Obamas will lobby congress for a bigger post presidential stipend.

stlcdr said...

To be fair, she is correct: the office of the presidency is a defined regimen with little choice to do as one would like. But it is a gilded cage. Making a statement of this, even in a joke, is a statement of the obvious.

We all live in these prisons. Those that struggle to work and support their family are constricted by a defined regimen, but it is much less gilded.

There are those that don't work, and expect others to provide, and complain about the prison slop even though it is handed to them on a plate. They talk about those who have everything [sic] as if they are not constrained. Yet they have a door out that they choose not to take.

So, a door from one prison leads to another: more luxurious, but no less a prison. As we struggle to remove the bars, others impose rules which throw up more cages around us: it is not fair that one is free while others are constrained.

Do not talk to us about your prison, implying you are suffering. This is what life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness means: removing the imposition of cages and chains where we are free, and not burdened by regulation, but also free of the cage which may benefit us by both providing and taking.

We must all be free to create our own cage; just like yours, with the free will to leave. But you are ensuring that you impose your idea of a prison on us, one that we cannot leave. It matters not, how gilded it is, if we cannot leave, it against nature when we have done nothing but live, survive and support ourselves.

Do not talk to us about prisons, as a flight of fancy or with light humor.

tomaig said...

"This weekend we head to the Vineyard. The quandry we face is driving or the ferry?"

Since Martha's Vineyard is an island, please say you're driving there. Perhaps the Ted Kennedy Underwater Expressway?

AllenS said...

I cut and split wood yesterday, today I have to stack it. It's just like being in the joint.

harrogate said...
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harrogate said...

I can guarantee that not a single person witticizing about this actually looked at the clip. (Said guarantee assumed intellectual honesty on the part of all involved. Naturally.)

What did Roberts ask? What were Michelle Obama and Laura Bush responding to?

For in truth, in case anyone is interested, Roberts quoted Martha Washington describing being First Lady as being in a "state prison" of sorts, and asked them to respond. Michelle Obama's answer, like Laura Bush's, expressed amusement and a dollop of sympathy with the Washington quote, but was also, if you watched it, carried by an expressed gratitude at the opportunity to be FLOTUS.

But keep slinging.

I Callahan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Callahan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Callahan said...

I know I am going to regret this but, what is a clumber?


It's a dog breed:

Clumber Spaniel

Cool dog, especially if you like a more laid-back breed.

pm317 said...

Yeah, yeah, she can't go doing her thing but she gets to do so much more that billion others will never get a chance to do. where is the sense of proportion and perspective?

What I find objectionable is the lack of tact and class to some extent, and self-aggrandizement (as when she said "“They do, and that’s the power of our roles,” Obama responded.. -- I like how Laura B said "we hope").. and lack of grace (can you imagine her saying this, but she did: with the first lady saying at one point she agreed to serve on a panel with Laura Bush because “I like this woman”)..

Titus said...

"Since Martha's Vineyard is an island, please say you're driving there. Perhaps the Ted Kennedy Underwater Expressway?"

The ferry from Boston-otherwise we have to drive to Hyannisport.

Gee, Red Stater.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Ever since Betty Ford my guess is it's pretty much impossible to get a good, solid rolling buzz on at the White House.

So it's really worse than prison, from that perspective.

LilyBart said...

What were Michelle Obama and Laura Bush responding to?

This may be true, but Michelle has already developed a reputation as a complainer. She should check herself on these occasions - learn to show discretion.

There is a downside to everything. But someone afforded a great deal of privilege and comfort looks very small complaining about it (even as a joke) to those who don't enjoy that level of privilege and comfort.

On this topic, I wish she'd stop publically complaining about her husband's shortcomings. Everyone's spouse has shortcomings. Who thinks its charming to publically air them?

rhhardin said...

Lots of ivy.

Matt Sablan said...

Complaining about gilded cages is usually done by someone who is forced into the position against their will, like Joanna in Sweeney Todd.

Not, you know, the wife of an elected representative who chose the man she married and encouraged him to seek the office.

Pettifogger said...

No doubt that being a member of the First Family has drawbacks. I would hate to live so much in the media spotlight.

But the position also has great privilege, and they sought it so vigorously. To borrow a phrase from my mother, it is unbecoming for Michelle to complain about being in the White House. Whether or not she is truly spoiled and detached from the concerns of common Americans, it makes her seem so.

Brian Brown said...

The fact is, America has never had a more classless, piggish 1st Lady.

Matt Sablan said...

Damn it. I should've used Daisy in the Great Gatsby as my example("Let her be a pretty fool!" or whatever she says about her daughter)! I am so off-blog theme today.

MathMom said...

harrogate -

Unfortunately, I watched some of the video and agree with you that the printed version gives a different impression than the visual. However, Mrs. Obama agreed with the "prison" statement, while Mrs. Bush said, "but you have a chef!", which made her sound much nicer than the oafish "but you can't complain" comment by Mrs. Obama.

That said, Moo has built a rep for complaining about luxury, yet she doesn't eschew it. So many of us are heartily sick her her putting her stain on the position. And disrespecting it by looking like a bag lady in her heinous outfits.

Rialby said...

She's a victim. Is, was and always will be.

damikesc said...

Do you see them responding to FOIA or Congressional requests for documents? Nope, me neither. Like I said, full-bore FU mode.

Which is why the FIRST move a Republican President should do is to release every single document the WH has in regards to everything Obama has done in his reign.

Make it ALL public.

That's correct, Rusty. They are both Harvard Law grads like me.

And yet you're here, attacking "white trash".

Good life choices, clearly.

Rusty said...

. And disrespecting it by looking like a bag lady in her heinous outfits.

Those are very expensive heinous outfits and the make her look FABULOUS!

doustoi said...

She's more than a victim; she is an NWA. It took the White House photogs two and a half years to convince her to quit scowling at everyone. She's on the rag (I accidentally typed that as "rage") about every lousy thing about this country about which she was never once proud until Community Organizer got nominated for president ... or as he has so often pronounced it, "Present".

tomaig said...

Titus said:
"This weekend we head to the Vineyard. The quandry we face is driving or the ferry?"

Then, when I point out that MV is an island and exhort him to please do drive to the Vineyard, he claims:
"The ferry from Boston-otherwise we have to drive to Hyannisport"

But you still have to catch a ferry (sp?), even from Hyannisport, right?

I'm in CT, not a Red State...it makes me wonder if you're even familiar with Massachusetts, since marthasvineyard.com makes no mention of a ferry from Boston at all.
In fact, a bing search for "marthas vineyard boston ferry" does not show any ferries from Boston to the Vineyard.

Maybe I'm wrong but perhaps you can share with us which ferry you catch from Boston to get to MV?

Unknown said...

I do not like MO but have to agree that in context this was not as egregious as reported. I still find it self-centered and ungracious, but then I do not like MO; someone who does might have found it at least slightly humorous.

Hyphenated American said...

A single mother in prison! That's horrible. Michele, girl I tried to free you last November, but I failed. I apologize. Blame the stupid Americans for keeping you locked up.

Titus said...

I live in Cambridge Mass, are you new here? No nothing about Mass, are you serious? It is what I write about most in this place.

We are taking the ferry from Boston to Ptown and then a boat from Ptown to the Vineyard if you must know.

Sam L. said...

And there's that free (to her) week-long-or-longer pass for vacations.

Rusty said...

To be fair it's the first job she's ever had where she actually had to, you know,show up.

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