If you click on those 2 Facebook links, you'll see those pages have been taken down, but I clicked on them at around 8 a.m. CT, and I was surprised to see how few "likes" they had, even after being linked from Drudge for about an hour. I remember seeing only 31 likes for one and something similar for the other. That is, this big effort at stirring people up wasn't working too well. So consider that Drudge is doing his thing. Which is what? Getting us to think of black people as dangerous and criminal? Ironically, that's the stereotype the prosecutor wants the jury to believe that Zimmerman believed.
Now, the other linked article — "Sanford Police Chief Fears “Violence” in Response to Zimmerman Verdict" — is still available. Excerpt:
“Our worst fear is that we will have people from outside of the community coming in and stirring up….violence in the community,” [Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith] told CNN’s David Mattingly.Who are these "people"/"just one person"? Who are we talking about? We're seeing pre-calming, which is good, especially since — after seeing the trial thus far — it's hard to imagine anything but acquittal. But who is hoping for post-trial violence? I like seeing that people are not hot-headedly itching for a riot. I like to think people are fair-minded and rational. So let's keep a sharp eye out for whoever it is that is looking to foment disorder.
Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett echoes Smith’s concerns, warning that just one person intent on violence could spark wider disorder and “a provocation of violence.”
OMG! The return of the outside agitator! We're lost in the sixties tonight!
Racists of both stripes are hoping for riots. Black racists to claim more victimhood and white racists to say blacks are animals.
"Getting us to think of black people as dangerous and criminal? Ironically, that's the stereotype the prosecutor wants the jury to believe that Zimmerman believed."
If the a guy turns out to assault you, and threatens to kill you while pounding your head into the cement, then stereotype or not, he called it pretty well?
Actually, I bet Zimmerman never considered Martin to be as dangerous and criminal as he turned out to be. I doubt he would have followed him if he did.
“It makes you feel kind of angry and kind of bad that race is not a part of this,” said the Rev. Harrold C. Daniels, who has been attending the trial as part of a biracial group of Sanford pastors. “It’s a missed opportunity.”
I know! We got a little "cracker" but that was it. What a let down!
Hey, anybody want to play Angry Trayvon?
Kill whitey for bonus points!
The involvement of pastors is interesting in light of a program first reported by Infowars back in 2006 under which the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was training pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.
Althouse, what are you linking to? That sounds crazy.
"Althouse, what are you linking to?"
I'm keeping track of what Drudge is doing. If there's something weird about that site, let me know. I linked because Drudge did.
Is Angry Trayvon like Angry Birds?
Is there any other kind of Trayvon than angry?
That android game leads to more questions than it answers.
Well, anybody who remembers the assassination of Martin Luther king knows how it goes.
Big Mike said...
OMG! The return of the outside agitator! We're lost in the sixties tonight!
Otherwise known as community organizers.
Right now the meme at Drudge is the fall on Morsi and the MB. Following the links I've learned that Obama an Co. are not too popular in Cairo at the moment.
Ambassador Patterson is persona no grata in some quarters. They're calling her "hyzaboon" -- ugly/nasty/unplesant -- and calling for her ouster.
Isn't the President just wonderful? So smart, so decisive, so cool...
There are a lot of young black people threatening to riot and kill Zimmerman on Twitter every day.
This strategy is the same approach Obama et al used against the Supreme Court on the run up to the ObamaCare decision. It is the same tactic directed in a different way.
Its all they know.
Infowars seems to be a conspiracy site. I'm surprised Drudge linked to it. From wiki:
Alexander Emerick "Alex" Jones (born February 11, 1974) is an American radio host, author, conspiracy theorist [1][2] and documentary filmmaker. [3] His syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show, based in Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis Communication Network on over 70 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States [4] and on the Internet. His websites include Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com. [5][6]
As of January 2012, his YouTube channel, InfoWars, had received over 250 million views.
Jones has been the center of many controversies, including his statements about gun control in the wake of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. [7] He has accused the U.S. government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing, [8]
the September 11 attacks, [9] and the filming of fake Moon landings to hide NASA's secret technology [10] and the killing of "thousands of astronauts". [11] Rolling Stone covers his belief that government and big business have colluded to create a New World Order through "manufactured economic crises, sophisticated surveillance tech and—above all—inside-job terror attacks that fuel exploitable hysteria". [12] Jones describes himself as a libertarian and a conservative, and while critics have called him "right-wing", Jones himself rejects the label.
"Who are these "people"/"just one person"? Who are we talking about?"
You've done some excellent investigative reporting in the past. What if you and Meade bike over to Theresa Terrace tomorrow night and video a few man-in-the-street interviews.
The community should be out and about for the holiday.
If anyone is doing his part to make sure there's a riot, it's the mainstream media, casually reprinting accusations of "criminal profiling," as if there is some law on the books that prevents neighborhood watch volunteers from profiling anyone for any reason.
The Huffington Post ran an article saying Zimmerman's attitude toward Martin met the "classic" definition of profiling. So what if it did? It's neither illegal nor immoral. Anyone trying to protect his neighborhood would be pretty damned useless if he didn't take a close look at someone who fit the profile of the people who were burglarizing the neighborhood.
The mainstream media is also going to precipitate riots by also pretending that the question of Zimmerman's guilt is so close, so much on a knife edge that, when the verdict goes the other way, the less well wrapped people on the street will feel shocked and betrayed.
The media repeatedly calls Zimmerman a "self-described" Hispanic, as if his claim to minority status is unjustified. Zimmerman is just as much Hispanic as Obama is black but the media never calls Obama a "self-described" black.
The media is morally corrupt. They just can't give up the hope that somehow, some way the prosecution will, at the last minute, pull the cat out of the bag that will breath new life into their dead horse of a case.
I don't understand what makes this trial any more interesting than any other trial.
Is it the black/spic thing?
God, get over it.
Isn't Althouse's blog a conspiracy site? So, the link is fitting.
Professor, you hint at a sort of long-term racial payback for the riots after the Rodney King verdict, and after O.J. There's probably something there. Or maybe your hint at just a commercial animus is the right thread.
My impression lately is that anger toward whites has been blind and acceptable for about two decades, while anger toward any other group has been rightly scorned, and even wrongly found where it probably didn't exist.
The other huge thing on Drudge is the Rasmussen Poll that most adult Americans think "most blacks" are racist over whites or Hispanics by almost 2:1.
With even a slight plurality of blacks holding that "most blacks are racist, rather than whites" by 31% to 24%.
Another poll done in LA in 2011 of Hispanics had 59% saying blacks were the most criminal and violent, and by 53-28-19 (black, white, hispanic) - the most racist part of the American population.
Meaning the
It's hotter than tits on a griddle out here.
Cedar, blacks and Hispanics are gearing up for a mega-turf war in LA.
Take the poll with a grain.
meaning the (continued) deployment of black thug packs looting and burning or just doing beatdowns and worse of whites, Asians, and Hispanics will not improve the situation.
Trayvon riots and no one except Jesse and Al Sharptons white bitches in boardrooms rushing to grovel? It's enough to make the Jews in the NYC media, still pushing the 60s line that its "Still Selma, Everywhere in Amerikka" - have their heads explode!!
Other way around.
Mexican gangs are running blacks out of neighborhoods they've lived in since V-J Day.
edutcher - The poll reflects the same rationale for the turf wars and cleansing of black thugs from Hispanic schools and neighborhoods that has been going on the last 7-8 years.
This is nothing new.
Actually, I bet Zimmerman never considered Martin to be as dangerous and criminal as he turned out to be. I doubt he would have followed him if he did.
Agreed on point 1. Point 2, not so sure. Zimmerman believes in "God's Will." He also seems to be quite concerned about the welfare of his community.
When asked on Fox, if he would change what he did, he said "no."
Where is the profile view?
There are some pretty angry people out there. Some of the angry people are willing to agree, while Zimmerman should not have followed TM, that once TM beat him, he did not violate the law by using deadly force.
There are others who have nothing but disdain for Zimmerman, and want him dead. The intensity of these feelings is almost palpable, and I'm pretty certain they would love to take some action in retribution.
C4 calling the shots on this topic. This is gonna get ugly as a home invasion caught on nanny cam. When tshtf event occurs there is going to be blood on the streets in all the cities of America. And the police will be hiding behind their barricades.
Here's another little tidbit from us tinfoil hat wearing wackobirds...the USSR is going to have troops "guarding" events in America. Prolly some other blue beret wearing fuckwads too.
Nothing...absolutely nothing, could go wrong with that plan. Foreign troops would never fire on a crowd of Americans, right?
And why the hell should we trust this dickwad president for anything that comes out of his mouth? He won't even enforce his OWN Zerocare law because it's inconvenient politically. So what goddamn reason is there to trust the asshat on anything he signs for illegal immigration. If he doesn't like it, he'll just ignore it.
What about that Prof?
How do you feel knowing you voted for a despotic tyrant with delusions of granduer.
You gonna lay back and take it like the rest of the media?
The media is sheep, and should be slaughtered as such. ( ohh God!!!!the FBI's gonna get me now!!!)
Anyone that stands with this regime is a waste of your daddys jism.
you voted for a despotic tyrant
As opposed to a non-despotic tyrant, one presumes.
Looking at AA's embedded poster image and thinking back to 2008, one labeled hope and the other dope. You can decide which is which.
Ann - Drudge is linking to essentially empty Facebook pages. The assumption of most everyone I've confronted today while shooting down the story has been that Blacks are on these pages actively talking about rioting and killing George Zimmerman.
The Facts: "Kill Zimmerman" has three (3) posts and 2 of those are exactly the same, Trayvon Was a innocent , BLACK ,17-Year Old Child Murdered And Killed In Cold Blood By This Man, George Zimmerman. PLEASE LIKE And SHARE To Support This Movement. And To Show Respect To Trayvon And Everyelse Who Has Been Lost Due To Racism Or Injustice. R.I.P TRAYVON MARTIN and one is a picture of the Miami Heat. The page has 76 "Likes". The overwhelming number of comments are anti-Martin:
Hillary Roberts Kloetzli Where is are the photos of Trayvon as an older male flipping the finger and handling a gun.... I suppose that wouldn't suit your racist agenda now would it? Consider yourself reported...... a-hole.
June 29 at 8:57pm · Like · 15
Michele Clutter OMG! This is really a FB page? They should take it down. Just the name alone says it all. The trial isn't over.
Sunday at 4:42pm via mobile · Like · 4
Christina Nemati Kill that fat, guly, cock sucking racist son of a bitch
Yesterday at 11:39am · Like
Christina Nemati he should not be alive
Yesterday at 11:39am · Like
Christina Nemati he is CLEARLY GUILTY
Yesterday at 11:39am · Like
Christina Nemati all the evidence is against him
Yesterday at 11:39am · Like
Scott Talbott Christina, you are about one dumb nasty uneducated HOE!
Yesterday at 2:57pm · Like · 13
Jennifer Wright Christina- You are clearly an Idiot, Sorry about your luck Biotch!
Yesterday at 5:08pm · Like · 7
Jason Carter Oh bless your heart Christina you just don't know any better do you.
22 hours ago · Like · 7
David Bowser Where is his older picture. COMPLETE WASTE OF SUB-HUMAN SPERM.
21 hours ago · Like · 3
Justin Thorpe Wow. Good job. You found a picture of Trayvon that doesn't include him smoking pot.
9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5
Larry Martin rest in HELL Trayvon. you were a bad boy here on earth. you brought shame to the name Martin.
9 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Larry Martin is this Trayvon before he bacame a drug dealing THUG. thank you Mr. Z for taking him off the street before he could deal any more drugs to children.
9 hours ago · Like · 2
Ronald Raymond Wuetcher cute children, i wish they could stay like that 4evr
7 hours ago · Like
The other page , Riot for Trayvon, never had anything on it except for the title. The page has for the past several days was linked to your own page - when you click on the title, Facebook would redirect to your own page. Currently, there is no Riot page as it's been removed.
Most of the pages that are pointed out as objectionable subjects by Conservatives have nothing on them, there just titles without content or comment. And when you look at the page start date and the date of the first comments, there's often weeks or months in between. No one knew these pages existed until Drudge or someone else pointed them out, then - presto pavlov! - headlines.
"And at least one central figure of the LA riots agrees that there is cause for concern.
“Enough is enough,” Henry Watson, one of a group of people to assault truck driver Reginald Denny in the opening moments of the (L.A.) riots, told KNBC in Los Angeles. “And you know, history has a tendency to repeat itself, you understand? So it’s boiling. It’s hot right now with the [Trayvon Martin] issue in Florida…. You can’t keep killing black folks. We’re not going to allow it.”
Indeed, the extent to which parts of America are still a racial tinder box may be tested by the outcome of the Trayvon Martin trial, Ben Crump, the Martin family’s lawyer, tells USA Today.
On Thursday, Mr. Crump, Sharpton, and Trayvon’s parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, attended a rally in Los Angeles.
"You want to believe change has happened" since the riots, Crump said. "We will get a more definitive answer when the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case is rendered."
If riots ensue, evil and stupidity will be the primary causes.
Cedar, blacks and Hispanics are gearing up for a mega-turf war in LA.
Gearing up? I thought there has been open warfare for at least five or six years.
Let's put it this way, the media has finally noticed.
I watched Zimmerman's deposition to the police. He seemed a lot more likable than I had supposed. He wasn't full of bravado or anger or malice. He looked like an honest man who had just been through an ordeal. I'm surprised at all the hatred he inspires, especially among black people. He's just not that bad a guy....Just recently in NYC some gangbanger shot up a bus and left a 12 year old girl as a quadriplegic. Very little outrage was directed at him. The larger crime was America's gun culture and the easy availability of guns.....This can drive you crazy if you think about it too much.
Al baby. Big Al will be instigating in NY, getting a couple homeys killed here and there.
That's "they."
Not homies.
"Kill the Jew", is his big line.
@ William -- About the Zimmerman video the next day (or whenever it was) I had the same sense ... just a very regular guy who had gone through a surreal experience walking through what happened and explaining.
No arrogance, no attitude, no anger.
I really hope he and his family manage to get through this all and have a life.
His life is gone. Even if he gets acquitted--by no means a sure thing--he 's always going to be worrying about the sincerity and resourcefulness of all those cretins who are threatening his life. And good luck with his ambition of becoming a cop......He's the American Dreyfus.
You don't need to go to facebook to see the animosity. Check out the little viewed (513 views) trial videos on Youtube. One video of uninterrupted trial footage.
A lot of anger. A lot of hatred. Very little respect for the law, or justice.
Michael Williamson
JudgementReignsDown UponEarth 4
Zimmerman planned this murder it was premeditated and he called Police for an alibi while he staged this murder -Zimmerman contradicted himself about TM ambushing him from bushes then stating that Trayvon was 15ft in front of him on the sidewalk when he first confronted him huge difference from being ambushed GZ lied about the fight taking place on the sidewalk when TM's body lay in grass several feet from sidewalk GZ's injuries are self inflicted inconsistent with concrete wounds
Justice for Trayvon!!
you sound insane!!! Zimmerman admittedly lied to police, admittedly followed Trayvon, admittedly shot a 17 year old unarmed child, and admittedly told Hannity if he had it to do all over again he wouldn't do anything different...that shows his total disregard for human life...would you have the same attitude if it was your 17 year old relative walking from the store???
aketria mcgriff
laketria mcgriff
I hope all of him die honestly ...they should just give him the electric chair
Jason Fredrickson
I hope Zimmerman's arteries clog from all the weight he's put on and has a heart attack
Well to be fair Zimmerman is one of them there dirty Mexicans you all love so much.
Iran Claiborne
Racists of both stripes are hoping for riots. Black racists to claim more victimhood and white racists to say blacks are animals.
Do you think the black racial problem is getting better or worse?
I say no better, and probably worse. Electing Obama didn't help. So much for the post racial president. Black animosity is as alive today as it was fifty years ago. In fact, in my view, it's worse.
We need to try something different. The leftists have run the show for the last forty years on this issue, race relations are worse, the blacks are still stuck in an even worse horror than they were fifty years ago.
well, we know the dems would like to see an acquittal so they can run ads about racism. I didn't used to be so cynical until the Clinton presidency; Al Gore campaign and subsequent CAGW hysteria; and the Obama presidency
I like to think people are fair-minded and rational. So let's keep a sharp eye out for whoever it is that is looking to foment disorder.
We know the MSM tried to foment racial tensions last year. I know, I know, it takes big media to do it.
Your hand wringing over this issue shows you do not understand the animosity at the bottom of it. It doesn't matter what you like to think. There are places if you walked in this country you might be raped or accosted because you are white. Accept that is what the leftist approach to race has generated. It hasn't worked, to change people in the inner cities to your way of thinking.
In fact, I would argue it has done the opposite. It's time to rally against it.
So Ann, you want to see someone fomenting anger? Here you go, ABC News:
"George Zimmerman Jury Told Trayvon Martin's DNA Not on Gun . . .
This appeared to contradict testimony Tuesday by a witness who said Zimmerman told him that Martin had grabbed the gun. However, in cross examination Gorgone admitted that it's possible Martin did touch the gun."
They could have been fair in this article, simply by saying that George Zimmerman's DNA wasn't on the trigger (and also the slide, as I recall) of the gun. But they did not. I'm not saying they said anything nonfactual, but it's misleading. I think intentionally so.
It will sway some people to think "Yeah, Trayvon never reached for the gun." They won't consider that Martin never said he grabbed the gun, but reached for it. They will not realize that Zimmerman's own DNA wasn't even on the trigger that he pulled on the gun that killed TZ.
That's to work people up.
One of my friends just posted a Justice for Trayvon link on his Facebook page. My respect for him just dropped 3 points. Then again he also thought OJ was innocent.
maybe I should just accept that he's an idiot and hold my tongue.
More from ABC News:
"A medical examiner who reviewed video and photographs of George Zimmerman's injuries suffered during his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin called the neighborhood watch captain's wounds "insignificant" and "non-life threatening."
Dr. Valerie Rao testified that Zimmerman was struck as few as three times by Martin during the fight that night. She also asserted his head may have only been slammed on the concrete a single time."
Valerie Rao's testimony was shredded by O'Mara. Including that not only that it could have been 1 hit on the concrete, but as many as 12 or even more (though less likely). That's not the way it is presented here. Why is that?
Dante wrote:
A lot of anger. A lot of hatred. Very little respect for the law, or justice.
Michael Williamson
JudgementReignsDown UponEarth 4
Zimmerman planned this murder it was premeditated and he called Police for an alibi while he staged this murder -Zimmerman contradicted himself about TM ambushing him from bushes then stating that Trayvon was 15ft in front of him on the sidewalk when he first confronted him huge difference from being ambushed GZ lied about the fight taking place on the sidewalk when TM's body lay in grass several feet from sidewalk GZ's injuries are self inflicted inconsistent with concrete wounds
Or as we like to call it... Catharsis.
A CBS News article making it look like zimmerman is a liar, with no context. Missing information. Designed to make Zimmerman look like a stalker, out to get the kid in a kind of evil way.
Dante wrote:
"A medical examiner who reviewed video and photographs of George Zimmerman's injuries suffered during his fatal confrontation with Trayvon Martin called the neighborhood watch captain's wounds "insignificant" and "non-life threatening."
remember when it came out that we waterboarded some Al Qaeda prisoners during Bush's term and a bunch of reporters had themselves waterboarded to see if it was torture?
Lets do the same here. Reporters questioning whether having your head smashed against the concrete is life threatening should subject themselves to a similar experiment.
Someone can take their head and smash it against the concrete over and over. And we can have a pretend gun within reach to signal the end of the experiment. How many head bashes will it take until they reach for the gun. Alternatively the experiment can end when their brains are on the concrete, or their head looks like the picture of the guy who had his head bashed in that althouse linked to the other day.
The medical examiner should go first.
In other words, Ann, the boomer ideas have failed, and created a huge problem for future generations they are ill equipped to handle because they have been brainwashed by the oh-so-smart leftist PC and Multi-Culturalist crowds.
I've seen first hand the texts the English teachers are handing out to College students. It's all BS, and the little robots sing along. That elementary school teacher who forced her students to chant the praises of her God Obama is a symbol of what's going on in the whole country, and it's vile. It degrades the humanity of people of all races.
The medical examiner should go first.
(and have her head smashed into the concrete to see how she feels about it).
The damage that woman did is simply amazing. Not in the trial, she was completely destroyed by O'Mara.
To the country.
There is another example, Ann. That woman was incompetent, and pushed by the prosecution to places of authority she should never have been. Now she is screwing over the country.
Keep a sharp eye no more: I aim to foment disorder.
The idea a Democratic voter accuses Drudge of "So consider that Drudge is doing his thing. Which is what? Getting us to think of black people as dangerous and criminal? Ironically, that's the stereotype the..." is something someone would do only if they were so unreasonable as to do it as a Democratic.
You do it otherwise and you will not succeed as racism and bigotry only have a home amongst Democratics who rationalize and justify it with money and power.
here's where you can find the inciting to violence
I'd be surprised if there's a riot, but there will be plenty of Facebook rants.
There's already a fake homage to the "real" Trayvon who was an honor student and had 600 volunteer hours, people are liking and sharing that all over the place.
It is interesting Jamie Foxx chose to wear a Trayvon shirt to the BET awards, and not a this it of the girl in Chicago killed by gangs.
"I like to think people are fair-minded and rational. So let's keep a sharp eye out for whoever it is that is looking to foment disorder."
Getting us to think of black people as dangerous and criminal?
As a group, blacks in the United States are relatively incredibly dangerous. Do you dispute this? For instance, blacks killed more people than did whites. They make up 13% of the population, and whites make up 78% of the population.
I was going to suggest that this was on account of the increased victim status of blacks, and while it may be, it seems that for the last fifty years, these statistics are roughly the same.
That surprised me. I thought it would have been getting worse. Not so, it's actually getting a bit better.
Blacks have consistently been killing people from 7 - 9 times as much as have whites.
Oh, and by the way, what we are doing isn't working.
I'd be surprised if there's a riot, but there will be plenty of Facebook rants.
Maybe the members of the black demographic will expend all their energy typing their rants on their Obamaphones.
yes, I meant that to be as disgusting as it sounds, knowing that blacks are murdering at 7 times the rate of whites.
I'm starting to like the Israeli approach. You want to be identified with a group? Then you better help make the group respectable. I used to hate that.
Ann ponders Drudge' motive "Getting us to think of black people as dangerous and criminal? Ironically, that's the stereotype the prosecutor wants the jury to believe that Zimmerman believed."
An examination of the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics tend to support this stereotype. Further, there is the widespread, recent phenomenon of young blacks committing frightful flash-mob violence. I first learned of this a couple of years ago visiting Chicago - a black friend of mine warned me to be careful wandering about the Loop because of the same. Since then, I have read about its occurrence in MANY American cities. How about that mob in Madison the other night with the garden implements? What if Zimmerman had been acquitted that morning? Might that have gone differently? Not a black phenomenon? Get back to me when a group of Yeshiva students runs rampant on the Upper East Side, or a group of Asian-Americans, their minds inflamed by the admissions bias they suffer from the University of California system, goes amok in Los Angeles.
Further, there is the widespread, recent phenomenon of young blacks committing frightful flash-mob violence. I first learned of this a couple of years ago visiting Chicago - a black friend of mine warned me to be careful wandering about the Loop because of the same.
It's also interesting to note that Trayvon Martin's crimes were reclassified because of the high incidence of juvenile offenses, as "psychological" and other crimes, in an attempt to reduce the apparent crime rate of young blacks in Florida.
The person who set that up was fired, but I wonder how much longer under the current liberal tenets that this will be viewed as a negative (when discovered), as opposed to a positive.
It's time for a new order. It's time for the Althouses of the world to recognize their failures, and to let new ideas to flow, and to release the grip of conformity to bad ideas.
Unfortunately, the will has been sapped by the repeated destruction of order. It's hard to imagine the purges following the Roman empire due to science, but imagine a prolonged, thousand year purge of ideas to conformity.
Maybe a thousand years isn't so bad, in the broad scope of things. But in a thousand years, a lot of retrograde action can take place.
Professor, you hint at a sort of long-term racial payback for the riots after the Rodney King verdict, and after O.J. There's probably something there
No doubt, there was some cop mob action there. Unjustified? Wikepedia sez:
"On the night of March 2, 1991, King and two passengers, Bryant Allen and Freddie Helms, were driving west on the Foothill Freeway (Interstate 210) in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. Prior to driving on the Foothill Freeway, the three men had spent the night watching a basketball game and drinking at a friend's house in Los Angeles.[9] Five hours after the incident, King's blood-alcohol level was found to be slightly below the legal limit, implying his blood alcohol level may have fallen from 0.19 while he was driving, which is more than twice the legal driving limit in California.[10] At 12:30 am, Officers Tim and Melanie Singer, husband-and-wife members of the California Highway Patrol, noticed King's car speeding on the freeway. The officers pursued King, and the pursuit attained high speeds, while King refused to pull over.[11][12] King would later admit he attempted to outrun the police at dangerously high speeds because a charge of driving under the influence would violate his parole for a previous robbery conviction.[13]
King exited the freeway and the pursuit continued through residential surface streets, at speeds ranging from 55 to 80 miles per hour.[14][15] By this point, several police cars and a police helicopter had joined the pursuit. After approximately eight miles, officers cornered King in his car. The first five LAPD officers to arrive at the scene were Stacey Koon, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, Theodore Briseno, and Rolando Solano."
Oso Negro said...
Ann ponders Drudge' motive "Getting us to think of black people as dangerous and criminal? Ironically, that's the stereotype the prosecutor wants the jury to believe that Zimmerman believed."
An examination of the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics tend to support this stereotype. Further, there is the widespread, recent phenomenon of young blacks committing frightful flash-mob violence. I first learned of this a couple of years ago visiting Chicago - a black friend of mine warned me to be careful wandering about the Loop because of the same.
Folks are being warned to stay away from the beaches in Chicago because of the wicked rip currents in the lake.
Yeah. Right.
There was a lot of violent black flash mob violence on the beaches last year.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
Is Angry Trayvon like Angry Birds?
Is there any other kind of Trayvon than angry?
Dead Trayvon.
It's kinda boring.
I may be a bit more cynical here, but I find the MSM probably more culpable in terms of fermenting violence if Zimmerman walks. It's a long hot summer, and everyone needs omething to do - youth to riot, reporters to report, and much of the left to gin up the violence. Great fun for all, with the added benefit of being fodder for more gun control.
So, yes, I expect to see some riots, that will, I think, be mostly restricted to large cities with large Black underclasses and strong gun control. Some will die, and a some small businesses in their neighborhoods will get burned out. Maybe more in places like Chicago with traditionally very strict gun control. But that is defecating in their own nests, and the people in those communities are the ones who will be hurt the most by their youth rioting - further to go (often by foot or bus) to buy things, and they will cost more.
The rest of the country will be looking on in horror, continuing to buy up guns at a record pace. For many, the horror won't be that Zimmerman was acquitted, but rather that the country had declined to the level of France and the like, where rioting in certain places is acceptable behavior
I think though that the biggest losers are going to be President Obama and the Black leadership. They have the chance to be either part of the problem, or part of the solution. My guess is the former. The Black leadership will jump the wrong way here, because that is where they get their power, by inciting their constituants to be racists. The President though will either jump the wrong way, somewhat excusing the rioting, or just dithering. Probably both. Both are his normal reactions. This is the place where he could truly show leadership, in calming down the situation and promoting racial healing. I just don't see it in him. Which is going to both further weaken him as President, and set back the cause of racial reconciliation by a decade or so.
I guess Aaron Hernandez is sufficiently Hispanic to avoid mob justice. We shall see how things play out for Mr Zimmermann. It does keep the press from having to cover the IRS, NSA, ACA, unemployment and all the other bad news that actually affects more than a dozen people.
Ann ponders Drudge' motive "Getting us to think of black people as dangerous and criminal? Ironically, that's the stereotype the prosecutor wants the jury to believe that Zimmerman believed."
The problem is that young Black males are substantially more dangerous than pretty much anyone else in our society. The FBI statistics bear this out.
What the left refuses to really consider is the reason for this. Why do young black males commit maybe half of all homicides in this country? With most of their violence being against their own people, and the rate of black on white violence dwarfing the opposite?
Sure, slavery may have contributed, but if it did, it was only because of the racism that extended into the 1960s throughout much of this country. Jim Crow (implemented almost entirely, of course, by Democrats) kept a lot of Blacks poor. And, then, LBJ thought to remedy this with a massive increase in government spending in the form of his Great Society and War on Poverty. Except as usual, the law of unintended consequences triumphed all their good intent. The War on Poverty subsidized children being born and raised out of wedlock, and in accordance with the economic law that when an activity is subsidized, you get more of it, the rate of children being born out of wedlock has soared, esp. in the Black community, where it is now 3/4 or so. Children born out of wedlock tend to be raised by their mothers and their female relatives, leaving them without the benefits of a father. One of the results of that, of course, is that the boys are not properly socialized, which results in a lot of them ending up either in prison or dead, making this dynamic even worse for the next generation
I was raised not to care if a person was black, white, brown or purple.
Even when Obama was first elected, I consoled myself with the thought that although I had my reservations about him (after reading both is "auto" biographies), a whole lot of black people were very happy and, maybe for the first time, engaged in the governance of this country.
But since I've seen his true agenda, I look at a black person and see an Obama voter, and I despise them. Almost as much as I despise white Obama voters.
It's the same with the Zimmerman-Martin case. Although I know white people on both sides (the better informed believe Z is innocent, the low information people believe what the media says), I have not heard/seen/heard of ONE black person who says that Zimmerman should even get a fair trial.
So, racial conflict. Bring it on. I'vd had it. They are pretty darn sure of themselves for such a small minority of people. They think they have us scared of them -- and obviously the liberals are -- but my Glocks and Mossburgs are great equalizers.
Bruce Hayden - it isn't just in this country! If you examine rates of young black men committing violent crime, you will see that they outperform everywhere. I discovered this during a gun debate - norming the murder rate for race puts the U.S. on the same footing as the U.K., a country frequently cited for few gun deaths.
maybe I should just accept that he's an idiot and hold my tongue.
That sounds about right.
Though maybe you should speak up and end this "friendship."
Send him over to Legal Insurrection and tell him to start reading from Day One. And watch the video. Or at least that and read Good's testimony.
I'll be honest: There are some terrible people out there who would riot for any reason. Like, if their team wins or loses The Big Game. They are not constrained by race. For the worst-of-the-worst, the Zimmerman case is just an excuse, where any excuse would do.
@ Dante 10:51 re the CBS page -- note all the headlines are cast to put Zimmerman in the bad guy position.
And re the Singleton interviews -- the "journolists" / crime reporters clearly have never watched The Closer. Because the interviewer asks a question does not mean it is true.
The *interview* questions are not the facts.
Saw an "expert" interviewed on GMA this morning to explain that no doubt Zimmerman had an aha moment when he realized exactly what he could say to exonerate his self before he pulled the trigger for the reason, it was implied, that he just wanted to kill the kid. The hate is palpable.
On the same show there was a piece about a kid in Texas in jail awaiting trial for making terroristic threats on FB. He wrote an obviously outrageous and sarcastic, if ill considered, reply in an on line conversation. Something about shooting a bunch of kindergartners and eating their still beating hearts. It was after Sandy Hook and the adults didn't find it humorous. He hadn't any weapons. No plans. No history. Nothing but one bone headed sentence tossed off in a facebook conversation. Didn't matter. Jail. Charged with a felony. Meantime the ether is buzzing with murder threats by the tens of thousands - threats more easily believable than threatening to eat his beating heart - against Zimmerman from people who don't even trouble with anonymity.
Speech. What are you gonna do with it? When it gets obnoxious you can either live with it or go after only the people you don't like, revealing yourself to be a piece of shit. We've gone down the rabbit hole when your fate depends on who you are and not on what you do.
We have already had outside agitators in Sanford. That is how we got this unnecessary trial in the first place. It is not difficult to believe the Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jsckson's of the world would not want to continue their fomenting.
I flew 332 combat missions in Vietnam, North Vietnam and Laos. Watching the MSM lynch-mob framing of this Zimmerman trial and the twitter death threats by blacks--not to mention the morons at Du and the Kos kids--I now realize that I was dropping my bombs on the wrong people..
Happy Independence Day people!
Our ancestors would be proud..
It's the 4th. I'd like to say something positive. Although the media's coverage of Zimmerman is disdainful and slanted against him, it doesn't have the same vitriol and velocity as in the first days of the case. The commentators who strive to demonize him seem somewhat half hearted in their efforts.....I don't think there will be any great protests if he gets acquitted. If he gets convicted, however, it will posit a deep vein of anger among white people.
The threat of rioting works best if there is an assumption that there will not be an equally vigilante and perhaps overwhelming counter response. That assumption may be wrong. Riot talk is very dangerous talk nowadays.
I don't think there will be any great protests if he gets acquitted. If he gets convicted, however, it will posit a deep vein of anger among white people.
Huh. I'm already angry. Aren't you? This trial is Bullshit.
In any event, from what I'm reading, I think a riot is the recipe to fully allow the Catharsis. Why should one man (George Zimmerman) have to pay for the racial tensions that have been exacerbated by leftist vote whores and Western Civ haters, we should all suffer so those blacks who hate can take a dump.
bagoh20 said
"Actually, I bet Zimmerman never considered Martin to be as dangerous and criminal as he turned out to be. I doubt he would have followed him if he did"
Excellent point
Get on twitter and searchbox Zimmerman and read the tweetstream.
You don't need an account to just read it.
Kill a Cracka 4 Trayvon is alive and well as a movement.
Others like Bob Owens are posting interesting information and advice for the propective rioters and murderers such as Homeland Security didn't exist in 1992, stats on CCW permit density in the population, gun ownership stats, density of AR-15 ownership, the prevalence of trained recent military veterans in the population, and advice like write your name and SSN on both arms with a sharpie for faster identification and bring your own body bag for faster service.
Justice for Trayvon was administered by Zimmerman that night.
Justice for Zimmerman is what is needed now with this crazy show trial.
Wondering if all the ammo SSA bought was for this race war that threatens to break out.
It's disgusting.
I used to not comprehend the Salem Witch Trial hysteria, and now I get it.
I was on the Zimmerman twitter feed the other night and saw the start of distributing GZ's new home address with the request to RT and "you know what to do"
I did the address as the search and captured the feed of all the RT'ers and saved to PDF. Posted a warning that if anything happened to GZ, his family, pets, or home, I would furnish this information to investigators.
Too many leads but it screencapped the threats of maybe the one person who follows through. It could be corroboration evidence before the murderer deletes the tweet.
I had a lot of people follow me after that warning who have profile pics of Trayvon flipping the bird at me. Went through and blocked them. Might need to mark my account private for a while. Anyone speaking up for the defense is getting threats and might get targeted. I'm not typing full names or hashtags now but it's clear what my tweets are about. I'm deleting them before they make it to archive.
Best place to follow the trial, including live feed without commercial breaks or slanted commentary, is at LegalInsurrection.com Andrew Branca is posting three times a day on trial days, and livetweeting up a storm @LawSelfDefense and @LawSelfDefense2 if he gets twitmo'd. Expert commentary citing FL laws.
I have formed my opinions on only the same information the jury is getting. Not paying attention to MSM commentators and activist groups.
why is it that we never hear trayvon and GEORGE instead of zimmerman ? could it be that using first names is more friendly and humanizing and zimmerman sounds..y'know..kinda more threatening and..uhh..jewish and stuff?
Make love, not war but be prepared for both.
The media's cred will be in the crapper should the jury find for George Zimmerman.
NBC will be SO screwed.
NAACP is hosting its annual convention in two weeks in Orlando - 20 miles from Sanford where the trial is being held.
Who, who? Come on professor, you know who.
Who, who? Come on professor, you know who.
If there is racial violence, it will need to be laid at the feet of those Career Racists, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. These two buffoons can't make any money off the fact that 94% of blacks are murdered by other blacks (per FBI, 2010). But give them one of the relatively rare killings of a black by a white, and they are marching for Justice! For Peace! And, of course, for Cash! However, they are remarkably silent about the genocide committed by blacks against other blacks.
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