July 3, 2013

"Egyptian anti-sexual harassment groups confirmed that mobs sexually assaulted and in some cases raped at least 91 women in Tahrir Square..."

"... over four days of protests beginning on June 30, 2013, amid a climate of impunity."
One woman required surgery after being raped with a “sharp object,” volunteers with the [Egyptian group Operation Anti-Sexual Harassment/Assault] said. In other cases, women were beaten with metal chains, sticks, and chairs, and attacked with knives. In some cases they were assaulted for as long as 45 minutes before they were able to escape.


President-Mom-Jeans said...

Why liberal women and many homosexuals embrace (through the likes of Obama and his SOS Kerry) the Islamists, I'll never understand.

I guess they really really really just hate white Christian men. Oh, and in many cases are stupid.

rhhardin said...

It's a camel trapped in a man's body.

Quaestor said...

No burka, independent attitude, roving bands of Islamists thugs looking to punish protesters... isn't rape the expected outcome in these situations?

I'm not blaming the victims, but this dog-bites-man story is hardly newsworthy. It isn't like we haven't been warning you feminists ever since 9-11 that that's what the Enemy is like. It's been nearly twelve years, f'chrisake.
One would think you dames just fell off the turnip wagon.

Clyde said...

Those who cannot learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. That kind of thing has been going on in Egypt for years. They're barbarians who treat women like shit. If you're a woman and choose to go to one of those demonstrations, you're just asking for trouble. That's just how it is until they get past that stage of barbarism. I'm not expecting it to happen this century.

edutcher said...

Sorry, but these guys are sick.

I'm sure there are other cultures that condone this sort of thing, but no major ones.

And this is supposed to be a religion.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Why liberal women and many homosexuals embrace (through the likes of Obama and his SOS Kerry) the Islamists, I'll never understand.

You terrible ethnocentric racist, you.

Don't you know no culture is better than any other?

Wait till Mitochondri-Allie gets here and gives you a piece of her mind (assuming she can spare it).

chickelit said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
Why liberal women and many homosexuals embrace (through the likes of Obama and his SOS Kerry) the Islamists, I'll never understand.

I don't that they embrace Islam so much as just lump all religions together out of ignorance. To the liberal, the world is divided into dar al-Gore (where beige thoughts, passions and environmentalism hold sway as a quasi-religion) and dar argle-bargleland where liberal dogma is challenged and contested.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Parasites of freedom.

I'm thinking it must take a lot of openness and time until the genes of rapists are weeded out from a society as authoritarian/repressed and sternly woman-hating as that one was.

Palladian said...

This is what happens in thuggish, sexually-repressed cultures full of men with anxiety and anger about their small penises.

edutcher said...

Ritmo's never been to one of those paradises of tolerance and forebearance known as the American Inner City.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo's never been to one of those paradises of tolerance and forebearance known as the American Inner City.

Speaking of "men with anxiety and anger about their small penises," who are obsessed with less anxious, less angry men with larger penises...

YoungHegelian said...

Please don't misunderstand what I'm about to say here. I am in no way condoning rape or sexual assault. I'm trying to understand the evil of the (communal) mind that does this sort of stuff.

I understand why a man (or men) would rape a women for the sexual pleasure of it. Behavior at that sort of animal level I understand.

What I don't understand is why these men don't just rape, they terrorize & abuse their victims, often in ways that bring no real (i.e. genital) pleasure to themselves. They just involve the sexual degradation of the woman. If it was just one "Silence of the Lambs" kind of sicko, well, some guy is gonna be perverted in that way. But a whole mob of them? How does that happen? I'm sorry, but this points to a part of Egyptian culture that is just seriously fucked-up.

At least, when the Red Army went on its rape rampage through Germany in 1945 (estimates of up to 200,000 women), it involved actual, you know, sex.

Methadras said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Why liberal women and many homosexuals embrace (through the likes of Obama and his SOS Kerry) the Islamists, I'll never understand.

I guess they really really really just hate white Christian men. Oh, and in many cases are stupid.

Leftism and islam go hand in hand. Not to mention the leftist penchant for collective guilt for the perceived aggrieved, but also because islam and leftism are fellow travelers.

Titus said...

I know quite a few fags and don't know one that likes Islamist Terrorist. Sure, some are kind of hot but still we don't really like them like them. Fuck em, sure. Support their cause definitely not.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Ritmo's never been to one of those paradises of tolerance and forebearance known as the American Inner City.

Speaking of "men with anxiety and anger about their small penises," who are obsessed with less anxious, less angry men with larger penises...

Since I was talking about Ritmo's nonsense of it taking "a lot of openness and time until the genes of rapists are weeded out from a society as authoritarian/repressed and sternly woman-hating as that one was", being the core of the typical Democrat-run poverty-stricken matriarchal Big City, Ritmo takes the bit in his teeth in ignoring the point and instead shows us a glimpse into his tortured psyche.

YoungHegelian said...

Please don't misunderstand what I'm about to say here. I am in no way condoning rape or sexual assault. I'm trying to understand the evil of the (communal) mind that does this sort of stuff.

I understand why a man (or men) would rape a women for the sexual pleasure of it. Behavior at that sort of animal level I understand.

What I don't understand is why these men don't just rape, they terrorize & abuse their victims, often in ways that bring no real (i.e. genital) pleasure to themselves. They just involve the sexual degradation of the woman. If it was just one "Silence of the Lambs" kind of sicko, well, some guy is gonna be perverted in that way. But a whole mob of them? How does that happen? I'm sorry, but this points to a part of Egyptian culture that is just seriously fucked-up.

It's not about sex, it's about power.

Any cop can tell you that.

mariner said...

El Pollo Raylan
I don't that they embrace Islam so much as just lump all religions together out of ignorance.

Perhaps, but I don't think so.

They divide the world into Christians and non-Christians, and despise Christians.

I believe they see any non-Christian religion (including atheism) as preferable to Christianity.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

Why liberal women and many homosexuals embrace (through the likes of Obama and his SOS Kerry) the Islamists, I'll never understand.

I guess they really really really just hate white Christian men. Oh, and in many cases are stupid.

Leftism and islam go hand in hand. Not to mention the leftist penchant for collective guilt for the perceived aggrieved, but also because islam and leftism are fellow travelers.

Don't forget the fact they're scared to death of them and think they can strike a bargain to save their asses.

(they can't, btw)

traditionalguy said...

Cairo street thugs are what they are. Women are humiliated to teach them a lesson...what lesson is a mystery.

YoungHegelian said...


It's not about sex, it's about power. Any cop can tell you that.

No, I don't think that it's about power, and I don't think a cop will tell you that.

Write-ups of interviews with stranger (as opposed to "date") rapists that I have read have the rapist emphasizing how much they enjoyed the planning & fantasizing that surrounded the rape as much as the rape itself. One guy put that "the rape itself was anti-climactic after all that planning".

I know that it's an accepted part of feminist canon that rape is about power. I don't think that explanation quite fits the facts on the ground. But, let's assume that it's about power. Wouldn't one want to use that power to get one's rocks off? Power is a means to an end, isn't it?

exhelodrvr1 said...

It's not just in Cairo - remember what happened to Ambassador Steven's corpse in Benghazi.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


How goes that magical quest to find the man who took your brains?

Valentine Smith said...

i see, they not only missed the reformation, they also missed the Age of Chivalry.

Tribes then, tribes now, tribes forever.

Anonymous said...

Rape is most certainly sexual. It's also hatred of women. The women in Tahir square are being given a message, "shut up and go home, this is mans fight, how dare you interfere".

edutcher said...

YoungHegelian said...

It's not about sex, it's about power. Any cop can tell you that.

No, I don't think that it's about power, and I don't think a cop will tell you that.

I've heard several say it.

Write-ups of interviews with stranger (as opposed to "date") rapists that I have read have the rapist emphasizing how much they enjoyed the planning & fantasizing that surrounded the rape as much as the rape itself. One guy put that "the rape itself was anti-climactic after all that planning".

I know that it's an accepted part of feminist canon that rape is about power. I don't think that explanation quite fits the facts on the ground. But, let's assume that it's about power. Wouldn't one want to use that power to get one's rocks off? Power is a means to an end, isn't it?

The Arab male is about as emasculated as Ritmo. He can't/won't take on the Establishment in his country; he's told the Jews are responsible for the state of the Arabs, but they always win.

So they pick somebody they can dominate, who they see as violating all the tenets of a religion that is scared to death of women, and it makes them feel like good sons of Allah.

Rhythm and Balls said...


How goes that magical quest to find the man who took your brains?

Gee, Ritmo, I thought you'd have a snappy comeback about how the Demos are doing a great job as stewards of the poor and minorities in America's cities, but all you can do is once again project your own insecurities.

You get beaten every time, haven't you noticed that?

edutcher said...

I realize there are skeptics, butcompare this to what's going on in Tahrir Square.

Michael K said...

"I'm sure there are other cultures that condone this sort of thing, but no major ones."

India is not major ?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Phrasing things that edutcher doesn't get wrong? If that is indeed even possible, it would be written at an absurdly simple level. That's nothing I'd want to do. I really don't know why you read this blog, but my working theory is you're a guy pretending to be a guy that misunderstands everything.

Just give it up and go home, ed. You are a complete embarrassment. Not responding to you is the only sane response. Not doing that would be like expecting a coherent discussion with a Skittle piece. Everything you say is 100% wrong. You only open your pie-hole because you wrongly think it will help your pride. You are completely delusional. The probably reasons for it are likely known and have been speculated on widely. No one cares any more. There is nothing you can say that is remotely intelligent, topical or even worth hearing. All these words are obvious, but in vain to your deaf ears. It's the last thing that will be said. Even the burning insults one can say to a man as deliberately stupid as you have become boring to do... they come so easy. You have no humor, no sense of curiosity in the world, and live to do nothing other flog non-conservatives on the internet. How anyone ever hired you to do anything is inexplicable. There is simply nothing more worth saying to you. Negative attention is the only thing you have left. You are the intellectual and social equivalent of a terrorist - demanding attention, not listening to why you're wrong, and offering nothing worthwhile in return - save the most predictable and overdone, already heard political bombast. Absolutely pathetic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nothing so neutral as an angry Islamic Male. Am I right, American hack media?

Titus said...

I would of been open to wearing a burka in Tahir Square tonight and see if I pulled any Egyptian hog.

Titus said...

Aaron Hernandez is totally fucking dreamy though.

Could you imagine that thing taking all his clothes off in front of you? I would be like, yea, stick the gun in my mouth.

Dear Lord. Fucking Amazing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

dar argle-bargleland...

Make a note of it.

David said...

Every revolution has a tribe of predatory opportunists. The 60's radicals expected females to put out and then shut up.

Many women complied. If not there was rape.

Titus said...

I had a cabbie Cairo Cock one night, outside my fab loft, as he was dropping me off.

I was impressed. The thing was fricking huge. I think my neighbor saw what was going on and I felt a little uncomfortable but continued until climax. He hit his hog against the steering wheel. I wiped with a "new car" little tree sanatizer which HUNG from the mirror.

And then I ran off to my loft like Madonna in her video Justify My Love.

edutcher said...

How long are you going to hide behind Althouse to try to cover the fact you make idiots out of yourselves every time you get shot down?

If, in fact you are a man (I guess there are all sorts of hermaphroditic variants), how do you think you look hiding behind a woman's skirts?

Not only can you not defend your side in any kind of debate, you can't even come up with a good riposte when challenged.

And it's fascinating that you wait until a lot of people here are gone; the odds of getting your ass whipped go down, but not by much.

So, by all means, keep using Ann's words; hide behind her the way a 2 year old hides behind Mommy when a stranger walks up.

You're the perfect metaphor for the Welfare State.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, it just never ends, does it Ritmo?

chickelit said...

Ritmo channels Althouse. Details at 9:09 pm.

chickelit said...

I used to chirbit Ritmo in the voice I now use for alt.houseman. I was prescient.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Egyptian anti-sexual harassment groups.


They come a long way since the Pyramids?

I don't know.

If the pyramid times were indicative of civilized advancement, history proves that just because we can build things and have unimaginable comfort, doesn't mean we get to keep it?

I'm probably reading too much into it, but, I'm pissed off, despite a red sox victory walk off, why cant the Egyptians jack off like normal guys that don't get laid?

Limited Blogger said...

So let me guess: the "pro sexual-harassment groups" were pro-Morsi.

But anyway, Morsi was democratically elected, just like Hitler and Chavez were, so we really shouldn't "take sides" here, and "core principles" and "concern" and stuff.

P.S. -- Erdogan, quick! Phone NYU. They've opened up a visiting-professor slot just for you.

CWJ said...

As some of you may remember, I have a dog in this fight. My wife and I told her to stay away from the square on Sunday. As it turned out, her Egyptian family could not stop her either.

Their solution? They went with her as a family. If anything were to happen it would happen to all of them. We were stunned and frightened for them. That was our fear. That was our first world response.

But they are Coptic Chrstians. What we think is recklessness, is the bravery they must show every day.

BTW, the family who went with Sara was 100%female, her Mother, Aunt, and two sisters. Her father, who works for the government was denied time off to join them. Indeed, he was denied time off to meet his daughter coming home at the airport after a year in the states.

I agree with most everything said so far, but for some of us its a little more than an academic discussion. Sorry for being a buzz kill.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ritmo is full of shit again.

Ritmo Brasileiro (1) Althouse honorable mention

edutcher (4) Althouse honorable mentions.

The score doesn't lie.

CWJ said...

Oh Titus. If you want to be cute 100% of the time, that's OK.

Just recognize that some small percentage of your readers may not always appreciate it.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Just recognize that some small percentage of your readers may not always appreciate it.

I like how Betamax put it... and forgive me for not remembering his exact words, but, this is very close to what Betamax said about Titus commenting's.

"I couldn't be that focused"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The shih tzu proclaims who is full of shit.

Anyone who can read into that quote anything other than a complete negation of anything resembling an honorable mention is drunk. It's the most dishonorable mention ever. Also, I don't share a common viewpoint with Althouse on most things, so why would I want approval?

The last time I spoke at length with Lem was when he was on another one of his fantastic benders.

This time his precise excuse for engaging is unclear.

The Crack Emcee said...

Kinda gives the term Freedom Fighters a whole new meaning,...

edutcher said...

Inga said...

Good grief, it just never ends, does it Ritmo?

You can end it any time, Mitochondri.

You're certainly losing now.

Anonymous said...

Losing what? Seriously Edutcher, not everything is a war.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He's having a life-or-death struggle with his sanity.

Anonymous said...

I honestly feel bad for you when Althouse spanks you. But you deserve every bit of it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lem, not sure what you mean

Sorry, my comment was not clear.

Look up your pseudo name here and look up Ritmo's.

And connect what that may portend to Ritmo's argument at 9:09.

Anonymous said...

There's no rhyme or reason to Lem.

Why does every damn thread have to have numerous comments trying to decipher and then defend oneself from the Argle Bargle that is Edutcher. It's boring as hell.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It portends nothing. Even she agrees that his mind, self-respect or anything redeemable in blogland is a lost cause. It's also the most recent thing she had to say about the poor dope.

I'm skeptical that the other three were complimentary either.

Why would you even think this is worth discussing further?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I thought of wring something on the ground... but I cant because this is the internet and I'm not a Jesus like character here nor anywhere for that matter.

So go ahead and continue to stone ed if you want... he's just going to keep commenting... and that bothers the hell out of you.

Bob Ellison said...

This story sounds just a tad tendentious.

chickelit said...

WF Buckmo puts Lem on the firing line

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No one gives a shit if Ed comments, however it is tedious and sickening to constantly be distracted from the subject of the blog post by Ed's personal attacks.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whenever someone is being evicted/purged there better be a good reason other than what Ritmo and Inga are prepared to say so far. imho. granted I often don't read Ed but who the hell appointed any of you gatekeepers here?

Lets see if this quote can move hardened harts.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Methinks you need to expand your repertoire of caricatures, Chick.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Although that was short enough to still be mildly entertaining/interesting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh for crying out loud. A total buffoon, whose own ideological sympathizer in blogland can't stand his buffoonery, gets called out and Lem starts rolling out the Jesus parables and Nazi analogies. Let it never be said that you're incapable of thinking in extremes, Lem.

Anonymous said...

No one s gate keeping, no one wants to shut Ed out. You admit you don't read Ed, so you do not understand the issue here. Perhaps you should start reading his Argle Bargle. Tell me why don't you read Ed?

I'm done discussing this, it's ridiculous.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Should I consider it flattering that a conservative imagines I would sound like Buckley?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Althouse is not prepared to ban Ed. Then the question is, what are you people up to?

Inga, I expect better of you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I could actually probably do a decent impression of Buckley.

I could always do decent impressions - though it's a form of entertainment that's dropped off mightily since high school.

Most recently, I fell in love with a bit that Harry Shearer did of Schwarzenegger when he was running for governator. If anyone can find it, post it. It's comic gold. He did it as a parody for his radio show on KROC, "Le Show".

Anonymous said...

Lem, you have no idea of what's been going on under your nose here on Althouse, how can anyone be so out of touch?

It's beyond silly already.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Then the question is, what are you people up to?

Demanding excellence in broadcasting.

Or failing that, at least the standards achievable by a functioning mind.

Bob Ellison said...

YoungHegelian said "I understand why a man (or men) would rape a women for the sexual pleasure of it. Behavior at that sort of animal level I understand. What I don't understand is why these men don't just rape, they terrorize & abuse their victims, often in ways that bring no real (i.e. genital) pleasure to themselves."

edutcher said "It's not about sex, it's about power. Any cop can tell you that."

edutcher, you have bought into the feminist line. Congratulations. You can collect your pink sneakers on the way out the door, stage left.

Anonymous said...

It's hatred of women.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You emotional pleas remain unconvincing Inga.

I'm not after sex, I defending a fellow commenter.

What has Ed said that demands he be driven to the edge of town?

Anonymous said...


Are you drinking? I hate to say that as someone who is constantly being accused of bing a lush. But seriously Lem, please shut up, you are making a fool of yourself.

Bob Ellison said...

Well, edutcher, maybe you were trying for sarcasm. My Sarcasmotronometer has never worked properly.

Anonymous said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I could actually still repeat the bit line-by-line.

I hear Harry's being cancelled, so I'm not sure what will come of le Show. But if Chickimatoodles (or anyone else) can do Ah-nuld, try this bit out and see how it sounds:

"Over (pronounced "ova". You get the picture..."

"Over the last eight weeks, I've moved by body up and down the state of California."

"Talking wit its people. Listening to your problems. Tracing its majestic peaks with my mind's forefinger."

"And here's what I think: We don't need a gigantic budget deficit. Or an energy crisis. Or all the rest of it."

"This state needs love. And it needs respect."

"It needs, the tongue of the people, licking the crack of its crooked system."

"But I can't do all that alone."

"So make sure to vote, for California. And together, we'll gang-bang it into the future."

"You know you want to."

"Thank you."

I've never transcribed that before. But not being able to find it online made me desperate.

If you can find a clip, it's well worth it.

Or maybe we'll just see how many other voice characters Chickwell can do.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I cant think of anything more extreme than shutting somebody up.

I guess I could, if I had to... But right now, shutting somebody up seems extreme enough for me to summon the little energies I have left.

chickelit said...

What has Ed said that demands he be driven to the edge of town?

Translate abortion | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish

German for abortion: Abtreibung: lit. driving off or away.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Actually - it's MY body. Not "by" body.

I've moved my body up and down the state of California.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Are you drinking? I hate to say that as someone who is constantly being accused of bing a lush. But seriously Lem, please shut up, you are making a fool of yourself.

Inga, that doesn't endear people to you. its the wrong approach. my guess is you have fallen into bad company.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You too Pollo?

Anonymous said...


Good night, what waste this thread ended up being, thanks Ed, thanks Lem, Argle Bargle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chick, you heard the pitch.

Now get to it. A "CHIRBIT" of Schwarzenegger.

I'm already giving you the best material. A script by one of the most prolific writers of Simpsons episodes! (Plus the bassist for Spinal Tap).

Let's see what you can do!

chickelit said...

Lem said...
You too Pollo?

You misreadeth me, Lem.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pollo, stop getting distracted by the drunk and the punk. DO A FREAKING CHIRBIT OF Ah-NULD!!

chickelit said...

@Lem: The point of a chirbit is to use a person's own words voiced to juxtapose a different character.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes! That's exactly what Shearer did! He juxtaposed his own voice with the best campaign ad Schwarzenegger could come up with!

Do it!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You misreadeth me, Lem.

I just want to make sure I don't friendly fire on you.

Its hard enough trying to have a conversation with Inga and resist responding to her insults in kind.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm Austrian, he could do me as Arnold.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do it Bitch!

Anonymous said...

Or Marlene Dietrich!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey, I'm Austrian, he could do me as Arnold.

You just can't help the double entendre, can you?

You've got enough arms on your innuendos to keep an octopus busy.


chickelit said...


I'll take it under consideration. But Rule #1 is, NO REQUESTS! (You think I get paid to do this?)

PS: Lay-off of Lem!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The point of a chirbit is to use a person's own words voiced to juxtapose a different character.

I know what it is... btw have you tried Lem as Desi ... Can you do Desi?

Anonymous said...

Omg, Ritmo that was funny!

Anonymous said...

NO! I won't be Lucy.

Anonymous said...

Lem how did I insult you?

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: So no, I won't do Ah-nold reading Ah-nold's own words.

Ah-nold reading Jerry Brown would be a hoot. But I'll save it. Maybe Ah-nold reciting Inga would work, but not tonight. Ah-nold would be a complete new voice, I need to listen a bit more.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Watching Triumph videos all night long would be more worthwhile than, well, just about anything going on here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pollo, you just have to find a way to make it all boring, don't you?

Watch the Triumph videos.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Go back and read what you said to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm still sad this thread crashed.

We got sucked into the vortex that is Edutcher. Lem just spins on the sidelines, no offense Lemmy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the funniest line in his bit at the Tony's was when he said that Harvey Fierstein was being nominated for the "I Hate Vagina Monologues."

bagoh20 said...

When something actually is reminiscent of Jenjiss Kahhhn, John Kerry is silent.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
NO! I won't be Lucy.

Arte Johnson voice: "How very interesting...but stupid."

bagoh20 said...

" Rule #1 is, NO REQUESTS! "

Then don't you dare do me. I mean it. I'm warning you. Don't.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fine. I'll delete the hilarious phony governator ad, then.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No intervention in Egypt! I certainly hope it won't come to that

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You'd have to give Bagoh a deep voice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chickwell - Baggie's begging you to do him.

You know... do him.

Do it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You get rid of him, tomorrow you come after me.

That's the way it's always been Inga.

Anonymous said...


Gawd, it MUST be full moon.

bagoh20 said...

"It's a camel trapped in a man's body."

Another one in a what I consider the longest run of creative genius in advertising history.

The best day ever for this.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...
When something actually is reminiscent of Jenjiss Kahhhn, John Kerry is silent.

John Kerry, I can do: link

He's pretty laconic, though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Criticizing the stupidity of ed's attention-getting chest-thumpers means that tomorrow you're going to take over Germany, march through Europe, build labor/extermination camps, and firebomb London.

Do it.

bagoh20 said...

I actually think the two guys playing on the stage is Geico's weakest series so far, except for that one.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Lara Loga was unavailable for comment.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Ann , I wanted to tell you I think very highly of your friend Victoria from Pasadena, VSpurs, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ritmo, bwhahahahaah!

Anonymous said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I will never get plague of AIDS because I wear a jar of gypsy tears around my neck.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

In honor of the passing of a computer pioneer today and on the topic of how we sound in real life, here's an old video of Titus in drag back in the day using Inga to help get $18 out of me to find a husband through computers.

Computer Dating

Anonymous said...

Hey! We don't sound like that in Wisconsin!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to bed, Happy 4th of July! I'll be busy all day, lalalalala!

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I'm fairly certain that vbspurs, a Victoria, is NOT Vicki from Pasadena, though it's nice you admire her.

Ruth Anne

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

Yeah and Ethanol starves people to feed rich white Democratics' never-ending greed; in the name of innocent children.

What's new?


Ain't my call to damn anyone to Hell, thank God.

Sorry for those times I have and will do again; sincerely.

I really mean I am sorry for acting God-like because mainly:

It, therefore I, is stupid.

Also, UnBuckley.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Ann, really? Well I'm sure vbspurs is great too.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


What I don't understand is why these men don't just rape, they terrorize & abuse their victims, often in ways that bring no real (i.e. genital) pleasure to themselves. They just involve the sexual degradation of the woman. If it was just one "Silence of the Lambs" kind of sicko, well, some guy is gonna be perverted in that way. But a whole mob of them? How does that happen? I'm sorry, but this points to a part of Egyptian culture that is just seriously fucked-up.

You've got that right. For one thing, 97 or 98% of Egyptian women have undergone clitoridectomy.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Inga Titus Ritno Garage GO TO HELL.

SINce I wrote in capital letters it MEANS MORE!!!!

(I used four, many times you use merely three, in an anti-Shakespearian gambit-via-exclamation-points manner, so can you finally admit my superior subset skills regarding points of exclamation I pay so dearly for?)

Chip Ahoy said...

My alltime canción más favorita about Egypt is a famous ancient tune played for festivals and high celebrations that could go on for days sometimes. Everybody drank beer and totally cut loose. They were so funny, and the way they are depicted on the frescos that plead to show the beauty of their lives on the Nile and what they hope to expect in surviving the death experience, their idea of heaven as an extension of life on Earth, and following the canon of Egyptian art, profile head, front torso and arms, profile legs and feet, and caught at the pivotal points of exotic gestures of their dance, were picked up by later day cartoonists as head-bobbing rigid contrived poses expressed in its most joyful and boyant modernization by the beautiful musicians The Bengals in their song Walk Like an Egyptian. I want you to love this song as much as I do. And dance around like a loon. DANCE! I said.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I challenge any man, woman, or child prodigy to be one Marge Gunderson.


I am more feminist than any feminist I know.

I define terms to my suiting as I please and feelings and definitions change bitch. Grammar will always remember the BLOODY ^%*&%^*.

Guildofcannonballs said...

So I says to the guy, I says to him, and he was stamding RIGHT THERE this guy, so I says to him, I says "hey guy" and, RIGHT IN MY FACE this guys says...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Seconding Ruth Anne, Inga. Vbspurs and Vicki from Pasadena are very different people. I think the latter would be more to your taste, more's the pity. The former's a lot more fun, IMO.

Aaron said...

I don't know if this has been said yet, but most likely these are groups o men taking advantage of the protests and not really "Islamists" or "anti-Morsi" people.

Oso Negro said...

Inga, I cannot agree with your postulate that "rape is hatred of women." It seems to me you are pretty far into Western feminist dogma there. Is rape of boys hatred of boys? Is rape of girls hatred of girls? I suspect that the rapes in Cairo, the public ones anyway, are the result of an ill-socialized mob getting the chance to stick it, so to speak, to a perceived outsider. I sincerely doubt that if we could track down the perps, we would find that they uniformly hated all women.

Oso Negro said...

Inga, I cannot agree with your postulate that "rape is hatred of women." It seems to me you are pretty far into Western feminist dogma there. Is rape of boys hatred of boys? Is rape of girls hatred of girls? I suspect that the rapes in Cairo, the public ones anyway, are the result of an ill-socialized mob getting the chance to stick it, so to speak, to a perceived outsider. I sincerely doubt that if we could track down the perps, we would find that they uniformly hated all women.

Achilles said...

But be sure Obama has instructed Egypt not to arrest these people. The Islamists were using this tactic before and they are using it now. Obama is still trying to prop up the Muslim brotherhood and the non Islamists in Egypt are as mad at him as they are at the MB.

So at this point if you still support Obama and were supporting a fascist piece of shit, now he is supporting the MB and their rape squads. If you voted for Obama once feel stupid. If you voted for him twice kill yourself. Or just leave this country and go be with some other fascists.

Dante said...

let's clean up our own house first, OK? Let's stop these blacks from raping so much. Then we can worry about Egypt.

And let's not elect any other rapist presidents, even if they are good looking and sufficiently glib.

lonetown said...

91 out of 33 million is only a couple per million. That's lower than Chicago.

edutcher said...

Ritmo and Mitochondri risking Michael Douglas all night long?

Man, I am so glad I tried that DIY root canal instead.

viator said...

Rape in shame-honor societies is very complicated and also ubiquitous.

To rape a women is to attack the honor of her men (fathers, brothers, husbands, political organizations, armies, nations) in that they were too weak and shameful to protect her.

"Objectifying honor in the person of a woman, men possess honor, just as they possess gold and land...Logically, it follows, women cannot possess honor in the same way as men. They represent honor; they symbolize honor; they are honor. Objectified into manipulable possessions, symbolic or otherwise, women lose a sense of individuality in the eyes of the community. Raping a woman robs a man of his most prized possession, his honor, but it obliterates a woman's whole being. Once a man's honor is violated, all he can do, all he is expected to do, all he should do is seek revenge."


Faith and Freedom

Many Muslim woman writers cover this topic in detail.

Rape is a weapon of war and conflict in Muslim lands like the AK-47.

MarkD said...

So I take it the Althouse regulars' group tour of Egypt is not on for this year?

Mitch H. said...

I was gobsmacked to hear a female NPR reporter giving a street-level report from Egypt this morning to some beta-male studio-drone. Why the hell are they still sending female reporters to that shithole?

MD Greene said...

More evidence that Egypt is a mess. A society where women and Christians cannot walk outdoors without justifiable fear of violence is not a society that is ready for a modern economy. Replacing Morsi will make no difference.

Big Mike said...

Are both sides engaging in these assaults? Or just one? If just one, which one? There's an implication here and there, in the video and in the text, that we're talking about the Moslem Brotherhood, but no one seems interested in coming out and saying it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's a good point, Mike. Rape is the proper lens through which to examine our political biases.

What fucking planet are you from?

damikesc said...

Why do media companies keep sending women there when this shit happens?

I'm not saying the women are to blame --- but if you are aware that rapes tend to happen a lot in a certain place, it's really cruel to send a woman there to do her job, knowing what has a far-too-high chance of happening.

lemondog said...

Egypt interim leader sworn in

Part of his address:

The first of which is an end to the idea of worshipping the leader an creating a half-divine entity out of him

Lets see how long that resonates.

Big Mike said...

Last winter The Daily Mail broke the story that the Moslem Brotherhood was paying gangs of thugs to sexually assault women. Last spring an official of the Morsi government (a police general, no less) was quoted in the New York Times as saying that "a girl contributes 100% to her own raping when she puts herself in these conditions." Yesterday on CNN Nina Burleigh closed her thoughtful and fact-filled report with the following:

"... it is high time for American progressives and other Arab Spring commentators to stop separating anti-female violence from the politics of the Muslim Brotherhood's revolutionaries."

The conclusion is that rape is viewed as a political tool by the Muslim Brotherhood, and that the Obama administration and its supporters either ignore it as an inconvenient fact, try to excuse it by implying that both sides engage in rapes, or else regard the rapes as simple "collateral damage."

Big Mike said...

@Ritmo, I'm from planet Reality.

kentuckyliz said...

Occupy Egypt

kentuckyliz said...

(not militarily...referring to rapes in the Occupy Wall Street camp)

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