July 2, 2013

"Countercultural in these times means conservative."

"Fred is off the central planner’s grid; the antipode of the collective, an unroped stray escaped from the herd. Milverstedt is a freelance freedom fighter battling the steady encroachment of Bloomberg’s nanny state. From this remove, the man’s two major vices are power and speed. He expresses those vices through the language of two powerful machines: semi-automatic firearms and overpowered motorcycles. Who else would email JPEGs of his tight target grouping? Or extol the virtues of his AR-15?! That, my friends, is the difference between liberals and us conservatives. We brag on our vices; the progs apologize for theirs, then legislate reparations."

Excerpt from David Blaska's post about Fred Milverstedt, one of the co-founders of the Madison alternative newspapers, Isthmus, which I used to link to more than I do these days (now that Meade never comments there anymore). Milverstedt left Isthmus long ago, and one thing he's done since then is write a book: "One More Ride: Fred and the Craft of Motorcycle Meditations."

Sample book text:
If there ever was a time on the bike when I really thought I might need a gun, it was a day when Barbi and I were out on the Shadow on a high ridge in western Wisconsin overlooking a series of lesser hills rolling away to the south. We’d stopped, parked the bike on the shoulder and got off to admire the view.

We were on State 33, not an untraveled road but a good piece from the New York Thruway. On this stretch, there was no other traffic, no other people, no houses or barns except those dotting the valleys below.

Around the curve comes a pick-up truck, slowing as it moves into sight. It stops next to us, not on the shoulder but the middle of the road. There’s two young guys inside.

Seldom one to make snap judgments, give or take now and then, I make one here.

These guys are crackers....


RonF said...

"That, my friends, is the difference between liberals and us conservatives. We brag on our vices; the progs apologize for theirs, then legislate reparations."

But that defines ownership and facility with firearms as a vice - a formulation I do not accept. He's letting the language be co-opted by the left right there.

John henry said...

"These guys are crackers"

I've heard crackers used in place of "nuts" not frequently but occasionally. Perhaps more by English than Americans.

SO is he saying "These guys are nuts"?

I don't think so but the way you stop the sentence, put that in my mind.

Or perhaps he was concerned that they might be ass-crackers?

John Henry

YoungHegelian said...

These guys are crackers...

Not only that --- they might be crazy ass-crackers! Like those guys in Deliverance! The tell-tale sign: were any banjos involved?

KJE said...

If firearm ownership in the United States is a vice; can the same be said of the right to exercise free speech, or enjoy religious freedom?

I suspect this is all being taken out of context; but it does make me wonder...

SteveR said...

Well if you're going to get your ass cracked, hopefully it will be by a wise ass-cracker.

YoungHegelian said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Any chance Barbi is a chick?

YoungHegelian said...

As a Southerner, I just find it so rude when some cheeesehead calls us crackers!

You would think: What goes better together than cheese & crackers? But no.

Can't we all just get along?

Methadras said...

Firearms ownership is not a vice. It's a right as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment and as an able bodied citizen, I am also a member of the militia.

chickelit said...

"Countercultural in these times means conservative" is a provocative headline to which I wish people gave more thought.

I used to have a paid subscription to Isthmus back in the 80's after I left Madison. You might laugh because it was distributed free in Madison. But back then it really did seem like it had an alternative slant.

Isthmus was born during a strange journalistic time in Madison: during a very protracted and compromising labor strike at Madison Newspapers. But then they (and then slowly the entire left) morphed into what could be called "mainstream alternative" wherein everybody became different* and alternative, seemingly for its own sake.
*"Different" is a 'Sconish code word.

Meade said...

"Can't we all just get along?"

Apparently not. In fact, IT"S THE LAW: Keep the barrel of your cracker sausage at a safe distance from our dairy... air

edutcher said...

We're counterculture?

When they're side wants same sex marriage and bestiality?

Try again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
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YoungHegelian said...


Keep the barrel of your cracker sausage.....

Oh! Oh! So gay marriage is fine! Equal rights for everyone & all. But you get to tell me what to do with my cracker sausage in my own private time!


Meade said...

Now, squeal like a sausage!

harrogate said...

There were conservative AND liberals iterations of "counterculture" in every step of US history, and so there remains today.

I'd be interested in knowing how it is that this author--or you, Ann, for that matter--definitively nail down what you mean by "culture." Ha, describe the culture in 100 words or less. You'd get some wildly different descriptions among people, that's for sure.

I suppose my own definition would center on ways in which the culture is increasingly defined in corporate terms, according to corporate logic, and to the benefit of actual corporate officials.

roesch/voltaire said...

Yep you can see all those counter culture conservatives lapping up the money in the many conservative think tanks that pay for conformity of thought or push you out like David Frum. Well there is Jamie Freeze, who makes her own stand as as conservative, but has to write her own blog.

ricpic said...

No different than when somefeller or harrowgate or garage or montana urban schmendrick or frederson gleefully spew "Hillbillies!" to describe the mildly conservative posters here. They don't have the foggiest, these lovers of the people, that the people is a hillbilly and is conservative and is the counter culture and is HIP and it's THEY who are the repressive apologists for the establishment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you're a Gosnell-Texas Barbie doll Benghazi Clinton Susan Rice Nancy Pelosi ACA IRS 50 million dollars for a party democrat - you are the in the in crowd.

ricpic said...

You want the surrealistically reality turned upside down take on everything? Read Roeschi.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When they're side wants same sex marriage and bestiality?

Those two are not the same ed.

Nonapod said...

There are certainly puritanical elements in liberal culture, particularly the nanny statists and the gun grabbers, that have a ring of the temperance and teetotalism movenments of the nineteenth century.

Unknown said...

Dana Michelle Woods
Dana Michelle Woods is an international speaker, certified professional coach, popular radio host and author. She speaks into the hearts of her audience. The audience will be treated to an authentic, compassionate and hilarious speaker. Every attendee will have a renewed hope, new and improved confidence, a how-to-action-plan, and a ton of “Ahaa’s”. Lastly, they will hear Dana’s final words ringing in their ears, “LIVE LIFE without REGRETS”; just take a leap of faith. One thing for sure, she is not selling wolf tickets nor the American dream but teaching and showing people in a practical manner how to LIVE their predestined life. As Dana says, a person living a predestined life never gives up on "HOPE" no matter the circumstances of life. The event will be held at the BWI Marriott airport.
Go To:> http://www.danamwoods.com/

Clyde said...

An editor named Marc Eisen is just the right person to "iron out the editing" as Milverstedt put it, since Eisen is German for "iron."

Chip Ahoy said...

I think I'll write a book too, maybe I'll call it, Ken and the Bart of Pop-Up Makeanance.

And it will be an exploration of my unexamined fears and their relationship with my present day sensible liberal positions.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think those are the kinds of comments Palladian was referring to the other night when he said...

"So many people here, people that I otherwise respect, have written so much cloaked or naked vituperation about gay people and our effect on civilization, that what little sympathy I had for your 'feelings' has long evaporated."

Something in the context of consenting adults cannot be justifiably mixed or lumped together with something in the context of interspecies.

It's not even close.

Wince said...

If there ever was a time on the bike when I really thought I might need a gun... Around the curve comes a pick-up truck, slowing as it moves into sight. It stops next to us, not on the shoulder but the middle of the road... These guys are crackers....

"Why don't you get a haircut?"

campy said...

"Counterculture" implies "cool," and conservative can't be cool.

Drago said...

R/V: "Yep you can see all those counter culture conservatives lapping up the money in the many conservative think tanks that pay for conformity of thought or push you out like David Frum"


You are a moron.

How many conservatives are employed at the Center for American Progress?

How many conservatives are employed at the Urban Institute?

There are hundreds of liberal think tanks that don't employ conservatives or libertarian thinkers.

Gee, I wonder what it is about ideological think tanks that leads them to employ only individuals who share their ideology?

I mean, it's a real mystery!


Anonymous said...

Fight the Womyn!

Drago said...

Harrogate: "There were conservative AND liberals iterations of "counterculture" in every step of US history, and so there remains today."

That's basically true, although it would be very easy for some (who? me?) to demonstrate a much greater (vastly greater) acceptance in the general culture of left wing "counter-cultural" thought than right wing "counter-cultural thought.

i.e., Tea Party vs Occupy protest movements (advantage of timeliness and direct applicability to the question at hand)

Harrogate: "I'd be interested in knowing how it is that this author--or you, Ann, for that matter--definitively nail down what you mean by "culture.""

That's a fair question, and there will be a range of answers.

I think it's fair to say that in terms of culture (popular culture: TV, movies, the arts as well as academia, news media, government agencies (IRS),etc) there can be no denying that the left holds sway there.

Therefore, by definition conservative thought runs counter to that.

You can't swing a dead cat right now and hit a prime time show that doesn't work into it's scripts little gifts to the liberal politicians that the writers/producers love as well as continuous digs at conservatives.

Harrogate: "I suppose my own definition would center on ways in which the culture is increasingly defined in corporate terms, according to corporate logic, and to the benefit of actual corporate officials."

Of course you would, since that would enable you to pretend that GE is a some big "conservative" cultural influence all the while it funded MSNBC and Immelt was running around support Obama and further, that all the news organizations that are totally in the bag for the left are somehow "not really left".

i.e., NYTimes.

test said...

Lem said...
Something in the context of consenting adults cannot be justifiably mixed or lumped together with something in the context of interspecies.

It's not even close.

How does a bestial relationship effect a gay relationship? Are gay relationships so insubstantial they can be broken by something others do?

harrogate said...


If I had wanted to mark off what I meant by "corporate" as "conservative," I'd have written it that way.

But GE and Wal Mart (and, according to the argument I'd make if I made it haha, the whole "culture" at this point) operate according to a lot more common priorities and system of logics, than there are things that separate them.

harrogate said...

In a lot of ways, I'd argue if I were making the argument, that real as they are in some ways, "liberal" and "conservative" are very good sensibilities to exploit, by those who have other priorities altogether.

Scott M said...

"Counterculture" implies "cool," and conservative can't be cool.

I don't know about that. Catapult a late 60's radical into an Occupy encampment and they would have felt right at home.

To the rest of the world, there wasn't much "cool" about OWS. Rapey and smelly, sure, but not "cool".

Synova said...

Counterculture now means conservative and conservative now means classical liberal.

Baron Zemo said...
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Baron Zemo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabel said...


"It’s part of a long history of good liberals denying the scope of the problem in these parts, lest they think themselves crazy-ass cracker racist. (Or is it crazy ass-cracker racist?)"

He owes you a link.

Drago said...

Harrogate: "But GE and Wal Mart (and, according to the argument I'd make if I made it haha, the whole "culture" at this point) operate according to a lot more common priorities and system of logics, than there are things that separate them"

I don't think you are off base when you speak about some common priorities and systems of logics.

However, I would argue that the role those organizations play within the "culture" should be examined separately from how they depreciate assets, calculate the ROI for new acquisitions, etc (you know, the "corporate-y" decisions they make).

There is no way it can be argued honestly that the way GE ran NBC which allowed for MSNBC to essentially become "Obama Campaign Central" and how then seamlessly MSNBC was worked into the movies, TV shows, etc as well as referenced by other media groups is not a prime example of the left's ascendance in cultural terms, which necessarily requires one to identify non-liberal thought (conservative thought) as "counter" to that.

Drago said...

Harrogate: "In a lot of ways, I'd argue if I were making the argument, that real as they are in some ways, "liberal" and "conservative" are very good sensibilities to exploit, by those who have other priorities altogether."

It has always been thus.

It just depends on the audience.

Drago said...

Synova: "Counterculture now means conservative and conservative now means classical liberal."

This has been true for awhile.

The "today's conservative is yesterdays "classical liberal"" completely flummoxes most young people I meet. Even the more educated ones.

Even on this blog you see some on the left proclaiming some classical liberals (today's smaller government/liberatarian minded/distributed power conservatives) as liberals.

I don't think that's an accident.

In the major media (MSNBC!!), George Wallace has been labeled a Republican while Lincoln has been labeled a conservative.

Someone posted something just recently where a huge argument ensued when the author told a lefty that Lincoln was a republican. The other individual refused to believe it.

I'll have to look it up.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott M said...

The "today's conservative is yesterdays "classical liberal"" completely flummoxes most young people I meet. Even the more educated ones.

Nazi's being left-wing confuses the hell out of them too.

Anonymous said...

In the major media (MSNBC!!), George Wallace has been labeled a Republican while Lincoln has been labeled a conservative.

Someone posted something just recently where a huge argument ensued when the author told a lefty that Lincoln was a republican. The other individual refused to believe it.

Someone in Houston put up a billboard with a photo of MLK that said "Martin Luther King, Jr., was a Republican."

Very controversial.

Jim Howard said...

overpowered motorcycles

The 'Shadow' the writer refers to is a good but small motorcycle made by Honda. It looks like a Harley Davidson 'Sportster', but unlike the Sportster, the Shadow is reliable and inexpensive.

It's kind of a "girl's bike" really.

Any Democrat claiming to be part of any sort of 'counter-culture' is just being silly.

'Cracker' in the context of the quote does not mean 'crazy', that's a British thing. In this context 'Cracker' means pretty much the same thing as 'Redneck'.

Drago said...

annk: "Very controversial."

I've heard that as well but I don't believe there is any real proof of that.

I know MLK's father was republican, but that was in the south prior to the 1960's so that makes perfect sense.

We also know just how MLK never really involved himself in party politics.

I think it's fair to say he would be considered a "liberal" on many issues, particularly the Vietnam war.

But the fact that the question still "hangs in the air" shows how effective his non-partisan stance was.

Drago said...

Scott M: "Nazi's being left-wing confuses the hell out of them too."

Yes, but that one you can usually "talk through", since it's really about the relative power and control of the state over private relationships/business.

Also, our own 60's movement throws off the conversation since the left in the US was seen improperly as so "anti-military".

The reality of course is that the left is not "anti-military" they are only anti-western militaries.

They love them some commie/socialist military parades festooned with cool "people's" missiles and comprised of "people's" battalions.

Lots of young people "raised" at the knees of liberal/leftist instructors see pictures of Nazi parades and think: "oh, military = conservative".

Which should shock anyone who has spent more than 30 seconds watching a military parade from Red Square or Peking.

Anonymous said...

The "progressive" left is made up of nothing but conformists worried about what the rest of the party thinks of them. They must say the correct things, do the correct things, and believe the correct things.

It sure saves the time to think for yourself.

garage mahal said...

Nazi's being left-wing confuses the hell out of them too.

I think you're mistaking confusion with laughter.

bagoh20 said...

I didn't leave the culture - the culture cast me out.

White, male, straight, middle aged, well-off, businessman, wingnut driving a pickup truck. - I'm fucking disgusting. Just thinking about it makes me want to slap myself upside the head.

But all of it is beyond my control - I'm just being myself. I could get a little cred from choosing to be a pussy-assed beta, and maybe drive a prius sporting an Obama/Biden sticker, but I just don't think I'd be convincing, so that's not even really a choice.

I've done stuff long ago like claimed to be a feminist to get laid, or a Democrat (which I actually am technically) to get into a bestiality party, but I don't think they even bought it. They just wanted some cracker barrel sausage. I mean who doesn't?

Anonymous said...

In the language of "big data" and "analytics", they don't use algorithms that produce correct results, but mere heuristics just to save time and effort.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Geez, what a rip of of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The guy doesn't have an original thought?

And who defines what is 'counter' cultural as opposed to what? regular cultural. It all depends on where you live and who you associate with as to what constitutes 'culture' or counter culture, I suppose.

Crunchy Frog said...

This is why guys don't stop to ask for directions.

Anonymous said...

Last summer me and Sizzle, my Cubano dwarf ladyboy acquaintance strolled across an Alabama parking lot under stifling mid-day sun. We saw more than a few Dixie decals and gun racks amidst the the laughter and growls of a Harley somewhere out behind the building that could hold, somewhere inside it, America's future.

We held our breaths. The door jingled almost absurdly as we leaned into into the Uncle Bob's Bar & Grill . I found myself humming an off-key rendition of 'Yankee Doodle Dandy'

Kirk Parker said...

RonF, Meth, et al:

I read "vice" as Blaska just being facetious.


"Those two are not the same ed"

Indeed, which is why he wrote "and" and not "i.e.".

The Crack Emcee said...

"Countercultural in these times means conservative."

The South Park guys said it first, though they said liking Bush was the marker for how Punk you are. Either way - since I stood against the Romney tide - whatever it means to be Billy Bad-Ass on the Right nowadays, I'm it.


"Geez, what a rip of of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The guy doesn't have an original thought?"

That was my OTHER thought,...

Meade said...

"since I stood against the Romney tide"

Which led to Barack O getting reelected.

Thanks, macho man. Thanks a whole helluva lot.

Scott M said...

'Cracker' in the context of the quote does not mean 'crazy', that's a British thing. In this context 'Cracker' means pretty much the same thing as 'Redneck'.

Well, there's rednecks, which are as benign as most hood dwellers, and then there's squeal-like-a-pig types. Wholly different and come equipped with a penchant for buggery.

bagoh20 said...

I have a culture life and a counter-culture life. I keep a change of clothes in my truck. It's kinda like Superman, but you can't find a phone booth anywhere today, so there I am at the red light trying to change clothes without stepping on the gas, and the culture people look over and think I'm doing something nasty because I'm counter-culture, but I'm not even changed yet, so although it looks disgusting, it's actually just freedom, which is disgusting to the culture.

Drago said...

garage: "I think you're mistaking confusion with laughter."

Is that anything at all like how you confused 1880's primary education in Germany to late 1900's primary education in the US?


Ann Althouse said...

I had to look up Billy Badass in the Urban Dictionary:

----------- quoting Urban Dictionary below -----

1. Billy Badass
114 up, 26 down
A term given to a person (typically a male) who acts or does something in a "hard-ass", asshole, and/or tough-guy manner. The Billy Badass themselves, of course, do not think they are a "Billy Badass"; the term is usually told to, or directed at, someone in order to poke fun at, or to express contempt for, their prior, recent, or planned excessive or flamboyant actions.
Guy 1: "If this cop gives me any shit, I'm gonna smash his face in".

Guy 2: "Yeah, whatever...Billy Badass".

A little Punk teenager comes strutting into a store like he owns the place.

Store Clerk: "Check out this Billy Badass".

2. Billy badass
167 up, 79 down
A person of the male persuasion who considers themselves to be peticularly hard or who thinks they are a thug. In most cases those fitting this definition are merely insecure about the less than spectacular size of their wang.
Calm down Billy badass. Do you think your Billy badass?

3. billy badass
47 up, 35 down
A guy who thinks that he is particularly harass or bad, but he is actually a joke. A real doucher.
Guy1: I'll mess you up!!
Guy2: Whatever, billy badass..

4. Billy Badass
35 up, 109 down
1) Telling the cops when getting arrested “Whoa buddy, you aren’t coming home with me”
2) The Biggest badass there is
3) Being able to take ungodly amounts of alcohol and live to tell about it
4) An ace at beer pong
5) Makes Chuck Norris shiver at the sound of this name
6) Having a problem with finishing a beer put the Billy Badass Symbol in the air. With the sight of the Billy
Badass Symbol, the bad one comes running to save the day and drink all alcohol in the area.
7) Being very quick with comebacks
1) Last night at the party Taylor was such a Billy Badass.
2) I totally Billy Badassed that.

Ann Althouse said...

""Geez, what a rip of of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The guy doesn't have an original thought?""

I assumed it was a play on the old title, not a copying of the sort that relies on your not knowing it.

harrogate said...

Not having a cell phone in the United States today, is very counterculture.

Unless the reason you don't have one is because you're too poor to have one. Then you don't count anyway, regardless of what race you are.

Anonymous said...

Cultured foods are all the rage with the cultured.

Stripping in your truck? Kinda hot.

Scott M said...

Stripping in your truck? Kinda hot.

Not if it immediately follows a shotgun-armed bubba and the words, "Yew got a purty mouth".

harrogate said...

"Stripping in your truck? Kinda hot."

Stripping in your truck with a paper copy of Zen and the Art of motorcycle Maintenance halfway read-through, lying beside the discarded clothes?

Even hotter?

Drago said...

Harrogate: "Not having a cell phone in the United States today, is very counterculture."


Harrogate: "Unless the reason you don't have one is because you're too poor to have one."

Is this even possible any longer? Is there not an Obama-phone in this hypothetical poor persons future?

harrogate said...


I know where you are coming from with the question but I bet in seriousness, it won't surprise you that yes, it is very possible. I know more than a few people who don't have such devices, not because they are taking a countercultural stand, but because they actually cannot afford one.
And people who can afford much, much less than that.

Meade said...

"I've done stuff long ago like claimed to be a feminist to get laid"

Didn't work for you, did it? I mean - back in the day, I chased my share of feminist pantsuits. But even I - in my horniest horny beer-goggled 20's, - would've probably noticed that mustache and politely suggested that maybe we should just cuddle after all.

The Crack Emcee said...


"since I stood against the Romney tide"

Which led to Barack O getting reelected.

Thanks, macho man. Thanks a whole helluva lot.

True - I'm a conservative - and, as a lesser of two evils deal, I still know it was the best outcome for the nation, despite your current post-election obsession with conspiracy theories about him. You know that's crazy, right? You've both got the Romney curse.

Hey - wait a minute - since we're copping for shit, wasn't it Ann putting Obama into office in the first place that made my actions possible? I was ready to vote him out - wanted to - then you two came along with an even worse "choice".

Ann actually voted Obama in, originally, but since Obama's so awful in comparison to Romney, why does she only cop to that when (she thinks) he's said or done something that might make her decision look good? It's always, "Now this is why I voted for him,..." never "Sorry, I fucked up!" when shit gets nutty.

If it was, she'd be saying it - a lot. Integrity question:

Has she done even ONE hair-pulling post, owning all these "scandals" or did she act chicken shit and cowardly, as usual, and pretend they had nothing to do with HER decisions?

I betcha I can guess.

The Crack Emcee said...


"A term given to a person,..."

Good thing I didn't use it that way, isn't it?

Alex said...

r/v - only in a warped mind is the existence of conservative think tanks equivalent to the near 100% leftist domination of universities and the media.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey, Ann, like with "cracker-ass", do you always have to look up your black countrymen online to understand us? If so, here's my first helpful tip, in that regard:

Sorry but - as calling myself Billy Bad-Ass proves - we don't actually live according to the Urban Dictionary,...

Meade said...

Crack, here's what I've never heard her trumpet:

"Since I stood against the McCain tide"

Even if John McCain had won in 2008, I don't think she would ever say that because it would be like marrying someone who turns out to be a murderer and then spending the rest of your life going around loudly bemoaning, "damn these divorce laws that don't force me to remain married to a murderer".

bagoh20 said...

We have a pretty famous place here called the Rock Store. It's up in the mountains above Malibu, on a two-lane road chock full of tight s-turns, roadside cliffs and incredible views. It attracts a lot of people on every kind of motorcycle including a lot of celebrities and people with one-of-kind and exotic cars, but mostly wild and also regular bikes.

On a summer Sunday the road will be lined up with bikes of every shape and model. The crowd is varied, but mostly middle-aged people of varying degrees of counter-cultural identity. You see a lot of people who were real bad asses who have matured, and some who were not, but have wildened a little. They meet for cold beer, music, and open-barbecued food sitting outside among the oak trees.

I haven't taken that ride for awhile - because you really need a girl on your bike to do it right, and Amazon has been out of stock for a while, but it is summer and it's time.

From my house it's a great ride along the ocean through Malibu and then up through the mountains. On either a classic cruiser (me) or a performance crotch rocket, either way it's damned near perfect, and it makes you feel a kind of counter-culture vibe at the same time you feel wrapped in Americana and belonging. I gotta go again soon. It's been a couple years now.

Rock Store

Meade said...

"we don't actually live according to the Urban Dictionary"

Crack Emcee: Spokesman for an entire race.

bagoh20 said...

"would've probably noticed that mustache and politely suggested that maybe we should just cuddle after all."

And I'd promise to respect your wishes, but with a certain nuanced meaning.

Meade said...

Here go, Bags -- Countercultural Judy. IN STOCK!

traditionalguy said...

Crack is back! Happy days are here again.

Meade said...

She's clearly an easy ridin' girl, just in time for Rock Store.

bagoh20 said...

"Here go, Bags -- Countercultural Judy. IN STOCK!"

My recycle can is overflowing with them broads. It's amazing how fast the plastic will melt under sustained friction, and by sustained I mean momentary...on a good night.

The Crack Emcee said...


Even if John McCain had won in 2008, I don't think she would ever say that because it would be like marrying someone who turns out to be a murderer and then spending the rest of your life going around loudly bemoaning, "damn these divorce laws that don't force me to remain married to a murderer".

Wow. Now you see - I took the reference to your "second wife" out of my post (and just wrote "Ann") in an effort to play nice, and now you go and say this Just goes to show you what nice is worth.

Lots of points here, like, did I ever say I wanted to be divorced? Ever? So what makes my bitching weird? Oh yeah:

You are.

Look - unlike you - I got MARRIED, for better or for worse, and for real. Yes, to a murderer, and yes, I'm pissed off by the automatic divorce apparatus that snapped into action and could've prevented two of the murders BEFORE THEY HAPPENED.

But hey - according to you - she wasn't my wife anymore, right? Better others are dead, than me being a husband to a confused woman, right? We should take a vote on that - Hillbillies, which is better:

A) I got divorced and two people died.

B) I stayed married and my wife's actions (and mental status) had to investigated by the proper authorities with her husband's consent and participation to see right is done and even her interests were protected?

I'd like to know in this glorious Age of Marriage we're in.

Sure, maybe I'd now be married to a prisoner, or a mental patient (as you are) or maybe she'd be executed, or even walked free, I don't know. But that's what I signed up for - as an adult - and I certainly know this:

Once the state decided the murderer was the authority - merely because she was a woman - more lives were destroyed than just mine.

And it's the same for almost all of us, no matter who thinks they "win" in divorce.

Say "Hi" to Zsa Zsa for me,...

jr565 said...

Edutcher wrote:

We're counterculture?

When they're side wants same sex marriage and bestiality?

Try again.

in the book I am Legend the last remaining human is a monster to the vampires. He's like a dragon, the thing that goes bump in the night because he kills so many vampires.
In a room full of freaks, the square dude is the freak.

The Crack Emcee said...


I still find this interesting:

I don't think she would ever say that because it would be like marrying someone who turns out to be a murderer and then spending the rest of your life going around loudly bemoaning, "damn these divorce laws that don't force me to remain married to a murderer".

You NewAgers really do try to take the easy way out of life, don't you? I would really like to see your current vows from that mountain top:

"I take you, Ann, until things get difficult,..."

How romantic,....

jr565 said...

lem wrote:
Something in the context of consenting adults cannot be justifiably mixed or lumped together with something in the context of interspecies.

It's not even close.

except in the sense that someone on the left is trying to normalize it.

But you seem to have a lot of hangups about inter species romances. Why, are people who have sex with animals ruining your life with their actions. Does it impact you one way or the other if people screw animals? By then are you exhibiting bigotry towards an alternative lifestyle?

You can't legislate (Christian) morality.

How many more talking points do you want me to apply?

Oh yeah, BIGOT!

Drago said...

Meade: "Crack Emcee: Spokesman for an entire race."

Yeah, the HUMAN RACE!

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said,

Meade: "Crack Emcee: Spokesman for an entire race."

Yeah, the HUMAN RACE!

As much as I appreciate the "Crack's Back!"exclamations (Tg - big fucking hug) it's when this kind of stuff starts up again that I know it's true,...

harrogate said...


Drago said...

Keep on keepin' on Crack.

campy said...

Uh oh, my scroll-on-by finger is in for a workout now.

Drago said...

Campy: "Uh oh, my scroll-on-by finger is in for a workout now."

You watch your mouth mister. There are ladies present.


Oh, that's what you meant.

deborah said...

Billy "Bad-Ass" Buddusky

hombre said...

According to Rasmussen, serious Obamadupes consider Tea Partiers a greater terrorist threat than radical Islamists.

Small wonder then that a journalist is fantasizing about shooting "crackers" with whom he is sharing the road.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

On either a classic cruiser (me) or a performance crotch rocket,...

Wait.. what?

Phil 314 said...

You need to read less and get out more.

Methadras said...

hombre said...

According to Rasmussen, serious Obamadupes consider Tea Partiers a greater terrorist threat than radical Islamists.

Small wonder then that a journalist is fantasizing about shooting "crackers" with whom he is sharing the road.

Remember when DHS deemed conservatives and tea-party people as potential domestic terrorist threats to the nation?

Rusty said...

AprilApple said...
On either a classic cruiser (me) or a performance crotch rocket,...

Wait.. what?


The Crack Emcee said...
Drago said,

Meade: "Crack Emcee: Spokesman for an entire race."

Yeah, the HUMAN RACE!

As much as I appreciate the "Crack's Back!"exclamations (Tg - big fucking hug) it's when this kind of stuff starts up again that I know it's true,...

7/2/13, 4:42 PM

I wasn't going to say anything.
I didn't want to embarrass you.

The Crack Emcee said...


I wasn't going to say anything.
I didn't want to embarrass you.


deborah said...

Hey, can I call you Crackerjack?

The Crack Emcee said...


Hey, can I call you Crackerjack?

As predicted by the Mayans:

If you PROMISE not to ask if you can touch my hair next, sure.

deborah said...

lol okay.

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