"The recall was a gift to him in that it put him in touch with the big funders in the Republican Party, and I'm sure he keeps that Rolodex pretty close," said Brian Sikma, a spokesman for a conservative government watchdog group in Wisconsin. "I don't see any reason why he wouldn't run, and if you look at the tea leaves, he's taking all the traditional steps."...
But despite the attacks, Democrats have struggled to find a credible challenger eager to run against Walker in [the gubernatorial race in] 2014. The governor amassed a $30 million war chest for the recall campaign, while depleting the labor unions. Charles Franklin, a Marquette University professor of law and public policy, said Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson is viewed as more beatable in 2016 than Walker is in 2014.So it looks like he begins with plenty of money to use to run for reelection as governor and to run for President. In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid.
"The Democratic bench is thin right now, and Democrats face a real issue of how to fund a campaign against him," Franklin said.
CORRECTION: The link goes to the National Journal. I had "The Washington Post" in the headline for some reason.
eelpout for Governor!
Scott the Somnambulist?
If he can displace Cristi, then I'd say the sleeper would have awoken.
"In retrospect"????
"..In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid. .."
That's what democracy looks like.
Well, the party hasn't nominated anyone near as polarizing or ideologically pure for a few decades ... but he can hope.
He has great chances in the primary, but the press will destroy him if he makes it through.
People may not love academics, but I am doubtful enough will elect someone with less education than hey have. His whole leaving Marquette thing is a field day for the press ...
Why wouldn't Walker want to export all the awesomeness he brought to Wisconsin?
Thanks, asshat!
Isn't he kind of personality-challenged?
garage mahal said...
Why wouldn't Walker want to export all the awesomeness he brought to Wisconsin?
Thanks, asshat!
You would just be pissed that you and your drum circle hippy douche friends couldn't gather enough scheckles to get into your pot van and follow him everywhere on his presidential campaign to pull off the sit-in stunts you did in Madison. That shit wouldn't go over well in other places.
garage mahal said...
Why wouldn't Walker want to export all the awesomeness he brought to Wisconsin?
Thanks, asshat!
Look how well the guy you voted for for president is doing.
Thanks Asshat!
Mark said...
People may not love academics, but I am doubtful enough will elect someone with less education than hey have. His whole leaving Marquette thing is a field day for the press ...
IIRC, the last president who wasn't a college graduate was Truman. All things considered, he did a pretty good job. I think a lot of people are seeing a college degree as a credential instead of a measure of intelligence. Bill Gates and others have shown that you can be quite intelligent and successful without a degree. Meanwhile, millions of degree holders are working in jobs like food service and valets where no diploma is necessary.
I forgot to add, it'd be refreshing to have someone other than an Ivy League graduate running things for a while. They've made quite a mess. By far, the best president of my lifetime graduated from Eureka College. The last 4 graduated from Yale and Harvard. Each was worse than the one before.
In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid.
It was profoundly stupid. It did nothing but divide people and families. Why, Walker's incumbency and reelection may drive garage mahal to Minnesota.
garage mahal said...
Why wouldn't Walker want to export all the awesomeness he brought to Wisconsin?
Maybe he learned from your heroine, Nancy Pelosi, who exported all that lovely San Francisco value to the US.
Isn't he kind of personality-challenged?
The distant, cross-eyed automaton personality doesn't get you fired up and ready to go?
garage: "The distant, cross-eyed automaton personality doesn't get you fired up and ready to go?"
Easy there big fella.
You have to be careful when using the word "automaton".
Your lord and savior obambi gets very upset when machines are brought into the conversation.
Why, those ATM's alone have derailed Obama's totally awesome jobs programs:
But hey, it's just your eyes and ears watching and listening to Obama say it.
You don't really have to accept it since it hasn't been shown on msnbc.
Larry, there is also the why he left Marquette ... beyond the no college degree thing. Whether or not there are skeletons in that closet, the questions about it will hammer home his odd withdrawal.
I hear you on non-Ivy League but withdrawing from school is not a good story line.
In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid.
Maybe not so profoundly stupid as a high-stakes gamble that went horribly wrong for the Democrats.
The Walker administration sought to, and finally succeeded in, breaking the financial power of public sector unions in Wisconsin politics.
This was a game changer for Wisconsin Democrats & they could not let it pass uncontested. They fought a rearguard action against Walker, and, not surprisingly, left him stronger than they found him.
garage mahal said...
Isn't he kind of personality-challenged?
The distant, cross-eyed automaton personality doesn't get you fired up and ready to go?
Is that how you lured some unknowing maiden to plant your demonseed into? Bravo, there is hope for the retarded like you yet.
I second Larry J. The Governor's lack of a college degree is certainly not a disqualification, and may be an important asset. I say this as a graduate of two Ivy League universities (college and law school). I hope Walker's not rich; that seems to be OK for Democratic candidates but not for Republicans (Kennedy v. Nixon in 1960, remember?)
I do have a concern that he might have to emphasize his "pragmatism" in his re-election campaign next year, and that could put him in the RINO or squishy category, which has taken Christie off my list of favorites. But if he's lucky, the nutso left wing extremists who pushed the recall will go at it again, and Walker will come out both re-elected and smelling like a conservative rose.
El Pollo Raylan said...
In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid.
It was profoundly stupid. It did nothing but divide people and families. Why, Walker's incumbency and reelection may drive garage mahal to Minnesota.
You kidding? Minnesotans are blessing the high lord as I type this that Garage McFattits doesn't cross there border because if he does, there is a box with his name written all over it with an address to some unknown location in Iowa, that they will stuff him in and ship.
I think a presidential run is an overreach for Walker.
But unlike garage, I've actually met the man several times and been present at some of his public speaking events. At the last one I attended, I sat with a table of teachers and teachers' insurers, and after his speech they all spoke highly of his communication; warm and effective. I think they came in expecting to see the straw man garage and others have erected, and were instead pleasantly surprised.
Mark: "I hear you on non-Ivy League but withdrawing from school is not a good story line."
That is why Michael Dell and Bill Gates are so disreputable.
I mean, what does it say about you as a person if you don't finish college?
Having said that, I agree with Calypso.
A presidential run, if he makes one, will simply be a potential prelude for another run 4 years later.
I can't see Walker generating anywhere near the national level of energy and organization necessary to secure the nomination.
At least, not for 2016.
The distant, cross-eyed automaton personality doesn't get you fired up and ready to go?
At this point I'll be happy with someone who can speak w/o his notes.
Credit goes to Obama for lowering my standards for the presidency beyond a "Yes we can" and "Hope and Change".
YoungHegelian said...
In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid.
Maybe not so profoundly stupid as a high-stakes gamble that went horribly wrong for the Democrats.
The Walker administration sought to, and finally succeeded in, breaking the financial power of public sector unions in Wisconsin politics.
This was a game changer for Wisconsin Democrats & they could not let it pass uncontested. They fought a rearguard action against Walker, and, not surprisingly, left him stronger than they found him.
This needs to happen in California post haste.
"In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid."
You know what is stupider?
Union's card check push.
Gov. Walker, do something about the hair, then we'll talk.
People still use Rolodex? How 20th century. Hey look everybody, here's my contacts right out here in the open brrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrr brrrrrrrrr spin spin spin, it's so full when I get a new contact I have to remove a card. That was my favorite part of that whole thing.
Gov. Walker, do something about the hair, then we'll talk.
The way I hear it from Titus, is that Walker is doing better than Rand Paul on that score.
Walker's great strength is that he got the job done. Places that were out of money aren't.
Carol said...
Isn't he kind of personality-challenged?
So was Eisenhower.
And our last 2 Democrat POTUSes had all kinds of personality.
Worked great for everybody, din't it?
Calypso Facto said...
Wisconsin job creation (loss)
under Gov Jim Doyle (D, 8 yrs) -60,000
under Gov Scott Walker (R, 2 yrs) +60,000
Remember when garage was railing against Doyle's terrible record on job creation?
Yeah, me neither.
6/16/13, 5:53 PM
Of course garagie doesn't really care about "jobs" he's just a silly troll.
Bet da ladies can't wait to pull the lever for governor trans vaginal!
Are you doing a Leon Phelps routine, garage?
I hear you on non-Ivy League but withdrawing from school is not a good story line.
Given that most people never attend college and most of the ones who do later drop out, this would be a very difficult topic for Democrats to attack him on.
garage mahal said...
Bet da ladies can't wait to pull the lever for governor trans vaginal!
Bet da ladies can't wait to pull the lever for President trans vaginal!
He does make their labia quiver, doesn't he?
This needs to happen in California post haste.
Voters soundly rejected the last attempt at reforms. I don't see a new one happening until things fall apart.
I like how he communicates. I would do him too.
The no college degree will sink him big time. The press will be relentless about it.
Also a better jobs record would help. Wisconsin's job number are hideous. Obama's is horrible too!!! But too bad he doesn't have a story like North Dakota that has such an amazing job record.
How about the governor from ND?
He may end up facing Rubio, another RINO I expect to switch.
He certanly falling into line on Syria.
I also like how Walker communicates.
Video here of part of an interview he did with the Leader-Telegram last year. It's a good example of his style, as well as his thinking.
He'd look and sound very good vis-à-vis Hillary, I think.
The lack of a college education can be a feature and not a bug.
He needs to run a populist conservative campaign and if he is pitted against Rubio and Christie as the Rhino alternative he will have a clear shot at the nomination. His competition will come from Rand Paul and Cruz. But if he is the only true conservative in the race I think many will rally to his standard.
If anybody is personality challenged it is Governor Blowhard.
And Ricky RuRhino is showing his ass as he is doing the Immigration babaloo.
So Walker is looking better and better.
My guess is Ohio Governor John Kasich is quietly positioning himself for a major run. He's done well righting the financial ship here in Ohio. But he can also be an ass.
I am just worried that if he runs and wins Garage will have a stroke.
Buddy please promise me you will take care of yourself. I want to be able to mock you when Eli wins a couple of more Superbowl's.
Promise me you will watch your cholesterol.
He's decent looking too which will help.
I don't think governor trans vaginal has any intention of winning. He does a book to sell though and a wingnut welfare gig to prepare for. Conservatives have proven themselves more than willing to be separated from their money, so why not run?
Thanks, suckers! And sorry about your state,
His problem is he's taken risks, led people, accomplished things, and he's not glib.
That's not what we look for in presidents anymore. Give us sweet-talking Senators.
The state's economic performance makes him a non-starter in federal politics. His only play is to try to remain on as governor. The trans-vaginal probe business is clear evidence that he knows he has no shot at higher office, since it is federal election poison. He is clearly attempting to shore up his state base at the expense of any federal ambition.
Garage- I know a few other states who share those same faux stats.
Colorado -49th in education!!!!!!!
The left like to roll out bogus stats, and here you are. Right on time.
The keep govt out of my bedroom in me wished he didn't sign the trans cooch thing.
Not very limited govt but the socons will splew over it.
He will win Iowa but will be doomed in libertarian NH.
April I follow state's economies and job records for a living.
Wisconsin is awful in terms of new jobs.
In a country with horrible job numbers Wisconsin is right near the bottom.
If Walker can use secret routers to his advantage, just wait until he has the full force of the IRS, DOJ, NSA, and ATF behind him.
He will win Iowa but will be doomed in libertarian NH.
He may be doomed in NH but not because it's libertarian. Enough Massholes have migrated north, attracted by NH's high quality of life, better schools, and low unemployment, to turn the state practically blue. What I don't get is why Massholes move away from MA for reasons stated above, but then try to recreate the whole MA system of overarching gummint in NH. I guess you can take the Masshole out of Mass., but you can't take the asshole out of the Masshole.
Did anyone bother to ask Walker if he had any national ambitions or is this just Democrats wanking again?
Baron Zemo said...
I am just worried that if he runs and wins Garage will have a stroke.
I'm actually eagerly awaiting this event...
Titus said...
April I follow state's economies and job records for a living.
Wisconsin is awful in terms of new jobs.
In a country with horrible job numbers Wisconsin is right near the bottom.
As far as I am aware this is the first post by Titus that does not involve any sexual innuendo. I guess the last phrase is a little ambiguous, but nonetheless I think we should all join in a hearty well done.
I think we should all join in a hearty well done.
He's fabulist.
Wisconfabulation of Sin
I'm actually eagerly awaiting this event...
Mighty Christian of you!
I call dibs on garage's pontoon party boat and his Shakespeare reel collection!
Somebody wake up the sleeper candidate. He could get his college degree on line if he will work at it.
And he could max out on student loans for campaign seed money.
Shakespeare? That's a reel Jaytard would fish with.
So you're a Zebco man?
Penn, Shimano, Quantum, or Okuma.
It looked pretty darned stupid then, too;--and make that "too" instead "first," please.
garage mahal said...
Penn, Shimano, Quantum, or Okuma.
OK, I call dibs on garage's international collection of fishing reels.
Don't tell me your pontoon boat is furrin' too? Not a Weeres?
Is "pontoon boat" a salesman's term for a motorized raft?
Is "pontoon boat" a salesman's term for a motorized raft?
I guess it counts as vernacular these days. Kind of like how "snow machine" eclipsed "snowmobile" or how "airplane" supplanted "flying machine."
Yes, I still speak 'sconish.
I was hoping it had something to do w/ large-breasted women.
You mean water wings?
Definitely not "bingo wings"...
No, more like motorboating on a larger scale.
Something like, "I rode on her pontoon boat for a while, then went snorkling."
See, this is the kind of Q&A that should take the place of Current Events in beauty pageants.
Inboard motorboating leaves the transom free for other uses. It's where you lean your pole.
No one should talk about non-Democratic presidential candidates until every single IRS person making or obeying orders to suppress political associations is exposed and either Fired or Shot.
AND dissolve the government worker unions while you are at it.
until then, what difference does it make?
. Kind of like how "snow machine" eclipsed "snowmobile"
When did this happen anyway? "Snow machine" is gay.
I think it will be Bush/Walker in 2016 that might win because the Dem ticket potential looks weak, but as the recent NSA revelations have reveled it doesn't make much difference which party is in power for many issues other than in the area of women's rights.
When did this happen anyway? "Snow machine" is gay.
Dude, you think Todd Palin is gay?
Dude, you think Todd Palin is gay?
The term snow machine is gay. I have no idea if Todd Palin is gay.
"In retrospect, that recall looks so profoundly stupid."
No fair, Althouse. It looked stupid from the get-go.
Mark said...
Larry, there is also the why he left Marquette ... beyond the no college degree thing. Whether or not there are skeletons in that closet, the questions about it will hammer home his odd withdrawal.
From what I read last night, Walker said he left college in his senior year to take a job with the Red Cross. That should be easy enough to prove and a lot of people can relate to that. Besides, he isn't Obama so if there's anything harmful in his college records, it would've been leaked by now. No one covers for Republicans they way they do for Democrats.
People may not love academics, but I am doubtful enough will elect someone with less education than hey have. His whole leaving Marquette thing is a field day for the press ...
Yes, we are having such a pleasant time with the academic now ensconced in the Oval Office. If he doesn't bankrupt and enslave us, and stumble into a nuclear/chemical nightmare in the Middle East, we may just have to have more of the same from an approved, middle-management-bloated, academic mill somewhere.
Accomplishment means nothing!!! LOOK AT MY CREDENTIALS!
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