June 3, 2013

The Sebelius Shakedown... the Pigford scandal....

There's such a dense pack of scandals that some of them have already passed beyond notice. As for the rest of them... people are getting tired....

Is that how it works? Something else that might happen is a swirling amorphous feeling that there are scandals everywhere, the administration is scandal-plagued, and everything about government falls into disrepute. There's nothing to expose or solve anymore. Everyone becomes cynical and dismissive and won't even listen to the explanations or pay attention to any specific facts and answers that might emerge.

Ah! They're all a bunch of crooks!

Of course, Republicans are hoping people will end up with the opinion The Democrats are all a bunch of crooks!


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sakredkow said...

I love this silly leftist carrying on that Republicans have this huge problem. And despite Democrats having this huge winning coalition, they have

You just don't want to admit that you're the problem for the GOP. Far more than Obama is.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

You just don't want to admit that you're the problem for the GOP

You're the face of pedophilia and a good little Democrat.

Keep going, this is hysterical.

sakredkow said...

You're the face of pedophilia and a good little Democrat.

You think that's actionable?

sakredkow said...

How am I the face of pedophilia, Jay?

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
How am I the face of pedophilia

You're a pedo, and a good Democrat.

That's how.

sakredkow said...

Let's hear it.

sakredkow said...

I'm a pedophiliac, Jay?

sakredkow said...

You have some evidence to back that up?

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
You have some evidence to back that up?

Laugh out loud funny.

You're the face of pedophilia.

Of course you support Democrats.

sakredkow said...

There are people here who know who I am and I think it will be news to them to hear this about me. Share your evidence.

sakredkow said...

How am I the face of pedophilia, Jay?

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
There are people here who know who I am

No, there are people here who think they know who you are.

You keep a dirty little secret from them...

sakredkow said...

Let's here what you got, Jay. Other than libel.

Amartel said...

Is Team Obama trying to tire us out?
No, but as ever they'll be happy to take credit for having a brilliant tactical plan.

This is what happens when scandals back-up in the pipeline for four and a half years. The plumber finally busted through the clog, the milk of magnesia is finally doing its job. The result is a shit stream so massive that even a low information voter will look up from watching the Kardashians and take notice.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Phx the Twat says:

"You think that's actionable?"

I feel an Inga-esque threat to make a report to the internet police coming on.

Although to be fair to Phx the Twat, she hasn't been quite as forthcoming with personal information as the queen of victimhood.

sakredkow said...

I don't say things in haste or bluff Mom Jeans.

sakredkow said...

Not about anything.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

And to answer your question, no, I dont' think thats actionable.

But by all means try and get a judge to subpoena Althouse to give up the domain name and press forward with your claim based on damages to your anonymous online persona by another anonymous online persona.

You retarded leftist twat.

sakredkow said...

I'm not totally anonymous here.

sakredkow said...

Anyway, Mom-Jeans, why don't you stay right down there with Jay, where you've always been since coming here, where you're always most comfortable. In the gutter.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

With that compelling legal argument, you have a surefire winner. Go run right over to the local law office. I'm sure somebody would be happy to take a couple hundred dollars from you to tell you that you are a fucking idiot.

Case of the century!

sakredkow said...

You'll look in vain for more broken persons than Jay and President-Mom-Jeans. Trolling in filth.

chickelit said...

I say phx and Inga are related. Same style.

Who am I related to?

sakredkow said...

With that compelling legal argument, you have a surefire winner.

It's not a legal argument. It's a spiritual argument about the two of you.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Given the the vehemence of his claims Jay is not really stepping up to the plate on this one. There's a hanging fast ball just sitting there waiting to be hit.

Don't be a pussy Jay. Swing hard! Swing for the fences! Besides what have you got to lose, I heard the parole hearing went well.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I don't know, there are many members of the corrupt Obama administration who are much more "broken."

But you don't want to talk about that, you just want to hijack the thread with your whining and toothless threats of legal action.

To some extent there is going to be fatigue amongst the general public with these myriad of scandals. For people who are even aware of such things that is. The real effect will be the anchor that the administration is on the 2014 elections. Choom is a lame duck earlier than perhaps any President.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

El Pollo Raylan said...
Who am I related to?

This is kind of masochistic. Even I feel uncomfortable touching this.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
I'm not totally anonymous here.

I know, you're a pedophile.

Drago said...

phx: "Well no wonder you want to talk about my self-awareness rather than GOP problems connecting with voters."


This is the comment phx makes after attempting to deflect from the thread topic!

Considering just how corrupt the Obama admin has been behaving (not that it will ever get much press), it's no wonder you want to talk about how the GOP is perceived by young voters rather than dem GOP problems connecting with enforcing the laws fairly.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
I don't say things in haste or bluff

Well, except that day you went all screeching hysterical.

And, your continued silly bird droppings which are completely idiotic.

Other than that, no.

Brian Brown said...

The GOP has this huge problem with youth voters and trotting out Joe Biden in 2016 will prove it!!!

ken in tx said...

Why do people still do flame wars? I use part of my real name and my actual location. It would not be hard to find out who I am, even though I use three different ISPs in both North and South Carolina. Phx and jay are not important enough to me to find out who they are. Who cares about what somebody on the internet says about you?

sakredkow said...

Your evidence for that accusation, Jay. What is it?

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
Your evidence for that accusation, Jay

This is hysterical.

You still can't grasp this whole "self awareness" thing.

sakredkow said...

Phx and jay are not important enough to me to find out who they are. Who cares about what somebody on the internet says about you?

I'm concerned about the implications of somebody who would make that accusation in a popular forum like this and keep tripling down on it. I think it needs to be addressed.

Drago said...

phx: "I'm not totally anonymous here."

At what point (steps taken/information shared)is someone no longer "totally anonymous"?

edutcher said...

If the Republicans were in that much trouble, phx wouldn't be concern trolling about it.

That's flop sweat we're seeing. They know all of this is taking a toll.

Jay said...

I love this silly leftist carrying on that Republicans have this huge problem. And despite Democrats having this huge winning coalition, they have:

1. Suffered historic losses in 2010 at the state level.
2. Lost the majority of Gov races since Obama was first sworn in
3. Lost the US House since Obama was first sworn in
4. Are trying to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

You forgot

5. Had to engage in multiple illegal processes to ensure they were returned to power.

6. When that failed, had to orchestrate an unprecedented vote fraud effort.

phx said...

You'll look in vain for more broken persons than Jay and President-Mom-Jeans.

No, there's some phony folksy, shilol, Ritmo, Diamond, the She Devil of the SS, AnUnreasonableTroll, and, yes, their mannerisms and verbal tics are too similar for coincidence.

Drago said...

Jay, you certainly have piqued our interest.

You have certainly made a "colorful" assertion regarding phx.

Drago said...

phx: "I'm concerned about the implications of somebody who would make that accusation in a popular forum like this and keep tripling down on it. I think it needs to be addressed"

Maybe we should get to it.

Right after we get around to the topic of dems accusing Issa of being a felon.

Or of Bush having "purposely" let 9-11 happen.

Or of Reagan "conspiring" with the Iranians to keep Americans hostage longer.

You know, accusations like that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

ken in sc said...
Why do people still do flame wars?

This is a very good question for which I don't have a decent answer. I come on here and state my views, at least semi-lucidly, and some commenters almost reflexively start taking personal shots. I don't give a fuck about these people or what they think, unless it's interesting, yet still they do it. Every now and then I respond simply to fill in time.

There is a great Kurt Vonnegut quote, "I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different." Some people take this sentiment too literally.

Drago said...

And if you want to review some wild WILD accusations (with nothing backing them up), I would humbly suggest you take a look at some of the more recent postings by our very own Alpha troll.

Drago said...

ARM: "There is a great Kurt Vonnegut quote,.."

Full. Stop.


Agree to disagree.

Brian Brown said...

and Drago at 6:25 pm picks up the ball and is racing toward the end zone....(don't worry phx still won't grasp the point)!

sakredkow said...

Let someone call you something like that sometime.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Yes you see, Phx the Twat's feelings are more important than anyone else who was called a name.

Justice must be done! This cannot go unpunished!

Except when the target is a conservative or a Republican of course. Their feelings don't matter.

Drago said...

phx: "Let someone call you something like that sometime."

Republicans/conservatives/right wingers are called those things and worse every. single. day. on. this. thread. by. the. left.

And because we happen to swim in a cultural/media stew that is dominated by the left, I'm not sure it even resonates or is noticed by those on the left.

This is what leads to so many circumstances where those on the right attempt to point the lack of self-awareness of the lefties.

Which the lefties don't get.

For all the same reasons.

But, you know, there it is.

chickelit said...

AReasonableMan said...

This is a very good question for which I don't have a decent answer. I come on here and state my views, at least semi-lucidly, and some commenters almost reflexively start taking personal shots.

Oh bullshit. You're mostly here to derail. You jumped onto the Sharpton thread and made a completely off topic comment about Fox News. Then you ignored my question several times. Here it is again (from the other thread) just to annoy you.

ARM said: What part of 'made regular guest appearances on Fox News' did you not get. It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Should I recast that in question form, ARM?

Drago said...

every. single. day. on. this. thread. by. the. left.

I should have written "blog" instead of "thread".

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

Should I recast that in question form, ARM?


Drago said...

Here's a funny example of the lefts lack of self-awareness:


I'm using this example because it is amusing (in a Leno "Jay-walking" sort of way) and because it's very recent.

Drago said...

ARM: "Yes."

Direct and concise.


Joe Schmoe said...

As for the rest of them... people are getting tired....

Nope. Each one pisses me off more and more. The IRS one really burns my bananas foster. I'm sorry; the Dems are really unconscionable and out of control right now.

chickelit said...

@ARM: If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Will you that, please?

chickelit said...

"do that" please

Brian Brown said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
Yes you see, Phx the Twat's feelings are more important than anyone else who was called a name.

It is funny how quickly you and Drago picked up on this and phx is on the sidelines all confused and bum hurt.

Drago said...

Joe: "I'm sorry; the Dems are really unconscionable and out of control right now."

And yet, it you listen to our own trolls and read the comments at the Wash Post, NPR, NYTImes etc, what you see are liberals/leftists who are openly stating that what has happened to the tea party applicants (as well as, it now appears, simple donors to those groups) is absolutely A-Ok and, in fact, should be done even more and harder!

Now, we didn't need this latest example of how the left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about (Fen's Law), but it is surprising how much more open and vocal it has become since Obama's election.

sakredkow said...

I think all names should more or less be fair game here - it's always been managed more or less on both sides.

But accusations, esp. some of the worst kind, are another matter.

Drago said...

I mean, think about this: The federal gov't has new and immense powers over Health Insurers and Kathleen Sebelius, the individual with the ultimate arbitrary and unaccountable authority to wield that power happens to "visit" some of these health providers to "request" a little financial support for her official federal activities.

And the lefties can't even be bothered to say: yeah, that's not just "a little like" but is "absolutely" like an organized crime shakedown of businesses.

Like Operation Push.

But I repeat myself.

sakredkow said...

And if that was you that someone was talking about with those kind of accusations, you'd have a much different response.

Brian Brown said...

Now phx is going to draw a pretend differentiation between accusations phx is a pedophile and accusations Issa is a "car thief"

Or that I, merely by being opposed to Obama, am "racist"

Again, phx is really, really dumb.

Drago said...

phx: "But accusations, esp. some of the worst kind, are another matter. "

Wherein phx once again demonstrates his/her utter lack of self-awareness and, perhaps unwitting, total acceptance of that which is practiced by the lefty trolls on this and other sites every single day.

Remember, Sarah Palin is directly, DIRECTLY, responsible for the shooting of Gabby Giffords.

Remember, GW Bush is directly, DIRECTLY, responsible for the actions of those National Guard personnel at Abu Graib.

The list is endless.

Drago said...

phx: "And if that was you that someone was talking about with those kind of accusations, you'd have a much different response."

I invite you to simply turn the page at this blog site back a week or so and read the accusations/charges/characterizations made of me personally by alpha troll.

Again: You. Have. No. Self-Awareness. At. All.


Brian Brown said...

Now phx is opposed to "accusations"

Except when the accusations coming from the left are against:
Tea Partiers
Republican Presidents
Republican Vice Presidents

That's touching.

And by touching, the same type phx likes with minors under the age of consent...

Drago said...

Remember phx, conservatives oppose the government encroaching on the private sector because we are all racists.

Did you forget that one already?

Or did it never really register?

No. Self-awareness. At. All.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

El Pollo Raylan said...
@ARM: If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Will you that, please?

Still not quite a question but I didn't respond previously because your premise didn't make any sense in the context of what I had written. The way that Fox came up was in a discussion of how the hell the execrable Al Sharpton became a national media figure. My impression is that this was notably aided by his appearances on Fox News, where he was regularly trotted out as head negro.

Drago said...

ARM: "My impression is that this was notably aided by his appearances on Fox News, where he was regularly trotted out as head negro."

Even with that comment you demonstrate your intellectual dishonesty.

Fox never trotted Sharpton out "as head negro."

But we thank you for providing such an incredibly, impeccably as it were, well timed demonstration of what we were just chatting about.


You can be of use at times.

Limited use, of course.


Drago said...

It's too funny.

Sharpton is a race-hustler responsible for the deaths of innocents.

Sharpton is given an hour-long show on MSNBC.

ARM's response?

It's Fox News' fault.

Really, could we have asked for a better example of lefty "logic"?

I think not.

At least, we probably shouldn't.

It would come across as ungrateful.

chickelit said...

@ARM: A revenant reminded you of how silly that was.

I don't accept your premise that Fox News made Sharpton famous. I think you just wanted to say something like Sharpton appeared on Fox News, Sharpton, is bad and therefore Fox News is bad. That was your reasoning. Unless you actually defend Sharpton.

Drago said...

El Pollo: "That was your reasoning.

I don't think we can actually call it "reasoning".

edutcher said...

AReasonableMan said...

If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Will you that, please?

Still not quite a question but I didn't respond previously because your premise didn't make any sense in the context of what I had written. The way that Fox came up was in a discussion of how the hell the execrable Al Sharpton became a national media figure. My impression is that this was notably aided by his appearances on Fox News, where he was regularly trotted out as head negro

And, right on cue, Troll ducks the question in classic some phony folksy fashion.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

El Pollo Raylan said...
I don't accept your premise that Fox News made Sharpton famous.

No one thing made Sharpton famous. What made him respectable is the hard question to answer. His regular appearances on a national news network certainly helped.

Drago said...

Earlier ARM: "My impression is that this was notably aided by his appearances on Fox News, where he was regularly trotted out as head negro."

Later ARM: "No one thing made Sharpton famous."

And yet, that Fox News comment just leaped right out there, didn't it?


Drago said...

Al Sharpton appeared in many places, including CNN.

But talking about all of that wouldn't allow ARM to work in that dig against Fox News.


Drago said...

ARM: "No one thing made Sharpton famous."

Well, one could argue that it was the Tawana Brawley hoax along with the riots and killings that Sharpton incited that made Sharpton famous.

Oh, and of course the complaints about those things for which the left accused the right of racism.


As always.

Ad infinitum.

richard mcenroe said...

Did a rightwing video provoke IRS harrassment of conservatives like Benghazi?


Okay, my bad...

Methadras said...

phx said...

I vote for impeachment cuz that is the only way to get to the bottom of this.

Heh. Me too.

Dude, come on. The only bottom you ever want to get to is when you have a pillow under your belly to prop it up.

Drago said...

BTW, Sharpton was a regular contributor to MSNBC as well as CNN prior to getting his personal gig at MSNBC.

I suppose that's Fox's fault as well.

That Roger Ailes!

He must have stolen and modified that weather control machine that Bush used to destroy New Orleans, or, at the very least, allowed to happen so that New Orleans would be destroyed (another charge many on the left still believe and assert).

Hey, remember that "Bush Crime Family" talk that lasted 8 years where the left actually asserted that the Bush family PERSONALLY bankrolled Hitler?



The left.

They are all about "objective facts" and "reason".

Chip S. said...

No one thing made Sharpton famous.

I believe that Tom Wolfe made Sharpton famous before the Rev. Al ever saw a microphone.

Chip S. said...

Young educated people poke their heads in here wanting to see what smart Democrats have to say, and they see guys like eelpout and bbkingfish committing the ad hominem fallacy repeatedly, while self-styled "reasonable" liberals offer not so much as a peep of criticism.

Anyone know where young educated people can go to see what smart Dems have to say?

edutcher said...

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

I don't accept your premise that Fox News made Sharpton famous.

No one thing made Sharpton famous.

The name Tawana Baloney ring a bell?

Troll is now officially in Alinsky Hell.

He's forced to meet his attackers halfway.

What made him respectable is the hard question to answer. His regular appearances on a national news network certainly helped.

Nothing made him respectable.

He was just the price Fox paid for keeping Imus.

Chip S. said...

None of the Althouse libs was willing to help, so I had to find smart liberal analysis on my own.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
None of the Althouse libs was willing to help, so I had to find smart liberal analysis on my own.

Thanks Chip. You are my go to guy for unbiased opinions about liberals.

Chip S. said...

Your comment confuses me, ARM.

Are you saying Krugman isn't smart?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
Young educated people poke their heads in here wanting to see what smart Democrats have to say, and they see guys like eelpout and bbkingfish committing the ad hominem fallacy repeatedly, while self-styled "reasonable" liberals offer not so much as a peep of criticism.

To be fair, they would be mainly reading posts from Jay, whoresoftheinternet, edutcher and Drago, with a few choice comments sprinkled in from Titus.

For you to meet the standard that you have set for me would be equivalent to cleaning the Augean stables.

Chip S. said...

I think you should set a good example for others to follow, Reasonable Man.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
I think you should set a good example for others to follow, Reasonable Man.

The spirit is willing but the flesh sometimes proves weak, especially when bored. In this spirit I take back my previous implication that Jay may be a convicted felon anxiously waiting on the results from a parole hearing. In fact I have no personal knowledge regarding Jay's parole status.

Chip S. said...

And I will say that I don't think phx is a pedophile.

edutcher said...

AnunreasonableTroll said...

Young educated people poke their heads in here wanting to see what smart Democrats have to say, and they see guys like eelpout and bbkingfish committing the ad hominem fallacy repeatedly, while self-styled "reasonable" liberals offer not so much as a peep of criticism.

To be fair, they would be mainly reading posts from Jay, whoresoftheinternet, edutcher and Drago, with a few choice comments sprinkled in from Titus.

For you to meet the standard that you have set for me would be equivalent to cleaning the Augean stables.

Before he could even think of meeting any standard, Troll would have to stop himself from spewing the endless flow of intellectual sewage he spills as one of the most colossal liars and fantasists around here. Troll's MO is to blather on long after his propaganda has been proven the intestinal effluvia it is in the hope if he can keep it up long enough, everyone else will go home.

Only Ritmo surpasses him.

At least Titus calls 'em like he sees 'em. Troll won't even do that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
Your comment confuses me, ARM.

Are you saying Krugman isn't smart?

Honestly don't get this. Probably already too in the tank with that dead faggot economist to appreciate this jibe, premature epistemic closure.

Chip S. said...

Honestly don't get this.

Did you try clicking the helpfully formatted link?

chickelit said...

Only Ritmo surpasses him.

AReasonbleMan is to Ritmo what phx is to Inga: there's kind of an understudy type relationship within each pair--though I'm not sure which partner is senior in the case of Inga & phx.

chickelit said...

And I'm just saying that in all candor as an audience member, as if watching performance art.

Chip S. said...

Ouroboros, n'est-ce pas?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

edutcher said...
Before he could even think of meeting any standard, Troll would have to stop himself from spewing the endless flow of intellectual sewage he spills as one of the most colossal liars and fantasists around here. Troll's MO is to blather on long after his propaganda has been proven the intestinal effluvia it is in the hope if he can keep it up long enough, everyone else will go home.

For me it is the phrase " as one of the most colossal" that makes this rant. If it had read "as the most colossal", there would be nowhere to go in subsequent rants directed at other posters. Like a great jazz soloist, ed has an intuitive understanding regarding how to create an effective series of rants that can build across hundreds of posts. A genuine artist of this folk-art form.

chickelit said...

Ouroboros, n'est-ce pas?

Our own burroughs, c''est ça

Chip S. said...

Rotten boroughs

chickelit said...

@Chip: ARM & Ritmo along with Inga and phx are two pairs. If you throw in a harrogate you get a full house which only four of a kind or a straight flush can beat.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, I haven't commented at all today and how many times was my name mentioned in this blog post's comments section? You people are fucking nuts.

chickelit said...

It's because your understudy, phx, was here playing you, Inga.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...
Ouroboros, n'est-ce pas?

Yes, but see the Vonnegut quote above. Everyone needs to take some time to just fart around.

Chip S. said...

Everyone needs to take some time to just fart around.

Don't light a match while reading this thread.

But I agree. Althouse commenting is in many was a MMORPG.

Chip S. said...

"ways", not "was".

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I do learn some stuff. I have, very slowly, gained some insight into the thinking of people in the military, who I have inadvertently offended more than once. It is an unusual mix of people drawn to this site but these voices are probably the most unique from my perspective. Not doubt this will offensive is some way.

chickelit said...

I do learn some stuff. I have, very slowly, gained some insight into the thinking of people in the military, who I have inadvertently offended more than once. It is an unusual mix of people drawn to this site but these voices are probably the most unique from my perspective. Not doubt this will offensive is some way.

Admirable, not offensive. Is your perspective so far removed because of unfamiliarity? This, unfortunately, is quite common and becoming more so.

Swifty Quick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

Quit piling on the slow kids!

X said...

phx said...
I'm a pedophiliac


sakredkow said...

Typical righties. Can't win an argument using their brains. Why is the GOP failing? Look at the rank-and-file.

Methadras said...

phx said...

Typical righties. Can't win an argument using their brains. Why is the GOP failing? Look at the rank-and-file.

You are a typical bottom. Always there, waiting for others to come and do the dirty work for them.

sakredkow said...

You are a typical bottom. Always there, waiting for others to come and do the dirty work for them.

Another rightie, can't stop thinking about gay sex.

Rusty said...

phx said...

Typical righties. Can't win an argument using their brains.

Try presenting one sometime and we'll see.

sakredkow said...

You wouldn't be up for it. But anytime you are pick a thread. Find one we can agree on - political probably. Show me you know how to reason.

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