June 3, 2013

The NYT revisits the Tawana Brawley rape hoax scandal — and Al Sharpton's role.

Here's the video:

Here's the print article, which begins:
The news reports at the time, in the late 1980s, were horrific. Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old African-American girl from the New York City area, was said to have been abducted and repeatedly raped by six white men. She was found with “KKK” written across her chest, a racial epithet on her stomach and her hair smeared with feces. She was so traumatized, according to reports, that at the hospital she answered yes-or-no questions by blinking her eyes. Making the crime even more vile, if that were possible, she and her lawyers later claimed that two of the rapists were law enforcement officials.
Key line: "A Sharpton associate told the news media at the time that Ms. Brawley’s lawyers, C. Vernon Mason and Alton H. Maddox Jr., and Mr. Sharpton were 'frauds from the beginning.'"

ADDED: At The Daily Beast, Stuart Stevens writes:
If you are an NBC exec and have kids, sit down with them and watch the Times documentary on Tawana Brawley. And when your kids ask why your colleague Al Sharpton is working for NBC, you can explain to them why everything you’ve tried to teach them about honesty, fair play, and decency is wrong and Al Sharpton is right.


edutcher said...

The Gray Lady wants to "revisit" something, how about Crown Heights?

bagoh20 said...

If we had racial equality, the KKK would be standing in front of polling places with clubs and get away with it, we would have polling locations produce pure white vote counts exceeding 100%, and David Duke would have his own TV show on a national network and hob nob with the President.

bbkingfish said...

If Sharpton were in the GOP, he'd make a perfect Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

SteveR said...

"A Sharpton associate told the news media at the time that Ms. Brawley’s lawyers, C. Vernon Mason and Alton H. Maddox Jr., and Mr. Sharpton were 'frauds from the beginning.'"

Rev Sharpton. Please a little respect.

Nonapod said...

Apparently "frauds" get their own talk show on MSNBC.

Michael K said...

"If Sharpton were in the GOP, he'd make a perfect Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee."

I don't know if this is supposed to be funny but Sharpton is responsible for a number of deaths and never paid restitution to the men he slandered in the Brawley case.

He is a despicable human being.

Sorun said...

A progressive is someone who thinks Al Sharpton is a civil rights leader, and likes to watch him on teevee.

Brian Brown said...

bbkingfish said...
If Sharpton were in the GOP, he'd make a perfect Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

Well, no he wouldn't, but notice how Sharpton is accepted and celebrated by idiots like you.

jacksonjay said...

Did The Rev ever pay his taxes?

Brian Brown said...

“We have the facts and the evidence that an assistant district attorney and a state trooper did this,” Mr. Sharpton said. He called Gov. Mario M. Cuomo a racist and warned that powerful state officials were complicit. When asked whether Ms. Brawley would speak with the state attorney general, Robert Abrams, Mr. Sharpton said that would be like asking someone in a concentration camp to talk to Hitler.

-What a class act he is.

Methadras said...

Why? Are they going to shine the spotlight on the race hustling fraud and his co-conspirator whore who lied about the whole thing? They should both still be sitting in prison for it.

bagoh20 said...

Anytime you imagine that Fox and MSNBC might just be two sides of the same coin, think about Sharpton with his own show on MSNBC telling you about racism, and lies, and scandals as he sees them.

Bob Ellison said...

Excellent reporting by the New York Times.

edutcher said...

bbkingfish said...

If Sharpton were in the GOP, he'd make a perfect Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

No, Sharpton's a liar.

Issa's trying to get at the truth.

But I can see why the Demos are so afraid of the truth.

(why do all the villages think we need another Lefty idiot?)

Original Mike said...

"'A Sharpton associate told the news media at the time that ... Mr. Sharpton were 'frauds from the beginning.'"

Yet, it set him up as an icon on the left. Idiots.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Why are folks on the left so quiet about Sharpton being on MSNBC?

If someone not even half as reckless had been welcomed onto Fox, the hue and cry would have been instant and sustained.

We often speak of people figuratively having "blood on their hands," because of their recklessness; in Rev. Sharpton's case, it surely fits. A number of people have died in situations where he chose to rub racial fears very raw.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sharpton is a race monger. He belongs right next to Chris Matthews on the joke network.

cubanbob said...

The NYT is late to the party. It took them this long to figure that Sharpton was a fraud? The only place the dishonorable reverend belongs is in Attica doing life without parole for Crown Heights and Fredie's Mart.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know if you've heard, but this man is great civil rights leader. Have some respect.

cubanbob said...

If Sharpton were in the GOP, he'd make a perfect Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

6/3/13, 10:25 AM

No doubt he thinks Holder is an exemplary attorney general.

YoungHegelian said...

Back when then DC Mayor Marion Barry started having drug troubles big time,, Sharpton & his entourage came down from NYC to lend moral support. Barry's people told him his support wasn't needed, and to hit the road.

Even cokeheads have standards, after all.

bagoh20 said...

In 20 years, the NYT is gonna tell us what happened in Benghazi.

Robert Cook said...

"If we had racial equality, the KKK would be standing in front of polling places with clubs and get away with it, we would have polling locations produce pure white vote counts exceeding 100%, and David Duke would have his own TV show on a national network and hob nob with the President."


Widmerpool said...

Worth watching the video to see the reverend also indicate his belief that O.J. is not guilty. A piece of work, our Al.

Known Unknown said...

Fake rape? What up with that?

Anonymous said...

It's about time. There are other race hustlers and shakedown artists you really don't want controlling the money and politics, either.

The true state of race relations would lead to such problems if it was to be solved through politics. People wanted a fix, and the fix is still in.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Sharpton is a race monger. He belongs right next to Chris Matthews on the joke network.

Sharpton is a hate monger.

Robert Cook said...

If we had racial equality, the KKK would be standing in front of polling places with clubs and get away with it, we would have
polling locations produce pure white vote counts exceeding 100%, and David Duke would have his own TV show on a national network and hob nob with the President.




Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cookie - I doubt you understand Bagoh's point.


Anonymous said...

It's the end of the 'greatness' model, where you just keep using American 'greatness' like a catch-all for every social problem.

There's plenty of room for growth and we've got a lot going for us, but we don't have the political, economic, and perhaps cultural capital to use that old model any longer.

Colonel Angus said...

It truly sad when a person like Sharpton isn't ostracized from polite society. The world would be a far better place without him.

Anonymous said...

Sharpton is a waste of good air.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So Robert Cook - give us your thoughts on the Tawana Brawley rape hoax.

Also, give us your thoughts on the Behghazi talking points hoax regarding the push that Benghazi was all to do with a YouTube video and a flash mob that the administration knew never happened.


cubanbob said...

"If we had racial equality, the KKK would be standing in front of polling places with clubs and get away with it, we would have polling locations produce pure white vote counts exceeding 100%, and David Duke would have his own TV show on a national network and hob nob with the President."


Agreed. But, there is ways a but, you don't make the case that this is more idiotic than than The New Black Panther Party doing the same. Or poverty pimp race hustler and accessory to murder the right dishonorable fake reverend Sharpton getting a network gig.

cubanbob said...

"If we had racial equality, the KKK would be standing in front of polling places with clubs and get away with it, we would have polling locations produce pure white vote counts exceeding 100%, and David Duke would have his own TV show on a national network and hob nob with the President."


Agreed. But, there is ways a but, you don't make the case that this is more idiotic than than The New Black Panther Party doing the same. Or poverty pimp race hustler and accessory to murder the right dishonorable fake reverend Sharpton getting a network gig.

Bob Ellison said...

This is a good example, by the way, of the NYC media bubble. The Tawana Brawley story was not a national story at all at the time. It didn't get outside New York: the Times, all three TV networks, etc. covered it, but in Cincinnati, Los Angeles, and elsewhere, people had other stuff to do. The left coast ignored it.

We re-visit it today, and New York once again gets to see itself as the center of the world and all things important.

Paddy O said...

Sharpton is the price we pay for having substantively unjust laws for so many decades. That's not to excuse him -- he bears his own guilt -- but his brand of corruption derives entirely from the brands of evil and corruption that were part of American society for far too long.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Al Sharpton is an indefensible race hustler but there were real problems with NYC law enforcement at the time. As bad as the Brawley case was in terms of its effects on the lives of innocent individuals, it was no where near as bad as the false conviction of the central park five, which was a fucking disgraceful abuse of police and prosecutorial power.

Lyle Smith said...

Race hucksters like Ta-Nehesi Coates and Sharpton are partially behind the Trayvon Martin racialized brouhaha.

What a dishonest world we live in.

virgil xenophon said...

This man has gained total social acceptability! He's even hosted SNL! How DARE you people even fix your lips to.....oh, what's that?....Crown what?...back taxes?...Freddie who?.......nevermind..

Hagar said...

Al Sharpton looked at the Rev. Jesse Jackson and said, "Hell, I could do that!"
Tawana Brawley came along, he "grabbed the ball and ran with it," and whaddayaknow, he could!

Though I think Al Sharpton is more intelligent than Jesse Jackson, and sometimes he gives me the impression of almost begging, "Why don't you people stop me from doing this; it isn't right!"

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"If we had racial equality, the KKK would be standing in front of polling places with clubs and get away with it, we would have polling locations produce pure white vote counts exceeding 100%, and David Duke would have his own TV show on a national network and hob nob with the President."


Fr Martin Fox said...

Speaking of Benghazi...

After the Cairo riots and the attack on the Benghazi diplomatic post, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton blames the incitement of a video, produced by someone irresponsible, and vows we'll get him and punish him.

It isn't long before the video maker is frog marched off to jail. There he remains.

How many people died as a result of Rev. Sharpton's incitement?

What was his jail term? We can't even manage sufficient moral certainty to eject him from polite company?

Republican said...

The prosecutor won a judgement against him that has never been paid, for libel.

How can this be?

One of the accused committed suicide.

I remembered a thread from years ago on FR, documenting some of this.

Here: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1816884/posts

Sharpton is the worst of the worst.

Robert Cook said...

"Cookie - I doubt you understand Bagoh's point."

I understand his point. That's why I said it was idiotic.

Robert Cook said...

"So Robert Cook - give us your thoughts on the Tawana Brawley rape hoax."

It was a hoax.

virgil xenophon said...

Fr Martin Fox/

Unfortunately the entire concept of both personal and public shame has long circled down the societal drain..

Colonel Angus said...

As bad as the Brawley case was in terms of its effects on the lives of innocent individuals, it was no where near as bad as the false conviction of the central park five, which was a fucking disgraceful abuse of police and prosecutorial power.

I would think squirrels would be an endangered species considering how often they are employed by liberals on this forum.

virgil xenophon said...

PS to Fr Martin Fox: As witness our good Mr. Anthony Weiner..

David said...

At this point, what difference does it make?

Brian Brown said...

AReasonableMan said...
Al Sharpton is an indefensible race hustler but there were real problems with NYC law enforcement at the time. As bad as the Brawley case was in terms of its effects on the lives of innocent individuals, it was no where near as bad as the false conviction of the central park five,

Hey stupid shit: because of Sharpton's antics in the Brawley matter, people died at Freddy's Fashion Mart.

You really are a pathetic fucking moron.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Colonel Angus said...
I would think squirrels would be an endangered species considering how often they are employed by liberals on this forum.

No, everything has a context. If you ignore that context in trying to advance a narrow political grievance you are no better than Sharpton.

Rocketeer said...

I understand his point. That's why I said it was idiotic.

Pick one or the other, Cook. It can't be both.

Fr Martin Fox said...

AReasonableMan, translated:

It's unfair to talk about how bad Hurricane Sandy was, because clearly Katrina was really bad. So there.

Colonel Angus said...

No, everything has a context.

What pray tell is the context other than to say, but but look what happened over there?!

I suppose I could make the argument that there are plenty of incidents of actual police and prosecutorial abuse that folks shouldn't have to make stuff up to advance an agenda.

test said...

AReasonableMan said...
No, everything has a context. If you ignore that context in trying to advance a narrow political grievance you are no better than Sharpton.

This criticism would seem to apply to twisting every news hook into an attack for some other leftist priority rather than the point at hand.

Brian Brown said...

AReasonableMan said...

No, everything has a context

You're here typing outright lies.

Nobody died because of the conviction of the central park five.

You dope.

William said...

Blacks are allowed to use hyperbole to make their case because they have a past history of ill treatment in America. They have recognized Official Victim Status and are thus allowed many rhetorical flourishes that are not permitted those without Official Victim Status. Although the Copts of Egypt presently suffer more discrimination and ill treatment than American blacks, they do not have Official Victim Status, and thus the filmmaker was jailed......Although the Copts are an ancient people and were in Egypt before the Muslims it is impossible to grant them Official Victim Status. They are, in fact, Christians and Official Victim Status Status cannot be granted to members of this denomination.

James Pawlak said...

Not all tyrants are in government and,therefore, subject to President Thomas Jefferson's mandate.

Drago said...

ARM: "No, everything has a context. If you ignore that context in trying to advance a narrow political grievance you are no better than Sharpton."

shorter ARM: yes it's true Sharpton is a race hustler responsible for the deaths of others. However, since he is a leftist and you are not, you simply making note of that fact makes you every bit as bad as Sharpton.

Who is bad.

Just not as bad as the right/whites/conservatives etc.

So, don't mention Sharpton's "badness", 'cuz that makes you just as bad.

Rinse/repeat for every lefty scandal/issue.

William said...

The Central Park Five were convicted not because they were black but because, at about the same time and place the woman was being raped, these youths were assaulting random strangers in Central Park......One moral to their story might be not to assault random strangers in Central Park. Here's another useful moral: if you think someone is eyeballing you, punching him out is not the most prudent course of action.

chickelit said...

We should applaud the NYT for at least trying to undo some of the wrong.

Why isn't this lying "nurse" now living under an assumed name not having her wages garnished to help assuage the pain and grief of the dead officer?

Seeing Red said...

Is the news cycle so slow that they had to dredge this up?

There's nothing else to write about?

What's the point of this article?

Drago said...

Seeing Red: "What's the point of this article?"

After 5 years of purposely ignoring any issues with Obama and his admin, the media needs to throw something out there which screams: "see, we are looking at scandals and "bad stuff" that liberals/leftists do" and to do it in a way that doesn't really harm a single thing the Obama admin is doing.

Fair and balanced......dinosaur media style.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Sharpton and Brawley may make reliable fodder for the white grievance industry but it is a weak gruel.

During Sharpton's presidential bid he lost the primary vote among blacks in South Carolina. He was beaten by both John F. Kerry and John Edwards, two of the most uninspiring politicians of any race to ever walk the political stage. Not every black American views Sharpton as a shining example of their race. His career trajectory largely reflects the need of a predominantly white media to always have a head negro to call upon for a good quote. Before joining MSNBC Sharpton made regular guest appearances on Fox News.

Peter said...

New York Times Logic Calculator:

"It would been a monstrous crime, had it been true."

"Perhaps it wasn't true, but it could have been true."

"If it could have been true, then it may as well have been true."

"So, it's really kinda sorta true. Therefore Al Sharpton is an honorable, upstanding citizen. Let's hear it for Al Sharpton!"

J said...

The purpose of this story is to take people's eyes off of all the scandals regarding the Dems .Just like the wall to wall Ok coverage.And you don't have to talk about FT Hood and Manning,either.My dad always called squirrels tree rats.NYC has lots of both.

Nomennovum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colonel Angus said...

Not every black American views Sharpton as a shining example of their race .

I don't think anyone has suggested that.

Howard said...

Sharpton helps balance Ollie North. Of course, Sharpton never sold arms to an Axis of Evil Country to bankroll Noriega death squads.

Then again, I sure most of the denizens here think Benghazi is a big deal while the Marine Barracks in Beirut was a simple slip-up.

Nomennovum said...

The purpose of this story is to take people's eyes off of all the scandals regarding the Dems.

I think there is something else going on. I also question the timing, but I think this has nothing to do with the Obama scandals. Something is bubbling is Rev. Al Land.

Al Sharpton is a crook.

Howard said...

I think Sharpton is a scum-bag, however, he does know how to work a room. He did very well debating Christopher Hitchens about god.

Colonel Angus said...

Then again, I sure most of the denizens here think Benghazi is a big deal while the Marine Barracks in Beirut was a simple slip-up.

You know the adage about why its not safe to assume.

Sam L. said...

NYT: Only 25 years behind the time in getting out the truth of the lies they printed.

Hagar said...

Hey, Howard; how did Manuel Noriega get into this?

Colonel Angus said...

Of course, Sharpton never sold arms to an Axis of Evil Country to bankroll Noriega death squads.

I think you mean the Contras, the anti communist guerrillas in Nicaragua. Noriega was the Panamanian strongman.

Brian Brown said...

Howard said...
Sharpton helps balance Ollie North. Of course, Sharpton never sold arms to an Axis of Evil Country to bankroll Noriega death squads.

Then again, I sure most of the denizens here think Benghazi is a big deal while the Marine Barracks in Beirut was a simple slip-up.

Thank you for reminding us how utterly stupid leftists are.

cubanbob said...

Now that the NYT is getting nostalgic about old scandals they ought to revisit in depth the Clinton era scandals.

Maybe Howard would like to see Ed Markey being in investigated along with former democrat-communists for aiding and abetting communist death squads.

J said...

Point of fact Ollie and the CIA gave guns to Commandante Zero NOT Noriega.And the Beirut barracks people were hampered by crazy rules of engagement.Thanks again lawyers.

buwaya said...

Unfortunately the press climate and the reputation of the New York Times is such that I have to ask why the New York Times has published this story at this time, if at all. There is a purpose here other than reporting news. This story could have been written anytime in the last twenty years. Why now ? Why Sharpton ? There is a purpose to this that aligns with some agenda of the powers that be. It has come to the point that we need to dust off the methods and assumptions of the Sovietologists when they analyzed material published in the Soviet press.

J said...

Cubanbob I sure would-.But then I've been wanting to see Jane the Pain hanging over an AAA piece for a long time.Maybe Eric Holder could be investigated for the FALN pardon too.Remember None Dare Call It Treason.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Robert Cook-
You're not suspicious of 100%+
vote turn-out for any particular candidate in Philadelphia precincts, you're OK with Black Panther billy-club voter precinct intimidation and you're OK with Al Sharpton showcased as a legitimate voice on a "news" network? (sure, it's a faux news joke network, but...)


Anonymous said...

When you have big city corruption, police issues, race relations, and people living like they did in those neighborhoods, you're just asking for demagogues like Sharptons to show up. It's a cauldron for a man with a bouffant, a track suit, a bullhorn and questionable ethics to stir up.

He had his finger on the pulse of those neighborhoods and does mix it up, to his credit.

The problem is when that model, the organizer model, and those problems the professional race hustler is familiar with and the bullhorn method solves become national models of governance, you're asking for corruption and shady dealings on a broader level.

Even if suburban Americans put faith in a half-black, half white, articulate man the girls could take home to mom, the politics, the 60's discontents, the idealism, and the bedfellows will only mask some of that reality for so long.

The country can't fit into those ideas, and you can't cram everyone into Obamacare, anti-gun legislation, Hyde Park liberal magical green thinking etc. Just like you can't fix race with a ceremonial beer summit and treating politics like a magic eraser for white guilt.

Hence the progressives gathered around John Brown's body, the activists, the old civil rights controlled DOJ, politics as patronage, a barely coherent wailing right/left partisan politics.

Larry J said...

Colonel Angus said...
It truly sad when a person like Sharpton isn't ostracized from polite society. The world would be a far better place without him.

He is ostracized by polite society. That's why he works on MSNBC. Polite society wouldn't have anything to do with him.

Robert Cook said...

"Robert Cook-
You're not suspicious of 100%+
vote turn-out for any particular candidate in Philadelphia precincts, you're OK with Black Panther billy-club voter precinct intimidation and you're OK with Al Sharpton showcased as a legitimate voice on a "news" network? (sure, it's a faux news joke network, but...)


You make an awful lot of presumptions, AA.

Strelnikov said...

On the other hand, Al has never looked better. Or worse.

Strelnikov said...

I remember a report at the time that an associate had heard Sharpton tell one of the others that if they got away with this they would be "the biggest niggers in the city." Sharpton or the associate denied that had been said but allowed that one of them might have said they would be "the biggest black people in the city" if it worked. Somehow, that didn't sound like a convincing denial since it admitted the substance of the quote was true.

Nomennovum said...

Al Sharpton is an indefensible race hustler but there were real problems with NYC law enforcement at the time. - A Reasonable Man

Of course, you know that the Brawley case didn't take place in NYC and NYC law enforecement was not involved, right?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Larry J said...
He is ostracized by polite society. That's why he works on MSNBC. Polite society wouldn't have anything to do with him.

What part of 'made regular guest appearances on Fox News' did you not get. It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

chickelit said...

ARM said: What part of 'made regular guest appearances on Fox News' did you not get. It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Nomennovum said...

Sharpton and Brawley may make reliable fodder for the white grievance industry but it is a weak gruel.

This wasn't all of Sharpton's bad deeds, you know. For instance, he incited a riot at Harlem's Freddy's Fashion Mart, which resulted in death (7 people, I think). The Rev has blood on his hands. He is also a clear anti-Semite.

He is a crook. That he is able to charm little girls like you doesn't change that fact.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Nomennovum said...
Of course, you know that the Brawley case didn't take place in NYC

Yes, I should have written NY rather than NYC. As it has always been, NYC receives all the credit and all the opprobrium for a much larger region.

Nomennovum said...

What part of 'made regular guest appearances on Fox News' did you not get. It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

What are you trying to prove with this? That Fox is as bad as MSNBC? That it's OK to give a crminal a news show, if another network gives him guest appearances? That if it's OK with Fox News, it's OK with you and MSNBC? That you are a celebrity whore? What?

Nomennovum said...

Yes, I should have written NY rather than NYC. - a Reasonable Man

And what do you know about the problems with law enforcement in the gigantic megalopolis of Wappingers Falls, NY, RM?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Nomennovum said...
it's OK to give a crminal a news show, if another network gives him guest appearances?

You should read my earlier posts before trying to pigeon-hole me. Now you just look like a fucking idiot with a big stupid mouth.

chickelit said...

ARM writes: You should read my earlier posts before trying to pigeon-hole me.

Stop resting on laurels.

Nomennovum said...

You should read my earlier posts before trying to pigeon-hole me. Now you just look like a fucking idiot with a big stupid mouth.

You must be a big stupid fucking idiot to write something that gives a reader the impression that you are a big stupid fucking idiot who is bending over backwards in making excuses for a big fat stuipid fucking murderer and all-around douche bag. And you're a crybaby too.

Nomennovum said...

What's the first rule of holes, A Reasonable Man?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Nomennovum said...
And you're a crybaby too.

So far you have contributed nothing of interest to this discussion and are now reduced to school yard taunts. Keep up the good work, your mother must be proud.

chickelit said...

ARM said: What part of 'made regular guest appearances on Fox News' did you not get. It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Nomennovum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nomennovum said...

So far you have contributed nothing of interest to this discussion and are now reduced to school yard taunts.

I've contributed nothing -- except for showing that you haven't the slightest grasp of the facts at issue, that you are incapable of logic, and that you are a crybaby.

Sydney said...

I think Sharpton is a scum-bag, however, he does know how to work a room.

Well, he should, James Brown was his mentor.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Nomennovum said...
you are a crybaby.

You really are desperate for my attention. A sad little beta boy jumping up and down crying, "I'm a big kid too".

Ctmom4 said...

You have to read this to believe it: from the NY Post :"Hoaxer Tawana Brawley celebrated in New Jersey fund-raiser" http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/it_tawana_fe_z178pEfXuhZ2VlacVTvaQO

Nomennovum said...

A sad little beta boy jumping up and down crying, "I'm a big kid too". - ARM

Lame attempt there. I see you didn't heed my advice sbout the hole you are in. Now go wipe the snot off your nose, boy, and be quiet. You're embarrassing yourself.

chickelit said...

Thanks, Ctmom4. That's just shows that her defenders are alive and well and willing to lie and cheat again.

chickelit said...

ARM said: What part of 'made regular guest appearances on Fox News' did you not get. It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Should I recast that in question form, ARM?

hawkeyedjb said...

Eh, so what. I mean, David Duke was right there with the other Republican presidential candidates, participating in their debates, right?

Well, he was, wasn't he???

bagoh20 said...

", David Duke was right there with the other Republican presidential candidates, participating in their debates, right?".

David Duke was a racist and a candidiate. So was Sharpton, but that's the least nasty thing about Sharpton. He caused the deaths of numerous people, he ruined lives. Duke is a pariah among conservatives while the much worse Sharpton is paid to be on TV rallying the liberals nationwide, and he's openly embraced by the President of our country.

Duke is treated appropriately by the right, but the left is an embarrassment on Sharpton all the way to the top.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Ah, so I return from vacation and immediately am rewarded by An Unreasonable Bitch having a temper tantrum about being called out for his defense of a race baiting riot inciting piece of shit.


chickelit said...

@bagoh2): I think Sharpton reliably delivers a certain electoral cohort to Democratic elections. That is his only value to the left.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
Ah, so I return from vacation and immediately am rewarded by An Unreasonable Bitch having a temper tantrum about being called out for his defense of a race baiting riot inciting piece of shit.

Poor baby!

Could you point to this defense, for those just joining the discussion?

chickelit said...

ARM said: What part of 'made regular guest appearances on Fox News' did you not get. It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

If you're going with "guilt by association" smears, you need to address Obama's relationship with "Reverend Al."

Should I recast that in question form, ARM?

Brian Brown said...

hawkeyedjb said...
Eh, so what. I mean, David Duke was right there with the other Republican presidential candidates, participating in their debates, right?


David Duke was in the LA Presidential Primary as a Democrat in 1988.

Mitch H. said...

Why are they kneecapping Sharpton now? Somebody looking to pre-emptively cut his political throat ahead of the mayoral electoral bribeathon? Since one of the major aspects of NYC local politics is how to neutralize Sharpton's spoiler effect... To understand Sharpton stories like this, always look locally. He's not important on the national level, but his leverage in the city has historically been significant.

Nomennovum said...

Why are they kneecapping Sharpton now?

The Times knows something is up.

Revenant said...

It was the regular exposure on Fox News that made Sharpton a national celebrity.

Sharpton was a national celebrity a decade before Fox News went on the air. The Brawley hoax is what put him on the map.

Amartel said...

Didn't Sharpie used to be on Fox?

hawkeyedjb said...

"David Duke was in the LA Presidential Primary as a Democrat in 1988"

Oh. Well then, never mind.

Tom G said...

I'm curious, why all of the attention now? Granted, I'm grateful that this poor excuse for a human being is being exposed for the fraud that he is but he's been at it FOREVER! Jessie Jackson is not much different yet he also gets a pass from the media.

Luke Lea said...

NBC hiring Al Sharpton is like telling America to eat shit.

Luke Lea said...

Heads should roll at NBC.

Quaestor said...

Robert Cook wrote:
I understand his [bagoh20] point. That's why I said it was idiotic. thus implying he possesses a morally superior insight.

Immediately following he writes:
[The Tawana Brawley rape hoax] is a hoax, which (ignoring the tautology) implies

(1) The Tawana Brawley incident has the moral consequence of any other hoax.
(2) The Tawana Brawley incident is a subject about which Robert Cook has no expert knowledge and no morally superior opinion.


MD Greene said...

Who says there are no second acts in American lives?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Not to mention the tragic slaying of Trayvon Martin and its horrible aftermath.

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