June 19, 2013

"The 35 Most Spectacular Wildlife Photos From The National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest."

#30 made me laugh. #5 is my favorite.

But don't take my word for it. I've been up since 4 a.m., woken by birds, the usual pre-dawn twittering racket having been made unusually wacky by an intermittent bass line contributed by an owl.


FleetUSA said...

great pics, thanks.

4 a.m. is the new 6 a.m. sometimes for me too.

fivewheels said...

Some of those truly are spectacular. But is it just me, or are #19 and #34 kind of pedestrian? Horses. Big whoop.

Anyway, time to revisit my Planet Earth and Galapagos blu rays.

Bob Ellison said...

Fantastic link. This is why I don't even try to take pictures. There are people who do it so well!

Anonymous said...

My favs are 7 and 14. nothing special about either.

Survival and tranquility

KCFleming said...

The poor city rat, never a Natl. Geo pic fav.

Kangaroo in repose looks like he'd enjoy a beer and a cigar.

I'm glad horses don't use cameras, and follow me on my way to work.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How did #23 survive that?

Anonymous said...

I can't look at at owl without thinking of the Onion t-shirt "Owls are assholes".

They are so mysterious, if they were nice, how would you know?

Astro said...

... and bring me a Foster's.

Shouting Thomas said...

Good pics!

Here's my most spectacular wildlife pic.

bagoh20 said...

Even with a billion years to work on it, those photos make the case for pure random chance seem pretty tough to accept. Plus you have to add that even a billion years ago it was already amazing. Then understanding what a photo is, and how we are looking at it and why we appreciate it, and it's all nearly as miraculous as the fact that Shouting Thomas is still alive.

Big Mike said...

#24 also made me laugh.

Kudos to the photographer for even realizing that there was an animal there in #5.

Patrick said...

It probably reflects my tendency to anthropomorphize, but I liked #22 the best.

ST - it looks like that bear is ready for a hot tub.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Beautiful photos. Life is amazing.

Birds at 4am-----pillow over head and sleep sound as a rock until 7am. Somehow the pillow blocks out the high pitched screeching of the birds who are stomping around at the butt crack of dawn.

edutcher said...

I like the frog and the camera.

And the day may come when you wish you could hear those birds just once more.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I can hear them all day long. ALL DAY. We have hundreds of birds on our property. At 4am....I can enjoy silence.