June 5, 2013

Susan Rice as the new National Security Advisor.

And Samantha Power as the new U.N. ambassador.

ADDED: Rand Paul: "I can’t imagine... keeping Ambassador Rice in any significant position, much less promoting her to an important position." (Video at link.)


MayBee said...

Does Obama want bad advice on national security?

MayBee said...

This is such a "screw you" move.

Btw, didn't Samantha Power make a name as an anti-genocide activist? And now she's in the administration watching Syria kill citizens for over 2 years?

Big Mike said...

@Maybee, he's been getting it. This is merely continuation of a 5 year trend.

Clyde said...

I guess Krusty the Clown and Sideshow Bob were unavailable.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I feel much safer now.

madAsHell said...

Has he run out of cronies?....and can't find anyone else to take the job.

I'm really surprised that he has to reach back under the bus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's Susan YOUTUBE Rice.

A promotion for the dutiful liar. I understand Susan YOUTUBE Rice is also the wife of an ABC News exec.
But of course...

Anonymous said...

Good, now Donilon can go back to rent-seeking as a lawyer or running FAnnie Mae.

Clyde said...

Sometimes the best man for the job is NOT a woman. Just sayin'.

Michael The Magnificent said...

The big difference between smart people and stupid people is the ability to recognize and learn from mistakes.

Promoting a known liar to the position of NSA? Stupid is as stupid does.

Tim said...

Another failure in progress...

Good thing all those *smart* people voted for Obama in '08, in hope's Democrats would take responsibility.

Well, here we are.

And, no, Democrats aren't taking responsibility.

Worse yet, neither are their voters, who resolutely refuse to hold the Democrats they elect accountable for anything.

Good work, Obama voters, good work!

Lyle said...

Samantha Power at the UN is perfect. She can write and speak, and accomplish nothing.

Lyle said...

He doesn't any other women but for Susan Rice and Samantha Power. Someone give the man a binder full of new women.

Nonapod said...

That's pretty god damn appalling and shameless. Maybe we should appoint Xi Jinping as head of our tech security.

Tim said...

This is exactly the government Obama voters wanted.*

And now they got it.

Aren't we lucky.

*If you voted for Obama in '08 and didn't see this coming, you need to rethink your abilities as a voter. What else would the least qualified man ever nominated and then elected president, with an ideology out-of-step with American traditions, raised by an alienated ex-pat mother overseas, with a deep, internalized appreciation for America as cause for all the world's ailments, do?

Stupid is as stupid does.

This was entirely predictable.

All of it.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Ambassador to the Court of St. James's must already be taken.

Tim said...

Clyde said...

"I guess Krusty the Clown and Sideshow Bob were unavailable."

Yes, but they have their reputations to protect. Why would any reasonable person expect them to agree to work for the Obama Administration?

Larry J said...

Michael The Magnificent said...
The big difference between smart people and stupid people is the ability to recognize and learn from mistakes.

This is why all those claims about Obama's superhuman intelligence were just a bunch of lies. Obama keeps promoting failed policies (and people) which shows he's unable to learn from experience. He may have a measure of "book learning" but he isn't intelligent must less wise.

edutcher said...

Since Choom announced he won the War on Terror, I guess he figures any old incompetent can be entrusted with the country's security.

We're protected by an invisible shield of his AWESOMENESS.

Of course, Al Qaeda demurs, but who cares what they think?

Illuninati said...
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Bruce Hayden said...

I think that it is pretty obvious that they are rewarding Susan Rice for carrying water for them, and ultimately making a fool of herself, on the Sunday talk shows in regards to Benghazi. After that, lying to the American public, she wasn't going to be confirmed for dog catcher without a pretty good fight. So, move her somewhere good that didn't require confirmation, and move a political hack into the UN. Makes sense to me.

Illuninati said...

In light of her performance after Bengazi, she should be discredited forever. Her appointment demonstrates how little Oama values our national security.

William said...

Prediction: After Holder resigns, Obama will name Lerner as the acting AG. Lerner will claim that the subsequent spike in suicides among Republicans demonstrates the need for further restrictions on gun ownership based on party affiliation.

Lance said...

Remember, it was Susan Rice, Samantha Power, and Hillary Clinton that urged military action in Libya.

I wonder if they also urged military action in Syria, and if so, why the President took their advice in one case but not the other.

Hagar said...

"Follow the money!"

// Bob Woodward

n.n said...

This reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity.

It has been my impression that the Right in America is far easier to hold accountable for their actions than the Left. A monopoly of perception has it's privileges.

Of course, fascism (a collectivist ideology) also helps to control the population where democratic leverage is overstated or misrepresented.

This administration is firing with both barrels and it is aiming squarely at Americans. We need "gun" control in The White House.

Anonymous said...

These are his people, as liberal internationalists often come from backgrounds of human rights activism, global social work and are down for the universal cause.

Some transition into diplomacy, getting that idealism not just tempered by experience but also by realpolitik tends to occur.

This also may go to show that Obama doesn't think Benghazi was that big a deal, and that Rice was unjustly scapegoated. She's his people.

Wars unwound, Al Qaeda on the run, Libya liberated, the Middle East sprung. You're welcome, America.

I'm Full of Soup said...

She is a womyn and that is all that matters.

Lance said...

"Follow the money!"

// Bob Woodward

That quote actually comes from the Deep Throat character in All the President's Men. As far as we know, it was invented for the movie script, and was never in fact used by Woodward, Mark Felt, or anyone else.

Beorn said...

Will she still be in the information-laundering business?

Hagar said...

But it is really good advice around Washington, DC, regardless of who originally said it.

(Could be from the Old Testament, at that!)

Hagar said...

How to win friends and influence people.

1. Stick your thumb in the other person's eyeball.

2. Complain about lack of "bipartisanship" and "collegiality."


Darrell said...

Jamie "Typhoid Mary" Gorelick wasn't available for both jobs?

Seeing Red said...

Via Belmont Club:

An al Qaeda terrorist stated in a recent online posting that U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens was killed by lethal injection after plans to kidnap him during the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi went bad....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It was between Susan YouTube Rice and cast at MSNBC.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@Seeing Red


Nice job, Hillary.

ricpic said...

Samantha "Kill the Jews" Power to the UN. Pedal to the metal for Hussein.

Scott M said...

Maybee most likely got it right at 9:14. Indeed, if it's a "screw you" move, it flies right to the heart of a thin-skinned, shallow-minded executive.

I see very little day to day to show otherwise.

MadisonMan said...

Why does Rand Paul hate women?

Colonel Angus said...

Btw, didn't Samantha Power make a name as an anti-genocide activist? And now she's in the administration watching Syria kill citizens for over 2 years?

Which is exactly what we should continue to do until hopefully both sides lose.

Matt Sablan said...

Only in government is failure such a sure upward mobility.

Methadras said...

What the fuck did I tell you. Getting a raise and a promotion and a giant fuck you. Shocker.

cold pizza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
test said...

Scott M said...
Maybee most likely got it right at 9:14. Indeed, if it's a "screw you" move, it flies right to the heart of a thin-skinned, shallow-minded executive.

I see very little day to day to show otherwise.

I have a hard time believing he intends it this way: what's to gain? I think it's a sign of his disassociation from political reality.

cold pizza said...

You cannot hit rock bottom with this administration. As soon as you think they can't get any lower, they break out the shovels and picks. We've got an ethics pit in DC that rivals the Marianas trench. (hyperbole much? why, yes. yes, I do.)

Now if only the dinosaur media would investigate and report instead of building a tower of babble on top of it. What can we do when the Fourth Estate becomes Fifth Columnists except call them out and mock them for their prevarications?

Rice and Power? Who cares about the UN anyway, but the NSA gig needs to belong to someone who has the safety and security of America at the top of their priority--and we've seen no evidence that any such care and concern exists. Indeed, this just gives another toady syncophant with an axe to grind access to critical intel. Clown show? Clown show is the BEST case scenario. -CP

Anonymous said...

Donilon was a political hack and completely unqualified to be the NSA. He was however a good staff weenie. Chief of Staff material.

Rice is both unqualified and a poor staff weenie.

we're in the best of hands. 4 Hacks. Rice, Hagel, Kerry, Obama

Anthony said...

This is simply how government works, at all levels. Rewards are not meted out for doing one's job well, but for promoting the cause and the right people. Competence is a poor second to loyalty.

I saw this in local government where I worked for 15 years. If someone is incompetent the worst that will happen is that they're shoved around to other positions, but as long as they still support the team, they're in no danger of losing their position.

Why anyone believes in competent government anymore (or, really, ever) is now officially beyond me.

Anonymous said...


"..we're in the best of hands. 4 Hacks. Rice, Hagel, Kerry, Obama.."

Obama want to make sure he's always the smartest guy in the room.

JAL said...

I woke up to hear that Susan Rice was going to be "National Security Advisor" to Obama.

She is an incompetent affirmative action hire who has no business being in that position. (Compare and contrast with Condoleezza Rice.)

This administration will leave wreckage behind it like that on I-40 after the monster storm.

Obama shouldn't worry about his legacy -- he and his will be remembered for many decades -- maybe a century -- as the worst of the worst. (Just wait till all those kiddies who voted for him get their health insurance bills. HAHAHAhahaahha.)

JAL said...

And Samantha Powers is ambassador to the UN. Don't forget Sam!

Colonel Angus said...

we're in the best of hands. 4 Hacks. Rice, Hagel, Kerry, Obama

I couldn't help but equate Kerry replacing Hillary with Curly Joe taking over for Shemp.

Sam L. said...

MayBee: Yes. Yes, he does.

JAL said...

Every day makes Romney's plan for his Administration look like something a responsible adult with a positive big picture view of American and the world would create and implement.

Sigh. Can't wait for 2014 and 2016.

chickelit said...

Susan Rice lied to the American people on national TV. Her apparent fealty to Obama is rewarded but loyalty to truth and to the American people is discarded. Got it.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Wars unwound, Al Qaeda on the run, Libya liberated, the Middle East sprung. You're welcome, America."

"Wars lost, Al Qaeda resurgent, Libya an Islamist haven, the Middle East in chaos. You're screwed, America.

deborah said...

Whatevs. What Bruce said.

This makes me wonder if he'll continue to be smart enough to stay out of Syria.

DADvocate said...


Incredible. Incompetence runs amuck in the Obama administration. Follow the leader.

jr565 said...

I feel bad for Scooter Libby. If he was in a different administration he would have gotten a promotion rather than jail time. And he didn't even perjure himself.

MayBee said...

Which is exactly what we should continue to do until hopefully both sides lose.

Colonel Angus- I don't support getting involved in Syria because I don't trust the rebels. But I didn't make a name for myself writing about how theses things must not be allowed to happen.

Titus said...

He just told the pubes to fuck off with that appointment.

deborah said...

A civil war is not the same as genocide.

MayBee said...

No, it's not the same as genocide, but large numbers of innocent people are being killed over political and religious differences. Not so morally different.

Methadras said...

Nonapod said...

That's pretty god damn appalling and shameless.

Shame requires a conscience. Leftist 5ht columnist enemies of the US like Obama and his ilk have none.

MayBee said...

Obama justified Libya by using the language of stopping genocide (without using that term). Syria is almost the exact same situation, with a stronger leader (who was a reformer! And his wife is fashionable!)

MayBee said...

At her confirmation hearing, someone should ask Samantha Power if she still thinks Hillary is a monster.

cubanbob said...

MayBee said...
Obama justified Libya by using the language of stopping genocide (without using that term). Syria is almost the exact same situation, with a stronger leader (who was a reformer! And his wife is fashionable!)

6/5/13, 12:35 PM

There are no good guys in Syria. best to leave them alone and let them kill each other off. And no, if we were to get involved none them will thank us later.

3john2 said...

Now they can both watch TV together to find out what is going on.

harrogate said...

If they (the Obama Administration) truly stand by the response that the Benghazi incident does not represent a scandal or anything untoward whatever. If they stand by the assertion that it's just a bunch of caterwauling on sites like this one and by war enthusiast Senators.

Then yeah, it makes sense for them to go ahead and appoint Rice. It's less a "fuck you" then a "there really is no there, there" moment.

MayBee said...

Cubanbob- I don't want to get involved in Syria. But I am not super-humanitarian Samantha Power, and I'm not a part of this administration that is watching it happen

Writ Small said...

As often as it gets blogged about here, we need a tag for "Rand Paul states the obvious."

Bob Ellison said...

Obama is a strange person. I don't understand what he's doing. He seems to want to accomplish something, else why bother? But he keeps doing stupid things...and then the electorate rewards him for being stupid. I feel like Pauline Kael.

MayBee said...

Harrogate- pretending there is no there there IS a fuck-you moment.

hombre said...

Power has advocated US invasion of Israel to curb tension in the Middle East. Evidently, Obame feels the Islamists in the UN needed another anti-Israel ambassador.

Meanwhile, American Jews continue to finance the Democrats despite the anti-Semitic sentiment displayed by Obama and on the floor of the 2012 convention.

'It is incredible what political simpletons Jews are. They shut their eyes to one of the most elementary rules of life, that you must not "meet halfway" those who do not want to meet you.'

--Ze'ev Jabotinsky, The Iron Wall November 4, 1923

harrogate said...


Not if there really is no there, there, it isn't.

MayBee said...

But there is a there there, Harrogate. Susan Rice made up shit on National tv and repeated half truths someone in the White House gave her. Obama blamed a you tube video long after we knew it didn't cause Benghazi, and even said the line about the future not belonging to those who slander the prophet of Islam at the UN. The option of there not np being a there there is nonexistent.

MayBee said...

Oh and she repeated talking points- and defended them- when they were not true. She was either duped or is a liar.

CyndiF said...

Ambassador to the Court of St. James's must already be taken.

I was hoping Obama would appoint Anna Wintour to that job as rumored because that woman has a death grip on Vogue and has turned it into the most dull, Manhattan-centric excuse for a fashion magazine possible.

Bob Ellison said...

Samantha Power is married to Cass Sunstein. She's a Harvard Law poof. She's pretty, with red hair.

bagoh20 said...

When it comes to mistakes, Obama has been freaking prodigy from day one. If there are two choices in anything, he will always find a third that's even worse than both.

bagoh20 said...

America, this woman clearly lied right to your face repeatedly on national TV, so I'm gonna promote her. That's how much I don't respect you people, and how much I do respect a dutiful liar. Are we clear now?

bagoh20 said...

" It's less a "fuck you" then a "there really is no there, there" moment."

There is a burned out embassy, four dead heros, and a huge lie about it. The idea that there is no there there is just another in a long list of stupid sycophant beliefs that started with "transparency", and "post racialism", and apparently has no end. I expect it to develope into a full blown religion after Obama is gone, and we await his resurrection.

harrogate said...

No, a "huge lie," re foreign policy, bagoh, is when you send out a full court media blitz that lasts for months assuring everyone that it is a "slam dunk" that Iraq is stockpiling "WMDs," to the point that every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Bagoh20 is going around saying "WMDs" as though they've used the term all their lives.

And then later to shrug and say on television, again and again, "well, so what? the world is better off. it was never really about the WMDs."

That's huge foreign policy lying.

Also, your lament for "four dead heroes" rings about as true as a wooden penny. Especially if you are among those like Graham whose real gripe is that we didn't start yet another stupid full blown war that will end in disaster, right after the embassy attack.

madAsHell said...

That's huge foreign policy lying.

You're right!! Obama/Clinton are too stupid, and thought they could get away with it.

harrogate said...

MadasHell sure sounds like someone concerned about "four dead heroes" and going to war for light reasons, doesn't he?

harrogate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

By your standard harrogate, another "huge lie," re foreign policy, was when FDR commandeered the entire physics community for years assuring everyone involved that "what if Germany gets the bomb first?" to the point that every Oppie, Albert, and Richard was equating "atomic bomb" with Hitler with as though they knew all along.

And then later to find there was no real German program and still use it twice--"well, so what? the world is better off. it was never really about the WMDs. If you got it, flaunt it"

That's huge foreign policy lying by Harrogate standards. But Dems did it, so there.

Sometimes, you go with what information you have.

BTW, Harrogate, where did Syria get its sarin?

chickelit said...

BTW harrogate, I think I'm on to why you're such an Obama devotee--personal reasons, right?--consonance with your pet causes. You don't have to name them but at some point you'll have to weigh whether those personal reasons are worth hijacking an entire nation.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

@harrogate: The entire premise of your incessant "Bush did it first" is tragically flawed--it leaves people with no recourse; it excuses wrongdoing in the present based on the past. Suppose, just suppose that your man Barack is out of office one day and someone tries to pull the sort of Susan-Rice-Candy-Crawley-Benghazi bullshit and excuses it saying "but Obama did it!"

harrogate said...

The spectacle of so many dying in vain in Iraq is a "personal " cause? Interesting. One doesn't have to be pro Obama or even pro Democrat to know better than the lies and faux outrage you guys are spreading.

harrogate said...

El Pollo: it's a matter of credibility. You can't be cavalier about all that body count and for no reason one minute, and outraged over "four dead heroes" and "lying through the media" the next. If you guys acknowledged what a waste Iraq was then you've have some room to fulminate.

The problem with Benghazi was that we were there at all. Bunch of crazy fucks surrounding the embassy. Horrible of Obama to not close it down. Stevens thought he was "making a difference." He was clearly wrong.

chickelit said...

The spectacle of so many dying in vain in Iraq is a "personal " cause? Interesting.

No. But you really should save that sort of outrage for Afghanistan, harrogate. But keep guessing though. You always trot it out from time to time. Perhaps this thread is not the place.

harrogate said...

Afghanistan has proven a huge waste as well.

Mark said...

The "there" is knowingly lying to the American people about an attack on U.S. property and personnel where people, like, died.

Anyone covering up for this is filth.

Mark said...

I notice the number of pro-Obama posts/posters seems to be going down, as so is the quality of same. My personal theory is Axelrod has to be prioritize funds to whores with bylines as opposed to mobies working the blogs.

That Forbes op/ed celebrating how much better than the worst case scenario California's implementation of Obamacare will be (it's not when you realize that Obamacare premiums for self-insured is around 80% more than it was last year) -- well, that bit of fellatio must have been expensive.

Bob Ellison said...

Wow. Power has a low voice.

Bob Ellison said...

Is Trey Gowdy trying to grow a beard? I sympathize. My beard is almost as sparse as his. But he should shave. Jesus shaves.

MayBee said...

The problem with Benghazi was that we were there at all. Bunch of crazy fucks surrounding the embassy. Horrible of Obama to not close it down. Stevens thought he was "making a difference." He was clearly wrong.

Yes, harrogate. That is one of the problems with Benghazi. There is there there. No there there is not an option.

harrogate said...

Maybee, nope, most all of the caterwaulers about these parts don't get to claim that as "one of the issues" here, because the thrust of their bitching is that we're not being adventurous enough. They (you?) still defend the Iraq insanity. Blights of skin such as Charles Krauthammer and Lindsay Graham being in the vanguard of the bitching tells you something.

Further, once you accept that the problem is that we were there to begin with, it no longer can be "one of the issues." Instead it is the heart of it. But it's not a scandal or a coverup. It's just simply more ignorant braggadocio.

Methadras said...

Bob Ellison said...

Wow. Power has a low voice.

It's only because her balls hang lower than usual.

Anonymous said...

Good news! Glad to hear it, if only to hear the bitching here. But I'm sure she will do a great job.

MayBee said...

Harrogate- you are against Iraq. You see the problem with Benghazi s that we were there at all. So you see there is there, there.

Reportedly, Rice and Power wanted us in Libya more than Obama did. At the time, that was the reportong. If you don't like our intervention there, you should see this as a screw you to you, too.

harrogate said...

MayBee, I always did see the continuing adventurism as a screw-you to me, but obviously whether or not Rice is NAS won't change the fact that this remains what we do.

But nonetheless. That has nothing to do with the ridiculous charges and the crocodile tears and the completely fake outrage over "four dead heroes" featured on this blog or in the words of utter war enthusiast fools in the press and in Congress.

harrogate said...

Put another way, MayBee: what percentage of the "outraged" do you think agree with us that it was foolish and useless for us to have a presence there to begin with. Maybe, *maybe* Rand Paul in his secret heart. But not Althouse. Not almost every one of her commenters who herein are bitching. Not McCain, who ran against Obama in 2008. Not Romney either. There's no there there, in part, because what the bitching is really about is why aren't we being More stupid and cavalier with our military commitments than even Obama is being.

ken in tx said...

What the Navy calls Captains' mast the Army and Air Force calls Article 15. It's the same process. I have been in a jury in military trials and in civilian trials. Military is better. Civilians are stupid.

hombre said...

harrogate said...
'No, a "huge lie," re foreign policy, bagoh, is when you send out a full court media blitz that lasts for months assuring everyone that it is a "slam dunk" that Iraq is stockpiling "WMDs," to the point that every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Bagoh20 is going around saying "WMDs" as though they've used the term all their lives.'

Harrogate thinks Benghazi really was about a video. LOL

Harrogate has forgotten all the smart Dems who went around saying "WMDs." LOL

Harrogate has forgotten about the intelligence agencies saying "WMDs." LOL

Harrogate never heard of the Halabja WMDs which were no laughing matter.

Harrogate lives in the past with his erroneous predilections and lefty smug ignorance overriding history.

hombre said...

Inga said...
"Good news! Glad to hear it, if only to hear the bitching here. But I'm sure she will do a great job."

Not sure who your talking about, Igna.

Do you favor Rice as NSA because she is as unqualified as Obama to assess matters of nat'l security and you value consistency? National security? Bfd! Right?

Or do you favor Power as UN Ambassador because she advocated invading Israel and thinks Hillary is a "monster?" Screw the Jews and screw Hillary. Right?

Or both, and screw everybody!

hombre said...

harrogate (7:04): "... the completely fake outrage over "four dead heroes ...."

Thus spake another progressive sociopath confirming their delusion that if it ain't in the lefty play book, it ain't real.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The appointment of Susan Rice is bad news for the all-war-all-the-time-for-any-reason (especially emotional, feel-good reasons) contingent of the Republican Party.

Does anyone even know what Republicans stand for any more? They can't define themselves without collecting enemies to compare themselves to. That must really suck, having a negative-only agenda. At some point, one wonders if they have made too many enemies to be anything but a huge danger for America.

Rusty said...

A big ole "fuck you" to all the scandal mongers out there.

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