৬ জুন, ২০১৩


... this is kind of why I voted for Obama!

৩১১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   311 এর 201 – থেকে 311
garage mahal বলেছেন...

One needs much more care and healing!

We don't have time for that shit anymore. When your opponent is drowning, throw them an anchor. Here!

Darek from the Bible Belt বলেছেন...

Hey, I wandered in here today by mistake, and have no intention of staying or joining in the fun, Actually there is a wonderful commencement address that is becoming wildly popular with college students and recent grads, and I was trying to find a transcript and googled a couple phrases and was led here (where of course it was being trashed with energetic vitriol). If there's something interesting happening in American political history, you guys are playing a role. I'm a college student in Oklahoma, and even the diminishing number of Republican kids we have on campus are completey repelled by the kind of rhetoric that is dominant in here. One really smart friend who just graduated told me he went to the state Republican convention and had to leave after 75 minutes because the crap he was hearing made him so angry. The 2012 election is a harbinger... demographic change will take care of that. I have almost no problem with the slow public suicide of the Republican party which you guys exemplify, I just wish it was happening a little bit faster.

edutcher বলেছেন...

somefeller said...

And as far as mending the Democrats and the GOP goes, the Dems are far from perfect, but that's like comparing someone with a bad cold with someone who has contracted the bubonic plague. One needs much more care and healing!

The Rs may have a cold, but the Demos haven't got plague.

AIDS, but not plague. And it's time to administer a little of that assisted suicide they're forever wishing on other people.

This moronic attempt at insouciance is the most abject example of whistling past the graveyard I've ever seen.

Next, we'll see some phony folksy try to tell us it's all Dubya's fault.

Hey, maybe you can even bring up Joe McCarthy's name.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Great commentary tonight liberals! Excellent.

somefeller বলেছেন...

We don't have time for that shit anymore. When your opponent is drowning, throw them an anchor. Here!

Fair point, Garage, but I'm a lover, not a fighter. And I only want to help. They can be reached, they really can, so we must try.

Okay, maybe not all of them but it's worth a shot.

Mark বলেছেন...

To be fair, the progressives' best argument against the Patriot Act, Drone Warfare, expansion of executive powers, etc. under Bush was that they would set bad precedents that could be expanded and abused by future administrations.

Turns out they were spot on. Too bad they only cared when their team was out of office.

Mark বলেছেন...

AND just as I post Inga doubles-down on stupid.

somefeller বলেছেন...

I'm a college student in Oklahoma, and even the diminishing number of Republican kids we have on campus are completey repelled by the kind of rhetoric that is dominant in here.

Boomer Sooner!

Palladian বলেছেন...

I have almost no problem with the slow public suicide of the Republican party which you guys exemplify

I'm not, nor have I ever been, a Republican.

What I'm wondering is if you have a problem with the fast public suicide of the United States that has been grossly exacerbated by your "team"?

Actually there is a wonderful commencement address that is becoming wildly popular with college students and recent grads

Cool. I hope that the slide from surveillance state to police state is becoming wildly popular with college students and recent grads, too, because otherwise their future is going to be a little grim.

Anyway, sorry you got sidetracked here. Glad you enjoyed the commencement speech. I'm sure you'll get to hear a good one when you graduate in three years.

Palladian বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Maybe we should always have Republican presidents. Then we actually have a press and none of this, "Oh, I do declare! What a terrible surprise! I mean, surprises--just one after another! Whoever could have known that so many terrible things were going on a year ago?"

Palladian বলেছেন...

Inga said... Great commentary tonight liberals! Excellent.

Thanks! There aren't many of us liberals around, but we try our best!

test বলেছেন...

AReasonableMan said...

Just answer the fucking question.

Learn how the world works.

Palladian বলেছেন...

Just answer the fucking question.

Spoken like A Reasonable Man!

Palladian বলেছেন...

Just answer the fucking question.

I wish one of those Noble Journalists would say that to Jay Carney or, should he ever deign to give another press conference, Barack Obama.

JAL বলেছেন...

Palladian said at 4:50 PM

New York Times: The administration has now lost all credibility.

"Their sighs of Obama is incredible! now have a very different meaning than they did in 2008."

Well apparently their view right now is very different than it was earlier today.

They changed the damning sentence.

(See somefeller? Can't trust the NY Times. You blink and they've moved a sentence or two or whole paragraphs.)

Palladian বলেছেন...

Well apparently their view right now is very different than it was earlier today.

I'm shocked!

Palladian বলেছেন...

Well apparently their view right now is very different than it was earlier today.

I'm sure someone from the White House had a "frank and open exchange of views" with the New York Times this afternoon.

Hope and change!

edutcher বলেছেন...

Darek from the Bible Belt said...

I have almost no problem with the slow public suicide of the Republican party which you guys exemplify, I just wish it was happening a little bit faster.

Funny, the only suicide I see is the Democrats'.

That's why you morons are here blathering your heads off.

somefeller said...

We don't have time for that shit anymore. When your opponent is drowning, throw them an anchor. Here!

Fair point, Garage, but I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Too bad the only time he can climax is in front of a mirror.

BTW, do you really believe tossing out lines like, "They are easy to find at America's better universities, corporations and nightclubs", makes you sound sophisticated or part of the Upper Crust?

I haven't heard dialog like that since the early 60s trying to sell booze at Christmas.

Mark বলেছেন...

Freeman, you're correct. Even if Romney had proven to be another FDR, the (R) after his name would have at least insured that his Administration would have been vetted rigorously by the press.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Mark বলেছেন...

Oh, and in response to Althouse's original point:

You chose poorly.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I'm sure all of the adults on the case had a nice sit down with the adults in the government, and all the adults agreed to change the sentence to something more adult. Mind your pretzel manners!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Palladian said...
Thanks! There aren't many of us liberals around, but we try our best!

I've got to warn you, it can get pretty lonely out here for one of your kind.

somefeller বলেছেন...

BTW, do you really believe tossing out lines like, "They are easy to find at America's better universities, corporations and nightclubs", makes you sound sophisticated or part of the Upper Crust?

As a famous fictional Southern lawman once said: "What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men."

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


Seriously dude don't be so quick to judge. You come off as a jerk-off.

I would guess the majority of commentators here are of the libertarian stripe. There are a few SoCons and a few progressives. This is not freeper land.

God I know how disgusting the hard right can be. I'm in Texas and I'm sure they are about the same in Oklahoma. But just because someone doesn't support Obama doesn't mean they are SoCons.

So calm down read along and get out of your bubble. And stop being so judgemental!

Dante বলেছেন...


Yes, they're the ruling class to which some phony folksy wishes he belonged.

I think I'm socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. That's why I don't like Gay Marriage. The government has made a mess out of marriage.

So what's wrong with the idea that Marriage, for instance, is a natural response to male/female differences? Or that nationalism is a social evolutionary progression to group survival characteristics?

But still, I see nothing wrong with gays, lesbians, or people with weird ideas, so long as they aren't boffing my underage kids.

Meanwhile, I see a WHOLE lot wrong with welfare, AFDC, race politics, etc.

Dante বলেছেন...

Snark alert:

I'm not, nor have I ever been, a Republican.

Right, keep the slaves as slaves. No freedom, big government, people have no choice.

That's what a Democrat is. A republican wants to give choice BACK to the states. That's what a republic is. THAT's what this country was founded on.

Funny how you guys liked to talk about "King George." It's actually "King Barrack."

Mark বলেছেন...

Good luck Darek. If you think the conservative commenters here are congruent with your hated typical Republican you have a lot of lessons to learn.

somefeller বলেছেন...

God I know how disgusting the hard right can be. I'm in Texas and I'm sure they are about the same in Oklahoma. But just because someone doesn't support Obama doesn't mean they are SoCons.

Be careful, Bill. If you keep saying that around some people around these parts, you might find yourself on the wrong end of a RINO hunt.

edutcher বলেছেন...

somefeller said...

(something from the collected works of Strother Martin)

Nice to see he keeps up with the classics.

Dante said...

I think I'm socially liberal, but fiscally conservative.

If you are, good for you. No problem on my end.

I always welcome civil discussion.

Palladian বলেছেন...

Funny how you guys...

You guys? Dear Dante, unlike your medieval Italian namesake, I believe you've missed something...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Palladian said...
Just answer the fucking question.

Spoken like A Reasonable Man!

To be fair this same guy trots out the same line every time I suggest that Bush/Greenspan might not be viewed as entirely successful in their stewardship of the country's economy.

But, in the spirit of constructive communion, I would like to retract my intemperate question and humbly request that the poster, in his own good time, might consider, if it does not trouble him too much, to respond to my query, at his own convenience of course.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Palladian said...

You guys? Dear Dante, unlike your medieval Italian namesake, I believe you've missed something...

I told you. It's a lonely, lonely world out here when you're a librul.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Shorter Darek:

"Man, I don't need to know you; I know you before I know you!"

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

somefeller said...

Be careful, Bill. If you keep saying that around some people around these parts, you might find yourself on the wrong end of a RINO hunt.

I've never been a Republican. I'm an old fashioned, blue collar, union, Democrat. Now I'm a DINO. The new Democratic party despises me and everything I stand for. The Democrats are the party of environmentalists, large corporations, Wall Street, University elites and open borders.

I'm just waiting for one of the parties to embrace libertarianism and active support for the working people.

somefeller বলেছেন...

I'm just waiting for one of the parties to embrace libertarianism and active support for the working people.

Fair enough. But if "active support for the working people" involves support for unions (you mention them in your first paragraph), libertarianism probably isn't the place for you. And I don't say that as a criticism of libertarianism, just an observation of it, speaking as someone who's spent a lot of time around libertarians.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I'm an old fashioned, blue collar, union, Democrat. Now I'm a DINO. The new Democratic party despises me and everything I stand for. The Democrats are the party of environmentalists, large corporations, Wall Street, University elites and open borders.

Bingo! New Democrats aren't environmentalists, however, but 999% out of 1000% there.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

I don't see the tension between libertarianism and unions. Unions are a voluntary association of like minded people banding together. Just like corporations.

The two groups enter into a contract and the role of government is to impartially enforce the contract.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I'm waiting for one party to not be full of politicians.

Waiting... waiting...

chickelit বলেছেন...

Bill from Texas wrote: The Democrats are the party of environmentalists, large corporations, Wall Street, University elites and open borders.

Democrats loathe the oil industry and oil refining. They'll do anything they can to put them out of business.

Tom বলেছেন...

@marshall, I'm a lot of things but leftist is not one of them. In fact, McCain is far more of a leftist than I am - and he's almost as far as Obama. The issue is, I knew that Obama and McCain would both be disasters as president - but I also knew that it was very easy to blame republicans for every problem and that only way to remedy that was for democrats to own some of the decisions. Unlike Althouse, I couldn't in good conscious vote for Obama over McCain - as bad as it was, McCain was still the better choice. But he lost and now libertarian minded republicans have a chance to advance the cause of liberty.

The American people choose Obama. I'm not a big fan of pain but I also believe that elections have consequences. 5 years of endless rescession, war, class-warfar, massive spending/debt, industry/union bailouts (payoffs) regulatory-capture, and surveillance-state policies has created an America very few of us recognize. And Obamacare hasn't even started. But this is what America voted for. Fortunately, some Kentucians voted for Rand Paul and other Americans formed Tea-Parties. Maybe we have a chance to reverse this mess.

edutcher বলেছেন...

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

To be fair this same guy trots out the same line every time I suggest that Bush/Greenspan might not be viewed as entirely successful in their stewardship of the country's economy.

But the crowd in the last 5 years has not only been worse, they did so much to put the economy in the state it's in.

The crash was the Demos' doing and Dubya tried to stop it. I know reading isn't his big thing, but even Troll must have gotten through all the material to which I linked earlier.

Here's more: how the old Girl Sandwich partner of Teddy Kennedy and everybody's favorite bad advertisement for homosexuality were the prime architects, with Choom as Dodd's faithful errand boy.

That regrettable failure still makes him a better man and better steward of the economy than Choom and Turbo Tax Timmy.

And Troll is suddenly sounding like some phony folksy. They must be falling fast at Troll Central.

somefeller বলেছেন...

I don't see the tension between libertarianism and unions. Unions are a voluntary association of like minded people banding together. Just like corporations.

That may be true, but if you spend any time around people who take their cues from the Cato Institute or Ayn Rand, you're not going to hear much love for organized labor. Just an observation. As is the case in all things, libertarianism is as libertarians do.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Oh my God Garage you can't be serious! The Greens have a huge influence on the Democrats. I'm UA. We would have Keystone XL but greens are blocking it. Refineries -- greens block it. Nuclear -- greens block it. New steel mills -- greens block it. New hydro dams -- greens block it.


Methadras বলেছেন...

somefeller said...

Damn, ARM and I are like a tag team tonight! But he is a reasonable man while I am merely ... some feller.

Did you fap when you wrote that?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

The new Democratic party despises me and everything I stand for.

Of the democrat party's many failings their ability to alienate working people is the one that most perplexes me. In most democratic counties the rock solid foundation of every major left wing party is the unions and their members. It is common for leaders of the party to come from union leadership positions. I can't understand how the democrat party became so alienated from their natural base.

somefeller বলেছেন...

Did you fap when you wrote that?

No, I leave those special typing talents to you. Please proceed, Governor.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Oh my God Garage you can't be serious! The Greens have a huge influence on the Democrats.

Maybe decades ago. We're drilling and pumping more oil domestically than ever. Obama and Democrats are going to approve KXL.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


I was wrong. The one area of tension between union and libertarian is right to work. I don't agree with right to work laws because they do nothing to address the free rider problem. Any other time the pro-business people understand that problem but not with unions.

So worse case, the whole country goes right to work. Unions still exist but they would have to work much harder to offer support and reason for being. So maybe it wouldn't be o bad.

chickelit বলেছেন...

The Greens have a huge influence on the Democrats. I'm UA. We would have Keystone XL but greens are blocking it. Refineries -- greens block it. Nuclear -- greens block it. New steel mills -- greens block it. New hydro dams -- greens block it.

The Greens want zero population growth and, optimally, a greatly reduced human footprint on earth. They probably support (but I don't know for certain) euthanasia, abortion, and Shaker values.

Methadras বলেছেন...

phx said...

Guess you checked you ethics

What? That teenie weenie little characterization of the fact that none of this in any will likely impact any of your lives (possibly maybe keep you safer) yet you still going to pretend you are suffering human rights abuses.

I checked my ethics. Here's a hanky.

There is it. The money quote. This is what it boils down to now. This is how the left rationalizes tyranny. Oh look folks, you are okay. This won't affect your tiny little lives. They didn't get you, so you should be grateful, but never mind that silly little thing called a Constitution or having a president that essentially has used it for toilet paper. After all you will be safe and we want you safe because on our road to tyranny land everyone is safer. Because I'll defend Urkels actions until I'm blue in the face from sucking down all of his chum, while I'm on my knees. No ladies and gentlemen, this pure and utter rationalization for how tyranny works and is okay according to the left, nothing to see here move along.

PHX: uh, did I do okay Mr. President? Oh thank you sir for the dog biscuits. Delicious.

Dante বলেছেন...

I told you. It's a lonely, lonely world out here when you're a librul.

No doubt. An Atheist Conservative. I think there are on in a 1,000 of them, or so.

But, truth seeking is a lonely path. Like when the Church threatened to burn Galileo at the stake for daring to say the earth revolved around the sun.

chickelit বলেছেন...

garage mahal said...

Maybe decades ago.

You ever heard of Steven Chu, garage? He's history, but only recently. Plus all that California green money will find another way to block something.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Darek from the Bible Belt said...

Hey, I wandered in here today by mistake, and have no intention of staying or joining in the fun, Actually there is a wonderful commencement address that is becoming wildly popular with college students and recent grads, and I was trying to find a transcript and googled a couple phrases and was led here (where of course it was being trashed with energetic vitriol). If there's something interesting happening in American political history, you guys are playing a role. I'm a college student in Oklahoma, and even the diminishing number of Republican kids we have on campus are completey repelled by the kind of rhetoric that is dominant in here. One really smart friend who just graduated told me he went to the state Republican convention and had to leave after 75 minutes because the crap he was hearing made him so angry. The 2012 election is a harbinger... demographic change will take care of that. I have almost no problem with the slow public suicide of the Republican party which you guys exemplify, I just wish it was happening a little bit faster.

I seriously doubt you are GOP'er and even if you were, all you are practicing is RINOism. Have fun little boy. I hope the world doesn't treat you to badly while you are wonking your way through rainbow brightville.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Great commentary tonight liberals! Excellent.

oh wow guys, look at the ringing endorsement from the broken door bell of Althouse. Way to go liberals, ding dong.

somefeller বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Meth tick:

Drool, drip, foam, spray, wipe,

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

When Garage? Last year we were set to employ thousands of apprentice for the XL project. Our website had all the information, Smiling faces, people were going to get good paying jobs. Then Obama killed it for no reason but to please his urban dwelling cocktail party going know nothings.

How about oil exploration on government land. Just this week they said no way. More jobs lost. More young men who won't have a good job with good benefits.

How amny of those young men are going to turn to drugs and alcohol and crime. When a man can't support his family, he will act very badly.

But no, all you college educated idiots think you know so much more than anyone else. Lets stop development and then open the borders to drive wages even lower. How about you get a real job. Try to raise a family while you work at the convenience store?

Tell me more about how the working people have to take one more for the blue team. Fuck that and fuck them.

somefeller বলেছেন...

Bill, those are also fair points. But I'd suggest that isn't the only area of tension between labor and libertarians, and even if it is, it's one hell of a big area.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga gushed: Great commentary tonight liberals! Excellent.

She's doing cartwheels, cheering her "boys" wearing a short skirt and the hacked panties she withheld from bagoh20 and they're still not even paying attention.

What a waste.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


When I say libertarian, I don't mean some classic acedemic definition. I mean "leave us the hell alone. Do what needs to be done abd then go away". That is the future direction I think the country is heading.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

You want to see the future.


Communists and fascist fighting in the streets in Western Europe (and probaly US).

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I cheer on my fellow libs because I love 'em, not because I want anything from them, that's true love Chickie darln'.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"She's doing cartwheels, cheering her "boys" wearing a short skirt and the hacked panties she withheld from bagoh20 and they're still not even paying attention."

Yep. The old crone Inga is dying to get laid and all she can manage is a Republican plumber who gave her a pity fuck on the night Walker won the recall.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Whoa Exiled, bitter, mean spirited, I detect some weird jealousy, perhaps you haven't enjoyed any lately? Old crones like me and Althouse who are about the same age bonk old guys, nice and relaxed, you should try it.

PianoLessons বলেছেন...

I understand your post Ann - you thought he just might maintain some of the Bush anti-terrorism strategies.

I know many Dems in the very middle (almost GOP) who said the same. They kind of wanted Obamacare but mostly they thought he wouldn't shake up the boat too much this term.

He sure did and then he even went further, right, with drones and surveillance. And DHS buying ammo just to dry up supply in homeland.

But surely you never saw his favorite policy - his own wonderful Arab Spring coming to fruition so quickly.

Or did you. My buddies who thought like you and voted Obama in November now say the Arab Spring is the most awful thing Obama and Hillary ever organized for our nation and the world.

Who knew? All I can say is that at a barbecue last weekend with about a dozen friends who went with Obama in November were many convos about their regrets.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

ha, Inga, you don't know a damn thing about my personal life because I'm not asshole enough to broadcast it on the Internet - and then cry and blubber like a baby when someone publishes my real name online.

I'll bet the GOP plumber was nice though. Probably the only time you've ever been with a real man and not some liberal pussy.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Meth tick:

Drool, drip, foam, spray, wipe,

Isn't there an empty sandbox somewhere for you to go to, so you can empty our your vagina?

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Good lord Exiled, why so crabby? Did your girlfriend dump you for some other lesbian?

Meth here will do ya.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'll bet he regreted it the next day though. He sure had his beer googles on that night.

Ah, well, we conservatives were overjoyed that night. I don't blame a man for doing silly things.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

I cheer on my fellow libs because I love 'em, not because I want anything from them, that's true love Chickie darln'.

Of course you love them. Idiots that think alike, love alike. Derp. Besides, they don't have the intellectual acumen or capacities that you think they do, but hey, you are just the dingbat cheerleader on the sideline anyway. Too stupid to even know what you are cheering for. Fucking chimp.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Good lord Exiled, why so crabby? Did your girlfriend dump you for some other lesbian?

Meth here will do ya.

I don't swing for dudes, but I guess if that satisfies your homosexual fantasies, then fist away.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Did your girlfriend dump you for some other lesbian?

Why, Inga, you're calling me a lesbian as if it's an INSULT or something.

My, my, aren't we homophobic! And Inga pretends to be soooo gay-friendly and pro-gay marriage on Althouse! Isn't she the little hypocrite?

Man, bashing Inga is like a cat batting a ball of yarn around a room. Waaay too easy.
She's got the brains of a ball of yarn.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled is a female, you dumbass, Meth.

Good night sweet love birds, Meth be gentle with her, it's the first time she has been with a peniled partner.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And your an ageist Exiled, now we're even.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Idiots that think alike, love alike"

Exactly. No individuality - you know exactly what any of them is going to say about any political issue the second you see their nic.

Boring little conformists, who believe in the conventional wisdom.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Inga, you don't know if I'm gay or not gay. I don't believe I've ever mentioned it.

So why do you insist on insulting gay people? Do you hate lesbians? Why do you hate gay people?

You've pretended to like them. Ha, ha, caught you in a lie.

And I'm "ageist?" Shit, what a piece of PC dreck.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Why do you hate old people, Exiled? I don't hate lesbians anymore than you hate old people.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ha, ha caught you, that was fun and wayyyy too easy.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Meth didn't realize I'm a woman. Well, Inga, dumbass perhaps that's because "exiledonmainst" is a pretty gender-neutral nic. Unlike, say, "Inga."

Perhaps it's also because I don't make an issue of my gender and don't demand any special rights or privileges because of it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Nite, you cute Lizzy you.

Mark বলেছেন...

Personally, I'm only bothered by old people who are also juvenile.

Shows a total waste of a life.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I don't mind old people. It's silly old women who insist on beclowning themselves in a public forum that I find disgusting.

You're old, but not wise.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Nite, you cute Lizzy you

Goodnight, you ancient gay-hating harridan.

Kisses, dearie!!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, I believe it was you who began this incredibly juvenile exchange. Now go to bed and have sweet dreams of Meth.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Why would I be interested in Meth if I'm a lesbian?

Get your insults straight, harpy. You can't even think logically when you're feebly trying to insult someone.

I would say it's the Alzheimer's settling in but I doubt you've ever been able to put two coherent thoughts together.

Now I am retiring. Inga says she is, but I'm guessing that when I check this thread tomorrow, there will be a bunch more comments from her. She's got this juvenile desire to always have the last word in a thread.

Chip S. বলেছেন...

Those who sacrifice bikinis for security deserve their bad overnight Nielsens.

chickelit বলেছেন...

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to men. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between chiaro and scuro, between science and superstition, and it lies between men's fears of bottomless pits and the summit of his second base knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call 'The Inga Zone.'

Palladian বলেছেন...

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura...

Chip S. বলেছেন...

"See, Timmy? Thanks to PRISM the government automatically knows when you need help with your homework. And for just a $100 contribution to OFA you can get access to our 24/7 math help line."

Mark বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, phx is researching workers comp rules re: spankings in the line of duty.

rcommal বলেছেন...

Social liberals always come married to fiscal liberals--why is that? Perhaps it's time for a messy divorce.

I not only question that premise, chickelit, I spit it out.


Kirk Parker বলেছেন...


"This is going to sound brutal but if the result of dismantling our current surveillance state is a few more attacks I can live with that."

So close, so very close... I might even agree with you. I'm certainly on the same page w/r/t dismantling the surveillance state. Where I might part company is what do you think a suitable response to terrorist attacks is? If your answer is the "law enforcement" model, then phooey on you.

OMG Darek,

Benghazi most certainly is a scandal. No, not the mere fact that a successful attack was mounted against our ambassador--but what do you call the scaling back of security despite repeated requests from the embassy to have more not less; what do you call the flagrant lying about the cause of the attack; and what, above all else, do you call the ordering our nearby military assets to stand down instead of making a rescue attempt? "Scandal" doesn't even begin to scratch the surface, does it?

DEEBEE বলেছেন...

Hmm, BHO a vessel or a vassal? Has to be racist

DEEBEE বলেছেন...

Hmm, BHO a vessel or a vassal? Has to be racist

Rusty বলেছেন...

AReasonableMan said...
Palladian said...
Thanks! There aren't many of us liberals around, but we try our best!

I've got to warn you, it can get pretty lonely out here for one of your kind.

He's a classic liberal not a welfare liberal. There are more of us than you think.

edutcher বলেছেন...

I notice some phony folksy* was happy to change the subject from the "credible" New York Times and its coverage of the only scandal with "real legs" (like Pelosi Galore and Choom telling us A-stan was the only "real" War on Terror).

Turns out the Gray Lady fudged its editorial to make it less critical of the Choom Gang whilst he was yammering on about how they had gone after Little Zero.

Yeah, I'd want to talk about something else, too, if I'd been made to look like that big a fool.

*who must have rushed home from his "job" at the "office" on a "work" day to spend 6 hours trying to make it look as if the Establishment Media had suddenly become the "adults" and started doing their job

damikesc বলেছেন...

Do you acknowledge: (a) that GWB inherited four consecutive budget surpluses

No. National debt didn't go down once under Clinton. It's easy info to look up.

that the tax cut in 2003 was when we already had gone back into deficit and was THE FIRST TAX CUT DURING A WAR in American history?

No, the accounting scandals Clinton permitted melted away a lot of the expected tax revenue.

that the second Iraq was both a mistake and a disaster (something now believed by most House Republicans, according to one of their own?


GWB expanded Medicare benefits in ways that have been bonanzas for big pharma and the insutrabnce industry?

...which justifies Obamacare...how?

that Obamacare is a conservative, private-sector program which liberals detest - the individual mandate came from the Heritage Foundation?

Clinton and Democrats said that Saddam had WMD. Clinton's official policy was regime change in Iraq.

Ergo, the Iraq War was a Democrat proposal.

TARP was a Republican proposal from a Republican Secretary of the Ttreasury under GWB ?

TARP, while a bad idea, ended up making money.

How has Obama's GM interference paid off?

From my friends, I think thoughtful people on the left ARE appalled by the AP, IRS, and NSA scandals. They're not getting much response because you guys have demonized and vilified Obama from the start

Translation: We'd actually disagree with him more if not for you people not agreeing with him.

But that's no surprise, because social liberals have been the intellectual and moral conscience of this country for decades and continue to be by criticizing the Administration here.

The same social liberals who ignored the Gosnell case are the conscience?

Yesterday, he was a socialist/commie Frankenstein construct of Saul Alinsky and Rev. Wright. Today, he's the second coming of George W.

Why does Bush deserve the insult of being compared to the moron in the WH now?

damikesc বলেছেন...

One really smart friend who just graduated told me he went to the state Republican convention and had to leave after 75 minutes because the crap he was hearing made him so angry.

Leaving a job in a shade over an hour?

Sounds like a genius. Truly.

Oh, recent college grad, please dazzle us with your enlightenment.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Cool. I hope that the slide from surveillance state to police state is becoming wildly popular with college students and recent grads, too, because otherwise their future is going to be a little grim.

I'm looking forward to these college grads dealing with the impacts of Obamacare hitting hard next year. Demanding payment for medical insurance from people with no money = HILARITY!

ilvuszq বলেছেন...

When the press turns on their favorite, they stay turned. How can the NYT back away from "this administration has lost all credibility"? It's going to be a long three years for O-bumble.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Easy, they rewrite the articles, the way they did last night.

damikesc said...

that the second Iraq was both a mistake and a disaster (something now believed by most House Republicans, according to one of their own?



Al Qaeda was gutted and discredited in Iraq. We won there.

Choom has thrown that victory away with his drones and his Arab Spring and allowed Al Qaeda to reconstitute and rehabilitate itself in the Moslem world.

damikesc বলেছেন...


Al Qaeda was gutted and discredited in Iraq. We won there.

In the realm of the current scandals, it doesn't matter much.

Wilson actually did well in helping win WW I. His excesses during the war years are hardly justifiable even with the outcome.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Choom has thrown that victory away with his drones and his Arab Spring and allowed Al Qaeda to reconstitute and rehabilitate itself in the Moslem world.

Tht Obama's foreign policy is Carter-esque is not news to most people, I don't think. I don't think people think he's done much outside of the OBL raid he didn't really do much with.

test বলেছেন...

Tom said...
@marshall, I'm a lot of things but leftist is not one of them.

I didn't refer to you as a leftist. I'm saying a Democratic administration will not help the public understand that leftist policies are ineffective, and you can see this by reading the comments of the various lefties commenting. No matter the circumstance to them every negative effect is a result of Republican or conservative policy. And since the overwhelmingly leftist media and academia control the political messages this is what low information voters will believe.

Your belief seems much like Althouse's tactic of trying to force ownership on the left. She might gain some intellectual satisfaction, but the tactic has literally no effect on what the left believes. Witness them (after the election) finding their critical voices. This is entirely so they can distance themselves from the results of his policies rather than accepting those policies don't work.

Darek from the Bible Belt বলেছেন...

First, I want to respond to Bill Republic of Texas and several others whose criticism of some of my post was thoughtful and accurate. I acknowledge (and apologize) that I probably mis-characterized this community on the basis of only a couple hundred posts on just two topics. There's so much stuff flying back and forth in here that the juices get flowing more quickly than the synapses. I stand corrected, and want to admit that.

Here's why I think the personal argumentation in here (as opposed to evidence-based arguments on the blogs of economists) aren't very useful:

damikesic posts: "No. National debt didn't go down once under Clinton. It's easy info to look up."

Of course it is, so I looked it up, to see if I mis-remebered or had been taught. Looking it up, net national debt in dollars (debt held by the public) plus gross debt as percent of GDP both WENT DOWN for three consecutive years from FY 1998 through FY 2001. (from 3.7 trillion to 3.2 trillion and from 63.2 percent to 56.4 percent). If gross debt didn't go down, that's simply because social security ran a big surplus and, as always, the goverrnment borrowed from itself.

It IS easy to look this stuff up, so why not do it?

As for the ad hominem stuff, I would be the first to admit i'm young, inexperienced, and have a lot to learn. On the other hand, for some inexplicable reason, two different respodents had to call me "little man" ???? I'm actually 6ft4.

rcommal বলেছেন...

Translation: We'd actually disagree with him more if not for you people not agreeing with him.

I love this translation.

This is, of course, a very human trait (/flaw).

HA বলেছেন...

What the fuck were you thinking?

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