June 3, 2013

"Replacing Lautenberg poses several problems for Christie."

"State law allows Christie to appoint a replacement, and maybe to hold a special election later this year. (It's possible, Politico explains, that because it's too late for a primary, an election might have to wait till 2014.)"
... "Rumors have abounded for months that Christie was considering appointing Cory Booker," Politico's Maggie Habermann and Ginger Gibson write. "However, sources close to both men have insisted this scenario makes no sense for either of them."

So, if Christie appoints a right-winger, he angers the Democrats he needs to be reelected. If he appoints a Democrat, which he probably won't, he infuriates the Republican base he would need in the 2016 Republican primary. But splitting the difference won't work, either. Salon's Steve Kornacki points out that appointing a non-controversial old Republican as a caretaker for the seat is not without risk.
Give Christie some advice.

I assume he wants to run for President in 2016. If so, he can't reinforce the suspicion that he's really a Democrat (unless he wants to do that Lincoln Chafee thing and become a Democrat). After hanging out at the shore with Obama a bit too much, he needs to send the message he's conservative, I would think.


Oso Negro said...

Go ahead and switch to the Democratic Party now and spare us the drama later.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Why doesn't he appoint hinself? Is that possible?

He would have experience in the executive and legislative branches and be able to work on some national or international issues. All good.

Hagar said...

He would probably do better as a "back to the future" reform Democrat.

chickelit said...

Christie should just up and switch to the Democratic party. I'm serious. He's exactly what the concern trolls around here want the Republican party to become. Personally, I think his appeal is only as wide as New Jersey and I've never seen him make an effort to appeal beyond those borders.

dreams said...

Christie has been a good Governor but I won't ever vote for him if he runs for president. I don't like the way he has sucked up to Obama and I think he damaged Romney's campaign. My one vote won't make any difference anyway and I can feel good about not voting for him.

C R Krieger said...

What Bill said.  Arrange to have himself appointed.  The Presidential run in 2016 wasn't going to work out for him, tummy tuck or not.

Regards  —  Cliff

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Appoint a temporary 'caretaker' like Tom Kean or a Bill Bradley.

Both well respected across party lines... make his fat ass look respectable.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

or honorable.. above the fray, yadi yada.

Mark said...

Bill has what seems like a good idea, but history has been brutal to Governors who resigned then been appointed by their successors to the Senate.

Original Mike said...

I have no problem with him throwing his arm around Obama. I have a HUGE problem with the tantrum he threw over the pork-laden Sandy disaster bill. I'm not going to give him advice (not that I have any) because I have lost all interest in him for the Presidency (for the previously stated reason).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The dems are salivating that Christie be Hillary's loyal opponent in 2016. They know he's the perfect foil.

As for the Lautenberg replacement - Christie is a big boy. He can handle it.

Unknown said...

If he does the general political weak-kneed thing he'll appoint a place keeper.
I don't expect him to do anything bold or incisive.

Freeman Hunt said...

Obvious. You find an appoint someone who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I didn't realize that Tom Kean was still around.

Freeman Hunt said...

The fiscal stuff pushes all the right buttons of the conservatives, and the social stuff pushes all the right buttons of the liberals.

edutcher said...

If he wants to run for POTUS as a Republican in '16, he's got a lot of fences to mend.

Another Ted Cruz would be a good start.

edutcher said...

PS Let's remember it's Politico detailing all these "problems". He knows he as to fish or cut bait.

It's not that complicated.

SteveR said...

If he wants to get elected president or just re-elected governor, he can prove his political skill by solving this little problem. It will get a hell of a lot harder very soon.

Freeman Hunt said...

Oh, I just remembered that letting people kill babies out of a desire for personal convenience is "liberal." Well, he could go conservative on that issue. Liberals will freak out but oh well.

dreams said...

I think Christie will switch to the Democratic party by 2016, Christie has been good for New Jersey but I think Christie is mainly a pragmatic person looking out for Christie.

Mark said...

Christie would be yet another "Good Republican" that the press would suddenly reveal to be a baby-eating monster Conservative (and boy could he eat a lot of babies!) once he had the nomination sewn up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is there an dried up shell of a carcass of a politician he can scrape off the bottom of the barrel who will soothe the bon jovi state?

How about shifting John McCain around? Too bad Zombie Teddy Kennedy can't help out.

Anonymous said...

"The governor of this State may make a temporary appointment of a senator of the United States from this State whenever a vacancy shall occur by reason of any cause other than the expiration of the term"

It's pretty basic that may is permissive and shall is mandatory. If Christie is running for President he will hold a press conference, state that the power of incumbency is great that in the past appt senators have chosen to run for reelection instead of only the temporary post they were chosen for and that he will leave the seat vacant for New Jersey to choose its replacement in 2013.

This folks is the perfect play. The filibuster is 6/10s of all sworn senators, 6/10s of 100 is 60, 6/10s of 99 is 59.4 (which must be exceeded) thereby making the filibuster still require 60 votes. Leave the seat vacant, it doesn't involve Senate Control, and quite frankly an empty seat is as good if not better than a Republican. Christie will leave the seat vacant, he's a former prosecutor and knows his stuff.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bradley is a democrat... but at 69 he is the younger of the two... and he didn't serve as commissioner on the 9/11 commission.

Kean is a republican but the older of the two clocking in at 78. While still popular (I believe, I'm not entirely sure) there might be some bad blood here in NJ over his handling of the 9/11 commission... in some circles but these things have a way of resurfacing and grabbing unwanted headlines - not helpful to the governor.

dreams said...

He will have a better chance of getting elected president as a Democrat than as Republican because a lot of people who knew they shouldn't but in the end voted for McCain won't make that mistake again, I know I won't.

Tim said...

Maybe he'll pick whoever would do the best job.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Christine Todd Whitman?

A 66 year old rino that speaks his language... a woman. He needs that vote if he wants the big one.

dreams said...

He will pick someone the Dems will like because he wants to be president and he will have a lot better chance as a Dem with the liberal media on his side. I don't see a Republican ever again getting elected president now that the liberal media have come to fully realize their power,

Michael K said...

Lautenberg was appointed to take the place of Torricelli who was a crook and was exposed after the primary. There was quite a bit on chicanery in getting Lautenberg in the Democrat spot on the ballot.

Nothing new for New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

As far as presidential aspirations go Christie's choice won't affect my vote. I will never vote for Chris Christie. Even if he's the nominee of the Rs.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As far as presidential aspirations go Christie's choice won't affect my vote. I will never vote for Chris Christie. Even if he's the nominee of the Rs.

This is why some democrats are very excited.

JAL said...

Christie is really a Democrat. I like his straightforwardness on the finacnes and he has done a good job in New Jersey. And he certainly has pissed off the teachers' union ....


I think he ought to run as a Democrat, since he won't get the Republican nomination.

dreams said...

He will not endear himself with anyone by picking a non entity but that is what he might do, might be his best option.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Its My Party Too: The Battle for the Heart of The Republican Party by Christine Todd Whitman.

Chapter two. Whatever Happened to The Big Umbrella.

JAL said...

Not to forget his failure to identify the Islamic terrorist threat or the creeping corruption of the American legal system -- he appointed a Muslim judge and ridiculed those who questioned the possible conflict of Islamic law and American law.

dreams said...

"This is why some democrats are very excited."

Kind of like 2008, they seemed pretty excited back then too.

JAL said...

Republicans appear to have a bigger umbrella than the left. Sorry Ms. Whitman.

Anonymous said...

"If so, he can't reinforce the suspicion that he's really a Democrat (unless he want's to do that Lincoln Chafee thing and become a Democrat)."

If his ambition ends as NJ governor, he'll do a Bloomberg and becomes an Independent.

If he wants to be POTUS 2020, he'll do a Chafee. It's too late to switch for 2016.

Since he wants to be POTUS 2016, he will remain a Republican. He'll criticize his latest buddy Obama for show to please Republican primary voters, but will really bad mouth Republican "extremists" like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul to score points with the Dems. It's surprising how fast he can turn into a weasel, considering his enormous girth.

Titus said...

A majority of NJ Pubes are major rhinos.

You aint going to get some Mississippi or Alabama pube representing NJ.

You get a kind of half pube half tard when you vote for a NJ republican, similar to Mass.

They don't go all batshit crazy Bachmann in NJ.


tits and thanks.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Titus is correct.

Bob R said...

I don't think he will (or should) run in 2016. He should just nominate a garden variety NJ Republican - preferably someone who can give Brooker a run for his money. That won't be someone who is conservative by national standards. Get over it people. NJ is a dark blue state. Fantasies about nominating what the red states think of as a conservative is nuts.

Anonymous said...

JAL said...
"And he certainly has pissed off the teachers' union ....

I think he ought to run as a Democrat, since he won't get the Republican nomination."

Will he get the Dem's after pissing off the teachers' union? How about declare NJ's financial crisis over and give the teachers a huge raise?

Anonymous said...

He should appoint Jon Bon Jovi.

Good businessman.

Well liked.

chickelit said...

He should appoint Bruce Springsteen who was born to run.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's so bad is good... lol

dreams said...

"A majority of NJ Pubes are major rhinos.

You aint going to get some Mississippi or Alabama pube representing NJ.

You get a kind of half pube half tard when you vote for a NJ republican, similar to Mass.

They don't go all batshit crazy Bachmann in NJ.


tits and thanks."

I haven't read all the comments but I don't think very many people are suggesting that he appoint someone more conservative than himself.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Lem said...
Titus is correct.

6/3/13, 8:57 PM

Lem Johnson is right about Titus Johnson being right!

Sorry couldn't help myself.

Anonymous said...

He can't not fill the seat for practical purposes and he can't name a democrat, so I'd bet on Whitman. She seems like the best choice.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I haven't read all the comments but I don't think very many people are suggesting that he appoint someone more conservative than himself.

Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Titus is just making sure.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Christie could appoint the Repub who lost to Lautenberg back when the Dems kicked Torricelli to the curb and ignored the law with a last minute replacement. That would make Repubs happy and Dems would not mind too much IMO.

dreams said...

"I don't think he will (or should) run in 2016. He should just nominate a garden variety NJ Republican - preferably someone who can give Brooker a run for his money. That won't be someone who is conservative by national standards. Get over it people. NJ is a dark blue state. Fantasies about nominating what the red states think of as a conservative is nuts."

Who (what people?) are suggesting that he appoint a red state like conservative? Most of the comments I've read are suggesting just the opposite.

Sam L. said...

"I assume he wants to run for President in 2016. If so, he can't reinforce the suspicion that he's really a Democrat (unless he want's to do that Lincoln Chafee thing and become a Democrat)." "Want's"? Contraction? Posessive? Attack of a wild apostrophe?

I don't think Cristie has much national credibility, as a Republican, as a presidential candidate.

Paddy O said...

If Christie wants to win over the country as a Republican, he's going to have to risk losing New Jersey.

Going anti-corruption, playing up the scandals and obamacareshock, will be a good reasoning. Otherwise, he's going to lose every primary. He has to run against Obama starting now and with real gestures.

edutcher said...

One thing people might want to consider in all this strategizing:

The political landscape could be radically different in 2 years.

Saint Croix said...

Chris Smith.

Rabel said...

Snookie Today!
Snookie Tomorrow!
Snookie Forever!

eelpout said...

Christie needs to select an old, white racist teabagger from Jersey to prove his bonafides for '16.

KCFleming said...

He's a Democrat. My advice is adversarial.

"I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations - one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it - you will regret both."


Dante said...

I saw Christie on the Sand Dunes thing, and I wasn't impressed.

As Christie pointed out, they want to see the ocean from their first floor. Of course. So Christie's decision about the value of "A" vs. "B" overrides the people who live there.

There has to be a better way, to give the people who have set up their lives to deem them as they deem best, instead of forcing. That means a choice, but there is no choice. It's "My way or the High Way."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He has to run against Obama starting now and with real gestures.

Pictures don't lie.

What politics has joined together let no men put us under.

chickelit said...

What politics has joined together let no men put us under.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks Pollo.

KCFleming said...

Lem: Perfect!

Christie and Obama remind me of that old Japanese movie and then serial Fatty and Skinny.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saint Croix said...

You find an appoint someone who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal

I would flip that around. You appoint somebody who is fiscally liberal (or moderate) and socially conservative. You can swipe a lot of Catholic votes that way.

Chris Smith is one of the most prominent right-to-lifers in the country. He's been in office since Reagan.

KCFleming said...


Fatty and Skinny

Saint Croix said...

Appoint a temporary 'caretaker' like Tom Kean or a Bill Bradley.

I like that idea a lot more than Whitman. If he replaces the Democrat with a Democrat, Christie can say that he's not political, above politics, taking the high road, etc. That's not a bad strategy, particularly if the scandals make us all sick of partisan rancor.

Nominating Whitman, on the other hand, just means that Christie is a RINO who lied about being pro-life. That would finish him off once and for all.

Mark said...

He should appoint Jon Corzine just to square the circle, you know?

It's the Joisey thing to do.

chickelit said...

Thanks for that clip, Pogo. I haven't seen that for maybe 40 years, when it used to run on TV>.

mccullough said...

Jon Runyan

Gahrie said...

Christie could appoint the Repub who lost to Lautenberg back when the Dems kicked Torricelli to the curb and ignored the law with a last minute replacement.

Who are you kidding. He's more likely to appoint Torricelli.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How about a Hispanic Republican Lesbian?

Who would say not to such person?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

& Catholic.

chickelit said...

& Catholic

A prolapsed one would be best. They tend to be more relaxed and less uptight.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Helping Christie is not for the faint of heart.

Revenant said...

The whole "if he appoints a Republican he puts his re-election at risk" schtick is just concern trolling. Christie's approval ratings are far above where Lautenberg's were.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I looked up prolapsed and saw some nasty pictures..

Saint Croix said...

Okay, here's my kick ass suggestion:

Steve Forbes

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yea, I don't think NJsians expect him to appoint a democrat.

That's liberal NPR talking points.

Lydia said...

Runyan makes Christie look almost petite.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

James Gandolfini... nobody better for the part today.

Saint Croix said...

Okay, wait, I got another kick ass suggestion. He's not from New Jersey. But it would certainly help mend some Republican fences.

Mitt Romney.

David said...

My advice to Christie is to give up on any idea of running for President in 2016. Be a great governor. Do what is best for your state. Nothing more.

Saint Croix said...

Yet another kick ass suggestion!

Bruce Springsteen.

Politically engaged, blue collar guy, populist, Jersey boy all the way. Utterly out of the box. Presumably liberal on many issues, but you really don't know how he's going to vote on any one issue.

The Senate seat is effectively lost both for the Democrat and Republican party as long as the Boss wants the gig.

He doesn't need money. You can't control him. Utterly independent.

Would help Christie reach low information voters and non-voters in a big way.

MadisonMan said...


Mark said...

Bruce would do Barry any way Barry wanted.

Not that that's a bad thing.

Swifty Quick said...

The big guy isn't going to do anything to mess up his reelection to the NJ governorship. All other considerations evaporate in that context. That's also why he's been so solicitous of Teh Won since Hurricane Sandy. NJ voters expected that from their governor. It was all to secure his approval ratings and ensure his reelection.

Titus said...

He can't propose a "sulllivanist" though.

That would drive Chick Wimp crazy and his head would explode.

No Sullivanist, ChickWimp will blow a gasket with a Sullivanist.

ChickWimp loves utitlizing anything "Sullivanist" though.

Chick wimp, please get a grip hug your children and move beyond everything Sullivan.

Yes, he devastated you because of his outrageous about turn but get over it MARY.

You sound a little paranoid.....chickwimp.

And as always thanks.


chickelit said...

Titus wrote: Chick wimp, please get a grip hug your children and move beyond everything Sullivan.

Not sure how much you know about my kids, Titus but the cops take that shit seriously. Especially guys with with big LinkedIn profiles.

Give my regards to Troop.

Saint Croix said...

Bruce would do Barry any way Barry wanted.

That sent me to Google, where I found this and this.

I'm sure you're right, and Springsteen would be incredibly annoying once he started voting for stuff. I still like the guy, though. Very populist, very down to earth, and honest.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I see now that some people are touting Tom Kean, Jr. Son of Tom! Current NJ State Senate minority leader, I think.

Yeah, he lost to Menendez in 2006. But rather a lot has happened since then.

Carl said...

What, nominate a northeastern squish who wouldn't even be able to carry his own state in the fall? Because the lesson wasn't learned thoroughly enough in 2008?

They don't call it the stupid party for nothing, but that one passes credulity. Barring bizarre cirx, 2012 is off the table for the fat man, and I think he understood that long ago, which is why he's been working on his re-election for some time instead. It's not like he's not young enough to wait, and a successful two-term governor with cred on both sides of the street would be a formidable competitor for long years to come.

Furthermore, people mistake the kind of appeal he would need to Democrats in a national election. He's not going to win the die-hard Obama groupies, and he doesn't need to. No candidate from Party A ever needs to win the base of Party B. You just need to win the disaffected margin, if there is one (and if there's not, you're fucked anyway).

In Christie's case, he would need to win those who voted for Obama, twice, with increasing reluctance the second time, and who still like the guy, but feel deeply disappointed in him. They will never want to see the President personally savaged, but they will not mind a compelling alternative once his sorry soggy ship of state sinks beneath the waves. That Obama, what a guy, eh? First black President. We did it! w00t! But seriously, folks, we need to do something about that deficit...

wendybar said...

Original Mike said...
I have no problem with him throwing his arm around Obama. I have a HUGE problem with the tantrum he threw over the pork-laden Sandy disaster bill. I'm not going to give him advice (not that I have any) because I have lost all interest in him for the Presidency (for the previously stated reason).

This is exactly what I was going to write. I was happy to vote for him as governor, but as President? I think not. He doesn't seem to mind all the pork. We need someone more fiscally conservative. (even when it come to their state)

Astro said...

Christie's best chance of getting to the WH - assuming he wants it - is to switch to the Dems in 2015. He'd instantly be the leading Dem in the race.
Does Joe Lieberman own a house in NJ? For Christie, he'd be the perfect temp Senator.

Big Mike said...

Christie is a fiscal conservation, not a social conservative. I get it, even if Althouse doesn't, because I'm somewhat in that boat myself (though Christie is to my left on most social issues as well).

I get that he prostituted himself to get federal aid after Sandy, and the untrustworthy news reports I have seen suggest that New Joisey is faring better than bright blue New York in getting its people taken care of. Still, even though the 2016 Republican primaries are a helluva long way off he's poisoned the well a bit too much to prevail over other governors who might be thinking of running.

Big Mike said...

Christie is a fiscal conservation, not a social conservative. I get it, even if Althouse doesn't, because I'm somewhat in that boat myself (though Christie is to my left on most social issues as well).

I get that he prostituted himself to get federal aid after Sandy, and the untrustworthy news reports I have seen suggest that New Joisey is faring better than bright blue New York in getting its people taken care of. Still, even though the 2016 Republican primaries are a helluva long way off he's poisoned the well a bit too much to prevail over other governors who might be thinking of running.

Brian Brown said...

So, if Christie appoints a right-winger, he angers the Democrats he needs to be reelected

What a silly, idiotic meme.

I mean, it isn't as if Christie isn't a known Republican, has supported Republican candidates, had a profile at the RNC and 2012 election for Romney or anything.

What moronic article.

Thorley Winston said...

Maybe he'll pick whoever would do the best job.

Actually that’s not a bad strategy. And pick someone who is well respected in the State but not seen as being particularly political (e.g. a prominent public figure or business leader) and ask them to fill out the remainder of the term. It will help solidify his perception as being independent-minded and statesmanlike which will endear him to a lot of independents and won’t energize Democrats and demoralize Republicans.

Fr Martin Fox said...

I'd be very surprised if he picked a Democrat. He gains almost nothing and loses a lot.

No, I'd imagine he'll look for someone who is non-political, a "fresh face," perhaps someone known and respected in some other field. Said person will be a Republican but not a right-winger.

Watch it be someone black, hispanic, female or in some way disabled.

Is Ben Carson from New Jersey? He might fill the bill. He's become somewhat controversial, but the way it works is that Christie can always express "disappointment" later.

bbkingfish said...

Christie spent last year auditioning for the Bushes; more recently, he has been smiling coquettishly in Hillary's direction. Would not be surprised if it ends up Clinton/Christie in '16.

Brian Brown said...

Well, he picked nobody, and so he just gave the seat back to the Democrats.

What a fat asshole this guy is.

bbkingfish said...

"Well, he picked nobody, and so he just gave the seat back to the Democrats."

As I said, I would not be surprised by Clinton/Christie in '16'

Baron Zemo said...

Titus that was fucked up dude.

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