Deen said she got the idea from another restaurant at which the couple dined. Said Deen, per the Enquirer: "Well, what I would really like is a bunch of little n-----s to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts, and black bow ties. You know, in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around."All right, this is so wrong on so many levels. First, obviously, don't use the n-word. Second, a slave-themed wedding is a terrible idea. But — and I know these are lesser offenses, but I've got to say it — slaves don't wear shorts. Modern American white men wear shorts all too often and look like overgrown boys when the do so. For all of the diminishment of black men over the years — including calling them "boy" — the stereotype did not have them dressed in shorts.
And, obviously, there were all sorts of problems with the way black people were depicted in old Hollywood movies, let's at least get it clear in our minds what the movie reference is. There was a 1935 Shirley Temple movie called "The Littlest Rebel," and here's what it looked like when Bill Bojangles Robinson (playing the slave "Uncle Billy") danced. He's not tap dancing "around" — as if slaves dance around while working — he's giving a performance at an elegant affair — as a soloist, not in "a bunch." And he's not in shorts and shirt-sleeves. He's wearing long pants and a vest and a jacket. So Deen's mental image of what went on in the bad old days of Hollywood is itself an embarrassing distortion.
Diabetes, y'all...
I just hope she turns out to be a Democrat.
Paula Deen is a Democrat, so she'll probably be okay.
Ann Althouse said...
"Paula Deen is a Democrat, so she'll probably be okay."
Well then, if she voted for Obama despite all the obvious evidence he wasn't qualified for the job to ease her white guilt, so much the better, eh?
Because, of course, no one else did anything as stupid as that, right?
Chubby white trash use the N-word? I'm shocked...almost as much as knowing Deen's' brother Bubba, fricking grills oysters.
Yee f'in Gawd...what, he run out of road-kill possum or something?
Even noticing it has gotten old and knee-jerk stupid.
Sorry, but I'm a free speech advocate, and you should be able to say any fucking thing that you want.
Should we be a little skeptical that the most outrageous quote came not from the court deposition, but from an article in the National Enquirer?
Modern American white men wear shorts all too often and look like overgrown boys when the do so.
This may come as a shock to you but so do modern American black men and modern American Hispanic and Asian men.
"Paula Deen is a Democrat, so she'll probably be okay."
Well then. I'm as happy as a little girl!
As a child of the mid 50's Deep South and the son of a Naval Aviator, if I had ever let the "N" word slip from my mouth my head would still be spinning from the slap my momma would most certainly have dished out. That said, as an inner city school teacher I hear the "N" word from the moment I get to work, all through the day until I leave work. The children/students "nigger" each other in a myriad of ways both musical and offensive to my ears. My fave? Latrice bestowed upon me her affection one day by telling me that "You be my nigga' dawg Mr. *****" and giving me a big smile and a big hug. Or LeCharles, upon entering my classroom, letting other students know that "All my nigga's need to stay Black" and posing in the Black Power Salute ala' the '68 Olympics. I don't even generate paper (referrals) on it anymore as a confidant within my House Admins office told me she (African-American) was just tearing them up and consigning them to the wastebasket. Don't even get me started on them telling "You're Momma's so black" jokes... So I'm guessing the "N" word falls on ears more sensitive where there black culture is not so prominently displayed or acknowledged.
I've always liked and admired Ms. Deen (though not really her recipes), so, assuming this is true, it's very disappointing.
That said (and I didn't watch the clip), I've never really understood the problem with tap-dancing. From Althouse's description of the clip, it sounds like he was doing an impressive performance that entertained people, something that millions desire to be able to do. Is that racist?
She is a Dem BTW
I wear shorts every day.
Wow, that is just horrible. She always kind of gave me the willies, but no more PD tv in our house.
And airdog, the charbroiled oysters at Dragos in Metarie have been called the single best bite of food in New Orleans. I love raw oysters, but I must concur with that assessment. If you are ever in the area, the dish is a revelation.
Allen, I agree with you about free speech. I am just also free to voice my opinion and my opinion is that racism sucks.
I bet you share that opinion as well.
She is a Dem BTW
Obviously a lie since only Republicans are racist.
Ann Althouse said...
Paula Deen is a Democrat, so she'll probably be okay
She's a racist southern Democrat, which to the left means she's really a Republican. A couple of weeks ago MSNBC ran a bit on George Wallace and identified him both in the graphic and orally as a Republican. Replacing education with indoctrination has an impact.
This may come as a shock to you but so do modern American black men and modern American Hispanic and Asian men.
Dey are made as short pants! Dey are worn so lo on dey ass(axdually belo dey ass), dat dey damn near reach dey ankle!
If the story of the proposed wedding is true, I am unable even to find a suitable word for the level of my incredulity, flummoxity, gobsmackery?
How does someone who thinks like that operate?
First, one thinks it. Then, fails to react in horror to ones own, bizarro thoughts. Then, proceeds to tell another human being. And then, the idea manages not to die a humiliating death even then.
This slave-themed wedding is like the Chuckie doll of Ms. Deen's mental world. Nothing can kill it.
I heard someone using the n-word yesterday. I believe the full quote was something like, "That fuckin' bitch ho nigger ... I's gonna pop that nigger bitch up side the head with a pipe, sheet. Fuckin' bitch." That quote from a kid that looked like a third grader, and yes, he was black, and talking, apparently, about another third grader.
I hear black people call each other nigger so often these days (I live in a predominantly black neighborhood) that I just don't care who uses it anymore. And yes, when black people say nigger they mean it in the same sense that Robert Byrd meant it when he talked about white niggers. (The term wigger hadn't yet been invented, I don't think, or at least wasn't' common.)
So who cares? And the outfits and behaviors Deen described are no less stupid than the outfits and behaviors I see pretty much daily.
"Sorry, but I'm a free speech advocate, and you should be able to say any fucking thing that you want."
I agree. And here's a fucking thing I want to say: Obviously, you shouldn't use the n-word. Even idiots know that.
Paula Deen will survive this scandal so long as nobody finds out about her lifelong admiration for the work of Jean-Luc Godard.
Paula CornPone makes a racist comment and we are all on it! DoD Chuck Hagel makes racist comment toward a Professor in Nebraska and crickets!
Trey, in my 66 years on this earth, I've met more black racists than white racists. Far more.
Part of the reason that free speech is important is that the assholes self identify.
Note, AllenS that I am not referring to you as an asshole.
Obviously, you shouldn't use the n-word. Even idiots know that.
Apparently not, as many (I'd say most) black people call each other nigger (and not just niggah) every day. Or are you claiming that they're all stupid?
(This is fun!)
You must not know a lot of black people, Althouse. If you did, you'd know that they use the N-word more than anyone else.
the shorts thing makes you sound like a weirdo who lives up north.
Mitchell the Bat said...
Paula Deen will survive this scandal so long as nobody finds out about her lifelong admiration for the work of Jean-Luc Godard.
I agree; everyone knows he was the worst captain of The Enterprise.
TMink said...
And airdog, the charbroiled oysters at Dragos in Metarie have been called the single best bite of food in New Orleans.
That "locale qualifier" also includes eating 'gater, alleged to taste like chicken, but actually tastes like two day old bubble gum, but less tender...mainly an excuse to slurp up fine dollops of Melinda's Habanero Hot Sauces of various temperatures. :-)
Looking back over it, it does look like (again, assuming this is even true) she was probably joking, saying something outrageous and absurd just for shock value. It was her brother's wedding, so she probably wouldn't have much to do with the planning, and the line about "That would be a true southern wedding" sounds like a self-deprecating joke on the south, not saying something that she really wanted.
Not that it's an OK joke to make or that it's funny, and, as AA pointed out, for crying out loud, don't use the n-word, that's just stupid. But it's a lot better than thinking that she actually wanted to do this.
I just love the apparently apocryphal story of Jerry Jeff Walker meeting Mr. Bojangles Robinson is a jail cell and then writing "Mr. Bojangles."
Ann said ...
So Deen's mental image ...
Really? You know this as fact based on the Enquirer?
Wow. Just wow. Nothing like murdering people in the court of public opinion.
She's from Tennessee, the state where roughly 90% of Colored Troops went to enlist in the Union army.
I'm trying to think what my reaction would be if I walked into a slave-themed wedding. Flummoxed? Amused? Bewildered? Presumably the ball and chain is not on the groom's leg?
I hope I'm not related to the bride and groom if this happens.
I wonder what her brother said.
I agree; everyone knows he was the worst captain of The Enterprise.
Funny, Fr. Fox.
Someone will be blessed today.
Really? You know this as fact based on the Enquirer?
Wow. Just wow. Nothing like murdering people in the court of public opinion.
Are you kidding? The Enquirer has a better track record in recent years on this sort of stuff than the NYTs. (Did the times ever catch up on the John Edwards story?)
Besides, murdering people in the court of public opinion is better than calling in a drone strike. Paula better watch her fat white ass, the President is likely to call in the geek hit squad now....
Men in shorts aren't just for America anymore. They are all over London and Paris. There are the men in regular shorts, the men who don't own shorts so they wear bathing trunks on a hot day, and the dapper men in shorts suits or shorts with sport coats.
This is fact, that she said this? Hearsay? Alleged to have said?
Not defending anyone or any particular speech, just generally getting very sick of the knee jerk hate. From every direction.
How would One Hire for Such a Thing? That would be an Interesting Job Interview.
"So: You will need to be at the Estate at 11:00 am for Preparation, and Will then Handle the Re-Filling of Water Glasses for the Guests."
"Got it."
"Also: You don't need to Worry about your Attire -- we Will have a Thematic Outfit for You to Wear."
"Do You Have Any Problems with Wearing Shorts?"
"Not My Cup of Tea, But if that is What the Job Requires, I'll Do it."
"Do You Have Any Problems with Being Outfitted as a Slave?"
"It'll Be in Good Taste."
"You're Serious?"
"It IS The Wedding Theme."
"But I'm.... White."
"We are Not Discriminatory: We will Have Make-Up Artists Applying Authentic Black-Face to our Less Pigmented Servers."
"Do You Not Understand How Wrong this Is?"
"Listen: Once You've Done an Auschwitz-themed Golden Anniversary Party you Can Handle About Anything..."
Maybe she voted for Obama because she likes the way he dances around. Rhetorically, of course.
Men in shorts aren't just for America anymore. They are all over London and Paris. There are the men in regular shorts, the men who don't own shorts so they wear bathing trunks on a hot day, and the dapper men in shorts suits or shorts with sport coats.
Okay, if it is too hot for long pants, it is far too hot for a damned coat. Even if you're wearing the coat for concealed carry purposes, in which case you'd better be wearing long pants too. God, how embarrassing would it be to get interviewed by the cops wearing shorts and a sport coat after popping a cap in someone's ass. What if the TV news people showed up with cameras?
AllenS, Annie works @ the pc mecca, and of course she doesn't know any black folks. I doubt one has ever been to her house. It's actually post worthy when ANYONE visits her house. This woman lives in an insular world and thinks she's worldly. Sad, but we watch it like a bad 'B' movie.
Allens, Drop by the bar, we miss you there.
Icepick, The "Men is shorts" is staler than year old bread. Just ignore that stupidity and maybe it will go away.
betamax, you should have just linked to teh Chevy Chase/Richard Pryor skit from back in the day.
"DEAD honkey!"
Father Fox, Can you hear my confession in this venue?
nd, mostly I don't care about the men in shorts thing. Hell, I wear shorts most days of the year. (It gets hot down here in Florida.) But shorts and a sport coat? A suit with shorts to go with the coat? That's really fucking stupid.
God, how embarrassing would it be to get interviewed by the cops wearing shorts and a sport coat after popping a cap in someone's ass. What if the TV news people showed up with cameras?
Fugitive Carlton Banks
The only time men look bad in shorts is when they have those super-skinny, stick-like legs you saw on African Colonial troops in the 2 world wars.
Was that racist?
Or sexist?
Ann Althouse said...
Sorry, but I'm a free speech advocate, and you should be able to say any fucking thing that you want.
I agree. And here's a fucking thing I want to say: Obviously, you shouldn't use the n-word. Even idiots know that.
If the Lefties can call anybody who dares disagree with them anything they want, anybody should be able to call anybody they don't like what they want.
You want civility, you gotta give it.
PS and somewhat OT:
Does this extend to Choom, who dissed Catholic education because it "divides people and blocks peace"?
(we really ducked a bullet not electing Romney, with all his "gaffes")
Man, we could use someone like Richard Pryor for these times. Probably the funniest man I've ever listened to.
Fugitive Carlton Banks
Wow, you really pulled that one out of some deep place!
Of all the racial epitaphs used today, "nigga" is the most common by a factor of about 100 to 1 in music, on the street, in movies, in the culture, so pretending it's verboten today is just dishonest, and one of a number of cultural power plays used by some dishonest people.
And since it was brought up again, I continue to support men wearing shorts. I'm a leg lady.
I'm not the least bit surprised. She sounds like a typical white 'Yellow Dog Democrat', including being blind to her racial prejudice.
And I guarantee some moron will call her a 'Tea Partier'.
Does this extend to Choom, who dissed Catholic education because it "divides people and blocks peace"?
What's amazing about that is that he felt that he could give concrete advice to the people of Northern Ireland like that. Didn't someone say yesterday that we should start calling him Hector?
The man is an embarrassment to the nation, but he's not as embarrassing as the fact that he got re-elected last year. Over half the voters in the country are so fucking stupid they wanted more of this.
The whole purpose of the wedding clothes and ceremony is to cover up the fact that in reality it is a slave transaction. There should be a part of the ceremony where the bride-to-be reaches into the front of the grooms trousers to check that everything is in the bag before she takes it home.
"I agree. And here's a fucking thing I want to say: Obviously, you shouldn't use the n-word. Even idiots know that.'
Well godammit woman get your ass down to the ghetto and straighten those black folks out! They be saying "the N word" (god I cringe when I see that)all de time!!
Have you actually ever interacted with black culture?
Of all the racial epitaphs used today, "nigga" is the most common by a factor of about 100 to 1 in music, on the street, in movies, in the culture, so pretending it's verboten today is just dishonest, and one of a number of cultural power plays used by some dishonest people.
Come on, bagoh, there is a difference between "nigga" and "nigger". Nigga is a term of affection. Nigger is a term of derision. Both are extremely popular with the majority of black people but there is a distinction.
I think the left got a little thrill calling people teabaggers cuz it felt a little like calling them gay niggers. satisfied a jones.
X said...
...the shorts thing makes you sound like a weirdo who lives up north.
That made me laugh. Having spent a good deal of time with horses, thus when working in rural countryside or wilderness, I do NOT wear shorts or go without socks, let alone boots. I have this aversion to poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, ticks of various types, mosquitoes, black flies, and when in the west, poisonous snakes.
Black people's use of "nigga" is stupid but it's also ridiculous to equate that with a priveleged white lady who epitomizes the last dying breath of old Southern culture, openly admitting that she wanted some dressed up niggers to perform in slave roles at her wedding.
Icepick, Pryor was the Michael Jordan of comedy. Chris Rock is his little brother.
Icepick said...
Of all the racial epitaphs used today, "nigga" is the most common by a factor of about 100 to 1 in music, on the street, in movies, in the culture, so pretending it's verboten today is just dishonest, and one of a number of cultural power plays used by some dishonest people.
Come on, bagoh, there is a difference between "nigga" and "nigger". Nigga is a term of affection. Nigger is a term of derision. Both are extremely popular with the majority of black people but there is a distinction
No, there are lines like, "Nigger, please", that have been extant among blacks for years.
Nigga is just the hip hop spin.
Does this extend to Choom, who dissed Catholic education because it "divides people and blocks peace"?
What's amazing about that is that he felt that he could give concrete advice to the people of Northern Ireland like that.
it was OK, since only people from Southern Ireland came here to build the Intercontinental Railroad.
And they were Jewish.
PS Epitaph is what goes on your tombstone.
Epithet is a nasty thing someone calls you.
Use a nasty enough epithet and it may end up your epitaph.
Maybe Bourdain had a point.
Appalling, but also hilarious on many levels.
Awww, another Dem lets the mask slip.
How cute!
Lessons on how to kill your own career by Paula Dean.
Obviously, you shouldn't use the n-word. Even idiots know that.
I'm anti-tripwire. People love tripwires today. It's a Rube Goldberg outrage machine. It proves you're so moral.
Mostly whites like them for nigger, as if blacks couldn't handle the word, like cunt used to be to women.
Maybe people ought to say nigger and cunt all the time just to clear away the tripwire network.
I get worn out listening to it, or rather waiting for it to end so people can exhibit any interesting idea again.
I don't hear or say either word in real life but it's all over the official media all the time.
I suspect a narrative is being pandered to or with that we'd be better off without.
Barthelme, Snow White, has the nicest use of cunt in English, by the way. We need more of that kind of thing.
The Bounty Hunter's wife said worse than that and they're back on cable, sad to say.
Besides, Ms Deen's crowd is a lot less concerned about how it plays on Lexington Ave.
I don't even say the word "Nigeria" anymore. If it happens to come up in Conversation I say "the N-Country in Africa."
For those considering the wisdom of the "Blacks call each other nigga, so white people can call black people nigger" argument, you may wish to experiment on a single family member first before using it at parties and at work.
Barthelme, Snow White, has the nicest use of cunt in English, by the way. We need more of that kind of thing.
As far as I know, cunt is not verboten on the other side of the pond.
No she won't be OK, even with Democrats. What a way to end a carreer, diabetes didn't do it, but her big racist mouth did. Too bad, I enjoyed her restaurant in Savannah.
I've not yet offended a Japanese when I roll out "Ninja, please."
The birdseed industry caved in the early 90s, renaming niger seed nyjer.
They saw the tripwires.
Is the country still there?
So many of my DXCC-intended African countries from the 50s are no longer there.
Pssst. No one tell Betamax about Niger.
The birdseed industry caved in the early 90s, renaming niger seed nyjer.
So Niger Morgan played for the Brewers?
What's worse than men in shorts?
(oh and I like men in shorts. Just re-think the socks)
Have you actually ever interacted with black culture?
She's far too niggardly with her time.
Maybe she was thinking about the little rascals gang.
Inga said...
No she won't be OK, even with Democrats. What a way to end a carreer, diabetes didn't do it, but her big racist mouth did. Too bad, I enjoyed her restaurant in Savannah.
The Demos will love her.
Everything they do to blacks is for their detriment.
PS I'll bet her restaurant doesn't lose that much business.
EMD said...
Have you actually ever interacted with black culture?
She's far too niggardly with her time.
They tried to jump on Reagan when he used that word, but he wouldn't play their game.
PS I take it "interacting with black culture" is different from interacting with black people.
The first is what white Lefties do.
As a child of the mid 50's Deep South and the son of a Naval Aviator, if I had ever let the "N" word slip from my mouth my head would still be spinning from the slap my momma would most certainly have dished out.
The rules are different for military kids. I grew up on air force bases and have heard several other adult brats - black and white - say they never experienced racism until they lived off base in a non-military community.
EMD, only directed at men. I've not seen it directed at women. And if I did see it, that would mean they are also calling that woman a big hairy galumphing man.
They tried to jump on Reagan when he used that word, but he wouldn't play their game.
You're misremembering it.
Oh look, the University of Wisconsin!
EMD, only directed at men. I've not seen it directed at women. And if I did see it, that would mean they are also calling that woman a big hairy galumphing man.
You're probably correct, you cunty bastard.
I'm all for free speech, or free wedding motif's what have you. The 1935 movies were made then and they will stay made (and will still be avilable). Nothing you or anyone else can do will change that.
1935 was nearly 80 years ago, a body can forget details in that length of time. Good Grief, as CB would say.
EMD said...
They tried to jump on Reagan when he used that word, but he wouldn't play their game.
You're misremembering it.
No, I'm not.
As I say, Reagan didn't play the game Uncle Saul expected the other side to play it.
Southern cooking is a niche market for Deen.
The southern ladies are used to respect by their workers, and using skin color as a caste system ientifier was taught them from birth.
That all changed after MLK days some 50 years ago. But Deen is boldly unchanged to the point of stupid when she assumes that she can still get away with that attitude in the public.
Deen seems to be avering to keeping the N word only for low class black workers as dintinguished from nice black workers who respect her. But it's still racism.
You're misremembering it.
No, I'm not.
Are you sure?
The Gold Digger, that is true. I recall the scene in the first grade of my dad explaining that to my brother and me. In the car. It was dark and I'm in the back seat with my brother up front, my dad goes, "You know that thing you do when you're picking teams?" My brother said, "Yeah." Dad goes,"You have to stop saying that." Barry goes, "Why?"
"Because it has a bad word in it."
"Which one?"
"Catch a _____by the toe, that one."
"Which one?"
"Because it is a very offensive word to call people and Daddy works with people who would be very offended by that. And you will be going to school with people who will be very offended by that so stop saying that, it is a bad thing to say."
"Well what then?"
"One potato two potato three potato four..."
HA! Got me. See, now that's funny.
If racism as a disease then Paula Deen is at least a threefer.
Ate at her restaurant two months ago. Lotta "those" people working there and eating there.
It's a roll up your sleeves and chows down situation.
It's fucktards like this hideous butterball that induce people to vote for a guy like Obama to disassociate themselves from the rancidness.
Paula Deen is a Democrat, so she'll probably be okay. - Ann
Well, today she is an honorary Republicam.
"I agree. And here's a fucking thing I want to say: Obviously, you shouldn't use the n-word. Even idiots know that.'
Only "certain" people are not allowed to use the "N" word. If you are problemo. If you are a Spanish language teacher, you'd better not use the word for black the school room or you will get raked over the black coals. The burns.
As to the tap dancing by blacks as a stereotype. Sometimes things are actually what they seem. See this clip from Riverdance and compare tap dancing styles and ponder where the origin of tap dancing came from in the Americas.
Ha! I was just about to say Republicans will now flock to her restaurant, thanks NoNo.
I have learned that fat liberal nurses are retarded.
White people cannot say ... that word.
Black people can and do so all the time.
What is the rule for brown (Hispanic) and yellow (hey, can I say that? - Asian) people?
Put on your Howard sock, silly woman. I feel a bout of sexism coming on.
I have learned that racist fat misogynist troglodytes, such as NoNo are losers whose wives divorce them, for good reason, no doubt.
Should we be a little skeptical that the most outrageous quote came not from the court deposition, but from an article in the National Enquirer?
I'll trust their news section over the NY Times.
Howard isn't my sockpuppet dumbass, mine were only females.
ndspinelli said...
Father Fox, Can you hear my confession in this venue?
Was that meant to be a serious question?
If so, the answer is no. I can explain why if you want.
EMD said...
You're misremembering it.
No, I'm not.
Are you sure?
Inga said...
Ha! I was just about to say Republicans will now flock to her restaurant, thanks NoNo.
No, the Demos will.
The rural ones because they'll still love her and the urban ones so they can feel the umbrage.
The She Devil of the SS has never been South?
She'd be right at home in a lot of places.
You forgot ageist, lookist, and cat-hater, old slut.
[My sockpuppets] were only females.
LOL. As a said, you're not the sharpest tack in the box.
PS Weren't all those terrible old stereotyped stepin fetchit movies made back when the Solid South was a Democrat preserve?
Y'know, when that great liberal FDR was President?
And weren't all those movies made by good old liberal Hollyweird made that way because they didn't want to "offend" the South?
Yeah, she'll be OK.
I work in the ultimate diversity neighborhood in South Los Angeles. It's 24% black, 24% white, 26% Asian and 37% hispanic of all races. It might be the most evenly diverse place in the country. There is only one racial epithet I ever hear, and it's only whites who avoid it. It's a white cultural thing. I like that whites avoid it, I just wish it was done more evenly.
Silly man, I never denied having them, what a dumbass! LOL!
I however, don't use them, unlike you.
If Paula pisses you off, you can just call her "a great big fat person". There - we're all even. Now lets get cooking some food.
There is only one racial epithet I ever hear, and it's only whites who avoid it. It's a white cultural thing. I like that whites avoid it, I just wish it was done more.
I have found that Asians, South Americans, and even Europeans (especailly EE) are much more racist than any white American I have ever met. I have come to the conclusion that the US is the least racist country on the face of the planet. Ironically, the rest of the planet is convinced we are the most racist.
This will never change, because we are home to such dingbats as the nurse and other oikophobics that happily feed the smug attitudes of the rest of the world.
It just goes to show you never can win /facepalm
And. The teacher herself is black. Gee..... I thought that they all got a pass on using the N word, not to mention using the word negro which is the Spanish word for the color black.
Next thing.....feminists getting all bent out of shape because the Spanish language sorts its nouns out by gender. The must be stopped.
You are incoherent, nurse.
And stop using "silly" as an epithet. I have trademarked it.
Troglodyte, go make fire, I invented it.
Spanish word for a black person was “moreno"
Woah!!! I wonder what Rita has to say about that!!!
OK. So you are a Homo Habilis, nurse. I knew you were old, but really. I guess you can add "speciesist" to the list now.
Why don't you shut up NoNo, this thread isn't about us, it's about Paula Deen. Now stay on topic, I know it's hard poor troglodyte, go hunt beast.
bagoh20 said...
I work in the ultimate diversity neighborhood in South Los Angeles. It's 24% black, 24% white, 26% Asian and 37% hispanic of all races.
I think you mean 27% Hispanic.
Nomennovum said...
There is only one racial epithet I ever hear, and it's only whites who avoid it. It's a white cultural thing. I like that whites avoid it, I just wish it was done more.
I have found that Asians, South Americans, and even Europeans (especailly EE) are much more racist than any white American I have ever met.
I think you have a point there. Back in the days of the depths of the Cold War, when the Russkies would bring radicals from all over the Third World for degrees in extreme community organizing at Patrice Lumumba University, there were all manner of stories of the Africans being beaten up on the streets by the Russians.
Inga said...
Why don't you shut up NoNo, this thread isn't about us, it's about Paula Deen. Now stay on topic, I know it's hard poor troglodyte, go hunt beast.
No, the She Devil of the SS makes every thread all about her.
If you don't agree with her, you must be banished.
Why don't you shut up NoNo, this thread isn't about us ....
Your hypocrisy detector is not very effective, is it?
Shhhh, see now you've awoken the great mastodon known as Edutcher.
[T]here were all manner of stories of the Africans being beaten up on the streets by the Russians.
The Japanese would rather go extinct that allow gaijin to settle on their soil.
They have no naturalization process.
Inga said...
Shhhh, see now you've awoken the great mastodon known as Edutcher.
Clearly, the She Devil does not multitask, as this the 4th harpoon I've shot into her.
"The Inga Zone #9": Chirbit
Wow, I have my own series, thanks Chickie!
Blacks seem to be much more comfortable with southern whites than they are with northern whites so I guess all the "racist" Paula Deens are doing something right. Next step would be for blacks to return the compliment, behaviorally speaking. Not holding my breath.
Writ Small asked: Should we be a little skeptical that the most outrageous quote came not from the court deposition, but from an article in the National Enquirer?
And I answer: Yes, not that that will stop anyone.
In my thankfully limited experience with such outlets, such claims, when they print them, are always surrounded with things like "a source said", or the like.
So they can say anything at all, but have the convenient defense of "just saying what was reported to us".
Trashy, but also perfectly legal.
ricpic said...
Blacks seem to be much more comfortable with southern whites than they are with northern whites so I guess all the "racist" Paula Deens are doing something right. Next step would be for blacks to return the compliment, behaviorally speaking. Not holding my breath.
Blacks know southern whites will give it to them straight (no pun), they also know a lot of Northern whites (mostly like the She Devil) are hypocrites.
Blacks are the same way.
I am wearing shorts, and if you don't mind my saying so, I look fabulous. Bicycling and weight lifting.
I feel for the anti-legite women. So sad, their hatred.
Paul Deen? A woman who became successful without help from the government. A non-victim.
Therefore, she has to be destroyed.
Ever see the show about her business? The one where they took a camera into the kitchen of her food empire? Probably 90% of her employees are black; many have been with her more than 25 years. She knew every name, asked about babies and grandbabies, etc. Paid for some of them to attend chef school. Pretty good person, it would seem. Take that other stuff with a grain of salt.
Before retiring, my last place of employment had 165 employees, 150 of whom were black. Nigga and nigger were commonly used, as was honky emeffer, chink, Asian Lady and Mexie. No one sued.
Liberals need to get out more. The world isn't as they envision it.
Arrested Development is a very racist show, but literally no one points that out.
It's hilarious, but racist
The world isn't as they [ the liberals] envision it.
That is the understatement of the millennium. This is why the most common word out of their mouths when they see the effects of the multitudinous plans is "unexpected."
PS When I said, "Blacks are the same way", I meant in the sense of many Northern blacks being of the professionally and perpetually offended variety, but who will talk of Hymietown, etc.
That is the understatement of the millennium. This is why the most common word out of their mouths when they see the effects of the multitudinous plans is "unexpected."
Injustice everywhere, but with enough money and power, an attainable utopia within reach ... blinded to the fact that the world we own is pretty damn amazing.
Allen, I am only 53, but my experience is the same as yours.
Nice talking with you pal.
It would be a tragedy for all humanity if disapproval of Paula Deen should bleed over to disapproval of deep fried food. In the end she should be remembered for her recipes and not a few ill chosen words........My hunt for the elusive Higgs Bosun, leaves little time for proper awareness of celebrity chefs, but her comments about a slave wedding are so over the top one wonders if they weren't directed more at herself, in a kind of self parodying way, than at blacks.......If she hires a black person to manage her restaurant isn't that a kind of affirmative defense against racism.
Airdog, I concur about gator. I have heard from people I respect that fresh gator, cooked right, is actually quite good. And I enjoy frog legs on occasion, but it is difficult for me to get past the oysters to get past the boiled crab to get past the crawfish to get to the gator when I am down in the bayou.
I worked with a quite smart black teen who could not pronounce the n word correctly, and it was causing her social distress. People would tease her about her overly Caucasian pronunciation. It was honestly a difficult problem to solve, both in terms of how you accomplish it and dealing with my own feelings that nobody should use the word.
We cracked it when I asked her to say the word, and it came out with too much "er" and sounded forced, and then got her to say it followed by the word "please!"
That worked first time and she never had the problem again. She dropped the "er" and was happy.
Wow, I have my own series, thanks Chickie!
I'm guessing you don't get the nuances of sarcasm?
DBQ, I don't take myself as seriously as you do, lighten up.
I guess not then.
"Or are you claiming that they're all stupid?"
What people know they shouldn't do and what they do are 2 different things.
It's hard for everyone to stop at once, especially if you are in the group that was previously injured by the word and are enjoying the turnabout. Speech is contagious. Try to say something contagious that makes the world better. You could do that. I recommend it.
Try to say something contagious that makes the world better
Impeach Obama.
DBQ wins.
Impeach Choom.
That always wins.
PS Is this a bad time to bring up the Spanish teacher (teacher of Spanish) who was fired for using the word "negro".
I've never gotten what was suddenly wrong with Negro, except that animals like Rap Brown didn't like it.
I'm guessing you don't get the nuances of sarcasm?
Is she gone?
DBQ, I think she just likes the attention.
"Knee Grow" was a post-emergence corn fertilizer applied in early spring. It was intended to accelerate growth to meet Fourth of July expectations.
Amaizing but true.
Arrested Development is a very racist show, but literally no one points that out.
Didn't you just do that?
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you Nobody too?
I recall a certain hypersensitivity displayed towards horrific images of lynchings but passes granted to those deigned decent and righteous.
Tacit support.
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you Nobody too?
No one = Media?
I'm a nobody fo sho.
Sorry I said literally. I am going to avoid that word at all costs. It is now the L-word.
If you want something bad, you have to fight for it. Step up your game, Scott. Break out the L-word.
No, the other L-word.
Sayeth Darcy: And since it was brought up again, I continue to support men wearing shorts. I'm a leg lady.
I <3 Darcy. Says Mr. Chicken Legs. . . .
Black people's use of "nigga" is stupid but it's also ridiculous to equate that with a priveleged white lady who epitomizes the last dying breath of old Southern culture, openly admitting that she wanted some dressed up niggers to perform in slave roles at her wedding.
No, what's stupid is having to go through the entire "Who? Whom?" line of thought before deciding if something is offensive or not. If nigger is a bad word, then it's a bad word no matter who says it. If it isn't a bad word, I don't give a fuck who says it.
If nigger is a bad word, then it's a bad word no matter who says it. If it isn't a bad word, I don't give a fuck who says it.
I understand, but one word means a man who is black, and the other means a man who is black like you.
I understand, but one word means a man who is black, and the other means a man who is black like you.
It can't be as simple as that. Otherwise it wouldn't be able to define it without offending. Follow?
Yes. Note that I didn't use either word when defining them. So, I didn't offend anyone. Neat trick, eh?
Hi Anthony. Hehehe. Chicken legs are just fine!
No Chickie, he is incapable of such logic.
So is this just the Enquirer saying that Paula Deen made these wedding suggestion comments? I read the article, and it refers to deposition testimony where she admits to having used racial epithets and Paula gives an example - but the Enquirer gives no evidence to the other alleged remarks. It's all being lumped into one, and that's wrong.
@Inga: As a European-American, you should get why some labels divisive and unnecessary.
I do.
Paula Deen is from Georgia, not Tennessee!
-a Tennessean
I just went out and bought everyone of Paula Dean's cookbooks.
Oh and a whole bunch of butter.
Also fair warning.
I will be starting a sentence in every comment from now on with "Oh and."
Because the politically correct nudnicks don't get to tell you how to speak.
@ Althouse
"I agree. And here's a fucking thing I want to say: Obviously, you shouldn't use the n-word. Even idiots know that."
Personally I don't use it because there are better ways to describe people. But it's pretty hard to get worked up over a word when it is in widespread use by millions of people.
Don't you find that to be the case as well? Doesn't it seem rather ridiculous to be so hard-ass about using the N- when it's used as much as many other people use the more ubiquitous pause?
I've said before that the popular use of the word is "nig-gah, and although it is a minor difference in pronunciation it is a huge difference in context. You will not hear blacks today using the word "nig-ger" ever.
A bit OT...but Chip Ahoy, thanks for using the seldom heard word galumphing. Brought back memories of our late beloved dog "Ari" who we also referred to as "Big Galumphy" for is shaggy hair coat and bounding stride.
"Catch a _____by the toe, that one."
Tiger? That's how I learned it.
Yet Lisa Jackson wrote a letter to Paula three months before she quit her job praising both Paula and her brother. She also provides ideas about event planning, like for weddings.
Modern American white men wear shorts all too often and look like overgrown boys when the do so. For all of the diminishment of black men over the years — including calling them "boy" — the stereotype did not have them dressed in shorts.
Don't some White men call themselves "White boys"? It is a term used by blacks to insult White men.
But I do agree strongly with the Althousian crusade against Men in Shorts.And wearing shorts does have racial aspects. It seems like as soon as the temperature gets over 40 degrees you can see plenty of White guys proudly showing off their disgusting legs to the world.
A couple of days ago I saw three!!! different White men riding motorcycles with just a helmet, short sleeve shirt, running shoes and SHORTS!!.
At 0:03 the Athouse Megadome officially explodes!
Notice that for the rest of the clip the director tries to keep the bottom of the shot at near waist level and above.
"racist fat misogynist troglodytes, such as NoNo are losers whose wives divorce them, for good reason"
That's pretty mean you cunty old sow. Don't you know Bitchtits mahal was just diagnosed with a disease?
How ugly. And from a supposed nurse.
Making fun of bitchtits for his wife leaving him is low Inga. How dare you now that his obesity is classified as a disease.
Not as low as when you called that man's child brittle, but still ugly stuff.
I think the internet police may need to be alerted.
I wear shorts to provide myself with a way to maintain a lower body temperature during hot weather. If you've never done a motherfucking bit of working in the summer, well, I guess you'd never understand. So, there's that.
Try to say something contagious that makes the world better
Fuck you.
Thought I'd stop lurking and offer some info about the Spanish words "negro" and "moreno."
Regarding the word "negro," in Spanish, like anything else there are nuances involving context; as with English, much depends on geography and social register. So to say that black people are referred to in Spanish as "morenos" is partly -- but not always -- right. Here's what the dictionary of the Real Academia Española has to say (think of it as Spain's answer to the Oxford English Dictionary): negro: adj. Dicho de una persona: Cuya piel es de color negro.
In other words, the standard way in Spanish to refer to someone or something black is to use the word "negro." Thus, in an interview in Spain's El PaÃs newspaper of a black soccer star who has written a book against racism, the soccer star refers to himself as "negro" and to black people as "personas negras" (
"Moreno" can also be used colloquially to refer to someone of African descent, but that usage is not universal. In Spain, "moreno" is used more often to refer to someone with dark hair or darkish (i.e., not black) skin. Once again, from the RAE: moreno: adj. Dicho de la piel: En la raza blanca, de color menos claro ... adj. coloq. Dicho de una persona: negra. The word derives from "moro," which has its own complcated history and is often considered derrogatory today (at least in American academia).
Regarding shorts: Here in the California Delta it routinely gets over 100 degrees during the summer. Last summer I showed up at a friend's house in pants and when asked why explained that this blogger I read feels that shorts on men is unseemly. They looked at me like I'd grown another head.
I had no idea who Paula Deen was, so I looked her up on Wikipedia. Now I still have no idea who she is or why I'm supposed to give a rat's ass what she says about anything.
I had no idea who Paula Deen was, so I looked her up on Wikipedia. Now I still have no idea who she is or why I'm supposed to give a rat's ass what she says about anything.
She is apparently from the South, revenant. Decent people are supposed to revile such people from the South.
Oh and leave butter out of it. It's a fine dairy product.
The Enquirer? Really??? If it is in the disposition, then it is a self-made tragedy but I think it's BS for money and claiming southern prejudice is easy and Deen is an easy target. Also this wedding nonsense would have been known a lonnng time ago, at least rumored in Savannah, so I think the prosecutor is desperate and what better way than to stir up race hate?
We think of prejudice only in color in America. There is geographical prejudice, especially against the South. They think they are all inbred, unskilled racist hillbillies; people have been taught that as a quick and lazy way to teach about the Civil War (I'm a black woman by the way). Deen's persona fits their stereotype and therefore becomes a target. Meanwhile, Ina Garten cooks with the same creams and butters and she is acceptable even when she ignored some child's Make a Wish list twice because she lives in the Yuppie Hamptons.
I'm tired how much people are loving to hate. I stopped reading gossip blogs because of this fake superiority via nastiness.
And the N-word nonsense, is some inverse form of apartheid and empowerment where blacks can say and do things whites cannot. If the words is so destructive no one should be using it anywhere on this planet - it should not be just a black privilege
Do you suppose if she had said "pickaninnies" instead she would have been alright?
My husband looks fine in shorts. He has great legs.
My favorite Shirley Temple movie is Poor Little Rich Girl. Shirley dances with Bill Robinson in that one, too. They made a terrific team and seemed to share a great affection.
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