June 28, 2013

"Judging from this 'mission' statement, the problem that Tina Gong’s cartoon vagina is supposed to solve is not that women can’t find their genitalia..."

"... but the 'cultural stigma' that makes them feel bad about … doing whatever it is they do with it, as often as Tina Gong does it, which seems to be pretty much all the time."

Writes Robert Stacy McCain, displaying an image that I'm not going to copy here because to my eye, it depicts the female genitalia as a baby. I think it's safe to click over there, but my answer to McCain's wondering how women can be supposed to be so dumb is that this is aimed at children and seems to proceed on the theory that little girls need to learn to play with themselves by perceiving their genitals as baby dolls.

McCain links to Daisy Buchanan at The Guardian, who says it "feels patronising."
Any woman gamely negotiating her neglected areas is probably going to be put off by the colour scheme, which features more pink than a Paris Hilton perfume launch. Similarly, there's something strange and infantilising about the cartoon instructions.
The simple answer is: It's aimed at children. This is what — back in 1994 — people were afraid the Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders was talking about when she said "I think that [masturbation] is part of human sexuality, and perhaps it should be taught" to young people. What we are looking at now are the teaching materials.

Even if this wasn't aimed at children, I would still object to a cartoon that turns the vagina into a baby. It's sexualizing babies! Talk about a cultural stigma that makes you feel bad about it.


Methadras said...

That is one huge clit. Who besides leftists do this kind of thing?

YoungHegelian said...

And isn't that just like those hypergamous chicks: asking to sign up for the Alpha (male)!

Anonymous said...

Do not taunt Happy Fun Vadge.

Rob said...

I guess it's tacos for dinner tonight.

Leland said...


Methadras said...


edutcher said...

Do these Lefty women ever get over themselves and their parts?

Unknown said...

There's already a huge controversy about this game, it seems that a transsexual (pre-op) complained that she feels left out because she's a woman who has a dick instead of a vag.

Revenant said...

Elders was suggesting that children be taught that masturbation is an option (which made me wonder: there are boys who don't know that? Poor bastards).

She wasn't suggesting "how to wank" instruction manuals for kids. That's... kinda creepy. Bordering on kiddie porn, really.

Robert Stacy McCain said...

Yeah, I noticed the criticism from the transsexual, but there was already too much weirdness in the article and that would have been complete overkill.

rhhardin said...

That's a popular merit badge I bet.

rhhardin said...

Masturbari is a deponent verb.

(= Passive in form and active in meaning.)

Is that cool or what.

rhhardin said...

It's the testosterone that the women need, not penis equivalence, if they want to be guys.

bagoh20 said...

Oh come on! Just man up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

...to my eye, it depicts the female genitalia as a baby. I think it's safe to click over there, but my answer to McCain's wondering how women can be supposed to be so dumb is that this is aimed at children and seems to proceed on the theory that little girls need to learn to play with themselves by perceiving their genitals as baby dolls.

To my eye, too.

Professor Chaos said...

Accept it, loser.

Will said...

In the gaming press, all discussion around this has centered around the Gawker-based Kotaku website saying that this game discriminates against women that don't have vaginas. http://kotaku.com/a-game-that-wants-to-teach-women-how-to-masturbate-511971045

bagoh20 said...

Now if I said women were that dumb...

Achilles said...

We need to get this in public schools quick! But no cartoon penises or descriptions of male masturbation because that ends up all gross and sticky.

Wince said...

Look on the bright side: maybe it will get some baby molesters interested in women?