June 15, 2013

"I had a little argument yesterday with a woman who wanted to bring her dog in at the restaurant by showing a card saying her dog is a 'service dog.'"

"As I always understood, a service dog is to help a disabled person, and usually the dog is a German Shepard trainee to help disabled people. But a fucking chihuahua can be a service dog? And on top, that bitch was not disabled. I told her that she is not disabled and that we could get fined by the Department of health by letting a dog in the establishment. She got angry saying that its illegal to ask someone if one is disabled. Still I told her we could get in trouble. Was my action right?"


pm317 said...

We don't need to know how it services her.

Ann Althouse said...

"that bitch was not disabled"

Why should the service dog be disabled?

edutcher said...

Droll, Madame.

Off Wiki

In the United States, the Code of Federal Regulations for the Americans with Disabilities Act which took affect as of March 15, 2011 defines a service animal as "any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual's disability. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to, assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds, providing non-violent protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, assisting an individual during a seizure, alerting individuals to the presence of allergens, retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone, providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities, and helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors

So she may have been telling the truth.

Baron Zemo said...

The service dog thing is a scam. There is a website on the internet that gets you a bogus laminated card that these douchenozzles present so they can take their little rat like piss factories into a store.

The guy did the right thing. You don't want dogs in your store. Dog owners have no sense of proportion or reality. Most of these hipster douches use their dog as replacement for a child. Hey stupid get over it. It's not your baby! It's a fucking dog.

m11_9 said...

Isn't there a new class of service animal with the name 'comfort' in it?


In a world where everything is illegal, unless allowed, I wouldn't be surprised that it were illegal to ask about a disability.

Baron Zemo said...

Would it be cool for all of the students to bring yapping piss factories into class so they could bark throughout the lecture?

I admit that might be an improvement but I doubt Professor Kingsfield would go for that.

Baron Zemo said...

If they really wanted to have a dog in a restaurant they should have just gone to a Korean Barbeque joint.

Bob Ellison said...

I have a "service skunk". He has rabies and bites a lot, and OK, there's the spraying thing, but he's my good friend. He senses when I'm sad, and sprays other people in the face when he senses that.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...


That would be awesome. I would love to have a skunk that sprayed people who pissed me off.

rhhardin said...

Any dog that's well trained ought to be allowed in restaurants.

As in France. A down-stay by the table.

That in turn gives you well socialized dogs, instead of a dog that's never met anybody but their owner.

Palladian said...

The people are a much worse health and sanitation hazard than any dog. Let the dogs in and make the people wait outside.

Anonymous said...

Gotta agree with Baron Zemo here, it's a dog, not a human.

KCFleming said...

This is what happens when words lose their meaning.


All rendered meaningless by meaning anything desired or fashionable.

Carnifex said...

Re: the skunk...

mine would run out of spray. Quickly. Lessee...politicians, libs on general, OWS crowd, illegals, general douchenozzels, the people with handicapped stickers but aren't...geez I could go on forever..guy who takes up 2 parking spaces for his new mustang...I'm gonna need a bigger skunk!

Meade said...

"Why should the service dog be disabled?"

Good point but, abled or otherwise, a service dog is not the same as a service bitch. And a bitch-faced server is a whole other thing.

KCFleming said...

Shit, if a boy can call himself a girl, why can't I call a homeless man my service dog, and let him shit in the store?

AllenS said...

Has anyone else, besides myself, been sprayed by a skunk?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

This service dog scam is bullshit. There this pissy little asshole lawyer who has a service dog for his epilepsy. He takes the dog everywhere and anybody (mostly) children who says hi to the dog he yells at them that the dog is "working" and not to bother the dog because his life "depends" in it. He also has made a little business of suing people for not allowing his service dog to go places.

So I always make a point of talking to the dog and hoping the sucker dies.

Krumhorn said...

Reading the comments at the site, it further crystallizes how big a scam the concept of 'disabilities' has become. As in so many other oh-so well-intentioned public accommodation feel good programs, what started as a means to help truly disabled people has become a farce.

I saw a guy the other day at 6:30 am go to the trunk of his car, pull out his golf clubs, and stride to the starter window from his handicapped parking spot for which he had a tag.

One of the biggest abuses is the burgeoning hoard of social security disability recipients. All it takes to qualify is the will to do so and a well-stocked larder of gall.


Saint Croix said...

It's charity. Any time you help the needy, it's charity. You should do your charity in private, and never try to take credit for it.

For instance, if you think black people need special help, then help them. But shut up about it. Don't tell anybody. Stop bragging about your charity and how good you fucking are.

The modern welfare state is filled with preening liberals who are so proud of their charity. And so we have this rather obscene society where people demand special treatment.

Obviously a blind man needs a dog to help guide him. You allow that without saying anything about it. You keep your charity to yourself.

But the liberal has to parade around and announce how wonderful he is. And, worse, he has to pass laws requiring everybody to be just as wonderful as the liberal. Charity becomes required, induced by the state. People demand their welfare, their special treatment, their "entitlements."

I used to think liberals were right on some things. But when they abandon free speech, equal protection, democracy, I struggle to say anything nice about them at all.

traditionalguy said...

Where does one get fake service dog credentials? They could come in as handy for taking dogs everywhere as the fake Handicap dashboard card does for close in parking spaces.

I believe the motto is, "Nice Cripples Come in Last."

Just kidding.

Titus said...

I read an article about rich people hiring disabled kids in order for their owns brats to get into the front of the line at rides.

The story was on Wait! Wait! on NPR too.

I love NPR.

Titus said...

Most restaurants and businesses in Provincetown let your doggie in their establishments, natch.

You know Ptown.

Chip S. said...

I saw a guy the other day at 6:30 am go to the trunk of his car, pull out his golf clubs, and stride to the starter window from his handicapped parking spot for which he had a tag.

I certainly hope you went up to him and asked, "What's your handicap?"

Chip S. said...

Most restaurants and businesses in Provincetown let your doggie in their establishments, natch.


The dogs only *sniff* each others' asses.

Krumhorn said...

....hmmmmmmm. Come to think of it, I'd love to get me a service animal that will go shag my errant ball out of the deep rough (I'm severely disabled that way) and fetch it up on top of a nice tuft of fairway grass. I'll have to check the rules, but I think that if an animal moves your ball, you are required to play it as it lies.

The others in my foursome will just have to suck it up when I flash my freshly laminated service pooch card. And for bonus points, I can express righteous indignation if they question me about it.

- Krumhorn

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

In one of his wonderful dog books* Jon Katz writes about conning the University of Minnesota into accepting his rambunctious dog as a "therapy dog" because he wanted to bring him along. The con is easy to pull.


* A Dog Year: Twelve Months, Four Dogs, And Me. Be sure to use the Althouse Amazon link if you decide to check it over and maybe buy it.

edutcher said...

The Blonde has a crippled parking sticker because of her knees and her ankle.

Given the uneven terrain in a lot of parking lots, the farther she has to go, the greater the risk of falling.

I'm sure some stickers are a scam, but, just because the handicap isn't visible, doesn't mean it's not there.

PS Even a small dog can be taught to sniff out all sorts of things that might make someone faint.

Krumhorn said...

Chip s.....good 'un!


Meade said...

Chip S. said...
I certainly hope you went up to him and asked, "What's your handicap?"
Too many stokes.

cdw said...

In Ontario we have a few folks with non traditional service animals. Once psychotic bed wetter has a parrot on his shoulder, and if the parrot cant be with him, he has a meltdown and the world ends. There is a lunatic woman in Ottawa that has a service ferret, that has to be inside her coat or her self esteem plummets. Some folks just cant die soon enough.

Titus said...

We won't summer anywhere that isn't dog friendly.

Dogs need to summer too and I would feel too guilty leaving him behind.


KCFleming said...


The abuse of the system degrades its value; and all disabled become suspect.

Yet another way lefties foment Balkanization and diminish charitable feelings to the disabled and poor. Obamaphones, for example.

Gene said...

I remember stopping by a pub in London on a cold wet winter's night. There was a fire in a little alcove and a dog asleep under a man's stool at the bar. Very cozy and relaxed.

The dog was a big black lab or something of the sort. Quiet and good mannered. If it had been a little white psychotic dog that couldn't stop barking I hope the pub owner would have had the good sense to shove a poker up his butt.

Gene said...

I remember stopping by a pub in London on a cold wet winter's night. There was a fire in a little alcove and a dog asleep under a man's stool at the bar. Very cozy and relaxed.

The dog was a big black lab or something of the sort. Quiet and good mannered. If it had been a little white psychotic dog that couldn't stop barking I hope the pub owner would have had the good sense to shove a poker up his butt.

Palladian said...

Pogo said...
This is what happens when words lose their meaning.


All rendered meaningless by meaning anything desired or fashionable.

Pogo, you know I love you, but please don't descend into self-parody like so many others around here.

Palladian said...

Any dog is definitely less of a threat to public health and sanitation than the average summer resident of Provincetown.

edutcher said...

Palladian said...

Pogo, you know I love you, but please don't descend into self-parody like so many others around here.

Maybe the one descending into self parody is you.

JAL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

Food stores in New York City are allowed to have cats inside, which is disgusting. Cats are like roaches, though less intelligent.

I'd be much happier to see a dog inside a food store than a cat.

Palladian said...

Maybe the one descending into self parody is you.

You're a Muppet of self-parody, darling.

Renee said...

Most service dogs, while in public (supermarket) wear something that states they are working and please not to pet.

Makes it easier for everyone.

Palladian said...

Baron Zemo said... "Would it be cool for all of the students to bring yapping piss factories into class so they could bark throughout the lecture?"

Inga said... "Gotta agree with Baron Zemo here, it's a dog, not a human."

Inga yaps and pisses and barks more than any dog would.

Anonymous said...

Palladian honey pie, quit being such a little biatch. You're going to make me take Edutcher's side, dear God!

Meade said...

I want a service bear. I want a service bear named Tricia. For those times when I'm out in the woods gathering serviceberries.

In fact, I think I have a 2nd amendment right: In order to maintain a well-regulated Tricia my right to bear a serviceberry carrying bear shall not be infringed.

Palladian said...

You're going to make me take Edutcher's side, dear God!

My evil plan is coming together!

Renee said...


There has been this type of abuse of the honor system at amusement parks...

Most amusement parks give kids with disabilities a pass or wrist band that lets you skip to the front of the line. We've successfully done it and Sesame Place and several Six Flags parks and I've heard amazing stories of asd families being treated extra special, like kings at Disney World and other Orlando parks.  At the parks we went to we were told to wait by the exit to the ride and alert an attendant and they would let us right on.  Did we get some dirty looks?  Yes.  Did I care?  No.  And some asd parents will say it’s important to teach our kids that they have to wait like everyone else.   I say, life is hard enough, take the perks when you get them…"

Chip S. said...

I think you'd better name your bear Malicia.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

In California the scam is to get on disability-SSI, so you can collect free money from those people who are actually working.

Once on the disability gravy train, you also get and EBT card filled up with other goodies and food stamps. Rent assistance, the California Gold Card (Medi-Cal) for all your free health care needs.

The icing on the cake is to be classified with your disability so that you need a "service" dog (horse,pig,goat...whatever). That way you get and EXTRA allotment for food stamps for Scruffy the Wonder Dog. MORE FREE STUFF. Then you get to take your pet with you into restaurants, grocery stores, bars....anywhere you can go.

What a life. Free everything and goodies for your little dog too.

Meade said...

Thanks, Chip. I'll use that next time.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Geez.....AN not AND. Stupid fingers (in my best Homer Simpson voice)

Titus said...

Rennee I pointed that out earlier.

SteveR said...

when everyone is disabled no one is disabled

rcocean said...

"In California the scam is to get on disability-SSI, so you can collect free money from those people who are actually working."

And of course, that has nothing to do with the massive immigration that's changed California in the last 30 years.

Kohath said...

Every person in every business should always consult with their attorney before they do anything. Or just shut down the business and apply for food stamps.

jr565 said...

I'm ok with service dogs being allowed in restaurants in theory. Except why aren't service dogs subject to the same call to the Dept of Health ? I'm assuming that you call them becuase dogs tend to be dirty. Are service dogs cleaner than other dogs?
If it's the cleanliness that's at issue and a call to the Health Dept is warranted, perhaps all dogs should be allowed to sit at tables in restaurants or none.
A second thought is, maybe restaurants are a lot dirtier than the health dept lets on in their rush to accomodate people with service dogs.

KCFleming said...

Know what? You're a great guy and I wish I knew you, Palladian.

But you should see how many people want me to sign papers to make them permanently disabled when they are not.

Bullshit everywhere, most especially on the news, so it's hard not to feel like its hell-in-a-handbasket time every day.

Sorry that has become parodic.

Renee said...

@Titus, slightly different. These are parents of disabled kids, not hiring out disable persons. If your child is autistic, wouldn't they freak out on a roller coaster???

Petunia said...

Service dogs are allowed everywhere, unless they misbehave by barking excessively or being aggressive, which hardly ever happens with TRUE service dogs.

Therapy dogs are not allowed everywhere. My Oscar is a therapy dog and we can go to health-care and other facilities that allow him, but I may NOT pretend that he is a service dog.

Sadly, the ADA really dropped the ball on requirements. In their quest to be inoffensive and all-inclusive, the law's authors made it illegal to ask for proof that a dog actually IS a service dog for the person handling it. That failure has made it ridiculously easy for dishonest people to scam the system, and put people who TRULY need a service dog under suspicion because of all the scammers...especially if the TRUE disability is not visible.

Petunia said...

And it's ridiculously easy to get props for the "service dog" scam. Cards can be easily printed up, and service dog vests can be bought online.

ricpic said...

Depends on what kind of disabled. You let a blind man with a cane in your store and next thing you know he's destroyed all your light bulbs. W. C. Fields tried his very best to show us the pitfalls inherent in showing deference to the disabled, but all in vain. No one listens to genius.

Meade said...

"If your child is autistic, wouldn't they freak out on a roller coaster???"

Seems like they would. However, if they are disabled by manic depression, a roller coaster might be just what the doctor ordered.

Meade said...

assuming you could synch the roller coaster properly.

lark said...

There's an excellent reason to restrict access by dogs.
It's an allergy problem. Most allergies to dogs don't cause anything worse than congestion.
But some people have much worse allergies. I have extreme long-term reactions – if I take a breath of the air around a dog, I get sick for about 5 days. I can't think well – it's like I have mud in my head. I'm not able to do much for several days. If a dog is in an enclosed space with me, I'll likely get sick. Some people have breathing problems such as asthma when they are exposed to dogs, and they may have to go to the ER.
I get the best medical treatment I can, but I still have very severe allergies. I have the best facemask available, but facemasks don't filter out much dog dander (the allergen dogs put out). The dander particles are too small and a lot of them go right through the mask.
I am desperately trying to avoid allergic reactions for my long-term health, but with dogs popping up everywhere I go, I'm sick a lot of the time.
Service dogs are being used for more and more purposes. More and more people want to take their dog everywhere, by calling it a service dog or an emotional support dog.
More and more people have allergies and asthma.
Those two trends are colliding with each other.
Even a legitimate service dog is still a hazard to allergic people. As a "medical device" it is defective! Medical devices are not supposed to be hazardous to bystanders.
Service dog owners do not seem to understand this - if they can possibly avoid taking their dog around with them, I suggest doing so. Find some other way to address the problem, a dog is not a good way.
Instead, people go to great lengths to consider their dogs service dogs and to take them everywhere with them.

Auntie Ann said...

I have a friend with a dobie. He's trying to get it tagged as a comfort dog so they can take it in the cabin on airplanes. That's the only reason they're doing it.

Beorn said...

In California there are only two instances where you can bring a service dog into an establishment: (1)you have a disability; or (2) you are a certified service dog trainer.

The dog is not allowed just because it is certified, it must have a purpose (i.e., service or training).

Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

I have extreme long-term reactions – if I take a breath of the air around a dog, I get sick for about 5 days.

You should stay indoors.

Jason Bieber said...

I am hearing impaired, and I'm not eligible for a handicapped sticker for my car (and yet I am legally handicapped!).

I have zero sympathy for fake handicapped people.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

People, there are folks who need service dogs beyond the blind. The deaf, for starters. Service dogs for the deaf tend (why, I don't know) to be Boston terriers, but in any case, small dogs. They aren't the large dogs (usually German shepherds or Labs) trained to assist the blind.

"Comfort animals" are a whole 'nother kettle of (comforting?) fish. But assuming that a dog isn't a necessary, legit service dog because it's not a German shepherd is just ignorant.

somefeller said...

Jason, ask your brother to hire a chauffeur for you. It's the least he can do!

Baron Zemo said...

I am irony impaired. I need a monkey I can take around with me who could turn to me and say "What the fuck."

But edutcher is too busy fighting with people on the internet.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

You Have been Disabled by Age. Let Me Sit On Your Lap and Type Words into the Computer For You. We Will Giggle Together.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I Can Pick Things Up From the Floor For You. I Will Dance Girlishly While Doing So And Wave My Hands High in the Air: it Will be Good For You.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

A Pillow Fight would Be Good Therapy For You: I Will Invite My Friends.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I will Be at Your Service with Knee-High Socks and Cake. You Will Need My Help with the Pink Frosting.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I will Dress You in Pink and Yellow and Test the Lollipop for You.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I Will Wear Furry Pink Bunny Ears to Make You Feel Better. I Will be Your Service Bunny.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

Show Me on the Plush Monkey Where it Hurts.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I tell the The Plush Monkey My Innermost Secrets: do You Want the Plush Monkey to Whisper Them in Your Ear?

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I Will Make Sure All of your Whipped Cream Needs are Serviced Promptly. Everyone Should Have Some Whipped Cream Time.

Anonymous said...

My Girlfriends and I Will Vacuum for You. Pushing the Vacuums Back-and-Forth, Back-and-Forth: it is Healthy to Have Clean Carpet.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

My Girlfriends and I Will Jump Up-and-Down on the Bed For You. Up-and-Down, Up-and-Down: when We Fall on the Bed We Will Kick our Tiny Feet in the Air. This Should Help Ease your Pain.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

My Girlfriends and I Will Share Our Plush Monkeys with You. You Only have to Ask.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

My Girlfriends and I Will Get the Kleenex for You: Stay Put, Mister Man.

Anonymous said...

(Kleenex ordered through the Althouse Amazon Portal, of course)

Anonymous said...

I suffer from social phobia- the fear of being around other people. I recently got Jumpy my service chimpanzee and life is so much better. Now when I want to dine in a restaurant I take a seat then signal Jumpy to fling poo at other patrons thus shooing them away until a reasonable zone of comfort has been established. He is trained to stop at that point. See you at Morton's!

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

Does Mister Man Need Special Dance Time? Joy!

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I Have made a Giant Pink Paper Heart for You: let Me Set it On Your Lap.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

You Have a Lot of Tension that Requires Servicing: Let's Play 'Kitten Party'!

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

I say Meow and You say Meow and I say Meow and Purr Purr Purr Purr: Everyone Loves 'Kitten Party'!

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Service Entertainer Robot says:

After 'Kitten Party' I will Take the Pink Plastic Lint Roller and Roll it Along Your Legs: it is Only Fair.

Meade said...

"(Kleenex ordered through the Althouse Amazon Portal, of course)"

tears of lol.

donald said...

I want one for my cat. She makes me feel better and hates it when I'm not home.

stlcdr said...

Auntie Ann said...

I have a friend with a dobie. He's trying to get it tagged as a comfort dog so they can take it in the cabin on airplanes. That's the only reason they're doing it.

Step 1. Learn to fly.
Step 2. Buy your own airplane.
Step 3. Take as many guns, nail clippers and dogs on your plane as you can.

Real American said...

clearly she suffers from acute narcissism. The mere presence of the dog alerts everyone else that she has this mental disorder.

The Chronically Fabulous Consumer Reviewer said...

some of you people are disgusting, others just terribly ignorant.
Not all disabilities are visible. An example is a psychiatric condition. Or the animal could be a seizure alert dog. Yes there are scammers out there and they make life even more of a living hell for us with unseen disabilities who use smaller dogs as service animals. Why a small dog? I live in a small house, my living room and kitchen are all one room and the house itself is only 500sq feet. Social Security does not provide for mansion living. Also, small dogs eat less. When you're on a limited income, this is cost effective.

The hostility I deal with on a daily basis when running out to the grocery store to pick up meds, or grab dinner is hurtful! It makes me not want to leave my house at all because of the way people treat me!

Please stop. This is why people like us commit suicide! Life is hard enough for us. We wait for years to find a service dog (they are thousands of dollars because their training is so extensive). They are supposed to make our lives better. And as long as I stay in my home as a prisoner it does, but as soon as I leave my house and deal with the hateful remarks from people like you I'm right back where I was without her. I don't want to leave my house. I have nothing to live for because I have no life. Thanks a lot.

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