June 10, 2013

"He called me BRASSBANNER, a code name in the double-barreled style of the National Security Agency... Verax was the name he chose for himself, 'truth teller' in Latin."

In the style of the National Security Agency...

Also the style of "Special Agent" Phillip Sheppard from "Survivor"...
2 takes on Phillip and nicknaming. Malcolm says "ridiculous":

Cochran tries to extract meaning:

If you want to know who had the better insight, click here to see who won the season.


Robert Cook said...

Hmmm...the reporter states he did not "literally believe" Snowden's assertion that U.S. Intelligence agencies would kill anyone it believed to be the single point of failure of security.

This guy is too naive to be a reporter if he does not believe our government will kill anyone it wishes, (or that it has not already done so). Heck, Obama has already claimed he has that unilateral power of life or death as "commander in chief."

edutcher said...

Oh, the brave crusading WaPo, speaking truth to power, just like Woodstein did 40 years ago.

These guys have been reading too much LeCarre.

Mary Beth said...

The English major who didn't know what attache was.