June 15, 2013

At the Saturday Night Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


edutcher said...

That's gorgeous, Madame.

What type of flower, if I may ask?

PS Sarah Palin on Syria, "Let Allah sort it out".

Tim said...

Day 4295 since 9-11.

Quiet day, as the NSA could tell you, or would tell you , if they could.

A few comments here; put some furniture up for sale on Craigslist, texted some buds while at Total Wine buying tequila and Cointreau for margaritas, exchanged a few emails, some on my work account. Cruised a few internet sites. Some suspect in the eyes of the IRS, no doubt, given their sensitivities toward the Tea Party.

Otherwise, 4,295 days without contact with any al Qaeda or other anti-American terrorists. I don't think that will change tomorrow, or the next day, or next week, next year or next decade, but the NSA watches, still.

Hi Guys!

Go Fuck Off!

chickelit said...

Let Allah sort it out

Pitch perfect!

pm317 said...

People keeping up with what is going on in Turkey? You won't hear anything from the media.

pm317 said...

Let Allah sort it out

I agree. She comes up with these perfect one liners.

chickelit said...

Unfortunately, we have CiC who feels he needs to express his muslim boner fides, so he must take a stand.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I saw a bobcat while driving home this evening. Bigger than I expected.

edutcher said...

So are a lot of things these days.

NSA listening to domestic phone calls without warrants?

El Pollo Raylan said...

Unfortunately, we have CiC who feels he needs to express his muslim boner fides, so he must take a stand.

Maybe that's why he had the IRS target, infiltrate, and harass Christian churches.

But the mosques are sacrosanct.

Chip Ahoy said...

Have a t.v.? They're running a Well's Fargo commercial that begins with a man and a woman walking on the sidewalk toward the camera, urban scene, both are carrying groceries and the greens in the guys bag are hanging out limply like totally 100% wilted, I don't know, something that should be bushy like Swiss chard and it looks like limp dishrags hanging out of the bag like they were shooting the commercial all day and nobody thought of how disgusting the vegetables look and when you see them you go, "Ewwwwwwwwwwww."

Chip Ahoy said...

With the sourdough pet you must feed it regularly to keep it fit and discard it regularly as well to keep it in line, but instead of tossing some each feeding you can do things with it like pretzels, tortillas and little loaves and such while the possibilities are worked out with the particular culture. It does not behave as forgivingly as regular bread dough does from single-organism type commercial yeast. So little experiments then along the way as the culture is developed to full ferocity with what would otherwise be discarded portions.

It did show the best way to go is wet dough into rocket hot closed clay cloche. But that precludes shaping the loaf. Doughs that wet preclude reasonable shaping, you just have to deal with what you get because it's like a wet sticky unwieldy gelatinous sack and the temperature of things around you is 500F. Best to wear shoes.

somefeller said...

She comes up with these perfect one liners.

And in other reality TV show star news, Kim Kardashian had a baby today. Any news on what the people from the last season of Survivor are up to?

pm317 said...

somefeller said...
Fucking media which made Obama from nothing broke Palin who did have something to offer. It is a surprise and credit to her strength that she is still standing where she is. People like you are too stupid to understand.

somefeller said...

It is a surprise and credit to her strength that she is still standing where she is.

It's no surprise. The Reality TV market is booming and she is attractive to a certain audience, not unlike Kim Kardashian and the people on Buckwild. She's a natural star that way, especially as long as she stays on the good side of Roger Ailes.

People like you are too stupid to understand.

I know. Sarah Palin's genius is beyond the understanding of so many of us. She's like Esther. Or Job. Or Esther if she had a Reality TV Job.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

pm317 said...

Fucking media which made Obama from nothing broke Palin who did have something to offer. It is a surprise and credit to her strength that she is still standing where she is. People like you are too stupid to understand.

They haven't broken her. She gave a big speech tonight and has called out Choom on this idiotic Syria thing. She's alive and well and raising Hell.

As Burl Ives said to Charles Bickford (paraphrase), "She's stuck in their craw and they can't spit her out."

somefeller said...

I know. Sarah Palin's genius is beyond the understanding of so many of us. She's like Esther. Or Job. Or Esther if she had a Reality TV Job

She's a lot shrewder than the Baghdad Bob of Althouse would like to admit. Smarter than him in all probability.

She's done more to turn the public against BarryCare than anyone else, including the Silver Haired Angel of Death. and it's one of the things that's turning the country against him.

That's why he has to throw some snark her way

pm317 said...

I pity you and your ilk and I am not even a fan or supporter of Palin. Intellectual honesty and objectivity are concepts alien to you, it looks like.

somefeller said...

I pity you and your ilk and I am not even a fan or supporter of Palin.

Funny, you sure sound like a fan or supporter of Palin. It's okay, you can admit it. America is a big country with room for all kinds of people. Like latter-day Palin fans and Bronies.

Intellectual honesty and objectivity are concepts alien to you, it looks like.

This line is funny when you realize it's linked to Sarah Palin. And it's even funnier when you think of it said using the voice of Yoda.

Anyway, nothing wrong with fandom. It keeps the entertainment industry up, running and job creating.

pm317 said...

edutcher said.

yeah, I should have said, they tried to break.. but still her electoral prospects look dim right now. Party elites on both sides and the media are the gatekeepers and there are enough low information voters to keep them in business.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Has anybody seen On The Ice (2012)?

I'm striking out on Netflix all too often these days.

I start to watch something that's supposedly good and about a half hour into it, it fails to hold my interest.

On The Ice looks good.

edutcher said...

pm317 said...

yeah, I should have said, they tried to break.. but still her electoral prospects look dim right now. Party elites on both sides and the media are the gatekeepers and there are enough low information voters to keep them in business.

She's been rehired by Fox News, she's contemplating a Senate run, and all these scandals make someone like her look a whole lot better than most of the slugs in DC.

I think she's made for better things than the Senate; make her chair of the RNC and give her a chance to clean out things.

Take a look at this and smile.

pm317 said...

Let Allah sort it out

pm317 said...

edutcher said...

Problem for Palin is not just the Dem media, it is the Bush clan and a lot of other Republicans. Sure she seems to have people support but there is not much support from the establishment (whatever that means) guys.

edutcher said...

As I said in another post, the RINOs (and sad to say, that has come to include George and Barbara Bush) have pretty much gone over to the Demos to try to stop the Tea Party, that's how desperate they are.

Problem is with that, these scandals will probably end up tarring the DC crowd, including a lot of Republicans. And the public is going to want someone to clean up the mess when things really get bad and I think Miss Sarah's going to be one of the beneficiaries of that.

That is one strong woman, a self-made woman unlike Moochelle or Hillary! or most of the other "feminists" out there.

Her story isn't over yet

Bob Ellison said...

It seems to me that Peter King, a member of Congress and all that, should not be talking about individual people pooping.

pm317 said...

There is a name for liberals' affliction: Pathological Altruism. Cure BTW, is not more Obama phone.

traditionalguy said...

We saw The Great Gatsby (2013 version in 3D) tonight.

One of the kids had warned us that they did not like it, and the 1973 version with Robert Redford was better.

That was totally wrong. This is the first version of Gatsby that gets it. The story of Gatsby's personality is the central part of the story. It is not a Love Story. It is a story about a good common man trapped and killed by young love and dreams of a good family into the selfish web of some rich folks.

The cars roared too much through traffic and the Gatsby parties were too far over the top, but can be forgiven as a way to sell it to the young folks in the trailers. But Actors are very good, and the story told by the film does an excellent job of following Fitzgerald's genius.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

I am Kneeling in a Garden of Red and Blue Flowers in My Short Schoolgirl Skirt, Digging in the Soil with My Yellow Plastic Shovel. Grow, Little Flowers, Grow!

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

The Beautiful Young Flowers Love the Songs Me and My Girlfriends Sing to Them: we Dance with Girlish Abandon, swinging Pink Feather Scarves. We Will Make you Grow Straight and Strong.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

My Girlfriends and I Spray Water on Each Other from the Garden Hose. It is Innocent Fun in Celebration of Life, and Water Droplets Cling to our Trim Pale Thighs.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Sometimes we get Tingly Tingle Goosebumps. Then My Girlfriends and I Dry Each Other with the Fuzzy-uzziest of Lime Green Towels: it is Good to Be Young and Free.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

My Girlfriends and I Put Flowers in Each Other's Hair as you Watch from Your Window. It is OK for You to Watch: the Garden is for Celebration.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Sometimes My Girlfriends and I Have a Tickle Party in the Garden. We Giggle and Hide our Faces in Our Hands but Peek Between Our Fingers. It is Fun to Play Innocent Games.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Sometimes My Girlfriends after Our Tickle Party in the Garden we Pour Water on Each Other From Pink Plastic Watering Cans with Long Pink Spouts: it is Refreshing after a Frolic.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

The Neighbors All Watch Our Tickle Parties from Behind Their Windows. They Should Come Out into the Sunshine: the Day is a Gift.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Sometimes We Tickle Ourselves With Flowers from the Garden. Fresh Petals Feel Good Along the Skin, and We Giggle Some More and Dance.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Sometimes We Wear Fuzzy Pink Bunny Ears and Hop About the Garden Pretending we are Cute Fuzzy Rabbits: it is Fun to Pretend.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Wouldn't it Be Wonderful to Play in a Garden Full of Plush Carrot Toys and Cucumbers? We Think So.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

I Think of The Flowers Growing into Big Strong Boys who Will Smile when I Dance: it is Wonderful to Dream.

Freeman Hunt said...

There are people who think The Great Gatsby is a love story? I bet they're the same people who liked Love Story.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

I Would Cover Their Wiggling Toes with Soil while in My Short Skirt and Knotted White Shirt. Grow, Flower-Boy, Grow!

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Some People Think it Odd to Garden in Short Skirts and Pearl Necklaces: We Say if You are Going to Garden then Make it a Garden Party.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Flowers Sing with Their Colors if You Listen With Your Eyes. Our Thighs are Creamy White.

KCFleming said...

Netflix: Behind the Burly-Q.

A history of burlesque. Starring Alan Alda(!), among others.

All I got out if it is, 'life is really weird and sad sometimes.'
I gather that wasn't the intent, if there was one.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Love is a Garden, and a Garden Tickle Party Makes Love Happy.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

We Lay Back on the Fresh-Cut Grass and Stare Up at the Puffy White Clouds. When One Cloud Looks Particularly like a Fuzzy White Rabbit we Make a Secret Rabbit Wish.People Should Take the Time to make Special Rabbit Wishes More Often.

KCFleming said...

Alan Alda grew up behind the burlesque curtain, like Bob Fosse in All That Jazz.
How very strange.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

One Day My Wish Cloud Rabbit slowly Changed into a Cuddly Kitten: it was The Very Best-est of Days.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

I Have Cartoon Kittens on My Special Dance Underwear. I named the Orange Kitty Oscar.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

I Believe Orange Kitty Oscar likes to Dance. I Picture Him Hopping Up and Down with Me as I Move, Best Friends. Sometimes He Gets a Peek at the Garden on a Breezy Day.

Browndog said...

pm317 said...

People keeping up with what is going on in Turkey? You won't hear anything from the media.

Yep. Saw it on CNN International.

Apparently they've been invaded by penguins with no place to shop.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Sometimes My Girlfriends and I Eat Cotton Candy in the Garden: Sure it Gets Us Sticky, But Being Sticky Can be Fun Too, and it Is So Good to Get Squeaky Clean.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Eating Bananas Dipped in Chocolate Can Be Sticky, too. Life is Too Short to Worry about Brief Moments of Stickiness.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

Sometimes when there are Bees in the Garden My Girlfriends and I Dress in Yellow and dance around Making Buzzing Noises: Buzz-buzz-buzz, Buzz-buzz-buzz. The Flowers Make Both Us and the Bees Happy, and What Could Be More Special than That?

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

When We Frolic as Busy Buzzing Bees we Sometimes Bump our Bottoms Together and Pretend to Have a Stinger.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

When We Frolic as Fireflies We Rub Our Exposed Thighs Together: it is its Own Kind of Light.

KCFleming said...

The Rabbit Box
Joseph Pintauro

when you were
she lowered her
eyes till
you said something

when you lied,
she blushed a little
& looked out the
she trusted you.
Knowing you were
not as good
as you seemed.
she was often bored.
always rightly so,
her silence had no
fear in it.
her silence
was right.

she expected
but craziness
from us all.

when we were
she liked us

when we landed
on the moon
she laughed,

when we
killed the earth
she just
smiled a little
with it.

Anonymous said...

When we Frolic as ladyBugs we Raise Our Arms into the Air and Flutter and Jiggle our Wings. Doing this Sometimes Exposes our Bare Flat Tummies, But When you are a LadyBug You Cannot Worry about Such Trivial Things.

Anonymous said...

AKB48 Gardening Robot says:

My Girlfriends and I Believe You Can have a Grand Day without Licking Someone's Eyeballs: Tongues are for Licking Ice Cream Cones and Big Missile Pops. Yum!

Anonymous said...

I Think Ann Corrupted Me With that AKB48 Post-and-Video....

edutcher said...

Off Insta:

Feds have been directly tapping fiber optic Internet cables, copies data as it enters and leaves the US.

Point of interest:

Story was written and researched by AP. The same AP that had its phone records seized.

rhhardin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

If a NYT spam offers 12 weeks for 99 cents, do they learn anything from nonreplies?

rhhardin said...

Google translate auto-recognizes "moving van" as Afrikaans, probably spotting the Dutch influence.

Robert Cook said...

"There are people who think The Great Gatsby is a love story?"

There are many people who think a story is only about the plot: the surface events. They don't see subtext, they don't understand the "unreliable narrator," and they see only what they're prepared to see.

This is why a good book rewards rereading, as it will be a different book each time according to who we are when we read it a second multiple times.

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