There needs to be a clear sweeping out of the current politic process as it stands now. It's evolved into an unworkable byzantine grafting exercise in penis politics. Mine is bigger than yours, watch me use it. Oh look, AmnestyCare. Who's got the bigger dick now, nigga, as Obama laughs his ass off at how idiotic both sides are being played.
"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'"
The quote is not from Cicero's actual writing, but from a speech entitled Cicero's Prognosis delivered by Justice Millard Caldwell of the Florida Supreme Court to the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc. see
Obama's next move will be to buy them off with student loan forgiveness. After all, what's another trillion dollars of debt when there are votes to buy?
Robert Cook said... I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
True dat. It could also mean that he's lost his Midas touch for blessing/influencing 2014. Unless he reverses it, people will want to get as far away from him and his ilk as possible.
If it's just personal about Obama, it doesn't make much difference.
And if it's about the bad things he's gotten caught doing, well the next Democratic candidate for President will criticize those bad things, just as Obama did in 2008, so it doesn't make much difference.
Now if you show me evidence that young people have figured out that their best chance for a successful life is to get government off their backs, and the backs of businesses everywhere, to lower taxes and reduce regulation, -- well, then I might think it would make a difference. But I don't think that's going to happen until things get a lot worse.
Now if you show me evidence that young people have figured out that their best chance for a successful life is to get government off their backs, and the backs of businesses everywhere, to lower taxes and reduce regulation, -- well, then I might think it would make a difference. But I don't think that's going to happen until things get a lot worse.
The ACA is going to alienate and piss-off young healthy males like you won't believe. Wait and see.
It's an interesting data point. I've been surprised at how immune Obama has been to all the scandals since Benghazi and I'd about given up that his polls could drop below 47%.
If this trend continues, it means Obama is definitely a lame duck only a half-year into his second term and Dem prospects in 2014 are dimmer.
"It's an interesting data point. I've been surprised at how immune Obama has been to all the scandals since Benghazi and I'd about given up that his polls could drop below 47%."
Nothing about the Democrats or their voters suggests even a hypocrite's passing respect for accountability, so you really should not be surprised.
So what? He can make it bounce back up 17 points next week just by making a cool Youtube mashup on green gay marriage or something. By definition these are very flaky opinions, subject to any old random breeze.
...the future of American politics
What a stupid statement. That's like saying because my 6-year-old says "pasghetti" this is the future of the English language.
People grow up. And the essence of growing up is the maturation of your opinions and values, political and otherwise.
Now if you show me evidence that young people have figured out that their best chance for a successful life is to get government off their backs, and the backs of businesses everywhere, to lower taxes and reduce regulation, -- well, then I might think it would make a difference. But I don't think that's going to happen until things get a lot worse.
Godfather: I generally agree. However, while the young may not connect the more abstract dots, I do believe a generational war is coming. The young will blame the boomers and consequently the party more associated with boomers.
Carl said... "What a stupid statement...People grow up. And the essence of growing up is the maturation of your opinions and values, political and otherwise."
Unfortunately, there will be another crop of flakes to take their place.
Worse, flakes grow old, they don't grow up: baby boomers, and other old folks who voted for you know who twice.
"...I have no confidence in anyone's political acumen who ever voted for Obama, no matter how young."
Now, each race, Obama's opponent was obviously wretched. Obama wasn't obviously wretched in the first race, (although he was a bad bet if you were paying attention). In the second race, Obama's wretchedness was more apparent, but to the masses of voters, habituated to the idea that one must vote, and only for one of the two major party candidates (or else one is "throwing one's vote away"), what were they going to do? When one must choose between two shit sandwiches, one will tend to pick the one whose taste one has gotten use to, or which has the better packaging.
Me? I'd rather "throw my vote away" (and did) and vote for the non-shit sandwich, even if I'll have to eat the shit sandwich everyone else picks.
That 49% would before thay heard his bumbling response to Charlie Rose on surveillance.
A nice quote:
"’d be the FBI — go to a court, and obtain a warrant, and seek probable cause, the same way it’s always been..." Oops. Maybe it sounded better than it reads.
"You mean those links to Counterpunch aren't intended to be ironic?"
Hahahaha! Not in the least, Chip, but I smile and am amused (and amazed!) often when I visit this site, (when I am not appalled). It's like visiting a carnival sideshow: one sees nature's freaks and humanity's dark id all at once!
Ya know, when I was a young person all the camelot crap in the world didn't shake my belief there was something essentially hollow about John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And believe me, the TV and press of the day did the same wall to wall sell job on JFK that they've done for BHO. What's happened that it's so easy to sell a counterfeit?
"What's happened that it's so easy to sell a counterfeit?"
It's always been pretty easy to sell a counterfeit. As we become ever more a non-literate society, responsive only to images, headlines and soundbites, it just becomes easier.
It's especially easy when all the candidates are counterfeits!
Sometimes, when I wonder what Obama looks like from the socialist Left, I turn to Captain Red Robert Cook, plague of the Carribean, savior of the deckhands and swabbies.
Ahoy mateys, here be the means of production working for the people.
A poll. Supposedly some people actually answered the phone when they called. That people would ever believe CNN in the first place is absurd. This poll is about as real as the election results from Philadelphia where almost all of the precincts recorded exactly 0 votes for Romney.
Young *white* people were never as turned on by Obama as nonwhites.
Romney didn't do badly among young whites.
The gap is really racial.
I looked at this new CNN poll and found this:
Economy: 35% of whites approve, 60% of nonwhites approve
Foreign policy: 38% of whites approve, 60% of nonwhites approve
Terrorism: 45% of whites approve,69% of nonwhites approve
Unfortunately, the poll didn't separate young whites and young nonwhites. Still, among all respondents, the racial divide is so enormous that I have to assume that Obama's loss of support among young people is really a loss of support among young WHITE people.
Here's the thing about the young voters that should be obvious, but because we are talking about Obama, any old reference takes on a solemnity of the Discovery of the New World.
Young voters have only voted for Obama so what could they possibly have to conscientiously gage the performance of Obama?
It's like visiting a carnival sideshow: one sees nature's freaks and humanity's dark id all at once
"Amused , Amazed and Appalled" Is that a Gershwin tune?
You voted for an ideology that took in ,a freakishly small,.036% of the vote. Back to the CounterPunch subscription desk for you. Perhaps you'll still win that bicycle.
All Obama needs to do is give America another stimulus package. Not that light weight bullshit of a trillion here, a trillion there, I'm talking about a real stimulus. 10 trillion this year, 15 trillion next year, and on his final year 25 trillion in stimulus providing for free college, the forgiving of student loans, reparations for all black people, legal amnesty for all people of the world, and he'll win the next presidential election and all presidential elections after that for ever more.
Don't give me any shit about you can only serve two terms. One more appointment to the Supreme Court and it's in the bag.
The sight of Ritmo the troll and Alex the moby trying to make us believe they're having a fight about something is the commenters' version of "Who's On First?".
If Obama were like Pappy Bush, he'd just appoint a sexy guru to the "Presidential Council on Fitness and Sports. But instead of the disgraced Republi-ogre Schwarzenegger, he could appoint this girl.
All would be forgiven.
Democrats just haven't yet learned the art of wasting time and pursuing distractions the way Republicans have. Give them time.
All Obama needs to do is give America another stimulus package. Not that light weight bullshit of a trillion here, a trillion there, I'm talking about a real stimulus. 10 trillion this year, 15 trillion next year, and on his final year 25 trillion in stimulus providing for free college, the forgiving of student loans, reparations for all black people, legal amnesty for all people of the world, and he'll win the next presidential election and all presidential elections after that for ever more.
Don't give me any shit about you can only serve two terms. One more appointment to the Supreme Court and it's in the bag.
"Even poor MODO, ... has retreated back into lonely thickets of spinster prose."
When is MODO going to update her photo? It seems to be about 15 years out of date. As for another aging female "journalist" I still can't take anything PNU (Peggy Noonan) says seriously due to her loving reception of Obama back in '08.There is no way she should be in the WSJ. She should be on the pages of Slate or NPR.
How can you say I'm a moby edutcher? I've been here since 2007
Old mobies never die...
Rhythm and Balls said...
If Obama were like Pappy Bush, he'd just appoint a sexy guru to the "Presidential Council on Fitness and Sports. But instead of the disgraced Republi-ogre Schwarzenegger, he could appoint this girl.
My God, Ritmo's taste in women is as bad as his taste in everything else.
PS It's all about Ritmo, isn't it?
Anything to take attention away from his Messiah's impending disaster.
It's an interesting data point. I've been surprised at how immune Obama has been to all the scandals since Benghazi and I'd about given up that his polls could drop below 47%.
If this trend continues, it means Obama is definitely a lame duck only a half-year into his second term and Dem prospects in 2014 are dimmer.
We can only hope.
Urkle's immunity is only beset by the depth to which his human shields are willing to take the swords, bullets, and buses for him. His flacks run very deep.
Trust me, man. People who have things to do don't go on like you on these tangents. You're like an autistic Rottweiler... on methamphetamine. You seriously need to find something productive to do.
Just because FOX finds something for you to get worked up about, doesn't mean it's doing you any good. For Chrissakes', you've taken to bashing the prowess of Olympic athletes... winners.
Don't be afraid to ask your doctor if Abilify is right for you.
I think Ed's next project (since he's apparently got the time for it), will be convincing the RNC that to campaign for the 1%, or even against the 47%, is counterproductive.
His big issue is being on board with the 6% of people who think videos of Michelle Jenneke warming up before doing the hurdles is just bad taste in women.
You go and keep up that fight, ed. Rah rah. Need some billboards or posters to be made?
I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
I'd give you even money that by this time in 2017 either Barack or Michelle will be the President, depending on how much they can damage the remnants of the Republic in the meantime.
I've never seen an Administration melt down like this. It's like blood in the water and the sharks are circling. And combine that atmosphere with the absolute cluelessness of the Obama administration, and the hits just keep on coming.
I am concerned. My porn site gay for pay is starting to be suspicous. For over a year I was convinced that the "straight" was actually straight. They were taped throwing footballs and running and playing hockey and basketball and they totally were straight acting and appearing.
I pay $19.95 a month for this site and it has never disappointed. I can detect a gay a mile away.
I think I may of been duped and I am tempted to contact the Better Business Bureau and report this porn site for false advertising because I can smell a fag in the last video.
I don't think Ritmo will be happy until a gay man with HIV is in the White House.
I don't think Pollo will be happy until there are no more stereotypes for him to think in.
Re: CNN - yep. That's what all young healthy males are doing. Watching CNN. Not Spike. Not ESPN. Not SciFi or Ice Road Truckers or Pawn Store Heroes or Duck Dynasty. Not what their girlfriends make them watch with them.
CNN. The lair of Old Man Larry King.
Dude, sometimes I wonder if you know what planet you're on.
the State Department's Office of the Inspector General...cites eight investigations that were "influenced, manipulated, or simply called off" during the tenure of former secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
If you fall for a lie that is so obvious as Obamacare was, then you're really stupid, but if you're young maybe you have an excuse. Now if you are well-educated and read lots of books, then you need to explain yourself, and try not to cry as you do it. We are way past pitying your ass now.
When I was in high school a couple of cops came to our civics class to talk. Afterward, they asked for questions. I raised my hand and asked why our city had a midnight curfew for people under the age of 18. The policemen said that this was a very useful law that allowed them to haul in any young person they thought might be suspicious. No evidence, just profiling. That was enough to make me a civil libertarian. My own kid, now in college, has not registered to vote because it might lead (actually, probably would lead) to a call for jury duty. If this child did vote, the vote would be Democrat because Republicans oppose gay marriage. I am fine with gay marriage but I sure wish schools, in my day or his, explained the Bill of Rights, if not the Constitution, to students.
bagoh20 said..."Now if you are well-educated and read lots of books, then you need to explain yourself."
What is to explain? Well-credentialed people can read propaganda the fastest, regurgitating party lines the fastest, disseminate lies the fastest. Why do you think most "revolutions" were started by the "intelligentsia"? They believe their expensively bought parchment entitles them to push you around, to keep you under their thumbs. All for the greater good, you know.
48% approval is roughly his vote count in the election. Democrats are not cracking or swaying when faced with scandal. They are with him till the end.
I think this prediction will be proven incorrect. I've seen some lefty sites strategizing that now is the time to take principled, left-wing stances against the president. They reason that R's stayed loyal to Bush too long after he had become unpopular dooming their chances in '08.
Why would he bother? He ain't running for a third term.
I can't tell if you're serious.
No, Obama won't get a third-term; however that doesn't mean he doesn't care what happens in the next four years.
Obama may have little interest in foreign policy but he does intend to set the entire country in the cement of Chicago Machine politics and let it harden real good.
The Democrats are looking to be the Institutional Revolutionary Party to rule the US as the PRI does in Mexico.
That's the plan from what I can tell. Keeping young people on the hook is a necessary part of the strategy.
jr565: Democrats are not cracking or swaying when faced with scandal. They are with him till the end.
Writ Small: I think this prediction will be proven incorrect.
Agreed. The young voted 60% for Obama last November. If their approval is now underwater, that's a change, especially since this poll drop has hardly bottomed out yet.
Obama spent much of his first-term in the forties. It was only during the campaign his numbers came back. My current thinking is that the Republican nominees looked so weird to swing voters that they went back to Obama, if they hung in to vote at all.
Party strategists believe that embracing the polarizing law (Obamacare) - especially its more popular elements — is smarter politics than fleeing from it in the House elections.
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There needs to be a clear sweeping out of the current politic process as it stands now. It's evolved into an unworkable byzantine grafting exercise in penis politics. Mine is bigger than yours, watch me use it. Oh look, AmnestyCare. Who's got the bigger dick now, nigga, as Obama laughs his ass off at how idiotic both sides are being played.
I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
Their paychecks still don't reflect Obamacare costs yet. Wait till that happens next year.
Robert Cook said...
I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
You're crocodile tears hold no sway here.
"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'"
The quote is not from Cicero's actual writing, but from a speech entitled Cicero's Prognosis delivered by Justice Millard Caldwell of the Florida Supreme Court to the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc. see
Obama's next move will be to buy them off with student loan forgiveness. After all, what's another trillion dollars of debt when there are votes to buy?
Robert Cook said...
I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
True dat. It could also mean that he's lost his Midas touch for blessing/influencing 2014. Unless he reverses it, people will want to get as far away from him and his ilk as possible.
El Pollo- oddly, few Dems have ever publicly campaigned with Obama. He does a lot of fundraisers, not so much side by side stumping.
"You're crocodile tears hold no sway here."
Uh...that's "your," bub.
No surprise you misperceive my joke for crocodile tears.
If it's just personal about Obama, it doesn't make much difference.
And if it's about the bad things he's gotten caught doing, well the next Democratic candidate for President will criticize those bad things, just as Obama did in 2008, so it doesn't make much difference.
Now if you show me evidence that young people have figured out that their best chance for a successful life is to get government off their backs, and the backs of businesses everywhere, to lower taxes and reduce regulation, -- well, then I might think it would make a difference. But I don't think that's going to happen until things get a lot worse.
Now if you show me evidence that young people have figured out that their best chance for a successful life is to get government off their backs, and the backs of businesses everywhere, to lower taxes and reduce regulation, -- well, then I might think it would make a difference. But I don't think that's going to happen until things get a lot worse.
The ACA is going to alienate and piss-off young healthy males like you won't believe. Wait and see.
El Pollo- oddly, few Dems have ever publicly campaigned with Obama.
George Clooney?
CNN/ORC poll
If Obama loses the Orcs, he's truly fucked.
I believe that children are the future...of racism.
"... since the last CNN/ORC poll. These are the president's most loyal supporters, and the future of American politics."
One might think this is good news, but I have no confidence in anyone's political acumen who ever voted for Obama, no matter how young.
On balance,Obama's voters are immune to learning.
Those who can learn are such a small cohort of the electorate as to be absolutely meaningless.
It's an interesting data point. I've been surprised at how immune Obama has been to all the scandals since Benghazi and I'd about given up that his polls could drop below 47%.
If this trend continues, it means Obama is definitely a lame duck only a half-year into his second term and Dem prospects in 2014 are dimmer.
We can only hope.
Robert Cook: "I guess this means Obama won't be our next President."
This is an old joke and a good one.
The Godfather at 6/17/13, 4:30 PM
gets it right.
"If Obama loses the Orcs, he's truly fucked."
Yes, but it won't happen.
Dems cornered the Orc vote decades ago.
Not only are they not going anywhere, there's more of them with each election, growing at a faster rate than the productive classes.
George Clooney?
Last I checked, Clooney ain't up for re-election.
Robert Cook said...
"You're crocodile tears hold no sway here."
Uh...that's "your," bub.
No surprise you misperceive my joke for crocodile tears.
You're, your, yore. An apostrophe's life for me. Besides, since when humorless richards like you ever make a joke?
"It's an interesting data point. I've been surprised at how immune Obama has been to all the scandals since Benghazi and I'd about given up that his polls could drop below 47%."
Nothing about the Democrats or their voters suggests even a hypocrite's passing respect for accountability, so you really should not be surprised.
So what? He can make it bounce back up 17 points next week just by making a cool Youtube mashup on green gay marriage or something. By definition these are very flaky opinions, subject to any old random breeze.
...the future of American politics
What a stupid statement. That's like saying because my 6-year-old says "pasghetti" this is the future of the English language.
People grow up. And the essence of growing up is the maturation of your opinions and values, political and otherwise.
Enjoy the decline, bitches.
Frankly my dear, he doesn't give a damn. You f*cked up big time, little buggers.
since when humorless richards like you ever make a joke?
You mean those links to Counterpunch aren't intended to be ironic?
Now if you show me evidence that young people have figured out that their best chance for a successful life is to get government off their backs, and the backs of businesses everywhere, to lower taxes and reduce regulation, -- well, then I might think it would make a difference. But I don't think that's going to happen until things get a lot worse.
Godfather: I generally agree. However, while the young may not connect the more abstract dots, I do believe a generational war is coming. The young will blame the boomers and consequently the party more associated with boomers.
Back in the 80s, leftists complained that Reagan was the Teflon president, that no scandal stuck to him. That seems to be coming around.
Carl said...
"What a stupid statement...People grow up. And the essence of growing up is the maturation of your opinions and values, political and otherwise."
Unfortunately, there will be another crop of flakes to take their place.
Worse, flakes grow old, they don't grow up: baby boomers, and other old folks who voted for you know who twice.
Boy, Obama's in trouble now.
Legalize sumpin'.
They'll fergit.
Hope n Change has morphed into Mope n Blame.
Even poor MODO, once hoping to break the racial sound barrier without leaving Slim Tower 1, has retreated back into lonely thickets of spinster prose.
Old lady wallpaper and Kennedy knick-knacks are cold comfort.
This dope is a little strange.
"...I have no confidence in anyone's political acumen who ever voted for Obama, no matter how young."
Now, each race, Obama's opponent was obviously wretched. Obama wasn't obviously wretched in the first race, (although he was a bad bet if you were paying attention). In the second race, Obama's wretchedness was more apparent, but to the masses of voters, habituated to the idea that one must vote, and only for one of the two major party candidates (or else one is "throwing one's vote away"), what were they going to do? When one must choose between two shit sandwiches, one will tend to pick the one whose taste one has gotten use to, or which has the better packaging.
Me? I'd rather "throw my vote away" (and did) and vote for the non-shit sandwich, even if I'll have to eat the shit sandwich everyone else picks.
He got elected. What does he care?
That 49% would before thay heard his bumbling response to Charlie Rose on surveillance.
A nice quote:
"’d be the FBI — go to a court, and obtain a warrant, and seek probable cause, the same way it’s always been..." Oops. Maybe it sounded better than it reads.
And you, Barack, a constitutional law professor.
Shocking. It may have something to do with the fact they don't have a job, or have a job at a cafe and likely live with their parents.
If, in fact, it ever improved in the wake of Sandy - and I don't think so, the poll just shows why all this was kept under wraps.
viator said...
Their paychecks still don't reflect Obamacare costs yet. Wait till that happens next year.
If they have paychecks at all next year.
"You mean those links to Counterpunch aren't intended to be ironic?"
Hahahaha! Not in the least, Chip, but I smile and am amused (and amazed!) often when I visit this site, (when I am not appalled). It's like visiting a carnival sideshow: one sees nature's freaks and humanity's dark id all at once!
Anyways, we'll be singing Obama songs at the next Coffee Party meeting, albeit with an air of sadness and desperation.
See you girly men at the next OFA welcome session.
We'll be picking up some trannies on Wilshire for a ride on the freedom train.
We'll be writing free form poetry about climate change and overpopulation
We'll be screeching about corporations and Citizens United from our IPhones.
We'll be forcing change from the top down onto the bottom up.
No Labels man, No Labels.
Legalize marijuana and forgive student loans and Obama will be right back to 65+ percent approval among young voters.
Legalize marijuana and forgive student loans and Obama will be right back to 65+ percent approval among young voters.
If he forgave student loans, shouldn't those who paid them sue for reparations?
Ya know, when I was a young person all the camelot crap in the world didn't shake my belief there was something essentially hollow about John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And believe me, the TV and press of the day did the same wall to wall sell job on JFK that they've done for BHO. What's happened that it's so easy to sell a counterfeit?
"What's happened that it's so easy to sell a counterfeit?"
It's always been pretty easy to sell a counterfeit. As we become ever more a non-literate society, responsive only to images, headlines and soundbites, it just becomes easier.
It's especially easy when all the candidates are counterfeits!
Sometimes, when I wonder what Obama looks like from the socialist Left, I turn to Captain Red Robert Cook, plague of the Carribean, savior of the deckhands and swabbies.
Ahoy mateys, here be the means of production working for the people.
Give 'em a taste of that false consciousness Red Robert, make those corrupt politicians walk the plank towards your socialist paradise.
They were warned about health care administered by the IRS. See how the like their health metadata shared, too.
Robert Cook said...
I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
He ignores law and the courts all the time.
You think His Awesomeness would stop there?
A poll. Supposedly some people actually answered the phone when they called. That people would ever believe CNN in the first place is absurd. This poll is about as real as the election results from Philadelphia where almost all of the precincts recorded exactly 0 votes for Romney.
Young *white* people were never as turned on by Obama as nonwhites.
Romney didn't do badly among young whites.
The gap is really racial.
I looked at this new CNN poll and found this:
Economy: 35% of whites approve, 60% of nonwhites approve
Foreign policy: 38% of whites approve, 60% of nonwhites approve
Terrorism: 45% of whites approve,69% of nonwhites approve
Unfortunately, the poll didn't separate young whites and young nonwhites. Still, among all respondents, the racial divide is so enormous that I have to assume that Obama's loss of support among young people is really a loss of support among young WHITE people.
Oh My! When the yutes turn again ya, You so screw-ed.
I have to assume that Obama's loss of support among young people is really a loss of support among young WHITE people.
sinz52: Good point. That would be my bet too. I'd like to see more specific polling on this.
So, this must mean the young are racist, too, then?
Nonwhites HAVE to like Obama just for the color of his skin, right?
Here's the thing about the young voters that should be obvious, but because we are talking about Obama, any old reference takes on a solemnity of the Discovery of the New World.
Young voters have only voted for Obama so what could they possibly have to conscientiously gage the performance of Obama?
Talk about bullshit.
48% approval is roughly his vote count in the election. Democrats are not cracking or swaying when faced with scandal. They are with him till the end.
Almost entirely related to the NSA snooping. Kids relate to this because it's like your parents are spying on you. Obama is now seriously uncool.
Obama the ex-boyfriend stalker tag.
I believe that the current 20-somethings are the most racist generation ever. They have been taught that.
Althousian vortex enters circling robot vultures phase.
Good thing that most of what Alex believes is untrue.
Ritmo - I assume you are a 20-something and a racist.
If he forgave student loans, shouldn't those who paid them sue for reparations?
Har! That's, like, almost funny and stuff.
Bingo! You're wrong on both.
Did you provide the inspiration for Johnny Carson's Carnac the Magnificent?
It's like visiting a carnival sideshow: one sees nature's freaks and humanity's dark id all at once
"Amused , Amazed and Appalled" Is that a Gershwin tune?
You voted for an ideology that took in ,a freakishly small,.036% of the vote. Back to the CounterPunch subscription desk
for you. Perhaps you'll still win that bicycle.
All Obama needs to do is give America another stimulus package. Not that light weight bullshit of a trillion here, a trillion there, I'm talking about a real stimulus. 10 trillion this year, 15 trillion next year, and on his final year 25 trillion in stimulus providing for free college, the forgiving of student loans, reparations for all black people, legal amnesty for all people of the world, and he'll win the next presidential election and all presidential elections after that for ever more.
Don't give me any shit about you can only serve two terms. One more appointment to the Supreme Court and it's in the bag.
The ACA is going to alienate and piss-off young healthy males like you won't believe. Wait and see.
We'll probably be waiting a long time. Longer than it took Pollo to dig up all the quotes he imagined me saying.
Ritmo - ok a 30-something racist.
The sight of Ritmo the troll and Alex the moby trying to make us believe they're having a fight about something is the commenters' version of "Who's On First?".
If Obama were like Pappy Bush, he'd just appoint a sexy guru to the "Presidential Council on Fitness and Sports. But instead of the disgraced Republi-ogre Schwarzenegger, he could appoint this girl.
All would be forgiven.
Democrats just haven't yet learned the art of wasting time and pursuing distractions the way Republicans have. Give them time.
AllenS said...
All Obama needs to do is give America another stimulus package. Not that light weight bullshit of a trillion here, a trillion there, I'm talking about a real stimulus. 10 trillion this year, 15 trillion next year, and on his final year 25 trillion in stimulus providing for free college, the forgiving of student loans, reparations for all black people, legal amnesty for all people of the world, and he'll win the next presidential election and all presidential elections after that for ever more.
Don't give me any shit about you can only serve two terms. One more appointment to the Supreme Court and it's in the bag.
They'll rule it as reparations.
(wonder what they have on Roberts?)
Obama will never lose the Orcs.
Sauron is their dread Lord and remain so until the end of days.
How can you say I'm a moby edutcher? I've been here since 2007.
It's ironic watching Edutcher fixate on another commenter's fixation of me, when in the past he would just fixate on me himself.
The watched has acquired another watcher, and now you're watching him, eh?
Almost entirely related to the NSA snooping. Kids relate to this because it's like your parents are spying on you. Obama is now seriously uncool.
That makes sense.
94% of half a million YouTube viewers think you're wrong, Ed.
You're like the Dick Morris/Carl Rove of pageant judges.
"Even poor MODO, ... has retreated back into lonely thickets of spinster prose."
When is MODO going to update her photo? It seems to be about 15 years out of date. As for another aging female "journalist" I still can't take anything PNU (Peggy Noonan) says seriously due to her loving reception of Obama back in '08.There is no way she should be in the WSJ. She should be on the pages of Slate or NPR.
Alex said...
How can you say I'm a moby edutcher? I've been here since 2007
Old mobies never die...
Rhythm and Balls said...
If Obama were like Pappy Bush, he'd just appoint a sexy guru to the "Presidential Council on Fitness and Sports. But instead of the disgraced Republi-ogre Schwarzenegger, he could appoint this girl.
My God, Ritmo's taste in women is as bad as his taste in everything else.
PS It's all about Ritmo, isn't it?
Anything to take attention away from his Messiah's impending disaster.
I could watch that video all day.
Parts of her face look a little funny in other contexts, but those moves, that video...
Were you saying something, Ed?
Rhythm and Balls said...
94% of half a million YouTube viewers think you're wrong, Ed.
These are the same people that think the Kardshians are interesting.
Just like you.
You're like the Dick Morris/Carl Rove of pageant judges.
Funny you should say that.
Ever since all these revelations have come out, people are actually starting to question whether that "election" was honest.
Ritmo jumps to change the subject in 5, 4, 3, 2...
Ed, what do you do to impress the ladies these days? Show them your bank statement and the treehouse you built out back?
You are just bitter as anything, man. It totally shows. Get a grip (and I don't mean that in the way a guy like you would have to take it).
Imagine all the cool kids noticing that Obama's eating lunch in the cafeteria with Dick Cheney.
Maybe we could get Karl Rove to chime in and say what a great job Obama is doing.
Rhythm and Balls said...
I could watch that video all day.
Parts of her face look a little funny in other contexts, but those moves, that video...
Were you saying something, Ed?
Yes, but keep blathering, you're just showing how low your mental acuity is.
Rhythm and Balls said...
Ed, what do you do to impress the ladies these days? Show them your bank statement and the treehouse you built out back?
You are just bitter as anything, man. It totally shows. Get a grip (and I don't mean that in the way a guy like you would have to take it).
creeley23 said...
It's an interesting data point. I've been surprised at how immune Obama has been to all the scandals since Benghazi and I'd about given up that his polls could drop below 47%.
If this trend continues, it means Obama is definitely a lame duck only a half-year into his second term and Dem prospects in 2014 are dimmer.
We can only hope.
Urkle's immunity is only beset by the depth to which his human shields are willing to take the swords, bullets, and buses for him. His flacks run very deep.
Ed, you're obsessing.
Trust me, man. People who have things to do don't go on like you on these tangents. You're like an autistic Rottweiler... on methamphetamine. You seriously need to find something productive to do.
Just because FOX finds something for you to get worked up about, doesn't mean it's doing you any good. For Chrissakes', you've taken to bashing the prowess of Olympic athletes... winners.
Don't be afraid to ask your doctor if Abilify is right for you.
I think Ed's next project (since he's apparently got the time for it), will be convincing the RNC that to campaign for the 1%, or even against the 47%, is counterproductive.
His big issue is being on board with the 6% of people who think videos of Michelle Jenneke warming up before doing the hurdles is just bad taste in women.
You go and keep up that fight, ed. Rah rah. Need some billboards or posters to be made?
So if I have this poll right, this might mark the first time voters of any kind have held Obama responsible for something?
Are these young voters on Drugs or something?
It all depends on what the meaning of the word "transparent" is.
"...and the future of American politics"
And among the most apathetic and fickle voters.
And among the least well-educated in civics.
Lem said...
So if I have this poll right, this might mark the first time voters of any kind have held Obama responsible for something?
Are these young voters on Drugs or something?
A drug called reality.
PS Poor little Ritmo, he really can't cope when somebody doesn't want to play his "Look at MEEEE!!!!" game with him.
We had a terrible show last night. Tell you how bad it was. Halfway through, the Obama White House stopped listening in.
The good news is Tim Tebow got a job playing for Boston. The bad news is, it's the Patriots. So now the IRS is investigating him.
Everyone please turn off your phones. I’ve got some jokes I don’t want the government to hear.
Last week Obama asked China's president to stop spying on Americans. And the Chinese leader responded, "You first."
I'm not sure what Ritmo is defending anymore. He's gotten the US and government he wants. Run with it dude. Do your snoopy dance.
The ACA is going to alienate and piss-off young healthy males like you won't believe. Wait and see.
Rhythm and Balls answered...
We'll probably be waiting a long time. Longer than it took Pollo to dig up all the quotes he imagined me saying.
2014--just in time for the midterms. I was referring to this story: "Who will pay more under Obamacare? Young men"
Methadras said...
I'm not sure what Ritmo is defending anymore. He's gotten the US and government he wants. Run with it dude. Do your snoopy dance.
I don't think Ritmo will be happy until a gay man with HIV is in the White House.
Even then he'll still be angry.
I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
I'd give you even money that by this time in 2017 either Barack or Michelle will be the President, depending on how much they can damage the remnants of the Republic in the meantime.
Robert Cook said...
I guess this means Obama won't be our next President.
I don't know. If you think of his third term as a tax...
I've never seen an Administration melt down like this. It's like blood in the water and the sharks are circling. And combine that atmosphere with the absolute cluelessness of the Obama administration, and the hits just keep on coming.
I am concerned. My porn site gay for pay is starting to be suspicous. For over a year I was convinced that the "straight" was actually straight. They were taped throwing footballs and running and playing hockey and basketball and they totally were straight acting and appearing.
I pay $19.95 a month for this site and it has never disappointed. I can detect a gay a mile away.
I think I may of been duped and I am tempted to contact the Better Business Bureau and report this porn site for false advertising because I can smell a fag in the last video.
Do I have a case?
I don't think Ritmo will be happy until a gay man with HIV is in the White House.
I don't think Pollo will be happy until there are no more stereotypes for him to think in.
Re: CNN - yep. That's what all young healthy males are doing. Watching CNN. Not Spike. Not ESPN. Not SciFi or Ice Road Truckers or Pawn Store Heroes or Duck Dynasty. Not what their girlfriends make them watch with them.
CNN. The lair of Old Man Larry King.
Dude, sometimes I wonder if you know what planet you're on.
The state department is eating itself!
the State Department's Office of the Inspector General...cites eight investigations that were "influenced, manipulated, or simply called off" during the tenure of former secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
I don't think Pollo will be happy until there are no more stereotypes for him to think in
I'm OK with stereotypes--you use them all the time. :)
"Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%"
"...for the typical 25-year-old non-smoking Californian, Obamacare will drive premiums up by between 100 and 123 percent."
Forbes - today
If you fall for a lie that is so obvious as Obamacare was, then you're really stupid, but if you're young maybe you have an excuse. Now if you are well-educated and read lots of books, then you need to explain yourself, and try not to cry as you do it. We are way past pitying your ass now.
Hey, somebody lied to me!
hey, maybe this will be Hillary's campaign slogan in 2016!
Barack Obama needs not be a third termite. He has already made good. He will retire young and wealthy with his wife. Maybe she will run for President.
chick hates fags big time.
It's the wimp in him because a fag could beat the shit out of him in a second.
El Pollo Raylan said...
The ACA is going to alienate and piss-off young healthy males like you won't believe. Wait and see.
Rhythm and Balls said...
We'll probably be waiting a long time. Longer than it took Pollo to dig up all the quotes he imagined me saying.
37% approval and falling doesn't support that.
Sarah Palin's revenge, they're calling it.
Dependencia O Independencia?
Andale, hermanos! Obama y los Democratos nada mas quieren esclavizar! Hechalos Todos!
Independencia, Patria, familia y Fe!
whoops. I am rusty, sorry, that should have been "Echalos Todos!"
figured I would write for the future, for readers of the 2016 elections and beyond.
I was wondering how long it was going to take young people to figure out who's going to be left with the check.
When I was in high school a couple of cops came to our civics class to talk. Afterward, they asked for questions. I raised my hand and asked why our city had a midnight curfew for people under the age of 18. The policemen said that this was a very useful law that allowed them to haul in any young person they thought might be suspicious. No evidence, just profiling. That was enough to make me a civil libertarian.
My own kid, now in college, has not registered to vote because it might lead (actually, probably would lead) to a call for jury duty. If this child did vote, the vote would be Democrat because Republicans oppose gay marriage. I am fine with gay marriage but I sure wish schools, in my day or his, explained the Bill of Rights, if not the Constitution, to students.
Larry J said...
"Obama's next move will be to buy them off with student loan forgiveness."
Why would he bother? He ain't running for a third term.
He must think they're as dumb as we are.
Choom tells the Micks hope can resolve conflicts.
He's got some conflicts he hopes can be resolve without the use of the word, "penitentiary".
"I believe that the current 20-somethings are the most racist generation ever."
I guess you don't know about something called history.
bagoh20 said..."Now if you are well-educated and read lots of books, then you need to explain yourself."
What is to explain? Well-credentialed people can read propaganda the fastest, regurgitating party lines the fastest, disseminate lies the fastest. Why do you think most "revolutions" were started by the "intelligentsia"? They believe their expensively bought parchment entitles them to push you around, to keep you under their thumbs. All for the greater good, you know.
48% approval is roughly his vote count in the election. Democrats are not cracking or swaying when faced with scandal. They are with him till the end.
I think this prediction will be proven incorrect. I've seen some lefty sites strategizing that now is the time to take principled, left-wing stances against the president. They reason that R's stayed loyal to Bush too long after he had become unpopular dooming their chances in '08.
Sarah Palin's revenge, they're calling it.
Pollo, doesn't it ever get tiresome, having to continually wipe off the cumshots you deposit on your Sarah Palin poster?
It's really quite pathetic, is what it is.
Why would he bother? He ain't running for a third term.
I can't tell if you're serious.
No, Obama won't get a third-term; however that doesn't mean he doesn't care what happens in the next four years.
Obama may have little interest in foreign policy but he does intend to set the entire country in the cement of Chicago Machine politics and let it harden real good.
The Democrats are looking to be the Institutional Revolutionary Party to rule the US as the PRI does in Mexico.
That's the plan from what I can tell. Keeping young people on the hook is a necessary part of the strategy.
Rhythm and Balls said...
Pollo, doesn't it ever get tiresome, having to continually wipe off the cumshots you deposit on your Sarah Palin poster?
It's really quite pathetic, is what it is.
You're out of character tonight, R&B. You usually don't misattribute quotes like that. Sharpen up or sober up!
jr565: Democrats are not cracking or swaying when faced with scandal. They are with him till the end.
Writ Small: I think this prediction will be proven incorrect.
Agreed. The young voted 60% for Obama last November. If their approval is now underwater, that's a change, especially since this poll drop has hardly bottomed out yet.
Obama spent much of his first-term in the forties. It was only during the campaign his numbers came back. My current thinking is that the Republican nominees looked so weird to swing voters that they went back to Obama, if they hung in to vote at all.
Party strategists believe that embracing the polarizing law (Obamacare) - especially its more popular elements — is smarter politics than fleeing from it in the House elections.
Wow. They are doomed.
I guess you don't know about something called history.
Or geography.
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