June 29, 2013

5 headlines from The Daily News.

1. "Couple having sex against window fall to their deaths."

2. "Woman, 70, with severe wound kept alive by hundreds of maggots after daughter leaves her to rot."

3. "Woman in the Netherlands had five to six 'foot orgasms' a day."

4. "California woman sentenced to life in prison for chopping off ex-husband's penis, then grinding it in garbage disposal."

5. "Son plants bomb in mom’s suitcase, killing her and 43 others during flight." (This happened in 1955.)


Anthony said...

I actually feel sorry for the footgasm woman. That's a horrible condition. A woman from the UK killed herself after years of a similar condition. We titter at it, but it's like having a constant itch that people make fun of you over.

Sorun said...

I knew immediately that the penis chopper was Asian, and the mom-bomber was white. I'm such a racist!

rhhardin said...

That's the Lovers of Valdero, probably.

It's an old Italian accident.

Nonapod said...

Death and sex and sex and death.

YoungHegelian said...

Those aren't maggots in the photo.

That's the larvae of something much larger than a fly. I'm not going to link to any photos in order not to gross anyone out, but the maggots that infect wounds look very different.

You just can't trust the press to get anything right nowadays!

somefeller said...

They know what people want to read. Not like those boring brastraps at the Economist or some other snoozefest like that.

Fandor said...

Ann, I didn't know you had a subscription to my local newspaper.

john said...

I always rated my orgasms by how my toes curl. I never ranked them by distance, but 5 to 6 feet would seem to be a doozy.

edutcher said...

The maggot thing is an old USAF survival trick.

Did you know maggots contain valuable protein?

Saint Croix said...

If I'm in the throes of passion I am totally out the window.

Richard Dolan said...

Must have been a slow day in NYC -- all of the stories are from elsewhere. The story about the bomber is a trip to a lost world in many ways, one of which is the speed of the case. Trial was in April 1956 and execution in Jan 1957. Not enough time even for an appeal, let alone the elaborate process routine today.

Richard Dolan said...
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Richard Dolan said...
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bagoh20 said...

"Did you know maggots contain valuable protein?"

So you could survive with a bad injury by letting the maggots eat you while you eat them. Now that's ironic.

I wonder how far that could progress before we find out who the real top carnivore is.

bagoh20 said...

Or, you could cut the middle maggot by eating your own infection. Awesome!

Big Mike said...

Couple having sex against window fall to their deaths.

That's another way of having sex in public that is not without its risks.

And using maggots to debride an infected wound is an old technique that was in widespread use as late as the early and mid 19th century. I seem to recall a scene in "Sharpe's Rifles" where he (Sharpe) has a wound cleaned out that way. I couldn't find the clip on YouTube but here's a video of the technique still in use in the present day.


bagoh20 said...

"Those aren't maggots in the photo."

Common meal worms sold at any pet store to feed reptiles. These stories always use a photo of them. The adult stage is a small beetle about the size of a large fly.

Sorun said...


Or if you're really ticklish.

edutcher said...

I remember that story (we always saw the local and national evening newscasts and my Dad was a "Today" (Dave Garroway, Frank Blair, Jack Lescoulie) addict).

They had the movie made in just a few months after and there were any number of TV episodes based on it.

Michael K said...

Maggots will debride infected wounds and we used to see them in nursing home patients. I remember one case in which the woman's nose was filled with maggots.

The rule is to start antibiotics for a couple of days before killing the maggots with ether.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Initially, Newton and Truong claimed they were being targeted because of their sexual orientation. The head of the Queensland task force, Detective Inspector Jon Rouse, roundly dismissed this accusation."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/2-convicted-adopted-son-porn-article-1.1385895#ixzz2Xd5KiTU0

I am happy he is head of the "Queensland" task force and not "Bigotland" or "Haterland" task force as the charges of homophobia will hold somewhat less merit.

Methadras said...

How much more proof do you need that cheap chinese shit kills people?

ErnieG said...

Those were from The Daily News, and they're good, but the Post retired the trophy with the classic HEADLESS BODY IN TOPLESS BAR.

Bob_R said...

Makes me want to watch Pulp Fiction again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How does one have a 5' or a 6' orgasm?


Ann Althouse said...

"I actually feel sorry for the footgasm woman. That's a horrible condition. A woman from the UK killed herself after years of a similar condition. We titter at it, but it's like having a constant itch that people make fun of you over."

The suicide woman had constant orgasms going on. The footgasm lady has 5-6 orgasms a day. Is that even a problem? Once you learn how to hide your reaction, I should think it would be a pleasure.

sinz52 said...

The aircraft bombing and subsequent invesigation were dramatized in the movie "The FBI Story," starring James Stewart.

Nichevo said...

Once again, Ann, your total lack of anything resembling empathy reminds us that you obviously have never suffered in your life. Not that, God forbid, you should suffer, but I'm sure it would broaden your outlook. Is this more of the baiting insincerity you flourish as wit or do you just not have orgasms?

Bob Loblaw said...

And using maggots to debride an infected wound is an old technique that was in widespread use as late as the early and mid 19th century.

I think they were trying it out in a clinical setting just a few years back. Don't know what they ended up deciding, though.

Ctmom4 said...

The Daily News also covered the 20th anniversary of Lorena Bobbit's dismembering - so to speak- of her husband John Wayne. Maybe the California woman was inspired by her. I didn't know that they sewed John Waynes' back on. No such luck for the California guy.

Barbara said...

I remember the day that UAL flight went down. I was at the United ticket counter in New York, buying a ticket (that's the way we did it in those days) and the extremely upset agents told me the reason for their chagrin -- that a plane of theirs was not reporting in and that it was assumed to be down somewhere in the western US.I recall it so clearly it might have been yesterday (I worked for an airline then, was about to marry one of its pilots and all of our friends flew for a living). It's therefore strange to read about it again as a long-ago historic event. Lord, I'm old!

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Yes, maggots are actually useful in getting rid of rotting/gangrenous tissue. Somehow, though, in that case I doubt they were there purposively.

The story casually mentions that the ailing woman weighed 400 pounds. That's ... impressive.

All in all, a set of headlines (all but the last from the current paper) of the sort I associate with the late, lamented News of the World.

Ann Althouse said...

Wow, Barbara. Amazing. Thanks for reading!