৩১ মে, ২০১৩

"So you dislike Democrats as much as you dislike the GOP?"

Details asks Woody Harrelson (who played Steve Schmidt in that movie about Sarah Palin, "Game Change")"
It's all synchronized swimming to me. They all kneel and kiss the ring. Who's going to take on the oil industry or the medical industry? People compare Obama to Lyndon Johnson, but I think a better comparison is between Obama and Nixon. Because Nixon came into office saying he was going to pull out of Vietnam, and then he escalated the war. A lot of us were led to believe that Obama was the peace president, but there are still, I think, 70,000 troops in Afghanistan. Corporations like Grumman are so powerful that—I don't know, is this the kind of shit we want to talk about? It's making me depressed.

৪১টি মন্তব্য:

cold pizza বলেছেন...

Because we have to form our political opinions on what ACTORS think? Talk about living in a mirrored bubble! It's all about pathos, never about ethos or logos. -CP

cold pizza বলেছেন...

BTW, can't they just use "hate" in lieu of "dislike?" I really dislike it when they do that. -CP

Sorun বলেছেন...

"A lot of us were led to believe that Obama was the peace president..."

Where in hell did he get that idea? The Obama campaign? What a joke. I respect Harrelson's lifestyle non-hypocrisy, but anyone who thought Obama was anything but an affirmative action blowhard is retarded.

alwaysfiredup বলেছেন...

Um, Sarah Palin did fight the oil industry, you jackass.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

More like 'bathos'.

pm317 বলেছেন...

Woody Harrelson: I like Steve Schmidt. But I tend to not like politicians, because it's a subtle form of prostitution. Or maybe not so subtle.

I want to say something about how Obots thought Obama was the lone virgin from Chicago whorehouse, but I won't.

pm317 বলেছেন...

Where in hell did he get that idea?

that ridiculous Nobel peace prize, may be. I don't know why it never become the mockery it should have.

SteveR বলেছেন...

We were led to believe (He's cool, he's black, he's not a republican)......

rcocean বলেছেন...

Actors are the voice of reason. That's been proven many times by Maury Povich.

glenn বলেছেন...

I think Woody is confusing cause and effect. Lefties do that a lot.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

The big industries are the only ones who will take on the government.
God bless them!

Sam L. বলেছেন...

glenn, Woody confuses everything. That's why he was so good on Cheers--playing himself.

Ambrose বলেছেন...

Good lord, I love these folks who want to "take on" the oil and medical industries. I can't think of any other industries that have brought more unqualified good to the human race.

James বলেছেন...

Nixon didn't end the Vietnam War?

edutcher বলেছেন...

We care about this moron, why?

He's one of the biggest Lefty jerks in Hollyweird.

Mark বলেছেন...

James, you're getting caught up in the details again.

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

Jee Whizz! The parallels between Obama and Hitler come to my mind.

The Godfather বলেছেন...

Woody was very good playing a good-hearted fool on Cheers. It must have taken real talent to portray himself as good-hearted.

He was 7 years old when Nixon was elected, so he can be excused for not remembering what Nixon "promised", but you could look it up. You might even find that Nixon did end the war, did end the draft, did recognize Red China, and didn't drone anyone.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The oil industry...

as he zooms off in his car that runs on oil and gas and then flies to Cannes.

I did like this:

DETAILS: Your character, Haymitch, has long blond hair. As a bald guy, did you feel like keeping the wig?
Woody Harrelson: You know, it feels like the whole conversation is devolving.

J বলেছেন...

Hemp boy the intellectual giant of the left.You know the more I think on Indecent Proposal the more I think I was mixed up about just who was the hero.

Tari বলেছেন...

An actor is complaining that politicians are whores? Has he looked in the mirror much lately?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Grumman has been gone for almost as long as Cheers.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Kill yourself, Woody. It would raise the US average IQ.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Finally after weeks of disastrous Fridays a winning end-of-news-cycle for the White House. Losing Woody Harrelson has only positive consequences for Obama.

Methadras বলেছেন...

I don't know, is this the kind of shit we want to talk about? It's making me depressed.

No, what's depressed Woody, is that when you start conflating and confusing your conspiracy theory nitwit Koskid schtick, you forget which evil corporation and dogma you have to rally against that week.

Methadras বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Petunia বলেছেন...

Woody's a moron who knows zip about history. Or much of anything else, apparently. Although he DOES deserve some credit for having an apparently-successful, long-standing marriage.

Nixon ENDED the VietNam war. Johnson was the one who really escalated it.

Carl বলেছেন...

If teams of talented writers scripted every word I spoke, and skilled directors gave me eighteen retakes for my perfect delivery -- I would look fucking brilliant, some amazing combination of Lincoln, Jesus and Gandhi.

So...considering that your typical actor with all that ends up looking like a moderately above-average intelligent classy guy...what must be be like without the scaffolding?

I'm frankly faintly surprised when, on their own, they can frame sentences over two words. I expect some kind of Koko level of cognitive skill. Woody hungry. Woody want banana. Banana good!

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Although I agree with the claim that there is no meaningful difference between Republicans and Democrats as they actually exist in Washington (some old wag had the great line "America has only one political party, but in typical American extravagance, they have two of them"), I nevertheless reflexively recoil from people who make that statement. Their real complaint is usually that both parties are so not radical communist that they may as well be the same.

Woody's a good actor and a pleasant old kook, but along with Sean Penn and nearly everyone else in entertainment, he is a great reminder of something too many in the media (and the American public) perpetually ignore--acheivement in one area does not indicate expertise in other areas. Woody is famous for his acting, not his social theorizing.

Rusty বলেছেন...

pm317 said...
Woody Harrelson: I like Steve Schmidt. But I tend to not like politicians, because it's a subtle form of prostitution. Or maybe not so subtle.

I want to say something about how Obots thought Obama was the lone virgin from Chicago whorehouse, but I won't.

I'm so gonna use that.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Grumman is a powerful corporation?
Do they even make planes any more?
delivery trucks?

I think we should get our boot on the neck of Big Toy.
Find out what Matel is really up to.

Bill R বলেছেন...

Woody Harrelson.. Didn't he play the idiot bartender on "Cheers"?

Hey Woody! The show's cancelled. You can get out of character now.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

All the reg'lar halfwits here ragging on Harrelson for being an actor and "actors are imbeciles about history or politics or anything else" should just remember that actors are citizens like anyone else, and they have a right to opine on public policy. They don't claim to be experts; they're just stating their own opinions...just as you do here. Some will be more knowledgeable than others, just as in the citizenry at large. You're free to ignore them, just as most rational people would ignore what you say here if they ever came across this blog and your remarks.

What makes any of you think you're more knowledgeable than they, or than the average American citizen?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@alwaysfiredup, that was the first thing that went through my mind, too.

Woody is a 9/11 truther. That says all that needs to be said about his political sophistication.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Robert, maybe not, but it doesn't take much to be more politically sophisticated than you.

Billy Oblivion বলেছেন...

Robert Cook asks:

"What makes any of you think you're more knowledgeable than they, or than the average American citizen?"

Mostly by the utterly stupid s*t they say.

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...

Isn't he the guy who had his father die in a federal prison because he was a contract killer who assassinated a federal judge?

I certainly want to hear what he has learned at his father' knee.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It's not just Grumman either. You should see some of the antics the Pennsylvania Railroad and Studebaker have been up to lately.

Alex বলেছেন...

Ya'll ragging on my home boy Woody, and that's not cool!

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Mostly by the utterly stupid s*t they say."

I'd have to guesss you are blissfully oblivious to most of the comments typical here.

Mitch H. বলেছেন...

Anyone got the over/under on Wood-for-brains being incorporated five ways from Sunday and sitting on a pot of politically-neutral investments bigger than my entire extended family's worth?

But I tend to not like politicians, because it's a subtle form of prostitution

As opposed to acting, which is an explicit form of prostitution. Remember when Victorians wouldn't let their children act on the stage? Good times, good times.