Well, according to some lunatics on this blog, he should have gone to prison for exercising his 1st amendment rights. Guess they got their wish to the detriment of us all.
When the powers that be don't respect the second amendment why should they respect the first?
And that's their essential end run. The 1st amendment receives protection from the second if the 1st fails. However, if the 2nd is taken out, the 1st will fall immediately thereafter since there is no recourse for the population to protect it for themselves.
"I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when Nakoula dropped his first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think Nakoula just winked at me." And his smile. By the end, when he clearly knew he was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, he's got it."
For all the Leftists who deny that Islam is a threat and all the rest who are ignorant of radical Islam's goal of world domination this should be a wake-up call.
Instead the Leftists will continue to deny it's what Islam wants and the ignorant ones will remain ignorant or think 'Nah. That's can't be true. Assad at the Kwiki Mart is such a nice guy he doesn't want to rule the world'.
No but his religion does and there are approximately 100MM (based on the figure of the radicalized 10% of Islam's 1B followers) who do and those are the ones who will force their will on Assad and Ahpuh and all the rest.
This guy seems to be a despicable character, and the authorities seem to have a plausible excuse for jailing him. Decent people are reluctant to make him a symbol of what we believe is going wrong with our government right now.
As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad.
As we learned in the S̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶H̶i̶l̶l̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ ̶ W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶w̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ M̶o̶n̶i̶c̶a̶ ̶L̶e̶w̶i̶n̶s̶k̶y̶ T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶g̶a̶t̶e̶ #BENGHAZI hearings, why didn't the president order the Special Forces to s̶a̶v̶e̶ r̶e̶s̶c̶u̶e̶ provide first aid to the victims hours after the attack and had already been taken to the hospital?
I remember the derision Bush got for saying Osama "wanted dead or alive"... Little did we know that the problem was not that Osama Bin Laden had masterminded the biggest plot to kill Americans in American history, but that Bin Laden was not an American... like Nikola.
As we learned in the hearings, why didn't the president?
Garage they asked for help twice and this idea that there was no time... what kind of a military says ostensibly - our embassy in under attack but it will take us too long to mobilize and get there - try to hold on the best you can until the attackers get tired maybe they cut-off early for prayers in the morning... hey you never know.
To presume to know how long it would take to get there would also make us the fools that would believe our military knew how long the attack would last.
Every time someone tries to justify or downplay Benghazi they make a fool of themselves, because you can't really do either honestly, and maintain any dignity. Garage for example.
When you become politically dangerous if they can't make some charge stick, they'll just sue and make you pay to defend yourself in either case. This is part of the reason Palin had to give up the governorship. The state wasn't allowed to pay to defend her against all sorts of trumped-up accusations and she had to find the money to do it, so she had to start cashing in on her fame.
Does the military have a chart telling them if an attack starts at 11 hundred we only have a so much of a window to respond and if we don't well that's just too bad.
Every time someone tries to justify or downplay Benghazi they make a fool of themselves
You're getting played so hard by conservative media and you don't even know it. Both left and right wing media play their readers for suckers. But the right can never seem to figure that out.
I mean it sounded like they would run out of ammo or whatever, go get some more, take a fucking break to calm the nerves, I don't know call the wives... and come back to attack the compound again.
Douchebag yes,guilty of VOP-yes.Actual crime =Being a captive caprican. But it made some followers of Mohammed happy to see him perpwalked to prison.I wonder how Frederic Douglass would of viewed it.?
It seems there are two very bad precedences being set here. The first is the cover up. And the second is the improper presentation of American constitutional rights to the rest of the world.
When there is a threat to Hilary's reputation - the press is blazing, the wagons are circling. When it's a threat to the life of an outside Beltway American - it's all very confusing and nothing can be done. Sorry. Maybe soon we'll start saying: we aren't going to defend you, you stupid Beltway rats. Maybe we'll say: "I realized I couldn't get my gun out in time so I went off duty. What does it matter?"
Compare the Skokie ACLU case with Nakoula. The ACLU still pats themselves on the back for supporting open racists. Yet if anyone defends Nakoula's first amendment rights the left, which likes to pose as the heir of civil rights defenders, falls over itself to find excuses for the administration.
The left has moved a long way from freedom over the last three decades.
I can't get too agitated over his incarceration because he DID violate his parole and I don't know whether or not it is standard in a case like his for the violator to be returned to prison or not.
"You're getting played so hard by conservative media and you don't even know it."
So what am I being fooled about: the four men are not dead, we did try to save them, or the Administration didn't actually lie to us for weeks about the whole damned thing?
Not to mention I watched the Democrats demonstrate zero interest in finding out the truth in these hearings.
Are you telling me this is like the fake moon landing now, it didn't really happen? FOX made it all in secret studio somewhere.
Again, every attempt makes you look more despicable, and you have been at it for a long time. I don't blame you for hanging on to the facade. It's too late to fix your reputation now anyway.
As we learned in the S̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶H̶i̶l̶l̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ ̶ W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶w̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ M̶o̶n̶i̶c̶a̶ ̶L̶e̶w̶i̶n̶s̶k̶y̶ T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶g̶a̶t̶e̶ #BENGHAZI hearings, why didn't the president order the Special Forces to s̶a̶v̶e̶ r̶e̶s̶c̶u̶e̶ provide first aid to the victims hours after the attack and had already been taken to the hospital?
Why didn't Zero do anything but go back to bed so he'd be fresh for his Vegas fundraiser?
And Hillary!'s stopped herself months ago with her ineptitude.
phx said...
You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?
Haven't heard anyone here use the word, "hero".
I could see, "martyr", but that's different.
And, when phx gets all nasty and name-calling, the Lefties must really be scared.
Republicans must already have more than enough voters.
As we learned in the S̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶H̶i̶l̶l̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ ̶ W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶w̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ M̶o̶n̶i̶c̶a̶ ̶L̶e̶w̶i̶n̶s̶k̶y̶ T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶g̶a̶t̶e̶ #BENGHAZI hearings, why didn't the president order the Special Forces to s̶a̶v̶e̶ r̶e̶s̶c̶u̶e̶ provide first aid to the victims hours after the attack and had already been taken to the hospital?
Why didn't Zero do anything but go back to bed so he'd be fresh for his Vegas fundraiser?
And Hillary!'s stopped herself months ago with her ineptitude.
phx said...
You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?
Haven't heard anyone here use the word, "hero".
I could see, "martyr", but that's different.
And, when phx gets all nasty and name-calling, the Lefties must really be scared.
Republicans must already have more than enough voters.
phx said... You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?
Another lefty admits he believes the first amendment doesn't apply to those we consider douchebags.
Lets remember he cannot distinguish between turning someone into a hero and supporting their first amendment rights when he next claims others lack nuance.
Really: Do you think that if he had made any other movie, they would have arrested him? He was a scapegoat used to help slow down the investigation into the administration's failures.
It is farcical to think that had he simply made an infomercial on genetically modified rutabagas that he'd be in jail.
Matt said... I can't get too agitated over his incarceration because he DID violate his parole and I don't know whether or not it is standard in a case like his for the violator to be returned to prison or not.
Does anyone know?
To paraphrease you: Don't you read?
Oh wait, was that douchey?
In the article it quotes standard practice as being determined by the underlying event, in this case making a film.
If you have outstanding warrants and stand on the corner yelling that the cops are pigs, don't whine to me about your "violated civil rights" when you get rousted - AND they find the warrants.
I don't care if you were exercising your civil rights - you got what you asked for.
Not only that: But would they have had had such a show of force in apprehending him? Created the circus to show how tough the government was being in taking him down? He got almost as much press in how he was brought down as murderers and rapists!
It's like all those TV shows where someone breaks a minor law or technicality, driving with a taillight out, etc., and gets the book thrown at them when we know the real crime is that the guy is dating the cop's ex-girlfriend or something.
It is technically legal and simply "upholding the law," but everyone in the know knows that it is seedy.
You really believe that they just happened to go after Nakoula because of a parole violation? How dumb are you? He deserves to go to jail, but finding him and arresting him was just a big show to bolster the stupid video causation lie. Without that motivation, nobody would have bothered going after one of the least dangerous parole violators in the state.
Isn't this a kind of leftist strategy? You go stage a protest and break some windows or something, then, when you're arrested, you claim you're politically oppressed.
You can say the dots connect a little more clearly in this example, and the government showed a disturbing serendipity, but this is still a ridiculous overstatement.
When Howard Zinn writes his next history, conservatives will be chagrined when Nakoula turns into one his narratives.
Why the hostility? Have I ever expressed any towards you?
I am guessing you are referring to this part in the piece:
"A violation of probation, though, usually produces a court summons and doesn’t typically lead to more jail time unless it involves an offense that would be worth prosecuting in its own right under federal standards. Not for Nakoula."
My own knowledge of parole is not enough for me to know how accurate that statement is nor what "typically" occurs.
If what Lowry writes is accurate, then what they did to Nakoula was unjust. I don't think I would make him a cause celebre as his hands are rather dirty but it would be nice to hear from the ACLU why they are not involved in assisting him.
Matthew Sablan said... Not only that: But would they have had had such a show of force in apprehending him? Created the circus to show how tough the government was being in taking him down?
Agreed. His arrest was absolutely a transparent show for the cameras. There was no reason to not summon him and allow him the opportunity to bring himself to the courthouse.
There are thousands of parole violators in California, some of them quite dangerous. Nobody is looking for them, arresting them with media crews present, and giving them a Presidential shout out.
@Bagoh20: Most parole violators don't make films and shout "Look at me violating my parole in six different ways" on YouTube. That does attract attention, whether an issue's volatile or not.
At the time I recall Aridog sharing quite a bit of first hand information as to how parole violators are handled. None of it rose to movie guy's treatment.
Henry said... Isn't this a kind of leftist strategy? You go stage a protest and break some windows or something, then, when you're arrested, you claim you're politically oppressed.
In that case there's an underlying crime justifying an arrest, especially since it's usually combined with a refusal to desist. Wouldn't you agree the punishment would be political if the normal sentence for vandalism is probation and restitution but instead they put the protesters in jail for three years?
The President of the United States used his police powers against a citizen solely to advance a lie he was perpetrating on the American public just to save his political ass, plain and simple, but I didn't vote for him, so I'm at least smarter than 53% of the country. How about you?
I like Felix the Cat a lot better than Phx the Twat.
One is entertaining and good natured, one is nasty and ignorant.
The breakdown of the coverup has the leftards spooked, and even the barely made it through high school (is that even confirmed?) divorced fat retard can sense his lefty overlords are feeling the heat.
The feelings of muslim scum (in general, not just obama) are more important than the right of free expression to many of the trolls on here.
I don't blame Matt for not knowing the answer to the article. I only read the linked article about 10% of the time. Most of the time the most interesting stuff is in the comments.
phx, one need not love a person to observe that he or she is a patsy, a tool of hacks, an item of the grand politics of lying and covering up. You do think this was all a cover-up, right?
Ah, CWJ, I really know nothing of that stuff. Probably a lot of other people don't either. From the outside, the optics of defending him are not good since the guy is a jackass. As such, if conservatives are aware that vigorously defending plays poorly but persist to do so anyway, then I say, "Good for y'all for your integrity!"
Personally, since I really don't know how these things work, I would lean on the ACLU to make an official statement about his case to explain why they are not supporting him. If pressured, they may turn around and support him, give a dopey excuse for not defending him or provide a rational explanation for not defending him.
Either way, politically speaking, pressuring the ACLU may be a better direction to go. I'm going to check out their site and see if they have anything up there about him.
Ms Althouse, Please keep this case in the forefront of your mind when you try to insist there are strong First Amendment protections against forcing churches to perform gay marriages.
I would not be surprised to hear you say or applaud something like, ""The future does not belong to those who insult the behavior of homosexuals."
" Most parole violators don't make films and shout "Look at me violating my parole in six different ways" on YouTube."
The cops would not have gone after him for that if the President wasn't using his video for a lie. Parole violators often make very public violations, and the cops often know they are in violation and where they are. They still don't bother to pick them up, especially if they are not violent. You know when the do pick them up? When they have another motivation. Still they don't call the media to meet them there. That takes special motivation.
Lefties 1: "I can abandon any notion of integrity or principle to defend a Democrat politician because I just know the conservatives would do it, too."
Lefties 2: "Conservatives are stupid because they don't abandon their principles when the optics are bad."
Logic, reason, integrity, and consistency are not the strong suits of liberals.
That's why their political future depends on maintaining and expanding the pool of low-information citizens like phx and dishonest hypocrites like Inga and garage.
The point is not that the guy is innocent, but that the President - your President - used him to lie to you and, that's not even debatable any longer. He did that in a boldfaced, very public and obvious way. He played you like a fool, and some people are acting like battered whores making excuses for their pimp daddy.
As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad.
==================== Once California probation investigated the incident, they found that Nakoula - released early from jail for bank and investor fraud, ID theft using the Internet, and use of multiple aliases - had money in the millions taken from undisclosed investors while using an alias? When a seach of his apartment found 6 different passports with bogus names? When they found he had within weeks of his release gone back to luring investors on the Internet in violation of specific terms of probation?
Off to jail he went.
1/3rd of those going to jail in California are people that violate terms of probation.
Never a very good idea in any state to be a habitual offender and draw massive public attention to yourself. A probation agent might give someone that has spent shells or ammo in the car a pass while on probation for gun violations that hinder the convicts Sacred 2nd Amendment Rights - but not if the asshole is shown on TV waving a gun...
Nothing more sacred to garage than an OWS asshole.
At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc. Things that also concern me.
Compare that to the absolute fucking drooling morons going on and on about #BENGHAZI!, #HEROES! #YOUTUBE! #LIES! #HILLARY!!!!!
Can you send in just $10 to the Club for Growth to help expose this outrageous coverup!? We're counting on YOU!
I checked the ACLU website and found just one article about Nakoula and it discussed whether or not the video itself was legal. In the comments, some people brought up his arrest and imprisonment but the ACLU did not respond.
So, if you want to express outrage and help him out, start there! Go after the ACLU to get at least some kind of response!
(And this is not a dopey 'do it or you suck' attack; it is a well-intentioned suggestion for anyone who is impassioned enough to take it to the next level.)
At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc
Right. because nothing says "civil liberties" like Student loan debt forgiveness.
Hey, who cares if racist police only arrest black people, so long as they also only arrest those who actually broke the law. Abuse of power is completely legit, so long as those that suffer deserve to, right?
phx said... If you have outstanding warrants and stand on the corner yelling that the cops are pigs, don't whine to me about your "violated civil rights" when you get rousted - AND they find the warrants.
Hey stupid shit:
There were no "warrants"
You can stop talk about "warrants" since you obviously have no fucking clue what they are.
"Rush mentioned that while the Cleveland monster got a bail set, Nikola gets no bail."
That's the way it goes when you violate parole. You're out on parole, not awaiting trial. You've been convicted of the crime. Out on parole is a phase of the post-conviction custody.
If you use the word, evidently, that means there is evidence he is being fooled with. Evidently, you have evidence to present to this effect or is just more of your vapors?
Garage said: "At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc"
Mako ill is a freedom of speech issue. And there is nothing about govt intrusion in retribution against whistleblower s?
And raping people, rioting, pooping on police cars, etc, is really the best way to show concern about government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc?
"But I love you righties making this asshole your cause célèbre."
Back in the old days, lefties made all manner of despicable people the centerpiece of First Amendment cases. Free speech law is largely built on the statements of assholes.
It's really sad that you've forgotten that... or that you just don't know.
And I remember when it was considered cool and smart to mock religion.
At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion,
Nothing demonstrates a concern with government intrusion better than calling for taxpayer funded bailouts for student loans, more taxes on the rich, and more regulation on banks.
X said... c4, now how in the world did California figure out Innocence of Muslims was made by Nakoula?
The better question is why? The government didn't know the producer was on parole or that the film violated the terms. Why were they looking into the film before they knew that?
Matt, No, I used optics as a paraphrase for phx's "you lose moderate voters trying to make a hero out of a douchebag." (Which, despite the quotes, is also a paraphrase)
I didn't see you use the word optics. And while we may disagree on some issues, I've never seen you argue in bad faith.
So if you are a liberal, I'm surprised. You would be the first one on this blog, EVER, to make reasoned, good faith arguments.
It's not hostility. I thought reading that phrase might be a good experience since it seemed disproportionate when you wrote it. Hence the joke.
I am not sure what you are referring to. If it is my exchange with Dadvocate in the high school thread from earlier, go take a look at my later comments that clarified things and get back to me. Otherwise, I genuinely do not know what you are talking about. If you'd rather just drop it, that is fine by me.
Jail NBN to protect BHO from impeachment over Benghazi.
We can find few, if any, of the 11 million or so Hispanic illegal immigrants residing here but we can find a dumbass who wastes his time producing an anti-Mohammad video that no one watches.
Then we jail him for a parole violation because he was told to stay away from the internet because of previous financial fraud (from what I read before Rich Lowry's added twist).
It would appear to me that his confinement is illegal. That puts the United States in the same bed as Egypt which has been killing and maiming Coptic Christians ever since the Muslim Brotherhood took charge. Nakoula is a Coptic.
The cops would not have gone after him for that if the President wasn't using his video for a lie. Parole violators often make very public violations, and the cops often know they are in violation and where they are. They still don't bother to pick them up, especially if they are not violent. You know when the do pick them up? When they have another motivation. Still they don't call the media to meet them there. That takes special motivation.
All of that is, alas, correct. And if Nakoula weren't, inconveniently, an Egyptian Christian rather than an apostate Muslim, he might be at liberty.
My bride was a Federal Probation Officer for 20 years, revoking many parolees in those decades . She has said from the outset this is not even close to SOP. It stinks!
Nathan Alexander said... It's still cool to mock any religion you want as long as it is Christian or Mormon.
Clearly true. Isn't it interesting that the supposed anti-racists have difference standards for religions primarily followed by brown people? They must be protected! Is it the new White Man's Burden?
Back in the old days, lefties made all manner of despicable people the centerpiece of First Amendment cases. Free speech law is largely built on the statements of assholes.
It's really sad that you've forgotten that... or that you just don't know.
The person you're responding to has no interest in the topic than: Go Team Democrat!!!
X said... Marshal the parole violation thing was a bonus. they intended to out and vet him like Joe the Plumber with the hope a crazed muslim would murder him.
Death seems like more than they hoped for, I think finding someone they could trump up a charge on was more than they expected. But I can't think of a legitimate interest they could have had, and obviously the left agrees or they'd be pointing out some violation created by the film itself.
The question is whether he was treated like anybody else on parole or whether he got harsher treatment because of his disapproved-of speech.
It is plainly obvious that he was scapegoated. However, what isn't obvious is if his parole violation was in making the film or was it something else we aren't being told about. All we know was, is that he violated the terms of his parole. Those, to my knowledge haven't been made public, nor, do I believe anything has been heard from him since or from his attorney.
In contrast to, say, Ritmo, who seems genuinely hurt that people here laugh at him, phx seems more like a sociopath who just likes to make people angry.
The difficulty here is that there are problems on the home-side end. Why did all the references to Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups get edited out of the talking points? Why haven't we heard a damn thing from the survivors from the compound?
Inga lies and/misrepresents her position in search if credibility to undermine conservative views. Garage uses false equivalencies and tu qoque logical fallacies to undermine conservative views. Phx pretends to be a moderate and/or centrist to gain credibility to undermine conservative views. But note he never has any criticism at all for any liberal, ever. He rarely out-and-out defends them, either, but his choice of targets makes his agenda clear.
I support all those guys 1st amendment rights. you don't. got it.
Like I said, I'll make your signs and sign your petition. What more do you want?
I don't think I cared much about the last three First Amendment stories that kept us all enthralled.
I know you guys care this passionately about EVERY first amendment/free speech violation that comes around though, so I won't begrudge you this. As long as you don't mind me not caring much what does or doesn't happen to Nakoula with his law case.
In your experience, is re-incarceration normal for Nakoula's parole violation
I was speaking only thinking of the making of the video.
He apparently got a fake driver's license and that, without a doubt, would land you in jail whether on parole for federal or state supervised releases.
good ol' Ted Rall. love that guy. he was screaming for us to invade Afghanistan and depose the Taliban for what they did to women right through Sept 10 2001. then he changed.
The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The Post has learned.
Marshal said... X said... c4, now how in the world did California figure out Innocence of Muslims was made by Nakoula?
The better question is why? The government didn't know the producer was on parole or that the film violated the terms. Why were they looking into the film before they knew that?
X - Caliornia figured out the same way most violations are figured out by Probation Dept - cops let them know, private citizens are all too happy to drop a dime on a DWI guy that injured several people in an accident spotted in a local bar, violating his probation.
Marshal - With several embassies under seige, with one on Tunisia overrun and burning, Cairo overrun, a couple more soldiers in Afghanistan killed over the Blasphemy.. and in Yemen having security forces mow down a dozen protestors trying to kill Americans inside --- there was an obvious imperative to check into the guy that identified himelf as an Israeli named Sam Bacile, backed by wealthy Jewish investors to incite Muslims to kill or harm Americans. When they looked to see if Israel or a foreign power besides Israel orchestrated the rioting, lo and behold, they found a career criminal in violation of multiple parole restrictions. And notified Cali probation about it.
Thats OK, the Far Right is welcome to the scumbag criminal as their beloved 1st Amendment Martyr.
Just as the Far Left is welcome to scumbag lawyer Lynne Stewart as their beloved 1st Amendment Hero. An uglier than dirt sack of shit jailed because some judge thought his orders not to conduit information from imprisoned terrorists to terrorists trumped what 1st Amendment Hero Lynne Stewart thought was her total 1st Amendment Freedom to say anything she wanted to the Blind Sheikhs followers.
And of course the Extreme Libertarian assholes are more than welcome to build shrines to Anwar Al-Awlaki for merely speaking out and attempting to get Muslims to kill infidel Americans. Who the liberarian assholes hold to be a US Citizen!! - martyr. Not to mention his son who was also a US citizen and whacked for exercising his right to freedom of the press - in disseminating recruiting and bombmaking info to people like the Tsarnaevs through al-Awlaki Jrs "Inspire Magazine"
Henry Miller is my favorite artist. I've performed on the same bill with Alan Ginsberg. Met him on several occasions.
This Nakoula guy is a hero. I don't give a shit about the artistic patina of his work. I watched his video several times and I laughed my ass off.
His video said precisely what needs to be said about the Jihadis. Everybody else is too fucking afraid of dying to say it.
His video was great. Just what needed to be done.
If you're pissed off about his shortcomings as an artist, stop being a fucking coward and produce an artistically compelling work that dares to say what Nakoula said.
Far worse [than the lies about the cause of the attack] is the implied question that hung over the House hearing, and that cries out for further investigation. That is the idea that if the administration was to play down the nature of the attack it would have to play down the response—that is, if you want something to be a nonstory you have to have a nonresponse. So you don't launch a military rescue operation, you don't scramble jets, and you have a rationalization—they're too far away, they'll never make it in time. This was probably true, but why not take the chance when American lives are at stake?
I also like this:
From the day of the attack until this week, the White House spin was too clever by half. In the weeks and months after the attack White House spokesmen said they were investigating the story, an internal review was under way. When the story blew open again, last week, they said it was too far in the past: "Benghazi happened a long time ago." Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, really said that.
Think of that. They can't give answers when the story's fresh because it just happened, they're looking into it. Eight months later they don't have anything to say because it all happened so long ago.
Think of how low your opinion of the American people has to be to think you can get away, forever, with that.
Doesn't make you right. Maybe you should stop acting as though you're the only right and proper person who frequents this joint.
I'm the only one whose opinion of personal responsibility and anger count for me. At least until the moment I hear someone saying something more about it that I didn't already know. I think I'll know when someone has something that's worthwhile my hearing on those subjects.
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history."
Not dead Seals, not the dead Ambassador, not the embassy staffer.
All of them deserve a place in American history.
Your posts keep plumbing new depths of stupidity.
Read my comment above. Nakoula should be your hero. If your complaint against him is that he's a crummy artist, then get busy and do something better. Every fucking coward in the world who's afraid to confront the Jihadis can hid behind this bullshit about their tender artistic sensitivities.
"Think of that. They can't give answers when the story's fresh because it just happened, they're looking into it. Eight months later they don't have anything to say because it all happened so long ago.
Think of how low your opinion of the American people has to be to think you can get away, forever, with that."
Then think of the reactions of garage, phx, Inga, et al, and realize how correct that low opinion is, in enough cases to retain Democrat power.
Brainfertilizer's 2nd Law: Democrats are completely dependent on expanding the proportion of low-information citizens in this nation to retain political power.
From the outside, the optics of defending him are not good since the guy is a jackass.
You know, I've seen this type of response throughout these comments. To be frank about it, it's complete bullshit.
What, exactly, did Nakoula do to get himself on parole in the first place? Kill someone? Rape? Shoot somebody's dog?
No. He used aliases. He plead guilty to having ephedrine once. He owed back taxes and didn't pay off loans. In other words, he had money problems.
I'm not willing to call the guy a sleazeball, scumbag, or any other pejorative. Maybe he just had money problems.
That said - I'll dare say it - he IS a hero. If I were president, my first order of business would be to pardon him of this, and all of his prior crimes. He may not have sought to become a hero, but he became one when the president used the full force of the U.S. government to arrest him and use him as a scapegoat.
No, idiot, we're making 2 dead former SEALs, a dead Ambassador, and a dead Embassy staffer a cause celebre.
Read the title over the blog post (insert insensitive namecalling here sniff). Go ahead, read it.
That's right, "Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history."
Not dead Seals, not the dead Ambassador, not the embassy staffer.
You screwy hypocrites lol! I love ya t' death.
Now we know he's an idiot. He sounds just like Shotgun Joe.
(or is it Bob Uecker?)
Clearly, phx needs everything rewritten in purple crayon and then explained to him.
Just because 1 (one) writer says that about Nakoula doesn't negate the millions who are concerned about the people who died.
So go ahead, jackass, make fun of those 4 dead men, but the next time you want to invoke anyone else who died in the service of their country, be prepared to have your real opinion of those who put it on the line recalled and rammed down your throat because all you want to do is try to make some political advantage out of it.
Phx - Serious question: You're not at all concerned with the YouTube video blame game that happened post-Benghazi, when it has now been shown to be a complete farce?
Most parole violators don't make films and shout "Look at me violating my parole in six different ways" on YouTube. That does attract attention, whether an issue's volatile or not.
Yeah, and when the government takes your first amendment right of free speech away because of prior crimes that had NOTHING to do with speech, you had better listen!!
What complete moronic bullshit. The law was an ass on this. Period.
I can picture John Burgess being the little drone that the higher-ups want everyone to be. Go ahead, pal, but don't include me.
Phx - Serious question: You're not at all concerned with the YouTube video blame game that happened post-Benghazi, when it has now been shown to be a complete farce?
EMD serious answer. You say it's now all been shown to be a complete farce? You got that down? Take the responsibility for doing what you got to do then.
I'll wait until I'm sure before joining the necktie party.
This article is about one of the other crimes committed by the Obama administration, one that liberals would care about if you weren't such blatant hypocrites.
But okay. Lets talk about the evil done to the SEALs and the Ambassador by the Obama administration?
Why are all your efforts spent trying to dismiss that part of the story, too?
You call conservatives hypocrites merely for focusing on each aspect of the story as it comes up. But your accusation could only have any plausibility if the deaths of the SEALs and the Ambassador were truly a big deal, a crime. Yet you are unmoved, and even downplay it. Surely even you can see the hypocrisy in that?
Clearly, you are just looking for pretexts to attack conservatives to provide cover for democrat perfidies by going on the offensive, distracting, etc.
This article is about one of the other crimes committed by the Obama administration, one that liberals would care about if you weren't such blatant hypocrites.
I don't know I don't speak for liberals I speak for myself. I told you guys that a dozen times.
I'm not one of those partisans who wants to seize on this to drive Obama out of office. That would be a disaster, because he's black. It would lead to decades of political revenge.
I don't care whether Hillary becomes president. I really don't give a fuck who's president.
This Nakoula guy is the only good guy I can find in this whole mess. He had the guts to ridicule the Jihadis. So, his film was clunky. Do you know of any studio that has the courage to fund a film at the level necessary to make the case against the Jihadis?
Nobody else has the guts to do it. This lonely, artistically challenged little guy is, so far, the only one. He had no money, no studio backing... nothing... and yet, he risked suffering the fate of Theo van Gogh.
This Nakoula guy is the only good guy I can find in this whole mess. He had the guts to ridicule the Jihadis. So, his film was clunky. Do you know of any studio that has the courage to fund a film at the level necessary to make the case against the Jihadis?
Nobody else has the guts to do it. This lonely, artistically challenged little guy is, so far, the only one. He had no money, no studio backing... nothing... and yet, he risked suffering the fate of Theo van Gogh.
And, after thinking about Theo van Gogh, I've been forced to conclude that the Obama administration was driven by two different motives in jailing Nakoula.
The first was to scapegoat somebody... anybody.
The second was to keep Nakoula from being murdered by the Jihadis, thus being transformed into a martyr that the Obama admin would have to defend.
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1 – 200 of 367 Newer› Newest»A bit of an overstatement.
Naybe the first person jailed to protect The Narrative
Well, according to some lunatics on this blog, he should have gone to prison for exercising his 1st amendment rights. Guess they got their wish to the detriment of us all.
When the powers that be don't respect the second amendment why should they respect the first?
Mary Martha said...
When the powers that be don't respect the second amendment why should they respect the first?
And that's their essential end run. The 1st amendment receives protection from the second if the 1st fails. However, if the 2nd is taken out, the 1st will fall immediately thereafter since there is no recourse for the population to protect it for themselves.
"I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when Nakoula dropped his first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think Nakoula just winked at me." And his smile. By the end, when he clearly knew he was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, he's got it."
The last American to suffer this fate was Stephen Austin, but at least he did something, ask Mexico city to fulfill its promises to Texas settlers.
Rush mentioned that while the Cleveland monster got a bail set, Nikola gets no bail.
For all the Leftists who deny that Islam is a threat and all the rest who are ignorant of radical Islam's goal of world domination this should be a wake-up call.
Instead the Leftists will continue to deny it's what Islam wants and the ignorant ones will remain ignorant or think 'Nah. That's can't be true. Assad at the Kwiki Mart is such a nice guy he doesn't want to rule the world'.
No but his religion does and there are approximately 100MM (based on the figure of the radicalized 10% of Islam's 1B followers) who do and those are the ones who will force their will on Assad and Ahpuh and all the rest.
"The future does not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam."
-- Barack Obama
But if you'd like to taunt Christians and Jews- go for it.
Jailed to protect Hillary!
Free speech does not belong to the shadowy character whose video provides a scapegoat.
What or who is garage quoting here?
Barack Hussein Obama made Sharia respectable to 53% of America, but he had good reason.
What different, at this point, does it make?
Lem, he's paraphrasing something written about Palin.
I'm not sure how he thinks it's anywhere near the same, but hey...it's garage.
"The future does not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam."
-- Barack Obama - the day after the Benghazi attack
What or who is garage quoting here?
If you had garage's research skills and sense of facts you could figure that out. Well maybe not
Lem said...
What or who is garage quoting here?
The fumes out of his fourth point of contact?
Oh, garage is implying the right is glad to have Nikola as some sort of weapon to hit the administration with? no shit Sherlock?
Or, is Nikola running to take Hillary nomination?
Dejavu all over again... another Muslim takes what is rightfully Hillarie's.
" . . . my Muslim faith."
-- Barack Obama in a true Freudian slip of the tongue
This guy seems to be a despicable character, and the authorities seem to have a plausible excuse for jailing him. Decent people are reluctant to make him a symbol of what we believe is going wrong with our government right now.
And that's how it starts.
I say: "Free the sleezeball!"
And I mean it.
mccullough said...
A bit of an overstatement.
The headline might be, but this is exactly true:
As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad.
As we learned in the S̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶H̶i̶l̶l̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ ̶ W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶w̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ M̶o̶n̶i̶c̶a̶ ̶L̶e̶w̶i̶n̶s̶k̶y̶ T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶g̶a̶t̶e̶ #BENGHAZI hearings, why didn't the president order the Special Forces to s̶a̶v̶e̶ r̶e̶s̶c̶u̶e̶ provide first aid to the victims hours after the attack and had already been taken to the hospital?
I remember the derision Bush got for saying Osama "wanted dead or alive"... Little did we know that the problem was not that Osama Bin Laden had masterminded the biggest plot to kill Americans in American history, but that Bin Laden was not an American... like Nikola.
a non piece of shit president would pardon this guy just to make things clear.
As we learned in the hearings, why didn't the president?
Garage they asked for help twice and this idea that there was no time... what kind of a military says ostensibly - our embassy in under attack but it will take us too long to mobilize and get there - try to hold on the best you can until the attackers get tired maybe they cut-off early for prayers in the morning... hey you never know.
Question ... no, I'll just make a statement.
To presume to know how long it would take to get there would also make us the fools that would believe our military knew how long the attack would last.
Every time someone tries to justify or downplay Benghazi they make a fool of themselves, because you can't really do either honestly, and maintain any dignity. Garage for example.
On 9/11 the order came to land every plane because we didn't know the extent of the attack.
By the time that order came the attack was over - but we had no idea!
When you become politically dangerous if they can't make some charge stick, they'll just sue and make you pay to defend yourself in either case. This is part of the reason Palin had to give up the governorship. The state wasn't allowed to pay to defend her against all sorts of trumped-up accusations and she had to find the money to do it, so she had to start cashing in on her fame.
You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?
Republicans must already have more than enough voters.
Does the military have a chart telling them if an attack starts at 11 hundred we only have a so much of a window to respond and if we don't well that's just too bad.
I didn't have the exact numbers...
How many hours in total did the attacks take?
Does anybody know?
Every time someone tries to justify or downplay Benghazi they make a fool of themselves
You're getting played so hard by conservative media and you don't even know it. Both left and right wing media play their readers for suckers. But the right can never seem to figure that out.
I heard there were like three waves of attacks.
I mean it sounded like they would run out of ammo or whatever, go get some more, take a fucking break to calm the nerves, I don't know call the wives... and come back to attack the compound again.
At least the Cleveland dispatcher told the 10 year terrorized girl that help was on the way before hanging up on her.
I got to go, but c'mon garage.
You got to admit there something very fishy here.
Douchebag yes,guilty of VOP-yes.Actual crime =Being a captive caprican. But it made some followers of Mohammed happy to see him perpwalked to prison.I wonder how Frederic Douglass would of viewed it.?
It seems there are two very bad precedences being set here. The first is the cover up. And the second is the improper presentation of American constitutional rights to the rest of the world.
Both are incredibly bad precedences to set.
When there is a threat to Hilary's reputation - the press is blazing, the wagons are circling. When it's a threat to the life of an outside Beltway American - it's all very confusing and nothing can be done. Sorry.
Maybe soon we'll start saying: we aren't going to defend you, you stupid Beltway rats. Maybe we'll say: "I realized I couldn't get my gun out in time so I went off duty. What does it matter?"
Compare the Skokie ACLU case with Nakoula. The ACLU still pats themselves on the back for supporting open racists. Yet if anyone defends Nakoula's first amendment rights the left, which likes to pose as the heir of civil rights defenders, falls over itself to find excuses for the administration.
The left has moved a long way from freedom over the last three decades.
I was just wondering if he was still in jail, given the recent developments.
I can't get too agitated over his incarceration because he DID violate his parole and I don't know whether or not it is standard in a case like his for the violator to be returned to prison or not.
Does anyone know?
"You're getting played so hard by conservative media and you don't even know it."
So what am I being fooled about: the four men are not dead, we did try to save them, or the Administration didn't actually lie to us for weeks about the whole damned thing?
Not to mention I watched the Democrats demonstrate zero interest in finding out the truth in these hearings.
Are you telling me this is like the fake moon landing now, it didn't really happen? FOX made it all in secret studio somewhere.
Again, every attempt makes you look more despicable, and you have been at it for a long time. I don't blame you for hanging on to the facade. It's too late to fix your reputation now anyway.
garage mahal said...
As we learned in the S̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶H̶i̶l̶l̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ ̶ W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶w̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ M̶o̶n̶i̶c̶a̶ ̶L̶e̶w̶i̶n̶s̶k̶y̶ T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶g̶a̶t̶e̶ #BENGHAZI hearings, why didn't the president order the Special Forces to s̶a̶v̶e̶ r̶e̶s̶c̶u̶e̶ provide first aid to the victims hours after the attack and had already been taken to the hospital?
Why didn't Zero do anything but go back to bed so he'd be fresh for his Vegas fundraiser?
And Hillary!'s stopped herself months ago with her ineptitude.
phx said...
You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?
Haven't heard anyone here use the word, "hero".
I could see, "martyr", but that's different.
And, when phx gets all nasty and name-calling, the Lefties must really be scared.
Republicans must already have more than enough voters.
It's the demos that need to steal them.
garage mahal said...
As we learned in the S̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶H̶i̶l̶l̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶ ̶ W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶w̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ M̶o̶n̶i̶c̶a̶ ̶L̶e̶w̶i̶n̶s̶k̶y̶ T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶g̶a̶t̶e̶ #BENGHAZI hearings, why didn't the president order the Special Forces to s̶a̶v̶e̶ r̶e̶s̶c̶u̶e̶ provide first aid to the victims hours after the attack and had already been taken to the hospital?
Why didn't Zero do anything but go back to bed so he'd be fresh for his Vegas fundraiser?
And Hillary!'s stopped herself months ago with her ineptitude.
phx said...
You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?
Haven't heard anyone here use the word, "hero".
I could see, "martyr", but that's different.
And, when phx gets all nasty and name-calling, the Lefties must really be scared.
Republicans must already have more than enough voters.
It's the demos that need to steal them.
"Both are incredibly bad precedences to set."
Which only means worse to follow.
Because getting away with it this time (and, of course, they are getting away with it) will embolden them to reach further next time.
"You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?"
So, political persecution is OK as long as it is just done to douchebags. Gotcha.
phx said...
You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag?
Another lefty admits he believes the first amendment doesn't apply to those we consider douchebags.
Lets remember he cannot distinguish between turning someone into a hero and supporting their first amendment rights when he next claims others lack nuance.
So what am I being fooled about
Evidently, quite a bit.
So, political persecution is OK as long as it is just done to douchebags.
Political persecution, what a joke.
Really: Do you think that if he had made any other movie, they would have arrested him? He was a scapegoat used to help slow down the investigation into the administration's failures.
It is farcical to think that had he simply made an infomercial on genetically modified rutabagas that he'd be in jail.
Matt said...
I can't get too agitated over his incarceration because he DID violate his parole and I don't know whether or not it is standard in a case like his for the violator to be returned to prison or not.
Does anyone know?
To paraphrease you: Don't you read?
Oh wait, was that douchey?
In the article it quotes standard practice as being determined by the underlying event, in this case making a film.
If you have outstanding warrants and stand on the corner yelling that the cops are pigs, don't whine to me about your "violated civil rights" when you get rousted - AND they find the warrants.
I don't care if you were exercising your civil rights - you got what you asked for.
Not only that: But would they have had had such a show of force in apprehending him? Created the circus to show how tough the government was being in taking him down? He got almost as much press in how he was brought down as murderers and rapists!
To paraphrease you
Goddamn Es.
"So what am I being fooled about
"Evidently, quite a bit."
In other words you got nothing, and just made the whole claim up, because if you had something, you would spew it instead of pretending you do.
So, was the whistleblower who got demoted just some douchebag who can suffer to protect the Administration too?
But I love you righties making this asshole your cause célèbre.
The moderates are leaving you. They're singing "Everytime We Say Goodbye".
It's like all those TV shows where someone breaks a minor law or technicality, driving with a taillight out, etc., and gets the book thrown at them when we know the real crime is that the guy is dating the cop's ex-girlfriend or something.
It is technically legal and simply "upholding the law," but everyone in the know knows that it is seedy.
Talk about being played by the media.
You really believe that they just happened to go after Nakoula because of a parole violation? How dumb are you? He deserves to go to jail, but finding him and arresting him was just a big show to bolster the stupid video causation lie. Without that motivation, nobody would have bothered going after one of the least dangerous parole violators in the state.
Isn't this a kind of leftist strategy? You go stage a protest and break some windows or something, then, when you're arrested, you claim you're politically oppressed.
You can say the dots connect a little more clearly in this example, and the government showed a disturbing serendipity, but this is still a ridiculous overstatement.
When Howard Zinn writes his next history, conservatives will be chagrined when Nakoula turns into one his narratives.
apparently phx is dumber than a box of Ingas. don't worry phx. we're going to hang this around your neck. moderates like the first amendment.
Why the hostility? Have I ever expressed any towards you?
I am guessing you are referring to this part in the piece:
"A violation of probation, though, usually produces a court summons and doesn’t typically lead to more jail time unless it involves an offense that would be worth prosecuting in its own right under federal standards. Not for Nakoula."
My own knowledge of parole is not enough for me to know how accurate that statement is nor what "typically" occurs.
If what Lowry writes is accurate, then what they did to Nakoula was unjust. I don't think I would make him a cause celebre as his hands are rather dirty but it would be nice to hear from the ACLU why they are not involved in assisting him.
Matthew Sablan said...
Not only that: But would they have had had such a show of force in apprehending him? Created the circus to show how tough the government was being in taking him down?
Agreed. His arrest was absolutely a transparent show for the cameras. There was no reason to not summon him and allow him the opportunity to bring himself to the courthouse.
There are thousands of parole violators in California, some of them quite dangerous. Nobody is looking for them, arresting them with media crews present, and giving them a Presidential shout out.
Politico's characterization is so much bullshit.
@Bagoh20: Most parole violators don't make films and shout "Look at me violating my parole in six different ways" on YouTube. That does attract attention, whether an issue's volatile or not.
phx's catch phrase:
I don't care if you were exercising your civil rights - you got what you asked for.
I don't care if you were exercising your civil rights - you got what you asked for.
In some cases that's exactly right.
Hi Matt,
At the time I recall Aridog sharing quite a bit of first hand information as to how parole violators are handled. None of it rose to movie guy's treatment.
Henry said...
Isn't this a kind of leftist strategy? You go stage a protest and break some windows or something, then, when you're arrested, you claim you're politically oppressed.
In that case there's an underlying crime justifying an arrest, especially since it's usually combined with a refusal to desist. Wouldn't you agree the punishment would be political if the normal sentence for vandalism is probation and restitution but instead they put the protesters in jail for three years?
The President of the United States used his police powers against a citizen solely to advance a lie he was perpetrating on the American public just to save his political ass, plain and simple, but I didn't vote for him, so I'm at least smarter than 53% of the country. How about you?
I like Felix the Cat a lot better than Phx the Twat.
One is entertaining and good natured, one is nasty and ignorant.
The breakdown of the coverup has the leftards spooked, and even the barely made it through high school (is that even confirmed?) divorced fat retard can sense his lefty overlords are feeling the heat.
The feelings of muslim scum (in general, not just obama) are more important than the right of free expression to many of the trolls on here.
Fuck them.
I don't care if you were exercising your civil rights - you got what you asked for.
Looks like phx and garage are at odds. Nothing more sacred to garage than an OWS asshole.
I don't blame Matt for not knowing the answer to the article. I only read the linked article about 10% of the time. Most of the time the most interesting stuff is in the comments.
I can't wait for the broke states to start balancing their budgets by getting out of government employee pensions using the Hatch Act.
I don't care if you were exercising your civil rights - you got what you asked for.
phx, one need not love a person to observe that he or she is a patsy, a tool of hacks, an item of the grand politics of lying and covering up. You do think this was all a cover-up, right?
Ah, CWJ, I really know nothing of that stuff. Probably a lot of other people don't either. From the outside, the optics of defending him are not good since the guy is a jackass. As such, if conservatives are aware that vigorously defending plays poorly but persist to do so anyway, then I say, "Good for y'all for your integrity!"
Personally, since I really don't know how these things work, I would lean on the ACLU to make an official statement about his case to explain why they are not supporting him. If pressured, they may turn around and support him, give a dopey excuse for not defending him or provide a rational explanation for not defending him.
Either way, politically speaking, pressuring the ACLU may be a better direction to go. I'm going to check out their site and see if they have anything up there about him.
Ms Althouse,
Please keep this case in the forefront of your mind when you try to insist there are strong First Amendment protections against forcing churches to perform gay marriages.
I would not be surprised to hear you say or applaud something like, ""The future does not belong to those who insult the behavior of homosexuals."
"Nothing more sacred to garage than an OWS asshole."
Oh come on. I'll bet Nakoula never pooped on a squad car in his entire life.
" Most parole violators don't make films and shout "Look at me violating my parole in six different ways" on YouTube."
The cops would not have gone after him for that if the President wasn't using his video for a lie. Parole violators often make very public violations, and the cops often know they are in violation and where they are. They still don't bother to pick them up, especially if they are not violent. You know when the do pick them up? When they have another motivation. Still they don't call the media to meet them there. That takes special motivation.
no one would have known it was Nakoula until the president's goon squad outed him.
Lefties 1: "I can abandon any notion of integrity or principle to defend a Democrat politician because I just know the conservatives would do it, too."
Lefties 2: "Conservatives are stupid because they don't abandon their principles when the optics are bad."
Logic, reason, integrity, and consistency are not the strong suits of liberals.
That's why their political future depends on maintaining and expanding the pool of low-information citizens like phx and dishonest hypocrites like Inga and garage.
Matt said...
Why the hostility? Have I ever expressed any towards you?
It's not hostility. I thought reading that phrase might be a good experience since it seemed disproportionate when you wrote it. Hence the joke.
My own knowledge of parole is not enough for me to know how accurate that statement is nor what "typically" occurs.
True enough, but any answer you got from a blog commenter would be similarly unvalidated.
The DoJ doesn't usually provide the non-violent parole violators' home address to the press, either.
Jaysus - I will spend all day everyday making "Republicans for Nakoula" signs.
The point is not that the guy is innocent, but that the President - your President - used him to lie to you and, that's not even debatable any longer. He did that in a boldfaced, very public and obvious way. He played you like a fool, and some people are acting like battered whores making excuses for their pimp daddy.
The headline might be, but this is exactly true:
As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad.
Once California probation investigated the incident, they found that Nakoula - released early from jail for bank and investor fraud, ID theft using the Internet, and use of multiple aliases - had money in the millions taken from undisclosed investors while using an alias?
When a seach of his apartment found 6 different passports with bogus names? When they found he had within weeks of his release gone back to luring investors on the Internet in violation of specific terms of probation?
Off to jail he went.
1/3rd of those going to jail in California are people that violate terms of probation.
Never a very good idea in any state to be a habitual offender and draw massive public attention to yourself. A probation agent might give someone that has spent shells or ammo in the car a pass while on probation for gun violations that hinder the convicts Sacred 2nd Amendment Rights - but not if the asshole is shown on TV waving a gun...
I'll take one phx, you piece of shit.
Nothing more sacred to garage than an OWS asshole.
At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc. Things that also concern me.
Compare that to the absolute fucking drooling morons going on and on about #BENGHAZI!, #HEROES! #YOUTUBE! #LIES! #HILLARY!!!!!
Can you send in just $10 to the Club for Growth to help expose this outrageous coverup!? We're counting on YOU!
phx said...
If you have outstanding warrants
Uh, this guy didn't have "outstanding warrants"
Here is your waffle, thanks for participating.
I checked the ACLU website and found just one article about Nakoula and it discussed whether or not the video itself was legal. In the comments, some people brought up his arrest and imprisonment but the ACLU did not respond.
So, if you want to express outrage and help him out, start there! Go after the ACLU to get at least some kind of response!
(And this is not a dopey 'do it or you suck' attack; it is a well-intentioned suggestion for anyone who is impassioned enough to take it to the next level.)
I'll take one phx, you piece of shit.
Laughed out loud!
You got it good buddy! Take one for your family!
And the crowd shouts.."INGA INGA INGA INGA INGA."
garage mahal said...
At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc
Right. because nothing says "civil liberties" like Student loan debt forgiveness.
You're a fucking idiot.
c4, now how in the world did California figure out Innocence of Muslims was made by Nakoula?
Hey, who cares if racist police only arrest black people, so long as they also only arrest those who actually broke the law. Abuse of power is completely legit, so long as those that suffer deserve to, right?
phx said...
If you have outstanding warrants and stand on the corner yelling that the cops are pigs, don't whine to me about your "violated civil rights" when you get rousted - AND they find the warrants.
Hey stupid shit:
There were no "warrants"
You can stop talk about "warrants" since you obviously have no fucking clue what they are.
"Rush mentioned that while the Cleveland monster got a bail set, Nikola gets no bail."
That's the way it goes when you violate parole. You're out on parole, not awaiting trial. You've been convicted of the crime. Out on parole is a phase of the post-conviction custody.
garage mahal said...
So what am I being fooled about
Evidently, quite a bit.
If you use the word, evidently, that means there is evidence he is being fooled with. Evidently, you have evidence to present to this effect or is just more of your vapors?
phx said...
But I love you righties making this asshole your cause célèbre.
The moderates are leaving you
I bet they are! And, and, and, you're totally moderate yourself, dumbfuck.
Oh, and I love watching you Democrats double down on the Youtube video as a blame for a terrorist attack.
The moderates are leaving you.
Nathan Alexander said...
Lefties 2: "Conservatives are stupid because they don't abandon their principles when the optics are bad."
Is that directed at me? I'm the only other person to use the word "optics" here.
"Jaysus - I will spend all day everyday making "Republicans for Nakoula" signs"
Take some time to make a few "Democrats against Amendments 1 & 2".
and knockout a few:
Obama, Tell me lies, Tell me sweet little lies."
The question is whether he was treated like anybody else on parole or whether he got harsher treatment because of his disapproved-of speech.
phx said...
You guys still trying to make a hero out of this douchebag
You still not the least bit curious as to why the White House blamed a Youtube video for a terrorist attack, douchebag?
Take some time to make a few "Democrats against Amendments 1 & 2"
Nah, you can do that. I'll stick to the Free Nakoula signs.
does anybody remember which exemplars of the first amendment outed the name Nakoula? was it the government, the media, or Google?
Prof. Althouse,
In your experience, is re-incarceration normal for Nakoula's parole violation?
Garage said:
"At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc"
Mako ill is a freedom of speech issue. And there is nothing about govt intrusion in retribution against whistleblower s?
And raping people, rioting, pooping on police cars, etc, is really the best way to show concern about government intrusion, civil liberties, freedom of speech, freedom on the internet, banks ripping people off, etc?
Mako ill is my iPad's spelling of Nakoula.
he was treated like anybody else on parole or whether he got harsher treatment because of his disapproved-of speech.
I don't think it is the speech so much as it is the result of that speech - making things bad for King Barry - that got him the harsher treatment.
@Matt that's a good question.
"But I love you righties making this asshole your cause célèbre."
Back in the old days, lefties made all manner of despicable people the centerpiece of First Amendment cases. Free speech law is largely built on the statements of assholes.
It's really sad that you've forgotten that... or that you just don't know.
And I remember when it was considered cool and smart to mock religion.
What the hell happened?
At least OWS seemed to be more concerned with government intrusion,
Nothing demonstrates a concern with government intrusion better than calling for taxpayer funded bailouts for student loans, more taxes on the rich, and more regulation on banks.
Great message you got going there.
Really believable.
X said...
c4, now how in the world did California figure out Innocence of Muslims was made by Nakoula?
The better question is why? The government didn't know the producer was on parole or that the film violated the terms. Why were they looking into the film before they knew that?
No, I used optics as a paraphrase for phx's "you lose moderate voters trying to make a hero out of a douchebag." (Which, despite the quotes, is also a paraphrase)
I didn't see you use the word optics. And while we may disagree on some issues, I've never seen you argue in bad faith.
So if you are a liberal, I'm surprised. You would be the first one on this blog, EVER, to make reasoned, good faith arguments.
"In your experience, is re-incarceration normal for Nakoula's parole violation?"
I'm not experienced in that dimension. I don't know.
Marshal said...
It's not hostility. I thought reading that phrase might be a good experience since it seemed disproportionate when you wrote it. Hence the joke.
I am not sure what you are referring to. If it is my exchange with Dadvocate in the high school thread from earlier, go take a look at my later comments that clarified things and get back to me. Otherwise, I genuinely do not know what you are talking about. If you'd rather just drop it, that is fine by me.
"And I remember when it was considered cool and smart to mock religion."
It's still cool to mock any religion you want as long as it is Christian or Mormon.
"Never a very good idea in any state to be a habitual offender and draw massive public attention to yourself".
It hasn't hurt Obama much.
Marshal the parole violation thing was a bonus. they intended to out and vet him like Joe the Plumber with the hope a crazed muslim would murder him.
Jail NBN to protect BHO from impeachment over Benghazi.
We can find few, if any, of the 11 million or so Hispanic illegal immigrants residing here but we can find a dumbass who wastes his time producing an anti-Mohammad video that no one watches.
Then we jail him for a parole violation because he was told to stay away from the internet because of previous financial fraud (from what I read before Rich Lowry's added twist).
It would appear to me that his confinement is illegal. That puts the United States in the same bed as Egypt which has been killing and maiming Coptic Christians ever since the Muslim Brotherhood took charge. Nakoula is a Coptic.
Nathan Alexander said...
So if you are a liberal, I'm surprised. You would be the first one on this blog, EVER, to make reasoned, good faith arguments.
Thank you for the kind words. Alas, I am not a liberal **shudder**
Thank you, Professor, for your answer.
The cops would not have gone after him for that if the President wasn't using his video for a lie. Parole violators often make very public violations, and the cops often know they are in violation and where they are. They still don't bother to pick them up, especially if they are not violent. You know when the do pick them up? When they have another motivation. Still they don't call the media to meet them there. That takes special motivation.
All of that is, alas, correct. And if Nakoula weren't, inconveniently, an Egyptian Christian rather than an apostate Muslim, he might be at liberty.
And I remember when it was considered cool and smart to mock religion.
What the hell happened?
Something is happening and you don't know what it is.
My bride was a Federal Probation Officer for 20 years, revoking many parolees in those decades . She has said from the outset this is not even close to SOP. It stinks!
Please Annie..don't "call bullshit" on me again. I hate having to prove you wrong.
Nathan Alexander said...
It's still cool to mock any religion you want as long as it is Christian or Mormon.
Clearly true. Isn't it interesting that the supposed anti-racists have difference standards for religions primarily followed by brown people? They must be protected! Is it the new White Man's Burden?
"My bride was a Federal Probation Officer"
They all are eventually.
It certainly is not standard to send someone to jail for this type of parole violation.
Back in the old days, lefties made all manner of despicable people the centerpiece of First Amendment cases. Free speech law is largely built on the statements of assholes.
It's really sad that you've forgotten that... or that you just don't know.
The person you're responding to has no interest in the topic than: Go Team Democrat!!!
Back in the old days, lefties made all manner of despicable people the centerpiece of First Amendment cases.
Lefties got Henry Miller and Alan Ginsburg for their centerpieces.
You guys get to party with Nakoula Nakoula.
X said...
Marshal the parole violation thing was a bonus. they intended to out and vet him like Joe the Plumber with the hope a crazed muslim would murder him.
Death seems like more than they hoped for, I think finding someone they could trump up a charge on was more than they expected. But I can't think of a legitimate interest they could have had, and obviously the left agrees or they'd be pointing out some violation created by the film itself.
Althouse said...
The question is whether he was treated like anybody else on parole or whether he got harsher treatment because of his disapproved-of speech.
It is plainly obvious that he was scapegoated. However, what isn't obvious is if his parole violation was in making the film or was it something else we aren't being told about. All we know was, is that he violated the terms of his parole. Those, to my knowledge haven't been made public, nor, do I believe anything has been heard from him since or from his attorney.
Per phx, this guy got what he deserved:
Florida Man Flees Seatbelt Stop on Foot, Cop Runs Him Over and Kills Him.
Per phx, this guy got what he deserved:
Sounded to me like he committed fraud. The co-stars of his movie weren't too happy with him either.
t certainly is not standard to send someone to jail for this type of parole violation.
What is standard?
But the fraud case is the part I'd be concerned with. You guys decide what you want with First Amendment case. That makes no difference to me.
There's a dozen first amendment cases out there every year.
keep fucking that chicken pbuhx
phx, I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I don't care who's president.
So, you can skip the accusation of partisanship here.
Your comments here have been damned stupid. Probably, you do understand the First Amendment, but for partisan reasons, you're pretending you don't.
I've got the feeling you know how stupid your comments have been. So, my question is, why write such stupid shit?
What or who are you defending? Stupid partisanship?
Both Obama and Hillary! got his back (with a target) and put it and him in the hoosegow, cause they just knew he needed 3 hots and a cot.
"why write such stupid shit?"
In contrast to, say, Ritmo, who seems genuinely hurt that people here laugh at him, phx seems more like a sociopath who just likes to make people angry.
...or maybe he just does his "la-dee-da, nothing matters" routine so as to not have to actually defend or research anything he says.
"...sociopath who just likes to make people angry."
I thought that was Inga and garage.
more like a sociopath who just likes to make people angry.
Awww, I can't be blamed for "making" you be angry. You guys don't ever make ME angry. Well, almost never.
That ain't your fault even if you do make me angry.
If you can't do this without getting angry, who the fuck's the sociopath, hmmm?
garage mahal,
The difficulty here is that there are problems on the home-side end. Why did all the references to Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups get edited out of the talking points? Why haven't we heard a damn thing from the survivors from the compound?
Lefties got Henry Miller and Alan Ginsburg for their centerpieces.
You guys get to party with Nakoula Nakoula.
I support all those guys 1st amendment rights. you don't. got it.
This should be an exercise in creativity and storytelling amid a discussion of politics and culture. Why get angry?
Inga lies and/misrepresents her position in search if credibility to undermine conservative views.
Garage uses false equivalencies and tu qoque logical fallacies to undermine conservative views.
Phx pretends to be a moderate and/or centrist to gain credibility to undermine conservative views. But note he never has any criticism at all for any liberal, ever. He rarely out-and-out defends them, either, but his choice of targets makes his agenda clear.
phx said...
Back in the old days, lefties made all manner of despicable people the centerpiece of First Amendment cases.
Lefties got Henry Miller and Alan Ginsburg for their centerpieces.
You guys get to party with Nakoula Nakoula. "
Should it make any difference?
A sociopath doesn't do anything out of anger. That's the point, they are so scary and amoral because they do their evil mostly dispassionately.
I support all those guys 1st amendment rights. you don't. got it.
Like I said, I'll make your signs and sign your petition. What more do you want?
I don't think I cared much about the last three First Amendment stories that kept us all enthralled.
I know you guys care this passionately about EVERY first amendment/free speech violation that comes around though, so I won't begrudge you this. As long as you don't mind me not caring much what does or doesn't happen to Nakoula with his law case.
If you can't do this without getting angry, who the fuck's the sociopath, hmmm?
You do know the definition of sociopath right?
Should it make any difference?
Nah. I was really just rubbing that one in.
phx said...
Lefties got Henry Miller and Alan Ginsburg for their centerpieces.
Hysterical. Nothing like naming people from 50 years ago. Guess who lefties have now?
Ted Rall and Michael Moore.
Oh, and it is a rich bit of irony that the only person who has been even identified as culpable in the Benghazi fiasco, much less punished, is Nakoula
And you're ok with that.
You big 1st amendment person, you!
A sociopath doesn't do anything out of anger.
As you learn to accept the responsibility for your world, your entire world, you anger with other people loses its ardor.
I was really just rubbing that one in.
actually, I think what you do is called rubbing one out.
Oh, and it is a rich bit of irony that the only person who has been even identified as culpable in the Benghazi fiasco, much less punished, is Nakoula
I thought they identified the Islamists militants responsible for Benghazi.
In your experience, is re-incarceration normal for Nakoula's parole violation
I was speaking only thinking of the making of the video.
He apparently got a fake driver's license and that, without a doubt, would land you in jail whether on parole for federal or state supervised releases.
I regret the error.
good ol' Ted Rall. love that guy. he was screaming for us to invade Afghanistan and depose the Taliban for what they did to women right through Sept 10 2001. then he changed.
phx, accepting responsibility yada yada doesn't mean you can't still get angry.
phx said...
I thought they identified the Islamists militants responsible for Benghazi.
You seem to be operating under the assumption that I was talking about the attack.
Of course you're pretending that's what I said, you silly, pathetic hack.
I thought they identified the Islamists militants responsible for Benghazi.
They have been punished, right dumbfuck?
CEO-MMP That's not how I see it.
phx said...
Lefties got Henry Miller and Alan Ginsburg for their centerpieces.
The Obama Administration is targeting a random bad video on Youtube as a political scapegoat for it's failures.
And you're ok with that.
The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The Post has learned.
And lefty troll phx is ok with that.
phx said...
CEO-MMP That's not how I see it.
Doesn't make you right. Maybe you should stop acting as though you're the only right and proper person who frequents this joint.
Marshal said...
X said...
c4, now how in the world did California figure out Innocence of Muslims was made by Nakoula?
The better question is why? The government didn't know the producer was on parole or that the film violated the terms. Why were they looking into the film before they knew that?
X - Caliornia figured out the same way most violations are figured out by Probation Dept - cops let them know, private citizens are all too happy to drop a dime on a DWI guy that injured several people in an accident spotted in a local bar, violating his probation.
Marshal - With several embassies under seige, with one on Tunisia overrun and burning, Cairo overrun, a couple more soldiers in Afghanistan killed over the Blasphemy.. and in Yemen having security forces mow down a dozen protestors trying to kill Americans inside --- there was an obvious imperative to check into the guy that identified himelf as an Israeli named Sam Bacile, backed by wealthy Jewish investors to incite Muslims to kill or harm Americans.
When they looked to see if Israel or a foreign power besides Israel orchestrated the rioting, lo and behold, they found a career criminal in violation of multiple parole restrictions. And notified Cali probation about it.
Thats OK, the Far Right is welcome to the scumbag criminal as their beloved 1st Amendment Martyr.
Just as the Far Left is welcome to scumbag lawyer Lynne Stewart as their beloved 1st Amendment Hero. An uglier than dirt sack of shit jailed because some judge thought his orders not to conduit information from imprisoned terrorists to terrorists trumped what 1st Amendment Hero Lynne Stewart thought was her total 1st Amendment Freedom to say anything she wanted to the Blind Sheikhs followers.
And of course the Extreme Libertarian assholes are more than welcome to build shrines to Anwar Al-Awlaki for merely speaking out and attempting to get Muslims to kill infidel Americans. Who the liberarian assholes hold to be a US Citizen!! - martyr. Not to mention his son who was also a US citizen and whacked for exercising his right to freedom of the press - in disseminating recruiting and bombmaking info to people like the Tsarnaevs through al-Awlaki Jrs "Inspire Magazine"
Henry Miller is my favorite artist. I've performed on the same bill with Alan Ginsberg. Met him on several occasions.
This Nakoula guy is a hero. I don't give a shit about the artistic patina of his work. I watched his video several times and I laughed my ass off.
His video said precisely what needs to be said about the Jihadis. Everybody else is too fucking afraid of dying to say it.
His video was great. Just what needed to be done.
If you're pissed off about his shortcomings as an artist, stop being a fucking coward and produce an artistically compelling work that dares to say what Nakoula said.
phx said...
But I love you righties making this asshole your cause célèbre.
No, idiot, we're making 2 dead former SEALs, a dead Ambassador, and a dead Embassy staffer a cause celebre.
But the Nakoula case makes constitutional rights something of a contact sport.
The moderates are leaving you. They're singing "Everytime We Say Goodbye".
The only moderates voting Democrat died at least 20 years ago.
Lefties got Henry Miller and Alan Ginsburg for their centerpieces.
Sure, those are a couple of real winners, but you forgot Al Goldstein and the Skokie Nazis.
Peggy Noonan's got a very good WSJ piece on the Benghazi hearing.
She makes this key point:
Far worse [than the lies about the cause of the attack] is the implied question that hung over the House hearing, and that cries out for further investigation. That is the idea that if the administration was to play down the nature of the attack it would have to play down the response—that is, if you want something to be a nonstory you have to have a nonresponse. So you don't launch a military rescue operation, you don't scramble jets, and you have a rationalization—they're too far away, they'll never make it in time. This was probably true, but why not take the chance when American lives are at stake?
I also like this:
From the day of the attack until this week, the White House spin was too clever by half. In the weeks and months after the attack White House spokesmen said they were investigating the story, an internal review was under way. When the story blew open again, last week, they said it was too far in the past: "Benghazi happened a long time ago." Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, really said that.
Think of that. They can't give answers when the story's fresh because it just happened, they're looking into it. Eight months later they don't have anything to say because it all happened so long ago.
Think of how low your opinion of the American people has to be to think you can get away, forever, with that.
phx said...
Lefties got Henry Miller and Alan Ginsburg for their centerpieces.
Actually the left has Bill Ayers, who just by chance, was photographed standing on an American flag.
Doesn't make you right. Maybe you should stop acting as though you're the only right and proper person who frequents this joint.
I'm the only one whose opinion of personal responsibility and anger count for me. At least until the moment I hear someone saying something more about it that I didn't already know. I think I'll know when someone has something that's worthwhile my hearing on those subjects.
"As you learn to accept the responsibility for your world, your entire world, you anger with other people loses its ardor."
I left anger behind years ago.
No, idiot, we're making 2 dead former SEALs, a dead Ambassador, and a dead Embassy staffer a cause celebre.
Read the title over the blog post (insert insensitive namecalling here sniff). Go ahead, read it.
That's right,
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history."
Not dead Seals, not the dead Ambassador, not the embassy staffer.
You screwy hypocrites lol! I love ya t' death.
Lefty dimwit phx thinks the left are big defenders of free speech.
That's hilarious.
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history."
Not dead Seals, not the dead Ambassador, not the embassy staffer.
All of them deserve a place in American history.
Your posts keep plumbing new depths of stupidity.
Read my comment above. Nakoula should be your hero. If your complaint against him is that he's a crummy artist, then get busy and do something better. Every fucking coward in the world who's afraid to confront the Jihadis can hid behind this bullshit about their tender artistic sensitivities.
"Think of that. They can't give answers when the story's fresh because it just happened, they're looking into it. Eight months later they don't have anything to say because it all happened so long ago.
Think of how low your opinion of the American people has to be to think you can get away, forever, with that."
Then think of the reactions of garage, phx, Inga, et al, and realize how correct that low opinion is, in enough cases to retain Democrat power.
Brainfertilizer's 2nd Law:
Democrats are completely dependent on expanding the proportion of low-information citizens in this nation to retain political power.
Read the title over the blog post
And lefty dimwit phx proves reading comprehension isn't for everyone.
Especially for lefty dumbshits like him.
I mean, pretending that the whole commentary on Benghazi coming from the right is about Nakoula is so intellectually honest.
Really it is.
Gee, I wonder why people call you names?
Guys dying on roofs thousands of miles away from home defending U.S. soil from an encroaching enemy?
Certainly not heroic, right?
Yes, phx. You're the only one responsible for you and all the rest of it.
However--you don't get to look down on everyone else who doesn't share your views.
That makes you edtutcher.
So far this jackass is the only one in custody for anything remotely related to Benghazi.
I'm still waiting for the "bring these assholes to justice" phase of the Libya adventure. It's only been eight months.
From the outside, the optics of defending him are not good since the guy is a jackass.
You know, I've seen this type of response throughout these comments. To be frank about it, it's complete bullshit.
What, exactly, did Nakoula do to get himself on parole in the first place? Kill someone? Rape? Shoot somebody's dog?
No. He used aliases. He plead guilty to having ephedrine once. He owed back taxes and didn't pay off loans. In other words, he had money problems.
I'm not willing to call the guy a sleazeball, scumbag, or any other pejorative. Maybe he just had money problems.
That said - I'll dare say it - he IS a hero. If I were president, my first order of business would be to pardon him of this, and all of his prior crimes. He may not have sought to become a hero, but he became one when the president used the full force of the U.S. government to arrest him and use him as a scapegoat.
phx said...
No, idiot, we're making 2 dead former SEALs, a dead Ambassador, and a dead Embassy staffer a cause celebre.
Read the title over the blog post (insert insensitive namecalling here sniff). Go ahead, read it.
That's right,
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history."
Not dead Seals, not the dead Ambassador, not the embassy staffer.
You screwy hypocrites lol! I love ya t' death.
Now we know he's an idiot. He sounds just like Shotgun Joe.
(or is it Bob Uecker?)
Clearly, phx needs everything rewritten in purple crayon and then explained to him.
Just because 1 (one) writer says that about Nakoula doesn't negate the millions who are concerned about the people who died.
So go ahead, jackass, make fun of those 4 dead men, but the next time you want to invoke anyone else who died in the service of their country, be prepared to have your real opinion of those who put it on the line recalled and rammed down your throat because all you want to do is try to make some political advantage out of it.
Phx - Serious question: You're not at all concerned with the YouTube video blame game that happened post-Benghazi, when it has now been shown to be a complete farce?
Most parole violators don't make films and shout "Look at me violating my parole in six different ways" on YouTube. That does attract attention, whether an issue's volatile or not.
Yeah, and when the government takes your first amendment right of free speech away because of prior crimes that had NOTHING to do with speech, you had better listen!!
What complete moronic bullshit. The law was an ass on this. Period.
I can picture John Burgess being the little drone that the higher-ups want everyone to be. Go ahead, pal, but don't include me.
Phx - Serious question: You're not at all concerned with the YouTube video blame game that happened post-Benghazi, when it has now been shown to be a complete farce?
EMD serious answer. You say it's now all been shown to be a complete farce? You got that down? Take the responsibility for doing what you got to do then.
I'll wait until I'm sure before joining the necktie party.
This article is about one of the other crimes committed by the Obama administration, one that liberals would care about if you weren't such blatant hypocrites.
But okay. Lets talk about the evil done to the SEALs and the Ambassador by the Obama administration?
Why are all your efforts spent trying to dismiss that part of the story, too?
You call conservatives hypocrites merely for focusing on each aspect of the story as it comes up. But your accusation could only have any plausibility if the deaths of the SEALs and the Ambassador were truly a big deal, a crime. Yet you are unmoved, and even downplay it. Surely even you can see the hypocrisy in that?
Clearly, you are just looking for pretexts to attack conservatives to provide cover for democrat perfidies by going on the offensive, distracting, etc.
You say it's now all been shown to be a complete farce? You got that down? Take the responsibility for doing what you got to do then.
I'll wait until I'm sure before joining the necktie party.
So you believe Susan Rice then?
This article is about one of the other crimes committed by the Obama administration, one that liberals would care about if you weren't such blatant hypocrites.
I don't know I don't speak for liberals I speak for myself. I told you guys that a dozen times.
So you believe Susan Rice then?
I didn't hear Donna Rice.
I'm not one of those partisans who wants to seize on this to drive Obama out of office. That would be a disaster, because he's black. It would lead to decades of political revenge.
I don't care whether Hillary becomes president. I really don't give a fuck who's president.
This Nakoula guy is the only good guy I can find in this whole mess. He had the guts to ridicule the Jihadis. So, his film was clunky. Do you know of any studio that has the courage to fund a film at the level necessary to make the case against the Jihadis?
Nobody else has the guts to do it. This lonely, artistically challenged little guy is, so far, the only one. He had no money, no studio backing... nothing... and yet, he risked suffering the fate of Theo van Gogh.
God bless this Nakoula guy!
Susan Rice.
Susan Rice.
Then how can you make an objective assessment of the situation if you don't have the necessary knowledge?
He won't be the last one persecuted to save a president.
This Nakoula guy is the only good guy I can find in this whole mess. He had the guts to ridicule the Jihadis. So, his film was clunky. Do you know of any studio that has the courage to fund a film at the level necessary to make the case against the Jihadis?
Nobody else has the guts to do it. This lonely, artistically challenged little guy is, so far, the only one. He had no money, no studio backing... nothing... and yet, he risked suffering the fate of Theo van Gogh.
God bless this Nakoula guy!
Hallelujah, and Amen ST. Well done.
And, after thinking about Theo van Gogh, I've been forced to conclude that the Obama administration was driven by two different motives in jailing Nakoula.
The first was to scapegoat somebody... anybody.
The second was to keep Nakoula from being murdered by the Jihadis, thus being transformed into a martyr that the Obama admin would have to defend.
Nakoula was not jailed for "blasphemy", he was jailed to distract attention from government incompetence.
He was not the first, or even the thousandth, person to suffer such a fate in this country.
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