The Berlin movement has led to an "Occupy Barbie Dreamhouse" page on Facebook, which displays a cover image of a dark-haired girl saying, "I can't stand pink!" in German.Ich habe kein Bock auf Pink! That's from the Facebook page. Google translate would have gone with "Ich kann es nicht ertragen pink!" All I can say is that I am now confident that I know how to say "pink" in German. Google translates "Ich habe kein Bock auf Pink!" as "I have no mood to Pink!" — which reminds me: I have no mood to socialist alternative male German feminists. Ich bin nicht in der Stimmung für eine sozialistische Alternative männlichen deutschen Feministinnen.
Now... how do you say "The Barbie Dreamhouse is the expression of a conventional role model that isn't OK" in German? Der Barbie Traumhaus ist der Ausdruck eines herkömmlichen Vorbild, das nicht OK.
I'm quite sure I know how to say "pink" and "OK" in German. Okay? Ok, raus, Deutsch pinko feministische Männer.
Are there right wing feminists?
männlichen ? Indeed.
I get this impression: "We must stamp out any message that does not fit our view of what women should be! Our ideas are so delicate that any subversive element will destroy us, so we must destroy it first."
Further, I think they are saying "I'm a doughnut with pink icing".
We need another Facebook page, with Barbie fighting back against the alternative German socialist feminist men.
"Further, I think they are saying "I'm a doughnut with pink icing."
Also lickable, like the men.
Not OK. Care to pin that that down a bit more?
The feminazis prefer those black outfits, trimmed in silver, set off by high black boots.
Ah, the good old days, when German women had a role in the world - making lampshades out of dead Jews.
PS How many women have toured it already?
I love cooking good food for my family. That is wonderfully fulfilling. It is also fulfilling to make a wonderful mixed drink for my wife, or roast some coffee for my friends.
"'They present an image of cooking, primping and singing, as if it were in some way life-fulfilling,' Socialist Alternative editor Michael Koschitzki, 27, told German newspaper Der Spiegel. 'The Barbie Dreamhouse is the expression of a conventional role model that isn't OK,' he said.
I thought feminism was about choice. I guess it's about choosing what the socialists and feminists want you to choose.
Further, I think they are saying "I'm a doughnut with pink icing".
I get it.
I wonder how many years will have to pass before dullards stop associating EVERYTHING German with Hitler.
Who died almost 70 years ago. And who ruled Germany (Now 143 years old) for approximately 11 years Aug 1934-April 1945.
I need to double check with my German wife, but I'm pretty sure the German word for pink is "rosa"
edutcher said...
The feminazis prefer those black outfits, trimmed in silver, set off by high black boots.
That engenders imagery of officers in the Empire Strikes Back.
'The Barbie Dreamhouse is the expression of a conventional role model that isn't OK.'
Speaking of Barbie as a role model, why can't all women look like Barbies?
Except life-size, with nipples and vaginas.
Sounds OK to me.
Why wouldn't being a wife or a mother be fulfilling? Having worked at plenty of companies Ill say if you think you're going to find fulfillment at a company that isn't yours you're probably going to be disapointed.
Guys go through their lives working till they drop, and in many cases wish they had spent more times with the family.
ch liebe Shopping und Mathematik ist schwer
Why can't my girls cook and sing? I'm not sure what primping is, is that dressing up? Because they love that too.... Why are they so anti-fun ?!? And Beauty!! Maybe they are ugly ??
meine Brüste fühlen Kunststoff
ken ist ein komplettes Weichei
How can caring for your family be considered not "OK"? Is a woman incapable of multitasking from home? Is a woman's life restricted to the home? Conservatives do not generally believe this. They do believe that a life has stages and priorities must set accordingly.
Who in their right mind would have a singular perspective of human evolution from conception to grave? That defies the very nature of the process.
War on Barbie!
Haben die Barbie-Puppen großen rosa Brustwarzen?
It's stories like these that make me think that the 19th Amendment may have been a cause of the Great Depression.
"Left-wing"... "protesting..." Yeah, I pretty much stopped caring at that point. It at times feels like the only thing the left wing knows is protest.
Berlin bleibt doch Berlin.
I'm quite sure I know how to say "pink" and "OK" in German. Okay?
It sounds just like it does in English, albeit with a German accent. "Ja, OK, OK..."
When you think about it, OK doesn't really mean anything in English, either.
"'They present an image of cooking, primping and singing, as if it were in some way life-fulfilling,' Socialist Alternative editor Michael Koschitzki, 27, told German newspaper Der Spiegel. 'The Barbie Dreamhouse is the expression of a conventional role model that isn't OK,' he said.
This is a little rich, given the context. The Berlin alternative scene is kind of ugly -- lots of people drugged out, too skinny, with tattoos and body art bordering on self mutilation. A pink Jazzercise outfit would be a distinct step up.
Die Sauerkraut ist in mein Lederhosen.
I think okay is originally German.
Olles Korrect.
He's just pissed because his sister wouldn't let him play with Barbie.
Ich bin ein hamburger
How can caring for your family be considered not "OK"?
Because Berliners are a*******s. The entire country is full of nice, hardworking, pleasant and modest people, and Berlin is where they go to in order to reject all that.
"Because Berliners are a*******s. The entire country is full of nice, hardworking, pleasant and modest people, and Berlin is where they go to in order to reject all that."
So, its the German Madison Winsc.
So the American intra-female war between anti-marriage feminists and women who feel perfectly fulfilled as wives and mothers has migrated to Germany.
One advantage of the German protests is that the feminists are topless, but I suspect that the phrase "media whores" is pretty appicable to the protestors.
"The Nazi ideology of Mattel purposefully creates the image of a female doll dictating not only the appearance of new generations, and that the worst social role of reckless beauty finding a reason to exist in the continuous care of their appearance and the house," [German feminist group]Femen said.
Their confusion is understandable.
German feminist ninnies here.
ken ist ein Mann Hure
What's German for Schadenfreude?
I bet these people tend to suffer from severe stomach ulcers.
Leland said...
Further, I think they are saying "I'm a doughnut with pink icing".
5/16/13, 3:54 PM
A pink jelly doughnut.
You otter see the Egyptian hieroglyphic translators, they don't never get no muffin wright.
Without the Barbie factory to go to the exploited Barbie workers wouldn't have any jobs at all. Am I right, Cookie, or am I right?
'rcocean' asked, "I wonder how many years will have to pass before dullards stop associating EVERYTHING German with Hitler."
And the answer is, "Never." Germany may be the country of Goethe and J.S. Bach (although "Germany" as such didn't really exist when they were alive). But it is also the nation of Auschwitz (even if that was actually operated in occupied Poland).
And it will ever be so.
Although Berlin was always too left-wing to have been very pro-Hitler during the Nazi era (only about 25% of Berliners voted for His Mustached Majesty in 1933- less than just about anywhere else).
Because nothing exudes life fulfillment quite like being a bitter and petty whiner.
Wiedersehen Ken will Barbie ein richtiger Mann
Left-wing feminists make me giggle more than that ridiculous pink Barbie house.
Where were these same leftwing feminists when actual atrocities against women and girls occur in places like Afghanistan?
GI Joe macht meine Nippel hart
Because nothing exudes life fulfillment quite like being a bitter and petty whiner.
The stupidity is strong in them.
Why is this news?
What's considered the newsworthy event here?
The opening of the Barbie Dreamhouse Experience?
Or the fact that malcontents don't like the Barbie Dreamhouse Experience?
I think it's the latter.
Some people don't like how other people are spending their time and money. Wah.
That's the news item, the whiner's perspective.
What a bunch of sad losers. Protesting other peoples' leisure activities. Not just disagreeing but turning up with placards and setting up a website.
Get a real job.
I'd protest the Left Wing Feminist Bunker Experience.
But I have better things to do.
Like wash the car.
Now that I think about it, the left-wing, feminist male is right.
His Dysfunctional Dreamhouse experience is incomplete without a little clinic of horrors and a toilet full of biological matter which was once classified as "Barack", "Nancy", or "Harry."
It will also need a Planned Parenthood asylum to privately advise when and where an unwanted human life should be disposed in order to avoid punishing Barbaric Barbie and others who are either unwilling or incapable of self-moderating, responsible behavior.
It is still, of course, missing other "features", but physical gratification without perceived consequences is central to the left-wing, feminist male and female dream of a pleasurable life.
An army of socialist feminist men appeared on the horizon...
Same ideas, different people.
Sort of on topic -- there's a somewhat crazy Canadian cartoonist named Dave Sim who has drawn the longest continuous comic series ever -- 300 monthly issues -- that is equal parts comedy, intrigue, graphic experimentation, philosophy and social observation. The series, Cerebus, is not really explainable in a couple paragraphs.
However, at the core of his work Sim is wrestling with feminism and concludes that feminism is at the heart of much of what is wrong with society. When he made this crystal clear in the notorious Tangent issue, he lost about 2/3 of his audience and alienated about 95% of the comics world despite being one of the current masters of the art form.
Anyway, one of Sim's jokes/observations is "You'll notice it's 'Barbie's Dream House', never 'Barbie & Ken's Dream House."
Well. That was probably more work to type out than it was worth.
For German women, "primping" could mean shaving their pits.
He is probably a weedy, wimpy beta male.
Via Marginal Revolution, a post from today:
Further results on hypergamy
by Tyler Cowen on May 16, 2013 at 4:47 pm in Economics, Education, Science, Uncategorized | Permalink
This paper, by Marianne Bertrand, Jessica Pan, and Emir Kamenica, was pointed out by Matt Yglesias on Twitter, the abstract is this:
We examine causes and consequences of relative income within households. We establish that gender identity – in particular, an aversion to the wife earning more than the husband – impacts marriage formation, the wife’s labor force participation, the wife’s income conditional on working, marriage satisfaction, likelihood of divorce, and the division of home production. The distribution of the share of household income earned by the wife exhibits a sharp cliff at 0.5, which suggests that a couple is less willing to match if her income exceeds his. Within marriage markets, when a randomly chosen woman becomes more likely to earn more than a randomly chosen man, marriage rates decline. Within couples, if the wife’s potential income (based on her demographics) is likely to exceed the husband’s, the wife is less likely to be in the labor force and earns less than her potential if she does work. Couples where the wife earns more than the husband are less satisfied with their marriage and are more likely to divorce. Finally, based on time use surveys, the gender gap in non-market work is larger if the wife earns more than the husband
When I was little my sister had a barbie and I painted her nipples pick with my mom's nail polish.
I went home for the holidays and saw that barbie-the nipples are still painted pink.
Hmm. They should build a wall through it. Paint one side gray,make sure nothing can be bought there, but have lonq waiting queues never the less.
Now we know why Berlin has an Unter den Linden. So feminazis can march in the shade.
Way to ruin the kids' fun, feminists.
And with a magic marker I drew little black "s's" to resemble bush.
Wenn Barbie Gespräche zäh GI Joe geht einkaufen
GI Joe ist ein Mann Hure zu
Wo sind die echten Männer?
ich fand die besten Köpfe meiner Generation zerstört vom barbie
'rcocean' asked, "I wonder how many years will have to pass before dullards stop associating EVERYTHING German with Hitler."
Peter said:
"And the answer is, "Never." Germany may be the country of Goethe and J.S. Bach (although "Germany" as such didn't really exist when they were alive). But it is also the nation of Auschwitz (even if that was actually operated in occupied Poland).
And it will ever be so."
Oh, great. Let's shame all Germans forever because Hitler. That's totally fair and not at all likely to build resentment and rage which will manifest in totally predictable and unpleasant ways. But, hey, if it makes you feel better than that's alright.
The Nazi ideology of Mattel
Considering that Mattel was founded by Elliot and Ruth Handler, a nice Jewish couple, it's a stretch to say that the company has a Nazi ideology.
Aufrichtig mein liebes ich nicht give a damn
Ok then. Let's shame all Germans forever because of the Kaiser or Alaric or Geiseric or Totila.
No fulfillment available to the weaker sex except by working for the Man.
Arbeit macht frei, Ladies.
"'They present an image of cooking, primping and singing, as if it were in some way life-fulfilling,' Socialist Alternative editor Michael Koschitzki, 27, told German newspaper Der Spiegel.
Would you like to touch my monkey?
To the left its actually the housewife that is the subversive figure.the lefties who get the jobs are the squares.
"Now is ze time on Sprockets vhen ve dance!"
You know, aside from Bach, Handel, Goethe, Martin Luther, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schiller, Mach, Heisenberg, even Nietzsche, Heidegger, Wagner, Mercedes, the brain drain after Hitler, Einstein
and yes Rammstein.
What have the Germans really ever done for us?
It's always Hitler reruns on the History channel.
"as if it were in some way life-fulfilling"
Well, in some way it is. If it weren't no one would know who Barbie is.
We need to show those madchens how kuhl we can be.
Wo weilest du?
They present an image of cooking, primping and singing, as if it were in some way life-fulfilling,
Like being a dour, sour, rigid, judgmental, naysaying Germanic feminist is some way life-fulfilling.
They would also reject the feminine ideal of Mother Teresa.
When Barbie fights back, she will use one of these.
Or maybe this.
They present an image of cooking, primping and singing, as if it were in some way life-fulfilling
Of course not! unless you're:
Gordon Ramsey
Julia Roberts
good flippin lord
I thought pink was illegal in Germany. Only serious colors allowed.
CNN: "told German newspaper Der Spiegel"
Der Spiegel is a weekly newsmagazine, not a newspaper.
Encyclopædia Britannica
Men may think they are the leaders of a tribe, but it is women who actually organize it, beginning with their family. Perhaps that's why short of an overwhelming conflict, disrupting an existing order begins with reeducating the women, and proceeding to marginalize the men.
Well, that's my theory anyway. There are no children without women. There is no tribe without children. The decent men follow to support their family and tribe.
Our women have the idea that they are useful for little more than sex, taxation, and democratic leverage. They even voluntarily sacrifice their children for this "ideal". They delay procreation until they are either barren or there is high risk to the mother and child. When the child is more likely to suffer from physical and mental defects.
Then we ask: What were the dysfunctional behaviors, and why are we approaching a dysfunctional convergence? Perhaps next time we will be exhibit better judgment in what we decide to normalize and the moderate the compromises which sponsor corruption.
Longtime lurker here.
Did anyone notice that feminist (well, progressives generally (and that includes socially liberal but fiscally conservative)) always seems to pretend that Islam doesn't exist when they criticize or when they go into "cloud cuckoo land" mode, that is, the wonderful new world which they will create.
I find that one their most corrosive attributes because it makes possible all that "Islam is peace" and "Islam is respectful of women" and more of that bs.
Fuckin' leftists just can't forgive Barbie por la muerte de Che.
Germany must bow down before the Barbie woman!
However, at the core of his work Sim is wrestling with feminism and concludes that feminism is at the heart of much of what is wrong with society.
I don't know that this is exactly correct. Sim's problem with women was more... existential than political. *Initially* it seemed as if it was as you said - Jaka's Story and all the Cirinist stuff that led up to it seemed to suggest that he had a typical if rather extreme backlash anti-feminist philosophy. Then Reads and the rest of it came out, and the bottom just kept falling out of his bucket. He was ranting about women being intellectual cannibals, "voids" and all that. I've never read anything quite so unapologetically misogynistic as Reads and the stuff that followed after.
I stopped reading him at some point. It was honestly repugnant. And I say this as someone who thinks that his Church and State is one of the great monuments of alternative comics.
Are there right wing feminists?
More importantly, are there German National Socialist Feminists?
True Feminazis.
Die Sauerkraut ist in mein Lederhosen
Eventually, anyway.
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