May 22, 2013

"In our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your governments they don't care about you."

"You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns you think politicians are going to die? No it's going to be the average guy, like you, and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so can all live in peace."

ADDED: "They... stood around, waving knives and a gun, asking people nearby to take pictures of them 'as if they wanted to be on TV or something.... In my opinion, they were waiting for the police to arrive to be shot by the police. That's the only thing I can think.'"


Nonapod said...

David Cameron said there are "strong indications" the attack is terror-related.

Well, OK then.

X said...

Tell them to bring our troops back so can all live in peace.

interesting suggestion

Scott M said...

Read this earlier today. Wondered if the obvious racial aspect is even going to be mentioned when this one catches fire.

Regardless of pigmentation, this was an incredibly blatant attack, in broad daylight, for show. There's no "indication" about it. It was purely to instill terror.

Carl said...

Now imagine that happening in Knoxville or Dallas, where every 25th adult might be carrying a 9mm. Oooo, seems like it might all end a tad differently, doesn't it? Maybe just two ventilated shitheads lying in the street with clean cleavers next to their outstretched hands. Guy nearby tending to a cut or two maybe, a few others working out a coherent statement for the police when they ride up (as usual) 10 minutes after the interesting stuff stops happening...

You can live like a herd or a pack, like sheep trusting to the sheepdogs, or wolves trusting to your own fangs.

Second Amendment. For when a people wants to grow up.

Michael Haz said...

Coexist! Religion of Peace!

Charlie said...

"David Cameron said there are "strong indications" the attack is terror-related."

Whoa, let's not jump to conclusions!

ricpic said...

Only fools - which is to say the entire western elite establishment - can maintain the fiction that compromise is possible with Islam.

Sorun said...

I'm interested in how much welfare these guys and their families received since their arrival in Britain.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

All your base.

Lipperman said...

This multicultural experiment has been a huge mistake.

CatherineM said...

If you read the British sites, they are already calling this Islamic terrorism.

Methadras said...

So the MEU strikes again. Islam is so beguiling isn't it, when blood stained murderers can stand in a British street with the weapons of their murder in their hands and proclaim that Allah is great.

When the British finally grow a pair of stainless steel balls to overthrow the shackles of Islam, the inverse crusade, in their country, will they be able to cow that sub-human religion from their streets. Until then, Allah Ackbar you dumb motherfuckers.

Michael said...

The African members of the religion of peace use meat cleavers unlike the middle eastern variety who prefer curvy swords for head removal. Either way there are strong indications that the depravity and violence associated with this religion of peace are not coincidental.

Nomennovum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

ROP members stood around twenty, 20, two oh, minutes waiting for the police.

Nomennovum said...

"Terror related."

"Terror" can mean anything. Just ask our President Choom. However, with the perps dead, how will we ever really know their motivations??? It will remain a mystery for the ages, just like the Boston Marathon bombings.

jr565 said...

Back when Nick Berg had his head chopped off, I heard a lot of liberals saying we needed to get out of there beucase "They're chopping off peoples heads!"The shock of said action was too horrible to imagine, and the implication was it was because of Bush.
In fact Nick Berg's DAD went off on Bush for his Iraq war which got his son killed (Even though Nick wasn't in the army, but rather innocently travelling to the Middle East to see the sites).
So, what caused these guys to hack off peoples heads? Could it be Obama's wars?
Could it just be that we are dealing with animals?

David said...

"This appalling slaughter is brought to you by BNY Mellon. We care about you."

Guy sounds Jamacian.

Except for the blood, he was clean and articulate.

T J Sawyer said...

Two international stories linked on Drudge today feature immigrants and machetes. One in Sweden, the other in England.

O yes, and maybe Islam. Not that there's a pattern or anything.

bagoh20 said...

Too bad this went down in another gun free zone or as they are also known slaughterhouses.

There would be two dead terrorists if that happened in front of my house or business.

AllenS said...

And they'll continue to kill you until you decide to fight back without mercy sparing none of them.

jr565 said...

Maybe we need to retaliate a bit in kind. IF we catch someone choppping off someones head, his punishment is to have his head chopped off in turn, and stuck on top of The Tower Of London. And have cameras on it day and night watching it slowly decay.
THey can't exactly claim its barbaric since that is what they just did to others.

test said...

British news reports said the attack occurred after a car accident.

This is wrong. The attack began when the two attackers in a car hit the pedestrian soldier intentionally.

bagoh20 said...

Seriously, what kind of society is it where a crowd of people will watch a man be slaughtered and just stand by watching his killers celebrate. I don't care much for these advanced safe communities that ban guns. They don't seem very safe unless you happen to want to murder someone at your leisure.

Anonymous said...

Would there be a 20 minute free pass for these guys if this happened on an American street? I would think apprehension-likely injured- or death by gun shot would be more likely.

Colonel Angus said...

It's hard to believe this is the nation that stood up to the Nazis and persevered through the blitz.

It's hard to argue that leftism has not turned a once proud and mighty nation into a bunch of pussies.

edutcher said...

Keep in mind, this is exactly what Chuckie Schumer wants to bring here; a permanent underclass frozen out of the culture and condemned to a life of poverty and ignorance on the government dole, ostracized because of their ethnicity.

Leland said...

Now imagine that happening in Knoxville or Dallas, where every 25th adult might be carrying a 9mm.

I get it, but do keep in mind this did happen in Texas. Ft. Hood to be exact. Sure, the guy carried a gun himself, but the murderer wasn't ventilated, as you suggest. Instead, he still draws a paycheck from Uncle Sam. So perhaps, we shouldn't draw the conclusion that conceal carry would have stopped the attack on the soldier.

Now, having armed soldiers protecting military installations might have helped, but apparently that is considered improper in polite societies. Give the murderer credit; he's right that the politicians will be protected.

In other news, FBI ID'd 5 of the Benghazi attackers, but lack enough evidence for a conviction, so nothing will happen. US Marines used to shield Obama from rain drops and reporters, but mostly from rain drops.

Colonel Angus said...

Would there be a 20 minute free pass for these guys if this happened on an American street?

Yes. Chicago or some other 'gun free zone'.

X said...

Leland, you can't CC on a military base and if Obama wasn't protecting Major Hasan, the people of Texas would have executed him by now.

Colonel Angus said...

At what point is this 'religion' going to be categorized as the death cult it is and be ostracized from polite society?

Methadras said...

edutcher said...

Keep in mind, this is exactly what Chuckie Schumer wants to bring here; a permanent underclass frozen out of the culture and condemned to a life of poverty and ignorance on the government dole, ostracized because of their ethnicity.

A powerful jew lauding over the impoverished muslim underclass? Never!!! Oh wait.

Leland said...

Uh Marshall? Are you sure it is wrong?

Oh wait, I guess you are focusing on accident. Yeah, doesn't seem like an accident. Then most insurance agencies will tell you they are never accidents, and repair shops call them collisions. It is journalism in this day and age of layers of editors and fact checkers.

Leland said...

X fair enough about the CC on the base. I'm not sure we would have executed Hasan by now, but he sure as hell would at least be sitting on Death Row and not drawing his military paycheck.

bagoh20 said...

"...we shouldn't draw the conclusion that conceal carry would have stopped the attack on the soldier."

The Ft. Hood murders also took place in a gun free zone. In fact, that's virtually the only place these things happen for obvious reasons.

bagoh20 said...

Even murderers who expect and plan to die in the process choose gun free zones, because they still want to succeed in the killing; they don't want their plan screwed with; they want to control the event.

Clyde said...

Our ancestors fought crusades against Islam for a reason. Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Kill'em all and let Allah sort'em out.

I'm sick of the government and the left (but I repeated myself) keep telling me that Islam is the religion of peace.

It's not.

Nomennovum said...

"Religion of Peace," some here say ironically.

Eyewitnesses said the killers were “hacking” at the victim “like a piece of meat”, according to The Sun newspaper.

I think you misheard. It's "religion of pieces."

test said...

Leland said...
I guess you are focusing on accident. Yeah, doesn't seem like an accident. Then most insurance agencies will tell you they are never accidents, and repair shops call them collisions.

Accident or collision isn't the issue. The phrasing says the attack ocurred after the collision (to pick one term). This is wrong and potentially meaningful because it leaves open the possibility the attack only ocurred because of the collision or something said in its aftermath. In fact the collision was part of the attack: the driver drove onto the sidewalk to intentially strike the soldier.

Scott M said...

Cricket bats, poles, bars, planks of wood. Surely there were crude melee weapons of some sort available to the crowd. No "Let's roll" types thereabouts, I suppose.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The video on this is chilling.

Broad daylight. London used to be considered the capital of a first world country.

I'm actually glad the video has already gone viral, the government can't put the genie back in the bottle and say, "nothing to see here."

This is what Islam is.

Birches said...

How the hell did the news and TV reporters get to the scene before the cops did?


Anonymous said...

President Mom Jeans, I hope and pray that you are right.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The UKIP was right.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

Keep in mind, this is exactly what Chuckie Schumer wants to bring here; a permanent underclass frozen out of the culture and condemned to a life of poverty and ignorance on the government dole, ostracized because of their ethnicity.

A powerful jew lauding over the impoverished muslim underclass? Never!!! Oh wait.

I was thinking more of our compadres south of the border, down Mexico way, but I don't doubt the British politicians who helped create Londonistan 40 years ago had the same visions of a permanent majority, too.

Whatever makes Anthony's Weiner plump when Huma cooks it.

edutcher said...

PS, the word is "lording".

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

When knives are outlawed, only outlaws will have knives.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm sick of these savages and the pedophile they worship getting the kid gloves treatment.

Coming soon to Dearborn Michigan.

Britain needs to wake the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, these fellas weren't made aware of the universal rights we all possess, or how inclusive and empathetic some people are.

Those empaths don't like soliders and warring all that much anyways, except to enforce their own secular humanist ideals....

Real soliders probably had it coming, right?

Add it to that pile of dead bodies under the multiculturalist rug.

exhelodrvr1 said...

We don't always help in these situations either - remember Kitty Genovese?

Oso Negro said...

This story sickens me. I have the greatest respect for the UK troops who stood beside us. And yes, it is sad that no passersby in the UK had the stones to lay into these nasty wogs.

Gahrie said...

And they'll continue to kill you until you decide to fight back without mercy sparing none of them.

This is what scares me. Not because of what it means for the Muslims, but because of what it will cost us.

There can be no accomodation with Islam. They are quite open about the fact that they are perfectly comfortable with lying to us, and engaging our civilization in warfare until we convert, die or are enslaved. Their religion leaves them no other choice.

Islam will never moderate. It can't. Their religion explicitly forbids it.

When Western Civilization does wake up and engage Islam for real, It is going to be ugly. Real ugly. I want it clearly remembered however that we truly did attempt to co-exist with them. It is Islam that is unwilling to co-exist.

edutcher said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm sick of these savages and the pedophile they worship getting the kid gloves treatment.

Coming soon to Dearborn Michigan.

Britain needs to wake the fuck up.

Should have happened 40 years ago.

As I say, this is the climate Chuckie Schumer wants here.

Anonymous said...

I feel offended that they identified his race and religion, These facts shouldn't matter to coexisting human organisms building a peace-loving community, striving for diverse inclusion and multifaith dialogue.

Clearly, we have ourselves to blame, seeking blood for oil, warmongering, and running our empire into the lands of misunderstood noble savages and our fellow man.

How would you feel?

Now is a time to turn inwards, awash in guilt, seeking redemption, blaming ourselves until we get the right ideals in power: Peace Justice, Tolerance, Equality, Diversity.

Global justice and international cooperation will surmount these obstacles, and build a raft of functioning laws and speak truth to power.

This is the only way towards moral legitimacy.

We're rational, right? We're evolving? The science is settled. We're secular humans being.

X said...

when we bring our troops home let's just make sure we send all their troops back.

KCFleming said...

Celebrate diversity!

KCFleming said...

This is clearly due to global warming.

And rape culture.

And anti-gay stuff.

And low self-esteem.

Send the killer a free phone.

Dustin said...

"I get it, but do keep in mind this did happen in Texas. Ft. Hood to be exact. "

Unless Texas at large, Ft Hood is a gun free zone, thanks to Bill Clinton's initiative. Soldiers valiently tried to fight off the gunman with furniture and bare hands, much unlike the spirit of the British civilians today.

Had they been permitted to concealed carry a firearm, that tragedy would have been much different.

There are gun free zones in Texas, sadly, and those are the only places where something like this outrage can occur. Even then, I suspect the people will at least put up more of a fight.

It is clear to me that gun free zones provoke these attacks, though. I don't think the fight would be necessary if the cowards have no gun free zones to butcher. Gun rights deter terrorists in most cases, with only a tiny number of exceptions.

Amartel said...

It took the cops 20 minutes to get there. 20 minutes.

Amartel said...

These assholes had knives. I'm sure some of the bystanders could have run and gotten knives and killed them. But then they would have faced prosecution for overreaching in the defense of another and, worse, wrongthink.
Not worth the trouble.

Amartel said...

And before everyone jumps on me, I'm just trying to think about it from the perspective of the bystanders.

Birches said...

You know, I don't fault the people for not getting involved initially. I'm sure what they were seeing was shocking, surreal, dangerous and terrifying. In that initial state, I don't know how easy I could cooperate with other people I didn't know.

But you just let the guys hang out for 20 minutes? Taking their picture? Taping them on their camera phone? That's pathetic.

bagoh20 said...

I don't think I would be going at them unarmed. The have freaking machetes. You could end up literally "un-armed" or de-armed like the Black Night, but If I had a gun, it would be hot, smoking and empty.

bagoh20 said...

I'd run them over with my car,.... at least a couple times. We Americans do that just over infidelity. We hate infidels too.

Anonymous said...

The Brits:

A race of lions transformed into a nation of sheep.

KCFleming said...

The diversity multi-culti coexist crowd wants this to be our fate.

X said...

I want the left to tell me what we urgently need to regulate.

Strelnikov said...

Unfortunately, the government may never get to the bottom of their mysterious motive. Wide spread institutional racism? The pressures of enduring Islamophobia? Lack of adequate self-esteem due to reduced spending on social programs? Understandable rage brought on by colonial actions in the 19th century? El Cid's defeat of the Moors in the 14th century? Revenge for the atrocities committed by the Crusaders? Certainly, any one of these would justify the acts, but which one was it? I give up. We'll never know.

test said...

6:12 Central was an inspired minute.

virgil xenophon said...

All anyone has to do to understand why the bystanders didn't interfere is read British newspapers daily--they're chock full of home-owners arrested defending their own homes while the miscreants are freed at trial or given suspended sentences. Were I a Brit I wwouldn't have lifted a hand to help on a bet--could mean 20 years in Dartmoor..

Trashhauler said...

The onlookers really did resemble nothing more than a flock of sheep. Had the attackers kept on, the onlookers would have no more protection than to scatter. What an incredible thing to see - a population reduced to less than a community, less than neighbors, less than human.

HA said...

The terrorists are winning.

Quaestor said...

The terrorists are winning.

In Britain they've won. They get free housing, free food, free health care, free education... you name it the government supplies it generously to the most vile and hate-filled mullahs one can imagine, and all at the tax payers' expense. And Brits just stand there passively watching the slaughter. Then they amble into the nearby pub where they contrive to blame themselves, or Blair, or Bush, or Cameron -- mostly anyone but the bloody-handed barbarians in their midst -- and muse that if only the troops were brought home the Muslims would spare them, throw them an occasional bone. Islam is growing by leaps and bounds in England, and not just by immigration and high fertility. The conversion rate is astounding. Very few Brits will admit to any religious faith, but those who do are overwhelmingly Muslim. Islam is especially attractive to young Englishmen who deeply resent the emasculative multi-culti feminized official culture promoted by both Tories and Labourites. Islam allows them to regain a sense of virility.

The ballsy Brits who haven't been cowed by multi-culti Little England and yet kept their Englishness are a tiny minority. The UKIP will gain strength from this outrage, but only at the margins. The power will still rest with the sheep who'll vote for "peace" rather than victory. What a shabby little dirt farm England has become.

MayBee said...

I understand not going after these guys. But that woman who casually brushes by him with her shopping trolley?

HA said...


It isn't just Britain. The Islamic terrorists are winning here too. Islam is colonizing all Western nations (if they can still be called nations).

We are in an existential ideological war between Western Civilization and a barbaric 7th century totalitarian political ideology masquerading as a religion. Until Islam can be openly subject to criticism and ridicule without fear of violent or political retribution, the terrorists will continue to win.

Each year the barbarians gain strength. Each year civilization itself loses strength. I don't know how long it will take, but if we don't change course then in 40, 80 or a 100 years the black flag of Islam will hang over the White House as surely as it hung over our Cairo embassy.

If you don't think the terrorists are winning here too, consider what would happen to me if I was a college student and I wrote these very same words for an article in the campus newspaper. Most colleges in this country have speech codes that prohibit anti-Islamic blasphemy and I would be persecuted under those codes with complete disregard for the 1st Amendment.

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