May 14, 2013

If this were a Republican administration with this much scandal hitting...

... the lefty bloggers would be using the word "frog-marched."


Matt said...

A frog marched into a bar. The bartender said to a patron, "Do you know how you can tell that frog is a fowl Leftist?"


"The goose step."

Anonymous said...

The media and democrats would be running around screaming with their hair on fire.

Colonel Angus said...

All that is missing is Jay Carney acting like Niedermeyer at the end of Animal House screaming 'Remain calm! All is well!!!

MadisonMan said...

It does seem like Obama is trying to get in front of the IRS scandal, based on some recent quotes I've seen of his. Good luck with that, especially since it's now been revealed you're spying on the AP.

Kirby Olson said...

Kermit Gosnell should be frog-marched out of his abortion clinic. But then, his name is Kermit. Everyone with the name of Kermit is always already frog-marching some place.

Matt Sablan said...

Remember when the administration was praised as being scandal and drama free?

Widmerpool said...

As Walter Russell Mead commented the other day, we as a nation should be thankful that Benghazi, et al is happening under a Democratic administration. If a Republican administration, our journalist betters would smell Pulitzer and it would be Benghazi 24/7.

Henry said...

Did you know that mosses make two different plants from the same genome?

It's a metaphor. It's the story of our Times.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Overall they are probably benefiting from the number and severity of the issues, because pretty soon the public and the media will grow tired of them.

garage mahal said...

The AP scandal is bad, Holder should be fired today, whether he knew or didn't know. The DOJ is completely out of control, he had to have know about the spying on Occupy and environmental activists, and who knows what else.

Benghazi is nothing more than tin foil wingnuttery.

mark said...

So now we have Obama using the IRS and EPA to target conservatives.

His lady Sebelius using her position to illegally pressure businesses for money.

His lady Clinton covering up a terrorist attack.

His lying about a terrorist attack to the nation.

Grabbing AP phone records.

Fast, Furious and murdered Mexican citizens with his guns.

Using Pigford as a leftwing checkbook.

Killing a 16 year old citizen without trial or public accusation of any criminal activity.

Giving aid and support to Islamic terrorist organization (Muslim Brotherhood).

Yeah. This is the classic liberal academic who should have never left college. Full of dumb ideas and to stupid and know he is a fool.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why did the administration insist, for weeks on end, that the Benghazi attack was due to a youtube video and a flash mob?

J said...

Is frogmarched related to perp-walked?

dreams said...

The Obama administration is like the Clinton's, so many scandals that people get desensitized and the Liberal media pretends its no big deal anyway. The liberal media and the Dems are to the US as the barbarian invasions were to Rome.

Anonymous said...

I was with some old college friends over the weekend. We avoid talking politics because it's the usual red-blue divide, but we got into it a few times.

I asked them about Benghazi. One said it just didn't seem like a big deal to her. The other said, What about Bush and the Iraq War?

Pretty much what we see in the comments her.

I notice that liberals are unable to defend Obama. They either dismiss criticism or counter-attack. It's certainly not how they would react to Republican scandals.

Their responses would be dishonest except that they don't notice what they are doing. They seem entirely unable to critique their own position.

They can't really critique conservative positions either since they only know the strawman versions supplied by liberal leaders and commentators, and it doesn't occur to them read the conservative side on their own.

Methadras said...

Colonel Angus said...

All that is missing is Jay Carney acting like Niedermeyer at the end of Animal House screaming 'Remain calm! All is well!!!

Jay Carney is going to be supplanted by Baghdad Bob.

Methadras said...

Matthew Sablan said...

Remember when the administration was praised as being scandal and drama free?

Hmm, I wonder where Nancy Pelosi's call for draining the swamp is now?

Oso Negro said...

Garage said

"Benghazi is nothing more than tin foil wingnuttery."

Wow. My son deployed three times with the USMC as an infantryman. I understand that expediencies in war sometimes result in unfortunate outcomes, but the idea that we might leave him to die when we might have done otherwise is not acceptable to me. The full story of Benghazi is still not told. I want to hear the testimony of each and every person whose life was saved by the actions of Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods before I take off my tinfoil hat.

Colonel Angus said...

Benghazi is nothing more than tin foil wingnuttery.

Good point. Having your ambassador and three other Americans murdered in a US consulate because of an obscure video is no big deal.

I mean it happens all the time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary's scapegoat.

dreams said...

I think liberals are intellectually lazy and and I think they're intellectually dishonest too, I have a pretty low opinion of Liberals.

Anonymous said...

Benghazi is nothing more than tin foil wingnuttery.

Or more elegantly -- sluggish schizophrenia.

Garage would have made a decent low-level aparatchik in the old Soviet Union.

Drago said...

Colonel Angus: "Good point. Having your ambassador and three other Americans murdered in a US consulate because of an obscure video is no big deal."

You mean, having all that happen when you could have sent in support to rescue them or at least increase the defense of those personnel and you didn't (even though those forces were available, trained and actually on the plane to go at one point) is no big deal.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And the press had no idea.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And the press had no idea.

Drago said...

creeley23: "Garage would have made a decent low-level aparatchik in the old Soviet Union"

Only if he aspired to greatness far above his current station.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised garage showed up here after his lies yesterday about left wing groups being spied on for their 1st Amendment activities only.

Or maybe I'm not surprised.

furious_a said...

garage: Benghazi is nothing more than Hillary! and her chain-of-command abandoning four Americans to die at the hands of aQ and doing nothing -- nothing -- while they watched FOR ALMOST SEVEN HOURS on a live drone feed.

There, fixed it for you. Even for a dead-ender you're a particularly craven one.

virgil xenophon said...

@Oso Negro/

During my time on active duty I had occasion to see a couple of direct from the Head-shed messages that addressed out-of-the box events like Benghazi. The VERY FIRST sentence in the message group said: "The Joint Chiefs Have been directed...."

The order to stand down was no bureaucratic slip-up..

edutcher said...

I like perp-walk better, although the proper phrase seems like Rogue's March.

Colonel Angus said...

All that is missing is Jay Carney acting like Niedermeyer at the end of Animal House screaming 'Remain calm! All is well!!!

Believe that was Chip Diller, also famous for saying, "Thank you, sir! May I have another?".

Drago said...

Obama's denial and rewriting of history at his press conference yesterday I think really left a mark on the major media.

They have always been in Obama's corner but his performance yesterday was so over the top BS-y that even they are scurrying around in disbelief.

Obama is clearly, openly, DARING them to call him on his obvious lies.

I don't think the media thought it would come to a point such as this where Obama would basically require them (the media) to so ostentatiously fall over themselves protecting him.

And yet it has.

It's interesting to watch which personalities have determined that it's time to hold the admin to some level of account while others continue on their merry "see no evil" ways.

garage mahal said...

You mean, having all that happen when you could have sent in support to rescue them

Please provide a credible link to who they could have rescued, from where, and by whom.

gerry said...

As usual, garage betrays stupefying obedience to the narrative:

"Gregory Hicks, who was the deputy chief of mission in Libya, told the House Oversight panel that he personally briefed Hillary Clinton during the attack, and that no demonstration had taken place, and that the supposedly catalytic YouTube film about Mohammed was a "non-factor" on the ground."

Hillary's and Obama's lies were the basis for hustling Basseley Nakoula into jail, merely for exercising his First Amendment rights, and for doing so for political reasons.

garage, you are nothing but a despicable political hack, and a pretty useless one, at that.

Known Unknown said...

The AP has to be "What the hell? We had your back and you go and pull this?"

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colonel Angus said...

Believe that was Chip Diller,

Yes indeed. Thank you for the correction!

gerry said...

garage, you are nothing but a despicable political hack, and a pretty flaccid one, at that.

There, fixed that.

Colonel Angus said...

Please provide a credible link to who they could have rescued, from where, and by whom.

Actually the better question is why we had an Ambassador with no security in a country where we just engaged in regime change and was being overrun with Islamists.

Partisanship aside, those are reasonable questions that no one in this administration has bothered to provide a credible answer.

Achilles said...

Benghazi is nothing more than tin foil wingnuttery.

5/14/13, 11:28 AM

Nakoula, an American citizen, is still in jail. Anyone who would apologize for this should leave the country. Hillary lied at a state funeral for people who died serving this country. She stood in front of four caskets of better people than her and disgraced their memory by knowingly telling a falsehood designed to protect her and the administration. This is the essence of depravity and now that you know the truth of their actions ignorance is no longer an excuse.

n.n said...

Obama has an uncanny ability to manufacture and expose corruption.

garage mahal said...

Nakoula, an American citizen, is still in jail

This is what I mean by wingnuttery. It would be nice to have a sane opposition party to check and reign in abuses. Apparently too much to ask.

Drago said...

garage: "Please provide a credible link to who they could have rescued, from where, and by whom."


Look who's back!

Our very own voice-actuated auto-liar.

Garage, have you bothered to read the report that you indirectly linked to yesterday that put the lie to your pathetic assertions?

I'm betting not.

For those of you just tuning in, garage regaled us yesterday with the "sordid" tale of how GWBush's FBI spied on little old innocent and peace-loving lefties engaged in protest. Garage informed us that Bush admin personnel even lied to congress about it!!

Of course, garage linked to a lefty website which linked to another lefty website where the same claims were made.

However, after reading the actual Inspector General's report, we find the report actually exonerated the FBI under Bush of the charges garage was leveling.


Good old garage.

Drago said...

garage the suto-liar: "It would be nice to have a sane opposition party to check and reign in abuses. Apparently too much to ask."


Shorter garage: Obama is only guilty because of those darn insane republicans.


garage mahal said...

Look who's back!

Where's that link?

Drago said...

garage: "Where's that link?"

Are you fully prepared to fess up regarding your lies yesterday?

virgil xenophon said...

@ Oso Negro II

And about the ability to get help in time to make a difference: After the seizure of the ELINT ship USS PUEBLO off the coast of N. Korea by the NORKS our F-4 fighter Wing in the UK ran constant local drills to practice responding to the possibility of Soviet seizure of similar US/NATO assets in northern Scandinavian/European waters abutting the SU. From time of notification and tasking thru mission planning, crew briefings and loading-out and refueling non-alert aircraft 'til gear-in-the-well was roughly one hour MAX. Add 45 min flight time from Italy at full burner in the F-16s readily available and there would have been plenty of time to send that form of help.

And it's not like I'm, unfamiliar with the area. Before the revolution my Squadron spent every third month down at Wheelus AB in Tripoli for bomb& gunnery practice, so I know the area well. (In fact my Squadron was in Tripoli the night of the revolution when we had to launch out @ 0300 to return to the UK. I still have my room-key to the VOQ as a souvenir, lol)

Drago said...

garage: "garage: "Please provide a credible link to who they could have rescued, from where, and by whom."

Define "credible"

garage mahal said...

Define "credible"

Get lost.

Colonel Angus said...

It would be nice to have a sane opposition party to check and reign in abuses.

Are you sincerely saying its the GOP's fault that a Democrat administration is running amok?

If this is what counts for reasoned debate....

Drago said...

garage: "Get lost."


Define "credible".

Drago said...

Colonel Angus: "Are you sincerely saying its the GOP's fault that a Democrat administration is running amok?"

That is precisely what he is saying (per his marching orders from his political "betters")

mark said...

garage mahal said...
Please provide a credible link to who they could have rescued, from where, and by whom.

The Benghazi rescue debate for dummies ...

Lefties: "They were going to die anyway!"

Righties" "Live or dead, you send support you dumbass!"

J said...

virgil xenophon Back when the feces couldnhit the rotary impeller at any time conventional forces practised no notice alerts all the freaking time. Hell we used to be able to roll the advance element of an ACR within 45 min and a full squadron within 2 hrs. Obamas people never heard of the Nathan Bedford Forrest maxim of firstest with the mostest. Apparently including the generals.

J said...

As to F-16 not being effective anyone remember a coup in the Phillipines being suppressed by two F4s out of Clark.

mark said...

garage mahal said...
Benghazi is nothing more than tin foil wingnuttery.

“We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”
– Hillary Clinton, Sept. 14, 2012

We now know, from memos with her signature, that the above promise was one to find someone with NO BEARING on Benghazi. When she said that statement, she knew the statement was crap.

But, they found that someone in a couple of weeks.

What about the actual terrorists? ... Well the President hopes we can get to interview them. Maybe after we give more money, tanks, and jets to their Muslim Brotherhood supporters.

gail said...

GM, is this a credible source?

"A senior official of the biggest militia in Benghazi, the February 17th Brigade, told CNN that he had warned US diplomats of a rapidly deteriorating security situation in Benghazi three days before the attack. "The situation is frightening, it scares us," he said he had stressed during the meeting. Mr Stevens had been back in Libya for only a short time before US security officials decided it would be safe to make the journey to Benghazi during the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The British consulate in the city was shut after an ambush of a convoy carrying Dominic Asquith, the UK ambassador, in which his bodyguard were injured. The UN and International Committee of the Red Cross offices had been bombed and there had been a spate of political assassinations."

seems to me there was enough time to plan for trouble in Benghazi.

jr565 said...

The problem with Garage's post is that it's exactly backwards.
Obama should have to PROVE to us that they couldn't send in troops or rescue efforts or planes over the course of 7 hours. Since no order was given. And since there were people who were ready to go and were told to stand down.
Garage, what is the credible explanation for that? I would think, even if it was unlikely that they could save Ambassador Stevens they would send in troops ANYWAY. Why was nothing sent for the entire duration of the assault which lasted hours and hours (and hours) and which we were monitoring with a drone.

Colonel Angus said...

Why was nothing sent for the entire duration of the assault which lasted hours and hours (and hours) and which we were monitoring with a drone.

Evidently under this administration, when hours count, the Marines days away.

Levi Starks said...

When was the last time anyone went flying in a plane with missing wing nuts?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Top CBS, ABC, CNN execs all have relatives working as advisors for White House

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

“Hillary’s promise of vengeance to the father of a fallen SEAL wasn’t that we’d get the jihadis who killed him but that we’d punish the filmmaker. That’s perverse, but in keeping with the fact that she decided to run ads on Pakistani TV apologizing for the film while Islamist cretins menaced American diplomats across the region.”
– Allahpundit, Oct. 25, 2012

The wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time: Nakoula was out on “supervised release” for a federal bank fraud conviction. He was $700,000 behind on restitution payments and operating under an alias when he made “The Innocence of Muslims,” a crappy movie that got turned into a YouTube video clip that in turn became the pretext of riots in Egypt and then — it is now generally acknowledged — was utilized as a flimsy excuse by the State Department in an attempt to distract from its embarrassing failures in the September attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Having become unintentionally famous, the con man Nakoula was arrested and hustled into federal court amid unusually high security two weeks after the Benghazi attacks. We need not wonder why Eric Holder’s Justice Department made this a top priority:

“We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”
– Hillary Clinton, Sept. 14, 2012 . . . .

But this isn’t really about Nakoula at all, is it?

What the case of Nakoula actually demonstrates is the strangely misplaced priorities of the Obama administration: Eight months later, they still haven’t caught any of the terrorists who killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, but they needed only two weeks to apprehend Nakoula.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary's scapegoat

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”

– Hillary Clinton, Sept. 14, 2012

Wow. Just wow.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchtits Mahal just got some new talking point from the Kostards, the spin and denial over there is really something to see.

And of course, our overweight Obama apologist means "credible" to be "blames Booosh and praises his lefty overlords."

Why you continue to engage with a proven Obama fellator again and again despite his lack of anything to contribute other than "squirel!" is beyond me.

His wife certainly does not engage with him anymore, as she left him (most likely due to his failure to advance past high school). Take a cue from Bitchtits ex wife, leave the bastard.

Further follow her lead, by taking custody of the threads.

garage mahal said...

I would think, even if it was unlikely that they could save Ambassador Stevens they would send in troops ANYWAY.

Where would they have sent troops to? They were already dead.

Leland said...

Hey Garage, the whole, "they wouldn't get there in time" is lost when you recall the original CIA talking point memo stated warnings of an Egyptian embassy attack was sent out on September 10th. The State Department ignored those warnings and then provide additional security nor preposition a QRF in the region for such an attack. This item in the memo was removed at the request of State Department spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, because she didn't want to give ammunition to Congress to question why the State ignored the warnings. Instead, we were told, the attack was "spontaneous", and now listen to fools like you say, "see, nothing could have been done in time!"

garage mahal said...

And nobody could have predicted this:

CNN has obtained an e-mail sent by a top aide to President Barack Obama about White House reaction to the deadly attack last September 11 on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, that apparently differs from how sources characterized it to two different media organizations. Link

Some Republican leaking doctored emails to the press to make a Democrat look bad? Shocka!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Yup, directly off of Kos.

Let's add "unoriginal parrot" to the list of derogatory adjectives for Bitchtits Mahal.

I sure hope that the new men in your ex wifes life provide a more inspirational example for her daughter than you do tubby. Wouldn't want her to turn out fat stupid and unsuccessful like you.

garage mahal said...

Instead, we were told, the attack was "spontaneous", and now listen to fools like you say, "see, nothing could have been done in time!"

Obviously the security wasn't adequate. I was responding to this fantasy that "help" could have been dispatched to rescue them when the attacks unfolded.

garage mahal said...

Yup, directly off of Kos

I know your functionally illiterate, and a flaming weirdo who pretends to be a lawyer, but that was a CNN link. What state could have possibly certified a thunderous idiot like you to practice law?

Colonel Angus said...

Where would they have sent troops to? They were already dead.

The assault went on for seven hours. With air assests all over the region are you suggesting we couldn't get a couple of fighters to do a fly-by? Considering a couple of ex Seals put up a fight that long, I'll wager a couple of fighters coming in would have convinced the terrorists continued fighting was futile.

Obviously the security wasn't adequate.

Don't you think Clinton, Obama or Panetta should have an explanation why our Ambassador and staff was left in a country that was being overrun by Islamists after we helped in effecting regime change?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Unlike you tubby, I don't give out personal information on the internet.

Some other things I don't do:

Tell Ann that I am 220 lbs but that isn't "fat fat"

Have a spouse leave me.

Not gain custody of a child after being left by said spouse.

Tell people on the internet that I failed to go to college.

Lie about my income on the internet.

Endlessly troll the althouse forums to protect President Footstamps.

Make homophobic slurs on the internet while proclaiming my tolerance.

The Benghazi whistleblowers will continue to come out. Obama's legislative agenda is dead in the water due to this, the other scandals, and his general incompetence. By 2014 most dems will be frantically trying to untie themselves from Chooms electoral anchor around their throats.

All of your lies, Squirel! attempts, and apologia for the Obama regime won't change any of that.

garage mahal said...

With air assests all over the region are you suggesting we couldn't get a couple of fighters to do a fly-by?

Fly by and do what?

ken in tx said...

A noisy fly by has been known to quell a disturbance, However, the F-4 was especially effective because the J-79 engines are chest-vibrating loud. D model F-4s could make a sound like Godzilla spiting fire, except louder.

Colonel Angus said...

Fly by and do what?

I suppose it was possible that a few F16s doing a low level pass over the compound might convince the attackers that US reinforcements backed with airpower had arrived and would have fallen back. At least it was doing something other than watching it unfold via drone and jetting off to a fundraiser the next morning.

Then again if they had not been left hanging in the wind from day one, they would have had a fighting chance.

Colonel Angus said...

Some Republican leaking doctored emails to the press to make a Democrat look bad? Shocka!

When all else fails, pull out the squirrel!! defense.

Shocka indeed!

garage mahal said...

When all else fails, pull out the squirrel!! defense.

Doctored Benghazi emails inserted into a discussion about Benghazi is off topic!

You guys are too much.

Colonel Angus said...

Doctored Benghazi emails inserted into a discussion about Benghazi is off topic!

Not off topic but really nothing to do regarding why Stevens and his staff had no security or why nothing was done for seven hours when they were fighting to survive.

So maybe not so much squirrel as chipmunk.

But that's ok. If that's the best you have on the discussion I'll give you a 5.5 for effort.

Colonel Angus said...

So basically your argument is that well we couldn't help them anyway so why bother. And, ok security was non existant for the Ambassador which ultimately got him and three others killed but what about these doctored emails that makes Obama look bad?

Does that sum it up or did I miss anything?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Garage - there is nothing in your link that states that Republicans doctored e-mails.

there is this though:

... In this, it’s hard to conclude that the administration succeeded, given the various and conflicting explanations and continued references to demonstrations in Benghazi against an anti-Muslim video, a demonstration that the intelligence community now concludes did not happen.


mark said...

garage mahal said...
Where would they have sent troops to? They were already dead.

Such is the thoughts of the brain damaged left. We all only have opinions on "could they have made it in time?"

Regardless of that ... Ever heard of "blow the sh*t out of them and recover our people"?

Nah. The left would rather see our people hung from bridges, raped, set on fire and dragged around. It's the kind and gentle liberal way towards our enemies.

Do you understand warfare at all? And that would include understanding why preventing trophy taking is a good thing. Along with taking a chance at saving American lives.

Known Unknown said...

Fly by and do what?

The mere presence of American air power might help send a few rats scurrying.

Known Unknown said...

I was responding to this fantasy that "help" could have been dispatched to rescue them when the attacks unfolded.

How do you know what was possible?

garage mahal said...

So basically your argument is that well we couldn't help them anyway so why bother.

I've yet to read a credible account of where US assets could have been sent to, from where, and what it could have accomplished. Which makes it all a pretty grotesque lie. Even for Republicans it's pretty shameless.

Colonel Angus said...

Garage - there is nothing in your link that states that Republicans doctored e-mails.

I'm fast becoming convinced garage does not read the entirety of what he thinks is some kind of defense of his position.

I too noticed there was no mention of who leaked said emails but since it really had no revelance to the discussion, other than containing the word Benghazi, I just figured it was just another attempt at derailment.

Colonel Angus said...

I've yet to read a credible account of where US assets could have been sent to, from where, and what it could have accomplished. Which makes it all a pretty grotesque lie. Even for Republicans it's pretty shameless.

Well Italy is right across the way and despite having air assets there, its obviously not credible to even try a fly by so yes, absolutely shameless to even suggest it.

No comment on why Stevens and staff were left with no security considering there was no credible way to support them should they need security?

garage mahal said...

I too noticed there was no mention of who leaked said emails but since it really had no revelance to the discussion, other than containing the word Benghazi,

The big blockbuster ABC news report that Althouse linked to, and was linked around twitteverse by cons was based on doctored emails. Who wanted to damage the WH with those edited emails?

You don't like hearing it because it does sit in the little Benghazi conspiracy nest you're fluffing, therefore a distraction.

Remember when the serious speculation was whether Hillary fakes a concussion to avoid testifying? Good times!

Colonel Angus said...

You don't like hearing it because it does sit in the little Benghazi conspiracy nest you're fluffing, therefore a distraction.

The fact Stevens was sitting in a war torn country with no security isn't a conspiracy, its a fact. One that you seem to conveniently ignore while talking about 'doctored' emails.

Seriously, what does that have to do with Stevens and his staff being left hanging in the wind?

Rusty said...

Fly by and do what?

Someone who has never been near an F16 on afterburner doing a combat climb from the deck.

You just want it to stop.

garage mahal said...

One that you seem to conveniently ignore while talking about 'doctored' emails.

I said upthread that security was obviously not adequate.

That said, how much security is there now? How much security is needed? How much security are we providing other consulates around the world?

I don't see those questions being asked by the people that have zero tolerance with what happened in Benghazi.

Not to mention the fact we heard zero from Republicans about the embassy/consulate attacks that happened under Bush.

Hyphenated American said...

"The big blockbuster ABC news report that Althouse linked to, and was linked around twitteverse by cons was based on doctored emails. Who wanted to damage the WH with those edited emails? "

Yes, the cons changed the word 'consulate' to 'diplomatic facility,' because 'consulate' was inaccurate.

Colonel Angus said...

That said, how much security is there now?How much security is needed? How much security are we providing other consulates around the world?

Well I would think that considering he was in a war torn country fast being overrun with Islamists, one guy with a gun would have been an improvement.

Not to mention the fact we heard zero from Republicans about the embassy/consulate attacks that happened under Bush.

Probably because our Ambassadors werent murdered and dragged through the street. But continue with your tu quoqe since that's all you have

Hyphenated American said...

"Not to mention the fact we heard zero from Republicans about the embassy/consulate attacks that happened under Bush"

How many American ambassadors were killed during those attacks?

Colonel Angus said...

Garage, after Benghazi, hopefully the next country Obama plans to do regime change in, he will provide that ambassador with ample security once the country is filled with Islamists.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Which makes it all a pretty grotesque lie. Even for Republicans it's pretty shameless."

You really are going to critisize people for lying and lack of shame tubby?


Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

The big blockbuster ABC news report that Althouse linked to, and was linked around twitteverse by cons was based on doctored emails

Um, no it wasn't.

Nobody is accused of doctoring any emails.

No emails are alleged to have been "doctored"

You're pretty fucking dumb.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Benghazi is nothing more than tin foil wingnuttery.

Yeah "nothing" except for the dead Ambassador who's pleas for more security prior to the attack were ignored. And the fact that the US Ambassador to the UN, the Secretary of State, and the President all lied (and continue to lie) to the public about it.

Totally nothing there.


Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I've yet to read a credible account of where US assets could have been sent to, from where, and what it could have accomplished.


I think you should go on pretending that you're actually interested in this topic other than to fling shit.


Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Get lost.

Aw, you mean the fat, never served his country pansy idiot, won't provide a definition of "credible" about a military engagement he can't possibly understand?

Get out!

Hyphenated American said...

"The big blockbuster ABC news report that Althouse linked to, and was linked around twitteverse by cons was based on doctored emails."

At this point White House steadfastly refuses to release the emails, so any claims by the white house that those emails were doctored cannot be trusted until they come clean and show those emails to the public.

Sam L. said...

There would be joy in Mudville if Casey was Republican.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Some Republican leaking doctored emails to the press to make a Democrat look bad? Shocka!

And of course you accept the selective release of 1 email to a singular journalist as "fact"

Note: The source was not permitted to make copies of the original e-mails. The White House has refused multiple requests – from journalists, including myself, and from Republican leaders in Congress – to release the full e-mail exchanges

So in other words, you are engaging in propaganda.

Why do you think you went and did that, dumbshit?

Brian Brown said...

So the White House released just one in a chain of emails and will not release the full chain itself, which it then uses through a selective leak to cast doubt on what ABC News reported.

And garage pronounces it all "doctored" and propagates the lies.

Everyone reading is shocked.

RecChief said...

kind of interesting to see so many different articles and links using the same language. journolist indeed.

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