৮ মে, ২০১৩

"House Hearing on U.S. Consulate Attack in Benghazi, Libya."

"The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee conducts a hearing with Foreign Service officers focusing on information turned over to the committee by administration whistle-blowers on the Benghazi terrorist attacks." Live streaming here — on C-Span3, beginning in a few minutes.

৮৮৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   887 এর 801 – থেকে 887
নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I'll have what I though, who I thought was Stefanie Delmonico, was having.

Matt বলেছেন...

Inga, if that is indeed a photo of you, you have a nice smile. It's a shame we didn't get to see more of it here.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I would have liked her sooner that's for sure.

Dante বলেছেন...


Your picture makes you look hot. But who knows if that is you or not.

So, let's reverse your words, and see if you have a brain:

"What I've learned from you folks over the last two years is this, leftists are some of the lowest forms of humanity. Decency is unknown to them except on the surface. It has made me so proud to be a conservative. "

See how there is no information there? It's like only an opinion?

Now, if you said something like:

"Leftists want to bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator, except for the elite ruling class and their billionaire patrons," then you might have actually said something.

Meanwhile, love the shades, the subtle hint of large breasts, as evidenced by your large arms.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

You know what Matt? I don't care. I have no intention of hanging around this toxic waste dump any longer.

The drama is what won me over.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

And congratulations to you and Ritmo for your attempt at changing the subject.

Whatever else you guys might have going for you... credit where Caesars is do.

Dante বলেছেন...

Dr. Weevil,

Well, you can see I'm no politician. But that doesn't matter so much lately, as here in CA they have taken to cutting off sentences and paragraphs to make (R)'s look stupid.

I'm not an (R), but I love this country. I can't imagine what would have happened to the world if the Germans, the Japanese, the Russians or any other country had the nuclear bomb, the ability to make more of them, and no one else had it.

Meanwhile, we are following the mores of societies that have lived under our protection, and have become indolent: not reproducing, not defending themselves, and dying off. Europe. I don't get it.

I'm glad those navy seals were "Ex," so they could do what they knew they had to do as citizens, instead of how the US government wanted them to behave. They are such amazing heroes, but the greatness of the country that made them is lost, declining, and the orders were "Stand Down."

They are right, not Obama, not Hillary, they do not define America. Those Ex Seals do.

Nathan Alexander বলেছেন...

The whitewash, circle-the-wagons-to-protect-Democrats begins. Or continues, depending on how you count it:
Watergate Revenge: Republicans Yearning to Impeach Obama Over Benghazi 'Cover-Up'

B বলেছেন...

Palladian, I had more fun today than I've had in the two years I've been here.

Poster child for needing a life.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

You know, it's possible that Inga borrowed both her latest fake name and the accompanying picture from some innocent person picked at random from the web. You all should probably lay off commenting on the looks of someone who may in fact be named Stephanie Delmonico and not have done anything that deserves mockery - somehow attracting the malevolent attentions of Inga doesn't count.

And using "mighty" to describe Ritmo makes Inga an ever bigger fruitcake than we thought, which is saying a lot.

Aridog বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
chickelit বলেছেন...

Good Morning Cheerbit: Mr. Ed likes Inga

Aridog বলেছেন...

Never mind the previous image guess [I said it was a guess, right?]...HERE is the image used by Stephanie/Inga/Allie/et al...Google cache is tricky, eh. Scrubby, scrubby, scrubby...whoops, and it is linked to Althouse, too. Oh, my.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

"Palladian, though she hardly deserves kindness, could you delete the post where you definitively link her?"

Why? Expose her bad behavior and leave it exposed, what's wrong with that?

Commuter বলেছেন...

Why? Expose her bad behavior and leave it exposed, what's wrong with that?


I was in at the end of the diabetes thread when she challenged readers to confirm her health care and residency bona fides. It was easy enough to search with the information she provided. The results were so different from what she was claiming that I felt it best to stop responding to her. If I recall correctly I even wrote that I thought she should be left alone. I still think that.

Matt বলেছেন...

Kirk, the information Palladian found made it extremely easy to find Inga's full name, address, etc. (For example, she once claimed to live in a "$750,000 home" which is true, I suppose, if you count the total value of the apartment building she lives in.)

To be clear, Palladian did not post that info. Inga's sloppiness ended any anonymity she may have had.

I agree with Commuter. It is clear that something is just "off" with Inga. Frankly, she reminds me of my grandmother who fifty years ago was temporarily institutionalized and given shock therapy. Today, she is in her 80s and frequently phones the police to complain about her neighbors breaking in and stealing things like her can opener. Not the jewelry or money - the can opener. Or a bunch of paper clips.

At this point, I pity Inga.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

And yes, I know that Hillary is supposedly polling pretty well but it's not actually campaign season yet and only a complete nincompoop would spend money against her before it would do any good.

I really don't think that she is going to run, and if she does, that she has much chance of winning. Sure, a lot of Dems have a lot of emotional baggage invested in her, but that isn't going to win her either the nomination or the election.

Biggest problem is that she is very damaged goods. I think that the idea was that 4 years as Secretary of State would allow her to burnish her resume, for 2016 (esp. if Obama had lost in 2012). But this backfired with Benghazi. Her foreign policy turned out to be ill advised, with the Muslim Brotherhood being the big winner of the unrest in the Arab Spring. Then, trying to force the narrative, she allowed security to be reduced in Libya, despite intelligence to the contrary. Followed by doing nothing while her people were being killed, and then lying about it, and allowing her people to lie even more.

Just as bad though, Obama won, in part, due to the youth vote. How is an almost 70 year old woman (in 2016) going to beat an energetic, articulate, guy 20 years her junior with this demographic? Plus, she is white, and there is a distinct possibility that the Republicans will run a person of color. Maybe not enough to get a huge slice of the minority demographic, but likely enough to break their solidarity. Still, she has her sex, which means that all the Julias (unmarried women who are happy with the government replacing men in their lives) are going to be voting for her. I just don't see her winning, even if she had not gotten caught up in the Benghazi scandal.

Matt বলেছেন...

"Then, trying to force the narrative, she allowed security to be reduced in Libya, despite intelligence to the contrary."

I have been trying to come up with a logical, sensible explanation for the security reduction without any luck. I think your explanation doesn't work as those optics would not reach the public. Or am I missing something?

I have seen wild conspiracy theories about Benghazi including kidnappings and hostage exchanges which I think are a bit much but one thing they have going for them is the reduction in security. I have not been able to think of a good, rational reason for it.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Dr Weevil said...

You know, it's possible that Inga borrowed both her latest fake name and the accompanying picture from some innocent person picked at random from the web. You all should probably lay off commenting on the looks of someone who may in fact be named Stephanie Delmonico and not have done anything that deserves mockery - somehow attracting the malevolent attentions of Inga doesn't count.

And using "mighty" to describe Ritmo makes Inga an ever bigger fruitcake than we thought, which is saying a lot.

She's been running under Inga Dietrich for a long time. She has a pintrest under that name as well with that bug-eyed drunken cow face of hers and 3 followers to boot, which in this case might be nothing more than her sock puppets.


She hasn't scrubbed that yet. She's also listed here:


And the bug-eyed drunked pan-faced sot also has a minor facebook presence here:


and is also a big fan of the midget communist Barbara Mikulski.

This idiot couldn't scrub fast enough to hide her idiocy, unless of course she's hiding behind this persona, which in either case only goes in proving what I've been telling every single one of you all along, that this human garbage bag is a liar and a phony and a moron.

Schtickmo also couldn't help himself either, hence the scrubbing he's been getting, but he brought this all on himself and has no one to blame but himself either. So long you pestilent little being.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden said...

And yes, I know that Hillary is supposedly polling pretty well but it's not actually campaign season yet and only a complete nincompoop would spend money against her before it would do any good.

I really don't think that she is going to run, and if she does, that she has much chance of winning. Sure, a lot of Dems have a lot of emotional baggage invested in her, but that isn't going to win her either the nomination or the election.

Biggest problem is that she is very damaged goods. I think that the idea was that 4 years as Secretary of State would allow her to burnish her resume, for 2016 (esp. if Obama had lost in 2012). But this backfired with Benghazi. Her foreign policy turned out to be ill advised, with the Muslim Brotherhood being the big winner of the unrest in the Arab Spring. Then, trying to force the narrative, she allowed security to be reduced in Libya, despite intelligence to the contrary. Followed by doing nothing while her people were being killed, and then lying about it, and allowing her people to lie even more.

Just as bad though, Obama won, in part, due to the youth vote. How is an almost 70 year old woman (in 2016) going to beat an energetic, articulate, guy 20 years her junior with this demographic? Plus, she is white, and there is a distinct possibility that the Republicans will run a person of color. Maybe not enough to get a huge slice of the minority demographic, but likely enough to break their solidarity. Still, she has her sex, which means that all the Julias (unmarried women who are happy with the government replacing men in their lives) are going to be voting for her. I just don't see her winning, even if she had not gotten caught up in the Benghazi scandal.

Bruce, it doesn't matter. 2016 is a long way away and people have short memories and the media will do what they do best, become her human shield and do everything in their power to prop her up on the high chair. Benghazi will be a long memory and in the end, no amount of blame, shame, or personal regrets will keep this woman from trying to become president. Then and only then will would we all realize what we potentially have in the oval office. A harpy of galactic proportions that will make sure that everyone who ever came against her suffers. You've seen the spurious outbursts of rage from her from time to time. As president, those flood gates would open full bore and she will treat this country like her personal time out corner. She needs to be put down now.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

And Aridog, you of all people should know better.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Methadras, death threat to Hillary?

Bruce Hayden said...

And yes, I know that Hillary is supposedly polling pretty well but it's not actually campaign season yet and only a complete nincompoop would spend money against her before it would do any good.

I really don't think that she is going to run, and if she does, that she has much chance of winning. Sure, a lot of Dems have a lot of emotional baggage invested in her, but that isn't going to win her either the nomination or the election.

Biggest problem is that she is very damaged goods. I think that the idea was that 4 years as Secretary of State would allow her to burnish her resume, for 2016 (esp. if Obama had lost in 2012). But this backfired with Benghazi. Her foreign policy turned out to be ill advised, with the Muslim Brotherhood being the big winner of the unrest in the Arab Spring. Then, trying to force the narrative, she allowed security to be reduced in Libya, despite intelligence to the contrary. Followed by doing nothing while her people were being killed, and then lying about it, and allowing her people to lie even more.

Just as bad though, Obama won, in part, due to the youth vote. How is an almost 70 year old woman (in 2016) going to beat an energetic, articulate, guy 20 years her junior with this demographic? Plus, she is white, and there is a distinct possibility that the Republicans will run a person of color. Maybe not enough to get a huge slice of the minority demographic, but likely enough to break their solidarity. Still, she has her sex, which means that all the Julias (unmarried women who are happy with the government replacing men in their lives) are going to be voting for her. I just don't see her winning, even if she had not gotten caught up in the Benghazi scandal.

Bruce, it doesn't matter. 2016 is a long way away and people have short memories and the media will do what they do best, become her human shield and do everything in their power to prop her up on the high chair. Benghazi will be a long memory and in the end, no amount of blame, shame, or personal regrets will keep this woman from trying to become president. Then and only then will would we all realize what we potentially have in the oval office. A harpy of galactic proportions that will make sure that everyone who ever came against her suffers. You've seen the spurious outbursts of rage from her from time to time. As president, those flood gates would open full bore and she will treat this country like her personal time out corner. She needs to be put down now.

5/9/13, 12:21 PM
Ah I'm sure the FBI, CIA, or some other alphabet agency would be interested in this comment of yours. "She needs to be put down".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

My dear stalkers, I do have an apartment I live in over the winter months, as I dont like being in my lake home, as its expensive to heat. Anything else you would like to know? Do I need to call the police in my town to warn them there are stalkers who are posting information about me on the Althouse site? Honestly what is WRONG with you people?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Methadras, you are such a creepy creep. Do you honestly think for one second that I or anyone here cares what you think about me? You are obviously obsessed with me, that is sick, sick, sick.

I have nothing to hide. I live happily in a huge gorgeous house my husband and I renovated and raised our four children in, in an upscale area in a very conservative county. I have many conservative friends and a very loving family, my significant other is a conservatove, LOL!

I worked hard as an LPN for many years before getting my BSN and then MSN from Marquette University in Milwaukee. I had spinal surgery in 2006 and my issues with my spine have resolved and I'm back to work on an on-call basis. I'm 61 years old and in very good shape for my age and enjoy my garden and home on our lake and my four grandchildren.

My four children adore me and get a kick out of their Mom's "hobby" of annoying conservative online. They do however think some of you are creeps and I should be careful. So if I come up dead, it WOULD be Methadras you should look at first.

ANYTHING else any of you stalker prone folks want to know, besides my address and phone number feel free to ask!

ed বলেছেন...

@ Inga

"Anything else you would like to know?"

Honestly who gives a shit.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

EXACTLY Ed, WHY do you weirdos care?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Some of you have exposed yourselfs, you've exposed the darkness of your souls. I am who I am and I don't give a shit who knows details about my life. I do however want to continue to live to a ripe old age and will forward any stalkerish behavior and comments to my local police department. I'm pretty sure they will tell me to just not post here anymore, but I'm stubborn. I will NOT allow any weirdo stalkers here to intimidate me and silence me.

ed বলেছেন...

@ Matt

"I have seen wild conspiracy theories about Benghazi including kidnappings and hostage exchanges which I think are a bit much but one thing they have going for them is the reduction in security. I have not been able to think of a good, rational reason for it."

The only good theory that I've heard so far, and it's an oddball one, is that the death of Ambassador Stevens was deliberate.

Stevens was in Benghazi as a deliberate ploy to have him die to provide a "Tonkin Gulf" cause celebre for American troops in North Africa. And it jives a bit with the whole idea that the self image Obama and crew have of themselves as modern day Machiavelli when instead they're more like Boris Badenov.

The intervention by CIA contractors was an unexpected happenstance that threw everything off. So instead of a nice clean assassination of an American ambassador there is this messy firefight that lasts for hours.

*shrug* YMMV. It does explain why there were reduced security, why Stevens was in Benghazi and why Stevens was one of two State Dept. people to die there while practically everyone else survived.

Also consider this: Whatever was going on in Benghazi that required Stevens to be there was bad enough that proposing a really stupid plan looked brilliant in comparison.

Seriously. If you were in the Situation Room and someone proposed blaming the whole thing on an nonexistent protest mob and a youtube video. What would your reaction be of that? Would the simple fact that nobody has any evidence of a protest mob be a relatively major concern? No video of said mob on security cameras. No reports of such a mob at any time before or during the attack?

What was so nasty in Benghazi that looking like a bunch of imbeciles is preferred to the truth?

ed বলেছেন...

@ Inga

"EXACTLY Ed, WHY do you weirdos care?"

Just because people yank your chain doesn't mean anybody actually cares.

Internet. Self explained.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ed, by commenting you are showing you care. How sweet.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chickie, LOL! I really do enjoy your Chirbits, keep up the good work, you have a talent!

Matt বলেছেন...


I had not seen that theory. It is interesting. My problem with all conspiracy theories is the missing evidence and gaping holes in the theory.

In Benghazi, it still seems like the most likely scenario was that there was an attack and the White House thought it would end quickly so they did nothing. When it didn't end quickly, they kept doing nothing because they anticipated it would end at any moment. The more it stretched out, the more the White House panicked.

With the election not that far away, they were worried about the optics so they used the Youtube video to save there butts. They believed they had enough control of the narrative that the public would be none the wiser. When that failed, they just fell back on sycophantic media types to cover for them.

Hopefully, we will someday get a complete picture though I really doubt that will happen.

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...


I missed this entire thread and I am very glad I did.

Once upon a time many years ago there was commenter called Maxine Weiss who had many sock puppets and filled the role that others have taken up here. She was at least somewhat entertaining.

This stuff. Not so much.

Just sayn'

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hi Matt, would you like to know how much tax I have to pay on my lake home? How about the rent I pay for my lovely apartment? I'm sure you all would love to know the names of my children and grandchildren so you can post them here too.

You are some sad sick folks.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Baron Zemo, Trooper York, you are also to blame for encouraging this despicable behavior in other commenters here over the two years. When Meade told me to be careful around you, I now know why.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Shall we put it all out here Trooper?

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...

Sorry I don't converse with wombats.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Trooper, go get your bra and perhaps a gastric band.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Methadras, death threat to Hillary?

Maybe in your own alcohol soaked mind, you bug-eyed lunatic.

Please, let any of the alphabet agencies come on by. Most likely we will sit and have a rational conversation on what a loon you are and get a good chuckle out of it. So while you are busy looking like a nutter who is like a 5 year old tattle tale, "Mom!!! Methadras said something I didn't like!!!"

I always like it when your insanity shows. I am happy that this thread drew you out from your dementia laden stupor. I guess you found your way back home from the woods. Good for you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

YOU are the sick fucker who continuously makes comments about liberals needing to die Meth. I have all of them saved nicely on my hard drive. You are probably some hideous fat pimply faced loser who hides behind anonyminity. You COWARD.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Methadras, you are such a creepy creep. Do you honestly think for one second that I or anyone here cares what you think about me? You are obviously obsessed with me, that is sick, sick, sick.

I have nothing to hide. I live happily in a huge gorgeous house my husband and I renovated and raised our four children in, in an upscale area in a very conservative county. I have many conservative friends and a very loving family, my significant other is a conservatove, LOL!

I worked hard as an LPN for many years before getting my BSN and then MSN from Marquette University in Milwaukee. I had spinal surgery in 2006 and my issues with my spine have resolved and I'm back to work on an on-call basis. I'm 61 years old and in very good shape for my age and enjoy my garden and home on our lake and my four grandchildren.

My four children adore me and get a kick out of their Mom's "hobby" of annoying conservative online. They do however think some of you are creeps and I should be careful. So if I come up dead, it WOULD be Methadras you should look at first.

ANYTHING else any of you stalker prone folks want to know, besides my address and phone number feel free to ask!

I don't know whether to laugh from the sheer enjoyment of your paranoid ravings or to laugh at how utterly morally depraved you really are. Man, you got some balls showing your face around here after you've been exposed for the fraud you are. So if you ever end up as worm food, I assure you, I would never spend my hard earned money to buy a plane ticket to your retirement home, to see you off to the 9th plane of hell. I have better shit to do, so while your busy showing off what a cool cat you are to your 'children' at how you 'annoy' conservatives, why don't you just do your happy little chair dance some more and write a sticky note to remind you to get up out of it to change your depends more often. No one likes a drunken bug-eyed Alzheimers induced drunken shit stinker going by several different personalities coming around to annoy us all. You go girl.

Honestly, you fraudulent fool, who do you think you are fooling? You think you can scrub your online activity, then come back here to the scene of the crime like nothing ever happened? People like you always come back to cover their tracks and see 'catastrophe' they've created. You're even dumber than I thought, stinky puss.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I doubt that there would be any chuckle on your part Meth. You would shit your pants, your words online may have come home to roost.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Baron Zemo said...


I missed this entire thread and I am very glad I did.

Once upon a time many years ago there was commenter called Maxine Weiss who had many sock puppets and filled the role that others have taken up here. She was at least somewhat entertaining.

This stuff. Not so much.

Just sayn'

Ah, Maxine, how we missed they. Her particular nuttiness pales in comparison to the bug-eyed Wisconsin Wino.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Meth what is the excuse you use for your bizarre behavior? I suggest you get a diagnosis, may help explain your MANY comments about death of liberals to the FBI.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

I doubt that there would be any chuckle on your part Meth. You would shit your pants, your words online may have come home to roost.

OH NOES!!! I'm teh scurred!!! God, can you get any more pathetic you loser at life?

Ding Dong: Yes, can I help you?

FBI/CIA/DIA/OSS/NWA/OCP/DARPA: Sir, we are here to investigate you your online statements that a concerned drunken citizen has tipped us off about, about another private citizen being put down? Can you please clarify these statement sir?


Them: We've heard all we need to sir, have a good day.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

YOU are the sick fucker who continuously makes comments about liberals needing to die Meth. I have all of them saved nicely on my hard drive. You are probably some hideous fat pimply faced loser who hides behind anonyminity. You COWARD.

Wow, and you call creepy? Lady you are saving what I say on your hard drive and call us all stalkers? Hmmm...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Meth, you will always reveal yourself to be a bully, a psycho and a stalker, you cant help yourself. I took care of patients like you in Milwaukee County Psych Hospital years ago. I'm failry certain your medication keeps you sane enough to not end up committed.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Meth what is the excuse you use for your bizarre behavior? I suggest you get a diagnosis, may help explain your MANY comments about death of liberals to the FBI.

Ann Althouse, how much more of this bizarre lunacy are you going to endure putting up with on your blog with regards to Inga sockpuppet? Her dementia has got to be stopped.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Meth, you will always reveal yourself to be a bully, a psycho and a stalker, you cant help yourself. I took care of patients like you in Milwaukee County Psych Hospital years ago. I'm failry certain your medication keeps you sane enough to not end up committed.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for the laugh at "I'm failry".

I've enjoyed at how you are failry since your entire time has been here at althouse. You are a fail. You're whole life is failry.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Yes Ann, how much longer will you let some of your commenters stalk other commenters here, post private information about them on your blog?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Meth, you obviously do not know or could not recognize a life lived well.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I actually feel sorry for you now, damnit.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Aridog, I sent you two emails. I suggest you read them posthaste.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Meth, you obviously do not know or could not recognize a life lived well.

No. But we can see one well wasted.

Alexandria = 1
Allie = 36
Allie's Apple = 99
AllieOop = 1436
Angelica Dallas = 1
Apfelkuchen = 39
Atia of the Julii = 5
BenedictineM = 2
Bonfires OTV = 7
Dragon my ass = 1
Erica = 3
Evangeline = 1
Inga = 1334
Jay Blow = 1
Mauna Kea = 3
Mitochondri-Allie = 180
Mr. Ed = 2
Ms. Oopenheimer = 4
Ms.Oopenheimer = 22
OOOla = 2
Paeonia = 28
Perstephanie = 1
Phoebee = 2
Reign gtts = 1
Relympago = 2
Sandfordina = 2
Seven Palms = 1
SouthofFrance = 2
Tallahassee = 2
Waverly = 1
oola = 30

Really? This is well lived?

Methadras বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Yes Ann, how much longer will you let some of your commenters stalk other commenters here, post private information about them on your blog?

Is this your first day on the internet or something? That information that I posted is certainly not private in any way, shape, or form. Ever heard of Google? It took less then 3 seconds to find out who you were, you vacuously insipid idiot. Seriously, go away, go feed birds and talk to yourself on a street corner or something. You are fraud, a phone, a fake, you have no credibility on anything here or anywhere else. No one believes you, no one trusts you, no one thinks your words have any value. You contribute nothing, you are considered even less so. Good riddance to you and your insane lunacy that you thrive on. I hope you suffer any and all misery for the rest of your misbegotten life.

Aridog বলেছেন...

Inga ... "of all people" I have said the least of what I know about you. You knew that when I supported you when your daughter was questioned as being fake or not.

I am in agreement with those here who believe you should just be left alone for your own good.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Aridog, no matter how much one is angry with a SockPuppet poster or commenter here, one does not cross certain lines regarding privacy. If I post here as a SockPuppet it's with the knowledge that i wouldn't be that hard to figure out my real commenter identity which is Inga. It's beyond the pale to post PRIVATE information about a commenter or SockPuppet online. It's indecent. I would not do such a thing. I would be very ashamed.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Asshole Meth, I'm not going ANYWHERE, are you? Good riddance.

Aridog বলেছেন...

Inga said...

Aridog, I sent you two emails. I suggest you read them posthaste.

Read them. You are confused. Who posted what initially? Why you did ... that's how everyone but next weeks newborns have figured you out.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Most of my limited interactions with Inga have been positive. I think she's nipped at me once or twice. And frankly Meth, I think you've invested far too much passion. You made your point several pages ago. That said, on the whole, my reaction is disappointment. Inga's sockpuppetry is just pathetic.

A lady died in our old neighborhood. I haven't thought of her in years. But this thread brought back the memory.

My wife and I attended the subsequent estate sale and came to a room that was effectively a shrine to her husband. As I looked through the items I came to a statuette of a 50s60s era businessman hat on head briefcase in hand. It was inscribed very personally to her husband and was a piece with many of the other items there. At that point I was overcome with emotion and insisted that we leave.

A few days later I commented upon this woman's love and devotion to an older neighbor. CWJ he said, she wasn't a widow. She never was married.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Rusty, you simpleton. If you think posting as a SockPuppet or a legit commenter here is a person's life's work, you are a sad person. My life goes far beyond being online, that is merely a silly hobby and doesn't take but a few minutes of my time here and there during the course of my day. Some of you are far more base than I thought. I knew I would be dealing with assholes, but I didn't realize how twisted some you are.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Inga: Thanks for the chirbit love!

They are all (2 or 3 pages with scroll function at the bottom of the page) available here

I hope you continue to comment here in some form. I often find your opinions annoying, but not threateningly so. You and Ritmo provide fodder for an ongoing chirbit series called "Inga Zone" and Ritmo as a churchillean curmudgeon.


IMO, others have overstepped privacy by disclosing so much of your personal detail. They could have just circulated it privately or whatever they do with it.

Baron Zemo বলেছেন...

I remember when I was watching Chuck Wepner fight Sonny Liston on the "Wide World of Sports" when I was kid.

I had to turn the TV off then too.

Aridog বলেছেন...

Inga sez ...

It's beyond the pale to post PRIVATE information about a commenter or Sock-Puppet on-line. It's indecent.

You posted the information on open web sites. Where is you expectation of privacy?

Yeah, we're done...I've made a fool of myself enough even bothering to chatter about this on a thread long ago go to Hades. I know better.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Thanks Chickie. I do plan on commenting here as Inga, unless Althouse deletes me like she does the M person, lol.

Some folks just don't have that inner voice telling them loudly enough was is decent and what is indecent. One does NOT post real names of commenters, their children or their children's pictures without their permission, no MATTER HOW angry they are with that commenter. WHY must I even tell you folks this?

Were you raised by wolves or what?

Patrick বলেছেন...

Holy crap! What was this even about?

Patrick বলেছেন...

Well, that escalated quickly.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Aridog, what don't you get about bringing that information onto this blogs comments section to be used against a commenter? IT IS wrong, it's low, it's indecent.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I don't CARE how much any of you know about me, I don't care how easy it is to find, I have nothing to hide. What is WRONG and IMMORAL is bringing that personal information onto a political blog to be used against a commenter. Why is anything in my offline life fair game to be imported here by some twisted commenters? If I knew information about any of you and I DO, I would NOT bring it here in this comments section, my conscience would've TOLD me that it was WRONG.

Matt বলেছেন...

Oy vey, Inga! Are you still prattling!? Last night, I told you to scrub the stuff and you replied:

"You know what Matt? I don't care. I have no intention of hanging around this toxic waste dump any longer."

But now you are back and braying about what a moral outrage it is!? Please! Pick a personality and stick with it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Matt, why don't you go argue some more with those people who were beating your ass in the thread about the video of the schoolboy telling off his teacher? You're new here, you'll find out soon enough that those with your kind of personality will get hammered even by their own fellow righties.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And I've decided to stay, just to piss y'all off.

ed বলেছেন...

@ Inga

"Ed, by commenting you are showing you care. How sweet."

No. I do not care in the least.

But I will point out that if you want privacy then don't drop breadcrumbs all over the internet about yourself.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ed, once again what do you fools not understand about not importing that information that discover about about a commenter into THIS BLOGS comments section? Do you honestly NOT see that this is despicable behavior!? This from the Moral Majority, the Family Values Party. What a bunch of hypocrites you are. No wonder Sandford got reelected, the morals of some commenters here and conservatives elsewhere are on the surface only.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

NOW, off to my to MY BIG BEAUTIFUL EXPENSIVE lake house, my pier was finally put up today and Merry Maids came to clean the house before I move in for the summer. Ohhhhh, I SO bet y'all wish you knew which gorgeous lake its on, dontcha stalkers?

ed বলেছেন...

@ Inga

"Ed, once again what do you fools not understand about not importing that information that discover about about a commenter into THIS BLOGS comments section? Do you honestly NOT see that this is despicable behavior!? This fro m the Moral Majority, the Family Values Party. What a bunch of hypocrites you are. No wonder Sandford got reelected, the morals of some commenters here and conservatives elsewhere are on the surface only."

1. A liberal deigning to lecture me on morals? Do not make me laugh.

2. Internet. Self explanatory.

If you have a problem with the internet then please use the following email address to register your complaint:


3. You seem to be living under a rock where you personally can decide what is allowed and not allowed. I suggest getting out from under the rock but the choice is yours.

4. If it's on the internet then it is fair game.

5. I'm done with this little sidebar nonsense. Participate, do not participate. Choose.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga said...
NOW, off to my to MY BIG BEAUTIFUL EXPENSIVE lake house, my pier was finally put up today and Merry Maids came to clean the house before I move in for the summer. Ohhhhh, I SO bet y'all wish you knew which gorgeous lake its on, dontcha stalkers?

New chirbit: The Inga Zone #25

Aridog বলেছেন...

I deleted my comment posted at 8:41 AM this morning because a thoughtful commenter emailed me and suggested it would be helpful in the long run, all things considered. At least that is my understanding.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ed, who the hell asked you to join the sidebar? Go the fuck away and quit commenting, since you claim you don't care. Obviously you do care, too much.

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