May 15, 2013

Eric Holder "seems to be proud of how little he knows."

Says Dana Milbank.
“I don’t have a factual basis to answer the questions that you have asked, because I was recused,” the attorney general said.

On and on Holder went: “I don’t know. I don’t know. . . . I would not want to reveal what I know. . . . I don’t know why that didn’t happen. . . . I know nothing, so I’m not in a position really to answer.”...

But when the Justice Department undermines the Constitution, recusal is no excuse.


NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Nothing has changed since 2009. Why is everyone noticing now?

KCFleming said...

If only Obama knew.
He would never have let his happen.

Quaestor said...

And just what are Holder's qualifications for high office? Someone remind me, please.

The Godfather said...

This is embarrassing. Where is the passion that the chief law enforcement officer of the United States ought to feel about bringing to justice government officers who have abused their power? Or the passion to clear them of the accusations of wrong-doing if they're innocent?

Danno said...

Kind of sounds like the Sergeant Schultze character on Hogan's Heroes back when. - "I knows nussing."

Dr Weevil said...

Since 'recuse' and 'excuse' (and 'accuse' and 'cause') are etymologically related - I just checked - you missed a chance for an etymological pun at the end. How about 'recusal is no excusal'? Or 'don't excuse the recuse'?

You could also have mentioned the French saying 'qui s'excuse, s'accuse'.

dhagood said...

holder has been doing the "i dunno" dance since 2008, and the lamestream media is just now noticing? how is this any different than his answers on fast and furious? unequal enforcement of civil rights laws? the dismissal of the black panther indictment?

it is evidently ok for those nasty republicans to get mistreated by the federal government, but it is not ok for the federal government to mistreat journolisters. i think i understand now.

edutcher said...

It seems to be a hallmark of the Choom Gang.

The Godfather said...

This is embarrassing. Where is the passion that the chief law enforcement officer of the United States ought to feel about bringing to justice government officers who have abused their power? Or the passion to clear them of the accusations of wrong-doing if they're innocent?

That only applies to "his people".

Or does calling the guy investigating his wrongdoing "shameful" count?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Arrogant beneficiary of the Peter Principle. IOW, just like Obama.

pm317 said...

You know, tea party people went fairly silent most of 2011 and certainly by election time, 2012. I think it was because of all this IRS shenanigans. It is more serious than it seems on the surface.

edutcher said...

Look at this cartoon and tell me Inspector Callahan isn't smiling.

pm317 said...

Who was the fool on the committee with the little crying baby? Why was he there?

pm317 said...

Are these media people mad because of AP thing? Would they have been silent without it? let tea party people go to hell

bagoh20 said...

Maybe not the most transparent Administration in history, but possibly the most humble. Top to bottom this bunch is the epitome of humility. I'm waiting to hear "I'm not that bright, and even if I did have some information, I wouldn't know what it means."

I'm Full of Soup said...


Melvin Watt, who is Obama's most recent nominee for some Cabinet position, if you can believe that.

test said...

Q: Why the sudden journo-lister willingness to attack?

A: It's becoming harder and harder to defend leftist policies as they prove ineffective. The best strategy to preserve leftism is to turn on Obama and blame the failure on him.

Besides, the election's over and Obama can't take leftism any farther. Save the credibility for the next Democrat.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bago20 -agreed but they were all just smart enough to know they could thrive in a guvmint job.

edutcher said...

pm317 said...

You know, tea party people went fairly silent most of 2011 and certainly by election time, 2012. I think it was because of all this IRS shenanigans. It is more serious than it seems on the surface.

They'd said they'd made their point as far as demonstrations went and were going to work through the electoral process.

In some cases, you're probably right.

bagoh20 said...

"And just what are Holder's qualifications for high office? Someone remind me, please."

I think you are seeing it right there, and it's the same qualifications as Susan Rice, Hillary, and Obama. Bold-face liars willing to go all the way.

bagoh20 said...

And Carney too.

Matt said...

My favorite part in all of this is that Holder claimed that the leak involved in this was one of the worst 3 he can recall (if not the worst outright) and that Americans were actually PUT AT RISK by this leak.

And yet the rest of the executive branch, Obama included claims to not have any idea as to any of this going on until Friday?

So the one of the most dangerous leaks in memory... HUGE DRASTIC step taken to access the phone records... no one bothers to tell anyone at the White House.

It smells really really bad.

Chip S. said...

I never realized that Vero Possumus meant "The buck passes here."

Anonymous said...

That's the 'Social Justice Department' to you.

The Godfather said...

edutcher said: Or does calling the guy investigating his wrongdoing "shameful" count?

Thanks for that. God! What a sleaze Holder is!

bagoh20 said...

It's starting to look like the left is gonna be reviewing that worn out lesson from history again. The one that ends with the conclusion that it just wasn't the right people in charge of the revolution.

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic display, and cowardly. My God, "I didn't know" what any 16 year old assistant manager at a burger joint would know about his job, and he has the nerve to foist his shit once again on we the people whom he despises as ridiculous ignoramuses. Stew in it General Holder..

edutcher said...

I want to hear Ann do her best Ricky Ricardo when she tells Holder he's got some 'splainin' to do:

Looks like he bugged the House cloakroom.

That should get Issa off his back.

bagoh20 said...

And just what are Holder's qualifications for high office? Someone remind me, please.

I think you are seeing it right there, and it's the same qualifications as Susan Rice, Hillary, and Obama. Bold-face liars willing to go all the way.

Strange you use those names. Guess who our next NSA may be.

pm317 said...


Good point.

Sorun said...

This isn't the first time that Holder played dumb. It's incredible that he's doing it again.

Drago said...

bagoh: "It's starting to look like the left is gonna be reviewing that worn out lesson from history again. The one that ends with the conclusion that it just wasn't the right people in charge of the revolution"


Oso Negro said...

Bugged the White House cloakroom, eh? Has anyone checked for bugs in RNC headquarters?

Cody Jarrett said...

Bugging the cloakroom.


Cody Jarrett said...

IRS agents from Cincy subpoenaed to testify before Congress Monday? Should be fun.

pm317 said...

"Eric Holder "seems to be proud of how little he knows.""

"Barack Obama "seems to be proud of how little he knows."" He learned about IRS on the news, just like you and me.

This government is too big for him to know things like that.

He sacked the IRS chief but the chief sent an email to his employees that he was leaving anyway in June.

Illuninati said...

There is no significant difference between third world dictators like Chavez and Obama's administration. We are well on the way to a third world banana republic.

Unless the Democrats are willing to act decisively against this illegal behavior, it will become acceptable for left wing/Marxist operatives to operate in this illegal manner. Once people realize they can get away with this illegal behavior it will persist and increase. Harry Reid is already on record that the Tea Party is so reprehensible that it needs to be shut down. He is mildly critical of how it has happened but is happy with the results. It seems that Senator Levin actually requested the IRS to pay special scrutiny to some of the conservative groups he didn't like, so he might have initiated some of these crimes.

We are in a very dangerous position for the future of our republic. So far, it doesn't seem that the Democrats have any limits so long as they achieve what they want.

Lydia said...

pm317 said...
You know, tea party people went fairly silent most of 2011 and certainly by election time, 2012. I think it was because of all this IRS shenanigans. It is more serious than it seems on the surface.

That, plus I'll bet more than a few shied away from further involvement because of being called racists. There are always just enough people who believe the MSM, and that can make life pretty miserable for ordinary people.

pm317 said...

Obama said he learned about IRS on the news, just like you and me.

Incredible that he gets away with saying things like that. Can you imagine anyone else in any other job getting away with something like that?

madAsHell said...

Holder's qualifications for high office?

He arranged to have Marc Rich pardoned. What else is needed??

pm317 said...

It feels like there is nobody in charge.

Tim said...

If any of this surprises anyone, they simply do not possess the basic intelligence to see what was so obvious: Obama was the least experienced candidate ever nominated and then elected president; his appointees, on balance, starting with his vice-president, reflect the same.

The entire thing, from top to bottom, and by bottom I mean his voters - is a an exercise is gross criminal negligence, although, to be fair, a case can be made there is intent rather than negligence as one gets to official positions.

Tim said...

pm317 said...

"It feels like there is nobody in charge."

That's exactly right. The looters elected someone far beyond his capabilities to office.

What happened?


Tee time at 9 a.m.

Gotta run!

Tim said...

madAsHell said...

"Holder's qualifications for high office?"

Arguably, better than Obama's.

Which is, of course, shameful.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

pm317 said...
It feels like there is nobody in charge.

Clint Eastwood is looking smarter by the minute.

Unknown said...

Somebody is in charge. Probably a safe bet that it's not who we think it is.

garage mahal said...

Holder's qualifications for high office?

Unfortunately, all the right qualifications for today's world. A silk stocking lawyer from Covington Burling who predictably guarded his former employers from the government, and indicted six whisteblowers under the 1917 Espionage Act.

His work defending Chiquita, the only U.S. company convicted of financing terrorism, should have been the first clue to where this guy's head is at.

Anonymous said...

Attorney-Sergeant Eric Schultz. He sees nothing, he knows nothing.

Michael K said...

The "recusal" seems to be an invention since there is no date, name or document that shows it in detail.

When Holder testified against the Arizona law that would enforce federal law that was not being enforced, Holder was asked if he had read the Arizona law. He hadn't.

Has there been a worse AG ?

Anonymous said...

The press only notices the death camps when they're the next ones put on the train.

Yawn. Too little, too late. And they'll go right back to covering it up if Big Chief Darky stops doing it to them only.

Let it burn. Let it fall.

Enjoy the decline, cretins!

Joe Schmoe said...

A good working title for a movie about the Obama admin would be "Incurious Basterds".

Joe Schmoe said...

First 'President Passerby' and now this about Holder?

Milbank is practically a Grand Kleagle at this point.

George M. Spencer said...

I hate to say it, Professor, but you've been playing the Tricia Nixon role these past five years....

Saint Croix said...

It's usually Presidents who get the white hair after four years. More golf, Eric!

Robert Cook said...

"There is no significant difference between third world dictators (sic) like Chavez and Obama's administration."

Sure there is...the Chavez administration did far more for the people of Venezuela, for the working and poor, than Obama has ever done for middle and working class and poor Americans.

rhhardin said...

Sgt. Schultz's "I know nothing" was always about the activities of the good guys, by contrast.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Holder needed to be frogmarched out of there a long time ago.

Cody Jarrett said...

garage mahal said...

Holder's qualifications for high office?

Unfortunately, all the right qualifications for today's world. A silk stocking lawyer from Covington Burling who predictably guarded his former employers from the government, and indicted six whisteblowers under the 1917 Espionage Act.

His work defending Chiquita, the only U.S. company convicted of financing terrorism, should have been the first clue to where this guy's head is at."

bravo, g.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"There is no significant difference between third world dictators (sic) like Chavez and Obama's administration."

Sure there is...the Chavez administration did far more for the people of Venezuela, for the working and poor, than Obama has ever done for middle and working class and poor Americans.

A parody of rational thought.

gerry said...

The best strategy to preserve leftism is to turn on Obama and blame the failure on him.

Progressives always have to have someone to destroy when things go wrong. The real professionals knew how to do it.

Clyde said...

"Ignorance Is Strength"

It's chiseled right over the entrance of Holder's MiniLuv.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

After the first couple of I-don't-knows, they should have asked him to get on the phone, call whoever does know, and get them down there now, under oath, sitting at the table next to Holder. If that person gives an I-don't-know then repeat the process, continuing the hearings until you have the who justice department there, or until you get an answer.

Matt Sablan said...

I agree; my question would be: Who does know, why were you not briefed and is the person who does know free, say, now?

Tank said...

Holder recuses:

1. Not in writing.

2. Not sure when.

3. Did not tell anyone.

WTF ???

Hey, is someone impersonating GM here?

Paul said...

So a liberal dweb now sees the Sgt. Schulz excuse does not fly.

You know these liberal pinheads are now using the same Schulz excuse. They didn't know Obama was a slimy weasel lying corrupt dude! Took them FIVE years to figure it out (but I bet they knew all along, but well he was THEIR lying weasel!)

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Ignorance is Bliss,

After the first couple of I-don't-knows, they should have asked him to get on the phone, call whoever does know, and get them down there now, under oath, sitting at the table next to Holder. If that person gives an I-don't-know then repeat the process, continuing the hearings until you have the who justice department there, or until you get an answer.

Yes, indeed. Drill down until someone is found who can answer the damn question. Of course, you might find that the entire department has adopted the strategy of the original Know-Nothings.

Anthony said...

Well, now that O has been safely reelected they can start noticing this stuff.

Leland said...

Agree with you Matt. If it is so bad, then why doesn't the AG or the President know anything about it? I realize their apathy isn't illegal, but they don't seem to being doing much to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" unless that's the best of their ability.

Methadras said...

If Obama had a son he would be Eric Holder.

Calypso Facto said...

Looks like he bugged the House cloakroom.

Well, tapped phones maybe, but still. Is it Watergate level YET, MSM?

Sam L. said...

He should be proud--he can stand, walk, and take nourishment without a brain in his head.

Bruce said...

If Holder was "recused" from this, then the most senior Justice official who wasn't recused should be testifying.

Someone at the Justice department was running this, and knows the answer to the questions. If I were on this panel asking questions, after the third or fourth "I don't know" from Holder, my next question would be "Why don't you call whoever in your Department who does have knowledge and have them come here? Justice is only a couple blocks from the Capital building; we'll wait".

There is no reason the answers have to come from Holder himself.

Paco Wové said...

"the Chavez administration did far more for the people of Venezuela"

Venezuela’s toilet-paper shortage ‘last straw’ for consumers

"First milk, butter, coffee and cornmeal ran short. Now Venezuela is running out of the most basic of necessities – toilet paper.

Blaming political opponents for the shortfall, as it does for other shortages, the embattled socialist government says it will import 50 million rolls to boost supplies."

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