May 22, 2013

At the Big Sun Café...


... you can shine all night.


Meade said...

Fisheye. I know. Please don't sue me.

Known Unknown said...


caplight45 said...

Yes, I remember when Ann went through her early fish-eye lens phase a number of years ago. I think someone had to have an intervention.

As to Lois Lerner and invoking her invoking the fifth amendment, while acknowledging her right to invoke the Fifth Ammendment against self-incrimination, the irony cannot be underestimated. Lois Lerner knows first hand how power is abused in Washington, from the IRS culture of "guilty until proven innocent" coupled with "don't screw with us or we will really make your life miserable," to the DOJ culture of prosecutorial over-reach and indescretion. It is not pleasant being hoist on your own petard but she would be down right stupid to do it willingly and with a smile.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm green with envy over how green it is...

edutcher said...

No, Meade, it's a good picture.

For a second, it reminded me of a little oil painting that hung in the bedroom my parents used when we stayed at my Aunt Claribel's house.

PS As The Blonde says, "Don't beat yourself up. There are plenty of people willing to do it for you".

rhhardin said...

Reger transcription of Brandenburg Concerto, one piano 4 hands (real audio), strikes me as particularly limpid.

A nice cadence at 2:34

ALH said...
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ALH said...

Bad haiku to celebrate my accomplishment tonight:

Two hours on the hunt
The dying elm betrayed you
You are mine morel

Paddy O said...

So, my dissertation got picked up by a major publisher. Signed the contract today. That adds a nice little shine to my work over the last many years.

rhhardin said...

It's graduation sign season.

These commercial ones have less interesting spellings.

Biff said...

Congrats, Paddy O!

Big Mike said...

The other day you posted about a turkey in your yard, Professor. It could be worse.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, please Google "how to change lenses on a camera." No need to thank me.

edutcher said...

Paddy O said...

So, my dissertation got picked up by a major publisher. Signed the contract today. That adds a nice little shine to my work over the last many years.

Very cool, sir.

A couple bucks for all that hard work as well as some recognition.

And that doesn't even count the plaudits of the young man sitting on your chest.

Big Mike said...

BTW, is the turkey still there? Or did Zeus run him off?

(Please tell me the tom didn't run Zeus off.)

Freeman Hunt said...

Bravo, Paddy O.!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I'm happy for you Paddy O.

edutcher said...

For those interested, an absolutely devastating assessment of Lurch's conduct of Choom's foreign policy mess.

Given the events in London and Baaston, the outlook was better in Mudville.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Meade is the Beastie Boys video of photoblogging.

That's a compliment.

Unknown said...

Paddy O
Will it be on Amazon?

Rabel said...

Very nice.

J said...

Thanks Meade I really appreciate these aesthetic tidbits.It brightens up days which can seem like a slog.Just have to take a few moments to meditate on what's really important.

J said...

Thanks Meade I really appreciate these aesthetic tidbits.It brightens up days which can seem like a slog.Just have to take a few moments to meditate on what's really important.

cf said...

Congrats paddy O! I recall the evening you were celebrating because you had finished it and/ or turned it in, and someone asked the subject, and your reply sent me scurrying off on a wonderful discovery of new organizational models for Christian expression.

Thank you again for that, and I look forward to your publication.

AllenS said...

Great news, Paddy. I'm happy for ya.

MadisonMan said...

So, my dissertation got picked up by a major publisher. Signed the contract today.

Congratulations Dr. O!

Joe Schmoe said...

So now I know why Obama hasn't stopped campaigning. His advisors haven't told him yet that the election already happened.

In light of how he is apparently kept in the dark about everything by his handlers, he should change his mantra from "leading from behind" to "being led around by the nose".

Paddy O said...

Thanks, all!

wyosis, it will, at some point, probably next year. No doubt, I'll mention it in a future cafe.

cf, I remember a brief exchange and I'm very excited that it was helpful!

Mostly, this is really exciting for the sake of jobs. Adjunct work is fine, but there's just so few jobs out there, a step like this is a great blessing and encouragement that maybe there's a full time job out there.