"... proclaiming their love for the Boston Marathon bombing suspect on social media."
The media is to blame for this, as I accused the other day on Bloggingheads (where Bob Wright didn't seem to get why I what I was saying or why):
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
As one commenter said: "Tell me AGAIN why the 19th Amendment was a good idea..."
"where Bob Wright didn't seem to get why I what I was saying or why
An all too common occurrence (as I commented on your BH poll, its just not sporting to watch you bludgeon this unarmed man.)
Richard Ramirez, the "Nightstalker", a serial killer in California was a big attraction to certain types of women. Fortunately, he died a week or so ago.
As long as the new amendment reads:
1. The 19th Amendment is hereby repealed;
2. Bob Wright doesn't get to vote, either.
The media is to blame for the stupidity of certain young woman?
It's the hair. Shave his head for the trial or there's a chance he'll walk.
Cubanbob, I expect rh would tell us its a symbiotic relationship.
Michael K said...
Richard Ramirez, the "Nightstalker", a serial killer in California was a big attraction to certain types of women. Fortunately, he died a week or so ago."
Really? I hadn't seen that, and a search of both google and bing turn up nothing.
Are we sure it's only teen girls, btw? After all, Titus went on and on about all the things he wanted to do to the older brother, and I think he mentioned how pretty Dzhokar was.
To blame the media for girls and women being attracted to cute sociopaths is very odd. Yes, if it weren't for the media, they might not have heard of this particular handsome killer. But a decent fraction the few who did get a look at him would still find him strangely, almost magically compelling, and a few of those would find him so irresistibly compelling that they'd admit to having a schoolgirl crush on him.
This is a quirk women generally have. Men have their own weird quirks, also embarrassing in their own way.
The media amplify and exaggerate the expression of all our quirks in bizarre ways, but the quirks were there first.
We're animals. May as well get used to it.
You'll never live up to dear old Mom, ladies. But if you aren't a one night stand, you might get a new headscarf out of the deal.
Titus is a teenage girl?
These girls are also Obots who want free birth control when they grow up.
They also voted for Phil Phillips, Kris Allen and Taylor Hicks for American Idol and stopped watching when all finalists were female this season.
They and their predecessors are a plague on the nation and American Idol.
If Joker plays his cards right, he can be a professor at Harvard and an advisor to Malia when she runs for president.
And we can all be lectured to by the libs how we just don't get it and Malia is not paling around with terrorists.
May I be the first to admit I have no such affliction when it comes to Jodi Arias.
In one family, the Richard family, the boy, Martin, was killed, the girl, Jane, is recovering from her eleventh! surgery to the leg that was lost below the knee. I don't really blame these young girls who get crushes on the monster; I blame the media, which has deliberately moved on quickly and downplayed the horror of what he and his brother did.
This is a quirk women generally have.
I don't know how general it is, but it is there. The liberated woman ideal of the deep thinkers is a lie, and those who pursue the myth are often betrayed by their nature.
Julia's going to have a tough time without a male role model.
Should she chose Jokar, the 'other,' or stay with Big Daddy Government and life on the commune?
"I don't know, I'll leave it to you."
Wow, I agree with Wright. I have no idea what makes a guy attractive. I once had this guy down to my home who was short, somewhat crazy hair, crooked teeth, broken nose, and for some reason my wife thought he was attractive, and an attractive (though vapid) girl at work did too.
Meanwhile, CNN did the same thing with Malvo. Usually cropped to exclude Mohammed. It's Oh So Cute Malvo, not a contemporary photo at the time like this one.
Or the scary looking ones of today."
Meanwhile, it seems CNN has removed the cropped "Oh So Cute" malvo pictures. Hmm.
Google night stalker and groupies. There a bunch of articles. I thought I remembered hearing about that at the time.
What's the solution? Photoshop Tsarnaev's pictures so he looks appropriately erratic and unstable before airing them? Maybe some googley-eyes and drool?
The media used the pictures available. It's not their fault the guy didn't regularly pose for selfies looking as batshit crazy as Loughner or as socially awkward as Lanza. Maybe that's what distinguishes the mentally unbalanced from mere fanatics. Or maybe if Instagram offered a mass-murdering psychotic loner filter this wouldn't be an issue. Buuuuuut they don't.
If we're going to blame the media for anything, it should be for sensationalizing the online ramblings of teenage girls. Reporting what a "startling number" of teenage girls posted on Twitter is like reporting on the contents of their diaries. Not that you were snooping or anything. You found it in the cafeteria and the lock just popped right open! And it's not like those locks are meant to keep anyone out anyway. They open at the slightest touch or with the faintest giggling of a hairpin. A Channel 9 News NOW hairpin.
BREAKING: Startling number of teenage girls confess to practicing kissing on posters of Joey Lawrence.
After the Aum Shinrikyo attack (which killed 13 innocent Japanese commuters), Japanese schoolgirls went gaga over the AS spokesperson -- Joyu Fumihiro. I think this has more to do with the universal brain dementia of teenage girls than anythng else.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to be more a phenomenon of social media than mass media (broadcast, etc.). That these little ninnies can get together and ooh and ahh over slime like that says more about how they were raised than anything else.
PS Is it me or is Bob Wright about the most craven dhimmi we've seen in a while?
He's the dreamiest!
Good point. I, for one, welcome our British Tabloid, royal watching, overlords.
Manson family women.
How do the twits feel about the brothers being link to the 9/11/11 murders 'Mounting Evidence' Boston Bombers Involved in 2011 Triple Murder
Will they write him love letters?
They did the same thing with Trayvon Martin, the young innocent looking picture, over and over and over.
Bob Wright didn't get what I was saying.
Don't you think you ought to make that a tag?
Bob Wright didn't get what I was saying.
Don't you think you ought to make that a tag?
It will be truly disturbing if teenage girls are tossing aside their copies of Pride and Prejudice in favor of Crime and Punishment.
Oooooo, that scraggly, scruffy Rodion Raskolnikov and his anti-social ways! He's soooo misunderstood. And sooooo dreamy!
The Wild One:
Mildred: "Hey Johnny, what are you rebelling against?"
Johnny: "Whadda you got?"
Johnny played by young Marlon Brando: schoolgirl crush on the Rebel.
Johnny played by an old, fat Marlon Brando: schoolgirl, crushed under an old, fat Marlon Brando, possibly.
Rebel Without a Cause:
Jim Stark: "You're tearing me apart!"
Jim Stark played by young James Dean: schoolgirl crush on the Dreamy Misunderstood Boy.
Jim Stark played by an old, fat James Dean: didn't happen due to a crushed Porsche.
Richard Ramirez was convicted of:
13 counts of murder
5 counts of attempted murder
11 counts of sexual assault
14 counts of burglary
The details of those crimes were really disgusting, even as serial killers go, but:
"By the time of the trial, Ramirez had fans who were writing him letters and paying him visits. Beginning in 1985, freelance magazine editor Doreen Lioy wrote him nearly 75 letters during his incarceration. In 1988 he proposed to her, and on October 3, 1996, they were married in California's San Quentin State Prison. Lioy has stated that she will commit suicide when Ramirez is executed."
Ladies, that's true love. Don't you feel silly for bitching about socks on the floor and toilet seats now?
Did any young males have a crush on Winona Ryder, the Misunderstood Shoplifter?
Dante said...
Meanwhile, CNN did the same thing with Malvo. Usually cropped to exclude Mohammed. It's Oh So Cute Malvo, not a contemporary photo at the time like this one.
Or the scary looking ones of today."
Meanwhile, it seems CNN has removed the cropped "Oh So Cute" malvo pictures. Hmm.
Those photos aren't even of the same person. Are you one of those people who think all blacks look alike?
I'm surprised how natural the "dz" sound (diphthong?) is to make. I met a guy named Dimitry who told me it was spelled "Dzmitry" but he went by Dima. I was reading War and Peace at the time and thought diminutives were adorable so called him Dimushinka and thought it was simply capital. But once the novelty wore off I called him Dzmitry again and I remember it being easy to pronounce the name like a real Belorussian.
This sound needs to occur more frequently in English. We'll start with a new word: people who idolize anti-social maniacs. Dzipshits. lololololol
Lioy has stated that she will commit suicide when Ramirez is executed."
So did she off herself?
Girls are always turned on by the bad boy. If there is a male serial killer in jail, there will always be female groupies who send him their panties or try to get conjugal visits. They even marry women while serving time as convicted serial killers.
Ha ha ha ha ha I just now saw "It's come to this" item at HotAir and I'm all what? No wait, what? Man, this appositness sure is apposite sometimes. That girl is a creation of your very own imagination innit.
I think Dzhokhar would be джохар in Russian. Russians use дж to mimic our J sound. They don't have the J sound in their language. That is why you find it easy to say.
jokar was the name the Chechyans use for Grosny (the capitol of Chechniya). I think Chechyans speak an arabic language. So the name is translated from the chechyan alphabet to Russian alphabet to English alphabet. What a world.
Girls are always turned on by the bad boy. If there is a male serial killer in jail, there will always be female groupies who send him their panties or try to get conjugal visits. They even marry women while serving time as convicted serial killers.
Little Girls Lost - Love Letters to Murderers
I recently heard about the many letters that convicted killer Scott Peterson has received from different women. Many who offered to marry him. Charlie Manson has had proposals in the past as well. The famous Night-stalker (Richard Ramirez), who killed 13 people and raped 30 women, had lines of women outside his jail. Finally after courting many from behind bars, he married a freelance magazine editor by the name of Doreen Lioy in 1996.
Since we are one of the more successful species on the planet, it only makes sense that the strongest of the "lizard brain" commandments are those that lead to reproduction over all else.
This is just the female version of that.
Similarly, though she be nuttier than a fruit cake and as treacherous and dangerous as a scorpion, many men would agree that Jodi Arias would be a very nice fuck.
Just sayin'.
"...where Bob Wright didn't seem to get why I what I was saying or why": That boy is some kind of sloooooooow.
Bill, Are you sure he died? There is no mention on Wikipedia, and I don't see anything in a search.
As a disciple of Satan, you have to at least admit he was devout, and will probably get a supervisor position in Hell on day one.
Working in Hell
"Google night stalker and groupies."
Ted Bundy also had a big female fan club.
It did not include any of the women who actually spent their last moments alone with him.
But aren't there always narcissistic young women who fall in love with famous serial killers?
And "a startling number" could be 5. Look at the source.
"Since we are one of the more successful species on the planet, it only makes sense that the strongest of the "lizard brain" commandments are those that lead to reproduction over all else."
If you're attracted to someone who would kill you and your offspring without blinking an eye, well, isn't that a wee bit counterproductive? I'm not quite seeing the evolutionary or reproductive edge you get from getting involved with a sociopath.
"Death instinct" seems like a better explanation.
"Really? I hadn't seen that, and a search of both google and bing turn up nothing. "
Sorry, You're right. It's another Richard Ramirez.
California has a million of 'em.
The media loves to pick photos as propaganda images all of the time; as either joke or a big FU to the hated white conservatives. I remember Little Man Obama shooting a bird at Hillary in the debates
Check out the pictures now being run with stories on Texas Senator Cruz. They make Dracula seem friendly in contrast because of the angles and darkness the Media doctors them with.
"Jodi Arias would be a very nice fuck."
Her boyfriend found it less than optimal.
The latest fad in psychology is tests to identify "psychopaths."
The Czechen duo qualify. Psychopaths are risk takers supreme who have NO empathy for others they hurt at will.
Why that excites teenage women is what we need to be asking. Is it a dream that they will be taken away by a risk taker man who is able to beat their custodial father?
They need to show a photo with the self inflicted gun wound to his face. Problem solved.
The crush isn't a problem so much as the news ratings from coverage, which make a non-event the topic of every sinister interest group trying to ride on the coverage.
The news coverage audience means it's a soapbox for everybody.
So you get government by idiots, that very audience.
Coketown said ....
Reporting what a "startling number" of teenage girls posted on Twitter is like reporting on the contents ...
... vaginal queefs or anal flatulence.
Althouse said ...
... where Bob Wright didn't seem to get why I [?] what I was saying or why.
Oh, please...he didn't because he wasn't listening to you. He was already planning what HE would say next, derived from what HE said before you had the audacity to speak.
Good Lord just look at the image of Wright and you that you have posted for this thread....does he look like he's listening?
We've got guys [and some ladies, too] in Detroit who stand on street corners wave their arms and expound just like Wright does. Talking to or at them is equally useless. At least he's not obliviously stepping off curbs in to traffic ....is he?
No Bagho20 I'm not sure. Someone up thread said he died about a week ago. I just assumed he was executed. I'm from Texas. We think that way.
This syndrome of women writing fan letters to and developing romantic obsessions with prisoners is so common there must be a fairly basic and even normal psychological impulse at work.
My own sheer guess is that women whose mothering instinct is tied up somehow with their erotic impulse see the incarcerated object of their obsession as, innately, a "misunderstood" or otherwise disadvantage "little boy lost." I think they imagine their own nurturing (and sexual) love for the bad boy to be so powerful they will tame his antisocial impulses and make him into a compliant, grateful lover and "good boy," but one whose past bad acts add a frisson of "danger" to the relationship these women imagine (and sometimes achieve) with these men. The physical appearance of the men may have something to do with their being objects of erotomania, but who knows? I'm surprised there have been no studies seeking to understand this phenonmenon.
At least the death photos of the older Islamoid served a good purpose.
They were gruesome, thus discouraging the stupid teeney twats and the old fat sparkle cows from building shrine sites to Tamerlan as well as cute little Dzokhar.
Repeal the 19th Amendment!
Get liberals and progressive jews out of their positions of dominance over the mass media.
bagoh20 said...
Her boyfriend found it less than optimal.
Yeah, but there would be kind of a Praying Mantis kind of vibe to the attempt. Can you have your way with the female and still get away with your head attached? Adds a level of danger and excitement, no?
Did they stop publishing Tiger Beat magazine??
You still see the Che t-shirts and posters. Also Mao and Lenin. Not so much Hitler though.
Teen males would want to sleep with an attractive female criminal but there would be no emotional connection. It'd be purely a, pardon the expression, fuck.
But here we see something deeper, an emotional desire, a wish to be with them. Males don't want to be with a female equivalent. They don't want to know why the women did what they did. They just want to, again, fuck them.
Anyone who thinks males and females aren't fundamentally different and that these are all nurture and not nature is completely wrong.
I agree with the analysis about the media glamorizing the Tsarnaev brothers. They kept publishing all those pictures of one guy in his boxing trunks and fashionable outfits and his brother with the big hair but very few pictures of Jeffrey Bauman Jr. with his leg bones sticking out and the blood soaked sidewalks.
But that goes along with the media narrative which rarely, if at all, covers the scores of terrorist attacks in the US which have been foiled thanks to the undercover work of the FBI. There have been over 20K acts of jihad around the world since 9-11. They aim to kill and maim as many people as possible. So I'd prefer the US not becoming another Iraq or Pakistan where bombings are a daily occurrence.
The main difference the terrorists and t shirt wearing leftists is that the terrorists have a religious doctrine which motivates their fanaticism. We don't talk about the religious devotion of the jihadi and how it is straight out the Koran. The leftists are mostly into fashion statements and style, not trying to please Allah and get into heaven.
I read recently that James Holmes had converted to Islam to justify his actions, but now he has changed his plea to insanity. You could call that a distinction without a difference, but that might be offensive to some devout worshippers.
I heard that Titus is standing outside of the lock-up holding a boom box playing Peter Gabriel at full blast.
It's the eyes. The puppy dog eyes. He doesn't have the crazy eyes that Lanza and Loughner have.
That Russian spy, Anna Chapman, was hot. I know it's not the same thing as setting off bombs to kill people but it's sort of similar.
Censor the photos! Censor the mug shots!
These criminals are too "good looking" to be covered!
Who will be on the board of "Criminals Too Good Looking to be Covered by the Media"? I know who I'd appoint to it!
American Un-Idol.
Lol. "I'll leave that to you".
The Godfather said...
You still see the Che t-shirts and posters. Also Mao and Lenin. Not so much Hitler though.
Should have gone with those profile shots of Heydrich.
It takes a strong woman, like you, to admit that the media incited her crush on and attraction to the Boston bombers.
Most sociopath-lovers would just like to think they had that spark within them.
But you? Oh no. You actually admit that the media done and made you do it.
So sweet. ;-)
It's like a kind of Match.com for the old media age.
Hey Cedarford has a concession selling those t-shirts outside Landser concerts.
He also sells Eva Braun kewpie dolls and fake glasses with a little mustache attached.
It's a big business and lets him carry on his fight against the progressive jews in the media who are attacking his brain with microwaves.
If you break the videos up, I'm way more likely to watch, like now.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Google night stalker and groupies. There a bunch of articles. I thought I remembered hearing about that at the time.
Not the groupie part, the dead part.
It can go both ways.
The older brother seemed a Chechnya version of Jersey Shore. Conceited, blockheaded,stupid. Stupid boxing outfits, stupid philosophy, stupid car. The younger one seemed smarter/better looking than his brother to me and therefore possibly ultimately more devious and psychopathic rather than "more vulnerable".
Or how about groupies? Ever notice the screaming out-of-their-minds young teenage girls at rock concerts? Just look at old film footage/vids of Elvis or Beatles concerts, etc. Ever see hordes of young 13-yr-old male teens screaming their silly heads off and/or fainting in front of ,well, hell, almost any female star one can imagine...
What this country needs is a good "Women in Prison" movie.
@Ipso Fatso
How about Pam Grier naked as a caged cutie in The Big Doll House? Or Linda Blair in Chained Heat? just for starters--I'm searching my aged memory banks--then off to Google..
On the plus side, this Castro yuck has not attracted much of a following so perhaps there are limits. Perhaps if Castro lost some weight and did a comb over, he could broaden his fan base........In a better world, nubile teens would follow Wright's appearances on Althouse and sext him obscene messages. It's just so unfair, but nubile teens have such superficial values......I myself have scored higher on the verbal part of the SATs than many NFL quarterbacks, but you don't see me fooling around with any Victoria Secret models.
Here we go!
Women in Cell Block 9, Prison-ago-go, Escape from Hell, Caged Fury, The Big Bird-Cage, and, from even before my time, Ladies They Talk About (1933)
Teenage girls are the most sociopathic people on the planet. Utterly narcissistic and unfeeling.
Are Western girls afflicted with thanatos?
Okay. It's scarier than I thought. Here is an article detailing these girls' thoughts:
You know what really got to me? This is the Bieber generation. That guy is the same age as Justin Bieber. The girls that are crushing on him *also* have crushes on Justin Bieber. (So say their tweets...)
Che Guevara and Weather Underground? You wish there was that much self awareness involved.
You gals have to admit that you only have the right to vote out of pity. The 19th, was a pity vote. 10 years later we were plunging into The Depression. Women are into the depression thing too. Coincidence?
I don't know the numbers, but I'm pretty sure that most college educated women and the least educated women voted for Obama in healthy majorities, or is the term majorettes?.
Anyway, either education helps little with women's' ability to make intelligent decisions, or estrogen overpowers it. Either way, you really should refuse to vote until you prove that you are not all BATSHIT CRAZY!
Those photos aren't even of the same person. Are you one of those people who think all blacks look alike?
James, I'm not sure whether that is tongue in cheek or not. But, they all show up under a google search of Malvo, and I assure you each link shows a photo of Malvo the sniper.
The purpose of the photos was to show how Different they look. Perhaps that escaped your attention, and so you jumped to the typical knee jerk non sequitor leftist talking point?
In any event, the observation that blacks look similar to whites is a well known phenomenon, that has caused blacks to be incarcerated for rapes they never committed. Of course, blacks per capita are far more likely to rape a white woman than a white man is to rape a white woman, but that's probably not on your radar.
bagoh20... mmmm, not after the absolute brofest I witnessed in 2008 for Obama. The ladies contributed, but I've never seen so much irrational mancrush on display - from both younger and older generations. It was a guy who asked if Obama were an enlightened being.
Yeah, "Bob Wright doesn't understand" should be tag.
Never underestimate the ability of people to not understand what they don't want to understand.
IQ doesn't equal open mind. Bob Wright, exhibit 1.
"Teenage girls are the most sociopathic people on the planet."
Fortunately, no society that's survived has given a damn what teenagers, particularly teenage girls, thought.
Teenage boys as just as crazy and dumb - just in a different way.
The younger one seemed smarter/better looking than his brother to me and therefore possibly ultimately more devious and psychopathic rather than "more vulnerable".
Yeah, he ran over poor Speedbump to keep him from talking.
Obama's tally:
Black: 93%
Non-Whites: 80%
Latinos: 60%
Women: 53%
High unemployment areas tilted Obama.
Working areas tilted Romney.
According to this article, "Even college-educated white women preferred Romney, 52 percent to 46 percent".
According to this article: "The gap gets truly staggering when it comes to college-educated women. Here, Mr. Obama leads 63%-32%."
It would be interesting to know. I read that married women tended to vote Romney, significantly.
I recall reading an analysis of the types of women (not girls) who fall "in love" with imprisoned serial killers. A big part of the attraction seems to be due to the fact that these guys are the safest "boyfriends" around. They'll never show up at your house where you'd have to actually deal with the reality of them. In most instances you'll never even have to fuck them. They add some desired drama to your dull life (coz, of course, they're all innocent, framed!).
The women tend to be either losers in the relationship department, or petrified of intimacy. They can safely project their romantic fantasies onto these guys, with whom they spend minimal amounts of time. I think R. Cook is right, about the nurturing fixation, but as important is the fact that the women are never going to have to test it and risk failing.
@virgil xenophon
"Girls in Prison" an AIP number from the 1950s.
Bob Wright draws a keen resemblance to The Poky Little Puppy.
SOJO said...
bagoh20... mmmm, not after the absolute brofest I witnessed in 2008 for Obama. The ladies contributed, but I've never seen so much irrational mancrush on display - from both younger and older generations. It was a guy who asked if Obama were an enlightened being."
In 08 all the librul males I knew were hot for Howard Dean, most stayed even after "the scream".
At the end of Iron Man 3 they've got "The Mandarin" in custody and all the girls are leaning over the barricades reaching for him like he's a movie star.
To be fair, I have a thing for Lindsey Lohan that's probably a similar attraction, but it might just be my ginger obsession.
Pftuie. Fine. The world would be better if I don't vote.
What the hell. Let's repeal the "wimmins-vote" amendment. So freeing, that would be.
Way cheaper than IDs would it be to have voters whip out their dicks. At least then we would absolutely know who was voting (or at least who was not).
Hey! I've got a great idea: Remember the purple fingertips?
Why not purple penis-tips?
For years and years here, there have been commenters who have lamented women getting the vote. It's been going on for so long, for the better part of a decade, that I now believe it's their true expression of point of view, stance and core value.
They're right about just one, and only one, thing: For too long I gave the benefit of the doubt. That's done. It's over.
Before bad can be made good, we need to follow the truth wherever it leads, and speak it fearlessly.
Do you actually think that the things most destructive to your business have to do with women voting?
My business is just a vehicle, and doesn't suffer like those who depend on it. It is one of the least of many things damaged by the poor choices of most of the voters, and they have done very substantial damage. A majority of those voters were women. A majority were also young, and Democrats and Blacks, and minorities, etc, anyway you want to divide it up.
I'm not seriously suggesting that any legally franchised group should not have the right to vote, but I will shine a light on the foolishness and the foolish motivations, many of which included group identification. Pretending I'm some kind of bigot or sexist for that is your right, but it's innacurate.
And the the answer to you question is clearly "yes". Of course, I don't really think women should not vote just because they did poorly as a group, but I do want them to know they did that. I bet most still do not.
I believe a lot of things are worse in our country because women vote. That's true of other groups too. I think we would be better off if leftists didn't vote either, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a right to vote. The effect of certain groups voting can be negative. It's just a fact. Believing otherwise is a silly proposition that all votes are equally well-informed, wise and positive.
Well, of course other people voting their interests will not be synonymous with a result that advances your interests. Your way of voting would also affect other people's lives negatively were it to be the majority, so they then have the right to blame "your kind" for doing poorly as a group with their voting rights in the name of fearless pursuit truth.
It's very circular reasoning.
Not everything is subjective. All votes are not equally good, nor are the net votes of all groups. I'm not talking about my self interests , but the best interest of the nation.
Lets not be guilty of soft sexism here. Let the women defend themselves - unless they aren't man enough.
So ladies, what have men voted for as a group that's bad for the nation? I got a list in the other direction, so let's hear yours. And don't say "women's suffrage" because that actually would be circular, but accurate.
So ladies, what have men voted for as a group that's bad for the nation?
I couldn't answer your question because I don't think in those terms: men vs women; us vs them. I don't "keep score" for the team; (you really have a list?) And I don't want to play this game. I'm not looking for reasons to dislike men; I'm quite fond of men.
I also don't look for opportunities to blame individual men for the horrible actions of a few. Guilt by association is not my thing. I wish I wouldn't be called upon to defend myself or my gender for the actions of silly women. It's tiresome. I have no control over other women.
And finally, would I need to defend myself to you when I never voted for Obama, while my brother and my brother-in-law-- both over 40 -- who voted for Obama twice, would get a pass because they have testicles and therefore are on the "good" team?
I'm sorry, Ann. I was checking out your rack the whole 2.06 minutes.
Nice BTW.
You could use some sun.
What JL said.
Besides, since we know married women went for Romney, we could just as easily blame all this on the current male anti-marriage movement. Step up and do your duty, guys. It's for your country!
The fact remains unchallenged. Do women as a group vote to the detriment of the country? Nobody is going to challenge that?
Kirk Parker said...
As long as the new amendment reads:
1. The 19th Amendment is hereby repealed;
2. Bob Wright doesn't get to vote, either.
I'd say at this point Bob Wright falls under the 19th Amendment.
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