The father of suspected Boston Marathon bomber called on his son today to give up peacefully, but warned the U.S. that if his son is killed "all hell will break loose."
Saw this person on the Today Show when I woke up a while ago. I watched for half an hour waiting for them to say the words Muslim or Islam before giving up.
Career and money, eh? Maybe the media can work the whole NRA white conservative tea party angle into it after all. He was a tea partier, be ause he wants like a career, and money, or something. Pretty please can we please have some tea party involvement in there somehow? Its still about tax day, right? right?
I say he hated us because of Obama's Mid East policies. Take that liberal swine. The One, caused the bombing. And if we take him out, we'll just create more terrorists.
So best just listen to what he has to say and capitulate. No blood for oil. Fire doesn't melt steel.
Sorry, I'm just linking together random talking points at this point.
How many leftist fuck lawyers are slobbering in order to defend these terrorists? Dead or alive, they hurt America and therefore deserve the very best of defenses from our top legal minds.
America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers.
Some judge, a leftist who hates herself and her country more, will let killers out after a decade to kill again, in the name of compassion for the killer.
It's pretty clear by now (if you've been watching MSNBC and reading lefty blogs) that all the brothers really wanted was to decrease personal income and property taxes, get rid of obamacare and cling to their "Koran" and guns.
Plus, similar to George Zimmerman's "White Hispanic-ness" these brothers are clearly "Christian-Islamists".
And the religion of peace strikes again. Leftards everywhere are giving out a collective moan. They were really, really, really hoping it was an angry white guy. Man, the gnashing of teeth and self-flagellation is going to be rampant.
Saw this person on the Today Show when I woke up a while ago. I watched for half an hour waiting for them to say the words Muslim or Islam before giving up.
The HIVEMIND. We woke up and discussed this phenomenon this morning. If it were NOT for the hivemind aka the internet, the government would have been able to sit on this information, concoct a story to fit the meme and hide the truth.
The meme? Well, we all know what that is....white extremists, Tea Party, Aryan Brotherhood and then MORE GUN CONTROL. Anything to further the agenda of stripping the rights of the American people.
Unfortunately, for the Regime, and fortunately for the rest of us, the HIVEMIND solved or worked to solve the crime. There is no way that they, the government, could promote their fantasy in the light of the overwhelming evidence and deductive reasoning of the HIVEMIND. Not that the hive is always correct. It can often make terrible mistakes. But the beauty of the hivemind is that the government and their media sycophants have lost control of the stream of information.
This is why they want to take away our right to defend ourselves and why they want to shut down the internet.
According to Buzzfeed, citing a Nexis search, both of the suspectedd bombers are are registered voters. Too bad they aren't American citizens. Whatever...
Its been a pretty bad week for them. Shamed on Gosnell, gun control fail, and now young men who believe in Islam are revealed to have committed a terrorist attack in an American city.
It means he probably chooses not to get laid, and not really to associate with women. Islam segregates the sexes in most public areas. From the information I've seen, they fit the profile for radicalization pretty well. I'll bet the older brother had significant influence on the younger.
He likely found greatest identity and meaning in his faith, which isolated him seriously from American culture, friends, work and sex. They are already a bit in-between cultures, floating out there, and they are both at still impressionable ages enough to deeply desire meaning and group membership.
They deeply identitfy with the Chechen struggle, their homeland, with is tied up with Islam and some form of nationalism ( one of the biggest themes in the Middle East) and one of the few places America and Russia found common policy ground.
Chechen rebels are some seriously dangerous, militarized and put upon people.
This is how European Muslims often radicalize: floating between lands, usually in small groups seeking membership and meaning, identity and 'truth.' They stay at the fringes and look at the corrupted society they are not a part of. Islam plays an integral role in this, but they usually reject the local Mosque and turn more towards those videos late at night, with the bad faith music and repeated images of righteous military training and practical advice.
As to how we deal with this clear problem: I will bet that the progressive/European/Leftist approach will do everything to minimize it, which will be unfortunate.
It's already here, and I hope we address it well as a society.
Of course, this also brings up the question of 'moderate' Islam. I'm still waiting to see more evidence of it. If it's there, it doesn't exist as the Western Left imagines it, but in its own form of being on the less radical end of the spectrum.
There will be a frenzy on the Left to reassert the multiculti narrative.
"America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers."
Among the great things about America is that our justice system is designed to guarantee that all defendants may have their day in court, where the state has the burden of proving their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
There are many ways in which this "guarantee" is sidestepped or steamrollered by zealous prosecutors, but at least we still respect the idea as an aspiration.
Would you prefer we no longer even pretended to such a guarantee? Would you prefer to handled with arbitrary dispatch by the state if you were accused of a terrible crime?
Then we would truly have that overt police state which you, no doubt, would blame on "the lefties."
Their uncle is on TV saying they did this because they are losers. Which is no doubt true. But then again all Islamic terrorists - and terrorists in general - are losers by definition. And because they are a losers they are drawn to ideas that play to their weakness as a loser. Islam isn't the only idea that serves this purpose, but it's a popular one.
America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers.
Those old Weathermen must be green with envy. Blowed up themselves building nail bombs intended for fellow citizens, got caught and availed themselves of ConEd CEO daddy's money for lawyers and all the constitutional protection it bought...
...while Dzhokar and Tamerlane go out gangsta' on a live feed!
Let's not be too hard on the people who thought they were white Tea Partiers. As Muslims, they probably do drink a lot of tea. When you don't drink beer, wine, or hard liquor, tea is one of the few tasty drinks left.
As for color, they may not be the very whitest guys around, but they're definitely more Caucasian than me, or Ann, or just about anyone else posting here. They're from the Caucasus, and you can't get any more Caucasian than that!
Can we connect this to the Aurora theater shootings, or would that be paranoid? I mean, a name that's spelled Djohar or Dzhokhar must sound something like "Joker". Anyone else wondering if his fellow students called him "Joker" or even "The Joker"?
Phx, To be serious for a moment - no I really mean it - I'll admit that I and many other people will be glad if these bombers turned out to be Islamists, because we believe that group has evil intent, is very dangerous, and are who we should be concentrating our security on. This will help us aim better, and maybe save lives.
Wouldn't you admit that many other people were hoping they turned out to be right wingers, Tea Partiers, or NRA lovers?, or even specifically not Islamic? Please explain the morality of that. I don't get it.
Tea Baggers are too obese and gorked out on twinkies and mountain dew big gulps to get off their couches and pull off anything in the real world.
Cookie: fuck the rule of law. This asshole is going down. If they don't kill him, he should be tortured until he gives up his handlers. I sure hope some pasty-faced nerd in a bunker at Langley puts a hellfire up Daddy's ass.
The hero in this story is the guy whose legs were blown off. We all saw his photo being pushed in the wheelchair with his tibia sticking out. He saw the #1 suspect drop the bomb next to him. He looked in the guy's eyes. When he woke up from surgery, he wrote a note for the FBI that he knew who it was. That's where the final set of photos of the suspects came from. Amazing focus. Hemingway's definition of courage.
Wouldn't you admit that many other people were hoping they turned out to be right wingers, Tea Partiers, or NRA lovers?, or even specifically not Islamic? Please explain the morality of that. I don't get it.
Bagho20 anytime you want an honest or serious moment from me you got it.
I can't explain the morality of that, I don't really get it either. I think people of all ideologies get so self-important with their politics that they can't think clearly.
I view people like that exactly alike regardless of their party or views.
How about interviewing some Bostonians right now about gun control? Yeah, the ones who have been told to hunker down in their homes and offices with their butterknives.
So, gun control legislation dead by Harry Reid, deader by current events.
Likewise, immigration reform. The gang of eight became the gang of nothing, by current events.
The hero in this story is the guy whose legs were blown off. We all saw his photo being pushed in the wheelchair with his tibia sticking out. He saw the #1 suspect drop the bomb next to him. He looked in the guy's eyes. When he woke up from surgery, he wrote a note for the FBI that he knew who it was. That's where the final set of photos of the suspects came from. Amazing focus. Hemingway's definition of courage.
Total agreement. I'm surprised that someone so close to the blast wasn't killed outright though. Super-glad he wasn't (he probably is too) and was able to really channel the investigation to the right people.
I agree, Phx, and I hate to be political when we are having a moment, but I don't see an equivalent foolishness bordering on evil from the left. Can you?
I'm talking about people willing to ignore, justify, and endanger us in a big way just so they can blame people who only disagree with them on policy.
I may just be blinded by bias, but I can't come up with any equivalent on the right. Can you help?
"The hero in this story is the guy whose legs were blown off. We all saw his photo being pushed in the wheelchair with his tibia sticking out. He saw the #1 suspect drop the bomb next to him. He looked in the guy's eyes."
I say we let this guy throw the switch when it's time to execute the bastard.
If I'm standing outside, though, and someone drops a bag, and then walks away -- does that ring alarm bells? I think it would. The question is: In a crowded venue, what do you do?
Also, the guy in the cowboy hat who helped him. Quite a personal story
Agreed furious_a. The story didn't mention that he is Carlos Arredondo, an anti-war and peace activist, a volunteer with the American Red Cross whose own son was killed in the Iraq War.
I'm talking about people willing to ignore, justify, and endanger us in a big way just so they can blame people who only disagree with them on policy.
And people who are willing to hide the truth, radical Islamist and terrorists, to keep from losing face or lose power and try to deflect the blame for their own personal gain. I suppose that is the mildest spin on that. The other spin is that the powers that be are in agreement with the Islamists and are working from within to destroy.
Either way, we are not being given the facts (Bengazi anyone????) and the truth is being hidden and distorted.
"America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers."
I'll take Robert Cook's rebuttal to this -- "our justice system is designed to guarantee that all defendants may their day in court" blah, blah, blah -- to a point.
What bothers me, though, is that our top leftist terrorists -- Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin -- have landed plum jobs in top academic institutions, jobs which are bitterly competitive, sought by hundreds of applicants, and god help you if you have any taint of conservativism should you seek such a job.
But so what if you were a mad red bomber in the sixties, Welcome Aboard! Academia wants you. We have millions of young minds to shape and we need your help.
Sucks to be Robert Redford's box office this week.
Actually, looked like it sucked opening week, too.
Not that there's ever really a good time to release a pro former radical terrorist movie. But if you're a terrorist for a good cause (read, a lefty one) then all is forgiven. If this (the Boston marathon bombing) was bill Ayers bomb, and he planted it in defiance of George Bush,s evil Iraq war, and then escaped for twenty years, he'd have a tenured position and Robert Redford would be making movies about himand people like him.
What bothers me, though, is that our top leftist terrorists -- Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin -- have landed plum jobs in top academic institutions, jobs which are bitterly competitive, sought by hundreds of applicants, and god help you if you have any taint of conservativism should you seek such a job.
Better a former terrorist teaching our youth than someone who believes in limited govt. we can't have radicals in charge of molding out kids brains, don't you know. /sarc.
"Cookie: fuck the rule of law. This asshole is going down. If they don't kill him, he should be tortured until he gives up his handlers. I sure hope some pasty-faced nerd in a bunker at Langley puts a hellfire up Daddy's ass."
I won't ascribe your psychopathic and totalitarian views to all on the right--where I presume you consider yourself on the political spectrum, (but please correct me if I'm wrong)--and I'll just reply that your views are psychopathic and totalitarian.
Come on, Ann, you have younger sons, you should know this. At 19, there is still some stupidity and fear. I HIGHLY doubt this kid was thinking any of this during crossfire or a high speed chase.
I just walked past my TV and the visual feed was of a swat type cop training his weapon toward a potential target of some sort.
His weapon looked for all the world like an assault rifle, and the clip surely looked large enough to hold far more than ten rounds. I was so surprised. Why would anyone need such a weapon or or such a large clip?
"The consulation for lefties, the meme being constructed, is that they were radicalized on US soil. See?"
Hmmm...given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil? And, if they have been radicalized, what difference does it make where it occurred?
People like me have a tendency to resist any controls by government, we just don't trust them. So, although I've been a lifelong "environmentalist and it was my college curriculum and original dream to work for the EPA, I like others hate the EPA with it's over-reaching and job killing, and like to see them fail.
But, I was wrong on things like air and water quality standards. Those have turned out in my opinion to have been good policy. Not doing it would have cost innocent lives. I was wrong in a big way.
I happen to also think they have done a lot of bad since then, but I was still wrong on something important, and serious.
Steven Den Beste once presented a useful overview of recent world affairs as a three-way gun fight between (roughly) (1) Western conservativism, (2) Western liberalism, and (3) Islamism. (His actual categories were far more precisely crafted, but beyond the point I wish to make.)
The classic strategy in a three-way gunfight is for two parties to form a temporary alliance to kill the third, and only afterward fight each other.
In today's world, Western liberals and Islamists are allies. Make no mistake, their values are fundamentally incompatible, but for now they are united in trying to kill off Western conservatism, and they will settle with each other later.
Phx. "I view people like that exactly alike regardless of their party or views."
Bagoh et al: this innoculates Phx from having to make a case. He is a reasonable man who sees that everyone is capable of whatever. A sort of Socrates for blogger.
What bothers me, though, is that our top leftist terrorists -- Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin -- have landed plum jobs in top academic institutions, jobs which are bitterly competitive, sought by hundreds of applicants, and god help you if you have any taint of conservativism should you seek such a job.
The consulation for lefties, the meme being constructed, is that they were radicalized on US soil. See?
The two Chechen-American lads were both products of American public schools, in fact Progressive and enlightened Boston area public schools.
Robert Cook. "Hmmm...given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil? And, if they have been radicalized, what difference does it make where it occurred?"
First of all I dont think you need the "if" qualifier unless,of course, you do not view rheir action as radical. Next, I think you see where the meme is headed and it does not have to do with anything to do with Islam but only with all that is wrong with America. You are the best one here to fill in the blanks and help the meme along.
Libertarian with some social compassion and militarism. What I love about the US is our willingness disregard the rule of law in some circumstances.
In our sleepy lefty beach town this February, two cops were ambushed and killed by a violent criminal who had repeatedly slipped through the cracks. No one in our town questioned his death by Cop as non-justified and no one cared if it was a legal shoot or not. During the next week, Cops throughout the Bay Area shot several unarmed suspects, some died. I am sure in "normal" circumstances people would be up in arms. Even in the left of the left Bay area, we all looked the other way because we know that the rule of law has limits and sometimes things need doing and messages sent to criminals.
Now lefty's can be safe again to feel sorry for criminals because the scum know their place thanks to the delivery of several illegal messages.
The actual motto of the United States is: Rules are Made to be Broken
It's pathologically psychotic to strictly adhere to all rules in all cases.
phx: The story didn't mention that he is Carlos Arredondo...
Actually, the daily mail story did:
One the marathon spectators photographed assisting Mr Bauman after the blast was Carlos Arredondo, who was in the crowd cheering on active duty soldiers who were running the marathon in memory of his son, Lance Cpl. Alexander S. Arredondo, who died in Iraq in 2004.
Right there at the bottom, with a picture above it. But the story concerned Mr. Bauman's ordeal, so your point is...?
Jay, I know it makes you feel effectual to sit on your ass all day and call your "enemies" names like that, but you might want to think of what might better serve your growth as a person.
phx: "Where do you get this stuff? Yes their values are incompatible. Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
It seems like only yesterday Jesse was chanting "hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go" at Stanford with all the little lefties.
The left believes it can embrace the islamist "tiger" long enough to help dislodge/demean western culture and still not have the islamist tiger eat it.
In precisely the same way that the left fell in love with Marxist left and supported communist regimes all over the world against US interests...all in the name of "really representing what America should be about".
Having these 2 islamist blue-state kids attack the US is simply the lefts "Chickens....coming".
"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
The enemy (Islamists) of my enemy (Christian conservatives) is my friend is one way to explain this. Although I think the Islamists look at American liberals as useful idiots much like the old Soviet-era communists did.
Drago: Go Fuck Yourself. Bostonians might vote lefty, but they are by and large personally conservative and True Blue. They do more positive for this country and the world that all of the Tea Bag States combined. They send their kids to Iraq and A-stan and were on the front lines of 911.
Go Fuck yourself and your pussy macho actor Avatar. You might as well put CUNT in big block letters instead because it's obvious.
It seems like only yesterday Jesse was chanting "hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go" at Stanford with all the little lefties.
The left believes it can embrace the islamist "tiger" long enough to help dislodge/demean western culture and still not have the islamist tiger eat it.
In precisely the same way that the left fell in love with Marxist left and supported communist regimes all over the world against US interests...all in the name of "really representing what America should be about".
Having these 2 islamist blue-state kids attack the US is simply the lefts "Chickens....coming".
Sure Drago, fine. Now the actual question was "Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil? And, if they have been radicalized, what difference does it make where it occurred?
I would say it makes a HUGE difference. If we have Islamist 'cells' or a formal mechanism for radicalizing our own children IN our country then the danger of a radicalized and indoctrinated youth is not just a vague fantasy but is a reality.
Indoctrination of our youth to wean them away from love or pride in their country, learning to hate themselves and Western civilization, learning to elevate and admire the enemies of their own country is already the norm in our government controlled public school system. It is just a short step from there to try to teach the "children" to do something about it.
Where they learn these radicalized concepts is a very important issue. Who they learn it from is also important.
The first thing to do if you want to take over the future of a country and create an army of mindless dedicated reactionaries, is to mold the minds of the young. Alinsky....Hilter Youth....
There was only the most tenuous connection between Sarah Palin's campaign literature and the Giffords' shooter, but that didn't stop the left from making it. There has also been a direct line drawn between murdered children and the NRA. The important lesson that the left chooses to draw from this incident is that we should not use this as an excuse to profile Muslims. All right thinking people agree that this was a regrettable occurrence but that any effort to subject Muslims to surveillance is the beginning of fascism. Instead our scarce security forces should be used to monitor Aryan Supremacy gangs.
"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?" ______________________________
The alliance of the red and black. The Molotov-Von Ribbentrop pact of this century.
The left doesn't recognize any external enemies of the US only internal ones. (Christians,conservatives,Republicans,etc.) That's where it exerts its energies.
Howard the courageous: "Drago: Go Fuck Yourself. Bostonians might vote lefty,..."
Howard: "...but they are by and large personally conservative and True Blue."
I actually think is true. I'm thinking of the Massachusetts public school system, which one would be hard pressed to argue advance any sort of conservative or tea party message.
Howard: "They do more positive for this country and the world that all of the Tea Bag States combined."
I think I have some ideas why you might say this (I can think of a couple of metrics that I believe you could use to back up that assertion). But what metrics are you using to back up that assertion?
Howard: "They send their kids to Iraq and A-stan and were on the front lines of 911."
All the states send their kids to Iraq and A-stan. The front lines of 9-11 came to them.
Howard: "Go Fuck yourself and your pussy macho actor Avatar."
I'm sorry you disapprove of the call sign my squadron mates gave to me while I was flying off of carriers for 11 years. They all thought it was rather topical and funny, given my language and cultural education in Russian and the Soviet Union. You know, a "know your enemy" kind of thing.
Howard: "You might as well put CUNT in big block letters instead because it's obvious."
Yes, I'm sure you see lots of things that others don't.
Tell us Howard, when and where did you serve?
I'm sure you must have given the vitriolic nature of your posting.
Where do you get this stuff? Yes their values are incompatible. Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?
phx: It's not that hard. Which group is constantly bleating about the Palestinian cause the fears of an anti-Muslim backlash? Which group in the West do Islamists make nice with when it comes to capitalism and Israel? Which group only criticizes Islamists when they must -- like after the Boston bombing? Which group reserves their fullest fury for conservatives?
I understand you will not agree. But your side will barely acknowledge that Obama is a leftist. Your side will slice and dice any generalization that is inconvenient to the liberal pursuit of power.
Drago: Then stop putting Americans down because of their politics. We are at was with religious nutbags, not with Teddy Kennedy fans. Maybe you are not a CUNT, but just play one on the internet.
Keep waiting asshole. My personal info is none of your business. Why don't you regale us with your service record jacket so we can be all be impressed.
phx: I wear glasses and occasionally wear bow ties. Recognizing you are insane still does not explain the raising of this interesting fascination with my attire and spectacles.
The more I'm hearing about these brothers, it sounds a bit like the DC sniper case of an older adult brainwashing a younger person. I get the impression that the older brother was radicalized and then brought the younger brother along for the ride. It doesn't excuse his actions of course, but I would think that the profilers might take that psychological possibility into account in trying to predict the kid's actions now.
Howard: "Drago: Then stop putting Americans down because of their politics."
I was referencing the cultural and radicalizing factors that were at play in the suspects lives, which Robert Cook brought up, and which you did not in any way address.
Way to play along. Is English your first language?
Howard: "We are at war with religious nutbags, not with Teddy Kennedy fans."
Some of us are at war with religious nutbags. On the other hand, many (and I mean many) leftists are at war with reps/conservatives/liberatarians/tea party members/ NRA members, etc.
And a lot of them happen to teach and lead in prestigious institutions right there in Boston.
Howard: "Maybe you are not a CUNT, but just play one on the internet."
You might be one of the least qualified posters on this blog to make that determination based on your shoddy performance thus far.
Howard: "Keep waiting asshole. My personal info is none of your business. Why don't you regale us with your service record jacket so we can be all be impressed."
The only reason I mentioned my service as a Navy flier was in response to your brave and courageous criticism of my avatar and name. I thought it was ironic that you were calling my "cunt" and questioning all sorts of things about me and using my avatar and name as the basis for that criticism.
Did it make you butt-hurt to know that red-blooded all American lads fighting for their country gave that name to me of their own accord?
Why, I'll bet some of them might even have been from Boston.
On, pointed to via drudgereport: Chechen President Says American Upbringing to Blame
11:42 AM, APR 19, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER
The Chechen president has apparently released a statement that blames the suspects' American upbringing for their alleged terrorist activity.
"Tragic events have taken place in Boston. A terrorist attack killed people.
"Any attempt to draw a connection between Chechnya and Tsarnaevs — if they are guilty — is futile. They were raised in the United States, and their attitudes and beliefs were formed there. It is necessary to seek the roots of this evil in America. ..."
You're right, the US is overrun with lefty's hoping for our demise.
They are everywhere, poisoning our water to turn our dogs to gay marriage.
Then why is their savior wasting tons religious nutbags in their caves and huts?
Get a grip and stop believing Faux News and Lush Rimjob. I know you can fly partial panel... use that calm judgement in life and stop believing in the booger man.
"The reporters here said the young one ran over the older one during the gun fight last night. What kind of brother would run over their brother?" ------------------ "For the annals of sibling rivalry.
He wants to be the star. Doesn't want to share the spotlight. Wants to control the narrative. Wants all eyes on him."
4/19/13, 10:34 AM
He probably wanted to set off the bomb that was strapped onto his brother, maybe he though I would kill him too. Probably sibling love.
Howard: "Fuck Ya Drago. You give better than you get. I'd salute you anytime"
Well, I'd salute you right back.
Hey, my old man was 30 years nuke submarines, so I must have learned something from him
As for "Get a grip and stop believing Faux News and Lush Rimjob", the minute you lob a statement like that out there you've shown yourself to be kind of a jerk.
I've seen that become sort of a general fall back comment by those on the left, or middle or whatever when they've basically run out of things to say.
It would be just as easy for me to say quit watching and believing MSNBC's fat Ed and Riot-man Al and get your head of Rachels ass...since, trust me, she sure doesn't want you there.....
phx said... Jay, I know it makes you feel effectual to sit on your ass all day and call your "enemies" names like that, but you might want to think of what might better serve your growth as a person.
Hey stupid shit: I'm not the one who runs from direct questions by saying "that's a straw man"
I'm not very lefty and Fox and Limbough are just as bad as PMSNBC and half of the rest of the MSM.
I still don't get the blame the victim shit. That really torqued me off. Remember, it was the right who opposed Clinton in Bosnia who stopped the politics ends at the waters edge. The left took off with it with Bush who I voted for twice.
Cheers, I gotta get back to work.
Nice chatting and I am sorry about the C-word. I take that back. My Irish is up today as I'm sure yours is as well.
We can both agree that our boys in blue and green can get some and come back safe.
Howard: "Drago:Having these 2 islamist blue-state kids attack the US is simply the lefts "Chickens....coming"."
I do own this riff.
Robert Cook (and not just he) wanted to talk about the influences on this kid.
Since the left has been saying since the bombing that it's all about the tea partiers and Hitler's birthday it was clearly within the bounds of the conversation to mention that these kids grew up in bluer than blue democrat/liberal land.
If you can't see that, that's your problem.
Howard: "This is complete cuntly bs and you know it."
I would expect you to be calling all the libs who were blaming the right for this "cunts", but I guess we'll be waiting along time for that kind of intellectual consistency from you.
Howard: "It sounds like "she asked for it""
That's what it sounds like to YOU. To me it's sounds like giving back to the left what they ALREADY gave to us.
Howard: "You own that shit, now eat it.""
It is inarguable that Massachusetts might just be the bluest state in the union.
I suggest that when lefties want to talk about cultural influences resulting in "problems" you remember this little conversation.
Cook: ...given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil?
After local recruitment by talent-scout imams (e.g., Mohammad Babar), trip back to Ummah (e.g. John Walker Lindh), with a side excursion to training camps (e.g., Jose Padilla).
A little inquisitiveness and some clicks and you could find this yourself.
Howard: "I still don't get the blame the victim shit."
I'm not blaming the victim.
But I can understand why you NEED that to be what I'm doing so you can feel superior.
Howard: "That really torqued me off."
Then think harder about what was actually being said and what it was being spoken about.
Howard: "Remember, it was the right who opposed Clinton in Bosnia who stopped the politics ends at the waters edge."
There was strong feelings amongst conservatives that it was Europes responsibility to attend to that mess.
I don't know if you are purposely mischaracterizing the repub position or simply don't know.
I happen to have spent some time there as well, so I remember it very very well.
Howard: "The left took off with it with Bush who I voted for twice."
I don't doubt that you voted for Bush.
I don't doubt there are a lot of hard scrabble and tough minded conservative folks in Boston and Mass in general who simply vote democrat because that is what you do in Mass.
But there is no way you can have a conversation about cultural influences in Massachusetts without mentioning the liberal/leftist nature of the education system/bureaucracy and government in Mass.
Not possible.
And guess what, we are going to be spending a lot of time talking about what motivates guys like this.
Why do have to talk about what motivates guys like this?
"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
Yeah, totally super-duper hard to figure out. I mean what an outrageous assertion.
Really who would thing that 2 groups who agree that:
1. The US invaded Iraq only for oil 2. US soldiers indiscriminately kill civilians 3. The US is inherently unjust (racist) and a bully 4. The US has engaged in "torture" at GITMO 5. Illegal enemy combatants should be tried in court
Are intellectual allies. I mean, it isn't as if liberals take to the Internet and lie about the US using Islamists talking points or anything.
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1 – 200 of 269 Newer› Newest»Gee, not a Tea Party, NRA, or some geezer militia member.
Unexpected; doesn't fit The Narrative.
Another Che Guevara pose.
Career and money? How very manly.
I'm sure he'll make a fine husband, someday.
I mean, like, he should realize that there's more to life than just "Career and Money".
That dynamite under the "Send a Gift" is a bit eerie.
And the photo essay says Tamerlan has an American girlfriend who has converted to Islam.
Nice American girls becoming muslim converts for their muslim boyfriends...isn't diversity great?
I'm guessing 36 people got a visit today from a local branch of the FBI..presuming they are in-country.
The father of suspected Boston Marathon bomber called on his son today to give up peacefully, but warned the U.S. that if his son is killed "all hell will break loose."
Like something out of one of those Charlie Sheen "Hot Shots!" movies - Voted Most Likely To Attempt world Domination.
Saw this person on the Today Show when I woke up a while ago. I watched for half an hour waiting for them to say the words Muslim or Islam before giving up.
Career and money, eh?
Maybe the media can work the whole NRA white conservative tea party angle into it after all. He was a tea partier, be ause he wants like a career, and money, or something.
Pretty please can we please have some tea party involvement in there somehow? Its still about tax day, right? right?
I say he hated us because of Obama's Mid East policies. Take that liberal swine. The One, caused the bombing.
And if we take him out, we'll just create more terrorists.
So best just listen to what he has to say and capitulate. No blood for oil. Fire doesn't melt steel.
Sorry, I'm just linking together random talking points at this point.
You would think that the Chechens have enough trouble with the Russians without going on to declare war on America.
"I'm very religious" translated means he couldn't get laid.
How many leftist fuck lawyers are slobbering in order to defend these terrorists? Dead or alive, they hurt America and therefore deserve the very best of defenses from our top legal minds.
America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers.
Some judge, a leftist who hates herself and her country more, will let killers out after a decade to kill again, in the name of compassion for the killer.
Can't be. chris Matthews was sure it was a pack of angry white tea party tax payers. You know - like always.
Since Obama has nothing but contempt for ordinary tax paying citizens - its' no wonder the leftwing media flip that around so easily.
I am currently in lockdown and the brothers are kind of good looking.
The reporters here said the young one ran over the older one during the gun fight last night. What kind of brother would run over their brother?
I don't think that these two were in favor of gay marriage. Just a hunch.
When America gives Boston cops AND Whitey Bulger's crew the nod/wink to kill you are going to get . . .
You would think that the Chechens have enough trouble with the Russians
With that hapless, conscript Army the Russians can barely pay and feed, it's probably the other way around.
It's pretty clear by now (if you've been watching MSNBC and reading lefty blogs) that all the brothers really wanted was to decrease personal income and property taxes, get rid of obamacare and cling to their "Koran" and guns.
Plus, similar to George Zimmerman's "White Hispanic-ness" these brothers are clearly "Christian-Islamists".
It's all George Bush's fault.
If only he had spent more time focused on Chechnya.
I hope they take him alive and waterboard the piss out of him. If he gives up his string-pullers we can zap 'em with a drone.
Titus: "I am currently in lockdown...."
Is that what they're calling it these days?
The career is on hold for the time being.
If you've splodydoped yourself, why are you trying to escape?
And the religion of peace strikes again. Leftards everywhere are giving out a collective moan. They were really, really, really hoping it was an angry white guy. Man, the gnashing of teeth and self-flagellation is going to be rampant.
They just interviewed his uncle, and he says their motive was "being losers".
Sounds about right, actually.
Titus: "I am currently in lockdown...."
Is that code for "lost the keys to the handcuffs"?
Saw this person on the Today Show when I woke up a while ago. I watched for half an hour waiting for them to say the words Muslim or Islam before giving up.
The HIVEMIND. We woke up and discussed this phenomenon this morning. If it were NOT for the hivemind aka the internet, the government would have been able to sit on this information, concoct a story to fit the meme and hide the truth.
The meme? Well, we all know what that is....white extremists, Tea Party, Aryan Brotherhood and then MORE GUN CONTROL. Anything to further the agenda of stripping the rights of the American people.
Unfortunately, for the Regime, and fortunately for the rest of us, the HIVEMIND solved or worked to solve the crime. There is no way that they, the government, could promote their fantasy in the light of the overwhelming evidence and deductive reasoning of the HIVEMIND. Not that the hive is always correct. It can often make terrible mistakes. But the beauty of the hivemind is that the government and their media sycophants have lost control of the stream of information.
This is why they want to take away our right to defend ourselves and why they want to shut down the internet.
Go HIVE!!!
The reporters here said the young one ran over the older one during the gun fight last night. What kind of brother would run over their brother?
Abel, meet Cain
"The most important thing is that the future not belong to those who insult the prophet of islam."
The brilliant and insightful and "like, totally Christian" Barack Obama
According to Buzzfeed, citing a Nexis search, both of the suspectedd bombers are are registered voters. Too bad they aren't American citizens. Whatever...
How bum hurt are the left today?
Its been a pretty bad week for them. Shamed on Gosnell, gun control fail, and now young men who believe in Islam are revealed to have committed a terrorist attack in an American city.
It has to suck to be a leftist right now.
"The reporters here said the young one ran over the older one during the gun fight last night. What kind of brother would run over their brother?"
For the annals of sibling rivalry.
He wants to be the star. Doesn't want to share the spotlight. Wants to control the narrative. Wants all eyes on him.
It means he probably chooses not to get laid, and not really to associate with women. Islam segregates the sexes in most public areas. From the information I've seen, they fit the profile for radicalization pretty well. I'll bet the older brother had significant influence on the younger.
He likely found greatest identity and meaning in his faith, which isolated him seriously from American culture, friends, work and sex. They are already a bit in-between cultures, floating out there, and they are both at still impressionable ages enough to deeply desire meaning and group membership.
They deeply identitfy with the Chechen struggle, their homeland, with is tied up with Islam and some form of nationalism ( one of the biggest themes in the Middle East) and one of the few places America and Russia found common policy ground.
Chechen rebels are some seriously dangerous, militarized and put upon people.
This is how European Muslims often radicalize: floating between lands, usually in small groups seeking membership and meaning, identity and 'truth.' They stay at the fringes and look at the corrupted society they are not a part of. Islam plays an integral role in this, but they usually reject the local Mosque and turn more towards those videos late at night, with the bad faith music and repeated images of righteous military training and practical advice.
As to how we deal with this clear problem: I will bet that the progressive/European/Leftist approach will do everything to minimize it, which will be unfortunate.
It's already here, and I hope we address it well as a society.
tits: What kind of brother would run over their brother?
Accidentally or on purpose?
It may have been a "don't let them take me alive, bro'" moment.
Of course, we won't talk about simple solutions and the elephant in the room.
So,did any of the main stream media's stable of experts correctly speculate the identity(ie. muslim) of the perps?
Of course, this also brings up the question of 'moderate' Islam. I'm still waiting to see more evidence of it. If it's there, it doesn't exist as the Western Left imagines it, but in its own form of being on the less radical end of the spectrum.
There will be a frenzy on the Left to reassert the multiculti narrative.
"America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers."
Among the great things about America is that our justice system is designed to guarantee that all defendants may have their day in court, where the state has the burden of proving their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
There are many ways in which this "guarantee" is sidestepped or steamrollered by zealous prosecutors, but at least we still respect the idea as an aspiration.
Would you prefer we no longer even pretended to such a guarantee? Would you prefer to handled with arbitrary dispatch by the state if you were accused of a terrible crime?
Then we would truly have that overt police state which you, no doubt, would blame on "the lefties."
The bombers' uncle is on TV saying what needs said by this family, and what any such family should say at a time like this.
Their uncle is on TV saying they did this because they are losers. Which is no doubt true. But then again all Islamic terrorists - and terrorists in general - are losers by definition. And because they are a losers they are drawn to ideas that play to their weakness as a loser. Islam isn't the only idea that serves this purpose, but it's a popular one.
The uncle is kind of hot too.
America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers.
Those old Weathermen must be green with envy. Blowed up themselves building nail bombs intended for fellow citizens, got caught and availed themselves of ConEd CEO daddy's money for lawyers and all the constitutional protection it bought...
...while Dzhokar and Tamerlane go out gangsta' on a live feed!
"The bombers' uncle is on TV saying what needs said by this family, and what any such family should say at a time like this."
And you could tell he meant it too.
But then again all Islamic terrorists - and terrorists in general - are losers by definition.
Yes, but losers with virgins and slaves (kaffirs they murdered in this life) waiting to serve them in the afterlife.
I'm in love with that uncle. I want to hug him
The Russians have been very brutal in their crackdown on Chechens. What better way to protest their mistreatment than by bombing the Boston Marathon?
CNN's coverage sucks. Just sayin'.
Careering money? Obviously a tax protest bombing.
"What kind of brother would run over their brother?""
The kind that would set off a pressure cooker full of nails in a crowd of people.
"What kind of brother would run over their brother?"
He wants to be the star. Doesn't want to share the spotlight. Wants to control the narrative. Wants all eyes on him.
That or he was in a big hurry.
Let's not be too hard on the people who thought they were white Tea Partiers. As Muslims, they probably do drink a lot of tea. When you don't drink beer, wine, or hard liquor, tea is one of the few tasty drinks left.
As for color, they may not be the very whitest guys around, but they're definitely more Caucasian than me, or Ann, or just about anyone else posting here. They're from the Caucasus, and you can't get any more Caucasian than that!
"Career and Money".
Too bad he got distracted from that.
"He wants to be the star. Doesn't want to share the spotlight. Wants to control the narrative. Wants all eyes on him."
Want's to be the first "Black" President.
I was so sure it was the Tea Party. Now what am I gonna do?
Maybe next time, Phx. "Keep hope"
Gah! I hate myself.
He reminds me of a young Bob Dylan in that photo.
I always earmark my United Way donations to the Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs and Day Camp.
Tryin' bagho20. Few more of these false alarums and I'll be out of business.
You guys gotta do your part, too.
Face it, phx, people who pick up their own trash aren't prone to anarchy. You're just going to have to put on a Tea Party costume and do it yourself.
Gah! I hate myself.
Why Maybee? I mean I passionately hate you because you have a different political philosophy from mine, of course. Why do you hate yourself?
You're just going to have to put on a Tea Party costume and do it yourself.
I would but I have an allergy to the feathers.
You know why America is great?
Because Lynn Stewart will suck your cock if you kill for her lib causes.
Learn it. Live it. Love it.
If someone looks at you funny, you have the right to become radicalized and therefore kill anyone deemed worthy.
I was so sure it was the Tea Party. Now what am I gonna do?
There are all kinds of ways you can help:
Freshen upChris Matthews' show prep.
Prepare back-and-fill updates for Greg Sirota
Erase Michael Moore's twitter feed. And check out his twit pic -- he can see his feet? Really?
Find a new gig for CNN's Peter Bergen.
I was so sure it was the Tea Party. Now what am I gonna do?
Go to Walmart and buy a brain. Hurry supplies are limited.
Can we connect this to the Aurora theater shootings, or would that be paranoid? I mean, a name that's spelled Djohar or Dzhokhar must sound something like "Joker". Anyone else wondering if his fellow students called him "Joker" or even "The Joker"?
Phx, To be serious for a moment - no I really mean it - I'll admit that I and many other people will be glad if these bombers turned out to be Islamists, because we believe that group has evil intent, is very dangerous, and are who we should be concentrating our security on. This will help us aim better, and maybe save lives.
Wouldn't you admit that many other people were hoping they turned out to be right wingers, Tea Partiers, or NRA lovers?, or even specifically not Islamic? Please explain the morality of that. I don't get it.
Tea Baggers are too obese and gorked out on twinkies and mountain dew big gulps to get off their couches and pull off anything in the real world.
Cookie: fuck the rule of law. This asshole is going down. If they don't kill him, he should be tortured until he gives up his handlers. I sure hope some pasty-faced nerd in a bunker at Langley puts a hellfire up Daddy's ass.
The more I read about these scum, the more I like Vlad Putin.
The more I read about these scum, the more I like Vlad Putin.
Maybe Putin is funding him. How's that for a Conspiracy Theory? Slamming the door on any Chechen sympathy from the US.
The hero in this story is the guy whose legs were blown off. We all saw his photo being pushed in the wheelchair with his tibia sticking out. He saw the #1 suspect drop the bomb next to him. He looked in the guy's eyes. When he woke up from surgery, he wrote a note for the FBI that he knew who it was. That's where the final set of photos of the suspects came from. Amazing focus. Hemingway's definition of courage.
Speaking of disappointed Tea Party blamers and White American Bomber hopers...
Sucks to be Robert Redford's box office this week.
Actually, looked like it sucked opening week, too.
Wouldn't you admit that many other people were hoping they turned out to be right wingers, Tea Partiers, or NRA lovers?, or even specifically not Islamic? Please explain the morality of that. I don't get it.
Bagho20 anytime you want an honest or serious moment from me you got it.
I can't explain the morality of that, I don't really get it either. I think people of all ideologies get so self-important with their politics that they can't think clearly.
I view people like that exactly alike regardless of their party or views.
NotquiteunBuckley said...
You know why America is great? ... Because Lynn Stewart will suck your cock if you kill for her lib causes.
Mow THAT is a terrorist image right there. O. M. G.
How about interviewing some Bostonians right now about gun control? Yeah, the ones who have been told to hunker down in their homes and offices with their butterknives.
So, gun control legislation dead by Harry Reid, deader by current events.
Likewise, immigration reform. The gang of eight became the gang of nothing, by current events.
The hero in this story is the guy whose legs were blown off. We all saw his photo being pushed in the wheelchair with his tibia sticking out. He saw the #1 suspect drop the bomb next to him. He looked in the guy's eyes. When he woke up from surgery, he wrote a note for the FBI that he knew who it was. That's where the final set of photos of the suspects came from. Amazing focus. Hemingway's definition of courage.
Total agreement. I'm surprised that someone so close to the blast wasn't killed outright though. Super-glad he wasn't (he probably is too) and was able to really channel the investigation to the right people.
Great Police work!
I agree, Phx, and I hate to be political when we are having a moment, but I don't see an equivalent foolishness bordering on evil from the left. Can you?
I'm talking about people willing to ignore, justify, and endanger us in a big way just so they can blame people who only disagree with them on policy.
I may just be blinded by bias, but I can't come up with any equivalent on the right. Can you help?
"The hero in this story is the guy whose legs were blown off. We all saw his photo being pushed in the wheelchair with his tibia sticking out. He saw the #1 suspect drop the bomb next to him. He looked in the guy's eyes."
I say we let this guy throw the switch when it's time to execute the bastard.
" He saw the #1 suspect drop the bomb next to him. He looked in the guy's eyes."
Holy shit! That's like a movie villain. The guy is a freaking devil.
Baltimore Ravens announce Uncle Ruslan will lead them out of the tunnel next year.
- @FakeSportsCenter
The hero in this story is the guy whose legs were blown off.
Also, the guy in the cowboy hat who helped him. Quite a personal story
If I'm standing outside, though, and someone drops a bag, and then walks away -- does that ring alarm bells? I think it would. The question is: In a crowded venue, what do you do?
Aww, phx. I hate myself because of all my typos. Thanks for caring through the hate.
Also, the guy in the cowboy hat who helped him. Quite a personal story
Agreed furious_a. The story didn't mention that he is Carlos Arredondo, an anti-war and peace activist, a volunteer with the American Red Cross whose own son was killed in the Iraq War.
"The question is: In a crowded venue, what do you do?"
Good question. A good start would be "Hey, sir, you dropped your bag!" in a loud voice while pointing at the guy.
I may just be blinded by bias, but I can't come up with any equivalent on the right. Can you help?
No, no. It's okay if you just continue to think your side is all good and my side is all bad.
Chuck Norris eats his greens and goes to bed before 9, because Uncle Ruslan told him to.
I'm talking about people willing to ignore, justify, and endanger us in a big way just so they can blame people who only disagree with them on policy.
And people who are willing to hide the truth, radical Islamist and terrorists, to keep from losing face or lose power and try to deflect the blame for their own personal gain. I suppose that is the mildest spin on that. The other spin is that the powers that be are in agreement with the Islamists and are working from within to destroy.
Either way, we are not being given the facts (Bengazi anyone????) and the truth is being hidden and distorted.
and yes.I changed my avatar again.
The question is: In a crowded venue, what do you do?
Ask the experts.
Girls, girls, you're both pretty. He's both WHITE and ISLAMIC. Win, win!
"America is great because the guilty go free, ask lawyers and Ayers."
I'll take Robert Cook's rebuttal to this -- "our justice system is designed to guarantee that all defendants may their day in court" blah, blah, blah -- to a point.
What bothers me, though, is that our top leftist terrorists -- Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin -- have landed plum jobs in top academic institutions, jobs which are bitterly competitive, sought by hundreds of applicants, and god help you if you have any taint of conservativism should you seek such a job.
But so what if you were a mad red bomber in the sixties, Welcome Aboard! Academia wants you. We have millions of young minds to shape and we need your help.
"No, no. It's okay if you just continue to think your side is all good and my side is all bad."
Can't think of any, can you?
Sucks to be Robert Redford's box office this week.
Actually, looked like it sucked opening week, too.
Not that there's ever really a good time to release a pro former radical terrorist movie.
But if you're a terrorist for a good cause (read, a lefty one) then all is forgiven.
If this (the Boston marathon bombing) was bill Ayers bomb, and he planted it in defiance of George Bush,s evil Iraq war, and then escaped for twenty years, he'd have a tenured position and Robert Redford would be making movies about himand people like him.
What bothers me, though, is that our top leftist terrorists -- Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin -- have landed plum jobs in top academic institutions, jobs which are bitterly competitive, sought by hundreds of applicants, and god help you if you have any taint of conservativism should you seek such a job.
Better a former terrorist teaching our youth than someone who believes in limited govt. we can't have radicals in charge of molding out kids brains, don't you know. /sarc.
Can't think of any, can you?
And that's a winger's idea of winning an argument.
phx said...
I was so sure it was the Tea Party. Now what am I gonna do?
Hopefully dive headfirst into traffic.
phx said...
"And that's a winger's idea of winning an argument."
And yours is?
Answer bagoh20's question, man. It was asked in good faith. I want to be educated, as well.
"Cookie: fuck the rule of law. This asshole is going down. If they don't kill him, he should be tortured until he gives up his handlers. I sure hope some pasty-faced nerd in a bunker at Langley puts a hellfire up Daddy's ass."
I won't ascribe your psychopathic and totalitarian views to all on the right--where I presume you consider yourself on the political spectrum, (but please correct me if I'm wrong)--and I'll just reply that your views are psychopathic and totalitarian.
Why do you hate America?
Remember when Obama tried to excuse himself from any problems associated with being mentored by Ayers by sayings it happened when he was 6 years old.
Well. There were a lot of six year olds injured in this bombing, and I doubt they'll forget it when they are 45.
I want to be educated, as well.
Go pony up for adult ed classes. I'm not your guru, pal.
phx said...
I always earmark my United Way donations to the Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs and Day Camp.
Huh, that's odd. I always figured your donations went to the Keep Lenin Embalmed Fund.
That or he was in a big hurry.
I'm completely with you on this one, phx.
Come on, Ann, you have younger sons, you should know this. At 19, there is still some stupidity and fear. I HIGHLY doubt this kid was thinking any of this during crossfire or a high speed chase.
"No, no. It's okay if you just continue to think your side is all good and my side is all bad."
I wasn't putting you on the bad side, but if you can't dispute my point and then find yourself there, what's a person to do?
The consulation for lefties, the meme being constructed, is that they were radicalized on US soil. See?
phx said...
Can't think of any, can you?
And that's a winger's idea of winning an argument.
We are still waiting.
"Give me a chance to think about it; I'll be back to you" would do.
I wasn't putting you on the bad side, but if you can't dispute my point and then find yourself there, what's a person to do?
Oh sure. You create a ridiculous straw man and then say if I won't knock it down I must not be able to. Therefore you are correct.
Are you used to getting people to dance for you?
Robert Cook said ...Why do you hate America?
You're not standing outside in a thunderstorm are you?
The consulation for lefties, the meme being constructed, is that they were radicalized on US soil. See?
Well, the left can empathize with that, since THEY were radicalized on American soil.
You know,
I just walked past my TV and the visual feed was of a swat type cop training his weapon toward a potential target of some sort.
His weapon looked for all the world like an assault rifle, and the clip surely looked large enough to hold far more than ten rounds. I was so surprised. Why would anyone need such a weapon or or such a large clip?
"The consulation for lefties, the meme being constructed, is that they were radicalized on US soil. See?"
Hmmm...given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil? And, if they have been radicalized, what difference does it make where it occurred?
I guess the moment is over.
if they have been radicalized, what difference does it make where it occurred?
It doesn't Robert. But that is the meme spreading, as ridiculous as it is.
AllenS said...
I don't think that these two were in favor of gay marriage. Just a hunch.
When inter-species marriage comes up, they may have wished they waited.
I'll try.
People like me have a tendency to resist any controls by government, we just don't trust them. So, although I've been a lifelong "environmentalist and it was my college curriculum and original dream to work for the EPA, I like others hate the EPA with it's over-reaching and job killing, and like to see them fail.
But, I was wrong on things like air and water quality standards. Those have turned out in my opinion to have been good policy. Not doing it would have cost innocent lives. I was wrong in a big way.
I happen to also think they have done a lot of bad since then, but I was still wrong on something important, and serious.
re: phx
Steven Den Beste once presented a useful overview of recent world affairs as a three-way gun fight between (roughly) (1) Western conservativism, (2) Western liberalism, and (3) Islamism. (His actual categories were far more precisely crafted, but beyond the point I wish to make.)
The classic strategy in a three-way gunfight is for two parties to form a temporary alliance to kill the third, and only afterward fight each other.
In today's world, Western liberals and Islamists are allies. Make no mistake, their values are fundamentally incompatible, but for now they are united in trying to kill off Western conservatism, and they will settle with each other later.
"I view people like that exactly alike regardless of their party or views."
Bagoh et al: this innoculates Phx from having to make a case. He is a reasonable man who sees that everyone is capable of whatever. A sort of Socrates for blogger.
...our top leftist terrorists -- Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin -- have landed plum jobs in top academic institutions...
Add another to Robert Cook's "great things about America" list: second chances for the unrepentant!
phx said...
Oh sure. You create a ridiculous straw man
No straw man was presented.
You're a silly, pathetic, intellectual coward.
What bothers me, though, is that our top leftist terrorists -- Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin -- have landed plum jobs in top academic institutions, jobs which are bitterly competitive, sought by hundreds of applicants, and god help you if you have any taint of conservativism should you seek such a job.
The consulation for lefties, the meme being constructed, is that they were radicalized on US soil. See?
The two Chechen-American lads were both products of American public schools, in fact Progressive and enlightened Boston area public schools.
How could the boys possibly be led astray?
Bagoh et al: this innoculates Phx from having to make a case.
You guys are so funny : D
Robert Cook. "Hmmm...given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil? And, if they have been radicalized, what difference does it make where it occurred?"
First of all I dont think you need the "if" qualifier unless,of course, you do not view rheir action as radical. Next, I think you see where the meme is headed and it does not have to do with anything to do with Islam but only with all that is wrong with America. You are the best one here to fill in the blanks and help the meme along.
Phx. I view all people as funny regardless of their views.
In today's world, Western liberals and Islamists are allies. Make no mistake, their values are fundamentally incompatible
Where do you get this stuff? Yes their values are incompatible. Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?
Robert Cook:
Libertarian with some social compassion and militarism. What I love about the US is our willingness disregard the rule of law in some circumstances.
In our sleepy lefty beach town this February, two cops were ambushed and killed by a violent criminal who had repeatedly slipped through the cracks. No one in our town questioned his death by Cop as non-justified and no one cared if it was a legal shoot or not. During the next week, Cops throughout the Bay Area shot several unarmed suspects, some died. I am sure in "normal" circumstances people would be up in arms. Even in the left of the left Bay area, we all looked the other way because we know that the rule of law has limits and sometimes things need doing and messages sent to criminals.
Now lefty's can be safe again to feel sorry for criminals because the scum know their place thanks to the delivery of several illegal messages.
The actual motto of the United States is: Rules are Made to be Broken
It's pathologically psychotic to strictly adhere to all rules in all cases.
Cook: "Hmmm...given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil?"
Good point.
Lets move immediately to what the likely radicalizing influences came from.
Hmm, at least one of them supposedly attended the same HS as Affleck and Day....monnnnn.
Boston Mass area: Bluer than blue.
Public schools in Boston Mass area: couldn't be more blue.
Chechen family connections.
Islamist perspective.
Tea Party/Sarah Palin at fault.
phx: The story didn't mention that he is Carlos Arredondo...
Actually, the daily mail story did:
One the marathon spectators photographed assisting Mr Bauman after the blast was Carlos Arredondo, who was in the crowd cheering on active duty soldiers who were running the marathon in memory of his son, Lance Cpl. Alexander S. Arredondo, who died in Iraq in 2004.
Right there at the bottom, with a picture above it. But the story concerned Mr. Bauman's ordeal, so your point is...?
You're a silly, pathetic, intellectual coward.
Jay, I know it makes you feel effectual to sit on your ass all day and call your "enemies" names like that, but you might want to think of what might better serve your growth as a person.
phx: "Where do you get this stuff? Yes their values are incompatible. Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
It seems like only yesterday Jesse was chanting "hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go" at Stanford with all the little lefties.
The left believes it can embrace the islamist "tiger" long enough to help dislodge/demean western culture and still not have the islamist tiger eat it.
In precisely the same way that the left fell in love with Marxist left and supported communist regimes all over the world against US interests...all in the name of "really representing what America should be about".
Having these 2 islamist blue-state kids attack the US is simply the lefts "Chickens....coming".
furious_a I missed that. I think I stated my point. The dude is also a hero.
"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
The enemy (Islamists) of my enemy (Christian conservatives) is my friend is one way to explain this. Although I think the Islamists look at American liberals as useful idiots much like the old Soviet-era communists did.
TWM: "Although I think the Islamists look at American liberals as useful idiots much like the old Soviet-era communists did"
They certainly did with Lynn Stewart.
Lynn Stewart: hero of the left.
Drago: Go Fuck Yourself. Bostonians might vote lefty, but they are by and large personally conservative and True Blue. They do more positive for this country and the world that all of the Tea Bag States combined. They send their kids to Iraq and A-stan and were on the front lines of 911.
Go Fuck yourself and your pussy macho actor Avatar. You might as well put CUNT in big block letters instead because it's obvious.
It seems like only yesterday Jesse was chanting "hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go" at Stanford with all the little lefties.
The left believes it can embrace the islamist "tiger" long enough to help dislodge/demean western culture and still not have the islamist tiger eat it.
In precisely the same way that the left fell in love with Marxist left and supported communist regimes all over the world against US interests...all in the name of "really representing what America should be about".
Having these 2 islamist blue-state kids attack the US is simply the lefts "Chickens....coming".
Sure Drago, fine. Now the actual question was "Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
Howard. Which are the Tea Bag states?
given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil? And, if they have been radicalized, what difference does it make where it occurred?
I would say it makes a HUGE difference. If we have Islamist 'cells' or a formal mechanism for radicalizing our own children IN our country then the danger of a radicalized and indoctrinated youth is not just a vague fantasy but is a reality.
Indoctrination of our youth to wean them away from love or pride in their country, learning to hate themselves and Western civilization, learning to elevate and admire the enemies of their own country is already the norm in our government controlled public school system. It is just a short step from there to try to teach the "children" to do something about it.
Where they learn these radicalized concepts is a very important issue. Who they learn it from is also important.
The first thing to do if you want to take over the future of a country and create an army of mindless dedicated reactionaries, is to mold the minds of the young. Alinsky....Hilter Youth....
Howard. Which are the Tea Bag states?
You wear glasses and a bow tie, don't you?
There was only the most tenuous connection between Sarah Palin's campaign literature and the Giffords' shooter, but that didn't stop the left from making it. There has also been a direct line drawn between murdered children and the NRA. The important lesson that the left chooses to draw from this incident is that we should not use this as an excuse to profile Muslims. All right thinking people agree that this was a regrettable occurrence but that any effort to subject Muslims to surveillance is the beginning of fascism. Instead our scarce security forces should be used to monitor Aryan Supremacy gangs.
Blogger TWM said...
"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
The alliance of the red and black.
The Molotov-Von Ribbentrop pact of this century.
The left doesn't recognize any external enemies of the US only internal ones. (Christians,conservatives,Republicans,etc.) That's where it exerts its energies.
Howard the courageous: "Drago: Go Fuck Yourself. Bostonians might vote lefty,..."
Howard: "...but they are by and large personally conservative and True Blue."
I actually think is true. I'm thinking of the Massachusetts public school system, which one would be hard pressed to argue advance any sort of conservative or tea party message.
Howard: "They do more positive for this country and the world that all of the Tea Bag States combined."
I think I have some ideas why you might say this (I can think of a couple of metrics that I believe you could use to back up that assertion). But what metrics are you using to back up that assertion?
Howard: "They send their kids to Iraq and A-stan and were on the front lines of 911."
All the states send their kids to Iraq and A-stan. The front lines of 9-11 came to them.
Howard: "Go Fuck yourself and your pussy macho actor Avatar."
I'm sorry you disapprove of the call sign my squadron mates gave to me while I was flying off of carriers for 11 years. They all thought it was rather topical and funny, given my language and cultural education in Russian and the Soviet Union. You know, a "know your enemy" kind of thing.
Howard: "You might as well put CUNT in big block letters instead because it's obvious."
Yes, I'm sure you see lots of things that others don't.
Tell us Howard, when and where did you serve?
I'm sure you must have given the vitriolic nature of your posting.
phx: "You wear glasses and a bow tie, don't you?"
So do many Nation of Islam members.
What was your point again?
So do many Nation of Islam members.
What was your point again?
That Michael is a pointy headed bow-tie wearing punk or a member of the Nation of Islam.
Where do you get this stuff? Yes their values are incompatible. Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?
phx: It's not that hard. Which group is constantly bleating about the Palestinian cause the fears of an anti-Muslim backlash? Which group in the West do Islamists make nice with when it comes to capitalism and Israel? Which group only criticizes Islamists when they must -- like after the Boston bombing? Which group reserves their fullest fury for conservatives?
I understand you will not agree. But your side will barely acknowledge that Obama is a leftist. Your side will slice and dice any generalization that is inconvenient to the liberal pursuit of power.
phx: "That Michael is a pointy headed bow-tie wearing punk or a member of the Nation of Islam."
Let's play a game called "what's the most interesting assumption packed into that assertion by phx!"
Fair enough creeley. I disagree with you but you swung at it with your big-boy pants on, unlike some of your allies here.
I'm still waiting to hear from Howard about all of his exploits in the service of his country.
Given his last screed against me, I imagine it's chock full o' good stuff.
I'm still waiting to hear from Howard about all of his exploits in the service of his country.
Just a hunch but I'm gonna guess he still thinks you're the c-word.
Drago: Then stop putting Americans down because of their politics. We are at was with religious nutbags, not with Teddy Kennedy fans. Maybe you are not a CUNT, but just play one on the internet.
Keep waiting asshole. My personal info is none of your business. Why don't you regale us with your service record jacket so we can be all be impressed.
No one better to judge who is wearing their big boy pants than self-appointed big boy pants monitor phx.
Next he'll be telling us about good garage is at calling out conservatives for "squirrel" arguments!
phx is our resident "Olympian" liberal debater.
You know, the one who feigns "cruel neutrality" from on high but it's an act that's only fooling himself.
On the plus side, sometimes he offers up a clever play on words or witticism.
All in all, it's a wash.
phx: I wear glasses and occasionally wear bow ties. Recognizing you are insane still does not explain the raising of this interesting fascination with my attire and spectacles.
No one better to judge who is wearing their big boy pants than self-appointed big boy pants monitor phx.
Next he'll be telling us about good garage is at calling out conservatives for "squirrel" arguments!
phx is our resident "Olympian" liberal debater.
You know, the one who feigns "cruel neutrality" from on high but it's an act that's only fooling himself.
On the plus side, sometimes he offers up a clever play on words or witticism.
Christ, you're starting to obssess about me.
phx: I wear glasses and occasionally wear bow ties.
Ta da.
How did I know that?
The more I'm hearing about these brothers, it sounds a bit like the DC sniper case of an older adult brainwashing a younger person. I get the impression that the older brother was radicalized and then brought the younger brother along for the ride. It doesn't excuse his actions of course, but I would think that the profilers might take that psychological possibility into account in trying to predict the kid's actions now.
Michael just made himself a friend of mine.
Well, at least the white muzzies have enough sense to not intentionally blow themselves up.
Live, so that you can kill more people! Suicide bombers only get one bite at the apple.
Drago: OK Tom Cruise. You telling us it was for God and Country during the Cold War. If you didn't do it for fun, then you must be crazy.
You want another medal?
Thanks for your service, now shut the fuck up about the patriotism of New Englanders.
Howard: "Drago: Then stop putting Americans down because of their politics."
I was referencing the cultural and radicalizing factors that were at play in the suspects lives, which Robert Cook brought up, and which you did not in any way address.
Way to play along. Is English your first language?
Howard: "We are at war with religious nutbags, not with Teddy Kennedy fans."
Some of us are at war with religious nutbags. On the other hand, many (and I mean many) leftists are at war with reps/conservatives/liberatarians/tea party members/ NRA members, etc.
And a lot of them happen to teach and lead in prestigious institutions right there in Boston.
Howard: "Maybe you are not a CUNT, but just play one on the internet."
You might be one of the least qualified posters on this blog to make that determination based on your shoddy performance thus far.
Howard: "Keep waiting asshole. My personal info is none of your business. Why don't you regale us with your service record jacket so we can be all be impressed."
The only reason I mentioned my service as a Navy flier was in response to your brave and courageous criticism of my avatar and name. I thought it was ironic that you were calling my "cunt" and questioning all sorts of things about me and using my avatar and name as the basis for that criticism.
Did it make you butt-hurt to know that red-blooded all American lads fighting for their country gave that name to me of their own accord?
Why, I'll bet some of them might even have been from Boston.
Don't you get that?
Probably not.
PHX:"How did I know that?"
Because you believe that people on both sides of the aisle wear glasses and wear bow ties?
Or like others in your insane asylum you see things far far away?
Shut the Fuck Up, Sir
phx: "Michael just made himself a friend of mine.
I've been standing RIGHT HERE!
That's it.
Now you've done it.
On, pointed to via drudgereport:
Chechen President Says American Upbringing to Blame
11:42 AM, APR 19, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER
The Chechen president has apparently released a statement that blames the suspects' American upbringing for their alleged terrorist activity.
"Tragic events have taken place in Boston. A terrorist attack killed people.
"Any attempt to draw a connection between Chechnya and Tsarnaevs — if they are guilty — is futile. They were raised in the United States, and their attitudes and beliefs were formed there. It is necessary to seek the roots of this evil in America. ..."
Howard: "Shut the Fuck Up, Sir."
Now it's beginning to sound like old times!
Drago anytime I'm in your hometown I'll gladly buy you a beverage of your choice at the establishment of your choice.
We'll drink to your health, your service, and to the Althouse commentariat.
You're a good guy, too Michael. Let's have a beer sometime.
Howard: "You telling us it was for God and Country during the Cold War."
Actually, I said no such thing.
Why do you think I did?
Howard: "If you didn't do it for fun, then you must be crazy."
I said nothing about my motivation for joining/flying.
You're having a hard time with this, aren't you?
Howard: "You want another medal?"
I see you're already assuming that I have at least one medal.
You can bet that, unlike Masschusetts-ian John Kerry, I never lobbed mine at the White House.
Howard: "Thanks for your service, now shut the fuck up about the patriotism of New Englanders"
Again, I never questioned the "patriotism of New Englanders".
You're having a really hard time with basic English and logic.
phx: "We'll drink to your health, your service, and to the Althouse commentariat."
I'm in Denver.
I'd even buy Howard a beer, assuming he would accept it from a "cunt" like me!
Butt-hurt. I love that expression.
You're right, the US is overrun with lefty's hoping for our demise.
They are everywhere, poisoning our water to turn our dogs to gay marriage.
Then why is their savior wasting tons religious nutbags in their caves and huts?
Get a grip and stop believing Faux News and Lush Rimjob. I know you can fly partial panel... use that calm judgement in life and stop believing in the booger man.
Fuck Ya Drago. You give better than you get. I'd salute you anytime
I'm in Denver.
I'm gonna swing by and pick up Jay and whoresoftheinternet first, okay buddy?
"The reporters here said the young one ran over the older one during the gun fight last night. What kind of brother would run over their brother?"
"For the annals of sibling rivalry.
He wants to be the star. Doesn't want to share the spotlight. Wants to control the narrative. Wants all eyes on him."
4/19/13, 10:34 AM
He probably wanted to set off the bomb that was strapped onto his brother, maybe he though I would kill him too. Probably sibling love.
Howard: "Fuck Ya Drago. You give better than you get. I'd salute you anytime"
Well, I'd salute you right back.
Hey, my old man was 30 years nuke submarines, so I must have learned something from him
As for "Get a grip and stop believing Faux News and Lush Rimjob", the minute you lob a statement like that out there you've shown yourself to be kind of a jerk.
I've seen that become sort of a general fall back comment by those on the left, or middle or whatever when they've basically run out of things to say.
It would be just as easy for me to say quit watching and believing MSNBC's fat Ed and Riot-man Al and get your head of Rachels ass...since, trust me, she sure doesn't want you there.....
Phx, don't forget to pick up David R. Graham, he did a very convincing "Whores" yesterday.
Drago:Having these 2 islamist blue-state kids attack the US is simply the lefts "Chickens....coming".
This is complete cuntly bs and you know it. It sounds like "she asked for it"
You own that shit, now eat it.
phx: "I'm gonna swing by and pick up Jay and whoresoftheinternet first, okay buddy?"
We couldn't have a foursome without them.
Disclaimer: my wife purchased a nice set of golf clubs for me 4 years ago and they haven't been out of the basement yet!
Yeah what was up with that Inga? I don't recall him cracking up like that before. Of course, he is a "theologian" I understand.
Disclaimer: my wife purchased a nice set of golf clubs for me 4 years ago and they haven't been out of the basement yet!
Yeah. That's not gonna happen.
They were raised in the United States, and their attitudes and beliefs were formed there
If only Democratic hero FDR were President after 9/11, the US Army would have closed all Mosques and put every Muslim male in an internment camp.
Then this would have never happened.
We couldn't have a foursome without them.
You and I are of one mind on this.
I've heard him say similar things in the past, but not quite so blatantly, I think he may have thought he would get some support on that thread.
phx said...
Jay, I know it makes you feel effectual to sit on your ass all day and call your "enemies" names like that, but you might want to think of what might better serve your growth as a person.
Hey stupid shit: I'm not the one who runs from direct questions by saying "that's a straw man"
You're pathetic. You prove it every day.
I'm not very lefty and Fox and Limbough are just as bad as PMSNBC and half of the rest of the MSM.
I still don't get the blame the victim shit. That really torqued me off. Remember, it was the right who opposed Clinton in Bosnia who stopped the politics ends at the waters edge. The left took off with it with Bush who I voted for twice.
Cheers, I gotta get back to work.
Nice chatting and I am sorry about the C-word. I take that back. My Irish is up today as I'm sure yours is as well.
We can both agree that our boys in blue and green can get some and come back safe.
Howard: "Drago:Having these 2 islamist blue-state kids attack the US is simply the lefts "Chickens....coming"."
I do own this riff.
Robert Cook (and not just he) wanted to talk about the influences on this kid.
Since the left has been saying since the bombing that it's all about the tea partiers and Hitler's birthday it was clearly within the bounds of the conversation to mention that these kids grew up in bluer than blue democrat/liberal land.
If you can't see that, that's your problem.
Howard: "This is complete cuntly bs and you know it."
I would expect you to be calling all the libs who were blaming the right for this "cunts", but I guess we'll be waiting along time for that kind of intellectual consistency from you.
Howard: "It sounds like "she asked for it""
That's what it sounds like to YOU. To me it's sounds like giving back to the left what they ALREADY gave to us.
Howard: "You own that shit, now eat it.""
It is inarguable that Massachusetts might just be the bluest state in the union.
I suggest that when lefties want to talk about cultural influences resulting in "problems" you remember this little conversation.
Might do you some good.
You're pathetic. You prove it every day.
Jay's back in business. It must be after lunch, he only called me "pathetic" - for the millionth time.
Cook: ...given that they have been in America since they were kids, where else could they have been radicalized other than on US soil?
After local recruitment by talent-scout imams (e.g., Mohammad Babar), trip back to Ummah (e.g. John Walker Lindh), with a side excursion to training camps (e.g., Jose Padilla).
A little inquisitiveness and some clicks and you could find this yourself.
phx said...
Fair enough creeley. I disagree with you but you swung at it with your big-boy pants on, unlike some of your allies here.
Says the person who when faced with questions that reveal his intellectual cowardice, responds with "that's a straw man!"
You have your little girl pants on today.
And every day.
Howard: "I still don't get the blame the victim shit."
I'm not blaming the victim.
But I can understand why you NEED that to be what I'm doing so you can feel superior.
Howard: "That really torqued me off."
Then think harder about what was actually being said and what it was being spoken about.
Howard: "Remember, it was the right who opposed Clinton in Bosnia who stopped the politics ends at the waters edge."
There was strong feelings amongst conservatives that it was Europes responsibility to attend to that mess.
I don't know if you are purposely mischaracterizing the repub position or simply don't know.
I happen to have spent some time there as well, so I remember it very very well.
Howard: "The left took off with it with Bush who I voted for twice."
I don't doubt that you voted for Bush.
I don't doubt there are a lot of hard scrabble and tough minded conservative folks in Boston and Mass in general who simply vote democrat because that is what you do in Mass.
But there is no way you can have a conversation about cultural influences in Massachusetts without mentioning the liberal/leftist nature of the education system/bureaucracy and government in Mass.
Not possible.
And guess what, we are going to be spending a lot of time talking about what motivates guys like this.
Why do have to talk about what motivates guys like this?
Because the left INSISTS that we do.
Says the person who when faced with questions that reveal his intellectual cowardice, responds with "that's a straw man!"
I certainly did NOT, mister!
phx: " It must be after lunch, he only called me "pathetic" - for the millionth time"
Have you been pathetic for the millionth time?
Or are you arguing that you are still well under a million?
"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"
Yeah, totally super-duper hard to figure out. I mean what an outrageous assertion.
Really who would thing that 2 groups who agree that:
1. The US invaded Iraq only for oil
2. US soldiers indiscriminately kill civilians
3. The US is inherently unjust (racist) and a bully
4. The US has engaged in "torture" at GITMO
5. Illegal enemy combatants should be tried in court
Are intellectual allies. I mean, it isn't as if liberals take to the Internet and lie about the US using Islamists talking points or anything.
Never happens. No sireee...
Note that when 3 different posters asked phx to answer the question posed by bagho, this was the response:
phx said...
Oh sure. You create a ridiculous straw man and then say if I won't knock it down I must not be able to. Therefore you are correct.
but you're not like pathetic or anything.
Does that guy kinda look like a young Bob Dylan or is it me?
Original Mike said...
Answer bagoh20's question, man. It was asked in good faith. I want to be educated, as well.
4/19/13, 11:51 AM
Come on phx, what's the matter?
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