April 19, 2013

"World view: Islam/Personal priority: Career and money."

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Via Dave Weigel.


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Robert Cook said...

"What I love about the US is our willingness disregard the rule of law in some circumstances."

In other words, you love our not-so-latent totalitarian brutality.

"In our sleepy lefty beach town this February, two cops were ambushed and killed by a violent criminal who had repeatedly slipped through the cracks. No one in our town questioned his death by Cop as non-justified and no one cared if it was a legal shoot or not. During the next week, Cops throughout the Bay Area shot several unarmed suspects, some died. I am sure in 'normal' circumstances people would be up in arms. Even in the left of the left Bay area, we all looked the other way because we know that the rule of law has limits and sometimes things need doing and messages sent to criminals."

Violent crime is part of "normal circumstances, and in any event the Constitution makes no "abnormal circumstances" exceptions to the rule of law. This was not a necessary means to address a terribly dangerous crime wave but pure payback, police revenge. I don't recall seeing any "police revenge" exceptions to the rule of law in the Constitution, either.

Those who look the other way or cheer on the authorities in their free disregard for the law and in their violent treatment of citizens--their assumed or known guilt of terrible crimes notwithstanding--are the very ones who, as they prate about the "miracle" of America and our "freedom," welcome tyranny to our nation and speed its usurpation of our rights. They who excuse or ignore or applaud the authorities for their violation of the law and their abuse of their power are enemies of the American republic.

Brian Brown said...

"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"

Super duper hard to figure out.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

- Barack Obama, Sept. 25, 2012

sakredkow said...

Come on phx, what's the matter?

Now Jay, you're just making shit up.

Seeing Red said...

--Remember, it was the right who opposed Clinton in Bosnia who stopped the politics ends at the waters edge.---


"politics ends at the water's edge"

Was this before or after Tip O'Neil told the Soviets to ignore Reagan, they'll work with them? Tingles admitted it and laughed about it on TV!

Was this before or after Peanut Carter sending letters to the UN for whatever he didn't like the US doing?

Scratch that - he did more than that over the past 40 years.

ken in tx said...

Someone today on talk radio, asked the question of why did these guys choose to come to the Boston area from Chechnya. I think I can answer that. Chechens speak Russian. I would guess that about ¼ of the people in the Boston/Cambridge area speak Russian. One whole floor of the Boston public library is dedicated to Russian language books. I know because I have a Boston library card and I have been there. You could live your whole life in that area and never speak anything but Russian.

The last time I was there, as I stepped off the Silverline at Logan airport, I turned to the car and said “Dos Vedanya”. Half the car looked at me in shock. They thought I had understood all the things they had been saying. It was not true. It's one of the few Russian phrases I know. I think it means Goodbye but I am not sure. I learned it at the movies.

People speak the same language tend to cluster.

Brian Brown said...

Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"

Gee, from which side of the political spectrum did the description of those in Iraq fightings against US soldiers of " They are freedom fighters" come?

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
Now Jay, you're just making shit up.

Right, you little cunt.

I'm not pasting quotes that were made.

Totally making it up.

You're fucking pathetic.

Brian Brown said...

Now the pathetic little phx is pretending that 3 people didn't ask him a question to which the response was:

"You create a ridiculous straw man and then say if I won't knock it down I must not be able to. "

You're worse than freeder

Seeing Red said...

Another place we get the idea that the well-heeled western lib & the Islamists are allies is in the press.

jr565 said...

Phx wrote:
Where do you get this stuff? Yes their values are incompatible. Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?

Allies of convenience are still allies.
As an example of this alliance I'll cite Michael Moore when he asked on 9/11:
"Why did they attack us in New York on 9/11. We didnt vote for George Bush" (paraphrasing).
See, to the left, or to Michael Moore at any rate, its the right wing policies that they hate us for. And since ny is a nice lefty town why were they attacked (since they differentiate themselves from the evil that is George Bush).
The only prism that Moore and people look through is a lefty one. So therefore the reasons that jihadis hate us is the same reason that lefties hate us. Our imperialism our capitalism our anti gay marriage policies, what have you.
The implication is that 9/11 should have happened in one of those evil red states who did vote for George Bush.
There is an assumption of an alliance there, you see. The jihadis are similarly down with the struggle. They just chose the wrong target.

But now let me flip his statement and apply it to Boston.
Why did they attack us in Boston? We didnt vote for Obama. Oh wait, Boston did. So does that mean
What that they should have targeted the evil bigoted red states who didnt? Or is it all about Obamas policies, he who lefties put into office?

sakredkow said...

Jay you are truly batshit crazy. And now you're making stuff up about me AND calling me pathetic.

I'm extremely disappointed.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

phx said...
Jay you are truly batshit crazy. And now you're making stuff up about me

No I'm not.

You were asked a question, two posters asked for an answer, and your pathetic little response was that it was a straw man.

You cunt.

Brian Brown said...

Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?

Gee, I don't know, it isn't as if the NYT will ever publish a cartoon mocking Islam or anything.

Gee, I don't know, it isn't as if the left, led by Jimmy Cater, thinks it's a counterproductive ploy to try to punish Hamas or anything.

William said...

I still can't get my mind around how two young, seemingly intelligent and sane Chechens could come to commit such a vile act. Good luck to the next Chechen who applies for a visa to the US. Islamic grudges must override all other feelings.

sakredkow said...

You were asked a question, two posters asked for an answer, and your pathetic little response was that it was a straw man.

Come on Jay. You can do better than that. You're just phoning your HATRED in.

jr565 said...

Lefties hate this country as it is. It's a racist, homophobic backwards place, only made less so by electing lefties to remake it into lefty land.
Which is why most lefties can't say that there is such a thing as American exceptionalism.
When hannity had Jeanine garofolo whether she thought American was exceptional she literally couldn't make the argument.
And when all your college classes teach how amerikkka is just a bigoted sexist place, why would you think it was exceptional?
So do lefties love amerikkka? Not of they're Lefties.
Note I spelled lefty with a Capitol L. People who just voted for Obama but are otherwise arent ascribing evil to everything America does may be voting for a lefty candidate but may not be Lefties.

Howard said...


I hope your intellectually rigid legalistic view of the world makes you happy. Thank Gaia that so few people in the US take guys like you seriously.

Do you listen to Pacifica Radio or just retransmit their talking points?

Drago said...

Howard: "Do you listen to Pacifica Radio or just retransmit their talking points?"

Robert Cook strikes me as someone who might repurpose content, as opposed to creating it.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

Come on Jay. You can do better than that

I actually quoted the dialogue.

And of course if I were wrong, you could like prove it.

chickelit said...

One thing I can't help but wonder in all this is what if the bad guys had had an even bigger bomb?

sakredkow said...

And of course if I were wrong, you could like prove it.

No, YOU prove it Big Boy. The onus is on YOU. Not me.

Drago said...

William: "I still can't get my mind around how two young, seemingly intelligent and sane Chechens could come to commit such a vile act."



Let me help you: Two young, seemingly intelligent and sane chechens did not commit such a vile act.

However, Two, young, seemingly intelligent and sane radical islamists DID commit such a vile act.

Maybe it was just sudden jihadi syndrome.

Could've happened to anyone really. It just seems to keep happening to all these seemingly intelligent and sane islamists by the hundreds and thousands.

It's like the old joke that the dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.

chickelit said...

Also, I have no qualms about using the term "bad guys."

I suspect they were radicalized to some extent by their parents--despite what the uncle said.

sakredkow said...

Once again Jay shows he knows absolutely nothing about critical thinking or how to make an argument.

Damn bro, you embarrassin yourself.

Brian Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?

Left ideologically homeless and bereft after the Soviet Union fell, stands to reason they'd rebound to the first tall, swarthy and mortally anti-Western ideology that walked into the bar.

But in particular...

Rachel Corrie, in particular, and the ISM, in general, running interference for Hamas tunnel-diggers.

'Stop the War' coalition in Britain. In fairness, some like Geo. Galloway have do it for money, but for others it's love.

Noam Chomsky's starring role on Hezbollah TV.

Ken Livinstone and the Muslim Brotherhood's Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

The National Council of Churces and Mahmoud Ahmendinejad.

Of course, it could be where, when not bankrolled by the enemy the way the Nuclear Freeze movement and Red Brigades, etc. once were, latter-day lefties are simply useful idiots, the way Walter Duranty and George Bernard Shaw once were.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

No, YOU prove it Big Boy.

Hey cunt.

I've already posted your response to the question.

Drago said...

chickelit: "One thing I can't help but wonder in all this is what if the bad guys had had an even bigger bomb?"

That is what worries everyone.

There are some truly horrific and seemingly high-probability of success scenarios that don't involve WMD that has the agencies sweating bullets at night.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...
Once again Jay shows he knows absolutely nothing about critical thinking or how to make an argument.

Hey cunt.

I"ve already posted your response to the question.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

No, YOU prove it Big Boy. The onus is on YOU.

Aw, the little cunt can't point out where I'm wrong.

Gee, who could have seen this coming.

chickelit said...

The father moved here and then moved back. That tells you something. His comments (threats) today were not typical parents' comments.

Brian Brown said...

Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?

Because it isn't as if the left celebrates terrorists, like the Weather Underground, by making them faculty members at colleges or anything.

Oh, and Robert Redford's new movie "The Company You Keep" - about a former Weather Underground activist who has spent some 30 years in hiding, and offering no apologies for the old act of violence that precipitates the movie action (per the Wash Post moview review), comes out today (check your local listings)!

sakredkow said...

I"ve already posted your response to the question.

You did?

Well okay. But you just better watch yourself pal. The next time you mess with me you just might find yourself on the business end of a knuckle sandwich.

I apologize to the rest of you, and esp. Althouse, whose blog it is, for my strong language.

Drago said...

furious_a: "Of course, it could be where, when not bankrolled by the enemy the way the Nuclear Freeze movement and Red Brigades, etc. once were, latter-day lefties are simply useful idiots, the way Walter Duranty and George Bernard Shaw once were"

We know now (and for some years) that many of the anti-American and "anti-war" (actually anti-US use of arms) articles that appeared in liberal papers in the West (Britain, France, etc) during the cold war were actually penned in Moscow.

Which is funny really, since there have always been lefties willing to write the stuff themselves in service to their Marxist masters. Seems like an inefficient use of resources by our soviet and Chinese communist "amigos". Communists being inefficient: go figure!

Furious is also correct about the soviets directly financing the nuclear freeze movement in western Europe (with all those Robert Cook-like useful idiots) protesting against the US moving in intermediate nuclear weapons as a deterrant to the intermediate nuclear missiles the soviets had already moved into the warsaw pact countries.

The list is quite literally endless of lefties perfidy in support of America's enemies.

Howard said...


Cheers. I don't see a massive anti-american lefty movement that you see... and I live in lefty central.

The bombers were losers and phony macho men bent on hero status via destruction. The Boston or Cambridge schools had nothing to do with promoting their radicalization. It's in their culture. Listen to Daddy. Hell fire will rain down if we kill his young son. Conspiracy theories, etc. That's the problem, not "tolerant" people who like school lunches and gay marriage.

IMO, it comes down to personal responsibility and a jack-ball father.

At least we can agree Rbt Cook is mentally ill.


Brian Brown said...

phx said...
I"ve already posted your response to the question.

You did


And if I were wrong as you are stupidly asserting, you could put me to another post of yours where you answered.

You aren't, because you're a pathetic liar.

Drago said...

Take it easy Howard.

Hope to see you around.

Brian Brown said...

Note all the responses to phx (but I'm like totally lying!)

Original Mike said...
[phx]"No, no. It's okay if you just continue to think your side is all good and my side is all bad."

Can't think of any, can you?

4/19/13, 11:45 AM

Æthelflæd said...
phx said...

"And that's a winger's idea of winning an argument."

And yours is?

4/19/13, 11:49 AM

Original Mike said...
Answer bagoh20's question, man. It was asked in good faith. I want to be educated, as well.

4/19/13, 11:51 AM

Methadras said...
phx said...

Can't think of any, can you?

And that's a winger's idea of winning an argument.

We are still waiting.

4/19/13, 11:54 AM

and since I'm totally like lying, phx is pointing out where.

Really. Totally.

Brian Brown said...

Another response to phx:

Original Mike said...
"Give me a chance to think about it; I'll be back to you" would do.

4/19/13, 11:54 AM

And the response:

phx said...
[I wasn't putting you on the bad side, but if you can't dispute my point and then find yourself there, what's a person to do?]

Oh sure. You create a ridiculous straw man and then say if I won't knock it down I must not be able to. Therefore you are correct.

Are you used to getting people to dance for you?

4/19/13, 11:57 AM

Total and complete lies by me!!

furious_a said...

I suspect they were radicalized to some extent by their parents--despite what the uncle said.

The Brit papers, they cover this sociological stuff pretty well. I'd wager the French do, too, but I don't read French.

Lots of immigrant families on the dole, parents not able to control idle young men. Gangs (sound familiar?) and mosque (aggressive recruitment by Wahabbi imams) beckon. When the gang option ends in prison, the Wahabbi imams are there, too.

Sometimes parents appear on video thanking Allah for their sons' martyrdom, but most times they stay silent because of peer pressure (or worse) from their immediate community.

Robert Cook said...

"Do you listen to Pacifica Radio or just retransmit their talking points?"

That's not an "either/or" question as I could not "retransmit their talking points" if I did not listen to them in the first place, could I?

For the record, I do not listen to Pacifica radio.

Also for the record, I assume my remarks, if they are "talking points" at all, are talking points for all who support the Constitution and who really believe the ideals our country is purported to represent.

I would think they would be talking points for all who understand that the rule of law--not of men, not of revenge--is our bulwark, such as there can be, against lawlessness by the state and its transformation into a dictatorship.

Your apologia, on the other hand, strikes me as the talking points of one who wishes for or supports the boots-to-the-head, pepper-spray-to-the-face rule of a police state.

sakredkow said...

Total and complete lies by me!!

You bet and I pointed out exactly where your lies were in your post.

Here's what you posted:

Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"

Super duper hard to figure out.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

furious_a said...

Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"

Well, it's not like International A.N.S.W.E.R., the ISM, Cynthia McKinney, and the other ideological children of the IRA, Action Directe, Red Army Faction, Brigati Rossi, etc. are simply going to abandon the Palestinians (and let Israel be) simply because Hamas and Islamic Jihad have displaced Fatah and co-opted the Palestinian movement

test said...


Don't you know by now that phx is only interested in derailing the conversation? Congratulations on helping him.

X said...

phx and Jay, take it outside.

Howard and Drago, get a room.

Robert Cook, добрый день.

David Davenport said...

The bombers were losers and phony macho men bent on hero status via destruction. The bombers were losers and phony macho men bent on hero status via destruction. The Boston or Cambridge schools had nothing to do with promoting their radicalization. It's in their culture.

In other words, you are saying that the Boston or Cambridge schools no improving effect on these two Chechen students' evil cultural traits. The Boston or Cambridge schools were or are unable to civilize the uncivilized.

Tell me again why Americans should trust their children to the government schools -- so-called public school systems -- in Boston or elsewhere.

sakredkow said...

Don't you know by now that phx is only interested in derailing the conversation?


Michael The Magnificent said...

Democrats to propose banning pressure cookers and islam, while claiming Republicans are pro-islamic-bomber in 3, 2, 1...

X said...

and don't call my good comrade Robert Cook mentally ill. he's commie as all get out, but he's a principled commie and will argue in good faith. he often makes a good point as much as it pains me to admit it.

Dante said...

I think this is a good time to examine whether or not the US ought to allow people with intolerant cultures into the US, without significantly scrutinizing the individuals coming here.

This is something the MC/PC crowd can not handle. But, like the Newtown massacre, isn't it time for conservatives to push back on allowing anyone in?

Think France.

Aren't ideas more powerful than the sword? Yeah, we are cool with Muslims coming here, just not the ones that want to blow us up.

Michael said...

I listened to Pacifica when I lived in the Bay area in the 80s. It was where I first noted that the American broadcasters always pronounced Sandinista and Managua with a sympathetic latin accent. Why, I wondered, do they not use a phoney English accent when they say London or a German one when they say Berlin. I still notice this affectation occasionally but only with Spanish names, never with another language. Odd.

Original Mike said...

"I think this is a good time to examine whether or not the US ought to allow people with intolerant cultures into the US, without significantly scrutinizing the individuals coming here."

But that would be so ... intolerant.

Original Mike said...

We must let people come here, whether or not they want to kill us.

test said...

X said...
he often makes a good point as much as it pains me to admit it.

That's how mental illness works. They dribble out the unusual but plausible stuff for show. They realize other people know they're nuts.

After you listen a while and he forgets to guard himself he slips up and claims those hiring people are slavemakers and the Smoot-Hawley Act is the path to economic success.

chickelit said...

phx objected to Jay quoting Obama: The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

Why did you object? What business did Obama have uttering that without adding "nor to those who kill those who do"? At the time it happened, I thought he overstepped his role and it smacked of pure Islamic appeasement at the UN. It was after all around the time of Benghazi. Ambassador Stevens' killers were never ID'd.

Original Mike said...

"What business did Obama have uttering that without adding "nor to those who kill those who do"?"

He's still of the opinion that if we make nice to them they'll stop hating us. He is thick as a brick.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furious_a said...

It was where I first noted that the American broadcasters always pronounced Sandinista and Managua with a sympathetic latin accent.

Funny, the President manifests a similar affectation when pronouncing pah-KEE-stahn and tah-LEE-bahn.

Amartel said...

"Where do you get the idea that western liberals and Islamists are allies?"

They have the same enemy.

furious_a said...

"What business did Obama have uttering that without adding "nor to those who kill those who do"?"

Full quote for context, the President appended:

Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied.

...and he said it after the "yet/but"...but still pretty weak tea, as it's long since gone beyond simply desecrating churches and images of Christ in Nigeria, Egypt and Indonesia, and Muslims are beheading Buddhist monks in Thailand, enslaving animist tribesmen in Africa and executing Bahai'is in Iran.

Not to mention murdering their own at prayer in Iraq and destroying their own cultural heritage in Mali.

If they want their faith respected then represent it as something other than a zombie death cult with a pornographic afterlife -- That's what I would have said at the UN, but Dept of State would have had a cow.

Michael said...

Furious a. You make an excellent point. In fact, there may have been a bit of linguistic sympathetic migrration to the Islamic world. Not oly our president but other faux internationalists have begun to pronounce city names in a contrived accent. Odd. Worth thinking about.

Original Mike said...

Maybe corpse-man is the new normal.

kentuckyliz said...

A woman saw a shed door open, bloody clothes, and blood trail near a boat. She called the police and asked them to check out the book. Whole slew of police and SWAT...20 to 30 shots fired, families running out of the neighborhood with their kids terrified, reports that suspect 2 is down.

I hope that fucker is dead.

I hope the boat is OK.

kentuckyliz said...

You know, I was thinking subterranean. Sewers, service tunnels, etc. Would the underground homeless rat him out?

I was wrong.

Boat on a trailer in a back yard.

They are robotically remotely searching the boat.

kentuckyliz said...

So if you think a terrorist is hiding in your boat, do you call the police or not?

The police are going to shoot up your boat.

Your other worst case is having to clean blood off the boat.

Can you tell I like boats.

Michael said...

Cops not shining in last 18 hours. Got away through a cordon of cops. Hidden in a back yard of a house that had been "checked" by a cop. Wasnt part of the "checking" looking in boats, garages, open basements and so on? Or maybe the cop who checked that particular house decided the boat might not be where he wanted to look?

Did the cops not chase the kid as he drove through them last night? WTF.

viator said...

Named after mongol Tamerlane aka Timur-i-lang, "the Sword of Islam", one of the great conquerors and murderers of world history.

"Tamerlane (1336-1405)-the tartar successor to Genghis Khan-ranks with Alexander the Great as one of the world's greatest conquerors. His armies were ferocious, feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe. They blazed through Asia like a firestorm, razing cities, torturing captives, and massacring enemies. Anyone who dared defy Tamerlane was likely decapitated, and towers of bloody heads soon became chilling monuments to his power throughout Central Asia. By the end of his life, Tamerlane had imposed his iron rule, as well as a refined culture, over a vast territory-from Syria to India, from Siberia to the Mediterranean. Justin Marozzi traveled in the footsteps of this infamous and enigmatic emperor of Samarkand (in modern Uzbekistan) to tell the story of this cruel, cultivated, and powerful warrior."

from "Tamerlane: sword of Islam, conqueror of the world"

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