April 14, 2013

Where golf meets football.


Michael K said...

Cabrera is a wonderful model for golfers. He was happy for Scott when Scott won it after Cabrera missed a great putt.

What a contrast with Tiger.

Cabrera's son was only the second son to caddy for his father in a win there.

Strelnikov said...

Was in Door County last week. Snowed everyday and did not get out of the 30's. Thursday awoke to 5" new snow.

Baron Zemo said...

What a loser.

rehajm said...

Opening day at Erin Hills is May 9, though Winter may still be lingering.

test said...

Aaron just got on the shit list.

Great golf.

Anonymous said...

First Aussie win of the Masters.

Well done.

geokstr said...

When I lived in Milwaukee from 1960-1982, the official summer season was from August 3-6. The rest of the year was winter. And even then, we used to hope summer would fall on a weekend so we could get to the tanning salon without our snow tires.

In the two consecutive years before I left, we set new historical records for most consedutive days under freezing, over 60 days in a row. By contrast, when I finally had enough and moved to Santa Monica, CA, I found that they had strictly enforced laws against both clouds and temperatures under 70 degrees, year round. Beverly Hills had similar laws, plus one that made inconvenience illegal as well.

Of course, it took only a short time to find out that, despite the air temperature, the people in CA were much colder than the ones in WI.

Patrick said...

We've only had about 5 inches of global warming in the past few days.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Die Winter Die

Ann Althouse said...

When I opened the blinds this morning and saw a powdering of snow, I thought it was pretty.

But it really has been a cold spring so far!

Titus said...

He's in Wisconsin in the winter?

Phil 314 said...

Keep snarking like that Mr. Rogers and you just might lose that big, fat contact withe State Farm.

edutcher said...

All The Blonde needs for winter to be over is to see a Sandals commercial.

She really misses Jamaica, mon.

Patrick said...

When I opened the blinds this morning and saw a powdering of snow, I thought it was pretty.

It's pretty in December, not so much in April.

heyboom said...


Ask any tour pro what it's like playing with Tiger and they will unanimously say he's a gentleman and a sportsman. So yeah, I know you want to think Tiger's an ass, but you would be very wrong.

ed said...

People need to get used to the cold. We're probably on the wrong side of a downward spiral of temperatures. Not Next-Ice-Age or anything like that but I do not see where another Maunder Minimum is not likely.

Remember folks at one time in the last 300 years Maryland had 20' snow drifts and they built 3 story wooden buildings on the Thames.

traditionalguy said...

I suggest checking the local hotels to see whether AlGore and his chakra masseuse entourage are staying in town for a Global Warming Road Show. That is known to cause of frigid weather until he leaves town.

It was overcast and cool in Atlanta this morning and that happening in mid-April resulted in all air conditioned places being much too cold.

edutcher said...

Patrick said...

When I opened the blinds this morning and saw a powdering of snow, I thought it was pretty.

It's pretty in December, not so much in April.

That's because Christmas and New Year's are right around the corner.

After that, it gets bleak in a hurry.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Winter is on the non-stop return tour in CO as well. I feel yer pain.

garage mahal said...

It's kinda cold outside. What global warming???


Patrick said...

It's kinda cold outside. What global warming???

Purveyors of the One True Faith never ever use temporary weather conditions as evidence of global warming, uh I mean climate change.

test said...

Michael K said...
Cabrera is a wonderful model for golfers. He was happy for Scott when Scott won it after Cabrera missed a great putt.

I root for Cabrera. When he was winning the US Open a few years ago my then 4 year old son saw him walking up the fairway and asked how "Granddad" got to play in the tournament on TV. I could not convince him it wasn't my father. Now he wants to play golf "on TV like granddad".

Scott's a great story too, and another guy I've rooted on for years.

Chuck66 said...

No no no no no no .....it is not Global Warming (trademark, Algore who ones a giant yacht and a very giant energy sucking mansion(s)...it is climate change. No matter what the weather is, it is the fault of capitalism and modern society.

Just ask the rich white students of Vasser.

LilyBart said...

Twitter - where people can broadcast whatever idiotic thought that pops in their head. Nice.

Rabel said...

Aaron's a pretty good quarterback. I just hope you Wisconsonianites keep supporting him after the, you know, announcement. I'm sure Althouse will.

Palladian said...

Ask any tour pro what it's like playing with Tiger and they will unanimously say he's a gentleman and a sportsman. So yeah, I know you want to think Tiger's an ass, but you would be very wrong.

Yeah. If you want to know what a real asshole is like, take garage mahal here..

Chip Ahoy said...

If you are on the inside of the blue hump of cold weather pushing down and growing impatient waiting for it to lift and make way for warmth, maybe you can do this for fun while you are waiting.

garage mahal said...

Reports are that Rodgers is engaged to Destiny Newton. If I read your cryptic post correctly.

The rule of Lemnity said...


Tiger was concussed when he tried to explain what he did wrong.

Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to use the word concussed.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Aaron's a pretty good quarterback. I just hope you Wisconsonianites keep supporting him after the, you know, announcement.

Oh really... I'm so out of the loop.

Rabel said...

Not exactly

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chip - so basically - just sit outside.

Original Mike said...

"I just hope you Wisconsonianites keep supporting him after the, you know, announcement. I'm sure Althouse will."

Couldn't. Care. Less.

madAsHell said...

I love the avatar!!
Wednesday Addams farted.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Anybody else watching this?

Live feed, feed me! feed me!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The long version. Someone is going to get hurt.

garage mahal said...

Yeah. If you want to know what a real asshole is like, take garage mahal here..

If I'm annoying people like you, President-Moms-Jeans, and whoresoftheinternet, I must be doing something right.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Some things never change...

I still see dangling? microphones in front of amplifiers.

Is it like live don't make money and so the technology still has not caught up?

Does anybody have a more rational explanation? - if you are not Shouting Thomas. He probably knows the answer to the... dangling microphone mystery.

The Roller said...

If one was to go by the rule change previous to this year, Eldrick Woods would have been DQ'ed for that drop.

Using that sweeper putter to his advantage for the win, next year's rule changes would have made this years winner disqualified as well.

Patrick said...

The members of that band need to eat a meal or something, Lem.

MadisonMan said...

@TheRoller, that sweeper putter was doing Scott no favors for most of the day. I was convinced he would not make the putt at 18 -- and told my brother this -- simply because of his putting record for the day. Ditto for hole #2 of the playoff. So I was wrong twice.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The members of that band need to eat a meal or something, Lem.

The base player most definitely.

David said...

See, he still wishes the 49ers had drafted him.

ricpic said...

The daffodils are all scrunched up here in upstate NY. It's like they're shivering and shriveling in the cold. Depressing.

Anonymous said...

Where golf meets football: isn't that rugby?

Tim said...

I'll never forget Colin Kaepernick's 56 yard touchdown off the right tackle late in the third-quarter against the Packers in last year's NFC Divisional Playoff game at Candlestick.

Aaron Rodgers?

He's pretty good, too.

Anonymous said...

Where does Dorf on Golf meet Football?

VHS, baby.

Tim said...

"Yeah. If you want to know what a real asshole is like, take garage mahal here.."

Concur. Moobs Mahal is an asshole.

But, relative to the ORS troll, a low-grade asshole.

So Moobs has that going for him...

Tim said...

David said...

"See, he still wishes the 49ers had drafted him."


I'm pretty sure though, the Niners no longer wish they had drafted him.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Yesterday I opened the spring season by firing water pipe in the balcony (even behind könötti skis and the backyard was foolish drifts). Otherwise the sun was shining and it took at least a glass-enclosed balcony to sit alone in jacket.

Google translation of a random blog.

garage mahal said...

Concur. Moobs Mahal is an asshole.

You're under the mistaken impression that I give a shit what you think and/or give a shit what low rent teams you root for.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Make that bass player...

Tim said...

Awwwww, Moob's titty got twisted.

Carnifex said...

I've been in Florida with my Mom settling things after Dads death. They have a trailer about 50 yards from the lake. We went to Vero one day. It was sunny but cool and wind, so I didn't notice when I burned. Got home last week, to cold and rain, and cloudy days, and mud...I'm ready to go back.

Ps. Tarpon Springs has really gone commercial in my decade absence. Was really disappointed in it, though Mom and her buddy loved it(shopping). :-)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Pitbull released? / sent out a response Open Letter to Jay-Z's Open Letter.

Is it a Love In, or something else?

As dog lovers, I feel we deserve an answer... professor.

Carnifex said...

GM fishes and has a dog so there most be a gooey core of goodness in there somewhere... we just need to keep chipping at that bitter candy coating of liberalism.

Took Dad to the PGA when it was here in town(Louisville). He got to meet Tiger, and Arnie, on the same day. I would never have believed he would enjoy a golf event because he didn't play, and never watched it, but when we left he told me he had a blast.

Carnifex said...


Tiger should have either DQ'ed himself, or the PGA should have. period, dot, end of sentence.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Garage is a good friend of the blog, has been for many years... a lot longer than me.

I don't agree with him on much but that is as it should be.

I align myself with the sentiments as just expressed by Carnifex.

Patrick said...

I'm pretty sure though, the Niners no longer wish they had drafted him.

Aaron Rodgers superbowl wins: 1
Alex Smith/Colin Kaepernikc superbowl wins )

Patrick said...

Oh. Fuck. that paranthese is supposed to be a 0.

Patrick comment wins: 0.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Tiger should have either DQ'ed himself...

Its not in his makeup...

Is that racist?

Tim said...

Patrick said...

"Oh. Fuck. that paranthese is supposed to be a 0.

Patrick comment wins: 0."

Sure. Rodgers SB record is> better than "Alex Smith/Colin Kaepernikc superbowl wins;" my point was with Alex Smith (who I thought was a better QB than most [many?] Niner fans did), the Niners no doubt wished they had drafted Rodgers instead. Now, with Kaepernick, probably not at all - or at least, not as much.

No, check that - now, going forward, probably not at all - I'm reasonably certain they'd take Kaepernick over Rodgers.

And, how ironic is it that Rodgers, from Chico, rooted for the Niners growing up, and Kaepernick, from Wisconsin, rooted for the Packers growing up, yet each plays for the team the other rooted for?

Anyway, the Packers will always be contenders with Rodgers at QB, especially in that division. Niners probably will be too with Kaepernick - but it will be fascinating to see how the Seahawks progress with Wilson.

Wilson's good, very good - but I think, objectively (yeah, maybe not, lol) he doesn't have quite the upside Kaepernick does. He certainly doesn't have all the tattoos, that's for sure.

Tim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim said...

Lem said...

"Tiger should have either DQ'ed himself..."

Its not in his makeup...

Is that racist?

I think we all know the answer to that, lol!

Tim said...

"I align myself with the sentiments as just expressed by Carnifex."

Everyone's experiences and expectations are unique, eh?

Palladian said...

If I'm annoying people like you, President-Moms-Jeans, and whoresoftheinternet, I must be doing something right.

My congratulations on naming a couple of assholes far bigger than yourself.

You know I love you, don't you?

Anonymous said...

North Florid sucks. Everyone stay away. South Florida is the place to be. It's not culturally southern and you'll feel right at home. Go there instead.

Brian Brown said...

Since there is no evidence, anywhere at all, the globe is warming, he obviously didn't get the memo that the community based reality now uses the term "climate change"

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

It's kinda cold outside. What global warming???

You act like this premise is any more silly than feeding (deliberately) fake temperature data into computers to confirm a bias and saying we need a global carbon tax.

PS: supporters of the now discredited "global warming" theory use current weather conditions to assert proof of the now discredited theory all time.
And you like totally call them out on it too.

Really. You do.

AllenS said...

The worse part is that it just isn't cold once in a while, but it's been cold consistently. Almost every day there is a wind out of the north. I don't think that the arctic is ice free this year. I've planted oats on this day in the past. At the end of next week, my tree order will arrive.

Curious George said...

"Carnifex said...

Tiger should have either DQ'ed himself, or the PGA should have. period, dot, end of sentence."

Yes, Tiger should have, but the PGA has no ability to DQ tiger since they have nothing to do with The Masters. Nor does the USGA. Or the R&A.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

Aaron Rodgers lives in CA.

test said...

Lem said...
Garage is a good friend of the blog, has been for many years... a lot longer than me.

I don't agree with him on much but that is as it should be.

Someone whose every post is an intentional distraction is a "friend of the blog"? What a strange definition.

Larry J said...

Purveyors of the One True Faith never ever use temporary weather conditions as evidence of global warming, uh I mean climate change.

Except when they do. When temperatures are abnormally low, they'll scream "Weather isn't climate" and they're right. Climate is the plural of weather.

Come July when the temps soar, every hot day will be positive proof of global warming, er, climate change. In short, they're morons.

The Earth's climate has been changing constantly throughout geologic time. Get used to it.

tim in vermont said...

If we could vote one guy off the island, so to speak, it wouldn't be garage. More likely the bitter old guy who wallows in his own bile. Thanks to goodness his icon makes it easy to skip his posts.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Someone whose every post is an intentional distraction is a "friend of the blog"? What a strange definition.

Your "intentional distraction" could be his... I don't know... fervent opinion?

As I see it, from the point of view that ultimately decides, I'm able to deduce that garage's opinions are not in violation of the minimum requirements set forth by she devil?

Nice... now look what you make me do.

Althouse said...

Perhaps you should turn against me. Perhaps I am the devil you've let into your house.

test said...

Lem said...
Your "intentional distraction" could be his... I don't know... fervent opinion?

Be serious. He's a propagandist who apparently believes it's possible to live in America and not have Democratic Party propaganda shoved in your face at every point so he must take it on himself. And worse he's shitty at it. A good propagandist acknowledges inconvenient facts to minimize them. Garage simply asserts they don't exist.

He's in the same class with whores. Not in offensiveness but in literally never saying anything of value or interest.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I selectively respond to garage... Most of the time, I don't know what he is talking about... so, I guess I'm lucky.

kjbe said...

Aaron Rodgers lives in CA.

He may, some of the year, but he's a WI resident.

Baron Zemo said...

Aaron Rodgers has something very important in common with golf.

You always get in trouble when you insist on putting it in the wrong whole. Just sayn'