April 2, 2013

"What we're dealing with is a very scared, very upset, very confused 20-year-old girl who has made some poor choices."

"This is the culmination of those choices."


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Franklin said...

Yes, because no other upset, confused 20 year old is held responsible for the consequences of his actions.

Anonymous said...

Obviously there is mental pathology, she needs a shrink, meds and therapy.

Shouting Thomas said...

Obviously there is mental pathology, she needs a shrink, meds and therapy.

Would this be your response for a male arrested for rape?

Larry J said...

Had they caught the guy she had rough sex with, he'd be facing many years in prison on rape charges plus a lifetime as a registered sex offender. If she gets the maximum sentence, which is unlikely, she's facing 6 months in prison. Hardly seems fair. Perhaps the sentence for filing a false rape charge should be more in line with a rape sentence.

Besides, didn't the feminists say that women never file false rape charges?

Renee said...

I hope she gets the help she needs, as she serves time.

Shouting Thomas said...

Triplett, a University of California-Santa Barbara student, had been visiting the Santa Cruz campus for a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender conference, the Register Pajaronian reported.

Some surprise, huh?

Maybe the problem isn't "mental pathology" after all.

Perhaps, its the result of embracing an ideology that is all about scapegoating other people?

I.e., men?

Widmerpool said...

Surely a Chris Brown fan.

Nomennovum said...

This is a shock. False rape accusations never occur. Besides, there is the underlying truth about rape that needs to be considered here.

Mark said...

She must really hate straight men.

Strelnikov said...

Shouldn't she be referred to as a "post-teen woman"? Maybe that's only for Chicago.

Michael K said...

This is going to be a bigger problem as the "LGBT" movement gives rise to the LGBTQIA and adds more letters.

Fortunately, they found the Craig's List ad.

Occidental College, which used to be a nice small school, has become a wildly leftist outpost on the road to insanity (Guess who was a student there) and now has a new policy on sexual abuse by students. The perp has no right to know who his accuser is.

TosaGuy said...

That person has issues that require help.

However, at 20, she is a woman, not a girl, and should be seen in the eyes of the law and society accordingly.

TosaGuy said...

That person has issues that require help.

However, at 20, she is a woman, not a girl, and should be seen in the eyes of the law and society accordingly.

Shouting Thomas said...

Scapegoating straight white men for your sexual problems couldn't possibly have any long term negatives consequences...

Right, Althouse?

bagoh20 said...

"Obviously there is mental pathology, she needs a shrink, meds and therapy"

In a jail cell.

AllenS said...

Triplett, a University of California-Santa Barbara student, had been visiting the Santa Cruz campus for a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender conference

The plot thickens.

bagoh20 said...

If you can falsely accuse a person of a serious crime that would ruin their lives and put them behind bars for decades, and the only thing you get for it is "a shrink, meds and therapy", then I think a lot of people are going to have their lives ruined, but so what? It' been happening for years, and I'm not affected.

traditionalguy said...

She is a jack ass squared.

bagoh20 said...

"...had been visiting the Santa Cruz campus for a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender conference"

Oh, one of the tolerant, compassion crowd. They are such nice people. Fine and accepting, and great citizens to share a free country with.

AllenS said...

I'm not sure about her thigh gap, but the gap between her ears is wide and empty.

Hagar said...

Jennyass, tradguy, jennyass.

Colonel Angus said...

Obviously there is mental pathology, she needs a shrink, meds and therapy

From the article: Triplett, a University of California-Santa Barbara student, had been visiting the Santa Cruz campus for a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender conference

If true, possibly an alterior motive.

Bob Boyd said...

She should've went to the Monty Python Clinic:

Cedarford said...

Women will lie and continue to do false rape accusations and rape hoaxes until the law catches up and starts dishing out serious penalties for doing so.

At least the media is getting better and we don't have them pulling "The false rape accuser, whose name shall remain anonymous lest other brave empowered women fear coming forth.."

Cedarford said...

Women will lie and continue to do false rape accusations and rape hoaxes until the law catches up and starts dishing out serious penalties for doing so.

At least the media is getting better and we don't have them pulling "The false rape accuser, whose name shall remain anonymous lest other brave empowered women fear coming forth.."

Dante said...

Obviously there is mental pathology, she needs a shrink, meds and therapy.

What about the guy who beat her?

Also, how stupid can you be, to post something on Craig's list and assume you aren't going to be busted for it. She was attending UCSB?

Shouting Thomas said...

What if the problems of gays... you know the ones they're always blaming on straight white men...

Are actually of their own making?

And will continue to plague them even after we attempt to offer them salvation through gay marriage.

After this concession to gays, based on the assumption that straight white men caused their problems, do we stop making concessions?

Or do we just continue to assume that the problems of gays are caused by straight white men and ratchet up the scapegoating?

Lucien said...

First I was struck by the use of the terms "Coed" in the headline, and then in the body she was a "brunette coed". When people think the primary characteristic of a femal is her hair color, and refer to female college students (and most college students are female) as coerds, one has to wonder if this is really 2013.

It's enough to make someone fabricate a claim of rape.

JAL said...

To jail.

Definitely to jail.

To therapy (which her father can pay for, not the state of Californeea).

But I doubt it will do much good. She is a professional victim and mental health doesn't let that get in the way of The Cause.

Anonymous said...

"If you can falsely accuse a person of a serious crime that would ruin their lives and put them behind bars for decades, and the only thing you get for it is "a shrink, meds and therapy", then I think a lot of people are going to have their lives ruined, but so what? It' been happening for years, and I'm not affected. "

4/2/13, 1:09 PM

Bagoh, I don't believe I said that at all. She didn't want the guy to be caught. She declined a DNA sample to be taken. She is a sick young woman.

JAL said...

She could continue her education in jail and out, so in about 30 years she could be an adjunct social work professor at a big name university.

Worked for Boudin.

Anonymous said...

JAL, what was "The Cause"?

Shouting Thomas said...

She is a sick young woman.


Or is she just in thrall to a demented, criminal ideology?

That scapegoats other people for her own problems?

Unknown said...

Jenny ass, but certainly not genius.

Shouting Thomas said...

JAL, what was "The Cause"?

The cause is the LGTV, etc. stuff that puts the blame for one's sexual problems on straight white men.

The cause is scapegoating.

damikesc said...

The perp has no right to know who his accuser is.

I can't see how that'd hold up to ANY legal challenge whatsoever.

Women will lie and continue to do false rape accusations and rape hoaxes until the law catches up and starts dishing out serious penalties for doing so.

Why DON'T false accusations carry the same penalties as the crimes they are falsely alleging others committed?

It makes zero logical sense.

Nomennovum said...

Prediction: She'll get off easy. She'll play the young and confused female victim card.

Our resident nurse will explain how this is done, but, by her very actions, she shows she is not responsible for her actions, because ... rampant rape by the patriachy is a true fact. Her feminist idealism caused a little confusion as to the legal niceties of this most important societal issue.

Unknown said...

And next time some girl is assaulted in broad daylight she'll be taken just a little bit less seriously.

Brilliant move.

Anonymous said...

She didn't want the guy to be caught, she wasn't interested in scapegoating anyone, it seems. It appears more likely she wanted attention in a big sick weird way.

Real American said...

but can she dance?

Anonymous said...

You want to be an adult at 18? Step up and accept the consequences of your actions. Will she be listed as a registered sexual offender?

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

Our resident nurse, and Althouse for that matter, aren't putting 1 + 1 together and coming up with two.

If you presented them with any other political movement that used an entire class of people as scapegoats who are to blame for their loneliness, sexual failures and general unhappiness, the nurse and Althouse would instinctively tell you that that political movement is evil.

They can't seem to make the same connection when it comes to political movements that scapegoat straight white men.

Shouting Thomas said...

It appears more likely she wanted attention in a big sick weird way.

You might say that rapists want attention in a big sick weird way, too.

ken in tx said...

Needs a shrink? She needs a drink. A girl like her can get all the abuse she wants without posting an ad, and free booze too.

Lyssa said...

Investigators then found two Craiglist ads Triplett had posted asking for abuse in exchange for sex: one asking to be shot in the shoulder with a small caliber gun and another asking a man to “punch, kick and bruise her.” ...Several men responded to the second ad, police said.

So, I guess the implication is that no one responded to the first one. Which I guess makes me feel a little bit better about humanity?

test said...

Inga said...
She didn't want the guy to be caught, she wasn't interested in scapegoating anyone, it seems

This is wrong. She wasn't interested in scapegoating the particular person she engaged to attack her. Instead she was interested in scapegoating all men.

bagoh20 said...

" she wanted attention in a big sick weird way."

And there we have it. A woman wanted something, so if someone has their life ruined by that want, then tough shit - it's her needs that are what matters.

You know when a man rapes, it just means he wants something, needs something. Where is your compassion?

Basta! said...

During the beating, she stopped it to check if the bruises looked bad enough. They didn't suit, so she told the guy to hit her some more.

She then reported that she had been raped and beaten by a stranger outdoors on campus in broad daylight. And refused a DNA test. So yeah, maybe she didn't want her partner to get caught, but she sure was stirring up a lot of shit that could conceivably have gotten others who had nothing to do with it arrested.

It sounds rather like Munchausen syndrome. Per Wiki: "People with Münchausen syndrome have a profound need to assume the sick role, and will exaggerate complaints, falsify tests, and/or self-inflict illnesses." Exchange "victim" for "sick".

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm surprised that UC Santa Barbara didn't cancel classes for a week to express outrage and solidarity.

Over the usual scapegoat... straight, white men.

bagoh20 said...

"So, I guess the implication is that no one responded to the first one."

Shooting someone in the shoulder with a small caliber gun, especially when they want it, is very unsatisfying.

Nomennovum said...

Our resident nurse thinks the feminist "victim" deserves credit to not identifying the Craigslist "perp." L fucking OL.

She's a fookin' saint (albeit one in need of "therapy") for not ID-ing the very guy who would certainly land her in jail in 3 seconds based on his fookin' gmail account!

We are a nation of pure geniuses all around!

Freeman Hunt said...

I agree with Inga on this one.

She specifically did not want anyone to be charged with rape and would not allow evidence to be taken. She had a stranger beat her in exchange for sex, and then reported that she'd been raped for attention. It's hard to come up with much that would be more self-destructive than that. She should be in an in-patient facility.

prairie wind said...

She didn't want the guy to be caught, she wasn't interested in scapegoating anyone, it seems. It appears more likely she wanted attention in a big sick weird way.

You might be right, Inga, that SHE didn't want the guy caught. The cops, though, and the university and the community, THEY would want someone caught. Someone would be caught and do time and live a life recovering from his "confusion", even if they had the wrong guy.

So her efforts to protect the guy who beat her up come to naught. Except for the guy who would end up doing time: it wouldn't be naught to him.

Kevin said...

There's enough there to keep a therapist busy for a lifetime.

I would still hit that though. It's the glasses, probably.

Nomennovum said...

I'm surprised that UC Santa Barbara didn't cancel classes for a week to express outrage and solidarity.

I bet that college will institute a whole slew of "awareness raising" anti-rape seminars, however, ST. Mandatory, of course.

bagoh20 said...

Wouldn't it be cool if Shouting Thomas turned out to be a small black woman who sings the blues, and works for child services in Detroit?

prairie wind said...

She had a stranger beat her in exchange for sex, and then reported that she'd been raped for attention.

...raped for attention. Funny how that can be read a couple of ways.

Shanna said...

Man that's crazy.

Let this be a lesson. People who post ads on craigslist to 'be shot in the shoulder with a small caliber gun and asking for someone to “punch, kick and bruise' them may not be entirely trustworthy. Proceed with caution.

prairie wind said...

I would still hit that though.

That what the Craigs List respondent said.

Anonymous said...

lol. Typical leftist tripe---a woman who falsely accuses a man for rape is a "troubled" person not responsible for her actions.

And, of course, Easy Annie A., the abortion-lover, is right there supporting the dogma again.

In the leftist world, no one but evil Whitey has any agency.

Shouting Thomas said...

Wouldn't it be cool if Shouting Thomas turned out to be a small black woman who sings the blues, and works for child services in Detroit?

I do sing the blues.

sakredkow said...

She seems like a pretty disturbed individual, as her father presented her. I can't know all the details and I sure don't trust the media with a story like this but my inclination is towards compassion rather than anger or judgement.

bagoh20 said...

Freeman, she likely did it for political reasons. She simply has the quite common liberal disease of loving political victory over all else. I agree it's a sickness, like a guy who shoots a bunch people for his political beliefs. She knew it was wrong, otherwise it makes no sense to do it.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

I sense a strong S.C.U.M. vibe from Triplett--in more ways than one: attention and intention.

Freeman Hunt said...

Heh at the sympathetic outpouring for a guy who says, "Sure, I'll beat you up in exchange for sex!"

I get that he wasn't a rapist and wouldn't deserve to be charged with rape, but we're certainly not talking about some regular guy. He's a creep, whoever he is.

Shouting Thomas said...

She seems like a pretty disturbed individual, as her father presented her. I can't know all the details and I sure don't trust the media with a story like this but my inclination is towards compassion rather than anger or judgement.

Leftists are so very very understanding when it comes to one of their own.

Nomennovum said...

Accountability sucks.

Shouting Thomas said...

He's a creep, whoever he is.

B&D of varying intensities is a widely practiced sexual "lifestyle."

How is it any less valid than gaydom?

Why shouldn't B&D people come out of the closet and enjoy the approval and love of the rest of the community?

bagoh20 said...

"I do sing the blues".

I know. Now lets fess up about all those little welfare rugrats you got running around your feet right now, Laqueefa.

sakredkow said...

Leftists are so very very understanding when it comes to one of their own.

How do I know anything about her political views?

I think of "one of our own" as people who are suffering, whether it's their own fault or not. I don't care what their politics are.

Anonymous said...

WHAT political reason? That doesn't make sense.

Freeman Hunt said...

ST, I'm aware that people are into that. Like I said, a creep.

Shouting Thomas said...

How do I know anything about her political views?

Because she was attending the "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender conference" at UC Santa Cruz, as I and several other commenters noted above.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The tv was on the other day and I cant say I was watching astutely... but it was something about Ms Magazine and the founder Gloria Steinem... and at one point they mentioned the "revolutionary" articles about domestic violence (it wasn't called domestic violence back then) that Ms Magazine published that helped "countless" women that were living in utter fear and terror under the threat of violence from their husbands.

And, now reading this, I'm remembering the tread about sexual rejection by the woman that called Althouse a philosopher... this bit in particular @5:35... were a biology professor mentions how the amygdala in the brain is involved in both aggression and sexual arousal, along with fear and anxiety...

I know there are a lot of dots to connect there... if there is a there, there, to connect at all...

But, the question is, I suppose, How much of a blank sheet are we, when we are born?... age old question.

Is there enough evidence to suggest this young woman's "confusion" may be biological?

There is also the mundane possibility that little attention to her thigh gap, from her peers, caused her to go to some extraordinary measures... maybe because there are no updated "thigh gap".

But that would not be long-headed.

Shouting Thomas said...

WHAT political reason? That doesn't make sense.

I know. The scapegoating of straight white men seems so natural to you that it is completely transparent.

As I said, you worship a false God.

Not just a false God, but a vicious God.

Nomennovum said...

How is it any less valid than gaydom?

B&D is fine if gays do it, ST. It's also fine for women to masturbate to. Loser straight white males? Not so much.

test said...

phx said...
She seems like a pretty disturbed individual, as her father presented her. I can't know all the details and I sure don't trust the media with a story like this but my inclination is towards compassion rather than anger or judgement.

There's phx, putting the best spin he can on all things left. Judgement is reserved for things he doesn't agree with.

bagoh20 said...

" He's a creep, whoever he is."

Maybe he just saw a woman in need, and wanted to help? He took a big risk to help her. He's a hero! Like Batman when he suffers being seen as evil just to save Gotham.

Anonymous said...

"WHAT political reason? That doesn't make sense."
"I know. The scapegoating of straight white men seems so natural to you that it is completely transparent.

As I said, you worship a false God.

Not just a false God, but a vicious God."

4/2/13, 1:50 PM

So ST, did you know there are good meds out there for dementia now?

Freeman Hunt said...

She may have been attending that conference because she thought the people there would give her maximum attention for her fake rape. Or she went for the fake rape because she thought the people at the conference would give her attention for it. I doubt it was political; I think it was probably motivated by plain, old attention seeking.

sakredkow said...

Because she was attending the "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender conference" at UC Santa Cruz, as I and several other commenters noted above.

Oh I didn't notice. I don't really care. I'm not really big on that stuff. I stay away from organized PAC groups for the most part.

My compassion extends to her identity politics too, whatever it is.

I'm pretty forgiving of your identity politics as well, although I'll argue you about them if it will make you happy. Just try not to get all emotional if you don't mind ST.

Shouting Thomas said...

Thanks, Althouse.

Don't know if you are aware of it, but you just spent the day parading the reasons for rejecting gay marriage. (Given your 140+ IQ, I'm sure you do know.)

So, commenters, once gay marriage is universal, the problems of gays will be just about the same as they've always been.

And, they'll continue to scapegoat the usual suspects, i.e., straight white men, because they are unhappy, lonely and unfulfilled.

So, where does it stop? Just ratchet up the scapegoating?

Nomennovum said...

... but my inclination is towards compassion rather than anger or judgement.

Thou shalt not judge a woman.

(It's on the tablet that Moses dropped*)

* Says Moses' ex-wife.

sakredkow said...

There's phx, putting the best spin he can on all things left. Judgement is reserved for things he doesn't agree with.

As a father I don't usually get all judgmental over the bad choices young people make. Politics is an entirely different matter, although by my definition I don't get judgmental over that either - nobody offends me anyway.

Shouting Thomas said...

So ST, did you know there are good meds out there for dementia now?

You'll be the first to know. Believe me, I'll make a point of notifying you.

Anonymous said...

"So ST, did you know there are good meds out there for dementia now?"
"You'll be the first to know. Believe me, I'll make a point of notifying you."

4/2/13, 1:57 PM

Well maybe we can get a group rate discount.

chickelit said...

How is this so different than the Kyle Wood case in Madison which Althouse covered? Madison police charged him with obstruction charges. Why should this young adult be slapped on the wrist? Because she resonates with feminists? She perpetuates the distinction between false rape and actual rape.

DADvocate said...

Masochist: Hit me, hit me.

Sadist: No, no.

sakredkow said...

There's phx, putting the best spin he can on all things

Worth repeating someone else's fine words about me.

Freeman Hunt said...

Kyle Woods attempted to incriminate a specific person. He wanted to send someone to prison.

FleetUSA said...

I am not a criminal lawyer but I would think the two toughest crimes to prosecute or defend are death penalty and rape cases. Factual accuracy is so important in both. In the rape case, consent is tough to prove.

Fortunately, in this case she left a string of evidence a mile wide.

chickelit said...

Kyle Woods attempted to incriminate a specific person. He wanted to send someone to prison.

That doesn't fit with the police obstruction charge. It seems to me that the young woman impeded the SB police as well.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'll put forth a strange hypothesis here.

We've got a young woman who's been ceaselessly indoctrinated in the evil, savage ways of straight, white men.

Yet, she still feels sexually attracted to them.

But, she's been told all her life in the schools and the media the straight, white men are savage, oppressive bastards.

She wants to be like the cool kids who have left that behind for the much more fulfilling life of those enlightened lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trangenders, but it just doesn't work for her. She still has the hots for a straight, white man.

So, what does she do? She fulfills her desire in the only way she can imagine.

Welcome to the era of the closeted heterosexual. Well, it's been going on for some time.

chickelit said...

That doesn't fit with the police obstruction charge. It seems to me that the young woman impeded the SB police as well.

And I'm not championing a police state here either. It seems that she willfully mislead people who had better things to do. If she did it for performance art, then she has Dada issues.

DADvocate said...

We've got a young woman who's been ceaselessly indoctrinated in the evil, savage ways of straight, white men.

Yet, she still feels sexually attracted to them.

Once you go white,
You know it's right.

Portia said...

Fake, but accurate, anyone?

Nomennovum said...

If she did it for performance art, then she has Dada issues.


Is Dada in the MoMA?

bagoh20 said...

" the closeted heterosexual".

Finally, someone notices me.

We want marriage too. We don't want no women hangin on, but neither should we be discriminated against by being denied benefits. I should be able to marry myself, to consummate my love, have it accepted, and celebrated like the rest of you heterohomonormatives.

SJ said...

@Lyssa, @bagoh,

Investigators then found two Craiglist ads Triplett had posted asking for abuse in exchange for sex: one asking to be shot in the shoulder with a small caliber gun and another asking a man to “punch, kick and bruise her.” ...Several men responded to the second ad, police said.

So, I guess the implication is that no one responded to the first one. Which I guess makes me feel a little bit better about humanity?
Shooting someone in the shoulder with a small caliber gun, especially when they want it, is very unsatisfying.

One small detail: CA isn't very friendly towards carry of a firearm.

(Or those who do have firearms know that "small caliber firearm" and "shot in the shoulder" can have very unpredictable results. Up to and including a dead body, if the bullet finds an artery.)

If I were DA, I'd try to charge her with conspiracy to break several laws. Because she obviously advertised to entice someone into perpetrating an assault.

Then there's perjury and filing a false report.

And I'd find her accomplice, and charge him with a similar conspiracy.

Colonel Angus said...

As a father I don't usually get all judgmental over the bad choices young people make.

You should. Life is a cruel mistress and is plenty difficult enough when things are going right. Compounding that difficulty by making stupid life choices is, well, stupid.

Then again liberals tend to transfer personal responsibility to society at large so your comment is understandable if misguided.

Nomennovum said...

And I'd find her accomplice, and charge him with a similar conspiracy.

Accomplice? You mean the guy who answered the ad and then beat and fucked her in accordance to her wishes? Tell me the crime he committed. What did he conspire to do -- other than fufill her desires? Since when is it a crime to hit someone who asks to be hit? Is the World Boxing Federation aware of this?

sakredkow said...

Then again liberals tend to transfer personal responsibility to society at large so your comment is understandable if misguided.

One thing there's no shortage of here with conservatives - their fantastical projections on to me.

test said...

phx said...
There's phx, putting the best spin he can on all things

Worth repeating someone else's fine words about me.

Others strive for honesty and integrity, but phx only for excellence in propaganda.

sakredkow said...

"As a father I don't usually get all judgmental over the bad choices young people make."

"You should. Life is a cruel mistress and is plenty difficult enough when things are going right. Compounding that difficulty by making stupid life choices is, well, stupid."

You know sometimes you can give guidance and discipline without necessarily being judgmental? In some instances I find it's very effective.

Colonel Angus said...

One thing there's no shortage of here with conservatives -their fantastical projections on to me.

Don't flatter yourself. You merely stated a fact shared by most liberals: don't be judgmental for the poor choices of others. Which by itself would be perfectly ok if you didn't simultaneously insist society bear the financial burden of those choices.

Nomennovum said...

How the hell do you discipline someone without being judgmental, phx???

Chef Mojo said...

Jail and sex offender list.

X said...

bad choices. young people.

felony. adult.

sakredkow said...

Which by itself would be perfectly ok if you didn't simultaneously insist society bear the financial burden of those choices.

Again with the fantastical projections.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

"WHAT political reason? That doesn't make sense."
"I know. The scapegoating of straight white men seems so natural to you that it is completely transparent.

As I said, you worship a false God.

Not just a false God, but a vicious God."

4/2/13, 1:50 PM

So ST, did you know there are good meds out there for dementia now?

4/2/13, 1:54 PM


Are you seriously that stupid that you cannot see the point he is making? I will expand on this and use cranyons.

This is the classic creation of the straw man. This women was at a leftist conference. She wanted to be a victim. She wanted to smear every man that lives with the inference of being an abuser. Then she and her cronies at that conference could silence any man that disagreed with her political views.

I don't want women to be victims of violence. I taught self defense at Washington State University for 3 years while there. I teach women to use guns safely and effectively. I am proud to say that the man that attacks my wife will in all likelyhood end up dead.

But statists don't want this. Statists want victims. They want to take away your right to have a gun. They want to ban guns in the hands of the law abiding in places where our most vulnerable collect. And they want to use victims to silence those who disagree with them. You can be a sheep for them if you want, but the women I train and protect will not.

I want you to be safe.

They want you to be a victim and a tool.

Who supports the cause of feminism more, me or the statists?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Yeesh, people are nuts.

sakredkow said...

This is the classic creation of the straw man. This women was at a leftist conference. She wanted to be a victim. She wanted to smear every man that lives with the inference of being an abuser. Then she and her cronies at that conference could silence any man that disagreed with her political views.

Of course the disturbed projections of wingers are not always limited to myself...

TMink said...

1. involving the use or exercise of judgment.
2. tending to make moral judgments:

judge - verb

8. to form a judgment or opinion of; decide upon critically:

10. to infer, think, or hold as an opinion; conclude about or assess:

Either that word does not mean what you think it means, or you are just hiding behind the word judgmental because you do not agree with the expressed judgment. That is of course, in and of itself, being judgmental.



TMink said...

I think the word you are looking for is moralistic. That is an entirely different concept.


Nomennovum said...

Who supports the cause of feminism more, me or the statists?

You mean "women," not "feminists." Only statists and their useful idiots support feminism, which is based on lies.

Other than that, bravo.

Colonel Angus said...

You know sometimes you can give guidance and discipline without necessarily being judgmental?

Absolutely. Then when they disregard the guidance and discipline, that's where the judgment comes in. For me its called living with and paying the consequences of your actions.

Seeing Red said...

It's California, she couldn't just go to SF or a sex week on any campus?

I'm still chortling over the TN congresscritter who commented about the now-canceled sex week:

If they don't know where to buy a condom, they shouldn't be in college.

Is there a male parent in the picture?

I was going to write "father figure" but, ummm, no.

sakredkow said...

How the hell do you discipline someone without being judgmental, phx???

Excellent question, Nomennovum. Come back here this evening I'll post a response.

I need a little more time for a question that good.

sakredkow said...

Indeed moralistic might be a better word Trey.

MayBee said...

You claim raps on a college campus, all young men are going to come under scrutiny. Especially a place like UCSC, which is very social justice-y.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I hope she gets the help she needs, as she serves time.

She must pay the penalty......a good spanking.

(Monty Python reference)

Colonel Angus said...

Which by itself would be perfectly ok if you didn't simultaneously insist society bear the financial burden of those choices.

Again with the fantastical projections.

Well let's nail it down. Should taxpayers have to financially support 16 year old girls who get pregnant?

Should taxpayers have to financially support some 20 something kid whose greatest ambition is working at an oil lube station with a wife and two kids he can't support?

Anonymous said...

Achilles, don't poke out your eye with those sharp "cranyons".

Nomennovum said...


I love it when illiterates see fit to correct the typos of others.

edutcher said...

No sympathy, no mercy.

Inga said...

If you can falsely accuse a person of a serious crime that would ruin their lives and put them behind bars for decades, and the only thing you get for it is "a shrink, meds and therapy", then I think a lot of people are going to have their lives ruined, but so what? It' been happening for years, and I'm not affected.>

Bagoh, I don't believe I said that at all. She didn't want the guy to be caught. She declined a DNA sample to be taken. She is a sick young woman.

This is the same She Devil of the SS who can't judge anyone.

Nomennovum said...

Lesson no. 1: The period goes inside the closing quotation mark.

sakredkow said...

Well let's nail it down. Should taxpayers have to financially support 16 year old girls who get pregnant?

Should taxpayers have to financially support some 20 something kid whose greatest ambition is working at an oil lube station with a wife and two kids he can't support?

I don't have a policy position on these imaginary people. I'm more likely, although not for certain, to have a policy on actual policies.

Nomennovum said...

Obviously there is mental pathology, she needs a shrink, meds and therapy.

Lesson no. 2: Two sentences there. Put a period after "pathology." A comma after the word "meds" is preferred, unless you are the NY Times.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

She had a stranger beat her in exchange for sex,

At which point I can't help but think about this song. Beat me daddy eight to the bar!! Hope they had rhythm.

and then reported that she'd been raped for attention.

I agree with Inga (go figure) in that the woman is sick and looking for some sort of attention, like Munchhausen syndrome.

And I agree with all the guys, in that she could have put some innocent guy in jail, ruined his life and by default was trying to make all men out to be enemy. The media and the police were all to happy to buy her demented story.

She is a sick puppy, but that doesn't excuse her from being punished....severely with a very long jail sentence....more than a spanking, she would probably like THAT.

Nomennovum said...

She didn't want the guy to be caught, she wasn't interested in scapegoating anyone, it seems.

Again, there are two sentences there. There should be a period after "caught."

Colonel Angus said...

I don't have a policy position on these imaginary people. I'm more likely, although not for certain, to have a policy on actual policies.

I see. Decent evasion though.

Nomennovum said...

There! Three English lessons -- gratis -- for illiterate typo correctors everywhere (but especially here).

You are welcome.

Shanna said...

If they don't know where to buy a condom, they shouldn't be in college.

Hee. Ain't that the truth.

And next time some girl is assaulted in broad daylight she'll be taken just a little bit less seriously.

Brilliant move.

I definately agree with your point, but people like this are fundamentally selfish (or incapable of thinking through the ramifications of their actions). She was looking for attention, not trying to make things better for actual victims.

Amartel said...

"Is there a male parent in the picture?

I was going to write "father figure" but, ummm, no."

The quote in the post is from her father. Making excuses. No one will ask him why she is scared, upset, and confused and what were the poor choices she made that led to this.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

She didn't want the guy to be caught, she wasn't interested in scapegoating anyone, it seems.

No...she was interested ins scapegoating an entire GROUP of people.....aka.....MEN.

Michael in ArchDen said...

20-year old who makes poor choices="girl"

13-year old girl who ends up pregnent and wants to abort without telling her parents="young woman"

Anonymous said...

Nono, I wasn't really correcting his typo, but more so poking fun at his assertion. Get it?

Anonymous said...

Oooooooo, poor poor poor MEN. So downtrodden.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oooooooo, poor poor poor MEN. So downtrodden.

Sick shit, Inga.

This is why you evoke so much hatred here.

You are able to justify the scapegoating of men and you're too fucking stupid to understand where it leads or who it hurts.

I hope you get fucked over good. I won't have any sympathy for you either.

Nomennovum said...

20-year old who makes poor choices="girl"

13-year old girl who ends up pregnent and wants to abort without telling her parents="young woman"

Ha ha, but it's worse than that. 20 year old female who commits crime involving sex = "girl." 13 year old who wants to abort her baby without telling anybody = "woman" (or maybe even "liberated woman").

And, remember: Thou shalt not judge a woman (much less a girl), and a liberated woman shall be celebrated.

Shouting Thomas said...

God, Inga, I'm beginning to loathe you like edutcher.

I can see his point.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of hearing whiny pussy men moan and groan and cry over how they are so damn downtrodden. It's positively unmanly.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm so sick of hearing whiny pussy men moan and groan and cry over how they are so damn downtrodden. It's positively unmanly.

Stick it up your ass, you no good fucking piece of shit.

Shouting Thomas said...

You are a fucking Nazi, Inga.

edutcher has been right about you all along.

Brian Brown said...

Triplett, a University of California-Santa Barbara student, had been visiting the Santa Cruz campus for a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender conference,

Someone with an obvious mental disorder going to learn about people with obvious mental disorders.

I'm totally shocked by this development.

Anonymous said...

ST: whaaaaa, the baaaaad women and gays are gonna take away my rights, they're trying to CONTROLLLLL MEEEEEE........

chickelit said...

Inga chides...
I'm so sick of hearing whiny pussy men moan and groan and cry over how they are so damn downtrodden. It's positively unmanly.

The juxtaposition of that half-grain-of-truth rant in a thread about a crazy woman is priceless, Inga. Just step back and take a deep breath. Maybe move onto defending Goldenberg one thread up? :)

Nomennovum said...

I hear the cries of the foul maiden! And what's that? I do believe I detect in the distance the hoofbeats of horses, and upon them rideth a passle of white knights! Lo!

Shouting Thomas said...

What a fucking Nazi bitch you are, Inga.

Anonymous said...

Palladian was right, it's sickening hearing this dope. Time to pushback.

Brian Brown said...

phx said...

You know sometimes you can give guidance and discipline without necessarily being judgmental?

You couldn't give us an example of how to do this if the grand prize were $40,000,000.

Why you come here and expose what an utter imbecile you are day in and day out?

AllenS said...

I'm sorry, but I can't help but to think about her thigh gap. I'll bet she doesn't have one. In fact, I'll bet that anyone who belongs to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community doesn't have one.

Shouting Thomas said...


Stupid fucking Nazi bitch.

Brian Brown said...

February’s broad daylight attack and rape of a visiting brunette co-ed stunned and scared the University of California-Santa Cruz campus.


UC Santa Cruz is a "gun free zone" they have speech codes, diversity officers, and talk endlessly about the feelings of the "campus community" (e.g. groupthink)

So why would anyone be scared?

Shouting Thomas said...

I am happy to see that men are not buying the bullshit anymore.

Progress has definitely been made.

Ten years ago, men were buying into the bullshit Inga is trying to sell.

Real men would just take the scapegoating and not complain.

To the credit of men, they've begun understand just how dangerous this has become. I never thought men would get it.

They are.

kjbe said...

No...she was interested ins scapegoating an entire GROUP of people.....aka.....MEN.

I don't agree - I don't think she was thinking that far ahead. This was an attempt to gain someone's sympathy or attention.

Achilles said...

Inga and Phx demonstrate the hollowness of statist thinkers. You don't care about helping this girl become a better person. Or trying to get women like her to be better people who can take care of themselves.

Inga wants this girl to be a victim. Perpetually. More psychiatric "help" and medication. She wants more victims.

And when they fail, they lash out with anger at everyone but themselves. Anger at the straw men they create who just happen to be enemies of the nanny state.

Neither of you participate in these
discussions in good faith. Just like government policies impoverish those the proponents of statism pretend to help. The goal is statism, not helping people.

prairie wind said...

Chef Mojo said:
Jail and sex offender list.

Jail, sure. Sex offender list? Nope. Poetic justice isn't what we're looking for here; I prefer real justice.

No one belongs on the sex offender registry. No one. Do your time and go back to the world.

chickelit said...

Probably the best feminist rant I've ever heard is this woman. She makes even Inga sound lovable.

Chip Ahoy said...

She may be all of those things all at once, but scared and girl are not two of them.

Richard Triplett characterizes his daughter for us, but Richard doesn't know I grew up with two sisters and this sounded like the sort of thing one of them would do.


Toxic. Really. Always has been. Positively toxic.

And now that she's mature and has children herself we can all see what that looks like fully bloomed.

And now that everyone is married and has their own children all their new partners can see what we lived with all along.


Beverly, is that you? It doesn't look like you, but man, does this sound like you. If so, you've expanded beyond your customary localized jealousy-making and got the whole community involved.


We all suspected it would come to something like this but none of us could imagine the specifics.

share share share share share share share share share share

Nomennovum said...

No one belongs on the sex offender registry. No one. Do your time and go back to the world.

What about the right of women to judge men? Have you thought about that, hmm?

Talking about public shaming reminds me of something I read in a local Connecticut rag recently. A local Asian massage parlor was raided and the usual Chinese women from Astoria were rounded up ... and one poor schmuck from Darien, a father no doubt, was named by the cops and disclosed in the paper for patronizing a prostitute. Life over. Children humiliated. Family, job, gone. Financial ruin. For a hand job.


Anonymous said...

Kathleen Hanna ROCKS! She read my mind.

Shanna said...

Inga wants this girl to be a victim. Perpetually. More psychiatric "help" and medication.

Is saying she is crazy making her a victim? The guy who shot up the theater is clearly crazy but also not a victim.

They may both need psychiatric help. They also need to pay for their crimes. For some people, consequences to your actions is part of the road to recovery.

X said...

this little hooker needs a warning label tattooed on her. a little common sense regulation no reasonable person could disagree with.

Anonymous said...

The only person this young women victimized is herself. The guy was a participant for money or whatever and again, she DID NOT want to implicate him, she refused a damn DNA test.

X said...

Inga said...
The only person this young women victimized is herself.

and the taxpayers. and the college. and the community. and legitimate rape victims.

TMink said...

"I'm so sick of hearing whiny pussy men moan and groan and cry over how they are so damn downtrodden. It's positively unmanly."

Good to know. I appreciate your honesty.


Shanna said...

and the taxpayers. and the college. and the community. and legitimate rape victims.

This. She may have taken steps to make sure the individual man was not blamed, which is good, but she still caused a lot of harm. But she's too self centered to see that, most likely.

Anonymous said...

She IS a victim of insanity and yes she needs in patient treatment and whatever punishment will come he way legally, depending on what laws she has broken.

BUT FOR PITY SAKE, quit making men women's victims, or gay people's victims, it's pathetic already.

X said...

well done Inga. you've turned her into a victim. which is what she was going for.

Anonymous said...

You know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of infantilization......of men.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"BUT FOR PITY SAKE, quit making men women's victims, or gay people's victims, it's pathetic already."

Yes everyone, particularly you white heterosexual males, how dare you express anything but grateful humility for your existence to be tolerated.

How dare you express an opinion contrary. Inga will be calling for the internet police to come get you for such thoughtcrimes.

Nomennovum said...

Is saying she is crazy making her a victim?

Maybe not exactly, but it is saying she's not responsible, which equals "not her fault," which is tantamount to blaming someone or something else for her actions, which is a skip and a jump from blaming dominant society for encouraging an environment that is an aggravating factor in explaining her actions, which is a short hop to saying is the fault of men, who we all know are sexual aggressors, with women their victims.

So, short hand, yes. It is making her the victim.

Nomennovum said...

and the taxpayers. and the college. and the community. and legitimate rape victims.

And, potentially, the man who she paid with sex to beat her. If his name gets disclosed, he faces social and financial ruin.

fivewheels said...

Why are people jumping on the bandwagon of "she's just sick"? This absolutely is a backdoor way to excuse her actions, whether you intend it or not.

Which mental illness makes you do this? Is it a common diagnosis? An established behavior pattern? I'd like to see the literature.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

X, doesn't it make sense that only an insane person would want be seen as a rape and shooting, beating victim, when they are NOT?

Is this somehow normal female behavior?

Anonymous said...

lol @ ST:

The faggy "righty" who said he didn't care about anything so long as he had a gig suddenly's got ants in his pants and is all angry about the proven murderer and liar, Inga, the Obama whore.

Too little, too late, Quisling.

Inga is the kid of woman who makes sharia law mighty appealing. When it takes over, it'll be hilarious watching her get beaten by her new diverse Arab husband local cleric.

But everyone ripped on me for pointing out the truth about her and her kind long ago. Now, your chickens are coming home to roost.

And you thought she was "reasonable" and deserved "civility." LMAO

Enjoy the decline, shitheads!

Anonymous said...

And NoNo makes the guy who answered her ad into a victim now. Oh poor poor man, he was seduced by money or maybe he gets his rocks off doing that sort of thing.

Unknown said...

How about we get realistic about what a victim really is.
A person who deliberately sets themselves up to look like a victim is NOT a victim.
A person who commits violence against another person for money is NOT a victim.
People who bear the consequences for the actions of these, at least immoral, non-victims are unwilling victims in ways that are very difficult to pin down.
I am sick and tired of being forced by circumstances to be a victim of the victim machine. ST and nomen and others have a point.
Because of this person and the person who answered her ad the world is a little less secure, a little less trusting, and a little less liveable.

X said...

it's normal female behavior on America's campuses.

when I was young, nobody wanted to be a victim. now, it's a resume enhancer.

Nomennovum said...

Is the resident nurse retarded or evil? She certainly appears to be the stupidest troll I have ever seen. She seems truly oblivious to her stupdity. Indeed, she seems to labor under the delusion that she is intelligent and witty. This is proof of something, and I think it's proof of that she is a frigging retard.

AllenS said...

I'm sorry, but when you declare yourself to be in, or represent the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community, what you're saying is that you are not responsible. I see this time and time again.

Anonymous said...

Yes manley men, follow Whores, cause ya know he's a REAL man. Maybe he can get you guys into his club where they wear those white bed sheets.

AllenS said...

... love me, beat me, hate me...

Nomennovum said...

He was seduced by sex, retard, not money. And, yes, he is a victim. If his name gets out, he is ruined. He might be creepy, but despite the wishes of so many of your sisters, being a creep is not yet illegal. You freakin' retard.

sakredkow said...

I am sick and tired of being forced by circumstances to be a victim of the victim machine.

You've been...victimized!

That must be hell.

test said...

Inga said...
I'm so sick of hearing whiny pussy men moan and groan and cry over how they are so damn downtrodden. It's positively unmanly.

It's revealing watching the bloodhounds of fairness - whining about every possible outcome which could possibly have a negative effect - suddenly decide fairness isn't so important.

Women arguing for fairness are what? Women? Men arguing for fairness are pussies. Got it.

What an utter waste of life this idiot is.

fivewheels said...

My definition of insane is engaging with commenters who are beyond help or reason. My comment was directed toward people who, in my opinion, generally show they know better but might get sucked into seeing something the wrong way by cultural inertia or something.

Anonymous said...

@Inga the lying, murderous Obama whore:

And NoNo makes the guy who answered her ad into a victim now. Oh poor poor man, he was seduced by money or maybe he gets his rocks off doing that sort of thing.

--Fact: He was a victim. He thought he was going for a private sexual rendezvous and now has to deal with having his private sex life dissected when he made no public charge about by a feminazi determined to punish "men" indiscriminately.

He is no different than those innocent white people targeted by blacks this past weekend in Chicago's Magnificent Mile by their swarming attacks.

Anonymous said...

And NoNo, you come second only to ST when it comes to being a whining pussy about evil women.

You two "men" are the resident male victims here on Althouse.

Shanna said...

Which mental illness makes you do this?

When in doubt, go with borderline personality disorder.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

She IS a victim of insanity and yes she needs in patient treatment and whatever punishment will come he way legally, depending on what laws she has broken.

BUT FOR PITY SAKE, quit making men women's victims, or gay people's victims, it's pathetic already.

4/2/13, 4:01 PM

A statist, called out on their dishonesty, lashes out and tries to silence those they disagree with. And provides an object lesson in their lack of good faith and hatred.

Pity we don't have smarter statists to discuss these issues with. I haven't seen Inga or Phx actually respond to any point made here.

sakredkow said...

Stick it up your ass, you no good fucking piece of shit.

You and whoresoftheinternet need to go back to kindergarten.

X said...

perpetrating a rape hoax at GLTBQXZ conference sounds entirely rational, methodical, and not insane if you are trying to climb the Grievance Studies career ladder.

sakredkow said...

And, potentially, the man who she paid with sex to beat her. If his name gets disclosed, he faces social and financial ruin.


Nomennovum said...

For those thinking the resident nurse is evil, I submit the following piece of stupidity evidence:

Trying to shame men by calling them "pussies," while blissfully unaware of the fact that "pussy," when used in such a context, is synonymous with "woman."

Anonymous said...

"And, potentially, the man who she paid with sex to beat her. If his name gets disclosed, he faces social and financial ruin."

4/2/13, 4:26 PM

Yeah it is just a pity Phx. I'm sure this guy was the cats meow before all this happened. ;)

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