"If the category sounds a little weird... The Guinness website features such idiosyncratic categories as: Longest singing marathon (by an individual): 105 hours."
This is a singing group — documented on this blog a few times — that assembles, sings for a while, then goes home, and comes back again another time. That's nothing like one person singing for 105 hours. That's just a singing group that meets regularly. I'll bet there's a singing group somewhere that has met regularly for half a century. The SS only go back to the Wisconsin protests of 2011.
This group is hungry for publicity, seeking publicity for applying to Guinness with a ludicrous proposal of a new category consisting of the particular thing that they have done and plumping up the category name with a silly misuse of the word "continuously."
The (unlinkable) OED defines "continuous" to mean "Characterized by continuity; extending in space without interruption of substance; having no interstices or breaks; having its parts in immediate connection; connected, unbroken."
ADDED: Here's my video from March 14, 2011, showing the singers, with shots of the songbook and real-time critique by me.
As I said at the time, this was "edited to heighten the absurdity of appropriating the civil rights song 'We Shall Overcome' (about not being free) and that 'Stickin' to the Union' song (about facing union-busting violence). ... The protests have been on behalf of well-paid people with excellent jobs — better jobs than the average Wisconsinite's.... I know they have their complaints, but they are not even the bottom sector of the Wisconsin economy."
At least they got something out of all that.
All bets are off when there's a world record for brick carrying.
Longest documented case of shared PMS.
"singing and protesting the right-wing takeover of Wisconsin"
They're celebrating their hate of democracy.
It's not continuous singing, it's weekly, like they do in church. There's a difference.
It's all a show for the Madison Elites anyway. So what.
At least garage has something to show for all that wasted effort.
Being the longest running protest group implies they're not very successful. A successful protest group achieves its goals and disbands.
See what happens when you start redefining words?
Words come to mean whatever one wishes them to mean.
And you're a bigot and fascist for suggesting otherwise.
This group is hungry for publicity, seeking publicity for applying to Guinness with a ludicrous proposal of a new category consisting of the particular thing that they have done and plumping up the category name with a silly misuse of the word "continuously."
Time for some "emergency rules" to disband these dangerous people.
Another reason to cut entitlements, and food stamps....
A 'world record' for attention whoring?
Yeah the Guinness people will certainly go for that.
My church has met and sang every week since 1905. Does that count?
Capitol Police also recently issued misdemeanor criminal charges against a protester for having “hazard materials” — paper signs held over the balustrade above the rotunda.
Hah. The pen is mightier than the sword, it seems. Thugs like Walker and his palace guards hate free speech. Not sure it would bother him, he is rarely in the state anyway.
They need a drum! How does one protest without a damn drum?
How many church choirs could outdo this group based on longevity?
The Vienna Boys Choir alone dates back to 1498. That's a few years before Europeans even discovered Wisconsin.
That's on par with the oldest-established, permanent-floating, crap game in New York of which Nathan Detroit holds the record?
These folks obviously have been inspired by all the appearances of Peter, Paul and Mary on PBS fund raising shows. Where are the freaking tote bags?
Awww, Bitchtits little singalong buddies are attention whoring.
Is there a category in Guiness for stupidest poster from Wisconsin who also has a failed marriage and didn't go to college?
I know who I would nominate.
That would depend on their motivation to protest. The path followed by the most "successful" protests is from reactive movement to organized movement to incorporation. The short-lived movements do not reach the final and most profitable stage.
Oh, my ... I guess The Solidarity Singers could not get the Kickstarter funding scam going like ole Thistle Petersen did. So sad.
There are some images all the attention-whore singing just can't overcome.....
Is there a category in Guiness for stupidest poster from Wisconsin who also has a failed marriage and didn't go to college?
No, but there is a category for the worst spelling fake lawyer that posts here. And you are a shoe-in!
Don't you have that little red squiggly line that highlights misspelled words for you?
Which one is comrade Bob?
jacksonjay said...
They need a drum! How does one protest without a damn drum?
OOOooooo! And giant paper mache heads!
DADvocate said...
Being the longest running protest group implies they're not very successful. A successful protest group achieves its goals and disbands.
They are the Crash Davis (Bull Durham) of protest groups. Minor league career home run leader.
I understand if you want to keep all your benefits and perks at the expense of people who earn half what you do, and who have no hope of a pension like you will get because much of the wealth they produce is taken by force to give you those niceties, but don't sing about it in public. Have some decency to not rub it in the faces of people who could never take off work for such frivolity.
Take your stolen stuff and go eat it behind the dumpster like a good parasite.
the thing is, you could cut these "slaves" pay in half and not a one of them would quit because the private sector ridiculously demands results.
Self Esteem: What a waste of, one (1) each.
the thing is, you could cut these "slaves" pay in half and not a one of them would quit because the private sector ridiculously demands results.
Union workers are, you know, out working. And you're......commenting.
Awwww, hurt your feelings Bitchtits?
Very animated today fatty, is it the mocking of your puppetry loser union fellators or something deeper?
Too much of your welfare check going to pay for your child support this month? Please, just don't go all "Speedbump" Tsarnaev on the society that keeps you so fat and slothful.
You're not working Garage. You're...um, commenting.
This is way too easy.
Oh, the good old days. Say, is Segway Jeremy still on his deathbed?
Does Guinness have a category for that?
They are hoping to score the coveted "Look at MEEEEE!" award.
Thugs like Walker and his palace guards hate free speech.
Says the supporter of a political movement that views silencing of all dissenting views as a positive.
Union workers are, you know, out working. And you're......commenting.
Yet the net gain for both is identical. Odd.
You're not working Garage. You're...um, commenting.
Right. I'm not in a union.
Bitchtits votes for a living, doesn't work for one.
Which is probably why his wife left him.
Bitchtits votes for a living, doesn't work for one.
Which is probably why his wife left him.
You can't put a sentence together. Which is probably why you aren't a lawyer.
This group is hungry for publicity, seeking publicity for applying to Guinness...
Guinness will have a stronger effect if you are hungry.
(See, I listened to the Sedaris interview this morning, and this is the payoff)
Solidarity Singers seek recognition as "Longest continuously running singing political protest."
What If they never run out of oil?
Whatever you say Tubby.
Lectures on grammer from someone who barely made it through high school are so hard hitting on me, they truly cut me deeply.
Unlike you, I actually work for a living, and taking the time to write long prose and edit is not on my list of priorities.
But grammatical nitpicks is all you have, deadbeat, as your precious little union movement is rapidly dying.
Good riddance, and may you follow in their suit swiftly.
Continue gorging yourself on that government cheese, fatboy. If a coronary doesn't get you quickly, the inevitable march of diabetes will sooner or later.
Right. I'm not in a union.
Would none have you?
Can you do anything saleable...or at least minimally worthwhile?
Can you do anything saleable...or at least minimally worthwhile??
I'm on 100% commission. I sell nothing I get paid nothing. How bout you asswipe?
I'm sure with his charming personality, and athletic physique, Bitchtits is quite the salesman.
Bullshit. I have never been more convinced that he is living off the state. I'm guessing some kind of disability scam.
The claim that noted people person Bitchtits Mahal claims to have a high income generated completely from commission may be the funniest thing I have heard all day.
You have to hand it to the leftists, they have very vivid imaginations.
The claim that noted people person Bitchtits Mahal claims to have a high income generated completely from commission may be the funniest thing I have heard all day
There are people on this blog that know me offline that know that to be true. Not that I give a flying fuck what you personally think, of course.
PMJ, what is the issue between you and garage? There's a lot of what garage says that I don't agree with and to be forthright there's a lot of what he says that is inaccurate and I believe he he well knows it. But he is a long way back in the pack as far as liberal/progressive trolls go.
Quite honestly, it is you that appears to be trolling under these circumstances. Now not saying it should matter to you but there are frequent and occasional posters here whose posts I try not to allow to even catch my eye much less read. You offer some good observations now and again but you are getting to the point where you aren't worth reading.
I disagree with most of Garage's comments, but he has one of the most innovative online names, its great. I don't think anything is gained by vilifying people. Attack their ideas, not their persons.
garage, That puppy is all grown up!! Looks good, but maybe a bit overweight? The photo is inconclusive.
Nah, he's not overweight. He's only 85lbs
garage mahal said...
Nah, he's not overweight. He's only 85lbs
Is he going to be a working dog?
I wrote you an email some time back asking your professional opinion, as someone who seems familiar with the law, what you felt about people being arrested and ticketed for exercising first amendment rights. None of the 140 SSA tickets have yet to stand up in court, and the new emergency rules appear to violate the constitution. You have never responded. And yet, for someone who supposedly knows the law, I am at a loss as to why you would look down about citizens of the US exercising their first amendment rights at a time in the state's history when the Governor and the far right wing have taken over our government. I have watched up close and personal what the Tea Party republicans, led by Walker, who is connected to Koch and ALEC, have done, not just to this state, but to the open government we valued so much here for a very long time. That the right side of the aisle seems to condone these illegal and immoral actions, in the name of your, what...cause(?) means the rest of us who still believe that the legislature and the governor must follow the law and are not, have to stand up and resist this hostile takeover. There is enough evidence to show the illegalities, the fraud and deception going on under Walker. The SSA may not be, in your humble opinion, the longest continuous singing protest in history, but certainly you would not wish to deny the constitution. Or would you? A very sad day indeed when priviledged citizens make fun of people only doing what they constitution encourages and allows. Makes one think you and your followers are part of this terrible far right wing agenda that has sweep the world and destroying us. I know up north we have to battle back all the lies about a mine going into our watershed, all the while the WI GOP keep lying and lying and lying. Regardless of if you believe in the issues, it's a sad day when you tell us we can't petition our government our grievances, of which there are more than many right now.
Barbara With meet Garage Mahal. Garage say hello to Barbara. I'll leave you two alone now. I'm sure you'll have plenty to talk about.
Althouse mentioned ...
I'll bet there's a singing group somewhere that has met regularly for half a century.
More like a century and a half plus...[166 years] for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir founded in 1847.
Barbara With said ...
355 words [+/-] of pure hyperbole. BTW: Singing as a group for a few years hardly sets any records, let alone continuity...you aren't even in Thistle Pettersen's [Thistle & Thorns] league, and even she managed to scam up crowd funding with Kickstarter. An exception would be if you are actually Thistle yourself I suppose.
Let me cite a previous commenter's [bagoh2o] words to reflect my opinion of yours:
I understand if you want to keep all your benefits and perks at the expense of people who earn half what you do, and who have no hope of a pension like you will get because much of the wealth they produce is taken by force to give you those niceties, but don't sing about it in public. Have some decency to not rub it in the faces of people who could never take off work for such frivolity ... Take your stolen stuff and go eat it behind the dumpster like a good parasite.
Well said Barbara With but your words are wasted on the majority of the people here. They just want to put people down and hurl hateful words, they're not worth your time. As for this so called Law Professor Althouse in my opinion she is a disgrace to her profession. Disagreeing on the issues is one matter but I can't understand why an officer of the court would not support the exercise of constitutional rights.
@President-Mom-Jeans Why so nasty? You have really gone out of your way to be very personal and vicious. I really don't understand why the singers bother you so much.
Hyperbole is exaggeration. My comments were no such thing. There is plenty of corporate press who reported on Walker from the start lying to us. Ah where shall we begin? With the 2011 budget and how he gave us one week before we were TOLD they would pass it, because they had the majority? One week? You call this democracy? Remember the fake Koch call? How about the actual record of those in the GOP who are part of ALEC? How about allowing a mining company to write the bill? How about being told over and over again that this mining bill would keep our water safe, except, er until it went through the Senate and Tiffany admitted it was written to allow pollution and protect the mining company and legislators who supported it from law suits? Can we say secret redistricting, bullying tactics, dismantling education, taking away local control, loss of jobs. Sorry, these are real things that are happening, as is the 140 tickets for the singalong that will not stick. These things many people find worthy of petitioning grievances about, it is our right. But you insist on defending the dismantling of democracy because you disagree. That makes you in support of what is essentially fascism, the corporate takeover of the government.
The only exaggeration here is yours.
Barbara With gave us another 231 or so words of pure hyperbole. Just for fun, let's tackle on issue. I won't bother to do your real research for you, but if you can, defend the previous Wisconsin teachers' health care system versus the present one under Walker? How the original cost was supported and the teachers portion, if more than nominal, is justified.
Keep in m ind that I was military and a "Fed" and I am very familiar with civilian public unions as they should be constituted...and that means NO bargaining for wages & benefits. What on earth gives you the justification for over-riding the determination of FDR? Or was FDR a fascist?
You amuse me with your citation of the time allowed for review of the changes in Wisconsin...does that count the time wasted by the representatives who fled jurisdiction to Illinois to avoid a vote?
Funny how you never address the truths I speak, you just make false accusations and then divert to non issues. Whether or not you agree with unions, which I never even mentioned, as long as you think that your views are worth usurping democracy, you are fascist: meaning you are supporting the dismantling of the government in favor of a corporate rule. The Dems who went to Illinois did so to give the rest of us time to read the budget, thank god. Now, two years later, with Wisconsin job numbers in the toilet, a 22 mile open pit iron ore mine trying to take over the Penokees (more and more and more lies on this one, and yes we have the documentation of the lies we were told about that mine and again, you have nothing to say about the mining company being allowed to write the bill??), all the water in the state at risk, sand frac mines destroying the state, public schools purposely being choked in favor of non regulated vouchers for charter schools that won't give any better education but certainly will allow for tight control of right wing curriculum, the Dems were right to try and warn us. So you are saying because you have the majority you can do anything you like? really? As I said, stating the facts, the 2011 budget was introduced and the Dems were TOLD it would PASS in one week, because the Tea Party could. Right. The rest of it is history. Read even the corporate press, I speak the truth. But again, all you can do to respond is say I am exaggerating and then divert from what I am saying. I have been in that gallery for hours and hours, watching as the fascists ignore law, rule, order and truth. This is not how Wisconsin was before the Tea Party took over. THIS is why we petition the government our grievances. That you can't see that only makes you either uneducated, stupid, naive or fascist. You don't have to agree, but this very conversation is typical of those who believe stealing our open government is ok. This is why we sing. And addressing the comment about protest groups achieving our goals and disbanding, absolutely. As soon as we can dismantle this hostile takeover of Wisconsin in favor of the Koch machine, we will disband. Until then, we will be there until Wisconsin get better.
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