April 9, 2013


Drudge mocks and embeds...

UPDATE: I've changed the link to the Drudge archive site so you can see how the page looked at the time.


Thorley Winston said...

So that's what austerity looks like.

edutcher said...

Doing without is for the rubes.

Anonymous said...

All I see is that a Chinese Colonel says the US is using the new strain of bird flu against them as biological warfare.

pm317 said...

I was just watching it..coming here to comment. Yep, let them eat cake moment for Obama. But I feel good about those artists though. Queen Latifa was great.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm impressed by how smoothly this is streaming.

test said...

Maybe Obama invited those kids from Iowa who missed their White House tour.

Sharc said...

Honestly, they look bored stiff. Especially the kids, Simba and Mufasa. Just another string of superstar performances way too close up, having to watch dad fake interest with that bored smile again. I'm sure it gets harder and harder to recapture the same thrill from taxpayer money, as the White House performances continue from year to year.

T J Sawyer said...

If I'd known Obama was just running for National MC, I might have voted for him.

Synova said...

I'd say that... it's not like they can really go out to hear a band like normal people do... but I don't think that normal people can often afford to go out and hear a band.

Anonymous said...

"Simba and Mufasa". What is wrong with some people?

ricpic said...

On our dime! HOTCHA!!

MPH said...

Drudge cracked me up with that headline. Came straight to Althouse after seeing it, knowing you'd make note, too.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

"Simba and Mufasa". What is wrong with some people?

Spare me.

MPH said...

I am also impressed with the quality of the stream.

Anonymous said...

Edbutcher, what you prefer your own special nickname for the girls, right? The one Althouse asked you not to use.

Thorley Winston said...

I am also impressed with the quality of the stream.

As they continue to piss our money away.

Drago said...

Thorley is en fuego right about now.

So naturally, I must destroy him....

chickelit said...

As they continue to piss our money away.

Hey, at least they pissed a stream our way.

ricpic said...

Drudge mocks...

Even when Barry spits in your face you MUST deflect.

sakredkow said...
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chickelit said...

Guys like this just get tied to the right. Voilà. Instant Democrats from single young women 18-30.

Surely youths attacking horses in Chicago streets--instant repulsion and revulsion of girls 13-17 who become young women.

Hey, phux, let's argue about what turns women into Dems!

Cody Jarrett said...

"Simba and Mufasa". What is wrong with some people?

But no outrage over the waste of taxpayer resources, right? :)

chickelit said...
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hombre said...

"Guys like this just get tied to the right. Voilà. Instant Democrats from single young women 18-30."

I've begun to believe this is the kind of thing that forms the basis for Democrat women to decide the fate of our country. This and free b.c., of course.

chickelit said...

Sasha and Malia are perfectly fine girls' names. We've all seen the real damage that occurs when a girl gets named something like "Stanley": irreversible self-loathing.

garage mahal said...

Hey, phux, let's argue about what turns women into Dems!

The insults? Just throwing that out there!

Cody Jarrett said...

The insults? Just throwing that out there!

Because no democrat ever insulted a republican/conservative female, right?


You twatwaffle.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Sequester Soul Show"

The celebrity left really don't care about the common people.

ed said...

@ Inga

"All I see is that a Chinese Colonel says the US is using the new strain of bird flu against them as biological warfare. "

And if you take your fingers from in your ears and stop shouting "la la la la" you might be able to actually hear.

test said...

phx said...
Guys like this just get tied to the right. Voilà. Instant Democrats from single young women 18-30.

phx is always available when those running the country into the ground need attention focused elsewhere. Sure, the entire country suffers but that's not important.

chickelit said...

Because no democrat ever insulted a republican/conservative female, right?

Girls/women who fling insults but can't bear to receive them don't deserve respect.

pm317 said...

I'm impressed by how smoothly this is streaming.

Haha. Video on Demand (VoD) was my dissertation topic -- mid 90s and early in the last decade too. In those days we were talking about specialized networks -- content delivery networks, IntServ, DiffServ and companies like Akamai but I also went around saying the Internet will be our solution and it turned out to be. Bigger and bigger pipes everywhere and why wouldn't it be smooth.

Ann Althouse said...

Malia and Sasha looked like they were just putting up with being made to sit still and behave. Stuck in the front row. On camera. How can you enjoy it?

Meanwhile, Obama and Michelle were bopping their heads constantly. Phony? Or did they actually love every little moment?

It's terrible to be in the front row, right where the artists can see you if you aren't totally into it.

I sat in front of some folksinger one time in that situation. Forget who it was. Somebody who'd been around a while and was respected. I thought he was ridiculous and found it hard not to laugh, because it would have been soooo inappropriate.

He was soaking up the love from the audience, but I didn't love him, and his self-adulation was bullshit in my book. Agh. The pain. I can't remember who I was there to see. This was at The Bottom Line, back in the 80s.

ed said...

Well at least those grimy kids from flyover country can't be tramping all over Obama's clean carpets.

ed said...

So who wants to play "Guess how much this shit cost the taxpayer"?

Not that there aren't hundreds of great relatively obscure bands that wouldn't love to play the White House for tips and publicity. But as long as the hoity-left gets their mutual masturbation time that is all that matters. Right?

edutcher said...

Inga said...

Edbutcher, what you prefer your own special nickname for the girls, right? The one Althouse asked you not to use.

Not mine, Carnifex'.

And I haven't used them, but the She Devil of the SS' faux compassion gets a tad thick.

Anonymous said...

Edbutcher. Here at 10:03 AM

Lipperman said...

Did Obama charge a speaking fee?

chickelit said...

Poopstock II

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

How does this performance reduce the power and scope of Government?

sakredkow said...
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Hagar said...

Wonder what Sinatra would have thought of that.

sakredkow said...
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Patrick said...

I'm certainly glad that the political class is not made to suffer during these times.

JAL said...

As I commented way back when they closed the WH tours -- I asked my relative who is Secret Service and was uniformed at the White house for a couple years about the "cost" of the tours. (He thought the numbers were inflated.)

The Secret Service is salaried, and the "over time" they get is for special events in the evenings ... ta daaa...

So Obama can throw a party like this, have Secret Service on overtime, and keep Air Force planes grounded and the WH tours closed (while the Secret Service preps and flies to the Bahamas and Colorado ski country.)

Where's that King Louis photoshop?

test said...

phx said...
My priorities are certainly not your priorities.

My priority is the well being of America, so we agree there.

sakredkow said...
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Palladian said...

Guys like this just get tied to the right. Voilà. Instant Democrats from single young women 18-30.

... because single young women are so totally capricious and unable to base their votes on a logical assessment of the candidates, that a few stupid comments from a putative right-winger will cause them to shift political allegiances, like a delicate flower petal fluttering in a strong breeze.

Is that what you and your party think of women?

sakredkow said...
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Big Mike said...

My priorities are certainly not your priorities.

No, my priorities are the young people buried under mounds of college debt who cannot find work because Obamacare regulations make them too expensive to hire.

My priorities are for the poor coal miners in Appalachia, now that Barack Obama has made good his vicious "war on coal."

My priorities are for the laid off people in their 50's and older who cannot find work and are forced to go on Social Security Disability.

Your priorities are that Barack Obama have a wonderful time partying in the White House and playing golf.

Palladian said...

I grow quite weary of the celebrity White House.

Remember back when we had people like these performing in the White House? That was great! The shoulder-drooping uncoolness of that sort of class of celebrity was an essential check on the power of the executive branch. Having a totally square Presidency keeps the President from becoming too likable and too comfortable in office. Even the power-mad, celebrity-inclined Clintons were kept in check by their dorkiness.

The Obamas are as dorky as the Clintons and the Nixons, but somehow the kids can't yet see that.

edutcher said...

Inga said...

Edbutcher. Here at 10:03 AM

Shove it up your pet wussy.

And the remark was about garage's new-found rancor at Choom. But, like all good little Lefties, some phony folksy wanted to direct the conversation away from the fact that Choom's approval is down right where it was before the Miracle of Sandy.

Too bad I wanted him to back up his own loud mouth and he couldn't.

And the names are still Carnifex' invention. I just thought they were funny.

sakredkow said...
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edutcher said...

Oh, and by the way, I thought you were going to stop screwing up my name if I didn't make fun of the O girls (I can say that, right?).

So you're a liar as well as a hypocrite.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Drudge is priceless.

chickelit said...

Wow. phux is posting up a storm and then deleting. Good thing I'm following the comments by email so I can see what's really on her mind.

sakredkow said...
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sakredkow said...
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James said...

I noticed the increase in Drudge's mocking of Obama since last week when Dan Pfeiffer said that the Drudge Report "hurts" the White House message.

Now that Drudge knows he's in their heads he's really going after them.

David said...

Probably a bad idea for nearly anyone to televise their parties.

Palladian said...

I grow even wearier of these back-and-forth schoolyard insult sessions between the same few commenters. Seriously people, isn't there some stupider blog out there, where you can go crap up the comments section with your tiresome nonsense and leave us in peace??

Or can't you just save it up and post one really good insult per day?

sakredkow said...
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Palladian said...

Yeah. You never join in that stuff.

The difference is that when I do it, it's good.

DADvocate said...

I can't believe anyone dares to mock our fine president. He probably hasn't even gotten to play a round of golf yet this week.


sakredkow said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Justin would have been booed off the stage at the Apollo. He wouldn't have been allowed to finish that. No sir.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
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Patrick said...

Or can't you just save it up and post one really good insult per day?

With some, they'd have to be satisfied with an average insult.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The "sitting" takes me back to Clint's GOP empty chair bit... and one of his famous lines which went like this...

A Man's Got to Know his Limitations

Somebody, please tell Justin.

edutcher said...

phx said...

edutcher why don't you just run away with Inga or ask her to come and live with you and the Blonde?

And why don't you go back to Kos and tell them how much fun the Lefty circle jerk is here?

Palladian said...

I grow even wearier of these back-and-forth schoolyard insult sessions between the same few commenters.

Considering you are forever sneering at people with a lot of self-serving faux Libertarian rap, you are not the one to judge.

Big Mike said...

I can't believe anyone dares to mock our fine president. He probably hasn't even gotten to play a round of golf yet this week.

Actually, yes he did. He played a round right after learning that 6 American embassy staffers, including one young woman, were murdered in Afghanistan.

But Obama cares about young women, donjya know? Just ask phx.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lets make it a little harder for Justin to get off track like that.

Tom said...

Look, I don't care if he parties every night for the rest of his term. As long has he's not getting his agenda, it's still cheaper. Isn't it sad that's the best case scenario?

m stone said...

I'm still chuckling over "Simba and Mufasa." Thanks, sharc.

Even the libs must enjoy a private smile.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
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bagoh20 said...

As a Democrat and a woman, I'd be more shy about acknowledging my group identity's part in the current clusterfuck of a Presidency, so it does make more sense to blame it on a visceral reaction by millions of women to Edutcher's comments on Althouse. Otherwise I'd be admitting that the majority of my entire sex is dumber than a fifth grader singing "Obama's Gonna Change the World."

Chip Ahoy said...

I didn't realize you are Democrat and a woman, this changes things a bit.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Justin was like screeching, making this noise... It was weird. It sounded like a little alien.

Revenant said...

Guys like this just get tied to the right. Voilà. Instant Democrats from single young women 18-30.

The irony being that your prediction would only come true if women really *were* feather-headed simpletons ruled by their emotions, the way the old-time opponents of women's sufferage claimed.

Letting an anonymous insult from an internet troll determine your political allegiance isn't something a rational human being would do. :)

cubanbob said...

Yeah. You never join in that stuff.

The difference is that when I do it, it's good.

Zing! That's beautiful. Please, don't ever stop commenting.

Drudge is something else. A guy holed up in a South Beach condo driving The Most Powerful Man In The World apeshit. Who would of thunk it ?

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

As a Democrat and a woman, I'd be more shy about acknowledging my group identity's part in the current clusterfuck of a Presidency, so it does make more sense to blame it on a visceral reaction by millions of women to Edutcher's comments on Althouse.

The irony is, all I did was point out that she didn't do what she said she'd do.

I never dreamed I'd be such a standard bearer.

And congrats on your coming out, bag.

If that's what it is.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Phx is a woman?

Does that make her the best looking democrat on this blog?

Just wondering.

sakredkow said...
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sakredkow said...
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sakredkow said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'd be more shy about acknowledging my group identity's part in the current clusterfuck of a Presidency

I find your use of the word current... interesting.

Althouse said she was impressed by how smoothly Obama was streaming.

sakredkow said...
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sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

You guys are too dumb to trust with North Korea.

I guess that puts us in the same boat with Barack Obama and John Kerry.

Sharc said...

Wow. Step out for just a second and you return to find out you're a closet internet troll and an accidental racist.

I can never remember their names, both because the Obamas chose to make them faux-exotic but vaguely "African" and because the press rarely metions them.

I don't recall commenting on anyone's race, but hey, Inga (if that is your real name and not just a vaguely German faux-exotic you chose) thanks for zeroing in like that. Silly lion names (the ones I used for these poor kids, not the ones Obamas actually gave them) are a proxy for racism. You got me.

Big Mike said...

You guys are too dumb to trust with North Korea.

Maybe ol' Lonesome Joe Biden can go over there with his shotgun.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Wasn't it sexist of me to think phx was a guy... for months and month?

Just wondering.

edutcher said...

One week you make BQOTD, the next everybody says they hate you because you say what everybody is thinking anyway.

Only in America.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good thing I'm following the comments by email so I can see what's really on her mind.

Yours is an invaluable contribution... I really mean that.

bagoh20 said...

"I didn't realize you are Democrat and a woman, this changes things a bit."

I have been one of those two things since I was old enough to decide which I wanted to be. If I get it changed now, I'll have to learn how to read entirely new junk mail, and I think there is also something different about how you masturbate, but I won't know until I get the new junk mail.

Sydney said...

I sat in front of some folksinger one time in that situation. Forget who it was. Somebody who'd been around a while and was respected. I thought he was ridiculous and found it hard not to laugh, because it would have been soooo inappropriate.

He was soaking up the love from the audience, but I didn't love him, and his self-adulation was bullshit in my book. Agh. The pain. I can't remember who I was there to see.

Pete Seeger?

Anonymous said...

"... and I think there is also something different about how you masturbate, but I won't know until I get the new junk mail.

4/9/13, 10:25 PM

Ew, TMI.

bagoh20 said...

Did I say "masturbate"? I'm sorry, I meant "vote", but for us Democrat women ya know, it's really the same thing.

Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

I guess that puts us in the same boat with Barack Obama and John Kerry.

That must be a not-too-swift boat.

Basta! said...

Nothing African about Sasha. It originated as a nickname Russians use for Alexander or (less often) Alexandra. But it never occurs there as a full legal name, for example on birth certificates, just as, say, Kev or Vic wouldn't here.

I know an awful lot of dogs named Sasha --- but for some reason only members of the big goofy breeds.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That must be a not-too-swift boat.

A blast from the past.

B said...

bagoh20 said...Did I say "masturbate"? I'm sorry, I meant "vote", but for us Democrat women ya know, it's really the same thing.

Thread winner running away.

Mark said...

bagoh20 at 10:25 --

Best blog comment EVER!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well I set him up.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I grow quite weary of the celebrity White House.

Incisively astute @ 8:55

Mark said...

Inga, the secret sin of Democrats is they are conservative, in the classical sense that they're prudish and judgmental.

The not-so-secret sin of Conservatives is that we're mostly not.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Mark, I'm certainly not a prude.

bagoh20 said...

"Oh my dear Mark, I'm certainly not a prude."

Yes, yes, continue.....

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You should know Baggy;)

Anonymous said...

Phx, what's with the disappearing comments, you're getting as bad as me.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

If you say so Inga. But for the record, TMI is a shortcut for prudes, especially when it comes to mild stuff like bago's post.

I guess not being a prude for you means you don't actively disapprove of whatever exploit a Democrat has been caught performing.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He was soaking up the love from the audience, but I didn't love him, and his self-adulation was bullshit in my book. Agh. The pain.

Next time, this is what you do...
Ok, maybe that's a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Mark, get a sense of humor. Bagoh knows I was teasing him.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Inga, I'm not buying it. You are what you are.

virgil xenophon said...

I miss coketown. Where is he when you need him? He'd have a field-day with all this..

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OK Mark, I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam.

Mark said...

Pretty much. I've not actually seen anything like critical thought from you.

Really, a sense of humor isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I think of your comment history. Maybe I don't live here enough.

I Callahan said...

My sides are hurting. This is the best. thread. ever...

virgil xenophon said...

Did anybody notice that on the very same Drudge let-em-eat-cake "Soul Sequester page he lists a link to the fact the USAF is grounding SEVENTEEN! (17) active duty fighter squadrons due to sequestration at the very time tensions are mounting in Korea--to include THE VERY Squadron of F-22s from which Obama ordered two to Korea recently as a "show of force?"

Unbelievable!!!--or would be in a sane world..

Chip Ahoy said...

This is so weird because last night I was listening to Otis Redding sing that song, I don't recall what started it now, but it is not a song that I ever practiced so I was imagining what it looked like, to say that, "the tide roll away."

The word for tide is one of those beautifully multiple movement act-it-out words. Not all dictionaries have the word.

This guy speaks the way I see things all the time.

And this guy is textbook explicit.

The movement that expresses "roll" is two index fingers pointing to each other rolling together. The word "tide" does not contain a rolling motion, but it could! It's possible to adapt the word and stick "roll" right in the middle of "tide" which is already a multiple-movement thing. And that REALLY shows the tide rolling out. Soulfully the way Otis Redding sings it, not the way Tumbleweed or whateverhisnameis imitates Otis Redding singing it.

virgil xenophon said...

I know it's a Midnight Ramble here, but to my mind this grounding of our current combat capability at a time of international tensions shows Obama to be TOTALLY recreant in his duties as CinC. Indeed I would go so far to say these actions constitute an impeachable offense as his PRIMARY duty to this nation is to protect it. At a time when we are drastically reducing our combat capabilities while are enemies are arming to the teeth and he spends tax-payer dollars on parties at the WH that could be going towards flying hours for the Air Force? And don't tell me his hands are tied. There is LOTS of money in the DOD budget for long-term capital expenditures that could be moved around, deferred, etc., to keep current combat capabilities operational. This action is nothing less than sheer spite, nothing more.

Sickening in the extreme..but typical of a tyrant bent on cowing the armed services..

bagoh20 said...

I saw the war on women first hand, and I immediately surrendered to Mitt. It was missionary madness after that. Sure I get thong wedgies every now and then from my sisters down at the co-op, but it was worth it.

Chip Ahoy said...

The comments at the original link I saw were fierce. "Yeah, watching cash by the trillions roll away." And, "Watching our futures, roll away." And, "Watching our country roll away."

bagoh20 said...

Well it could be worse. I mean this guy could be in charge of the most important economy in the world, and command the the military protecting it at a crucial time...

Oh shit! What have we done?

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Dammit!

Anonymous said...

Shut up bitch, you want I should give you a wedgie?

Mark said...

The modern prude
Will do anything in bed
But hang you by the neck
For perversions in your head

bagoh20 said...

ooh Inga! Das good, Fräulein.

Popville said...

President Obama and the first family enjoy singer and actor Justin Timberlake performing Otis Redding's classic "Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay" during the White House's celebration of Memphis Soul.

What in hell does Justin Timberlake have to do with Memphis Soul? Ugh. Rufus & Carla Thomas, Willie Mitchell, the awesome & integrated (buzzword alert!) Booker T. & the MGs, Isaac Hayes, and especially Johnnie Taylor were Memphis Soul. Jeez. One might include the Rev. Al Green, but he was late to the party. You might as well include Big Star, the most infamous obscure band since the Velvet Underground.

Semper Fidelis on the 35th parallel. And god bless the Memphis Jug Band!

Cody Jarrett said...

Palladian said...

Guys like this just get tied to the right. Voilà. Instant Democrats from single young women 18-30.

... because single young women are so totally capricious and unable to base their votes on a logical assessment of the candidates, that a few stupid comments from a putative right-winger will cause them to shift political allegiances, like a delicate flower petal fluttering in a strong breeze.

Is that what you and your party think of women?

Brilliant as usual.

kentuckyliz said...

Last night I had a delightful evening...a meeting of our AAUW group, at the home of my radiation oncologist (his wife is in the group). A lovely dinner, which I half expected to be Indian food (our host was from India), and some new people with us, and lots of great conversation.

I arranged the guest speaker for the program part of our meeting. I had an assigned topic and ignored it and brought in someone whom I knew would be dynamic and engaging. She is a psych professor at my campus--a terrific teacher. She talked about the latest research in psychology about brain differences in men and women, and the evolutionary purposes of those differences (raising children), and her observations and conversations as a teacher of young adult college women. Fascinating conversation, not PC at all, very balanced, and reinforced the point that the spectrum of variations within each gender is greater than gender differences between the genders.

I wish we had a film crew there to record this roundtable discussion. It was the most interesting and engaging live conversation I've had in a long time.

(For interesting, engaging non-live/virtual conversation, I come here. I love this scrappy crowd.)

TJIC said...

The new updated link is broken.

El Gringo said...

Here's a screenshot of the page:


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