April 9, 2013

Secret recording of Mitch McConnell strategy session about how to go after Ashley Judd.

David Corn at Mother Jones has lots of audio clips and transcript, but he doesn't tell us who made the tape and gave it to him. Surveillance on a political campaign? If that's not bad, should we revise our opinion about the Watergate burglary?

Corn would like us to think he's got material that's quite nefarious, because "McConnell and his aides considered assaulting Judd for her past struggles with depression and for her religious views." But doesn't every campaign brainstorm about everything that could possibly be used? One campaign aide said:
She's clearly, this sounds extreme, but she is emotionally unbalanced. I mean it's been documented. Jesse can go in chapter and verse from her autobiography about, you know, she's suffered some suicidal tendencies. She was hospitalized for 42 days when she had a mental breakdown in the '90s.
And there's a quote of Judd's about how bright and flashy things are in America, such that when she returns home from overseas things, like "pink fuzzy socks on a rack" can make her "absolutely flip[] out" and she "can never anticipate what is going to push [her] over the edge." We're supposed to be offended that McConnell's people even considered using material like that? Hey, she kind of used "pink fuzzy socks" against America. Surely, the pink fuzzy socks can be used against her. No! Not the fuzzy socks!!!!

How about using religion? Well, it depends on what kind of material you have!
She says Christianity gives a God like a man, presented and discussed exclusively with male imagery, which legitimizes and seals male power, the intention to dominate even if that intention is nowhere visible.
Is there something bad about a campaign thinking of using and how it would use material like that? Obviously, there's some overall theme that Judd is flaky and not in synch with mainstream Kentucky. 

CNN reports:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's re-election campaign is "working with the FBI" on how Mother Jones, a liberal magazine, obtained a recording of political aides meeting with McConnell and discussing opposition research on Ashley Judd, McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton told CNN Tuesday....

"Obviously a recording device of some kind was placed in Senator McConnell's campaign office without consent. By whom and how that was accomplished will presumably be the subject of a criminal investigation," Benton said in a statement.
Either this kind of bugging is acceptable or it's not. I'm surprised Corn went forward with it when the material isn't even shocking. It's actually quite bland... in comparison to what I assume is batted around within all the various campaigns as they decide how to attack opponents. Can we get transcripts of all that crap? I'd love to blog it.

Suddenly, I realize why Corn may believe this material is worth printing: These are attacks on a sweet and pretty lady. Corn's decision to publish is — ironically — evidence of sexism.

ADDED: There's an update at the first link that says the tape came from "a source who wishes to remain anonymous" and:
We published the article on the tape due to its obvious newsworthiness. We were not involved in the making of the tape, but it is our understanding that the tape was not the product of any kind of bugging operation. We cannot comment beyond that, except to say that under the circumstances, our publication of the article is both legal and protected by the First Amendment.
Here's my question to Mother Jones: Do you want to encourage the activity that produced the tape? Do you endorse this activity as applied to all the politicians you love? You are profiting from this activity. Whether you are protected from legal action or not, your actions imply that you believe what you are doing is ethical and good journalism. That applies across the board, whether the intruded-upon politicians are ones you loathe or ones you love. Step up and endorse that, explicitly and clearly. I challenge you!


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President-Mom-Jeans said...


Exactly. Bitchtits is the one who brings up O'Keefe after confusing Acorn with Landrieu.

Bitchtits then argues against this strawman he created, starts talking about Pulitzer's (which nobody on this site was argueing for O'Keefe."

None of which has fuckall to do with the original post, which is McConnell potentially having his office bugged.

This is why Bitchtits should never be engaged with, just mocked for his obesity, failed marriage, bigotted remarks, SECRET ROUTERS!, and lack of education.

garage mahal said...

Bitchtits is the one who brings up O'Keefe after confusing Acorn with Landrieu. bigotted

I didn't confuse ACORN with Landrieu.

Your spelling is atrocious by the way, particularly today. I bet that's not a good trait to have when you're writing legal documents?

J/K Brah!

Brian Brown said...

"Matt: "But there is no evidence exactly who tapped McConnell's office. Could have been one of his own staff for all we know at this point.""

One of the most absurd Internet comments, ever.

Matt said...


True state laws could apply as well. It is interesting that David Corn wrote this story thinking it will be about McConnell and instead it becomes about wiretapping and journalistic ethics. I guess he may have bit off more than he can chew. Curious to see where it goes.

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...

Thank you for admitting that I was right and that I won the debate. [Cause I did].

Yes Matt, you "won" the debate where you falsely asserted O'Keefe was arrested for putting a bug in a Democratic Senator's office.

Cincinnatus said...

So Mahal is still chasing SQUIRREL! but can't find anything in the actual discussion of Judd that merits any notice at all.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

garage mahal said...
I wonder if the recorder was wearing a pimp costume. Jay would be beating chest how teh awesome that was then.

4/9/13, 2:49 PM

You fat waste of space, I don't know why I bother wasting time pointing out your idiocy, but I will take the bait one more time.

O'Keefe wasn't wearing a pimp costume for the Landrieu office "wiretapping." Either you are a fucking idiot for attempting an analogy to his Acorn sting, or you are a fucking idiot for confusing this with the Landrieu incident (which also did not involve bugging, but at least had a Senator involved)

Either way your lack of formal education is glaringly obvious.

You obviously got your little talking point from the same place as Machinetard, and couldn't wait to go vomit it up on Althouse's site.

What an excellent job you did intellectually besting the strongman you created there fatboy, good job!

And as to typo's, I happen to see one in the little gem I quoted you above. I'm sorry if I don't take the proper care in proofreading the insults I type to a fat loser in Wisconsin, and they don't rise to your oh so high standards.

It's already the 9th of the month, aren't you late on that alimony, i mean child support, check?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Strawman, not strawman.

Strong obviously isn't a word that would ever be associated with bitchtits mahal, unless it was in regards to his odor.

Matt said...


Thank you for clarifying exactly what kind of criminal O'Keefe is and which law he broke. That certainly is a very important distinction.

Matt Sablan said...

If a liberal stunt reporter (which is what O'Keefe is) had made as successful a sting against the NRA as O'Keefe did against ACORN, that liberal stunt reporter would be an MSNBC host by now.

Matt Sablan said...

Matt: It's not breaking the law when David Greggory breaks the law in pursuit of journalistic truth. The only reason O'Keefe suffered any penalty is because he was on the wrong side of the political coin. Which is one thing the current administration has done a very good job of: Attacking political opponents while giving special privileges to the administration's corporatist news lapdogs.

Anonymous said...

I see the "attorney" is still at it. What attorney has time to troll Althouse like this dope? What attorney speaks this way? None that I know of.

garage mahal said...

O'Keefe wasn't wearing a pimp costume for the Landrieu office "wiretapping."

Guess what, shit for brains: I NEVER SAID HE WAS.

Matt Sablan said...

True Scotsmen are the best Scotsmen.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Inga you fat old twat,

For someone who claims that I am stalking them, you sure seem to be addressing me in threads all the time.

Vast volumes of books could be filled with the things you don't know.

Anonymous said...

Attorney.... Bwhahahahaah!

garage mahal said...

Strawman, not strawman.


President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchtits Mahal says

"Guess what, shit for brains: I NEVER SAID HE WAS."

Then the whole reason you brought up pimp costumes was just your usual Squirrel! tactic.

Thanks for clarifying fatty, thats very helpful.

Has nothing to do with the original thread, but good when you admit you bring things up simply to deflect away from the topic at hand.

Anonymous said...

Attorney PMJ to opposing council, "You fat twat!" " LMAO!

test said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
Inga you fat old twat,

Why don't you figure out you can't out-disgust garage and Inga? This encourages them; you're helping them thread-spike.

Matt said...

Matthew Sablan

I agree with you about MSNBC. But have to disagree with you about the 'political coin'. Are you saying that if O'Keefe had broke into a GOP office then they would drop the charges since he is one of them? Or that the prosecutors were Democrats or that the judge who sentenced him was somehow a Democrat who was trying to even the score? Laws do exist and in this case O'Keefe got caught and charged - granted with a lesser crime than phone tapping.

Also if Michael Moore had done the same would you grant him the same leeway you do O'Keefe?

Anonymous said...

Marshal, because Attorney PMJ doesn't have any reasoning skills.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Leftists hate OKeefe because he attempts to delve into and expose democrat corruption.
How dare you!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'm glad you are so amused Inga, I will keep your entertainment in mind next time you start whining to sick the internet police on me since you are so threatened.

How noble that the poor broken down old charity case comes to the defense of the self-admited fat uneducated marriage-failure. A match made in lefty heaven.

Ladies and gentlemen, your democratic base in Wisconsin!

Fat, deluded, whiny, pasty white, and having nothing to contribute to the topic.

Emil Blatz said...

gadfly said...

Then there is the "innocent intercept" of Newt Gingrich's cell phone call on which he discussed strategy on how to fight the ethics charges against him by Sen. David Bonier. A retired Florida couple, John and Alice Martin (with direct ties to the Democratic Party), had to have very sophisticated equipment to follow a call through numerous cell towers. Back in the mid-1990's that equipment could not be purchased at Radio Shack. Newt's cell calls were being continuously monitored. David Clymer at the NYT wrote it up which in the end, resulted in a $300,000 fine and end of Newt's political career.

What was particularly disturbing about that story was that this couple that "accidentally" intercepted the cell call - appeared at a hasty press conference arranged by their lawyer, and when they were permitted to speak, their simple language betrayed none of the knowledge, or jargon, that one would associate with the scanner/eavesdropper crowd. In fact they seemed rather confused about how they did it. (the press conference was available on CSPAN - I have not searched their archives for it, but it may be retrievable.)

Those two dupes were "cut outs" in that story. No doubt the Democrats had someone following Gingrich and they bagged that recording, and then sed this witless coupled as a front. An it worked. The press ran with the gist they Democrats wanted aired, and never expressed any curiosity about the provenance of that recording.

Anonymous said...

PMJ, you can continue to attempt to debase your opponents by insinuations. But you have only debased yourself with such tactics.

test said...

Inga said...
Marshal, because Attorney PMJ doesn't have any reasoning skills.

The same reason you bait rather than explore then.

Drago said...

garage: "I bet that's not a good trait to have when you're writing legal documents?"


I'm betting that assertions followed up by question marks fall heavy on the ears!

Pretty much what I'd expect from a high school reject such as yourself.

Drago said...

Inga: "Marshal, because Attorney PMJ doesn't have any reasoning skills."


Says the defender of garage!

Drago said...

AprilApple: "Leftists hate OKeefe because he attempts to delve into and expose democrat corruption."

The ACORN stuff was about exposing corruption.

The Landrieu stuff was nothing more than an attempt to show that Landrieu was doing her best Rostenkowski impression by running away from her constituents. Pretty straightforward. Not a corruption expose.

Anonymous said...

I'm not defending Garage, I'm defending human decency. If you have trouble seeing what PMJ and his clones have been doing, perhaps you need to examine yourself.

Drago said...

Note that according to Matt, okeefe is a criminal, but Bill Clinton who lied under oath?

Not so much.

Drago said...

Inga: "I'm not defending Garage, I'm defending human decency."


Drago said...

Inga: "If you have trouble seeing what PMJ and his clones have been doing, perhaps you need to examine yourself."

I have seen what garage and his clones have been doing since "for-e-vah" with nary a sideways glance from you.

Nor will there ever be one from you.

Fen's Law, Inga case study.

garage mahal said...

The ACORN stuff was about exposing corruption.

You're even dumber than I previously thought if you think this is true.

Drago said...

garage: "You're even dumber than I previously thought if you think this is true."

You're not capable of recognizing your own extraordinary level of stupidity, much less someone elses level of intelligence.

But then again, you wouldn't know that either, would you?


Anonymous said...

Drago, you quote Fens Law so often, I've had a sneaking suspicion you are Fen. He left here in shame after saying some weird stuff about gang raping and then burning alive a female reporter during the Trayvon Martin case.

Drago said...

garage seems a little testy tonight.

I'm thinking the cumulative effect of his life choices are hitting him especially hard right now.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago, you quote Fens Law so often, I've had a sneaking suspicion you are Fen."

Your comments as well as those of your pals so often demonstrate the core truth of Fens Law. Do you blame others for gravity as well?

Inga: "He left here in shame after saying some weird stuff about gang raping and then burning alive a female reporter during the Trayvon Martin case."

If Fen had said that 2+2=4 and then said the things you claim he said, would that render his mathematical statement false?

Your attempt to portray yourself "horrified" at the terrible goings on and utterances of those darn conservatives/republicans while turning your head at equivalent commentary by the left is transparent.

garage mahal said...

He left here in shame after saying some weird stuff about gang raping and then burning alive a female reporter during the Trayvon Martin case.

No wonder Drago likes Fen.

Anonymous said...

There has been no equivalent commentary by any "leftists" on this blog. There has been not one liberal, leftist, Prog that stoops to bring other's marriage status or children, into the argument, none, not one.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

You're even dumber than I previously thought if you think this is true.


Because you know all the facts and truth behind it all!

Really, you do!

Brian Brown said...

Drago said...

Note that according to Matt, okeefe is a criminal, but Bill Clinton who lied under oath?

Ah yes, the 1st two term Democratic President since FDR is a criminal and Matt totally disavowed Democrats!


Brian Brown said...

I wonder if garagie keeps the secret truth of the ACORN tapes stored on that router that Gov Walker stole?!!

Matt said...


Clinton was impeached by the House. Yet acquitted by the Senate. He is certainly a criminal in the eyes of some. He did break the law.

O'Keefe too is a criminal in the eyes of some. He did break the law.

What's your point?

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...
Clinton was impeached by the House. Yet acquitted by the Senate. He is certainly a criminal in the eyes of some. He did break the law.

Where Matt reveals he doesn't understand impeachment is a political, not criminal, matter.

Did you wake up today thinking "I can't wait to beclown myself on the Internet" or what?

Brian Brown said...

What's your point?

That you're a silly hypocrite who demonstrates selective outrage, situational ethics, are not that bright, and your comments are embarrassingly dumb?

Anonymous said...

take a look at Drudge right now. President Tee Time and the First Grifter are being treated to quite the show. Sequester be damned. LOL

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt said...


I didn't equate the two. Your reading skills need work. I said he was impeached. Also said some think he is a criminal. For instance, Drago.

BTW do you think perjury and obstruction of justice is not a crime? Or are they not a crime just for today while you chase your tail?

Brian Brown said...

Matt said...


I didn't equate the two

Uh, you certainly did.

See, when you start talking about the House and Senate and impeachment, in response to a point about Clinton being a criminal, you indeed conflated the two things.

Brian Brown said...

Note the incoherence.

Also said some think he is a criminal.


BTW do you think perjury and obstruction of justice is not a crime?

Hey stupid, do try and keep up.

Your incoherence is laughable.

Matt said...


Are you going to answer my question? Do you think perjury and obstruction of justice is not a crime?

Matt said...

Note to world.

Jay can't read. He IS clever though. Like a lawyer....

Matt Sablan said...

"Laws do exist and in this case O'Keefe got caught and charged - granted with a lesser crime than phone tapping."

-- And that is why David Greggory is in jail for unlawful brandishing of a controlled fire arm supply in the District.

Matt Sablan said...

"You're even dumber than I previously thought if you think this is true."

-- It was the equivalent of posing as straw buyers and trying to sell illegal weapons to the NRA. In O'Keefe's case, ACORN bit at the bait.

garage mahal said...


Because you know all the facts and truth behind it all!

Really, you do!

LOL. That *was* funny dude. Honestly. I laughed my ass off.

damikesc said...

You are aware that O'Keefe was once arrested for allegedly wiretapping the New Orleans office of Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu?

No he was not. In fact, it was specifically mentioned he was NOT trying to wire-tap anybody.

Constituents kept calling Landrieu's office and the lines were always busy. He pretended to be a repairman to see if the phones actually did work at all.

A law enforcement official says the four men arrested for attempting to tamper with the phones in the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) were not trying to intercept or wiretap the calls.

And when I mentioned 'dirty politics', I meant digging dirt on Judd.

Digging dirt consisting of reading her autobiography and quoting her accurately.

If he maliciosly interferred with a phone system of a Senator he should have gotten his teeth kicked in.

He didn't.

Even MSNBC reported that.

Can you at least pretend to be informed?

Am I obligated to criticize him until I know all the facts

It isn't slowing you down in regards to O'Keefe.

That's all the law I need to understand regarding O'Keefe. Do you understand?

An act done by journalists routinely, mind you.

Can you point to the wiretapping or interfering with a Senator's phones? I missed that in your link.

We certainly already know what they think of Marco Rubio.

Or their opposition to Miguel Estrada. Let's not let allow that to be ignored.

damikesc said...

That certainly is a very important distinction

Yes. Accusing somebody of a crime they did not do is a minor distinction.

Are you saying that if O'Keefe had broke into a GOP office then they would drop the charges since he is one of them?

Republicans will punish Republicans.

Democrats will lionize killers and wife beaters.

Kennedy was an icon.
Rangel was and is an icon.
Sharpton is taken seriously.
Moran is taken seriously.

There has been not one liberal, leftist, Prog that stoops to bring other's marriage status or children, into the argument, none, not one.

When I first posted here, one of the lefties here said he wanted to rape my then-5 year old stepson.

So, please, tell me more.

ed said...

@ Jay

"Where Matt reveals he doesn't understand impeachment is a political, not criminal, matter."

Where Jay reveals that he doesn't understand that impeachment -requires- a criminal violation.

Seriously Jay. Sure the process is political but it is based on criminal actions. What precisely what Clinton impeached for? Boinking his intern?

No he was impeached for perjuring himself which is a criminal violation.

Rob Crawford said...

And when I mentioned 'dirty politics', I meant digging dirt on Judd.


Rob Crawford said...

I didn't confuse ACORN with Landrieu.

You sure you didn't, Bitchtits Mahal? Because I've noticed you're not the brightest.

Rob Crawford said...

garage seems a little testy tonight.

Bitchtits Mahal is a little teste.

Rob Crawford said...

Those two dupes were "cut outs" in that story. No doubt the Democrats had someone following Gingrich and they bagged that recording, and then sed this witless coupled as a front. An it worked. The press ran with the gist they Democrats wanted aired, and never expressed any curiosity about the provenance of that recording.

Ever wondered if the Dems had/have the help of some intelligence agency? Or law enforcement agency?

And if whoever is helping them is domestic or foreign?

Rob Crawford said...

Ah yes, the 1st two term Democratic President since FDR is a criminal

You don't get disbarred for being catty.

jr565 said...

There's an update at the first link that says the tape came from "a source who wishes to remain anonymous" and:
We published the article on the tape due to its obvious newsworthiness. We were not involved in the making of the tape, but it is our understanding that the tape was not the product of any kind of bugging operation. We cannot comment beyond that, except to say that under the circumstances, our publication of the article is both legal and protected by the First Amendment.

this looks like a job for wiki leaks. Out that source!

Dante said...

Suddenly, I realize why Corn may believe this material is worth printing: These are attacks on a sweet and pretty lady. Corn's decision to publish is — ironically — evidence of sexism.

Or taking advantage of "Sexism."

What would happen, if, shock of shock, female quality of life were tied to how pretty the woman was? Isn't it then OK to laud these values in women? There appears to be a huge industry in people magazine, vogue, makeup, anti-wrinkle miracle cures, plastic surgery, etc., catering to this notion.

All I'm saying, is perhaps feminism is embracing those things that "ought" to matter to women, not what actually matters. Maybe it isn't society making these screwed up values, after all. Maybe it is the way the female human is, after hundreds of millions of years of sexual reproduction.Perhaps we ought to stop fighting it and enjoy. Even flowers are pretty.

And what would happen if all this fighting the natural way has hurt the woman's quality of life? And for what? Putting more money in the fat-cat's wallets. Perhaps feminists are simply useful tools to the fat cat capitalists.

Alex said...

garage approves of bugging Republicans illegally.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

From Ed Driscoll:

Or to put it another way, “Mother Jones either published audio which was illegally recorded or endorsed @JamesOKeefeIII’s style of journalism.” Not to mention, “Hypocrisy: Mother Jones Writer Behind McConnell Bugging Railed Against Bush Wiretapping.”

Unknown said...

mitch is an embarrassment and a total fing waste of a human being. Another angry, fat-necked, racist, white republican....did you see how mad he was on the tele? looked like he was going to cry...wow...when you are that physically repulsive stay the f off of the tele.....disgusting on the inside and out

kentuckyliz said...

At the coal fair yesterday, there was a posterboard display by an elementary school girl that was anti-Ashley Judd based on her comments about coal, and not even living in Kentucky.

I laughed out loud and took pictures.

Ashley, you have schoolgirls campaigning against you already.

Ashley Judd was a featured speaker at the American Counseling Association convention in Cincinnati, where she openly discussed her mental problems and seeking residential rehab twice.

In the same speech, she said she was thinking about running.

Kentucky commenters on this news story ignored her mental problems and treatment history, and poked fun at her for not even being able to announce her intentions to run for the Senate IN KENTUCKY! She was in Ohio, and lives in Tennessee.

Poor thing can't get it right at any turn. If she runs she is going to have a rough go. Stock up on meds.

Amartel said...

Didn't the Dems, esp Clinton, take up against her?
But it has to be the fault of Republicans.

Douglas said...

This will be deemed by the FBI to be not worth pursuing. In the end, GOP politicians will have to collect all cell phones and other potential recording devices before a meeting convenes, no matter how small the meeting and how trusted the attendees. And that will be touted as "proof" that the GOP plots in secret. I would have loved to hear recordings of the journalists' meeting with the Gore campaign in 2000. But, alas, if such recordings ever existed, no journalist in the mainstream or liberal press would reveal them.
GOP, the media will not protect you. You will have to protect yourselves.

David said...

I am not very informed about the story, but, just from perusing the article and the comments, it is just speculation whether the tapes were made illegally or not. The story might end up being as much or more about 1st amendment press rights instead of wiretapping laws. We'll see. My guess is that about 70% of people will make up their mind depending on whether their politics are more like the Senator's or Korn's. The same would be true if the office were Sen. Feinstein's and the media outlet FoxNews, just the mirror image. But, most likely this will not amount to much either way and be overwhelmed with more pressing matters.

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