April 1, 2013

Purchase of the day.

From the March 31, 2013 Amazon Associates Earnings Report:
Victor 0631 Out O'Sight Mole Trap
By using the Althouse portal, you can buy things you want, pay nothing extra, and make a contribution to this blog. We notice. We appreciate it. And only your hairdresser knows for sure.

The Althouse Amazon portal: where everything is alright, uptight, and clean Out O'Sight.


The rule of Lemnity said...

A mean, mean, mean invention, if I ever saw one.

Meade said...

I agree, Lem. Personally, I am pro-mole. (Although I wouldn't want my sister to marry one.)

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm pro mole. That way I don't have to do anything about them.

The neighbor's cat is decidedly anti mole though.

ken in tx said...

Some of the yard problems people blame of moles are actually caused by voles. Moles eat grubs, voles eat plant roots.

Moose said...

Meade - can I just send you all my dead moles and you can give them a good burial?

Peter said...

If you like J.S. Bach's music you can buy ~14 hours of it for 99 cents:


Meade said...

Moose - I'd rather you send them alive.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think that if you one-click, it only gives credit to the referrer for the first one. So if you want to give a referrer credit, you can't go through the portal and then go around one-clicking several items; you have to either go back through the portal before each one-click or put everything in the cart (within thirty minutes) and checkout.