[Kevin Ware] simply landed awkwardly... snapping the tibia and fibula of his right leg. One broken bone stuck through the skin of Ware’s lower leg.AND: Speaking of painful basketball... "Took Obama 15 Tries To Sink A Basket On White House Court Monday."
“It’s a torsional injury,” said Craig H. Bennett, head orthopedic surgeon for the Maryland Terrapins, who has seen only one similar injury in the past decade. “It’s a rotational injury, and all the stress gets concentrated on one area.”
Normally, he said, knee or ankle ligaments would absorb the stress of Ware’s twisting leap, tearing if the forces were too great, or doing their job and sending him back to the game. But Ware landed in just the wrong way, Bennett believes. The result was an injury that is likely to be remembered for as long as the NCAA tournament is played.
April 1, 2013
One of "the most gruesome plays in televised sports history... did not occur on a football field, where we have come to expect the carnage of violent collisions."
It happened in basketball, and there wasn't even any touching.
Geoff Jenkins for the Brewers suffered a gruesome dislocated ankle in a live broadcast in 2002. The foot was turned basically 90 degrees from the lower leg.
The Joe Theismann injury is the one that still freaks me out to this day.
I read that it could have resulted from weak bones due to poor nutrition and that bone might have already suffered stress fractures according to one orthopedic dr who said it shouldn't have happened in that type of landing though I've read different opinions so far.
There was a russian body builder who broke his arm while doing a heavy lift which was gruesome.
This one sounds pretty damn gruesome though. Gruesomen enough where you can't show it on tv.
During a recent X Games, a snowmobiler attempted a trick and the snowmobile landed on top of him. Worst thing I've ever seen . . . EVER.
As to Obama, he is obviously a pure socialist/communist not a pure shooter. I guess we all can't be pure shooters.
So Choom can't sink a shot. He never could, I hear. Too short and not hard enough.
I agree with Nonapod.
By the way. That purported "airball" that Choom threw? Nope. It grazed the bottom of the net. We called that a "Mexican swish."
It's even worse than you think. Obama has a WNBA ball in that picture, which is smaller and thus should have made it easier.
There was this guy who swung off rock in the shape of an arch and miscalculated the rope and went SMASH right into the ground, it wasn't a sport or nuthi'n but he was just as smashed up and dead. I heard about it right here!
There was this other time I heard about, a hang glider pilot was taken up into a storm cloud and pushing himself over the bars didn't do noth'n because his full weight couldn't counteract the wind and the intense blusterous activity up there in the freezing storm cloud broke his aluminum tubing and wrapped the whole sail around his frozen body, wires, tubing, sail and everything, balled him right up and froze him and and spit him out like a hailstone to be discovered later by people unaware of any storm having passed or hang gliding nearby, or any disruption in daily activities at all, except for finding a dead frozen guy wrapped up in a hang glider. These are the tales they tell on the hill while waiting for conditions conducive for launching.
He should have been given a nerf ball and 5 foot net. He's barely better at hoops than he is at throwing a baseball.
2 for 22 explains why we have never seen Obama in action on the court or on the links where Obama's swing looks almost as bad as Charles Barkley who has the worst swing I have ever seen.
I was watching the game. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what actually happened. Other Louisville players were kneeling with their faces an inch from the court, others covered their eyes. A player for Duke was in tears, as was Louisville's coach Pitino.
Reportedly, throughout it, Ware kept telling his teammates, "Win the game, win the game."
They showed the replay once. I shuddered at what I saw. People in the stands shed tears. I've played a lot of basketball over the years. Never imagined an injury like that on a seemingly harmless play, no contact, no foul, nothing.
I can attest to something similar - my athletic, 110 lb daughter took a tumble off a slow-moving skateboard onto the grass. As she reached out with her left hand to control her fall, both bones in her forearm snapped clean with bones protruding from the skin. Surgery, pins and screws followed.
My father in his late seventies slipped and broke his ankle which allow his foot to flop around, fortunately his adult grandson a big guy was there to help get him to the Dr about six miles away and by then his foot had already turned blue so the Dr had to adjust it to reestablish blood flow and splint it so he could be taken on to the hospital. The Dr did a good job.
Mocking Obama's basketball performance will just enhance his popularity with the average geeks who couldn't hit 1 of 22.
Believe me. I know.
It's even worse than you think. Obama has a WNBA ball in that picture, which is smaller and thus should have made it easier.
He's used to a regular ball - a different size makes it harder, actually.
Anyway, his % is about as Marquette's was on Saturday.
Jason Kendall, Pittsburgh Pirates catcher. Shudder.
A similar compound fracture happened to Derrick Roland of Texas A&M in a game vs. the University of Washington three years ago. It, too, wasn't as a result of contact, and the A&M and Washington players' reactions were the same as those of Louisville and Duke.
It was of the worst things I've ever seen. You don't forget sports injuries like that: Assistant coach: 'We heard it'
On a much happier note, this stupid young woman avoids a gruesome fate by an unimaginably narrow margin. Hopefully it scared some sense into her.
You start in close and then maybe you go out further ("lay up drill"). I bet the Choom gang were good B Ball players.
"On a much happier note, this stupid young woman avoids a gruesome fate by an unimaginably narrow margin. Hopefully it scared some sense into her."
Just in time.
of course, when the cameras aren't there he throws a triple double.
funny stuff, that.
Consequences of Falling - K.D. Lang sings nefariously ;)
How many tries to sink the economy?
Obama Dad in action
I SUCK at basketball. I mean really suck. And even i get get more than 2 baskets if i take 22 shots.
And he's had so much practice in the last 8 years to hone his skills.
Or maybe he was concentrating more on golf.
As to Obama, he is obviously a pure socialist/communist not a pure shooter.
So, he likes to share the scoring wealth?
It was a sad event during an otherwise very exciting game.
As for Choom and sports: with this tidbit on supposedly his favorite sport, imagine what his golf game is like.
I watched that game yesterday and I knew exactly what happened. The collective moans and cringing that were felt among the 20 or so guys I was with was awful. One guy blurts out "I'd rather get kicked in the balls.." and we all kind of agreed together with him. It was bad. Reminded me of Joe Theissman and how they replayed it over and over and over again. Everyone felt awful for Kevin Ware, but I suspect this is a career ending injury, I seriously doubt he will ever play in sports again after this and if he ever does he will be completely passed by for any NBA consideration. I hope not.
Blogger Eric said...
I agree with Nonapod.
4/1/13, 3:54 PM
Me too.
Oddly, it is usually the hits that look the worst that cause the least damage since the force is usually dissipated by making bodies fly everywhere. Kind of like racing cars that are designed to fly apart when hit. It's when all of the force is concentrated in a small area that real damage is done.
Lem said...
Consequences of Falling - K.D. Lang sings nefariously ;)
I remember seeing that a while back and I loved it. The accompaniment was really good.
m stone said...
Geoff Jenkins for the Brewers suffered a gruesome dislocated ankle in a live broadcast in 2002. The foot was turned basically 90 degrees from the lower leg.
I've dislocated my knee twice. Once when I was 12 playing football, the second when I was older playing soccer. I broke my elbow not to long ago mountain biking. Damned radial head fracture killed my workout for 12 weeks.
Not that I pay any more attention to basketball than I do, say, junior college womens volleyball. . . .
The announcer had been proclaiming a Louisville win because they were tougher players saying, " we will soon get to see who puts their big boy pants on today."
A minute later the Louisville player fell down without contact; and for the next ten minutes the entire Louisville team stood around crying.
"A minute later the Louisville player fell down without contact; and for the next ten minutes the entire Louisville team stood around crying."
Thankfully they haven't had to cry over losing and hopefully won't have to the rest of the tournament, a Louisville fan.
Thank you, Madame.
I thought the one (or two) things Choom could actually do was shoot hoops (half-black, after all) and play golf.
Now it sounds like he can't even do that.
Makes you wonder about Sushi and Mongolia's parentage.
They put a pin in and he's up walking around on crutches. Barring complications, he should make a complete recovery and be back next year.
Ugly injury, but broken bones are very fixable.
For the skiers out there, talking about sports injuries...can you tell when Lindsey Vonn's right MCL and ACL gave out? It's fairly early in the fall.
In the Vonn fall video...the woman showing her shock with mouth wide open is Tina Maze...as she watched her primary competition go down in flames. That isn't what Maze would have wanted.
Choom probably claims he's too good for free throws. Like Redford/the Sundance Kid he'll say he's gotta "move".
I've heard that a lot of practice swinging a golf club can ruin your baseball timing, maybe that's true of basketball too.
Grue is the color green before the year 2000 and blue afterwards.
These days you can't tell it from blue.
Not as bad as this break, of course, but I dislocated my hip during wrestling practice in High school. Leg turned 180 degrees pointed back at my head while they transported me to the hospital. Not actually that bad an injury, but very ugly. Guys were puking. Worst part was when the nurse came in and asked me to give a urine sample before they operated - me on my back with my leg in a sling over my shoulder....
Of 22 shots POTUS took, he made two.
A one-armed blind man in a windstorm could hit 2 out of 22.
Time for another vacation.
The prejudices of the commenters here have never been more in evidence. While it's true that only a couple of Obama's shots went in, he handled the ball in a crisp authoritive way. If you didn't know the full arc of the shot, you would have thought the man was a netting machine. Really, he looked very smooth and athletic on the court. Save for the failure to score, you couldn't tell the difference between him and an accomplished athlete....One should judge Obama not for his athletic skills but for his acting ability. Would you judge Gary Cooper for his ability to hit a fast ball. Of course not. And yet Gary Cooper gave a moving performance as Lou Gehrig....Both as President and as basketball player shows the clean, precise moves that gets you picked for the team.
For years ABC Wild World of Sports opening titles included the line "The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" with one of the most cringing accidents to watch from the 1970 Winter Olympics
I remember watching that live and later wondering how the hell Vinko Bogataj survived it with little injury.
Save for the failure to score, you couldn't tell the difference between him and an accomplished athlete
"I'm not a real athlete, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night"
"The prejudices of the commenters here have never been more in evidence. While it's true that only a couple of Obama's shots went in, he handled the ball in a crisp authoritive way. If you didn't know the full arc of the shot, you would have thought the man was a netting machine. Really, he looked very smooth and athletic on the court. Save for the failure to score, you couldn't tell the difference
between him and an accomplished athlete....One should judge Obama not for his athletic skills but for his acting ability. Would you judge Gary Cooper for his ability to hit a fast ball. Of course not. And yet Gary Cooper gave a moving performance as Lou Gehrig....Both as President and as basketball player shows the clean, precise moves that gets you picked for the team."
I see, style over substance so while he isn't a pure shooter he is a pure Democrat.
I was in the Air Force with a Puerto Rican who was double jointed and he would show us how he could clasp his hands behind his back and while still holding his hands bring his arms over his head to the front of his body, pretty amazing.
"Mocking Obama's basketball performance will just enhance his popularity with the average geeks who couldn't hit 1 of 22."
(Raises hand) 1 in 22 is probably about my speed. Then again, hoops ability has never been high on my presidential skills checklist.
Of 22 shots POTUS took, he made two.
A one-armed blind man in a windstorm could hit 2 out of 22.
You guys are jealous because he's such a great president and diplomat. Look what this Nobel Peace prize winner has done - the Middle East enjoys greater calm than in decades, Africa enjoys a growing economy and never before seen prosperity, and, most of all, North Korea is beginning to live in harmony with the rest of the world.
"Choom probably claims he's too good for free throws. Like Redford/the Sundance Kid he'll say he's gotta "move"."
Politically incorrect but if you want someone to make free throws, then you want a white player on the free throw line. I guess black players would rather practice dunking the ball than practicing free throws.
"You guys are jealous because he's such a great president and diplomat. Look what this Nobel Peace prize winner has done - the Middle East enjoys greater calm than in decades, Africa enjoys a growing economy and never before seen prosperity, and, most of all, North Korea is beginning to live in harmony with the rest of the world."
By my count then he is 2 for 26 but its actually worse than that if I wanted to bother continuing the list.
"Took Obama 15 Tries To Sink A Basket On White House Court Monday."
And yet, he is a better basketball player than he is a president.
William said...
The prejudices of the commenters here have never been more in evidence. While it's true that only a couple of Obama's shots went in, he handled the ball in a crisp authoritive way. If you didn't know the full arc of the shot, you would have thought the man was a netting machine. Really, he looked very smooth and athletic on the court. Save for the failure to score, you couldn't tell the difference between him and an accomplished athlete.
Failure to score on an even playing field is the dominant theme of his life.
As a young kid I learned to hate sports injury porn.
Horse Racing is THE most awful to see. Saw one once as a youngster at Pimlico and it was a horror.
Then a number of years later, I accidentally saw video of the Gilles Villeneuve F1 crash - his body spinning high in the air and then the gruesome end.
I do hope the kid recovers and has a career ahead of him that sets him for life. With a little luck and good Medicine he'll have a chance.
Missed the train wreck of the Louisville player. Having seen the Theismann leg break was enough of a bad memory.
My daughter, an accomplished college volleyball player, tells the story when she came down awkwardly on the gym floor. She tore her ACL, MCL and dislocated her kneecap. While laying on her back on the gym floor looking at the ceiling, an opposing player looked down at her injury and screamed "Oh my God" and ran away. My daughter said that was last thing she needed at the time.
Choom shooting a 28.5 girls ball is hilarious. That WNBA logo will be airbrushed out of the photo.
I bet some schmuck in the hallway outside the locker room feels like an idiot for telling him to "break a leg" on his way to the floor.
Didn't Choom miss the lay-up as well?....or is that included in the 2-outta-22 number.
One of the most horrific injuries I saw live was to Richard Zednik, at the time a Florida Panthers hockey player. His juggler vein was cut by a skate - by his own player no less. As he was leaving the ice, the stream of red was going vertical with each pump of his heart.
100% recovery.
William- You can claim I am blinded my disdain for Obama. But I see a herky jerky shooting motion. Not smooth at all IMO- reminiscent of his throwing a baseball.
Orthopedic surgery done well, does wonders. Young Mr. Ware will walk and probably run again. Not so sure about basketball - I've heard opinions both ways.
Middle-aged Mr. Obama will never be better at basketball than he is now. But, by all means, let the man practice. It's not like he's late getting the budget to Congress or that Kim is saying the Korean War is back on...oh, wait...
Aren't torsional injuries the ones where supposedly they are proof of child abuse because it's not possible to "land wrong" when you're a kid?
While it's true that only a couple of Obama's shots went in, he handled the ball in a crisp authoritive way.
No, look again. Obama was the taller kid on the court.
Another gruesome injury I saw was Steve Zakuani of the Seattle Sounders getting his leg broken in two by a hard tackle. I clearly heard the pop as the Tibia and Fibula snapped.
Choom? What is that?
Pejorative i am sure.
Just because he is black he should be able to shoot a basketball? Phew, racist pigs.
Vicki from Pasadena
Synova, I spent nine hours one evening being grilled by over-eager hospital staff when my daughter suffered a spiral leg fracture. Family services, police, the works. The grumpy old ER doc finally came over, listened for 2 minutes, checked XRAY, and put a stop to the nonsense. Daughter was the "cool kid" for seven weeks as a new cast each week was a different neon color. Her parents were wrecks for weeks. I am much more skeptical of what "proof" is from "experts" after that.
Where is basketball a requirement for a President? We're paying him a quarter million per year so how about a budget on time.
"Choom? What is that?
Pejorative i am sure."
I had to ask, too, never having heard such a word. IIRC, it was a name Obama made up for his "club" when he was into drugs with his friends.
Or something like that.
I always knew he was a basket case.
Basket case? Nope, a mason. Putting up a lot of bricks (via Drudge).
Here is how you break your arm in a hangglider. No it's not me, but I am the one responsible for the obstacle he didn't miss. I made it as forgiving as possible. He doesn't break his arm because of the impact, but because he didn't let go of the glider when it stopped, and he didn't.
Not gruesome at all. We always look graceful.
Where's the brakes?
Just because he is black he should be able to shoot a basketball? Phew, racist pigs
Uh, no, Vicks. Just because he brags about how much he loves basketball, and loves to play basketball, and is actually sort of good at basketball and you know if it weren't for this President thing he could probably go pro, at least that's what all his friends tell him, he should be able to shoot a basketball.
By the way: If you hear the racist dog whistle, Vicks, you're the racist dog.
P.S. - 2 for 22? Really? 9.1%? Maybe he just shoots the unemployment figure to subtly taunt us.
victoria said...
Choom? What is that?
Pejorative i am sure.
No, sweetie, it's the name of the marijuana smoking club he headed in high (oy!) school.
Just because he is black he should be able to shoot a basketball? Phew, racist pigs.
You're talking about the White House press people as well as the White House media crowd. They're the ones who have sold the idea he's a swell roundball player.
Presumably, to make him seem a little less like the elitist snob he is.
1970 Winter Olympics
Huh? There were no 1970 Winter Olympics.
One of the most horrific injuries I saw live was to Richard Zednik, at the time a Florida Panthers hockey player. His juggler vein was cut by a skate - by his own player no less. As he was leaving the ice, the stream of red was going vertical with each pump of his heart.
A vein wouldn't "pump" with every heart beat; only an artery would.
Making those shots was really hard. Nobody could do it after Bush lived there. If we just give Obama a second try, he'll do better this time- much better. Past performance is no guarantee of future results - it's not even worth consideration.
I hope Obama spends most of his second term on the golf course and basketball court and on various and sundry beaches.
There was a running back in the 70s or 80s who tried to jump over a defensive lineman, but his toe caught on the defensive man's shoulder pad (can't remember his name).
He landed on his head and was paralyzed.
Tim Krumrie, nose tackle for Wisconsin Badgers, playing in the 1989 Super Bowl as a Cincinnati Bengal, broke his tibia and fibula. A 15 inch steel rod was implanted in his leg, he was ready for the 1989 fall season, played six more years with the steel rod and led the team with 97 tackles in 1992. "Krumrie concluded his playing career following the 1994 campaign after compiling 1,017 tackles (700 solo), 34.5 sacks (-238.0 yards), 13 fumble recoveries, 11 forced fumbles and 10 passes defensed."
What's sad is that the brainy, well informed [snark] Vicky did not know what Choom meant- show how well the MSM covered up for Obama.
Worst injury I ever saw was my five year old breaking his leg. Not particularly gruesome but tough to see (he was skiing). Stayong calm so he would not freak.out was quiye a task. Don't mind saying I had a couple of drinks after his bedtime that evening.
I remember thr Krumrie injury. Tough guy.
I do admit that I'd need a fair amount of warm up before I could hit much more than 2 of 22.
"Just because he is black he should be able to shoot a basketball? Phew, racist pigs."
Haven't read all the comments. Have people actually made this "claim" or is it a figment of Vicki's imagination?
I also remember Letterman's "joe Theismann pencil sharpener" gag. Very painful.to watch even that joke, but I thought it was funny.
Orig Mike:
No, except for Whore of the Internet.
Vicky is doing her usual drive by commenting by flinging "racist" at us.
""Just because he is black he should be able to shoot a basketball?"
It makes more sense than thinking he can run a government or an economy because he's black, which is why a lot of people voted for him to run a government and an economy.
Don't look at me - I'm a high school graduate. I know better.
Ha, even I have never called anyone here a racist pig, I only call you bigots, heh.
I was just thinking that dumbkoff Vicky is almost indistinguishable from Inga and who shows up with her two cents?
Ohhhhh, no you don't, I'm not Victoria from Pasadena, I'm Inga from Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Far far away from sunny warm California.
And I would never call you pigs.....OK almost never.
I was naive enough to think electing Obama would cut down on leftist race mongering, but I wasn't dumb enough to think it was enough reason to hire him to manage something important. The people who did that in the past already proved he was lousy at it.
I bet if there was an election for best basketball player of all time, Obama would be the media's choice and might even win. He might even bring about a new era where the hoop and the ball would join in everlasting harmony, eliminating forever the need for one to violently penetrate the other.
But if I was Vicky from Pasadena, I would hunt down Bagoh and see if he would give me a ride on a hang glider.
AJ Lynch said...
What's sad is that the brainy, well informed [snark] Vicky did not know what Choom meant- show how well the MSM covered up for Obama.
No, it just shows how ignorant she is.
I was just thinking that dumbkoff Vicky is almost indistinguishable from Inga and who shows up with her two cents?
No, Vicki is always about six months behind when it comes to the latest Lefty boilerplate.
The She Devil of the SS is much more into passive aggressive and whipping up lynch mobs.
Are we absolutely SURE the that it wasn't Steve Urkel? Is it really President Urkel? That WOULD explain it.
Inga, I guarantee I'd find out how well you bounce. Hummita hummita!
But time and again, he missed. Of 22 shots POTUS took, he made two.
He must have been defended by a chair.
Thanks, AJ.
Charming woman.
One of "the most gruesome plays in televised sports history... did not occur on a football field, where we have come to expect the carnage of violent collisions."
There are probably a lot of head injuries that aren't as "gruesome" but would actually be worse for you.
The President should have come over to my house for Easter. We lowered the basket to 8' so the youngest kids could make a shot or two. For once I could play about the rim.
Baggy, why would I need to be bouncey? I hope you would'nt land on top of me!
If I was Bag, I'd give you the ride and 'accidentally' drop you from it.
Yes, you would, because you are a weirdo.
I went to see the first year Bucks play the Lakers in '69.
Wilt Chamberlain missed every free throw.
I feel sorry for this young man's injury.
But it still ain't the IOM TT.
I went to see the first year Bucks play the Lakers in '69.
Wilt Chamberlain missed every free throw.
I feel sorry for this young man's injury.
But it still ain't the IOM TT.
Students flock to the best MBA colleges in
Bangalore that have earned their reputation.
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Bangalore in noteworthy education.Management school Bangalore
Thank God that Kevin Ware will have his college education to help him through life, because his basketball playing days are over. I wonder what he's been studying to be?
I'd put my money on Sarah Palin if she went one on one, or a game of horse with Barry 0for15bama.
Buncha wimps.
HOF defensive end Jack Youngblood played in all of the Ram's 1979 playoff games with a broken left leg. (Fractured fibula.)
Do not search Eduardo Ankle Injury. While playing for Arsenal (English soccer) his foot was torn about 80% of the way of by an errant tackle.
Bangalore is the porn capital of the world...or it should be.
Maybe Obama was auditioning to be in the next Volkswagen commercial.
@Synova and Bob: Spiral femur fractures can be a result of child abuse in infants who are NOT YET WALKING. They are not uncommon in toddler-aged kids who catch their foot in something and twist as they fall. But it's very hard for a 3 month old to get a torsional femur injury on his own.
However, medical staff may "screen" for an abusive situation for any young child who presents with a spiral fracture, just to make sure they don't miss one. As offensive and inconvenient it can be for completely innocent parents to be subjected to the screen, it's much worse to send a kid back into a potentially deadly environment.
Had a roommate in college for a few months from Madrid. He had been a star center forward on the best high school soccer team in the region and a sure bet for a full ride scholarship in the Pac 12. When that injury happens in soccer it's often intentional and usually, as in this case, career ending..
marvel... it's not *offensive* or ferpitiesake *inconvenient*. It's screaming traumatic and psychologically damaging.
Or don't you have any kids of your own?
Gawd... imagine the constant and soul sick fear that some one with the power to tear your child from your home without legal charge or proof or constitutional due process decides to... tear your child from your home, destroying her fundamental security and trust that the world is a safe place, and then having to try prove your innocence so you can attempt to fix what the self-righteous broke.
It's not freaking *inconvenient*.
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