April 4, 2013

"Nice going, boyfriend. Jump out of the way. Don't protect your girl."

Man thoroughly emasculated.

The home run ball comes right at you. Some men would actually catch it or at least try to catch it. Hopping out of the way looks unmanly. But hopping out of the way and then it hits your girlfriend in the face? Ballsless.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's a shame we're not allowed to call the guy a homo.

Moose said...

sorry - I thought you guys were all tough n' stuff. SHE should have caught it!


Chip Ahoy said...

But if the woman dodged out of the way and the ball hit the boyfriend then that would be... okay got me.

edutcher said...

Well, you wanted us that way.

Patrick said...

Don't tell Amanda Marcotte.

bagoh20 said...

Look, I need you to turn on that knuckledragger shit at a moment's notice, when I need it.

And stop touching me. I'm fine.

Darrell said...

One of Amanda Marcotte's good ones.
Reap what you sow.

X said...

according to marcotte it's rape if you catch it and it's rape if you don't.

Michael said...

He flapped his arms like a girl.

MMA said...

Clearly, feminism failed this fatty, not having taught her to get out of the way of a baseball.

DADvocate said...

Look at the guy's skinny arms. The girl has bigger biceps that he does.

But, I'm tired of this sexist bullshit. The girl should learn to catch with her hands and not her face. How about some equality here?!

Darrell said...

What if she just said "Don't you even think about embarrassing me by
trying to catch it!"

She might need a mask now--fitting with today's meme.

bagoh20 said...

"Man thoroughly emasculated."

by a thousand cuts.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I have few strong beliefs.

But if you're a man, at a ballgame, wearing a glove, and you're just a fan . . . then you're a homo.

Here's how it's done. LINK.

sakredkow said...

It's a shame we're not allowed to call the guy a homo.

THAT is completely un-PC and very funny!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark O said...

If Obama had a white brother, he would catch like this guy.

Shouting Thomas said...

If only Steve Bartman had reacted in the same way in 2003, the Cubs might now be the dynasty of the National League.

Instead, my old pal, Steve Goodman, is in heaven, still singing A Dying Cubs Fan's Last Request!

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Hey dude. I just put my ball on your girl's face. What are you gonna do about it? Oh, you want the other one?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Same goes for wearing a jersey.

Women? Girls? Boys?

It's all good.

But if you're a man, playing dress up, you're a homo.

J said...

Chivalry is pretty much dead isn't it?And just who do we think murdered it?

Colonel Angus said...

But hopping out of the way and then it hits your girlfriend in the face? Ballsless.

Thank you for providing another reason why feminists and feminism is a pathetic joke.

If women are qualified for infantry then they should be able to catch a baseball.

Anonymous said...

All things being relative it would depend on her attractiveness rating. 7 and up the man catches the ball and presents it as a token of his esteem and manliness. 4 - 6 and it's a push. The cameras are on you and maybe you don't want to be seen with her on national tv. Less than a 4 and you're outta' the way because a direct hit by said baseball might just improve her looks. Or she can just catch the damn thing herself.

Darrell said...

I didn't know that phx went to baseball games.

SteveR said...

OK so he didn't make any effort to protect her, life in the modern culture, but really dude that little dance away was just weak. "Oh my the scary ball!!"

Known Unknown said...


I see what you're trying to do here.

AllenS said...

I've been to ball games, and something that I've noticed within the last 5-10 years, is that there doesn't seem to be any good explanation why a lot of people are there.

n.n said...

Jeff Teal:

Chivalry is not dead, but its practice is high risk. The corruption of traditionally decent behavior began with small things, including perceived slights from opening a door, and then progressively, incrementally it lead to public shaming, lawsuits, and legislation.

Known Unknown said...

Can women be efemulated? Or is that impossible?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

But if the woman dodged out of the way and the ball hit the boyfriend then that would be..

Sheena the warrior princess play thing ;)

Kevin said...

I don't see why everyone is saying the girl should have caught it. If the guy is blocking her view, and then jumps out of the way at the last minute, then she likely had no idea it was coming at all.

J said...

n.n. it may not be but it sure needs life support.

Calypso Facto said...

But hopping out of the way and then it hits your girlfriend in the face? Ballsless.
posted by Ann Althouse at 9:07 AM on Apr 4, 2013


It's sexist to assume the female is the victim. Is that what you are doing here? Is that what you assume the public will do?


Enjoy the quagmire of your incoherent, inconsistent lefty bullshit.

Althouse 4/3/13, 12:04 PM

Saint Croix said...

I have to say I like the modern tendency of feminists like Palin and Althouse to attack men for not being manly enough. That is exactly right.

kjbe said...

My husband saw this and noted that we'd of both been positioning on each other to try and catch it.

Damn straight, I said.

Darrell said...

We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful. --CS Lewis--

Ann Althouse said...

@Calypso I didn't say anything about the woman's behavior. I'm only talking about the man. We can see him. He looks bad.

But here's what I'll say about the women: She was either inattentive or had bad reflexes, so she's slightly to blame for getting hit by the ball. A home run ball takes a while to get to the bleachers, and the crowd makes a lot of noise, so how hard is it to notice? Lame, on her part. She's admirably resilient, smiling and giving the thumbs up to the camera, so that's good. But she ought to be pissed off at the guy. Still, good to avoid letting the cameras see your annoyance at him.

Tibore said...

So, if these were two guys, and one jumped out of the way while the other just curled up, would the narrative still be that the jumper sold his bud out?

Apparently, equality is the goal... but only until something comes along that can hurt people. Then, in mixed company it's supposed to be the guy's who sacrifices himself. Or so I'm told.

Sure, there are a lot of us guys who'll do that out of basic decency. Hell, I damn near got pummeled before because I once put my 5'8" ass between a 6+ foot, fat, drunk and abusive vagrant and my sub-5 foot grandma and aunts. But I'd like to think that these acts are done because of basic decency, not some dippy "everything's equal until equality is inconvenient" mindset.

Aridog said...

Surfed said...

The cameras are on you and maybe you don't want to be seen with her on national tv. Less than a 4 and you're outta' the way because a direct hit by said baseball might just improve her looks.

Thread winnah!

Colonel Angus said...

I'm only talking about the man. We can see him. He looks bad.

To a guy who thinks he should protect the weaker sex, sure. To a feminist he was simply giving her the opportunity to demonstrate her equal ability to get out of the way or catch the ball.

Then again maybe he just thought she would be bright enough to get out of the way.

chickelit said...

[Chivalry] is the ideal of self-sacrifice. It is the rule that 'the strong ought to bear the infirmities of those who are weak.' It is the devine revelation which is summed up in the words: 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'

garage mahal said...

Enjoy the quagmire of your incoherent, inconsistent lefty bullshit.


jr565 said...

Fuck women and children first. Catch your own balls feminists. A baseball to the face might be a good reason to lament the death of chivalry. But we all know who kiled that beast

In his defense though, he's just trying to get out of the way of the all. He doesn't know that its going to otherwise hit her in the face. I was at a baseball all game and during batting practice someone hit a pop fly that was literally right at me. After thinking about catching it for a second and realizing I didn't have a glove I jumped out of the way and it hit my seat and bounced who knows where. (Actually my friend who was next to me caught it on the bounce). But if had it hit my friend in the face its not my fault. I was trying to get out of the way. I can't control where a ball goes and whether they will block its trajectory with their face.

Aridog said...

Althouse said ...

Still, good to avoid letting the cameras see your annoyance at him.

Nah...it'd be much funnier if she'd jumped up and pounded his butt into the bleacher floor. :-)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jumping out of the way is a natural response. You cannot see exactly where the ball is going to land. She didn't know what hit her, as it appears, because she wasn't facing the field. Now the boy-friend hopefully yelled "watch out!" - but it's not like he had much time to do that. Poor guy. Plus - he's white and privileged.

Scott M said...

But hopping out of the way and then it hits your girlfriend in the face? Ballsless.

I disagree. He is a thoroughly enlightened 21st century man who is completely in tune with not just his feminine side, but is also conscious that his partner achieves self-actualization through self-achievement, not at being protected or provided for.

The wages of feminism pay well, compounded with interest daily.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He reminds me of the guy that reached for a foul ball and went on to infamously be branded as the cub fan that kept the Cubs from finally winning everything in about a hundred years. If you google cub fan his name pops up.

Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.

Brian Brown said...

Mitchell the Bat said...
It's a shame we're not allowed to call the guy a homo.


And if you called him a "faggot" ESPN would come and gin up enough outrage for you to get fired.

X said...

it's kind of heteronormative to assume he's not the girlfriend.

Brian Brown said...

But here's what I'll say about the women: She was either inattentive or had bad reflexes

You just described 99% of all women.

David said...

The guy takes his girlfriend to the game in the cheap seats. What the hell did she expect?

Or maybe she took him to the game?

Sort of doubt that, don't you.

Shanna said...

I've been to ball games, and something that I've noticed within the last 5-10 years, is that there doesn't seem to be any good explanation why a lot of people are there.

Beer, hot dogs, the outdoors, variety...

Brian Brown said...

To wit:

Two more female Marines flunk infantry officers training

But don't worry, we'll just make the test more fair and they will eventually pass.

Scott M said...

A home run ball takes a while to get to the bleachers, and the crowd makes a lot of noise, so how hard is it to notice?

AA, I love you to death, but this statement is not bolstering your baseball know-how.

Neither of the things you cite, if one is not actually playing the game against the batter, are going to help you pick up a tiny little white object up in a large wide open sky if you weren't watching the play from the time the ball left the pitcher's hand.

Fly balls are sometimes remarkably hard to pick up if you're not "in the zone" playing the game, let alone a casual observer in the stands.

You're also making no allowances for her eyesight.

jr565 said...

But hopping out of the way,and then it hits your girlfriend in the face? balls less.

I would change that last word to "priceless"

Lyle Smith said...

Be nice to the guy. He just reacted.

Girlfriend was okay with it. This stuff happens.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I snagged one souvenir baseball in my life and I had to run over a college girl to get it.

Brian Brown said...

Man thoroughly emasculated.

It didn't look like the woman with him felt that way.

While I agree with you, I don't think most people see now-a-days it that way.

David said...

I have to take it back about the cheap seats. They were in the restaurant seats. Serves them right.

J said...

Yeah chickelit but now the male self sacrifice is denigrated and dishonored.Not honored .Except maybe among those who still see it as their duty to take the blows and protect civilization.You know like cops firefighters and soldiers.Who constitute less than 2 per cent of the population.

Chef Mojo said...

Talk about a "money shot."

Go Cardinals!

Shanna said...

Yeah chickelit but now the male self sacrifice is denigrated and dishonored.

Only in certain quarters.

The guy looked like a doofus in that clip. It wouldn't matter if there was a girl there or not.

Anonymous said...

The girlfriend has bigger balls than he does.

FullMoon said...

If you look closely, she obviously shouts out"I got it!", therefore denying her husband the opportunity of finally capturing a souvenir ball.

He should withhold sex until she apologizes.

Gahrie said...

So...just to be clear, equality for all, unless there is danger involved, and then it's the responsibility of men to protect women?

Calypso Facto said...

@Calypso I didn't say anything about the woman's behavior. I'm only talking about the man. We can see him. He looks bad.

You didn't say anything about the woman's behavior ... and that's the point. Was she equally capable of and responsible for catching the ball or not? Why didn't she assert herself? Why did she rely on a man to protect her? If it's just a man ducking a fly ball you're focusing on, you'd have posts every day of baseball season. It's only because of the perception that a "ballsless" woman has been victimized that you call the man "ballsless".

"It's sexist to assume the female is the victim. ... Enjoy the quagmire of your incoherent, inconsistent lefty bullshit." Althouse

lemondog said...

How do they know she is his girlfriend?

Did she ignore a shout for her to duck?

Lets get some facts b4 the emasculation.

john said...

The hardest hit ball to pick up is one coming directly at you with little arc. This home run was a 440 foot monster line drive that got out of the playing field in an instant. Anyone would try and get out of the way of that ball. Even if he's a wuss, you shouldn't blame him for ducking.

Craig said...

Saw Jose Montero catch a foul-tipped King Felix fastball square in the mask on opening day. Knocked him flat on his back. Barely broke his rhythm, but I bet he'll have whiplash, a serious headache and probably nightmares for at least a week. Without the mask it would have been lethal.

Meade said...

mrs. e said...
"My husband saw this and noted that we'd of both been positioning on each other to try and catch it.

Damn straight, I said."

Atta girl! Watch and learn, ladies: Mrs. E is a real man's real woman.

Darrell said...

He told his hag "Brokeback," not "Diamondback." She needs to listen closer.

Rob said...

Maybe he just wanted her to get used to being hit in the face by balls.

James said...

What's the deal about having a glove to catch a baseball? I played cricket for many years and only the wicketkeeper (catcher) wears gloves; every other fielder uses their bare hands. And a cricket ball is heavier and much harder than a baseball.

dbp said...

If he had caught the ball, then given the trajectory, the recoil would have pushed the back of his hand right into the woman's face.

If she was a proper feminist, then assault charges would have been duely filed and he would be cooling his heels in the pokey right now.

AllenS said...

She's one ball short of being a full fledged teabagger.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they met at a coffee party meeting.

Unknown said...

We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful. --CS Lewis--


n.n said...

Saint Croix:

Palin, and Althouse to a confusing degree, are acting under the feminist radar to correct the dysfunction caused by generational feminism.

It's their children. It's their tribe. It's their nation. They will lose everything if they don't act now.

n.n said...

wyo sis:

Ancient wisdom? We tend to forget that billions of people have lived before us. We tend to believe that the human condition has materially changed. It has not. What was functional remains productive. What was dysfunctional has not improved.

kjbe said...

Thank you, Meade.

My 4-year old niece, whom I share a birthday with and goes to a lot of Brewers games each summer, is getting a glove for her birthday (from me) - so she can make this play, of course.

MadisonMan said...

I agree with lemondog: Evidence that she's his girlfriend?

Shanna said...

Was she equally capable of and responsible for catching the ball or not?

I don't think she saw it. It seems like you would do something if you did, at least put up a hand...

Original Mike said...

"Evidence that she's his girlfriend?"

If she's not, he could have made her so by trying to protect her. (I know. I'm not supposed to think like that.)

Darrell said...

He was her personal injury attorney.

mariner said...

So, our feminist society has systematically disempowered men for what, fifty years now?

And we should be surprised at this behavior?

LarryK said...

Wow, a real baseball fan would always try to catch a ball hit into the stands, not jump out of the way. What a wuss. I would expect to see behavior like this in SF or Seattle, but not Arizona. Must be a lingering snowbird.

Nomennovum said...

I always thought it was unseemly for women to point out when a man isn't acting chivalrous. The sense of entitlement is grotesque. It is not ladylike to demand that a man sacrifice his own safety for yours. Of course, if women were more ladylike and feminine, chivalry wouldn't be in the sad state it's in.

Leave this kind of public shaming to other men.

Known Unknown said...

The hardest hit ball to pick up is one coming directly at you with little arc. This home run was a 440 foot monster line drive that got out of the playing field in an instant.

What's really amazing is that Pete Kozma hit a home run. Focus, people!

Nomennovum said...

She's not that hot at all. She probably outweighs him by 5 lbs. or so. He looks quite effeminate. This whole thing seems to have worked out for the best, actually.

Nomennovum said...

Looks like girlfriend moved herself right into the ball's path. It had been heading directly for boyfriend. His only fault here is for being too pussy to try to catch the ball, not for letting it hit the girl. That fault is all hers.

kjbe said...

The ultimate game of 500. I'm so in.

X said...

Every time I call it a game, you call it a business. And every time I call it a business, you call it a game.

Rusty said...

AllenS said...
I've been to ball games, and something that I've noticed within the last 5-10 years, is that there doesn't seem to be any good explanation why a lot of people are there.

I'm continually fascinated that people go to Cubs games.
What's the point?

Meade said...

Blame the girl's mother who failed to teach her daughter - if you don't keep your eye on the ball, the ball might hit you on the nose.

Portia said...

's why I don't go to ball games...can't catch worth a darn.

Nomennovum said...

if you don't keep your eye on the ball, the ball might hit you on the nose. - Meade

I trying to figure out if that's meant as a double entendre.

MadisonMan said...

Could be a sister/cousin, visiting from out of town. Or she's the local taking her brother/cousin to the game.

Meade said...

Good point, MadMan. Now what kind of brother/cousin let's his sister/cousin get hit?

Darrell said...

Now what kind of brother/cousin let's his sister/cousin get hit?

A bad one?

fivewheels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fivewheels said...

Years ago at a Knicks game, a woman with great courtside seats was smacked in the face by a loose ball. Walt Frazier, who doesn't have to be p.c. because he's Walt f-in Frazier, commented thusly: "Typical woman. Too busy running her mouth to pay attention to the game."

Correct response.

Smilin' Jack said...

But hopping out of the way and then it hits your girlfriend in the face? Ballsless.

We shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe she'd just called "Mine!"

traditionalguy said...

We are only the Land of the Free when we are the Home of the Brave. In Atlanta we are still the Home of the Braves.

Phil 314 said...

Not an typical Dback fan.


Fernandinande said...

"Now what kind of brother/cousin let's his sister/cousin get hit?"

The kind with a sister/cousin too dumb/slow to get out of the way.

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